The Singapore Free Press, 13 February 1947

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
  • 18 1 The Singapore Free Press LARGEST AFTERNOON SALE IN MALAYA gfgfdgfdgdfg SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1947. PRK'fc IU tt.M-
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  • 89 1 LONH Y V\ednesday. IHMT1ONA] t^tini ifej» amounting to A TH.tMX'.O towards the cost of maintain- M \nn\ during the year I Mar. 31. 7 \>ere published* as i Paper- On the other hand Ml reported that some expendiuld not reach '.he total originally >d. ncreaseci
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 1 I to On. Sir Montagu off t» I K where he i-« to take over Northern JfK j a Cover no- -Grn*rsU. Mr Malcolm (.^n Sir Neil, and Lady Ritchie
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  • 23 1 SOVIET ATTACK ON LABOUR GOVT deoi! .1- SO j I h and thtill receiv-j nen; news- A P tl ualiy the pos;- I
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  • 17 1 r ton yester;t the regular :re_s apmiiitmrj "*s made by a closed mcd Ser-
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  • 12 1 of rel-e. cea wasi Mr a v. Minister ta Parlia-
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  • 10 1 Interior, j Bounced he! s he Pacific a Reuter!
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  • 361 1 RANGOON, Wednesday. EIGHTEEN Communists were shot dead and many seriously wounded m a clash with a combined police and military squad at Lewe. m the Irrawaddy Delta area, it was reported today. The police also raided the Communist Party offices and arrested several Communist leaders
    Reuter; A.P.  -  361 words
  • 49 1 Free Press Staff Reporter. Yesterday afternoon Mr. D. E. Nickels, Assistant Superintend°n: of Poli:e m charge of the Cantonese Branch C.I.D. Singapore, recovered 4 650 rounds of automatic n i; c! or > mi ni icn near Bukit Timah Road. Three Indians have been detained by 'h* policf*
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  • 71 1 THE Argentine Government has bought all eleven British-owned 1 railways m the country for i. 135,500,000, plus £14,500,000 for ancilliary companies. Formal signature of the agreement, which comes after 13 weeks of negotiation, takes place today m Buenos Aires. Payment will be made m cash m sterling.
    Reuter  -  71 words
  • 458 1 ALL BRITAIN IS DIMMED OUT LONDON, Wednesday. THE daily five-hour ban on the household use of electricity, previously m force only m certain parts of England where all but essential industries are shut down, has been extended to cover the whole of England, Scotland and Wales. The burning of electricity
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  • 187 1 Ptet Pre_-s Stall Report-.r CINGAPORE labour chiefs believe there is a "very good chanre" iof settlement of the Mun. cipal strike mi n the next few days if negotiations now taking place are j maintained with ther present success. Mr. R. P. B.ngham, CommisI signer for
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  • 296 1 Free Press Staff Reporter HENRY LONGHURST, 38 year-old sports writer who m the last 15 years has won the German Amateur Open Golf Championship and the Press Golfing Society's London Challenge Cup besides being runner-up m the Swiss Amateur Open Championship, told me m Singapore
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  • 23 1 Rotarian Angus Mitchell. Instead of arriving m Singapore on Fricav, Feb 14, is now xpected In Singapore on Sunday. Feb 16.
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  • 246 1 LONDON, Wednesday. RLE Bishop of Chichester, Dr. Bell, today questioned Britain's right to continue employing German prisoners of war m this country as "serf labour". He was speaking m a debate m the House .of Lords on repatriation of German prisoners, and was supported by the
    Reuter  -  246 words
  • 412 1 GOVERNOR TO REPORT ON WAGES IN the House of Commons jes.erday, the Seer. lai Jol "c for the Colonies, said the Governor of Singapore, Sir frrankiin Gimson, had been asked for a report m connection w *h the petition submitted by Singapore Teachers' Associat.on six months ago, asking for a
    Reuter  -  412 words
  • 55 1 In Parliament yesteiaay Mr. 0. Osborne (Cons.. Louth) asked whether the 75,900 workers .mployed full-time m checking football coupons could not oe better employed at the present time. Mr. Ness Edwards, replying for the Ministry of Labour, said to force them to change would dp infringing
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  • 66 1 The Britten > roveriiment aeld the Normonton Yorkshire constituency when the bye-election result declared yesterday showed the Labour candidate* G O. Sylvester, a n.ncr was "eturned by 14.827 votes The figures given by Reutei arc: Sylv ste r 19.085. -J. E Powell. (Conservative) 4,25.1. Dr A D.
