The Singapore Free Press, 18 February 1947

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 383 1 Exporters lose millions CHINA CRASH HITS S'PORE Free Press Staff Reporter THE currency crash m Shanghai and other cities m China has dealt a nard blow to Singapore exporters, who have lost millions of dollars. Two Chinese merchants alone report having sustained losses amounting to $500,000 (Malayan currency) within* the
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  • 204 1 SAIGON, Monda>. 4EL> d iarue area of the native quarter ad- N royed homes of over 1,000 Chinese, a~e onsulate. Many more Annamites t rendered hc<nelc>s».it wn stated. n 24 hours broke out last night ai.d hundreds of straw thatched, mud, were ablaze. Chinese and Annaniit?^
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  • 28 1 Spore Dutch To rate oeiore the and be] '■> b a D land cf Aoioone:an ill and Brined m Sin N nus-sage bF^wL^ Julianas w n today—a
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  • 217 1 JERUSALEM, Monday. EIGHT hundred British civilians living m "security" cantonments m Ha v f a have been issued with arms, usually revolvers m a shoulder holster, by the military authorities. Most of the men are m the oil industry and their wives and children have been
    Reuter; A.P.  -  217 words
  • Article, Illustration
    29 1 A hundred Alsatians are now being trained to guard aerodrome; and •c; at t«. U.'S.F P lici Drg Tiai Ss cl Ch-i:ei.liam. WA/lFs are pictured with their "pi.,jil!» M
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  • 164 1 £19,000 JEWEL THEFTS TORQUAY, M.-n JEWELS valued at £10.000 were stolen from a suite at the Imperial Hotel, Torquay, at which the the Princess Royal, sister of the King, is staying. The police say that the theft took plaoe wtiile the owner of the Jewels, a Mrs. Booth of London,
    A.P.; U.P.  -  164 words
  • 31 1 :aces a deficit cf £4.650,000 m the 1947 budget. Announcing this the Finance Min.s pr M-hamed Ali, said the not has caused serious losses m mc me A .P.
    A.P.  -  31 words
  • 52 1 PICK-A-BACK GOES SKI-ING IN DEVON >Uiiiicn, two-,y car-old son oi Commander N. A. Copeman, R.N., has his first experience of skiing on his mother's back at Horrabtidge, South Devon one of the many oarls of the country where skis could be used during the past few days of heavy snow
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  • 212 1 LONDON, Monday. OF 6,000 tons oi rubber so far shipped to the United Slates from Japan, 2,652 tons (worth about $2,500,000 at current Singapore market price) have been identified as probably British and negotiations are proceeding for payment m compensation, said Mr. Christopher Mayhew Undersecretary of
    Reuter  -  212 words
  • 15 1 There have been no local papery m Paris now lor lour days.
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  • 198 1 CAPETOWN, Monday. •THE King, Queen and Princesses Elizabeth and Margaret 1 were held up for five minutes by cheering crowds who fhronged the brightly-lit square m front of the Capetown City Hall when they went to the state banquet m their honour tonight. The hall
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  • 72 1 ACTORS m London have threat- ened to strike as a result of pay cuts m rrspect of matinee per- j I'ormances cancelled through the i fU3I crisis, says Reuter. Th c British Equity (actors trade union) and Society of West I End Theatre Managers have fail-
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  • 35 1 Hundreds of Londoners were late to work yesterday morning j •*]~ien an unc' c r^round train broke \vn n?ar St. James' Park stfc* 'n. ar:^ took six hours to clea c line. i
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  • 399 1 VOL UNTEER BACK PAY ANNOUNCED Free Press Corr espo*»ui a KUALA LLMPLR, lue*.a>. BACK PAY for volunteers and members of the Civil Defence services m Malaya is recommended m a report product i by Mr. Justice Worley. The amounts recommended 9mtf with the circumstances of the volunteers, and accoun. s
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  • 137 1 India to ha cve conscript ion I.II.MIwN VI oil "IN ten years we hope to have one year's national servie« tor everyone' ji %1. Haider, leader o; a four-man committee whch has arrived m London to study the Cadet Corps movement m Britain on behal: of the Indian National Cadet
    Reuter  -  137 words
  • 217 1 MORE SNOW IN BRITAIN Londuii I ue^day. THERE nas been more snow, ana on this— the 26th day ol the cold spell -there It no <ign of thaw There was five degrees oi fiost m London last evening The Automobile Assoeia:;on reports that about 70 roads m Eng- land are
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  • 81 1 The United States Slate Department yesterday indicated that the United States m connection with the sairng of he Martin Behrman from Cheribon would recognise the authority of the Dutrh Government m the NE I. to prevent the departure of the American cargo ship with a
    A.P.  -  81 words
  • 55 1 The de;*th sentence was passed yvsterday by a French Military Tribunal m Saigon- on Japan \*3 Captain Turukawa, convicted of boheadin.- 40 French pris-. n and to. L- ring and Wiling \vo ottiers. A Japanese serg^cut, charged witii complicity te the beheading, was also sentenced to
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

    • 828 2 Says Nor ah Alexander m her LONDON SHOW TALK WHATEVER else we may be short of m Britain, there's one commodity that's right off the ration acting talent. Rumvng through the programme for the British Film Festival br:adcast from the Le cestt: -square Odeon I found naav rf
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    • Article, Illustration
      19 2 This new kind «f folding: back-rest l«»oks restful enough with Anne Jrffrey, who stars m RKO Radio's 'Trail Street."
