The Singapore Free Press, 22 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 25 1 ut of the Burmese general strike "'0 000 strikers paraded through r ;\Yf Rangoon <as shown in this press picture), carrying banners
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  • 119 1 MPs BEHIND WITH THE NEWS Free P:^ Reporter mm a little be[^■d in now] from lou»> ol Commons. Mr. ~s. Miiiister of TransiWi likec i f vVliat ■ the useless -e coal-dust ships, I and ca:.i Trent I :p. Singapore '■->. nunths." and Aould De *to cu t *oss?6 ov
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  • 14 1 IhC Government is of Pea- Bee consider r?* SrtkS pr iu dice tht
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  • 137 1 PESHAWAR, Mon. PANDIT Nehru and thiee members of his party touring the North-west frontier area, were injured today when Muslims stoned them just outside the Malakand Fort. Pandit Nehru was cut on his left ear and his chin. Abdul Ghafar Khan, was cut on the nose
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  • 211 1 BENGAL RIOT DEAD EXAGERRATED LONDON, Monday. THE Governor of Bengal, Sir Frederick Burrows, in a report read to the House of Commons today, said he expected the number of dead from the rioting "in Bengal to be in the low in the three-figure category." The evidence available supports the conclusion
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  • 121 1 Nanking, Mon. DIRECT talks, aimed at ending the civil war which has ravaged China with only slight pauses since the Japanese surrender, axe going on in Nanking tonight, spurred by the personal wishes for success from Generalissimo Chiang Kaishek. Talks were resumed on "top level" after
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  • 39 1 The India Office announced in London last night that India ana China are to exchange ambassadors. The two governments have been represented in each other capitals by diplomatic missions says A.P. from London.
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  • 106 1 THE death took place in the office of William Jacks and Co., Malaya) Ltd., this morning of Mr. Robert Campbell BttWftlt, n director and the secretary of the firm. Mr. Stewart was sitting at his desk at 8.45, having just arrived, when ho collapsed and died.
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  • 174 1 LONDON, Mon. THE Secretary of State for the 1 Colonies, Mr. Arthur Creech Jones said in the House of Commons today he would ask the Governor of Singapore to consider whether it would be desirable or possible to lift the man moratorium in cases where no
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  • 419 1 IMPORTS TO COST MORE But black market willbe wiped out Free Press Staff Reporter A LMOST without exception every Singapore importer is finding that prices of goods bought in the United Kingdom are rising instead of falling, and there will be an all-round price increase in the New Year. Direct
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  • 63 1 Mr Bevin. the Foreign Secretary, told the House of Commons yesterday that the imprisonment of the Roman Catholic Archbishop Stepinac m Yugoslavia is no concern of Britain's, since it is a matter of Yugoslav internal politics, sa^,Reuter from London. The Archbishop was recent jy sentenced
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  • 100 1 A CHINESE attached to the Special Constabulary was last night stopped in Nail Road and robbed of $1,000. Seven men, all Chinese, were the robbers one .)f whom was armed. The Special Constable was offduty and in plain clothes. Two other robberies were reported last night,
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  • 26 1 Driving licences renewed in the East Riding. Yorks, are being sent to motorists with the latest road accident bulletin issued by the Chief Constable.
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  • 84 1 Deepavali No Free Press Tomorrow TOMORROW, on the occasion 1 of Deepavali— the most important of Hindu festivals —the Free Press will not be published. Next issue will be on Thursday afternoon, Oct. 24. Deepavali means "rows of lights"; and tomorrow, Hindu temples and homes will be specially lighted. On
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  • 131 1 LONDON, Mon. THE list of casualties which oc--1 curred when a York aireran of the RAF Transport Command crashed yesterday shortly aftd taking off from Dum Dum, Calcutta, was issued by the Air Ministry tonight. The passengers killed: Group Captain G. H. Foss. Squadro.'. Leader Rev.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 10 1 V A L L tt DIAL 74 2 1 p.
