The Singapore Free Press, 29 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 332 1 Police use tear gas m Delhi NE?W DELHI, Mon. THE police fired tear gas into a crowd of about 1,000 Moslem League and Congress Party supporters battling m front of India's Legislative building shortly before the assembly convened for the Autumn session today. Two persons were
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 1 mi Omnewald > union fcrtin. is *i. t > und sweethearts, who had been tlVre for hours, rushed to $reet repatriaud prisoners from Britain.
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  • 149 1 I ree Press Staff Reporter INXItT^ is felt m Headquarters, Allied Land Forces, S.E. A A>u for the of Colonel W. H. B. Wheeler who is *v>in<jinhK yacht. He left the Royal Singapore Yacht what ten o'clock o n Sunday morning, and did not return
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  • 71 1 LOST LEGION STILL LOST I Sua Reporter I havepassFree Press told Japanese 2* <* Malayana-bc. g^> members of the Malay Brt'^ c Japs t0 work liS^n 6 5 ■re str *nded .fiTT. Wtcb N v Guinea. 5» 2L tra as PO--t back to ::o news of E£jj "rival m r
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  • 14 1 Centra: erday be with- 'nerlands N »vember. Ac no snh- UP
    UP  -  14 words
  • 92 1 MANY passengers m the plane that crashed m the desert 150 miles from Cairo on Sunday recognised Cairo as the plane flew over the city, but the pilot refused tc land although they urged him to. He said he was not satisfied that the city was
    U.P.  -  92 words
  • 65 1 Free P*esa Staff Reporter ALTHOUGH the Singapore Har- bour Board strike continues after yesterday's negotiations, it is felt that the meeting with the men did much to "clear the air" and today's meeting, when the strikers will again meet Mr. Henry Basten. Chairman of the Harbou
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  • 195 1 Flushing Meadow, NEW YORK, i Mon. •.THE British delegation to the United Nations General As- mbly is working on a plan for j the solution of the veto difficulties, which may shortly be submitted to the General Assembly, it was learned today. A proposal which
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  • 208 1 A, LONDON, Monday. LL people eligible tor a free return passage to Malaya should have sailed before December, according to kn answer given m the House of Commons to-day by Mr Arthur Creech Jones, the Colonial Secretary. He said: It is probable that all
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  • 56 1 Following his installation m Kuching this morning at the first Governor of the British Colony of Sarawak, Sir Ctiarles Arden Clarke m an address, assured the gathering officials m the Court house— scene of his installation— that there would be no change m the constitution without the
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  • 40 1 If recruiting does not improve the Australian Army ma> have to cut down the size of its force m Japan. In recent months recruiting has fall:n to only one or two volunteers monthly, says U.P. rrom Sydney.
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  • 13 1 Lord Killearn returned to Batavia yesterday from Singapore says Reuter
    Reuter  -  13 words
  • Article, Illustration
    29 1 Wtaiin? civilian clothes and a mackintosh, Field Marsha] Viscount Montgomery paid a visit to the War Office soon after his return from Canada and U.S.A. recently. Kemsley newspaper picture.
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  • 410 1 S 'PORE BUYS 'FREE' RICE Free Press Staff Reporter FUR hundred tons of Siamese free market rice has been bought by two Chinese dealers at more than 11 times the controlled price m Singapore and will be shipped to Singapore within the next fortnight. The Chinese importers have agreed to
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  • 89 1 I ADI Piers Legh annoum.' that the jewels she reported missing irom St. James* Palace have been found m a cupboard m her bedroom. Her husband, who i* Master of the King's Household, said tne mistake arose irom the fact that his wife has two identical
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  • 114 1 COMMUNISTS ARE CAUGHT NAPPING GPEIPING. Mon EN. Tv Li-ming scored one o. the biggest surprises ol Ufte civil war today by launching v two-pronged offensive against Dairen. The general was expected io resume the Governments northward advance towards Harb D but instead, sent two armies southwards from Anchan «m Q
    Reuter; A.P.  -  114 words
  • 100 1 BERLIN. Mon. INTELLIGENCE agents of the United States Army are being recalled to active duty m Germany "to counter the intelligence services of other nations, it was learned today. They are returning to active duty on a voluntary basis "m considerable numbers at a time when
    U.P.  -  100 words
  • 37 1 The 'Indonesian Republic' has received an invitation from the Indian Government to send delegates to the inter-Asiatic relations conference to be held hi India m March next year says U.P. from Batavia.