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    • Article, Illustration
      30 2 This Ls a copy of the dress r m wears m new MGM film. It is a navy blue jerkin jumper dress over a tailored lan? sleeved white blouse.
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    • 132 2 IT has been 18 months since the fore:s f sweetheart Vera Lynn last sang on Ihe radio, but she came back last Sunday. Since her last broadcast .she has been crooning exclusively for an audience of on: her daughter Penelope Ann. who is aged nearly one, and
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    • 233 2 WORTH 3 was a good gambling slam bid, but part of Smith's values were m spade; so tbe contract was by no means ironclad. West opened the spade ace and despite dummy's void. East signalled by dropping the nine. This was a vital factor m the play.
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    • 392 2 BY A SPECIAL CORRESPON DEIST THARLIE Chaplin's first V fiim since The Dictator is already causing advance comment m New York because it Ifl a biting social satire on Big Business. The film is called Monsieur Verdoux. and i: is a comedy oi murders. It is
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    • 48 2 BRITAIN GETS NEW DIRECTOR sigiin:. -t Ocof; C£s ft l Pi .„> p r P<ri i :.'ta*ta becoi t vnd C and »^/N com] thur o: Th ol writer imrr. -£^2 lised v i v appointed tofe Tv. Th--an idea! subjat tor Btfe ■pecialised He has work Studies [and.
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    • 70 2 r T"iHE last scene of the Boulting Brothers- Tw Cities film 'Fam? Is The Spur" from Howard Spring's be*t sellr. starring Michael R dgrave and Rosamund John, was r: corded at Dunham Studos. England, recently. Originally .cduled for twlve weeks work, its alltime was exceeded by twenty
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 161 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR j Fortune lorecast for people born today YOt have determination and overcome all manner of difficulties which may beset you early in life. However your inherently frank, honest and straightforward approach to problems makes you one to receive respect, so that the rewards eventually are high. You
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    • 696 2 RADIO MALAYA tSoiSSS?*!?^ 10^ prn r CCa nl 7 30 P-»- World's Oreat Mumc L4J iavountes, 11.30 p.m. New*. 11.40 p.m. Canberra report (the political Smgaoore 0 napers ;c?ne): B°° m Worl <* i 5 keUd,n P ;p.rfh e «^n Bo S^° C pm s P°^«ht band; 8. 30 to
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    • 272 2 Free Press Crosswcr*' No, 41 CLIMES ACROSS MF" BE* 4 Kind of mum I iSt 3cf^ cloth v 5). 7. Ea&r. |tf MT" p (tery also known ■*> fa'enc? .8- 8 I:.d: MH HH vp chev the leaves and se?^- Kr 7?" B of thLs highly narcnic ar r M"
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    • Article, Illustration
      32 3 i the i ■.i r.vil it -,\r >n r> ty. th' M nvor f r 'lr Drakeford Others \j>tralian PK \O at j >] R W Camk>, he mil- Meilpy) Vl< > :rj Warn"r>.
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    • 74 3 HOBBLED 20 MILES FOR PRIDE X ne of 19, on a 36--i I ed *o n a jeep. t through t was t I 50 Marines, i *ho were f foot hours issed the test -bled. D charge d for him to fall ihe journey m prestice :sed 20 miles.
