The Singapore Free Press, 25 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
  • 18 1 The Sigapore Free Press LARGEST AFTERNOON SALE fN MALAYA itf*-- SINGAPORE, FRIDAY, OCTOBER, 25, 1946. PRICE 10 CENTS.
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  • 263 1 6000 DOCKERS ON STRIKE Free l*ress Staff Reporter lUhtH^and hinfcse, Indian and Malay wharf workf an d stevedores employed in' the Singapore Harbour Hoard went on strike this morning. Howhalf the labour force working the rice pool in flirbour Hoard turned up for work, and as the Lrnin* progressed more
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  • 165 1 LONDON Than 8 e^ and it of the stale maveir. boma nda Gaau:. N taen: r ttm well and papilsi<r. and oih»r h'^hlv SBdl in<ius".riej from the w wn-> of Germany *o the ><*id to :anitd precl Optical he Junk rs au- pbr. ap.d the i-:
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  • 24 1 WAAF OFFICER IN THAMES W* Shaw, aged aty Air I***-"*,* V l go. has JVkfoJ Thames Lgjo. envelope .med to My two i from
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  • 63 1 British marine engineers expe-t to launch the world's first semi;et propelled ocean going ship next year* They are winning a race against Norwegian American and Sw^ss engineers. The News Chronicle says that the marine engine is based on the same principle as the
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  • 26 1 Flight-Lt. Dominic Bruce, who, during four years' captivity made 17 attempts to escape from German P.o.W. camps, has been awarded the Military Cross
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  • 60 1 Manilal Gandhi, sen of Mr. Gandhi, was ameng 358 passive roisters who w^nt to prison yesterday after being found guilty of trespassing on Durban Corporation land. A demonstration, in protest against the Asiatic Land Tenure and Indian Representation Ac, was timed to coincide with th? opening
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  • 69 1 EARLY this morning, a police party headed by Mr. F. J. Patton. A.S.P., raided a hut in the Kampong Bahru area iKeppel Harbour district and arrested a young Chinese who had two bullet wounds on him. No further details are available yet It will be recalled
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  • 174 1 CALCUTTA, Thurs. A communique issued by the Bengal Government today reported two clashes in eastern Bengal. The first was at Ramganu in the Noakhali district. A mob of hooligans attacked a police patrol, which opened fire, killing one of the assailants. At Hajiganj. in the
    Reuter; A.P.  -  174 words
  • 28 1 Three members of the crew of a Halifax bomber lost their lives when the plane blew up in Yorkshire recently. Pictures show wreckage.
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  • 311 1 Free Press Staff Reporter WOMEN passengers who arrived on the "Oranje" from Southampton yesterday morning many of them coming to the Far East for the first time and bringing babies with them reported that there were a number of mild epidemics on board, and few
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  • 92 1 Front Page News THE Seletar R.A.F. Rugbv team come up for an honourable mention to-day for their fine victory, by six points to three over the SC.f. in yesterdays match. on the padang. Three days ago the Airmen promised t n <'.v would win this game against the unbeaten civilian
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  • 90 1 LONDON. Thursday. MR ATTLEE, the Prime MinLs*w ter, told the House of Commons today that Britain will os unable to reduce her armed forces to 1.100.000 men by the end of the year as he haa hoped In a written reply to a question he wrote
    U.P.  -  90 words
  • 39 1 Contempt charges have been brought againsi the ex-WAC Captain. Kathleen Nash Durant for refusing, as a prosecution vitness. to testify against Major n&7id Watson in t^e Hesse v w«\& trial at Frankfuit. says
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  • 291 1 CHURCHILL ATTACKS AGAIN RUSSIA LOUGHTON Essex. Thur* THE condemnation of th^ Ui tish Prime Minister. Mr. Cement Attlee. ol British co:rr.vunism when addressing U:e Trades Union Congress a; Brighton today was strongly supported by his wartime pred:cessor. Mr. Winston Churchill speaking here tonight The Government had rendered very coi^sidcrable service
    Reuter  -  291 words
  • 472 1 FLUSHING, NEW YORK, Thursday. IN a report read to the General Assembly of the United Nations Organisation, the Secretary General, Dr. Tryjve Lie, said: "It seems clear that as long as the Franco regime remains in Spain, it will remain a constant cause of mistrust
    Reuter  -  472 words
  • 35 1 Two more holiday hotels have teen opened for personnel of the British Commonwealth Occupation Force in Japan. Th s brings the total number to six. one for officers says Reuier from London.