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    • 107 1 ■0 New Stock Items at ROBINSONS FOR THE LADIES:— Nylon Elastic Swim Suits assorted colours $32.50 Navy Blue Nylon Swim Suits $12.50 Gor Ray Skirts sizes $25.50— 541.50 Shopping Bags from $6.50 $14.50 Leather Handbags good so" v FOR THE CHILDREN:— Children's warm coats sizes 20' to 36*' from $27.50
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    • 331 3 SIAM GOLD SMUGGLED INTO MALAYA Free Press Staff Reporter BANGKOK, Monday. CO much gold is being smuggled from Siam into u Malaya more particularly into Penang that the price of gold in Bangkok has risen ten per cent, in less than a month. The traffic in gold has developed because
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    • Article, Illustration
      80 3 ftuh -n of Wind- or set 10 >t on the soil of Britain for the time sin e lf»3t» when she landed at Dover with the D«ike ivin? crossed from France in the Southern Railway itimi-r (ante. bur > Fhoto shows the Duke and Duchess en it Dover.
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    • 217 3 "HIRE xere sharp exchanges at the Buckinghamshire ng Joint Committee's meeting, when Col. T. R. P. Chief Constable, replied to allegations made by I I I Bryant at the la<t county council meeting regard- fli management of the county police force. Referring to a statement
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    • 96 3 200 CHILDREN POISONED ings. Sussex ttakhildren have been •ood poisoning. M to be due to banana I" served :rcm the central *>n of the school mcaLs ser- F Hi^sey. chairman Committee, told ::m^ at cases of Im been reported «4 :^±fr S and sc hoci ■WBot connected with the o
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    • 89 3 THE British and Australian Governments may be involved In an expenditure of between £12,000,000 and £14,000,--000 in the construction of rocketbomb workshops and testing ranges In Australia. The annual maintenance cost is expected to be about £3,000,000. It is understood the Australian Government has
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    • 21 3 In recognition of the war-time work of Clyd° shipyards, the Home Fleet will visit the river next July.
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    • 11 3 Norfolk turkey breeders are taking steps to foil thieves
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    • 189 3 TIMBER SHIPS CANNOT REACH PORT SHIPOWNERS think that the 75,000 tons of timber which Britain is buying from Russia may not get out of the White Sea ports before they are closed oy ioe early next month. The Ministry of Transport have chartered ships of up to 9.000 tons to
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    • 106 3 TWO of the four doctors in Wirksworth, Derbyshire (pop. 4,822), hav e refused to send patients to the cottage hospital becaus e of a dispute with the matron. The doctors, A. E. Broster and Leslie Fletcher, allege that the matron, 43-year-old Miss C. Arnison, showed reluctance in
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    • 252 3 £20,000 FOR IRISH MEMORIAL DOMBARDIER Tommy Forde, just 22 and Irish, is on a visit from Germany to the Eire Government in Dublin -en a £20,000 mission. Back in 1942 Tommy had a great friend. Although Eire was neutral, they both joined up. Tommy's friend went down with a ship.
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    • 27 3 A revised constitution for Ja;:an, outlawing armd forces and curtailing the Emperor's powers, was accepted by Japan's House of Representatives by 342 votes to five.