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    • 11 3 of war are -.:drv at Br:--ry becau*" of
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    • 421 3 A WIFE, who, when asked by her husband to go out and n provide him with the grounds for divorce, told him 'io go to hell," had the wholehearted support of Mr. Justice stable at Durham Assizes. "In the circumstances I cannot think of
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    • 22 3 Chelmsford. Essex. Rural Council have decided that couno:l-h:use tenants .nay m future keep no more than six backyard hens
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    • 159 3 5,000 REINDEER OFFERED FOR SALE IN UK IN a letter from J-kkmokk, Lapland, where he is spending the winter with his wife, Lt.-Cmdr Douglas Dix.n wr.tes that he has been offered 5,000 reinde r for the English market. Lt.-C:mdr. Djcon is n^t seeking business of this kind. He is awaiting
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    • 53 3 Eight miners cnosen for their good attendance and output and representing each of the National Coal Board Div s ons are being s^nt to London as guests of the Board. They will attend the first night of the play "Black Magic," sponsored by th? Ministry of Ftt« at
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    • 104 3 Fl-R 27 years he had suffered from a nervous complaint and had no control over his arms or legs and was unabh to sit still, it was said whtn Jus«rh Barrett Watson, 41, of Batli (Som?rs t), wa? accused «>f moisting Mrs. Sylvia Hawkins .0. Mrs
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    • 160 3 U.K. RAIL FARES MAY BE LESS rDER Government control, rail fares m Britain will be cheapened. This hint was given by Mr. Dalton, Chancellor of the Exchequer, when addressing the Northern Regional Council of the Labour Party. Speaking of the Transport Bill, he said that under the Tories the railways,
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    • 16 3 Victoria's gold yield o. »IKC, highest sincj 1942, was valued at £936,268.
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    • Article, Illustration
      26 3 At Spr,njj fash c:. ifc«riM m London, int re>t is bengi focuss?<J on juniper suits. The! above 's in angora Jin unhj weav*» m delicate ice-blue.
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    • 439 3 UK smuggling £3, 000, 000 'industry IF the ghosts of the old-time smugglers still haunt the 1 Romney Marshes they must be chuckling at the contraband that is coming ashore under the noses of the preventive men. Smuggling m Britain today is a £3,000,000 industry. All
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    • 89 3 WITH t\u> furniture m the bailiff's hands. Dr. Eric Gow. the doctor who "rarely sent out bills." was found dead m his house at Bridge cf Allan, Stirlingshire. Much of his furniture had already been taken from the nouse when he was found. When he appeared
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    • 49 3 During a debate on immigration m the Cape town Parliament. Gen. Smuts, the South African Premier, said that 10,000 emigrants m Britain who had been approved would p. t their own travelling expenses, out the Union Government was prepared to advance loans to them.
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    • 255 3 PCIENTIFIC treatment for the bad boys of Britain is likely O to be part of the National Health Service. This was stated by Dr. Denis Carroll, one of the directors of the Institute for the Scientific Treatment of Delinquency. Bourdon street, London. Dr. Carroll and Dr.
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    • 150 3 i I ViE first Known visit by a white j man to the weird North Australian "lost world" of Central Arnhem has just ended. Following strange native stories of a hidden tribe, said to be human only m physical form, living m caves or
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    • 151 3 STRANGER CAY, a paradise island of 400 acres m the Bahamas, is m the market again. It was sold last year by Mr. R. O. L. Armstrong Jones, a London barrister, to Mr. E. J. Penfold, a London engineer, for £5,600. Now Mr. Penfold has
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    • 29 3 At Nutter Orphanage lor Boys annual meeting at Bradford Yorks it was sated that the g:vcrnors had £37,000 m hand but not single orphan to care for.
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    • 187 3 f |*HE trustees ol Alexandra Palace. London, have announced that m view of their future plans to develop the Palace and Park for entertainment, exhibition, recreational and cultural purposes," they do not intend to let any further portions of their property to the 8.8.C. or anyone
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    • 224 3 ACTION oi a widow m suing for breach of promise a man who was the father of her twins and who had agreed to marry her was described by a London Judge as "obviously unfounded and indeed, i invmdent. 1 Mrs. Annie Eliza oeih
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    • 354 5 Fmi Staff Reporter Mi ,nr and Company, Singapore, has the anr m several tinus a week of seeing fii- -aioon driven about Singapore by that it was looted by the Japs and thai the ear is his. rust interned after the Japs OCCU- en
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    • 85 5 SEAC RADIO TALK FROM SINGAPORE to make an 1.500 be broad [n Lcir. RB. Engineer broadcast Sunday nigM rk m d: 6 dn >n a liail GHQ. SEALF. with n director End misa a beat d due to j the 1 r o: SEALF, !1 b .ould r die: a
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    • 28 5 Sir Gtc:rre>' Commandsaid m here -utiz-.g of •c Indi resent, he a. Europe^ are t the mo- exwen i ::diticns d tv, R A.P.
      A.P.  -  28 words
    • 48 5 Full- ilc war is racing m Indochina where the Vietnam forces are battling a?ains:t the French. Supplies for the Frencli ar^ ton: iantly held up by natural obstacles forests or rivers. Bullocks have to be called m to force a passage aero s rivers.
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    • 23 5 Jr.. ft v.,1 ■ai relay \..*itinj ur- motored 3 to return one of tlw transferred Picnp anrf to. A.P.