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  • 41 1 Indictments are being served at once on 23 Nazi doctors now m Nuremberg prison. Freezing experiments, sterilisation and noisoning are alleged, says Reuter from Zuremberg. New Nuremberg trials, involving some 1,000 major Nazis are to begin on December 21.
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  • 21 1 Uranium, essential ingredient for the atom-bomo, has been found m the mountains of Tanganyika, says Reuter from Cape Towa
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

    • 235 3 SEVEN unsolved wartime murder cases have been taken out of the Scotland Yard files for further inquiries, following a statement made by an American soldier now under arrest m Germany. The man has said that he can give information about a woman murdered m
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    • 13 3 A 719-aere farm at South Runcton. Norfolk. fetched £23.000.
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    • 471 3 THE RUSSIANS DO NOT WANT WAR "|\OES Russia want war? Will there be war with the Soviet V Union?" Innumerable times since I left the USSR recently I have been asked these bald and alarming questions, writes Eric Downton, Reuter's correspondent, who has just returned to London from Moscow. Coming
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    • Article, Illustration
      40 3 Young grasshoppers m onlions are causing havoc among tomato and vegetable crops on the Murray River flats at Robinvale, 300 miles from Melbourne. Here two growers are covering their crops with hessian m an effort to rep:l the voracious invaders.
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    • 294 3 i statement i»ued by the Singapore Government I bt niuht describes as "an exaggeration without atdical justification the statement that, on medical r Mß d> ii i> niiiraireeus to bring European children oder ten years to Singapore." ent claiming it is unhealthy for Euroen to
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    • 47 3 PLENTY OF FRUITNO BUYERS i basCove nt wf reid been :ot a t the I they this hi and in'ocr of b foil? c :ed »rorth it,'* Gard i nan; if we r y dtmand, p our r m the *'ho are retail Because i as
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    • 8 3 I held rp facto-y c
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    • 66 3 A NOTEBOOK s*aid to contain allegations against British officials by a former member of the Control Commission staff is being studied by the Special Branch of Military Government. It belonged to Henry G. Gower. of Southall, Middlesex. He has been fined £1.000 at Dusseldorf and
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    • 101 3 A £300.000 order for collapsible prams was obtained at the Welsh Industries Fair by a firm which began production two months ago m a converted schoolroom. Total orders placed at the Fair, held m CardilT. amounted to €3.000.000. says the Board of Trade Journal
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    • 53 3 There is a mistake In the instructions on thousands of round tins of dried eggs imported from the United States. A tablespoon not a teaspoon -of dried ege: should be used to two tablespoons of water. Mistake on the label, printed In the United States, is being corrected
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    • 94 3 TO rejoin tiielr wives m England, two demobilised Canadians lay mi n a lifeboat m the Anchor Line steamer Eucadia. For six days they lived on apples and peanuts, and were practically starving when found. The men. Robert J. MacDonaA and William Arthur Spicer. oi
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    • 14 3 More than 2.000 Roman Atholics went on a pilgrjmage to Canterbury
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    • 232 3 'Little' Builders Tackle Big Job ELEVEN "little men" of the building trade, working smootI»--ly together "we don't bother about who is foreman boss," they say by pooling their resources are g'iiiinx houses up for a little town whose need had been ism red by the big contractors. Councillor Miss E.
