The Singapore Free Press, 15 February 1947

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 110 1 i t MP 5 t I I .o. f I pro- i nea* 1 1 i i .ob r. id dev.e effect/ •bat ih? with 40 per .0 j i>uper- j i 'i\? j relai that the' for be part of i P
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  • 19 1 QUERY ON S'PORE UNION CABLE the c has for ica- from the >n relat- d whemmuni- v the ident
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  • 11 1 c Lj* i takf par y man D*»are
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  • 300 1 I ree Press Staff Reporter WlflLfc many Singapore Government clerks are disappointed at the Governments decision on the "back-pay" qua. tion, the President of the Junior Civil Service Associaion, Mr. S. A. Karim, told the Free Press today that he will have lo wait for a few
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  • 74 1 CINGAPORF: Harbour Board is to spend $521,000 en quarte •> tor 1,500 of its labourers. Ths is the first step in rehu Id ng quarters destroyed by Japanese b r mb nj. and the work U expect d to be finished by next summer. The men
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  • 385 1 Bevin tells Arabs PALESTINE IS FOR UNO LONDON, Friday. DKITAIN has decided to refer the whole problem of Palestine to the United Nations, as no proposals put forward by Britain had proved acceptable as a basis for further discussion by Arabs and Jews, Mr. Ernest Bevin, British Foreign Minister, told
    Reuter; U.P.  -  385 words
  • 294 1 LONDON. Friday. SOME BntUh louts are lo be retained "for the present in India and Burma, declared a British Government defence statement issued today, announcing that armed services expenditure will be cut by nearly half in 1947-48 compared with last year. Air, Army, Navy
    Reuter; A.P.  -  294 words
  • 20 1 HE FIGHTS COAL RATTLE MK. EMMANUEL SfIINWEIX, British Fuel Minister, who has to rush coal *o wa»-m up snow-bound Britain.
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  • 393 1 LAKE SUCCESS, Friday. •THE economic reconstruction *of devastated area* of Asia 1 and the Far East and rapid and substantial improvement in their living standards are matters of utmost importance to the success of United Nations policy." declares a report issued today on economic reconstruction in
    Reuter  -  393 words
  • 392 1 LONDON. Friday. DOCKEKS in the North of England and many miners in South Wales have volunteered to work o\e time at t e week end to help the movement and production of coal necessary to ease the industrial crisis caused by the lack of fuel
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  • 38 1 Thousands of gas masis we:? burn: in a factory fire at Glasgow which spread to an Army store next door Tr.c fire totally destroyed the fac ory premi .^> and f>.ooo r>eopl o are out of job
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  • 36 1 Iv/o American firing squads executed five displaced persons yesterday behind Landsberg Prison (Germany), says U.P. The men. three Poles and two Gr:eks. had been convicted on several charges of armnd robbery and murder.
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  • 70 1 ALL work at the Sngapore Steam Laundry has stopped following a strike of the staff of 120 wonted The Free Press was informed I by tho management that the men I had previously put forward aj numbtr of demands and that they went out on strike
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  • 40 1 The first meteor jet plans to oe sent to Atisralia crashed at Darwin yesterday as it was undergoing I .ropical weather tests The pilot 1 suffered only minor injuries, but !the plane was badly damaged. says Reuter
    Reuter  -  40 words
  • 97 1 I It w&b announced in the Ccmmons >e. c terday that the method of allotment of pay of naval officeri and ratings will be brought into line with that now existing for Army and RAF personnel to prJteci naval wives against the ■unfortunate few' who
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

    • 1150 2  -  Gordon Van Hein TREBLE CLEF An Analysis by j Abl week one oi! our music critics referred te an article on Music for Everybody. This week it is being presented and it is possibly one of the most deliite tasks I have ever undertaken for reasons which
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    • 90 2 YOUR LUCKY STAR Fortune forecast lor people burn today RORN teday, you have some one outstanding talent which could remain latent during the early part of your life and come to light later quite by accident! Parents of children born on this day would be wise to pay particular attention
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    • 589 2 Letters to our music critic YOUR column of ia.<t Saturday was indeed a pleasant and much welcomed surprise, it would not be ten much to say that it is a much needed addition to «»ur music hungry public. Your ideals on the art are praiseworthy. But I
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    • 549 2 TOO MAN Y SECRET SERVICE AGENTS Films On In London BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT T SUPPOSE it is inevit--1 able that films about secret agents should continue to pour out until every Flynn, Cagney, and Cooper has completed at least one mission against the Gestapo. A pity, because these fictions
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    • 120 2 CPADES are trumps South leads •JNorUa and South are te ir Sl x of the seven Meki a^mst and c I Soutn ieaas the kir« of su. s North playing the nine. If We< "■'dthen return* a diamond bSif North ruffs with the jack and return a^tfr
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 10 2 (M* '<?< w'StabjOltJW/ Season co. l t p Otwuia 'Jed Cxcna/tQe,
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    • 72 2 fcjf^i'r^ Newly Arrive'! L •'ATKE MAUY a PAGODA CHINESE 9 "/c Distributers fur MjLiyu MONG HUAT COMPA* 1 q 7. North llri,!^. load. S ENQUIRIES WELCOMED FROM A^L^^' RETAILERS Also availubi,- H.M.V Columbia I'. '^^T> TOMORROW M i sic for'ev i:n v i«> !r ii THE VICTORIA MEMORIAL HMi ALGMLNTLD
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 105 2 FREE PRESS FIGWORDS 9 J4. [7^ J9 (2 JQ [9 Hf? IB^"^ Tt solve the puzzle pnl 8 (8|9|4~ t-gure occui-s more than >T nday t3 Friday >OLLTION TO CROSSWORD No. 10 Aero**,. l. Lhortag;es. 7 Round. 8. Green 9 Trir> in r-ir>v«* n M Emir. 17 Spahi. 19. Moist.