      A.P.  -  23 words
    • 617 5 Police recover looted rice Free Press Staff Reporter CINCE they were given nine motor boats last Friday to run special anti-looting patrols m the harbour, Singapore's Marine Police have made three captures and recovered a total of 20,000 katis of rice. The lack of craft was the
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    • 191 5 NEARLY 200 tons of supplies are now being dropped by parachute on 11 outposts guarding India's north-east frontiers. In carrying out this task over some of the most difficult country m the world, Dakotas of No. 31 Squadron of India Command are repeating a
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    • Article, Illustration
      140 5 Get. Sfc William Slim. Commandant of the Imperial Defence Col-ege. !ia* Ue.a appo.ntrd A. DC. General to the Kin? m sucresrijn lo FieMMarshal Sir Ciaode Auchinleek. Onunander-in -Chief m India, vtbobe tenure as ADC. General hac expired. On? rf the Indian Army's mast. distinguished soldiers. Gen. "BUJ'
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    • 229 5 Smallpox in S'pore 'LIVES LOST NEEDLESSLY' Free Pie> te Staff Reporter THE Municipal Health Department is doing everything i>on--1 sibie to stamp out smallpox but the co operation of th» public is essential if Singapore is to be freed from "thU terrible but entirely preventable disease.' says an official statement.
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    • 68 5 J[FIE introduction of silk culture into East Java is being planned by the State Textile Board, says the Indonesian newsagency Antara. Eighty-thousand silkworm eggs have been brought from West Java where silkworm breeding is already being carried out on a large scale. In the Kediri urea,
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    • Article, Illustration
      25 5 Prospective buyers are seen viewing some of surplus stores at Berlayer Cre*k, Singapore, m the company of the Army officers m charge of the dump.
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    • 55 5 FOUR Dutch trojos w^rt tilled on the various fronts m Java and Sumatra In the last 48 hours before President Soekarno'3 cease fire crder came into force at mi-1-night on Saturday. A DuUh spokesman announced fighting In the Medan area m the early hours of Sunday morning
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    • 50 5 FUR thousand tons of liquid poison gas, 20,000 ton s of* poson gas mi n smoke form and 72,000 tons of all kinds of ammunitton have been destroyed over a period of nearly a year by troops of the British Commonwealth Occ* ~atio n Force m Japan.
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    • 24 5 Mr. Ivor Thomas, Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for the Colonies, left Changi early yesterday morning by the Lancastrian service for England.
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    • 257 5 Free Press Staff Reporter THE story of Mr. Tan Chay Juay, a Singapore importer tod exporter who wants to sell tinplate to Siam, shows how the "red tape" control regulation! on business are making the job of the "little man" m business increasingly difficult. Mr.
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    • 22 5 A speciul Singapore Azzizes opened at the Supreme Court before Mr. Justice Jobling yesterday with nine cases on the list.
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    • 222 5 POSTALS REJECT BACK PAY THE Council oi tne Singapore Union ot Postal and Workers while expressing its disappo ntment m the way Government nas dealt with tlie wnole question of backpay, rejects the terms of settlement embodied m tne Secretary's letter of Ftb. 14, 19 *7, to the
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    • 73 5 A MILLION- DOLLAR project is now under way to clear the Hong Kong harbour of wrecks. Both the Hong Kong Government and the British naval authorities are now busy on the task of salvaging this "morbid hang-over from World War II." The Hong Kong Telegraph
      A.P.  -  73 words
    • 219 5 CANTEENS MAKE $122,152 Free Pres s Staff Reporter CINGAPORE's feeding expertly ments, which have arot. <d interest m many other countries, have proved to be profitable both I to the people and to the Govern ment from the end of June to I Di 31 last year, an of 30
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    • 36 5 Dr. D D. Chdliah. B A <LonJ2«>. the We-Pri^ciDql of LV w Andrew's Srhoo]. w talk on "Reflecticm on India" *t th*» r>px<: mfcfn« of the East-tt 4 the YM C A H.iH Orr^sLrd
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    • 316 6 SPEEDING UK's NEW HOUSES FOLLOWING up his White Pap r on his programme of 240,000 permanent houses by the end 01 1947 Mr. Bjvan has written f o all housing authorities m England and Wales laying down the way each authority's share m the programme is to be determined 7\e
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    • 76 6 fll'.V REDS of London women and men, too, queued m trn rain outside London West End store s for long-awaited British nylons fi "-7 ar f J* cam!e ss and cost <£ ■a and three coupons a pai*J --al comments were"l;s C. Haynes of Sydenham: .-v
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    • 58 6 "I must coaie-is to being appalled by the dullness of certain teaching I have bad to listen to and endure,* said Mr. D. R. Harcnan. Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry ct Elucation. m Loi.don. 'The reason is t at scmthow tc&cbCTft have got it into them that drama
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    • 245 6 AMASS extension of double-shift working m the major productive industries is being considered by the Government. It recognises that Britain's deficit of 1.000.000 workers cannot be made up entirely by redistribution of existing manpower or by mass immigration of foreign workers. Double-shift working is a
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    • 63 6 ni KIM. the air raids on Lonv don Mrs. Catherine Woolf, of Baldwin -street, Finsbury. took Billy, her pet budgerigar to the air raid shelter with her each night Recently while driving aua> a stray cat from Billy's room she fell and broke her leg. In
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    • 108 6 THERE are 12,000 R.A.F. recruits who cannot take technical courses because of a lack of skilled men to train them. "The position is better than a few months ago, but we are m the most urgent need of ex-R.A.F technical men to return to th. Service,"
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    • 43 6 I Dietrich (Bomber) Hucks defeated Gusto v Eder middleweight boxing champion of Germany at Hamburg without once hitting him. I n ducking from a right swing Eder slipped, struck his head on the floor and was knocked out.