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  • 41 1 Arrested on October 19 a o a, Jap collaboration suspect. Archbishop Victor, head of the R isian church in Shanghai, was r e leased by the Chinese last n 4'hw Moscow had protested to Nanking says Reuter torn Shanghai.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • Article, Illustration
    43 3 ST.JOHN ORDER r? Marchine^ ot Milford Haven is seen shaking hands with rfc lxx\ of ar- ndon after receiving the insignia of Commands of the Order, at a special investiture of the Order of St. John at the Mansion l!ous*e in London recently.
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  • 98 3 Justlike horses for courses.... iriRD WOOLTOS at the of the new session >t the Westminster Hospital vrtkil school recently said: There are doctors for parents just as there are k.sjs for courses. The patient mus: be free to change bb docter for n > other reason nan that he does
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  • 46 3 T o .n co-operation ire mentioned m Co-ope-as Service. of the recent Ml mi Um Mavor ap- help for the stricken j*jft and Pendle»on Co- Soc.^- s-?n' £1000 *•>:. a HaMfAi branch ior h?ip to clean liad b?en *JJW. he wa.> inundated'" with
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  • 35 3 L*JJ2y a ca: pull up ouUide "»an<i dm- away again, 3 ar.well. o f Cotham Side, u JJ **n It front gar who 3l# tl nlina; ta their Pound -ij^jeekmg the owner
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  • 291 3 CALL UP GIRLS FOR THE FORCES' AFTER debating whether girls should be called up fon National Service in peacetime, a conference of the National Council of Women at Cheltenham recently voted by 128 to 73 in favour "in spite of many obvious advantages." The resolution, however, was lost because there
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  • 91 3 ASTLi.L, customs officers at Newhaven have just killed a betting racket which nvght have cost British bookmakers a lot of money. They discovered that a suitcase carried by a Frenchman who came off the Dieppe boat had a false bottom, packed with French postage stamps and
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  • 71 3 T F the earth had been eight hours earlier in its swing through space it would have collided with the comet Giaco Pini on the ni?ht of Oct. 9 according to Mr Naismith who is leader of th<? British Government's radio research team. For 48 houis. the
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  • 54 3 UEV. FRANK MOORE, v car Of 1X Welling, Kent, has 20.000 parishioners. But only a lew attended church. So he sent out hundreds of appeals, with reply-paid postcards, to the homes of babies he had christened in the last few years. Results: Chur.-h crowded for the
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  • 256 3 riO men of Vienna who fled to England to escape Europe's persecution have combined to form a £2,000,000 company which will put Britain in the forefront of the dye industry and take over a large part of the trade formerly carried out by German
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  • 167 3 'EXTRA' MEIN PRESENT A PROBLEM MCAUSE the men's unions re- fused to agree to their discharge, the British National Dock Labour Corporation is faced with an annual expenditure of £1,100,000 in wages to 4.200 do:kers considered surplus Ito requirements. Sir John Forster, Chairman of ;the National Arbitration Tribuni al. has
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  • 74 3 25 Die In Plane Crash As he demonstrated to his mother the speed and manoeuvrability of his Britishbuilt Firefly ?ircraft. Max Christern, a Dutch Army pilot, flew low over his home at Apeldoorn, Holland, and crashed into a school to die .in the blazing wreckage of th? plane and the
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  • 167 3 ATOMIC WEAPON WILL FIGHT DISEASE BRITISH scientists have worked in secret during the past 12 months to perfect a method of using radio-active substances as tracers inside the human body for the treatment of disease. A method of doing this has now been discovered, and it is pioposed to follow
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  • 32 3 A substantial number of superbombers similar to that which flew over the North Peace from Honolulu to Cairo, has been ordered by the U.S. Army, says the Boing Aircraft Company.
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  • 22 3 The hoose-to-house delivery of the new Highway Code has bPgun, and should be complete by the end of the year.