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    • 383 2 RRO Uts uid 19.38 meters &.SO- p m 19.34 7 30-12 mid4fft pm. !o 10. 4S p.m. GSV 16.81 n J -t 19 84 meters and 49 33 and 13.93 metres: 10.45 p m. to 11.00 meters. f;™* GSV 1684 11 00 p.m. to SATUIDAV l-.00 a.m. GSF 19. «2
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    • 372 3 TO FIELD 2,000,000 MEN AGAINST REDS Chiang ready for new big push rHINA'S Nationalist armies, poised for an all-out war against the Chinese Communists, await the signal to attack, reports U.P. It is estimated the Government will field 2,000,000 regulars while the Communists have mustered 800,000 men for the struggle.
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    • 69 3 mm Chinese Communist Party 1 v::.\ continue to insist that troop positions oi Jar.. iJ -.ored anQ tno ution nullified before ior talks with Uie ■vemment leaders, L!i Ting-vi. Chief of th? Communist Cer.trdl Committee's Departi\ or Imormation. has ded, reports Reut c Us statement was
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    • 44 3 ecd t« any international interven■ternal pities, >aid an editorial in the Kti mintantr or^an which usually rnent. •r independence and self nil's destiny ties ir themsclvt-s. Only Chinese Chin K problem.-."' I p o~le c t p oDle i 1
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    • 33 3 lIKANII M has been discovered V in at least four of China's «i<ht little-exploited inland provinces, according to the Saturday Evening: Post correspondent in Nankin* William Avers .ays U.P.
      U.P.  -  33 words
    • 94 3 JHE Nanking Goverrunenrs economic oc-licy and the administration of Dr. T V. Soonp president of the Executive Yuan were bitterly critici ed» bv m:mbers of the Logis i Uve Yuan t mid dl.sclosu^s that the Gov. rnment issued CN53.000,000.COO.OOO of new banknot g since Soong took
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    • 45 3 "You should be ashamed of yourself for trying to soil your .son," 'aid a jud?o in Hong Xong tfhen he sentenced Char, Yuk, 46. unemployed, to six inontho' hard labour for taking p?rt In an illegal .sab of his scver.-year-old son.
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    • 4 3 I: go-
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    • 79 3 4 GENERAL GET U.S. MEDAL United Stntes Liberty Me- dal has ben presented to Gen Chan? Fah-kwei. Director ie Generalissimo's Canton jquarters by the U.S Government for his close cooperation with th" U S Army during the w^r So far. only Ihlfi Chinese eenera's have been awarded with such an
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    • 338 3 CHINA plans to build within the next three years four powerful short-wave broa least ing stations Chinese counterparts of the 8.8.C. to keep the world informed about China and things Chinese. This was revealed with the arrival of Roy Dunlop, for many years production manager
      Reuter  -  338 words
    • 59 3 President signs new constitution lieneraLaftteo (hang Kai-Shek signing, with an ivory brush, the order promulgating the R publican Constitution of China after its adoption by the Constituent Assembly. The ceremony took plac* in the reception hall of th? National Government Headquarters, and afterwards the Generalissimo drank a toast, "Success to
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    • 65 3 Till: evils wl selling, plant ing and smoking opuim will be eradicted in Kuangtung by the end of June, it was d.^Hi.. t j by lien. Clan.,' Fah-kwei, Director of President's Canton Headquarters, at an Opium Suppression Campaign in Canton More than 7.000 leaders of the
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    • 129 3 Th.? Djakarta Chinese journal Keng Po in an editorial deplores the hesitancy of the Nanking Government in taking a stand about events In South East Asia, .says an Antara rep.rt. The paper, Antara says, ass rted that as long as the Nankin? policy is no: changed
      Reuter  -  129 words
    • 45 3 CHINA STEEL OUTPUT ENOUGH FOR NEEDS China's steel output is estimated to be sufficient for domestic requirements, says U.P. The Mukden factories plan to make 800 railway coaches this year whil* the Ansha n steel works, the bigpest in Ohma, will return to lull capacity.