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    • Article, Illustration
      88 6 tl Ml All strife tn Palestine. Here are pictures of a speedway race meeting by the Dead Sea, organised by the 2nd Battalion, Lincolnshire Reg/ment and No. 2 Air Support Signals Unit. Above on left is seen the s-art of on? of the races with the machines just over
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    • 86 6 1 F-iRTY cf 28 British immigrants, including n'ti". children, have arrived at Durban on boird the llt ft launch Ivanstan after a four-mouth voyage fr m Rochester, Kent. The Ivanstan. a former Roy.'l Naval rescue crait, left Suez on Deo. 10. Th? immigrants expe ted
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    • 651 6 Land nationalisation Forecast "THE Government is moving towards nationalisation of 1 land, and not be slow steps," said Mr. Hugh Dalton, British Chancellor of the Exchequer, when he spoke m the House of Commons on the Town and Country Planning Bill, which passed
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    • 176 6 TO GUARD ATOM SECRETS THE development ol a highly specialised MI 5 sqirad to guard Britain's top secrets especially atomic energy developments is m process. It was learned m London that a number of picked detectives from provin cial police forces had been recruited and that others are to be
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    • 69 6 Peacful day on Jordan £ver y year the Archbishop oi FLilad 1., a „j n Amman), the head of the Greek Orthodox Ch«i h b i r Jordan, performs the rite of inimci- ng tin r, > s m i Jordan at the spot where St John the Ban baptised
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    • 168 6 Trial marriage on way j udge MR. JUSTICE DENNING, chairman «,i Urn MfcfcCM. tee on Divorce Pn»ce<iure tnhote final report i> earn soon, m an address to students of King ullepe. l/«^ ha.s warned of the approach of a italf if nirr-;i »r 3 i n riage. He said it
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    • 19 6 January thefts m Ixmdon ex- ceeded £100.000 m value, one of' the biggest monthly totals on record
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    • 194 6 One day, sitting m ncr nome— a converted pantechnicon costing <210 an idea came *o Mr Nyboer. "Let's make brooches,' she said, "using real feathers m bird design." She told a reporter: "In Leicester one day I shewed pattern brooches to Mr. L. T. Dack,
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    • 26 6 nel Eric Groi; aiBF M itn v who defended R' Rere Hardy Their seconds PM sr !SS m Paris after a »-h««r sion.
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    • 111 6 DUMPER proiiwi from aos- racing and other sports v. made m 1946 by Wembley Stadium, which announces a profit of £219.177. compared with £65.879 ;n 1945. This figure iS after the payment of taxation of £343,500, £277.000 Deferred shareholders are re- I ceiving a
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    • 50 6 New Zealand police are concerned over the number of hardened criminals who are deserting ships m the Dominion's ports. At Auckland recently 21 men disappeared from two ships which sailed for Britain. Police are seeking heavier penalties and are asking for deportation of deserters
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    • 266 8 I special Market corr. •.•lonjent sives the prices of rubber at II am today as follows Buyer- Seller* Cts Cts ocr 1b o*t Ib *<-> I X S.S. Spot >«<** |i t h 42 1/ No I R S S fob m bales March 43 43
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    • 34 8 Ealf of the buildhig worK m New York is expected io be suspended immediately as the result of a strike of 1,000 meal lathers (engaged m reinforcing concrete, which began yesterday.
