The Singapore Free Press, 26 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 287 1 Tree Press Staff Reporter nE SPITE serious attempts by the 6,000 wharf labourers of the Singapore Harbour Board to force clerks and black coat workers to join their strike, Mr. H. Hasten, Chairman of the Singapore Harbour Board, today reported that for the most part the
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  • 166 1 I ree Press Staff Reporter i PIECE o! land has been acquired by the Crown as a site for n-u buildings to house the Far Eastern Broadcasting Vision permanently and members of Lord Killearn's organisation temporarily, at the junction of Thomson and Bnddell RoacK Singapore, and
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  • 50 1 LONDON, Fn. *tor* :hauted warn. warn woman :i, windcw.^•l> 4 .ding in Ho-a- ham Court and a toy a b-> fire escapes. Six tal wa s killed, a Czech Chak Farm. ,^Jg«ou- > the windowSil fit street bclsw tl scapes comM were run rip antf Ml.
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  • 13 1 'TOKYO ROSE' FREED HQ yester- cf 'Tokyo evidence *ar-t!me ofP pro :;oop3 tayi
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  • 114 1 Mountbatten's Daughter Weds Today LONDON, Friday. THIRTY thousand people are expected to pack the little town of Romsey in Hampshire tomorrow for the wedding of Patricia Mountbatten (pictured left) daughter of Admiral Lord Mountbatten to Captain Lord Brabourne. The King and Queen, and the Duchess of Kent are to be
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  • 98 1 SOUTHAMPTON, Friday MAJOR-GEN. John I. Ctm>. commanding :;e;iM\tl ot the United States forces «CKtern bases, said today thttt within two weeks there would be only 30 American military men in the United Kingdom. Gen. Lewis said "They will comprise a small military police detachment station at Bow
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  • 53 1 Four Chinese robbers carried out a daring daylight robbery in a house in River Valley Road yesterday escaping with $1,200 in Straits currency, 10,000 Siamese ticals, a small radio and a quantity of jewellery. They made off in the house-owner's car which was recovered later' in
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  • 200 1 LONDON. Friday. MI CREECH-JONES, the Co- loniai Secretary, told Ul2 House o f Comn.ons today t: it Britain intends to give publicity in America to details of the new Palestine outbreaks, which he •aned cold-blooded outrage*. He agr:od there had been "a:i intensification o*
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  • 159 1 WASHINGTON, Friday. f ONSTANTINE BROWN, Evening Star V columnist, said Gen. Douglas MacArthu; was 'complaining bitterly to Washington' at the British failure to set a definite time for the evacuation of Japanese prisoners of war from Burma, Malaya and Siani. Asserting that the general has offered
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  • 212 1 NUREMBERG. Friday. THE story of what happens when science goes berserk was told today in an indictment charging 23 Nazi physicians with destroying thousands of human beings in the guise of medical research. The United States of America was the accuser. Among the accused
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    36 1 Ednam Lodge from which jewels belonging to the Duchess of Windsor, valued at A: 25.000. were stolen last week. The Duke is seen pointing to the window through which the thief entered the house (lower oicturc)
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  • 41 1 Singapore police have recovered a quantity of motor car h»_ao and side lamps. Car owners who were victims of car strippers recently asked to call at the Central Police station to ideivJfy any articles which may be theirs
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  • 62 1 OETAILERS handling the cigarette ration for next week have a mathematical problem to work out. The propotion oi 'A" class to "B" class cigarettes is 8.5 "A" to 5.3 "B" or approximately 11,I 1 "A" to 1 "B" "A" cigarettes next week will be Aradath
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  • 519 1 NEW YORK, Friday. IN a session marked by conciliatory gestures, both the Russians and the United States in the general committee of the United Nations Assembly today decided to recommend the veto question for open debate. The threatened fight between Russia and the western powers
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 12 1 7photogmp" s x (>utd M y > p yr»Kf NEW BEX pboto Studio
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    • 43 1 T. T. LEE Repair* Levet lyp« Pump Si ui \»(umati Pnmp iOi Gold Nib A k.u Extra 2 -YEAR FREfc StRVICi.. •KKt SAC OR FREE DIAPHRAGM! OutstAtion: By Rreu trred Post S4. (huh* Street Singapore t.'-i North fcri<ig* S a« Td. 7971 Singapore.