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    • 253 3 I ARGE SCALE removals of equipment from vessels inside 1- typhoon anchorages in Kowloon by gangs who terrorised the floating population to such an extent that people were scared of claiming recovered property for fear of reprisals were revealed in the Kowloon Court. As a result
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    • 378 3 China loses prize RUSSIA'S long-term strategic aims in stripping Manchurian industry are considered by well-informed circles in Shanghai to have been largely achieved in the pa* U months during which Russian troops have been occupying Manchuria. The gutting of Manchurian industry, which is con vatively estimated ?.t
      U.P.  -  378 words
    • 204 3 PEIPING THEFT EPIDEMIC AN epidemic of thefts aid *i attemp ed robberies rai-jj ing from petty pi'fering l< international espionage IMU broken out in the U.S. Execu tive Headquarters at Peip fo lowing the announcements official demise. At least two efforts have b 21 made by unknown persons to break
      U.P.  -  204 words
    • 26 3 The Chinese National Defeme Ministry has decided in principle to cut its staff by 20 Der cent in line with the Government's r-etivnchment policy.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 91 3 EBESTWEEK-LND ENTERTAINMENT COME AS USUAL TO THE Phone CATHAY Z BRILUANT PICTURE Now ARANTEED TO THRILL! Studios great romantic adventure CHIPS RAFFERTY Oapnn; CAMPBELL yJJ ]li n under' tier's the 'tops' S(^i a i PROOtcEo by Michael balcon yßtte^A *itj fj DIRECTED 8Y MARRY WATT g^ EAGLE-LIQN D/ST^fBUTION BAFri r
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    • 281 3 BEAR IN YOUR MIND MELWANI'S EXPERT LADIES TAILORS 52, North Bridge Rd Phone 7983. MOTHER'S ADVICE WAS "KRUSCHEJT For Terrible Pains in the Back It was advice iron-, nei motlier tfcat led this woman to take Knische:: Sahs for her backache Before she had finished the first bottle, she was
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

    • 691 4 The Singapore Free Press SATURDAY, Feb. 15. 1947. Black Gold B wsoaptr cDntsnts bil*s 'us. Sunday anncuncuig Fl.itaii's EecnDmic Collapse' v. -,rj so .starilingly rem niscent Test match days that ycu t> look tw.oe before you the full significance ct thv» word "economic." fortunately, in the words of k
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    • 1498 4 FROM NEW YORK-BY AIR MAIL' THERE ARENT ANY ARABS ON U.S. VOTING-LISTS THE Palestine poison is beginning to corrode the Anglo-Ame-rican partnership, and many Jews here are storing up bitterness and anger towards Britain comparable with the hatred the Irish used to feel Zionist groups are thinking
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    • 82 4 1. Who are the fathers or these. Shakespearean "heroines"?--(a) Miranda; (b) Rosalind; (c> Juliet; (d) Ophelia; <e) Katharina. And in what play* do they appear? 2. "True ease in writing camel from art not chance. As those move easiest who learned to dance. Tis not enough no harshness gives
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    • 233 4 A LITTLE more than A 200 years a*ro Oxford Street in the centre of London's shopping: district, wmfl "a deep, hollow road of sloughs, her e and there a rags^d hou-c, a lurking place for cut-throats." Its unsavoury reputation, in fact, was heightened by the presence
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    • 528 4 AT 78 years oi age, Dr. n THOMAS BATY. former legal adviser to the Japanese Foreign Office, has heard that he has been deprived of all protection as a British subject. The step has been taken by tht British authorities In Tokio with the full concurrence of
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    • 509 4 Things To Come FL UORINE WORLD THE "Wild Beasf oi 1 the elements has been haltered and harnessed. Ahead now lies the fluorine age. Chemists see prospects in some far-off future of a Fluorine world roughly paralleling the hydrocarbon world of life and, immediately, many strange compounds of va.'ue to
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    • 81 4 JEAN RAJ On* N i S'\ r --1 old credited I j I in th I I Eru. I occup. I I 300.000 I I dev: -;e a wtM n D bro!: I doot home It I 1 \V:. a v r.c I he w.i., l I two !raj
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    • 7 4 cast :h> "r^jSffl it aflor nun^
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 58 4 Be sure voui Eves are functioning normally nave them examined nere tomorrow Glasses will oe recommended omv if necessarv. OAH SIN OPTICAL HOUSE mlk North Bridge Road. S pore. Proonetor— p S OZING O D. Phnn* C**4 Pormei Generaj Manage: ol \\> SIN OPTICAL HOI SE S 4>ore ana
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    • 21 4 BILL BAILFY COCONUT GROV* 55 CUPPAGE ROAD THE BEST DRINKS W TOWN Dancing to John jfchQ- ffliytM Open AU Day Telephone
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    • 355 5 EDUCATION GRANTS FOR WAR VICTIMS Free Press Staff Reporter £DUCATIONAL benefits are available for children of members of civil defence organisations and other essential* services who lost their lives during the Malayan war. In addition to the 20 children already being paid these allowances, grants will be made to all
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    • 119 5 AN incident involving a marriage proposal, doped coffee and larceny led to two months' hard labour for Wu Ying, 31, a married woman, on larcony charge in Hong Kong. Tsang Ming, 55-year-old painter, stud he was introduced to Wu Ying try an acquaintance. After a
      A.P.  -  119 words
    • 44 5 two (hini*se nurses Miss iic-i Soh lm (Kuala Kan?sar) and hrah (Singapore)— who are going to Australia on r scholarship are seen with Sir Han Hoe LJm, Mr. Claude iraiian Com mission* r in Malaya, and Sir Franklin i.imson. Singapore Governor.