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    • 304 8 WASHINGTON, Monday. THE IT.S.l T .S. Commerce Department today said post-war SouthEast Asia natural rubber production was exceeding expectations. In a resume covering the Malayan Union, the Department said production during recent months "has been at a rate than 600,000 long tons annually." In an
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    • 151 8 THE right to appeal to *he House of Lords was gran'ed yesterday whn n the London Court of Anpeal dismissed what he Master of the Rolls described as a "remarkable appeal which raised an impor ant question reDorts Router. It was aga'ns- the refusal
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    • 9 8 Last cf the quadruplet! born n
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    • 33 8 A B: i ish spokesman denied In Berlin yesterday that there was a "sudd n coal and food crisis m Berlin which w P am unabU to meet," says Reuter
      Reuter  -  33 words
    • 38 8 JJNO should raise a loan of £4, „f,,G00 000 frm liic m ..1 v■ I o th°\ r i^ l lhe Unit >d S(at<s «ith the guarantee France and Gerrrany m ull ne d I-' Reuter
      Reuter  -  38 words
    • 425 8 RANGOON, Monday. FOR the fifth day m succession Rangoon banks and business houses remained closed today as a result of wide-spread strikes involving well over 40,000 workers. Day-long picketing by the strikers affected not only large commercial firms but also leading department stores and retail
      Reuter  -  425 words
    • 346 8 LAHORE, tfnaifcj •TROOPS and extra police are protecting Punjab Govern--1 ment property along the railway line between Lahore and Rawalpindi after "considerable interference" with mail and other trains during the past two days, says a Punjab Government communique on Muslim League activities m the province. The
      Reuter  -  346 words
    • 123 8 C__ A I HIOL. SESTL KERENEZI, Albania., i United Nations commission invest troubles, stated today that two sa yesterday submitted statements to ih, that their corvette based on Corf': on 15 occasions at night and fired shoi C sure m a i :ne eft mission reply
      Reuter  -  123 words
    • 44 8 Professor Percy Maude Roxoy. chief representative of thtBritish Council m China, died of a heart attack m London yest.Tday at the age of 67. He is survived by a widow who is also a member of the Bntbh Council, says Reuter
      Reuter  -  44 words
    • 421 8 M^or,.u 0,,™ LONDON, Monday. ORK than 2,000,000 people are now unemployed as a result of the shortage of fuel and power m Britain, the Ministry of Labour and National Service stated tonight. Britain sent hundreds of troops into the northern coalfields today to speed deliveries
      A.P.; Reuter  -  421 words
    • 62 8 Th:- strike of 200 electricity department maintenance workers yesterday threatened a complete bla-k-out for Edinburgh's shivering ci izens who are already suffering under a five-hour daily power cut. The department manager sa d tne s nke wa s over overtime and a. suspension of work would
      U.P.  -  62 words
    • 69 8 RUPEES TO BE IN NICKEL Jl BILL >o oUUatlllllr nraeag for s her was put before the Indian Legislative A.ssemoly pestcraj Hali and quarter iup. already nickel coins, the ebjec. o: the change an explanatory statement said, was to lacih;*at» the return of lease-lend s ive r to America it
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    • 254 8 1947 DIFFICULT YEAR FOR RICE THIS year will be a "very difficult and perhaps even dangerous year as regards rice," the Director oi Rice for tne British Ministry of Food, Sir Harold Sanderson, warned at a Press con- ference m Singapore yesterday. Sir Harold has just completed visits to Burma
      A.P.  -  254 words
    • 54 8 CONFESSION COULD NOT BE HEARD LONDON, Mac D EASC peal e.i( c p.;murder la er co Court 01 Walter j, aga nst I the mvi J a Domb< d when D. trlai was T. War. tod:.., prop. eerned proceed. 'T: person 01 who i an enqi; the 1 lega. the
      Reuter  -  54 words
    • 41 8 RESCUER IS RESCUED This snowploufh train, pulling a f oo tru«k people of Princetown, Devon— cut off for thr** d ay 2«ft hifh drifts on the single track stopped lU me* had to die the would b* rf>sr -e r ;t
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      • 93 8 LONDON SHARES CONTINUE RALLY LONDON. Mon 6N hopta— whi.h seem dec.dtdiy optimistic- tha. industrial puduci on will soon gee back Into swing, industrial shares on the London S ock Exchange tocontir.ued their remarkable rail; I Router's F nancial ;r. Over tr;e whole period oi tne crisis their average loss is