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    • 47 3 Pai Tien-hsiu, a Korean interpreter attached to the Japanese Gendarmerie Headquarters at Panhsien in Shansi during the war, who was found guilty for wartime atrocities and was sentenced to death by the Shansi High Court, was executed by a firing squad.- Central News
      Central News  -  47 words
    • 78 3 THE Chinese are showing woodcut books at the first international art display in the United States, which has opened at the Morgan Library. Although the Axis nations ate not represented directly, Japan. Spain, Austria and Germany are well represented by refugees working elsewhere. Chines? art is
      A.P.  -  78 words
    • 113 3 AT a ceremony held in Hong 1 Kong recently, Dr. C. W. Lam formerly Captain RAMC attached to Force 136) was presented with a banner by the representative of Gen. Li Nei, head of the Chinese Eighth Army, for Dr. Lam's good services to officers and men
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    • 355 3 UNRRA WILL HELP CHINA'S STARVING THE shipment of relief supplies to China's faminestricken interior has been considerably stepped up by the two major relief agencies in Shanghai UNRRA and CNRRA— to help the nation's hungry millions survive the coming winter. For the time being, foodstuffs are being given priority. In
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    • Article, Illustration
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    • 110 3 AMPHIBIANS WILL RUSH RELIEF MJ o: r:l;e r r.rcdy areao. v j ;:i'o service ...o mm vehicles to J J Bridge, of Rnglacd, chief representative PiOTlac*, the "ducks' ible 3p:?dy drlivery I u»d other goods fm v tartmilarlv in isol^ton amphi--i:e today in serAh "re they arf distrioute supplies Ui2
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    • 34 3 Mayor K. C. Wu has announced that the Executive Yuan has imposed an embargo, effective Oct. 24. on all wheat exports from Shanghai, in order to check the lngh price of flour.
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    • 143 3 DEDDLERS banned from the Shanghai streets on Sept 1 t>y Mayor Wu. have found more ways than one to beat the official order. Although the number of peddlers is growing daily, packing the same streets from which they were ordered off by Mayor Wu, there are many
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    • 149 3 PUBWUI TRUMAN S eighUi Cn^ress en UNRRA ipcnltaM >aid that shipments hma fcr the secend quarter i*4o totalled 446.057 tons, ■rasing the cumulative total ice the start of operations to ±<H.210 gro&s long tons. Truman said that from start of the programme "aasportation had been the "ntest
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    • 24 3 .mi old tn.nese villager *,e l? a ||tft as a long line of I'NKKA convoy arrives in the interior of China.
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    • 270 3 A LARGE part of the population of Peking, roughly belonging to the white-collared or professional classes, are suffering more economic hardships at present than at any time within the last few decades, according to a fore gn longtime resident in the former capital. The presence
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    • 77 3 A small group of Chinese and foreigners are today tackling a big job in China— evangelising among China's soldiers. Led by Conrad R. Baehr, an American, and John S. Muir, a New Zealander. the group, known as representatives of the Pocket Testament League, are visiting
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    • 61 3 TIORELLO LA GUAKDIA, f Director General of UNRRA. announced that an emergency air cargo of UNRRA vaccine for righting cholera in China had beon flown from Cleveland to Shanghai La Guardia said the C-54 transport plane chartered fram th% Pacilic Overseas Airline travelled the northern route
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    • 274 3 Britain has big trade chances THE conviction that enormous opportunities lie ahead tor British trade in China was expressed by the British Ambassador, Sir Ralph Stevenson, during his first visit t* Shanghai. Sir Ralph said that Britain had a considerable role to play in China's rehabilitation and that he was
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    • 32 3 COLLABORATOR J AILED Fan Yung-tseng, former Director of Land Bureau under the Japanese, was sentenced to six years' imprisonment in Shanghai today for collaboration with the enemy during the war. Central News
      Central News  -  32 words
    • 242 3 Free Press Staff Reporter BANGKOK. DOG soup is hard to get in Southern China where it is considered a great delicacy; so a group of Chinese exporters in the Siamese capital has asked the Siamese Government lor permission to export stray mongrels to China. But the
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    • 82 3 THE Minister o: Economic Affairs. Mr. Wang Yung-wu. thinks that any attempt to invade the South Seas textile market at present is premature The Minister is quoted by theofficial Central News Agencv a< stating that the Goveinmeni L weighing the benefits to be derived from
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    • 106 3 THE immediate establ shment o: Philippines consular offices n the Chinese ports and commercial centres particularly Shanpho. and Nanking, to bring about a wide-SDread promotion ol Phil p-pine-Chinese traie is urged bv A. B. Isin, Manila newspaperman., who recently returned to Maii'i from a flying trip
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 63 3 SITUATION VACANT Workshop Supervisor experienced workshop practice and oflir? routu.r required on temporary en»agem n Salary $200. -pm plus C.L A Applications in writing endorsed Worksh < Supervisor" to Police H.Q.. Sinffapo r > classified ad\eriistvnenls >mai. M;n ";tiHic» «4's3/- pei -.ns;icoiumr inch 9 Perso' a< Ootrr f'-' ,)pi une
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 353 5 Free Press Staff Reporter OFFICIAL figures issued yesterday show that the incidence of tuberculosis in Singapore is on the increase, and, with it, the toll of lives. Statistics issued by the Municipality show that for the week ended Oct. 19, no fewer than 49 deaths from 66 tuberculosis cases
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  • 36 5 Even bul'.ock carls have a big part to play in the difficult siate of transport in Singapore. But here is a bullock that came to u.ief in a drain along: Singapore's Market Street.
