The Singapore Free Press, 31 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
  • 19 1 The Singapore Free Press LARGEST AFTERNOON SALE fN MALAYA jfc X.687. SINGAPORE, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 31, 1946. PRICE 10 CKNTS.
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  • 50 1 As a gesture of British friendship and to help the Norwegians, the Royal Navy recently handed two destroyers to the Norwegian Navy. This picture shows the ceremony of handing over the HMS Croziers and Crystal, with the Norwegian crews waiting on the quayside to take over.
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  • 241 1 SINGAPORE CRIME WAR Free Press Staff Reporter ffO Chinese minmen wbre shot last night one died lin hospital later— in a revolver duel with the Police m Singapore. The shooting occurred m Bukit mail Road, near the ninth mile, about 8.30 p.m. three Chinese detectives
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  • 123 1 U.S. backs call to disarm r..urs. s here yesterday pledged *o sup- umaaeol jnposj- v d Nation*, C a:.d asked that sal -ijard- I sjßtm "ion. tbt chje: the United a his ad- k yesterday a counter- :ov's call to ser working o:. a^armament. recriminate United States. d o- her
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  • 40 1 .Scotland Yard scored its nrst success m stopping the wave ol jewel robberies with the arrest of a man and a woman who were charged with robbing earrings and bracelets of Princess Hilda of Bavaria.
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  • 38 1 Prisoners leaving Dartmoor Prison following: their hunger strike staged in connection with the Kluang mutiny sentences. The 10 prisoners wore their khaki uniforms and waved to onlookers. They moved to prisons in the London area.
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  • 102 1 EUROPEAN STONED BY STRIKERS Free Press Staff Reporter A EUROPEAN who entered the coolie lines at the Singapore Harbour Board yesterday was stoned by a number of strikers. He escaped with the heip of Harbour Board police without suffering injury. No arrests wei? made. Mr. H. Basten, Chairman of the
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  • 26 1 Experiments m cinema television are to start m Britain within a year, it is announced by J. Arthur Rank, Britain's premier film magnate, Reuter
    Reuter  -  26 words
  • 262 1 JERUSALEM, Wednesday. A TERRORIST gun girl slipped past Arab policemen at Jerusalem central railway station today, held up a railway clerk at pistol point and deposited 3 suitcases of bombs m the waiting room. The bombs later wrecked part of the station and killed
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  • 394 1 Free Press Staff Repofter THERE is a waiting list of hundreds of tuberculosis sufferers who want treatment at the Tan Tock Seng Hospital m Moulmein Road, Singapore, and only a fraction of them can be treated at one time. People who are found to have malignant
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  • 38 1 acling GOC-in-C, Malaya, is pictured on his arrival m London to take up his appointment as Field Marshal Viscount Mont romery's chief tank adviser. Gen. Arkwright succeeds Maj. Gen. Raymond Briggs at the War Office.
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  • 42 1 Sardar Ajet Singh who oroadcast for Italy during the early stages of the war was now m a hospital at Bielefeld, Germany, undergoing treatment for tuberculosis, says British military airiiorities. Singh had be^n re-poi-ted dead by the Indian press.