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  • 137 3 DRITAIN is cutting her national spending. Th reduction compared with a year ago is £930,792,--668. according to Treasury returns issued last night. On October 1, 1945, expenditure was £2.751.118,386. Today It is £1,820,325,721. This saving has been made in the Suoply Ssrvices, which include all the branches
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  • 309 3 WHILE record shoals of herring are massing .a the Nona Sea, more than 300 Scottisii and English drifters w«i tied up at the wharves of Yarmouth and Lowestoft. An, l about 3,700 fishermen awaited an answer to their notice the Ministry of Food: "More food
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  • 72 3 The lost art of beau. if ul handwriting is to return to Briton schools. A booklet issued by the Mmistry of Education says tba p°nmanship. even in infarus schools, is essential loi evei v child "Children should 1 arn to mait? large, round, well-filled rtMPMi
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 313 5 CLOTH WILL NOT BE RATIONED Official Statement Free Press Staff Reporter AFFICIAL quarters in Singapore, while not yet announcing V plans for the distribution of the 1,500,000 yards of cloth earmarked for Singapore, have made it clear that in future JLTru l e 7J? Uch wider Attribution tha n at
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  • 93 5 UOW airminded the people o* fI Singapore have became as a result of the war is Indicated by the interest taken by gins in the air scouting movement. Girls join the movement as air rangers, the female counterpart of the Air Scouts. An idea of the
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  • 51 5 Sponsored by the Nanyang Academy of Fine Arts, a piano recital by Miss Lee San San, wellknown Java Ch nes? pianist, will B given at the Victoria Memorial tomorrow Oct. 26 at 8 30 p m. in aid cf the school fund. Tickets are obta nable at the
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  • 62 5 j*jl IE theft of a motor-car tyre and rim from a motor car belonging to Lee Ong Sek at Pulau Saigon Road on Oct. 22 was explained to a 17-year-old Chinese Yeo Toe Kiah. when he appeared in- 'he Third Police Court yesterday. Bail of
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  • 80 5 HI BRER FUTURE al i free trade in rubber will benefit uld not be too optimistic regarding (C Kofi* Chian, President of the Singan*ti <>f Commerce and head of the Lee ta* extravagant hope regarding ually be discouraged. ration the present state of the rubberfuture of
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 5 The wedding of Mr. flamish Ross Barron, a plant .v of Lay an? l*yan*. Johore. and Miss DUui L»nis; Wi n tMt>r, t-ck place yesterday at St. An vewe, Cathedral, the Re*. D. Rcsenthall officiated. Her? is a Fress Tress picture th- couple.
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  • 63 5 DY the end of June this year, 166 tin mines had resumed work in Malaya 1 14 Chinese, 2*2 Er opean. Another indk-atiin of the Union's rehabilitation progress is that while in December 1945 the output of the Batu Arang collieri?s was 7.990 tons a
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  • 35 5 "Music for Everybody' will be given again at Victoria Hall on Sunday, at 330 pm. The programme includes worics by Beethoven, Schubert, Strauss and Haydn, and there will be twj new guest artistes.
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  • 80 5 "Desert Rats' of El Alamein fame celebrated the anniversary of the battle with a cocktail party in the main mess at Tanglin barracks, Singapore, on Wednesday night. Here is a group picture taken by the Free Press at the party.' The names of those in the group
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  • 130 5 iv i i Free Presß lA > n Correspondent Kir"* eS eStat6S f Persons killed -TS3S Smit^ C ech J ne^ to a question by Sir Waldron DlTcd th^ C^T Or P'. n^ on Div Ke "t). said he^recently sueSingapore to decide how tc value
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  • 124 5 MI? Frank Owen, ed:tor-in-ch>i m of SEAC until this For-es newspaper ceased publication "in Singapore in May this year has written a book. -The Campaign in Burma." published in London /> s erriay. The book has been prepared for the South-East Asia Command and
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  • 108 5 Lieut.-Col. N. D. Read-Corins. chief of the British division of the legal section, Supreme Command, Allied Powers in Tokyo, yesterday denied allegations thut Japanese held by Allied forces in South-East Asia for war ctUfJU trials are receiving inadequate food and accomodation. He said: "I can,
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  • 26 5 An appeal by a 22-year-old Chines?, Tan Soo Choo, against h s sentence was dismissed by Mr Justice Worley in the Supreme Court yesterday.
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  • 80 5 The Dutch Army Headquarters in the Netherlands East Indies plan to send to Sumatia. Dutch volunteers who enlisted for sen ice immediately alter the German capitulation and who are now in Java and Bali, Maj.Gen. P. L. S. Boorman, Deputy Chief of the Dutch General Staff,
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  • 23 5 The Y' s Men's Club will hold a business meeting after lunch on Saturday, at Cecil's Restaurant at 1.15 p.m.