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  • 61 5 rRTY-SIX Punjabi recruits for the Singapore Police Fcrce were among the 262 passengers which arrived by the Ascancius from Madras on Thui c .ia>. The majority of tjie pass'-ngors were Indian businessmen. Th3 newcomers to the local police force will undergo a period of training at
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  • 8 5 Quiz. s line how Bfcr ;.rd 4
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  • 40 5 >: Irmistice Duy JJ 6 sow bwumt L^ r the d^d r: 4-1918 anc mn which th,- JttUm Gimson f* be decks r*»d a KjUrtath hv:rg ar.d two 2* a J»*dtlR M Caihedral >•;•?. which a km vr be crbs^rved
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  • 7 5 '-o the of ler the ted.
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  • 232 5 LT. Gen. Kumakichi Harada, C-in-C of Japanese Forces, Java, and his Chief of Staff, Intelligence, Lt. Col. Kazuo Masugi, were sentenced yesterday at the Australian War Crimes Court to death by hanging for the unlawful killing of three Australian airmen whose Catalina crashed into the
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  • 81 5 Japanese prisoners of war are seen loading charpoys into a Service lorry from a Singapore Harbour Board godown. Several hundred prisoners are engaged daily in loading and unloading in the dock area, under the supervision of British and Indian troops. In the Malayan Union, a
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  • 304 5 CHIPS' positions in Singapore today are: MAIN WHARF Godown 31-12: PentakoU, loading cargo for Melbourne. Godown 34: fort Pitt, discharging general cargo. Godown 36: Mlndoro, loading cargo for Scandinavian Ports. Godown 38-39: Samsoaring, loading cargo for U.K. Godown 40: Marudu, loading cargo Rimau, discharging diesel oil.
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  • 172 5 Free Press Shipping Reporter FLIPINO films are coming into the Malayan market, and the first that will be screened will be "The Blood of the Nation/' dealing with the underground movement during the Jap occupation of the Philippines. Five studios are ''shooting" films in Manila, and
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  • 34 5 Hoe Chiang Roai, which connects Cantonment Road with Tanjong Pagar Road, Singapore, will be reopened to the pubhc from Nov. l. This road was formerly blocked and used by the military.
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  • 38 5 In answer to an appeal from the Singapore Harbour Board for easing the god own difficulties, the Chinese Chamber of Commerce will hold a meeting next Tuesday to discuss ways and means of tackling the problem.