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  • 60 1 STALIN W INS Complet-e returns from mi electron m -he Russian Soviet Federation republics, stretching irom the Gulf of Finland to the Pacific, sl'.ow an overwhelming express on of confidence m Prme Minister Joseph Stalin and 'he bl:.' o. tho Communists and B« npartv candidat s. Ih« > against the
    A.P.  -  60 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 10 1 f ENGAGEMENT L ETERNITY Rf* T GS .OS utnn Xl»
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    • 632 2  -  U.N. SINGH A Story of Red Cross aid to "Death Railway" survivors BY ON Chinese New Year day I was travelling on the road to Kuala Lumpur and stopped for a cold drink m a village where Chinese, Malays and Indians rlike were celebrating the festival.
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    • 198 2 PASSENGERS on British Overseas Airways Corporation aircraft may once more .-end airadiograms to any part of the world. This reintroduces a service popular among air travellers before the war. Suspended on the outbreak of hostilities. it has now been re-establish-ed by arrangement with Pri- tain's Gent ral
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    • 233 2 UfEST hopefat-j opened n trump. no esped-Bg to reduce dummy's rulfing power. However, declarer ted no pnHn with the hnnd. He won the opening trump Id du^ and returned c spade. Eo. t mv the ace m order to lean a secon I trur^p h»it South
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    • Article, Illustration
      20 2 i >« s Weifare O mcer Mrs. M. laylor at Kunbur' lnd,an Ke S Staih, I*-C We--r. Q«lc«r to CAS Ol
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    • 701 2 OSCAR FERNANDEZ Free Press Special Reportei EXTENSIVE damage during the war to thj oil-stations at Fladjoo -»nd Sungei Geronf on the West bank ct the Mosei River a lew kilometres from Pakmbang, presents a colossa 1 job of rehabilitation •jnd the replacement cf machinery and
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 985 2 Free Press Crossword No. 39 __HT -HP fIH-V I* i i 1 1 CLL'ES ROSS Wa. 9-1 BBBS I I I 3 A sUght cut or shall »w i B___?S^ __S5 nc sicn <6> 6 a :ind ot mm m v mmfM -__JH_^B_i Ji--_--__H wo_den ruij trowel for HB BS
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    • 162 2 YOUR 1 LUCKY STAR jJ" KN a** tiiul .irui 'ite t < hkh. btt«e muM hr iul( vated («r rractu c .ami make an ur tiff cant: too «»r sip i; v f (omf«re r s tif th*> (air snr 1 a ti< -riarh ;iri<1k:*i t# YOU ha l:tM»4 u
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    • Article, Illustration
      37 3 thr ee mm and ds no- 'hat. IJM courI'.ter Dart the men »t re P ler retmrauu |rom to h> home ia GoMen m.n hurrying icirievcJ the baac Levy.j R m, Mrf I>awid t r j
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    • 561 3 Men are scarce m Germany LOVE will find a way m Frankfurt even if it has lo ad- vert ise. At nearly every street-corner m this headquarters city of the American occupation forces m Germany are posted small coloured notices offering goods for sale, rooms to
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    • 258 3 0 light m early winter, with halt a gale a blacked-out motor launch, the The nto i'reMatvn, N. Wales. Despite the loss of "to,^ passengers boarded the launch, which headed for the open mm and South Africa. int, whose passengers included 12 Idren, did
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    • 57 3 j lon tor to a his own guide a: Hyde Park Iter, he told Metropolitan •JOO questions about London. It ill my o. I carriec iper and empty cigame, and jotted md bawl two potato sacks raps of paper, I sorted them off.
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    • 24 3 Five hundred Duyors attended he oper.ior of a tur auction at i Montreal h- which 29,615 beaver j .>elts wc-re dcing offered.
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    • 22 3 A DievA road roller, for which I the makers ofTered €5. has been sold by Acton Corporation for £550.
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    • 63 3 THE smallest village m England may soon increase it£ population—from three to four. During the war only Albert Adams and his wife lived at Diichford. near Wellingborougn, Northants— where one train stops a week— but son Ronald has now ccme home. And with him is
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      17 3 VALERIE Sowden shows her dolls house to visitors, though she is too old to play with it.