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  • 110 1 LONDON, Wed. AUTHORITATIVE British sources said tonight that British and American political and military chiefs had agreed, m principle, to standardise land, air and naval weapons and munitions to fixed sizes and patterns. The sources declared Defence Minister-designate, A. V. Alexander, would give the
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  • 94 1 Free Press Staff Reporter It is reported that the Royal Family will visit Australia during their tour of the British Empire. It is, however, unlikely that they will visit Malaya or Singapore. At Government House this morning, I was told that no word has been
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  • 24 1 Moderately strong earthquake, apparently m the vicinity at Aleutians, was recorded yesterday m Eastern UJS. It lasted ior two lours.— A.P
    A.P  -  24 words
  • 47 1 Free Press London Correspondent Mr. Frederick Bellenger, the War Secretary, promised to obtain details of the number of Servicemen at present under canvas m Malaya, the percentage reporting sick daily, the number m hospital and the total repatriated on medical grounds*
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  • 260 1 USSR HOLDS 1 ,450,000 JAPANESE TOKIO, Wed. TTHE controversial Japanese re*- patriation topic was further enlivened as Gen. Douglas MacArthur announced that 76,000 Nips were returned to their homeland during the week ending Oct. 27, and other Supreme Command Allied Powers officials disclosed that the Russians, Chinese and British Governments
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 145 3 WASHINGTON, Tuesday. 13 ntr ttni <>( American exports bought m the next Give month- are expected to be paid for m dollars 1 the form of loans to foreign countries by j?V Export Import Bank. -ure of the boost given the nations' over. foreign lending programme
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  • 83 3 TT has taken 7*-year old Mr. A. R. Andrew of Finchley. London, a year to train 'Bill* his shaggy foxterrier to count. Now it is claimed that c*o? can count up to 18 and subtract any number from nine. The answer comes out m short barky
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  • 157 3 GREENGROCER Frank Robert U Chamberlain, of Churchstreet, Harwich, ha s £100 on his conscience. So he ha* made this appeal: "Mr. Frank Chamberlain is anxous to know the present address of any creditor who has failed to prove his claim, and r specially those to whom
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  • 39 3 GRANNY,97, SAID 'NO.I'LL WALK' P? G:in nj Pa^more, aged Qz:n Mart n Devon. i*2!r*r, a st ame that took acOrnbe to Cardiff dan offer sh c told me m Pros■i.Timan. South "I never and I am not my legs
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  • 150 3 Beetle plague cuts furniture A SUDDEN plague of a tiny parasite, the lyctus beetle, will mean a drastic cut m utility furniture supplies m the next few months, reports the British Board of Trade. The beetle it bores small holes m unseasoned wood, leaving behind a sawdust trail has multiplied
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  • 82 3 TTHE French Food Minister has seized 66,000,000 gallons of Algerian wine m his offensive against the black marketeers. This is the whol c of th e regaining stock of wine left n Algeria. This action was taken to ensure the French Deople's meagre ration, now
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  • 78 3 TiUM U.n-e smiling girls are among the first displace! ntiso;*s allowed to leave their camps m the British zone m Germany to start a new life m Britain. They are among a hundred girls from the Baltic states of Lithuania, Latvia and Esthonia who have volunteered
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  • 193 3 THE first cinema to be run by a church has been opened m Edinburgh. It is owned and operated by the Church of Scotland, which decided to go jnto the show business when an anonymous donor gave them an old picture palace. Religious films will
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  • 15 3 Jap high school giiis have struck for right tc bob their hair.
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  • 123 3 lET the children paint. Pink grass, blue houses, s x-legged buffaloes no matter, so long as they do It spontaneously. And do not correct work however crude. This is the advice of the British Ministry of Education, which considers art so fundamental for the child's
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  • 33 3 Facts given m a summary of the Registrar General's Statistical Review of England and Wales for 1942, published recently, show that the number of suicides fell during the last war.
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  • 24 3 The British Government "s 'onsidering spending many millions of pounds on growing grqunti-nut? m East Africa to increase Eritish's supply of fats
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  • 197 3 U.K.planning best cotton machines. AN important new development for placing British cotton machinery right at the head of world production is now under way. All the big British manufacturers of cotton machinery have agreed to set up as quickly as possible a permanent hew research organisation to study and collate