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  • 169 5 S'PORE BREAD TESTS WILL CONTINUE Free Press Staff Reporter THE Singapore Food Controller 1 has decided to continue checks on the quality of bread baked in the city, and if a bakers bread falls below the required standard his flour allocation will be cut oil completely. Before the system of
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  • 57 5 The Food Controller in Singapore announces that it has hitherto been impossible to include domestic staff in the controlled distribution scheme o* textiles, but it is hoped to extciv distribution to include this cia.s. Details of the scheme will 'cpublished in the neur TMurc. Applications,
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  • 370 5 Free Press Staff Reporter ROBERT is a fine boy, fiva years' old, the child of i* British soldier and a Eurasian mother, and born before the Japanese occupation. His father died in action in Singapore. The Singapore office of SSAFA (Soldiers' Sailors' and Airmen's
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  • 69 5 TT is reported by the Singapore Chinese daily. Kung Fao, thai the semi-official Chinese navigation company is considering starting a Shanghai -Singapore Service. The first vessel may arrive at Singapore in November. The company m?d? this decision following many requests by Chirese merchants in
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 92 5 Weather Report Cloudy With Shower Risk \T KATHfcK, toreeast for 24 hou-.s from noon today, compiled by the RAF. Central Forecasting Station. Air Command, Sov.'h-East Asia: loudv with risk of a shower about dusk. Tcmorrom morning hazy. Surface wind light t viable. Sunset 6*l p.m.; sunrise €.15 a.m.; Moocset «.4#
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  • 609 7 p^ivjoccer Notes Bn Oiu Soccer Reporter llctofj Cup soccer who will be bold 8 J a nv one team has an outstanding *>- h ,j u tfiprtHil* For consider the results. (<|fll Headquir! t Ts won by six goals to four against Ten iH tirmea and C.R.E. drew one-all,
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  • 105 7 IN a game of soccer played at 1 Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday 61 Cov R\SC were leading tbe Chinese Athletes by thre P poals to one eght minutes before Une when p'ay had to re stopped owing to failine: light. Emmcrton s^or^d in rh e Uvrd
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  • 741 7 From Bill Bowes ADELAIDE, Friday. EN an excellent display of cautious, subdued batting, Hutton and VVashbrcok defied all the attempts of the South Australian bowlers to dislodge them and the end of the first day's play at Adelaide Oval sees 237 without loss, Hutton being 117 and YVashbrook
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  • 271 7 From Merv Williams MELBOURNE, Friday. BECAUSE of an injured shoulder, Boy Andre (8/2) was forced to retire in the second round of his contest against Jimmy Hogg (8/1), flyweight champion of New South Wales at the Brisbane Stadium tonight. The injury was caused
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  • 131 7 JT is understood that there will be a rugger match on the last Saturday in January between a Combined Services' team and the Rest of Malaya. This game will be played in Singapore on the day normally given to the North vs. South match. The North vs.
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  • 69 7 TEN teams are participating in the S.R.C. Seven-a-side knockout hockey competition which began yesterday with Team 10 beating Team 1 by four points to three. The only rules for this" knockout system is that one point for a short corner and two points for a g°al
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  • 67 7 THE following is the S*C.R.C. rugby side against Command Pay Office at Raffles College this afternoon at 5.15 p.m.: R. Eu; Low Kee Uow, Lee Siew Choh, Wee Leong Sou, William Fung; Edward Fung. Eu Cheow Chye; Thio Yoon Kim, J. F. Teng, Cheah Chim Joo, Ong Keng
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  • 170 7 The accsptar.C3s for to-day •race at Ipoh are: RACE ONE Horses, Class 4, 5£ Furs. Robelus 9.04. Scracfhings: Sycillian 9 07, M.G.M. 800. RACE TWO Horses, Class 3, Div. 2, 51 Furs. Shamrock 9.04, Missouri 9.03, Shubel 8.12. Golden Glory 8.10 and Samory 8.00. Scratching: Russian
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  • Article, Illustration
    20 7 Puckctt clean bowled by Voce 1" or a duck' in the match between the M.C.C. and West Australia at Perth.
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  • 212 7 After Being Disfigured for 23 Years MM? forms of skin McSAI can on'y be tuccessiuily treated from the itnde. Mrs. 6 evenz-cn saffeied tot 23 y.ars before rli3 discovered thio. Ii was in theer grati.ude that she w.ote tiu> letler: "f\r 23 y^ars
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 35 7 7Pp| AT MIDNIGHT |fc2j TO-NIGHT J *P PRISON SHIP" E^OSl\( W T j IE BESTIAL MENTAL TRKND OF THE JAPS. I POM WAR PRODUCTION* Preceded by' »*KIN' in the ROCKIES" -The Hoosier Hotshots— Tootin' Songs
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    • 59 7 Tudor Players present "SHE STOOPS TO CONQUER" AN AMUSINo PERIOD PLAY BY OLIVEF GOLDSMITH VICTORIA THEATRE AT 8 SO P.M. OCT. 30, 31 NOV. 1, 2 TICKETS:— S2 50, $2.00, $1 50 A $1 00 Bailing at Robinson* a.m. Theatre p.m. Pa-i proceeds in aid of the late Archdeacon Graham
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