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    • 110 3 WILLIAM R ADDON HALM AN, sft. 14 U-i hired the tillage hall at Sunninghill, Berks, to celebrate his golden wedding and advise his family to have more children. William 77, and his wife Gertrude, 72, have 12 children, 14 grandchildren and three
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    • 204 3 EVERY morniriK Mr. Harold Spencer, 31, and his wife catch the 7.36 train from Golcar, Yorks, to Manchester. Often it runs late. But one morning, when it was on time, Mr and Mrs. Spencer reached the station from their home in Green-view. Golca just as it
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    • 84 3 I UEROINE ot a previous raid. f 1 11-ytar-old Joyce Batt. Holloway. London, foiled a gunman who attempted a hold-up at a sub-post office m Marlborough Road, Upper Holloway. Miss Batt was alone m the post office when a man entered and pointed a revolver She switched
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    • 33 3 Rubber factory extension at Freshford, a beauty spot near Bath, needed to cope, it was said 1 at an inquiry, with £250,000 export orders for tennis balls has been approved.
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    • 79 3 THE provision of baths <tnd a bigger r>ap ration for brickworkers are among the recommendations of the Committee on Amenities m ihe Brier amAmuMr} whose report is issued a« a White Paper. Although urging nic: hanisation, the committee adds: "Brickmaking must always require a strong and virile
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    • 27 3 Coalville and district miners will star m a feature film produced by Crown Film Unit showing the social and home life of pit workers.
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    • 24 3 A typewriter from the former Japanese Embassy m London was sold for £95 at a London auction j of Embassy property.
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    • 93 3 DOCTOR'S orders to Mr. Walter Ellerington, butler to Sir William Prince Smith, of Southburn, Driffield, Yorks, were that he could get up for his wedding providing he went back to bed directly after. Obeying his doctor implicitly, he stayed m bed till just before the wedding, stayed
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    • 247 3 TOY TOOK TOO LONG TO BUILD VALERIE SOWDEN own. what she thinks is the b-sgest doll's house m London but she's never played with it. Wide-eyed with fascination, and standing as high as a four-year-old girl could on her toes, she watched her father start ouilding it on the dining-room
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    • 320 3 THE case of "the little girl wit2-~ out a stomach," Peggy Ann Elkerson. i s being studied oy medical experts who wain to learn how she has thrived tight years on a diet by beer and peanuts. Although they do not know exactly how her food
      A.P.  -  320 words
    • 19 3 Two small Swiss siamiJS. known as the 'Double Geneva.' fetched £230 at a London auction
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    • 246 3 A 76-YEAR-OLD wife was stated at Chatham Magistrate* Court to have beaten her 68 year-old husband, who is a foot taller, until he was cowed and terrified. The woman, Mrs. Ada Newman, a boarding-house owner, of Chatham, who had been arrested by a pol ceman.
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    • 90 3 COUNCILLOR Edward King, Mayor of Wednesbury, Staffs, j who, on principle, resigned from his job as secretary of Wednesbury Socialist Party on becoming mayor last November, finds he cannot keep his wife and two I children' out of his savings, and is now looking for a
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    • 19 3 The Camping Club ol Great Britain and Ireland has increased its membership to about 10,000 a record.
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    • 491 5 COMMITTEE URGE NEW ROAD LAWS Free Press Staff Reporter MEMBERS of the newly-constituted Traffic Advisory Committee will soon press the Government to amend certain sections of the traffic laws whicn have been outdated through vast changes m traffic problems m the war years. They recognise that the biggest menaces to
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    • 123 5 INDONESIANS FOR TALKS IN DELHI INDONESIAN Labour representatives, who are para:pating m the In Asian Relations Conference being held m New Delhi from Feb. 15, are to put forward questions relating, firstly, to conversion of Colonial economy to economy of a free > ate of Indonesia: secondly. inter-Asiatic migration
      Reuter  -  123 words
    • 218 5 I.- m staff Rcpartai I THK warn r he Coveminent that there should be IMM nmtm well received, accoidMr i r*. Dircctai of Eiiucation Singapore. I Press yesterday that he m. b the better class vernacular seditious propaganda, party are not being taught. "I am also
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    • 16 5 Bj 0 his tl b 1 are can I o
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    • 9 5 1 i a land Si
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    • Article, Illustration
      83 5 GEN. SIX MONTAGU STOPFOK D inspected a parade at Tang-in just before he set out for Changi to take a plane for UK where he v. ill take over Northern Command. He is seen m these pictures inspecting the Queen's Royal Reg intent, and saying goodbye to officers of GHQ.
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    • 149 5 TWO SHIPS TO REPAT INDIANS I r THE problem of repatriating Indians from Malaya to India has been solved. Makiny. this statement at a Press con- I i ference m Singapore yesterday.! j Mr. S. X Che'.tur, representative j I of tre Government of India, said two boats. Rajula end
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      37 5 Mr. K. Cneitur is rclinquish;;i? poeittsn as representative of the Government of India ta return to India fcr discussions with hi j Government on the n v/ d:r_e'':i pr nesals fcr Malaya as it affects Indians.