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    • 61 3 LUCY, the London zo'j's giant snapping turtle, s been visiting George ne 12-ft. centenarian a.l.gator. She forced her way under the wire netting which separates her pool from George's. Invariably she found her inspection of his home cut short by George taking her. up m his
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    • Article, Illustration
      40 3 Queen Elizabeth and her daavii-htt r* fwi sr,.. Princess Margaret, made a thorough rxpiorataWa* of »h e v. .WW ton liner, the Queen Elizabeth, when they vest psWsKfMaMI during her speed trials. Here the Queen inspects <he luxurious smokeroom chairs
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    • 291 5 Free Press Staff Reporter rtlE ne* Victory Savings Certificates, by the sale of which the Financial Secretary, Mr. Nelson Jones, too** to raise >KKC00 000 m Singapore, will be on sale kfore the end of the week at post offices throughout tW island. tl that
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    • 109 5 AUSTRALIA DISAPPOINTS IMPORTERS I d com::.s of goods .-rica and p f or them a S r.gaport nts conuinK \i:.dard of \por:s. acking was Australian _rr.ved ir. \plaincd ci and unwere Army pared for ive Service is irom A: my d. have n ut. parts of I eno.mel d m
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    • 78 5 Over the week-end, five Chinese attempted to gain illegal entry into Singapore on two ships from Hong Kong. Four Chinese stowaways who were found among the passengers on board the Prometheus have been handed over to tho Immigration authorities. Another Chinese stowaway discovered on board the Glenaffanc
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    • 46 5 Two Javanese, Sukadi bin Katauyoyo and Salemat bin Pawiroarjo, who were charged with breaking into the residence of Mr. D. O'Connor, m St. Thomas Walk, Singapore, were each sentenced by Mr. Paul Storr, First Distiict Judge to two years' rigorous imprisonment yesterday
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    • 28 5 The Singapore Government has expressed thanks to the Overseas Chinese Importers and Exporters Association for their generous gift of $1,400 to the Silver Jubilee Fund.
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    • 119 5 SHIP MAKES DETOUR FOR COAL Free Press Shipping Reporter A 2.800-ton Saigon-bound French ship has made the 2 516-mile journey from Shanghai to Singapore for bunkering because of her inability to obtain coal supplies at either Hong Kong I or Saigon. The vessel, Pigneau de Behalne. which arrived m Singapore
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    • 71 5 Ordinary money orders may now be sent to the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg through London. The maximum amount permitted for a single money order is £10 sterling. The pre-war rates of commission and conditions of acceptance will apply to the above money orders. A permit is
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    • 48 5 Admitting that he was found m a closed stall at the Great World amusement park, Singapore, on Aug. 30 but that he was too drunk to know what he was doing, a British soldier, David Strachan, was sentenced to three months' rigorous imprisonment for housebreaking yesterday.
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    • 101 5 Free Press Staff Reporter MORE restaurants m Singapore are to be opened to service people under licences which control prices and set a standard of quality and quantity. Restaurants already m boundi are serving meals at $1.50. Those about to open will serve improved meals
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    • 61 5 STATING that he knew nothing about a stolen Smdebakei car that was found m his compound at Chariton Road, Singapore, on Sept. 9, a Malay, Musa bin Mohamed was yesterday sentenced to three months' rigorous imprisonment for assisting m the wrongful disposal of the car
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    • 228 5 Free Press Staff Reporter THE arrival on Nov. 1 of an Alsatian ***** 'Burla of Dorrrer' which has been imported at a cost of $1 200, will mark the first step m the revival of Kinsol Kennels m Singapore, famed before the war for its collection
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    • 74 5 These are facsimiles of the War Savings Certificates that will soon be issued m Singapore. The Singapore Government hope to raise $10,000,000 through these certificates for rehabilitation purposes. It is felt that as the recent Rehabilitation Loan m Singapore had been over-sub-scribed by about $900,000, there will
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    • 213 5 'Squatters delay races Free Press Staff Reporter SINGAPORE Turf Club officials are doing «3> their best to rid the racetrack of "squatters" so that racing can be resumed as soon as possible. The "squatters" include Service units, several people who have "set up house" m race track buildings and the
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    • Article, Illustration
      17 5 Jap prisoners of war demolishing a pillbox at the junction of Chancery Lane and Thomson Road, Singapore,
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    • 90 5 TWO new judges, Mr. Justice G. L. Jobling and Mr. Justic? T. A. Crown, were introduced *o the bench by Mr. Justice Worley at the Singapore Supreme Court yesterday. A welcome was extended cd to them by ,Mr. M. Puttrosc on behalf of the Attorney-Gene-ral,
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    • 185 5 CROPS harvested on farms m the Malayan Union maintained by the Short Term Food Production Committee are at present being supplied to Government public restaurant.*. Plans are under way to make these supplies available to private restaurants. The main short term food crops at present being
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    • 105 5 FOUR Malays, Mohamed bin Sukor, Bakar bin Mohamed, Oina; bin Lian and Mohamed All bin Marsuki were each sentenced to two years' rigorous imprisonment by the Singapore First District Judge, Mr. Paul Storr, yesterday on house-breaking and theft charges. In addition, Mohamed Aii bin Marsuki.