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  • 260 5 THE Singapore Post Office an--1 nounces that Christmas ana New Year parcel mails for the United Kingdom will finally close en Nov. 15, but there will be dispatches earlier than that. The public are advised to post early in order to facilitate handling not
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  • 251 5 Grow More Food In Malaya JAPANESE prisoners of war have prepared for planting approximately 5,500 out of a total of 7,700 acres of cleared land in south Perak part of (he Sungei Manik food -growing scheme. In two groups of 'loo each, the Japs have
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  • 159 5 IJUHING the past fortr.. nearly 500 nersnns <apprcximating 12 s families! have ?one to Sekingchang area in the Kuala Selnn^or padi development and iriigction scheme. Th'.s area is reserved only icr th° Chinese These Chinese consist both of new and old settlors. The old settlers
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  • 45 5 The latest addition to Singanore Chinese newspapers will be the -Nan Chiao Jit Pao" < Southern Chinese Daily), it is being organised by Mr. Tan Kan Kec and other prominent Chinese leaders in Singapore and will oe published on Nov. 15.
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 64 5 (leather Report mers 1 odav LIT rilomorrow jmiß ;«»<-iA>t !u. hocr-« i« u»3 todi 1 ixp Ifd h] L\F («atrjl Fi>f« i-linx k. II fommard. >outh-Ea>i biiwrmr and r> >.idy Ktwtßd. laura-r-. HNM>m kr netnt Totnwuw morr» Mi ha »;ih Nh««- l'\ k hi -(*u:h-»fiir. i tud.-v Ih.;] juth-»p>trri> Again
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  • 589 7  -  'Winger' B\ 6 S.C.C 3 t niub) Seletar R-A.F. and the S.C.C. met vt^ierday, a fast and exciting game ending 1 for theairmen by six points (penalty, try) to three The fir t half was even hut almost for the entire ji W half
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  • 53 7 HOME SOCCER FIXTURES ra^i di\i>i«>\ MI d D est« Lia. C i United I MIUMKi i Forts; ton Kevp -rt THUD M i S<>\ MH H v Bret- R v, P R lillD HIHMBI nokih Cai MVISKM I s I Lanarii rer. rtan t---. a a*h i I'm :eti v
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  • 14 7 WDON, Inurs. i f lv n cm.%mnmnmn d. 13 0 L Reuter
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  • 58 7 MELBOURNE, Tb u rs. When Eric Bedser, Surrey cricketer, arrived in Port Hobart he was met by cricketer lan Johnson, bearing a letter of welcome from his twin brother Alex Bcdser, who is in Adelaide. Eric sad he had no definite cricket plans, adding: "I am
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 176 7 LONDON, Thurc. \T today- Victoria Club callover on ihe Cambridgeshire, running at Newmarket on Oct. 30, betting var heavy with leading candidates beinj backed to win £133,000. Lang ton Abbot. T;ho wa^ o 25-1 chance at t) e last callover, was backed at 18-1 to
    Reuter  -  176 words
  • 262 7 WITH the return of old members, and the large influx of service members, Sunday morning was something like old times at the Royal Singapore Yacht Club and eleven boats faced the starter, in very light airs for the two races arranged, but owing to a
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  • Article, Illustration
    18 7 Kessey tries to stump HardstafT off Herbert but is unsuccessful in the M.C.C. \V. Australian match.
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  • 294 7  -  H. N. HANMER Hockey Results From MAKING good use of the opportunities that came their way, R.A.F. (Seletar) surprised St. Andrew's Old Boys, whom they beat by six goals to two in a hockey match played at Seletar on Wednesday. Although Seletar won by such a
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  • 177 7 A GOAL 30 seconds from time gave the Paya Lebar R.A.F. victory over Tengah R.A.F. in a hockey match played at Tengah on Wednesday. A clever move on the left wing was rounded off by Leahy, who opened the scoring in the 14th minute. Further pressure
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  • 279 7 FISHLOCK INJURED AT NETS THE M.C.C. tourists have had their first casualty. Bowling at the Adelaide Oval today, Laurie Fishiock tried to stop a hard return from Compton and injured his hand. A visit to a specialist confirmed that his little finger was broken. Fishiock will be out of cricket
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 301 7 PIANO TUNERS «e REPAIRERS NANG HENC 6c CO.: IS3-195 Selcr«» Koaa Singapore: Tel: 6958 THIS IS ONL\ AN ORDINARY SAL* AND VET OUR PRICES BFAI SO CALLED EXTRAORDINARY OFFERS: Air Mail or Manifold Paper. letter sire at $3 50 per ream Velos Paper clips in box of 100 60 cts
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