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      • 104 8 If the Govemmen. nas tre, between reversing its cheap money policy or plugging gaps m rationing and o-her phy- sical controls, the later alternative is much more likely. The Treasury s;ill seems able to counter attack whenever it tfcinki it worth while. Breweries. stores. buildings and errs rs
        Reuter  -  104 words
      • 92 8 ON the New York Stock Exchange yesterday, stocks overcame early ncy to show gains up to two points or more under the leadership of chemicals, wet stocks, steels, rubbers, motors textiles, rails and rail equipments Pront -taking m iate dealings reduced or erased n'.merous extreme gains, notably
        Reuter  -  92 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 32 3 a* Jj >•' T Wlt r a'esr »auit>I ■•'it woulr :rdrlssers--1'• Capitol Hairdressers *Piroi B(!LDIN(, Bridcr Road m,, ae»ti rii i i -i.--.^.V ~<*dic»nal j •.-i '•urkswon- "uchyou Or g effects SOOTHES Lheais
      32 words
    • 28 3 pAyi^iQhj Opening Today 4 Shows 1.30 4 6.30 -9.30 p.m. A SAGA OF MEN WHO BUILD THE GREAT CHARACTERS OF TOMORROW! BACK AGAIII Thi 1 most beloved picture
      28 words
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

    • 679 4 The Singapore Free Press TUESDAY, Feb. 18, 1947. Money Monsoon •J HERE is a tide :n the affairs of) men taken at the flood J leads on to Fortune. Shakes- peare ooviously had Singapore* 1947 m mind when he wrote it; cv .ybody m fcinsr-aGOie is: Tr.'jh'ily convinced that
      679 words
    • 1320 4  - 'THE ***** IN THE COAL-SEAM' GRAHAM STANFORD BY Graham Stanford covered the war m Burma for the Daily Mail and later went to the Pacific War with the British Pacific Fleet. He had a narrow escape from death when a Kana Kari plane dive-crashed a few yards from him on
      1,320 words
    • Article, Illustration
      7 4 The man uho g et> the i
      7 words
    • 312 4 PUBLIC transport is being brought up to limousine standards by a new taxi-cab appearing on the streets of London. This vehicle costs almost £1.000 and provides high comfort not only for passentf?r* but for drivers, too The cab has passed its police tests for safety and adaptability to
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    • 27 4 Be sober, be vigilant; because your arivr»-sar> the d v.i. is a i roaring Hon. walketh about, seeking whom he may devour. 1 Peter. 5. 8.
      27 words
    • Letter to the Editor
      • 179 4 ARTICLES published by you recently about the huge losses due to pilfering and robberies, have been followed wit!: keon interest by us W e are both civil policemen :n England. <now serving with the Army) and are desirous of obtaining positions of trust with a reputable
        179 words
    • 539 4 TORTUNATO PICCHI, form- er banqueting undermanager at the London Savoy Hotel, parachuted into Italy six years ago. Picchi was thoroughly anglicised, and had joined th^ British Army after a spell of internment, but he remained an Italian national. "With forty-seven oth:r men, under Major T. A. C.
      539 words
    • 240 4 CYLINDRICAL REFRIGERA I OR BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT CYLINDRICAL plastic kitchen rvfri^eiators, roomier, cheaper. lie: and even easier to u«e than the usual sKel type, are being made m Melbourne. Victoria, to the design of a Sydney engineer, and wi'l I available for Australian housew'ws early this year. Th€ engineer
      240 words
    • 61 4 1 Who were Currer, Ellis and j Acton Bell? 2. The author o! the tract Areo- pa^itica vas also a great poet. \^Tio was this? And what li Ar^opagitica about? 3. In what novels do the follow- j ing appear: (aj Mrs. Proudie: (b) Mr. Collins: <c> Sir Willoughbf
      61 words
    • 175 4 A GOLD MINE FOR NOTHING YOU could have a little gold mine at tae South Pole, even without discovering any gold. All you wou d have to 1) is buy gold at the equator and sell il -a: the MM price— at the South P le. The force of eravitv
      175 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 18 4 to all deicnpuoas ol silK. woollen and fabrics sent to pa for mention CHtM/e/U Cl£A*!*6. BESTDYE/H6 IHVtS/BLE MMD/K.
      18 words
    • 39 4 THE LITTLE THEATRE (Amy Educahti Centre, Araenim Present OUTLOOK UNSETTLED iai A New PUt, Written A rradurrd br K<>< ihyadMj, Feb. 24— Sal«r*ay, Mar. 1. N*r*>l'» 'Afi lWtlrFqf el lUMitMm's Raffle* Place. Pri.^im Onf> «M» «aat^ left. Book >' h
      39 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 43 6 C B/GG£i?, FIERCER ",'jT than ti A "Reap the Wild Wind I ACTION Z rl at its most stupendous' A ADVENTURE J" YPi-..--at its most daring' BSBBS3 CECIL eToe MULES HaXSjiSJLp IINIUn "W, PACIFIC jLm"w STfINWYCK Mc to l«nll -tlwUBaiimiKwM "to tow >«..». j;
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 105 6 I AKIF U Kxrhuivf to the Sinc<it> ore Free Press it, Mntnvn V DOWN, DOG/— DO You\ I MUST GET OUT^-^ /7m -nirDc'cN I^^ **WBB?** mm "^^sßl WAMT EVERYONE To) /OF THIS AIRPORT A( V VOULEZ- VOUS -^T\ r T llir T| KNOW THAT OANt J, AND MY BORROWED V