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      17 5 >// 12 CHANG1 II to 1 "-fiS r to I K -re Lord P -»ndtho (.,n mong many
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    • 7 5 NEW P. O. SHIP China I ship
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    • 266 5 GENERAL elections under the new constitution will be held m Ceylon m July. How the elections will be carried onl is of special interest to Singapore, whose election plan will b" based on thai of Ceylon. Ceylon's general election may be devoid of all thrills
      Reuter  -  266 words
    • 80 5 DEPORTED to be carrying only one ton of cargo Chinese j jelly, the China Merchants Steam Navigation Compayys 10,000 tonner Hai Tien sailed for Calcutta today via Hongkong and Singa- i pore on her maiden voyage of the New China— lndia line. The vessel,
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    • 226 5 COMMA N DO ADMIRAL FOR INDIA T ITTLE Admiral of Tobruk. I Admiral Sir Walter Cowan, who fought with the Commandos at the age of 73 and made Honorary Colonel at the age of 75. is off to sea again. He is sailing to India m the aircraft carrier! •Theseus"
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    • 40 5 FE Chinese Federation Committee. Chung Hua Chung Hui. m Jogjakarta has cabled the Chinese Consul- General at Batavia appealing to him to ask the Dutch authorities to "stop military anions which utterly imperii the people's security,"
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    • 105 5 Free Press 8 aif Reportei ASSERTING that the Dutcn i N-E.I. Go\ernment should bear full responsibility for the!; loss of life and property suffered by the Palemb.* g Chinese during ihe recent between Dutch and Indonesians, Mr On? Guan Kin, cha nnan of the Palembang
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    • 38 5 The Scots actor Sidney Toier ihe 59-year-oid "Charhe Chan' to millions cf cinema-goers, died m Hollywood y.sterday. from m.cs.inal cancer, says UP He kept acting until recently, despite intense pain H? made 25 Chan pictures.
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    • 313 5 Free Press Bangkok Correspondent THERE has been a drastic change m the method of acquiring rice m Siam for export the responsibility has been transferred from the Rice Purchasing Bureau to the Ministry of the Interior. Each district officer has been set a minimum target figure
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    • 443 5 BUS STRIKE: 'NO ARBITRATION YET' Free Press Staff Reporter INFORMING the Free Press I that his Union had not yet taken any definite steps to agree to arbitration, Mr. R. K. Samy, chairman of the Singapore Traction Company Employees' Union, said yesterday: "It is true arbitration has been suggested to
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    • 58 5 Tie St. Andrew's Old Bo\s' pioduetion of Lady Precious s ream vll be repeated m the Vict rai Singapore, today, tomorrow and on Saturday. St ;s may be booked at Robr:the charges b -\r.i. 55. SJ. end Mr. P. A. B MeKcrrcn. the C nlal Se.retary. lias
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    • 191 6 U AKLBOROIGH College, one of Britain's most famous In'^Mr^ 0018 has been described as "a veritable sweatshop. Mr. George A. Powell, area officer for the Xatinnil Inion of Public Employees, had thus to say of the ci c a a Meeting m the town:
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    • 468 6 To mobilise research for peace and war A GENERAL STAFF for British science has been set up by the Government. It will be responsible for planning the scientific researches of Britain and for mobilising them as thoroughly for peace as they were for war. Chief
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    • Article, Illustration
      47 6 EIK-ST pictures ol ihe »*;> Hntons uh i were kidnapped l)> terrorists m Palestine as ■frtajr* against the execution of Duv Gruner. condemned tj death for his part m a terrorist ra-d. Above is Maior H. I Ct|. Ims. and brim Judge Ralph Uindliam. Both uer- later released.
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    • 84 6 The spotters re-join r t .KI.Y 10.000 former members have rejoined the Royal Observer Corps m Britain and men and women without previous experience can now enrol. The Air Ministry has announced that age limits are 16 to 45 for centre service and up m> -«0 for post service. Recruits
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    • 21 6 N ;ngham City Council is to ■pert* £26.000 o n converting an anji-alrcraft gun site into a
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    • 23 6 Among 255,711 articles left on L-'nd-.n Transport vehicles m 11 last \e >r were "3 rs ot_ gloves and 31,096 umbrellas.