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    • 40 5 A sentence of two years' rigorous imprisonment was imposed on a Malay, Isnain bin Mr. Paul Storr, First District Judge, yesterday, for breaking into a house m Patani Sueet. Singapore, on the ni 6l tof (Vt 4.
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    • 168 5 SIAM WANTS AID FROM ROYAL NAVY THE Bangkok Harbour Depart- Bangkok, Sunday. I7HE Ba :gkok Harbour Department wants the Royal Navy salvage section to clear the approaches to two of the country's main rivers. Chao Phya and Klong Toi, which are blocked by many sunken ships. But they cannot agree
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    • 59 5 p3UR Chinese, Peng Ki£.n, Loh L Chwee, Lia Hoan ai.d Keh Hong appeared before Inc:;e Ahmad bin Ibrahim at the Fourth Police Court yesterday on charges of theft of 125 tins of aviation lubricant valued at 1 1,337. The four accused cla med trial and bail
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    • 31 5 What is believed to be a large quantity of black pepper belonging to a Chinese dealer was stolen from a warehouse m Havelock Road, Singapore, on Sunday night.
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 93 5 -WEATHER— Fair md A Sea Breeze Tf lATHEE tuetjmsi for 2\ hours I frsra noon Ms\] MsssfsM by the [If Central 1 orrco^tinj Station. luanand. South- Last Asia: ittttrJiy fair Uday with hase w»am>» morning. Light tn MMith-'a^erh «ur.'ae? wind; ,-rirf 'Im sssVaJas] the night. r>a*t I .1 >unrise
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  • 2 7
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  • 264 7 From Bill Rowes ADELAIDE, Monday. mi lustralia, facing the M.C.C. total of 506 for five, hud badly a?ain>t a splendid attack m which Smith. Z*L t and Pollard were outstanding. I n the S.A. score nine only Bradman, wth a score of 76, ever looked
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  • 357 7 ImM s f 5 declared SOUTH AUSTRALIA— Ist. Inns Craif c Evans b Pollard 14 Hsmmence b Smith 0 Ridlnn b Lan^ridre 5Bradman c and b Smith :c James b Lanfridffe K. Gorier b Smith ig E. Dooland b Smith m X O'Neill c Evans b Smith 8 J.
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  • 254 7 By WingeT A LTHOUGH we have not heard much of the activities ar.d successes of H.M.S. TERROR on mmt Rugby field it is interesting to no^e that up to Saturday they had played three matches and had scored 58 points to nil. The opening
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  • Article, Illustration
    48 7 Morgan Watkins, British Amateur internal onal heav) Height boxer, hu> started training of a different kind at Paddington Station, London he is learning to be a railway policeman. Photo Shows: Watkins examining a police truncheon with Sergeant E. A. Moiture (left), instructor, during training at Paddington.