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    • 88 5 0\ u ppu*S f^'ays, it has been found necessary to •h 31. 1047, the closing date for the pro- safes to the Far East, originally s D SI, 1946. Passages are being 1 offered as able, and refusal without adequate reason ffered will naturally involve
      Reuter  -  88 words
    • 89 5 CAPTAIN BERTRAM BKOuKE. Ti an Muda cf Sarawak until its JtMtao British Cr^wn. has received a. from the President of the Malay ::al Union of Sarawak begging him to "corre to Sarawak viiTh the :t--most speed." C3pt Brooke has replied that he is' not well -nuugh
      Reuter  -  89 words
    • 92 5 Acting on advice from tne Government of India and the 1 Commonwealth Relations Department, Mr. S. K. Che:tur, Representative of the Indian! Government in Malaya, has postponed Ms departure to India. He wa s due to leave Singapore about Feb. 20. A Ne* Delhi message has confirmed
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    • 310 5 RAFFLES GRADUA TE GETS BIG JOB Free Press Staff Reporter THE first Raffles College graduate I to head a Government department in Malaya, Mr. Lee Blow Mong has been appointed R-gis-trar of Companies, Singapore, and ho'ds concurrently the titles Registrar of Businers Names and Registrar of United Kingdom nts. Mr.
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    • 34 5 The Rev. Father Lee is celebrating his sacerdotal jubilee tomorrow. He is vicar of the Church of St. Theresa, and is also head of the Sino English School in Kampong Bahru, Singapore.
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    • 59 5 Yesterday the Free Press re- 1 ported a case of rice piracy in] Singapore harbour I These Free Press pictures] shows how rice bags from the j Pool godown are ripped open in a lighter. i Note the sandbags in these i photos— they are used by those*
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    • 226 5 S'PORE PLANE RACES WITH DEA TH FLYING with one engine out of commission, an RAF Trans, port Command York from Singapore landed on Wednesday at a London airport in a race against death. On board was Brigadier Edwin Brit ton (retired) who was dangerously ill with abdominal trouble. As soon
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    • 170 5 VILLAGE IS WIPED OUT BY MALARIA AFTER 14 mon hs of UNRRA work In China the people 1 in Communist-held South £han- lung province— the scene ot the* present heavy fighting lack medical supplies so acutely that malaria there often completely. wipes out villages and towns. Thai, wai the story
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    • 63 5 The feast of Our Lady of Lourdes will be celebrated in the Ophir Road Church, Singapore, tomorrow. The low mass will be at 6.30 and the nigh mass at 8 a.m. At 5 p.m., the procession of j Ihe niche containing the stalue I of Our Lady
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    • 76 5 CLOTH manufacturers are being asked by the Government to supply a million yards of material* to meet the demand of the 1947-48 demob clothing programme. The order came from the Ministry of Supply which calls for three quarters of the cloth to be in blue shades
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    • 132 5 U.K. BRIGADE QUITS JAPAN FOR SPORE A WAR Office announcement In London states that th T he agreement of the Brtttfta Commonwealth Goverrumems concerned and with the concurred e of the American Goverment r has been decided to withdraw from Japan one British infairtty brigade and a proportion of supporting
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    • 174 5 HEADQUARTERS, Malaya Command, have issued a communique s f ating that any claim for assessment of back pay made after Feb. 28, 1947, by those serving in the British Army before the fall of Singapore, will not be accepted. The communique reads: "All personnel who were locally
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    • Article, Illustration
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    • 441 5 ANTI-RACKET SQUAD USES NEW TACTICS Free Press Staff Reporter PUMMONSES by officials of the Singapore Food Inspcetor•J ate have halved since the big comb-out for graft, when 90 per cent, of the old officials were dismissed a few months ago. But this is not due to inefficiency of the new
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    • 84 5 AT a meeting of the Silver Jobil&e Fund Committee, ihe Chairman. Mr. T P. F. McN'eice. Secretary for Social Welfare, disclosed the fan ti:at some of the assets of the Fund had I not been traced. Monthly revenue at present amounted to $7,412 and investigations into