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    • 17 6 Lambeth Council has been recommended to employ disabled ____5J* men as car park at
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    • 18 6 Two opossums were sent by air rom U.S. as a gift to Mr. Symingon. Market Harborough
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      92 6 E» i ia ing BigM it the x hoLiid racng track m Lond n thousands' of punter? make their bets c>„ th a i jm n n ■■fn al have been closed to save eotricity. AbovV ate the cms of electric s popped as a race begins. «hJ c the
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    • 425 6 A N anonymous leller purporting to dis close th c past love affairs of a young woman was read at YVimborne when a mar was accused of shoot 'ng her fiance as he wa* kissing her goodnight. The letter was alleged to have been written by Percy
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    • 38 6 Old Bill" to every Judge and barrister on the Northern Cireu t Mr. William J. H. Graham, 74 for 25 years the clerk, began his 'last tour of duty whe n Liverpool Assizes opened.
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    • 153 6 VICAR HAD 'YEAR OF HELL' WHEN the Rev. Percy G. Lang- don became Vicar of Croxley Green. Her:s, heReceived anonymous letters. Was often called out of bed by false phone calls. Was persistently annoyed by j people ringing hi s door bells and running away— sometimes three bells rang at
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    • 74 6 J u OC and lhe British Tommy will oe able to keep up (b r wartime friendship under a new organisatj n launched m B~ita n 'and the United States. rrlnH! cl Wshlp of "-British Comrades, open to Servicemen or civilians cr either sex who
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    • 52 6 TWENTY-FlVr arrets have been made m the course of Fran co -Swiss investigations into the distribution of forged 1.000--franc Swis s notes. It is now established that Paris is the centre of operations, but neither leader of the gang nor the central printing presses have yet bee
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    • 53 6 Hri«| 18 7i B vTIt haV J n f the time of th with the Hm^k**^' 1 shoa,s f iu Many brak p a tackU 1"™?^ thousands of these fish. gS Lay siortsmon rlno^'^ h aUling from boats and ''boil." Sportsmen shoals so big they
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    • 247 6 MKb. -.DWENA ALLOTT. 42.year-o!d Hai rugate hou* _tf 1" went home with ten new sheets under her arm .9 m her purse and a song m her heart. She wt s ,'hf on' woman to outb d dealer* at Thm-r. °"<- was tr »e
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    • 13 6 Bevaus< mic>: Norfolk s to br: ber are ben..
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    • 41 6 35 SAVED BY CLIFF LIFELINE JUHILI Cork, v CTiV. J me **HtJI from th.* |W j H I I —and Tlv som ia*. i Stewarc i the ship b\ had 'coat-d d leg lashed and I Be. the bour
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    • 31 6 A his Mr tor. Hea.\ about it. Dr. R B E iof Heal "Th. '"..v i tac; negligifa i Thband had could t» as ai ment
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    • 23 6 SILVER WEDDING OF THE ATTLEE att mentary L MP,- oo theli d n Or. Ifamlce Webb Party pn Att! r I century D.
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    • 22 6 Sixty-six uncut diamonds valued at £1,250, have been found on two natives employed at a diamond mine mi n Tanganyika
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    • 27 6 I 1. fa) Polish. Chopin was born near Warsaw Ln 1810 r o t 1865 (ci Czech Born at I pitn miflchl. 1824 l Leito
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    • 91 8 BOMBAY TO HAVE PAYON MILL Mr. F. H. Mehta, oi the Bombay textiles Arm of H. M. Mehta and Company, told Reuter m New York: yesterday than he had been arranging for the const rue Men of a rayon mill m the Bombo y^a rea at the cost cf $3,000
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    • 511 8 LONDON, Wednesday. UNLESS the Arabs and the Jews came to an agreement, tne U British Government would probably have to submit the whole Palestine problem to the United Nations, Mr. Ernest Bevin, British Foreign Secretary, told Arab delegates to the resumed Palestine Conference m London
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    • Article, Illustration
      23 8 F-lls Be »s-y-Co Miesc falls, called R..a>adr-y-YVei.nol occur where the River L.'uiwy cascades over a broken cliff and are famous for their beauty.
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    • 446 8 CITY NEWS FUEL CRISIS HITS LONDON SHARE PRICES LONDON "Ved L" of re London Sio k Lxchar.gc on Ihe third day c I ridus rul ct fis was t£ accelerated decline in British C rnmeiit secure ics. \os. n, re today Jian In 11 e tint iwo d .o^echer.