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  • 162 3 ONE of the most colourful criminals of recent years, Michael Dennis Corrigan, has teen found hanged at BrixUn Prison He was awaiting trial at the Old Bailey on charges of obtaining: £2,065 by false pretences Short, aged about 54 (no one knew his
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  • 46 3 When Dr. F. O. rodd:ngton, Bradford stipeniary, was tod that an accused man was absent from court beraus? he had lumtago. he •aid: "Lumbago is a mer* triviality." Later the man was bra-jgx.t to court by ambulance and was carried m on a stretcher.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 73 3 f RE-OPENING 1 I TO THE PUBLIC AGAIN I I NOVEMBER IH I FRESH SYDNEY ROCK BY AIR FROM AUSTRALIA I ALMOST DAILY I Also fresh strawberries dinners and a la carte I I SINCAJo^ AIRPORT I I I, HOTEL LIS I M J| P > l,':....^l|t HL^, y Please
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 346 5 SINGAPORE GODOWN MUDDLE A Free Press Staff Reporter LMOST without exception, Singapore importers are complawmg about the "godown muddle" Ynd difficulty m finding their goods once they are landed m Singapore There is no attempt at tidy packing when a ship is LE» carrying their goods docks, and make their
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  • 33 5 arrived m *V«T bY t^ trooper S"2r is pr. ritin? a ■•ST-Worm's E7« View" at SSoriaThi-nv under the „,1 s trlinmenl parting SS tai v.r. Bounty KS m the comedy
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  • 213 5 NEW DELHI, Tuesday. fits not intended to lift or relax the ban on immigration unless satisfactory conditions m respect of work, wages ■d status of the Indian labourer is assured by the countries wing Indian labour," Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru said m tke Central Indian Legislative Assembly
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  • 89 5 Emitted to oy the SinH»C..:r.ese Chamber o: ComJ -he enforce- -"t P: .:rol Ordi- Ifef Ma.a'-a:; Union, r*«£eSin Chv.s J.; Poh. the m J3*o«s of P rice control is by t^.e iuaring comCJJ sine-? the .c open re- nvarket. l^fr* -n as to C^ Goven.ment
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  • 85 5 FOR the first time m 20 years, water rates m Singapore will Ibe increased next month by the Singapore Municipality to raise extra revenue to cover the abnormal expenditure on waterworks urgently required over the next few years. It will cost the domestic consumer 33 cents
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  • 158 5 'pHE British Government have J succeeded m arranging shipments of flour to be diverted to Malaya at her own expense. Certain shipments of Canadian flour will be diverted to Malaya during November. These shipments have been arranged at the expense of United Kingdom supplies, despite
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  • 299 5 Free Press Staff Reporter MOST of the large Singapore business firms are becoming 'wife-conscious" and making full arrangements to meet wives and children of their employees who are coming to the Far East for the nrst time, but there are still case-? of women reaching Singapore
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  • 47 5 The Free Press cameraman was there when the Police and Food Control Department men raided a street m Singapore to clear it of hawkers as part of the drive against the black market. Edibles taken during: the raids were given over to charitable institutions.
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  • 229 5 Thousands don' t pay for gas Free Press Staff Reporter HUNDREDS of gas meters were "fixed" during the Japanese occupation and thousands of people m Singapore are today drawing "free gas from the mains. So the Municipality is making checks at regular intervals to try and catch the "gas robbers,"
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  • 200 5 HIGHER RENTS 'WILL RAISE LIVING COSTS' A NUMBER of objections were raised at a meeting of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce to the raising of the S.H.B. godown rent, reports the Sin Chew Jit Poh. Among the objections are: (1) Such a move on the part of the Singapore
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  • 69 5 THE Allied Air Commander-m Chief, Air Marshal Sir George Pirie, returned by air to Singapore yesterday from Rangoon, where he had discussions on the rehabilitation and rebuilding of Mingaladon airfield. The Director-General of Works from the Air Ministry, Sir Ernest Holloway. arrived m Burma via 8.0.A.C.
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  • 22 5 Twtr Chinese school boys, reported to have been drowned on Tuesday at noon while swimming off Clyde Terrace, Singapore.
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  • 200 5 Asiatic blood bank scheme fails Free Press Staff Reporter fHE campaign to persuade the various Singapore communities to start a bloodbank of their own at the General Hospital has failed, and most of the Asiatics who need blood transfusions receive a quantity of blood taken from Europeans. Few Chinese. Malayans.