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    • 108 5 /"•LOTH exports will be cut v>< during the first six months of this year to help to reduce ihe lc'C?.l shonage in Australia. Shipments of worsted plecegoods by individual firms during the period would be limited to 50 per cent, of the export approvals issued by the
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    • 68 6 Royalcabins on board the Vanguard (iRL.W alterations w re made t<» H..M.S. Vanguard before it left f<>- South Afr ca so that the Royal family could h?ve comfortable quarters. Top left »bo ve Petty Officer S. Davis is seen patting the finishing touch's t.o the Kind's »v ea*rlfc. P.O. I>avis
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    • 308 6 GAS MANTLES TO A-BOMBS W methods of producing atomic explosive from a mincrrl used in making gas mantles ha* been perfected he United States. The new explosive, called uranium will bring the cost of an atom bomb far below the figure VJ50.000 given by U.S. scientists as the cost of
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    • 222 6 HOPE FOR DANGER DRUG YET I |ESPm the British Ministry of Health's warning that the new c:uj streptomycin Ls "potentially dangerous" in the treatment of cuious m^mr.^it tne Lan.e speaks of "great hope for ttM future." I- records the experimen'al :ment of 12 cases of generalised tuberculosis, nine of which
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    • 44 6 The Chinese Supreme Court .11 Nanking has confirmed the death sentence on Chou Fu-hai, former puppet Minister of Finance and head of the puppet Central Reserve Bank, which in wartim^ flooded east and south China with punpet regime bank-notes, says UP
      UP  -  44 words
    • 78 6 Mr. Gabriel Pascal, the producer j of the British fidm. Caesar and' Cleopatra, announces an agree--ment with the Artists' Alliance, i headed by Miss Mp.ry Pickford, for j the making of fllm s from two other plays by Mr. Berna-d Shaw —The Devil's
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    • 85 6 MAIREEN O'HARA'S nose mak.s Ler the mast nhotogenic actress m Hollywaod, according to Arthur Arling, 20th Century-Fox cameraman Her lace is so perfectly formed that it can take light from any direction— that is rare, he says And placing the ke y lijrht in a
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    • 34 6 A graveyard of Dinosaurs, described a s the largest yet found in the Eastern Hemisphere, has b?en unearthed in the Gobi Desrrt, Soviet Mongolia. Some skeletons weighed up to 70 tons.
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    • 44 6 The council at Wallington. Surrey. England has decided to double the night patrol In public parks and gardens because schoolboys had Fed goldflish with poison, fired a bowls hut, wrecked a tennis pavilion, uprooted shrubs, smashed, greenhouses, torn down football posts.
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    • 575 6 UK WILL BUILD 300,000 NEW HOMES Housing progress in 1947 BRITAIN plans to complete 300,000 new houses by the end of this year. 240,000 of them will be permanent, and 60,000 temporrjy. This, with the 150,000 houses finished in 1946, will make a total of 450,000 finished since the end
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    • 262 6 BRITAIN S two le ding air lints are to replace American Dakotas with N ilish built aircraft on their passenger i routes, though one company intends to use Dakoias for carrying freight. 8.0.A.C. are to change over, probably in Maivh, to lour, engine Handley-Page Haltons. 8.0.A.C
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    • 105 6 A SCALE ol wages payment to meet cases of abnormal time spent in travelling to work has been granted to London building irade workers. The new agreement, which operates frcm Feb 1, was revealed at the London County Council by Mr r. Coppock who
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    • 79 6 QUIZ Answers D^n- ra !h, P r r S ro (The Te ?As vi t A Banishe d Duke as \ou Like it); r^nniPt 'Rcmeo and Juliet* :^d>gS£ niua (Hamlet): <e> Brp*?sta 'Tr.mirg of the Shrew) B^ lsta Cr]tic^ ander P^ *-i on 3. The leading vriteQ
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    • Article, Illustration
      41 6 FIKST picture of Dov Gruner, Jewish terrorist cv^r whtse sentence to death for hi> part ii. a raid on a Palestine police station, caused the latest outbreak cf lawlessness in P.ilr>>tine. His appeal to the Vrivy juncil is to be heard.
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    • 163 6 ICE QUEEN WAS WOOED BY POST AFTER a sevcn-y«'ar-cuurtship by post i Megan Tr.ylor, the Biitish ic e queen. with whom she fell in kme almost at ruin 1940 Miss Taylor and weauiiv i -two -d Lindsay Ronald Ifandenrille I met In New Zealand while on an j ice tour.