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    • 424 8 BIRMINGHAM, Wednesday. Iff HEN a 47 -year oW Indian pedlar appealed on a double mm murder charge at Birmingham Court today it was alleged that he had complained a "hoodoo" had been put on him and he had gone round trying to kill the devil. Abdul
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    • 262 8 (Continued from Page 1; 48 hours tor a BOfmaj 36-AOnr rip. Steps a^v taken In London to lischarg? coal at docks m th Thames iyjt normally used by coal ships m order to ensure a rapid turn rour.d. More than 10€ coal ships m nonh-eas.
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    • 209 8 ABD EL KRIM, one-time terror oi the Riff, who all but drove the Spanish Army from Mcrocco into the sea, is returning from 2C» years to exile on the Island cf Reunion m the Indian Ocean, with the full approval of the French authorities to spend
      U.P.; Reuter  -  209 words
    • 113 8 _«i> u^ i. New York, Thurs. MR. Henry Wallace, former United States Secretary of Com- tncrce asserted today that Britain, France and "a Scandinavian country —he did nnto t say which— were building atomic energy plants and that m the fitted States "we alone have succeed^
      Reuter  -  113 words
    • 50 8 The annual licensing sessions Oxford University says U.F. ness m Britain increased 100 per cent durng 1946. It was stated that Cambridge led all of England m drunkenness and Oxford was ,econd. It was regarded as a "bitter" defeat for the Dark Blue* of Oxford University says UP
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    • 57 8 Just chicken feed to him li il> I take cha- S of the eMerg* rations for more than 1•% \n_ no* m responsibility is >\ ,-r- (or, ttfc sits b« ,io hiv g vack,«i railwa> stdin X ai IrU id. g tT Mr. lead > t.,;i of th- newK r
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    • 79 8 The President of Poland Boleslaw Beirut on Wednesday promised amnesty to all underground bands who come out of the forests and lay down their arms, 6ays A.P. from Warsaw. He also announced a general amnesty would be granted on Feb. 18 to about 100,000 persons
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    • 261 8 BATAVIA, Wednesday. THE Indonesia Republic Jul- gmwn up m the past 18 months into an apparently healthy western-style State vhich bids fair to become a showcase of Asiatic nationalism, cables Stan Swinton, Associated Press correspondent. During a week of unrestricted movement inside the republican Java
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    • 59 8 Fiercl: i j eeedin J 1 the ject oi pr< Germa..; It the B elude pass: 10 b-' raised a Mr Be vi i issued visit ma peace a that since 1 concerned at of imperia:. m mind that me ar Socialist I nationc. S Mr B things m
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    • 301 8 JERUSALEM, Wednesday. DOV GRUNER, the 33-year-old Jewish terrorist condemned to death for an attack on a Palestine police station, has been granted an "indefinite" respite by General Sir Evelyn Barker, G.O.C. British troops m Palestine, it was officially announced m Jerusalem tonight. The respite will continue
      Reuter; U.P.  -  301 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 98 3 lAU FOR Q! AI ITY SOUND PROJECTION! itfaatail' gat; 'f*fhMiilftY_£l M /l T k M 4 5 6.30 9.15 ,t,: ()Ni^ TRUE m^\\ m^^ mm^ *OViF RECORD TO 1 DEPICT THE WARRIOR mi THAN the WAR' V__flH__lQ_l_W^ UNPREJUDICED JfIMMJJRft isenhower said I 3 j lil'J j I '*c -9/V57 he
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 82 3 TARZAN Jwragle lord In danger B\ Edmr Hire Burroughs m> AS THEY EKTZZEQ THE STOCKADE 1 K'AV\ J '///I lIAS HE FELL, OTHER <^V£=>\AN LIKE] 1~~ r^pi CORRAL. DR.ZEE SECrZeriy^^J rV\ V 3f CREATURES LEAPEP ON Hi/wy-.-jr^ Tg Hl\ ?EACWIN6 OtrrwrTH HiS PRE HEN- **^PWl"%fls T \kll,!^ —WHILE TwE SINISTER
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    • 649 4 The Singapore Free Pfess THURSDAY. Feb. 13. 1947. Russians Ask For More AS the Deputies of the "Big Four" Foreign Ministers make but slow progress at their London meetings towards drafting peace treaties for Austria and Germany to be considered at the Moscow Conference of th^ Big Four Foreign, Ministers
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    • 1224 4  -  O'DOWD GALLAGHER and the greatest command ever to be held by a British General BY DV the coming spring D the Middle East Land Forces— or MELF, for short will nave grown into the biggest command, territorially speaking, ever held by a British general. It
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    • Article, Illustration
      22 4 MR MILES D£M-PSKI Former C.-in-C Allied land Forces. South East Asia, who left Singapore last year to beccme C.-in-C. Middle East Forces
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    • 55 4 1. Whai was (or is> the >nality oi- Francois Chopin; (b> Johan Juluts Sibelius; fc) Friedr: Smetana? 2. How far away from us (approximately) are 'a) the sun <b> the moon 3 "Reading maketfa a full man: conference a ready man; and writing an exact man." Who is the
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    • 19 4 Let him eschew evil, and do 1 Rood; lot him seek peace, and ensue it. 1 Tetcr. 11.