      105 words

    • 247 7 LONDON, Monday. FREDDIE MILLS, British cruiserweight champion knocked out Enrico Bertola, Italy, m the fifth round of a ten round fight at Royal Albert Hall tonight Bertela, first Italian boxer i<> fi-ht m Great Britain after the war, scaled 12st. 8 Ib. for this international ten-round
      Reuter  -  247 words
    • 100 7 From Bill Roues Melbourne, Monday. UEAVY rain which iell at 12.40 11 today causod nn abandonment m the M.C.C. v Victoria match at Melbourne. In the 40 minutes c| play possible, Hassett and Fre^r added 30 runs to the Saturday total. The only chance of a v.ioket
      100 words
    • 93 7 F N SPORTS CLUB In a return oadminion match with the F. and N. Sports Club, the Brighton B.P. lost by three games to four. Results (Brighton members mentioned first): George jan !ost to ieo Keok Kwarg (1—2); A. B. Aljaru lost to Cheong Soon Tuan (o—2), Harold Seah lost
      93 words
    • 385 7 Sportsman's Strapbook By the Sports Editor WHEN Walter Hammond, England's cricket captain, recent ly completed his 50,000 runs m first clasx cricket. Jack Fingleton, the former Australian Test player who is now a commentator, said that during the course of making those runs Hammond
      385 words
    • 28 7 'DARE NOT LOSE TO BRUCE' Buski Scy igain to > second ■a haw t ons with a Bi undh eyes d rtune I have I -ii^er i met \K<I
      28 words
    • 526 7 ATHLETES NOT FOR LEAGUE Police Withdraw, No Sunday Games By Our Soccer Reporter •THE Singapore Amateur Football Association's first post--1 war league soccer competition has got off to a false siart. Hard on the heels of the announcement yesterday of the Police withdrawal from the league comes the news that
      526 words
    • 14 7 the 9 by c 3-4 C". ht 3;..- :.i-3i. and 1
      14 words
    • 159 7 er was seen at Geylang Stadium the Royal Air Force -It nil. The sjamc started off poorly, but >u?h towards the end it became a battle I I forwards and the Police defence. c firsi half, the M.T. forwards frittered he second and this, coupled
      159 words
    • 251 7 TO STOP FOREIGN INVASION LONDON. Mon. DRINCIPLE rather than jealous enmity is behind the protest which a London club (reported to be Arsenal* has made to the Players' Union over the question of foreigners assist ng League clubs. As this :s an organised com"plaint irom a League team the Union,
      251 words
    • Article, Illustration
      32 7 The E.F.I. Transit Depot footba 1 team which beat the Cathjl < Young Mtn's .Issooiati^n by fear goals to two m a charity f'othall match played at Jalan Besar S udium on Sunday.
      32 words
    • 474 7 Johnny King At End Of Career From Archie Quick. LONDON. Mon. THE twilight of a boxing chain picn's career is a saddening time, especially when he ros been I impton, and par-icularly 'Alien he wo.i\ admit that his time has come. Johnny King, dour Maiicumian. 3:z3s up to be among
      474 words
    • 62 7 The annual general meeting cf the Chiaie Sinj Athletic Union will be held ou Sunday, at 2 p.m. at the residence of Mr. Chua 800 Lim, 188 -A Upper Serangroon Road. Office-bearers for the ensuing year win b 3 elected Club?. Associations wul Parties de- r Tircu*
      62 words
    • 194 7 In a friendly match of chess played at the Adelphi Hotel on Saturday, tii? Singapore Chess Club beat the Medical College Union by 11 points to four. Jtesults: (Chess Club players mentioned first): Dr. Yeoh Bock Chocn lost to Owee Ah Leng; Dr. Lee Slew Choh
      194 words
    • 22 7 IN a third division < South) F.A. League game yesterday Port Vale beat Bristol City two-one, reports Reuter from London.
      22 words
    • 559 7 Rest Of The Sport r: cricket season got into it* stride over the week-end with matches trcm Singapore light up to TfciDuig m Lie North. In Singapore the Medical College Union played two games. On Satuiday they met the Clarke Rangers, a team founded by the
      559 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 106 7 TtfE HALL FOR QUALITY SOUND PROJECTION i»33s»a&^S€Sfr EXTENSION! syrVTV^HnHB^ s 11—2— 4.15— 6.30— is '}f Af llfclill#)fxl M R V FAR STILL THE x.vXlimilli^iJ^^ JEST SHOW IN TOWN! SEASON Extended! Because The Large Crowds Testify That To B< SPELLBOUND by SPELLBOUND Js The Greatest Extraordinary Entertainment The First Lady of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 116 8 WE A THER Bright periods and showers VY/tATHtK report lot 44 dour* from noon today compiled by the RAF Central Forecastint Station Air Command. Far-East i Brifht intervals with occasional showers this afternoon. Fine tonight and fair to-morrow morning Wind, light north-easter.v. becoming calm to-night. Sun*rt 6.52 p.m Sunrise 6
      116 words