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    • 42 6 NO GOVT. BAN ON SALARY INCREASES PUGGESTION! divider.* ucd" 101 i i eject ---d b-. the i as impractu Saying th;= price incr men. oi .-upr>:rtcd the Movement." Mr Louih' had s*dt-r the prohib; i divjd nd Inci stitut<- a ca prices
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    • 56 6 CPIRITi,,, •J the c!.. described party at i icons by M the spintu... •■!> r: A nunr liament and s and after a < dining-room M an account of j K^ At her horn r rey. Mr.v i reportrr private d two Members are inter II
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    • 27 6 T y :E Bum. agred with Gov( man patri&ting tl prewar I Burma The Burn the Ch:n< Iflnistr Foochow and I vise the reps
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      • 142 8 A Special Market fiarr* i»ftlcnl the prices oi ruhber at J: am tnrla% as fo!!ou> ■■fan Sealers 'ts CU. oer »b oft Ib flf I R s Spot Jto- H\ 42 U I I S S »cb in biles March 4.: 43 4 H« R S
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      • 104 8 jpTBBER shares were still an u>iand 1> of firmn v >?" in the sea of London it k Exchange weakness and thera several imorovements a^ain v?s--t av reoorts the Fr ni Press London 'c rrespondent F 'alayan businessmen in th 3 City .\rf> i inclined to take .i
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      • 50 8 »N tile New York Stock Exchange yev.rrday. 'n spiritl^s tradui? th? i rket gave furtMor rr?unl early m session. A Ijtr tttttUm rallv reduce i or e-» ed many losses, but numerous j irds p*»rsioted. and thf maik^: d irregular, sh^wlnc a slight dei no says Reuter
        Reuter  -  50 words
      • 61 8 On the London Stock TrrrhmTigi •y. the rally which siartej ia .sh Government securities, spreadi to Industrials and Oils, enabled tte i Tkets to cloee th^ v «ek in a more iragiru S mth African Gold ttmna were f oanMf more active than of tote, with fc
        Reuter  -  61 words
      • 126 8 India is lo have a modern comji nications sys:em equal -,o that i th? Umtrd State.?, accordinf to Nurinohamed M Chinoy. I an Gov-crnm nt represent; 1 j t ve on the Transport and Cam-! '.icr lions Commit ion of IVfl :d Natons Beopcmic, Social
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      • 102 8 Mr T. G Thomao, Latour V P. or whom nothing had betn Vi?:\rd since he was believed to entered a guerilla-hsld t rntory in Iho«aa!v five Cavs «co. is now at Tlfnala, Central Greece, reports Renter. H e is xl>ected in Athens today. Mr. Thomas,
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    • 695 8 FHE total of business written during the pa^t week exceeded 1 that of any week this year and was on a par with the best in 1946, reports our market correspondent. In Industrial shares turnover was saiisfac'ory with price movements lrregular and there was little
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    • Article, Illustration
      17 8 The River Yealm Devonshire, portrays all the very best of Devon on a quit't summer's day.
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    • 475 8 DRIVE TO SMASH ILLICIT GOLD, GEM BUYING PRETORIA, Friday. A DRIVE to smash South Africa's illicit geld and diamond A buyers, who cost the mines about £500,000 a year is to be launched in South Africa in April. It is planned to establish police headquarters for diamond traffic investigation at
      Reuter  -  475 words
    • 382 8 NANKING, Friday. CHINESE geok>j»Lst> have begun preliminary exploratory \s work for uranium, the vital element in atomic research, which has been reported in the four provinces of Kwangsi. southern Hunan, Kiangsi. and the mountainous coal mining area of Mukden in Manchuria. Reports are not expected for
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    • 28 8 Pr^^i miners at Lar.sio:d. fprn^ 3nia st °PP^ work vesterday in sympatdy with* 13 ?i" U ho were °n a sit-down stride 800 feet underground
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    • 324 8 PARIS. Frldav WHILL thousands of French civil servants demonstrated today for more wages and France iaces grave unrest the Socialist Premier, M. Paul Ramadier. told the National Assembly: "If France cannot submit herself to national distip line, the country and even the Republican ieg me will
      Reuter  -  324 words
    • 37 8 INDONESIAN forces will cease fire at midnight tonight The order ehi«7«ho U hi told G h"- STCdi r <"?,.^Publican coVmlndcMn! Local Indom ian commanders win contact local Diit^h m*m Reuter and A.P.