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  • 332 7 R.A.F.(T) 5; CRE 0 By Our Soccer Reporter FR a Victory Cup replay after a one-all draw m their first encounter, yesterday's game at Jalan Besar Stadium was surprisingly one-sided, the Tengah Airmen beating: the CRE even more easily than the five-nil margin suggests.
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  • 130 7 LONDON. Mon. "I/INCE HAWKINS of Eastleigh be- came the new British middleweight champion when he outpointed the holder Ernie Roderick of Liverpool over 15 rounds at the Albert Ha!l, London, this evening. Hawkins, who is a 23-year-old railway worker, ou launched and outboxed Roderick, making the most
    Reuter  -  130 words
  • 169 7 TN a game of cricket played on Sunday, Changi Airfield beat No. 4 special Wireless Group by 15 runs. Scores were: CHANGI AIRFIELD "A" Gellatly b Ryles 13, Millman b Ryler 5, Gaunt b Weaver 3. Stevens b Weaver 14, Hardic c Weaver b
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  • 55 7 MELBOURNE, Oct. 27: It was stated here that Bemborough, Australia's champion racehorse who was sensationally beaten out of place in the Caulfleld Cup a week ago, will be withdrawn from the Melbourne Cup tomorrow. The Melbourne Cup, for which Bemborough is hot favourite, Is to be
    Reuter  -  55 words
  • 234 7 ATHLETIC MEET ON NOV. 9 A Singapore Representative Athletic team champ'onship meeting will be held at the Police ground, Thomson Road, on Saturday, Nov. 9. In addition to service teams, the Singapore Police and the Singapore Amateur Athletic Association have been asked to arrange for one representative civilian team to
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  • 149 7 From H. N. Hanmer SELETAR R.A.F. won an easy 33 points to nil victory over the St. Andrews Old Boys wh?n they met over the week-end at Seletan. Poor tackling and a lighter scrum were the reason for the Old Boys' defeat. The few times the
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  • 103 7 THE R^Co p^ay two ..o^e*- gunies thio week, the first against Base Army Post Oflice on Thursday and the second, a Victory Cup replay, on Saturday against the R.A.F., both games at Jalan Besar. Team for Thursday's match, kick-off 5 p.m., will be: G. Webber; Lawthei Sanderson;
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  • 72 7 T*SAM 5 will meet Team 9 m tomorrow's S.R.C. hockey tournament tie. The teams are: Team 5: G. Ross (Capt.) D. D'Cruz, H. J. Loveday, M. Scully, L. Proudfoot, D Sawyer, R. Milne, D. Miller. Team 9: P. F. de Souza (Capt.), W. N. Moore, J. Stanley,
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 38 7 The following will represent the Darul Bahat Club at football against the H.M.S. Sultan at Blakang Mati tomorrow: Mohd Yassin; Ahmad Harou, Abdul Rahman Jr.; Taib Marion, Ahmad Yusof, Kamis; Busu, Awang Gabos, Sani. Kamid, All Say or.
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    • 203 7 (uteira <r*rS-^. Apply Cuticura Ointment to skin eruptions. Its soothing, medicinal and antiseptic action works wonders. At the very first touch you feel its marvellous soothing effects SOOTHES HEALS n, TOD A V 1.15, 3.30. 6.30 9 p.m. IdaSma mmmLdm m\zJ t* «sfl mm am^k\ mtattr \\r gfAN*/tJ*Wii>*v °0!»inilfl fl
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    • 137 7 PIANO TUNERS 6c REPAIRERS NANG HENG 6c CO., 103-105 SetaC* aUtmt Singapore: fd: ffSt BEST DYE IM 6 Iff VISIBLE MM DIM. a»-^ i i -y i ■i aaaaaaa— PERMANENT WAVE, TINTING, FACIAL, MANICURING, Etc., By European and Hong Kong EXPERTS. liuSlaaaaaV J MAI SON MODERNE. 126, Orchard Road, Singapore.
      137 words