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    • 376 4 ■tREStoED m a dark suit with a soft blue shirt and a Vnecked brown sweater Prince TAKAMATSU. second 'brother Japanese Emperor HIROHITO, turned up the ot,«er nipht at Tokio's Ginza and sat with the city's cabaret queen at his side for charity's Rake He did not dance,
      376 words
    • 687 4  -  J. M. Kilburn by rE Australians are a youthful people. Theirs are the virtues and shortcomings, the pleasures anxieties of adolescence. They are, as a nation, undergoing the individual's inevitable experience of pruwing up. This, I should hasten to make plain, is not the glib summary
      687 words
    • Letters To The Editor
      • 48 4 RAID CEREMONY Comraard*- i«_neval rad}- :*<u i-.toxi. toady ;nT;>-. IM tfl remember It I cpremony ir. M*rc_i -ttadeir General de o_. THr by Coi Ci men* Wto o by the R Ud b\ S arc i Alb pri H H T D the\ war. s
        48 words
  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 36 4 Une <siJ haters Jinl Choice LAUREL GOOD TEMPERED BLADE RAZOfc ____i —^i^^^—j* ._a a^s.r^C\ j— to ______^V f>UMS-a_-.L SLOTTED NOTCHED COOLS n sT/rS AAtV WAZOX MADE IN SHEFFIELD BY GEO H LAWRENCE LTD. Sole Importer* Papineau
      36 words
    • 38 4 Efc Opening TO-DA t Alexander Korda's V Mightiest TECHNICOLOR Hit! v FOUR 1 FEATHERS 19 John Clements Ralph Richards n fll C. Aubrey Smith June Duprez i___________--"- i u£% P^ Exoticallv Exci- "TANGIER "^C«___r ▼"'Vi> m Thrillinc TECHN
      38 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 31 5 £ST NOVELS. NCE $5 Ofl HET 5.10 5 70 By'ii 5. 10 E B\ 5 70, BE A S 70 M 7 50 By S 70 \D ■on co., N «n-„,j»oi-»
      31 words
    • 83 5 Agam We Screen Another Superb t.ovie! Opening Today m%W$& 4 Shows 1.30 4 P. v.. H_r^ _f z Hi *TjE2o? j3_L "*^!i I ----Ej-?— SP^^ _i^__^_r k <"__S/' _E^______l Bt^i 1 1__-&— s ->? HpTf <y| r ap TfapMm^-'"' feajsr'jfc^ ..v-**-.--£_£_A*^>^__b_____ t^^/CLI-MG &4k l_r ■*dv*> m :^__l i ____T»_ ff^T
      83 words

  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 127 6 I GRAND OPENING TODAY 1 1 a.m. 1.45. ;r CATHAY I YOU WILL SEE TENS OF THOUSANDS OF CMTIi SWIMMING m crocodile-infested rivtl FLOUNDERING death Uosi STAMPEDING tmsmm with Mm! IN THIS THRILL-PACKED ACTION f*X MTCHTTES THAN ANY \VI>TI 1^ Ealing Studios' great romantic adventure m CHIPS RAFFERTY Daphne CAMPBELL
      127 words
  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 57 6 MNE RS -jr-. 1 Exclusive to the Si„ Sa t> ore Free Press m Malaya f THATS THE PILOTS SIGNAL-H Vc.^r "^SSSHM I f STORMY WEATHER sTstfp' T ASTEfJ YOUR hprt better warn the flres- 'i^li: belts. 11 at /Auc moment mSSS=^^=r==^==^r 40v KEEPS S.E?w T >r^ U^__Z|#:\^ <*"£?***> a*
      57 words

    • 1212 7 ENGLISH CRICKET NEEEDS BOWLERS Sportsman's Scrapbook Importan t task for County Clubs om' By The Sports Editor TIE failure of th c English bowlers to get the Australian batsmen out for moderate totals m the Test matches lias raised an outcry m Eng'and ior the need for bowlers of true
      1,212 words
    • 54 7 The following are invited to repre- j sent the Malays aeainst SEALP HQ :n J a friendly game of soccer on at Ta-an Besar Stadium. fc off at Dl Jaafar or Hashim; Aodul Rahman ( y, Bel] h; Tuba, Harlth, Ek<an or Hah- i; Sha I Samad
      54 words
    • 35 7 WANTS TO FIGHT HICK McKAY .1 j ighft. I to j itfa African I a has n baniin the ntident h m elf 9 n--1 i an:! tae to \irica. r.»r the r .i John