      Reuter; A.P.  -  37 words
    • 557 8 BEVIN PLEA TO INDIA: ANOID WAR LONDON, Friday A STRONG plea to India to n avoid civil gtrife tnd prove example to the world by carrying out her transition in a peacei iul way was mad* by Mr Ernest Bevm British Foreign Secretary when he attended a dinner given' ay
      Reuter  -  557 words
    • 100 8 CZECHS HANG 6 TRAITORS PrtAGUE, Fri. CZECHOSLOVAKIA settled ac- counts today witK 15 Sudeten G rmans who were members of the pre-war Czechoslovak Parliament and became leading Nazi officials ailer Munich. As snow blanketed Uw of Hans W.sten's connV rmelware factory in Ceskp .jovice was burned to the ground under
      U.P.  -  100 words
    • 76 8 Polar lake is warmer OFFICIAL dispaU-hes of the I' S. Navy's Antarctic expedition said on Friday that a seaplane landed on Feb. 13 on the newly-discovered inland lake region and that the plane s crew found the water there "definitely warmer" than elsewhere and noted what appeared to be orebearing
      A.P.  -  76 words
    • 50 8 ki/u5 PCOple werc re P<>rled in/n?«H u y missin S and several injured when a pile of TNT exploded at a U.S. amnZition aepot at Bauan, Batanga 5 Province, Philippines, says A.P In? ™fst wre ck2d many houses and tne d3tonations were heard 30 ?n::es around.
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    • 76 8 'RESIGN' SHOUTS AGAINST PREMIER SOONG MLBERS Ttua m < Pi causes for Chlr mk- finar. la Dr S r Peoples I de- i r a- .sup? d "d h I d Bv a m joritj ;ion ira ord Kmng iss* rnn? v.. SOO!. Ir. Bhan > .'-m Kurvr Go\ urred
      Reuter; A.P.  -  76 words
    • 61 8 ON TOWN OF EUROPE lh c Arts Theatre on its six ir.;nths rv.ntin. ntai t< Clunes (left), Fay Compton and Jack Hawkinv ruht at the Segrcteo, Nice. Th^y have been on th< :r traveU September, receiving a bis re cepti^n in Pra^u, anr now entertaining winter visitors on the Riviera
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 95 5 LAST FIVE SHOWS: 1« um 1 M X 6 Z% 5 S» p m I tap El inmen.! ABT^ tTTrney^ mQANA ANDREWS I gP* *fe,IFTON WEBB] :ua?ii tnfism AX iptaiag Tomorrow JOHN »th\B\(K< B<-: idhi n Ifckl ll^nr* Ira,L^ J obn. Mar^rV WrchfrlT in "THE MOON IS DOWN" v h
      95 words
    • 40 5 TO-OAY tifffyTi tfMtsa^ r^ta II a 5 p.m.— 4.lS p m Alexander Korda's -^v. Mightiest TECHNICOLOR Hit! .m FOUR i&'** < FEATHERS Ifejl John Clements Ralph Richardson C. Aubrey Smith June Duprez TO-NlCHTatMidnighf Exo "icallv F>:citirg F^ c A UNIVERSAI FJCTURE
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 133 6 THE HALL FOR QUALITY SOI M) MtOJI I t|m\ TEL /fTTffMfM^ii! ii 2 i>— 6 ;;o-s I'he an;: david o sclzmck plexes thai ba T urbing tht }\i WP IjNuRID BERGMAN nPFHODV DCPI/' »Wness confu? UKtUUKY PhLK a! and t ALFRtD HITCHCOCK'S i4 dl >-^ the hunia? MQ SVITABIf OfitLV
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

    • 26 7 natonbta and Biologists of the Sinsap r. Mecl cal College Inion who rower fuVon Thursday. The gam' ended in a one-all draw!
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    • 362 7 cks Sports Parade LONDON, Friday. r.uiliincr lacking in the workman I rdan when he appeared at Seymour he did knock out Bert Giiroy, the njii. in four rounds and GiJroy was a rights, I do wet think there ia a him any sort of a fijrht.