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  • 35 5 TWO Japanese were killed and two were badly injured when a lorry carrying PoWs ran off the road and rolled down a ravine n Yio Chu Kang Road. Singapore, on Tuesday afternoon
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 134 5 TAT O N G RESTAURANT 6c BAR 18. Cbulia Street. Singapore, Tel. 4303. Please come to us for BREAKFAST TIFFIN DINNER We cater for Parties at our RESTAURANT or m Your Home. DELICIOUS EUROPEAN AND CHINESE DISHES Prepared by expert Cooks.' Best Liquers Available, DRAINAGE IRRIGATION DEPARTMENT TECHNICAL ASSISTANTS Applications
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 126 5 WEATHER Showers this afternoon W/EATHEE forecast for 24 hours from noon today compiled by the RVI Central Forecasting Station, Air Command. South-East Asia: There will be occasional thunder showers this afternoon but weather will become fine tonight and tomorrow morning. Wind will b- light easterly but freshening and becoming gusty
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  • 819 7 WHEN BRADMAN WAS BOWLED FIRST BALL I remember the occasion I, too, reduced the crowd to silence. Not A Sound Bradman came m to bat, and sucr. cheering I have known. Every step was cheered, he was cheered when he took his guard, cheered when he looked round at the
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  • 31 7 Medina Beats Paterson liLA s<;ow. wed. fc won the Kuro. »J like Patcrson or j£ holder of the 2% the fourth round rf%heduled l->-r™"d L^ at Hampden Pa™Cj^w, this evening.— Reuter
    Reuter  -  31 words
  • 124 7 SELETAR HOLD ACSEA TO HOCKEY DRAW tf. Seleta: r-'.d ACSEA C i :wo-all draw m a t*y Mfcdi piaved over the Ka the initial bul'y-off ear pressed Wwwdl the A.C. 11. ?oa: ar-d a food try by ■■It the SdtUi centrefct was or.:y wide of hfcoDUnued .r.eid and, U i
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  • 11 7 lon:»on\ wed. Cham- during June 23. Lawn r. Weci-
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  • 160 7 MELBOURNE, Wed. THE Australian cricket eleven against the M.C.C. m a match to be played m Melbourne cm Not. 8 playing on Nov. 8-Nov. 12 is Don Bradman (South Australia), J. Ellis and C. McCool (Queensland), A. Morris, J. Pettiford and R. Saggers (New
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  • 125 7 li'lE following have been selected to play for the Rocklites against Base Siinals (Fort Canning) on Saturday at 1.33 p.m. at Fort Canning. Players are requested to proceed direct to Fort Canning ground. S. Mosbersen, J. Galistan, W. Gahstan. Anthony Lim. D. Swyny, P. Swyny. Claude d« Silva,
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  • Article, Illustration
    37 7 J. Pettiford, one of the prominent Australian cricketers m running for selection to play against England. He is m the Australian XI due to meet th e M.C.C. at Melbourne on Nov B— Nov. 12.
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  • 347 7 NEWMARKET, Wednesday. MADAME LIEUX'S three -year-old Sayani (25—1) by Fair Copy out of Perfume won the Cambridgeshire handicap run over a mile and one furlong at Newmarket today with the Aga Khan's three-year-old colt Claro (100 1) by Colombo out of Clovclly second and Robert Hardy's
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  • 89 7 Australian Tour For Joe Louis Discussed MELBOURNE, Wed. OTADIUMS Limited, the Aus- tralian boxing organization, cabled the world heavyweight boxing champion, Joe Louis, today, to ask whether the cable saying that Jo e Louis was prepared to make a boxing tour of Australia for $10,000 was authentic. They also asked
    U.P  -  89 words
  • 390 7 T.HE Special Commissioners' Cricket Club played two cricket matches over the weekend and won both. Tc date they have played five matches and won all. Army clubs wishing fixtures should write to the hon. secretary, 14, Adam Park, or 'phone 7271. Weekend scores: Versus
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  • 87 7 OSTEND. Wed. l IEUT. Col. G. Gardner today created three new light car records at Ostend covering one mile at 159.151 miles per hour, one kilo m 158.098 and five kilometres at a speed of 150.467 miles per hour beating all records for international H class by nearly
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 359 7 SEMBAWANG WON IN A CANTER By Our Soccer Reporter MINE goals were scored m yes- terdays Victory Cup tie at Jalan Besar Stadium, but only two of them went to 71 ME Platoon, R.E. The rest were scored by R.N-AJS. Sembawang, who have thus registered the highest aggregate m a
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  • 64 7 The draw for the second round of the S.A.F.A. Victory Cup competition which took place at Jalan Besar Stadium after the match yesterday resulted as follows Nov. 8, Alfsea or Naval Dock yard vs. R.A.F. {Bja&e Hq.) Nov. 9, R.A.F. (Seletar) or SRC. vs. R.A.F. (Changi). Nov.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 11 7 fa J\%Zf^ '41^; SmM© i am, in, ,>ar^uiars read Straits Time*.
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    • 34 7 npHE Indian Anry hockey trial match against H.M.S. Venerable yesieiday was cancelled as the ground was under water. The I. A. team will have a practice amongst themselves on the S.R.C. ground on Saturday.
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    • 152 7 Bisrwfwt i tmitsnit mi*m*. SEOW KUAN COMPANY. Oboby Ghait, Siagapfc Tcfc 7787. DEPARTMENT OF SOCIAL WELFARE Applications are invited for the post of Supervisor of Child Feeding under the Department of Social Welfare. Applicants may be of either sex. The appointment will be on a month to month basis, and
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