      35 words
    • 49 7 ■r my bal I, I. I up me f I the Club In the >rei I i ther two I time. of I I was I. I r pushing tcr receiv. 1 the H ft"'. I. I fast a power h and still
      49 words
    • 222 7 i UICHIE Ql'lCK Tjil LONDON, Wednesday. ad to persuade Nel Tarleton tv latherwtiuht championship of Great I instead of accepting Jack Solomons' offer i Al Phillips of .Vdgate, but I am able to exJn c purse offered the great Liverpool -> what would you
      222 words
    • 456 7 From NORMAN PRESTON. BAI.LARAT. Wed. AFTER struggling hard to pass the Victoria Country Xls total ot 268 here today m the sec:nd and last day of the match, the M.C.C. tourists succeeded to take th. 1 honours of a drawn match. Their
      456 words
    • Article, Illustration
      0 7
      0 words
    • 203 7 LONDON, Wednesday. IUILFRED MANNION, English international inside-left, Ti scored the last three goals during Middlesbrough's second-half rally which eliminated Nottingham Forest from the F.A. Cup. Middlesbrough played better football on the snowbound ground and opened the scoring, but Barks and Edwards scored within two
      203 words
    • 69 7 Goalkeepers had snow and ice for their "take-off" m the^c recent Cup-ties, but these pictures show them as agile as ever. Above is Williams, of Wolves. totting to a bounc ng ball b iore Hagan, of SheiiUid I'nited (stripes), with Cullis ready to help. On the
      69 words
    • 84 7 I'HE ROCKLITES will meet the Nc. 1 British Transit Camp, Nee Soor, m v friendly game ot S ccer on _>aturi aay at 4 pm at Nee Boon, Tn-Mpott leave, the- R_.*y Theatre "at 3 p_R Tli- team v. ill be ;ia- ted _ram: Che^v.-
      84 words
    • 124 7 On Sunday, VET B P. scored fifth victory m a row by defeal Lorcng Limau Chinese Sports and Family Benefit Party m a four singles and three doubles badminton match played on Lucky Strike court Lloyd Gardens R.-ult-. 6—l. are: <VET players fin 1 1 Single*: Hodri
      124 words
    • 56 7 The B-JhDwyu Sports Club ,a friendly frame of soccer a?:.. jS.CC. at the Padang at 515 p.m. jto-merr The team will be rr Jr m th" following: Wai Mun. Chin Atk. R Krishna N Samy, M.rhael Ijoh, Aziz. Chandra. Tong Whatt, H»i "c Zona m. Eksan. En- Siang.
      56 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 45 7 *yJ (f^ K mSi R "_f__f _r iv A. %#/^j//. fIrsPH I N X n i ummrWr Wr WfmW 0 aaaaaaaaaama_-_»M-aaaa-B»i ri|Hjp *&w (wick. fs__2s. C*__-, COftf f\ SUS^feM ivT ll ■^w-X_J*-^|K Now with a _-_^---------i---_--_l_ i_t_--^-^-H-ri-l __v CORK TIP and the same GOODNESS _i_________________________i______H__«__«_i--_»-__----^
      45 words

  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 87 8 TO-DAY lOTH DAY _*> 11 a.m.— 2 p m —4 15 p m 6 30 m P Singapore's Longest Fihn-Mifll COLUMBIA S MULTI-MILUO D Jt nosYoYoYwV/A VftffJMl'M :NMtf -IWINIGHTS Aladdin Mast Be With CORNEL WILDE. He sing* i- ,n( 6 time what a Deep, Thi-iHing B_ri«». Vow has! Cornel Rides
      87 words
  • Page 8 Miscellaneous
    • 105 8 WEATHER Rain and bright periods VV' LATHER report for 24 noun, from noon today compiled by the R.A.F. Central Forecasting Station, Air Command, Far- East Occasional showers with long bright intervals this afternoon but fine to-night and fair to-morrow afternoon Wind, light north-westerly, becoming calm at night. Sunset 6.52 pm.
      105 words