      362 words
    • 436 7 ARMY PREPARES FOR LEAGUE SOCCER SEASON Talent Available For Good Side Free Press Staff Reporter WITH units spread all over the island and chances of a.ranging combined trials very few, the Army soccer team taking part m the Singapore football league will not promise outstanding performances in the early games
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    • 383 7 SCC WIN NARROWLY AGAINST HAIKOWYU XIIE S.C.C. raised their soccer stocks a notch higher yfcster--1 day when they met the Haikowyu Sports Club arid won two one. a narrow victory but well-earned. The Haikow>u number:,^ several first class Chinese and MaJay soccer team repre*entatives, paid the penalty cf taking things
      383 words
    • 77 7 In a f;iendly game of Table Tennis, played at the Indian Assn. Club pre- miscs en Sunday the Irdian Association j •B' Team beat the HaUcpwyu Table Tennis team 3-2. singles: T.C. Balan lost to Chan Mun Chock 1-3; S. Suppioh beet Goh Poh Soon 3-0; M. Narayanasamy
      77 words
    • 17 7 ANOTHER BLEAK DAY FOR HOME FOOTBALL to I rom aan- be fi I for ire ncpeI Reuter
      Reuter  -  17 words
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    • 178 7 Nel Tarleton To Hang Up His Gloves MVFRPOOL, Fri. ME!. TAR I. ETON, British and Empire feather-w?ight rhampon, and one of thv greatest boxers produced in Britain, has d?cidrd to retire. X w aged 41. Tarkton has h.i,! a distinguished career of 26 years, winning two Lonsctale belts outright. He
      Reuter  -  178 words
    • 85 7 I kRLHULi HLTDGELL, 25-year-jld i Ciyatal Palace left-back, was, trantTtfred to Sunderland at i| fee est mated to be £10,00 j a record for a Third Division I olballer. Hud^eJi. a Haciuicy 6oy, on the Crysial Pa ace ground Jtaff when 14 and during tho war.
      85 words
    • 350 7 TO PL A Y FOR CLUB OR COUNTRY? Fran \rthie Qwck n LONDON, Thursday. Hhith should be the predominant loyalty? c h, :ce which has had to be made n 01 a Burnley factory owner, who plays towns fine team. So far Kippax has sacrificed two amateur internal ionaJ r*
      350 words
    • 335 7 M.u.G. STRUGGLE v STATE CHAMPIONS From Bill Bowes Y irvrOMl% MELBOURNE, Friday ICTOKIA, inter State champions of Australia for two veaj-s running, have six international think they ou»h; ;to have more, and like Yorkshire before the war fanev themselves to beat anybody-State, County cr Country ihey think they can teat
      335 words
    • 77 7 ■•c.c— tai i\m\gs V. a 3 h'jr,.ck b Trib~ i ishlcck c Hass?tt b lr«r Clibb c Johnson b MiU r Comp.on c and b Miiier Hardrtaff c Tr.b b Fr«r Yardlfy not oat Ikin not out r[ bkM It Ty.*\ for S uk < BOWUMG im R IT.
      77 words
    • 90 7 BRISBANE. Friday. Don Tallcn. Australia and Queensland j wick.:! keeper, has accepted a i lucrative business appointment In j Adelaide and plays his la-st match for Queensland against South Australia next week He e.^ .0; Adelaide alter the U.V.i Tes> matrf:;. Tallon caia touay:
      Reuter  -  90 words
    • 103 7 PARIS, Tliurs. PREPARATIONS are complete fjr the opening of the Fre-noh thoroughbred racing season which starts at Auteuil race-course. Paris, on Feb. 16. Hurdle ar.d cteepiechasing on Sunday will be foll:wed two weeks later by the start of the flatracing season The new season holds forth much
      Reuter  -  103 words
    • 316 7 Acceptance and mnn!nf order; for today's Kuaia Lumpur rmct s are RACE ONE H<rsfs CUss 2. Dir. 1, 6 Farloiifs: Star Rar^e 8.11 Mr. Chips 8.03 Golden Gypsy 8.03 Prunella 8 00 Si HATCHINGS Marfleld 9.04 The Pathan 807 DouWe Nine 8.11 Favourite 80: RACE
      316 words
    • 36 7 Sir Malcolm Campbell pholosr.nhed with a scale model of the new speed-boat "Bluebird" in. u hich he hu^es to attain the speed of 170 m.p.h. His present record is 141
      36 words
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    • 42 7 TO-DAY s^f Krrol FLYNN Alexis SMITH in rW 1 »V^rw ßros M til! ltj^*A^« Climbed thru' ropes GENTLEMAN MI/tVI inf th "lion's heart! NfMi^ 5> The Slam hjiterlHintng Picture VjJ vith a Grand Slam Cast! To-night Mid-night „j|, K>. J^Mjj^^^^jfe Star***! J^
      42 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 61 8 ALL-IN WRESTLING— TO-NIGHT. Sat. If* Great World A»^ A ONCE AGAIN I\/^^ ffS CTNTIRY PR«»MOII«»\> »JJ HAVE THRU IM> lB ||0 •WRESTLING I s |RI HIS LATESI 01 M k KING ZOMBI/ vVHV^ LEN HICKS ara singh 10 x bi r V| E R'HOI'SE JEH K» Sl f H FLASH
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  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 78 8 WGATUm— Bri<rlil period*! and showers VV K\li»: K .(pyn tor ,;i from noon ioj.v nmpii^ «he II A I n t at \'%m.v\wt St°lion Air onrn fa. i Fair with Ion;; b-i»;i< mvmiii thi^ af»rrn««*m «i,. kiWi.. towards rvrnin* I .'i- n- d kl 'it mw rro-ri* \V|- d t.t
      78 words