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    • Article, Illustration
      83 3 Queen Elizabeth and her daughters, Princess Eliza oei.j aid Princess Margaret, made a tnot ou? h exploration of th-» 'Q.e.n Elizabeth* as she underwent sp?ed trials off th coa t of Arrau in the Firth of Clyde, Scotland. As the worlds I iggest -hi > steamed at 30 knots, the
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    • 252 3 SIR Stafford Cripps, President of the Board of Trade, i> packing his bag, and the signs are that it will be twice a.> full as it was last Christmas. This good news for the nursery is coyly tucked away at the bottom of an
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    • 76 3 MR. CEDRIC OWEN was married at the Welsh Cmlvinistic Methodist Church. Ll&ndilo. Carmarthenshire, without knowing that his father had died in the vestry. The father, Mr. Henry Owen, aged 65, of St. Alban\ roa-1 Swansea, collapsed while the fc-room and IHO people were waiting for the
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    • 53 3 Wage increases amounting iu £f,349.000 a week were awarded to 6,697,000 workers in Britavi between January and August of ttrs year. The biggest rises were gained by the engineering and shipbuilding workers < £634.000 a week), the building trades workers (£475.000), the farm workers < £316.100*. transport
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 54 3 '*MfZAM Momentary Safety By Edgar Rice Burrough v .M:v">"" =::-5 spec- —^v_ \> '^S L\ tme ape-man heard her s^* -"^"-,z i E:> TO SCREAMS AND LEAPED UP the 7^LvJti^l B^ :r 0M T^ E CioCK aei-ow v -~^3^^ strugolso "o rs^in her J~ SAVED >€R momentarily PROM \\V«Bk G*
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    • 323 5 S'PORE LAW PROTECTS CHILDREN Free Press Staff Reporter JHE dangers of child slavery, prostitution and cruelty in Singapore will be reduced to a minimum when the Children's Ordinance comes into operation in a short time. This enactment will control the transference of children to adopted parents. Discussing the Ordinance, Mr.
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    • Article, Illustration
      38 5 An official of the Singapore Food Control Department testing bread baked in Singapore in an effort to ensure that only the best -quality loaves will reach the public when Vt*€ rationing scheme starts in a few days' time.
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    • 92 5 JAIL FOR CARRYING PISTOL Tan Ah d to seven J^OTOus ::r.?rison:n-ent oy good at the LZtM*a rrday when char e CV.ih of live 2im2d Yaha.- a Malay porjonstabie 3 am Mr 24 ner :lv irM return saw three 1* in Park R of their aents and ca another HBttC. Yahasi
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    • 275 5 Free Press Staff Reporter TODAY, I made a survey of the number of new radio sets 1 which are reui-hin<* Singapore from Britain, rnd although Ik volume s gradually increasing, imports are still 70 per tnt. bebw the pre-war figure. due in Singapore are mostly
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    • 90 5 S'PORE-SIAM RAILWAY EXPRESS SOON Reporter te Bangkok, Monday. engineers W they will soon be ■■I the international between Bangko* engineers LT; way back to L^T Hf< :nng with F**A Wagener Chief Engiin Railways at t aief visited Cf ago to ■•■ese ran problems. f»2*jnoment. plans are held >f locomoB^; <tock.
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    • 24 5 inquiry into unknown Pat Braddell h Coroner re*W. G v,s>erday. u V^tedthatit i a Das*? he Indi an was was dmmii ou t.
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    • 101 5 T*HE Field General Court Mar- tial, In Singapore, of Capt. G. R. Wadsworth, R.A.M.C, on charges of using insubordinate language to his superior officer, and also causing bodily harm to Indian Other Ranks, was d ssolved yesterday, on the instructions of the G.0.C.. Singapore District. During the
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    • 41 5 The fortnightly social meeting of the Singapore Stamp Club will be held at the Palm Court, Capitol Restaurant, at 5.30 p.m. today. An auction of stamps and a talk on the value of B.M.A. issues will be given.
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    • 30 5 A canteen for students, selling meals at 13 cents to boys and at 30 cents to teachers, was opened at the Government English Preparatory School. Muar. last Sunday.
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    • Article, Illustration
      15 5 A Dakota taking; off from Bangkok airfield, whose terminal building is pictured above.
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    • 55 5 A 54-year-old Chinese, Gch Song Yan, \*lio attempted to commit suicide by cutting his head with a knife was ordered to be bound over in the sum of $100 for a period of six months by Mr. L. C. Goh, the second magistrate yesterday. The incident occurred at
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    • 175 5 POSTING times for letters from the General Post Office, Singapore, are as follows: Australia and New Zealand 3 p.m. Monday, Wednesday and Friday; Burma 4 p.m. Sunday, Wednesday, and Saturday; Ceylon 6 p.m. every week day except Wednesday; China, Hong Kong, Macao, Japan and
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    • 174 5 2 TROOPERS LEAVE S' PORE TODAY Free Press Shipping Reporter THE departure of two troop-laden vessels today the 22,500--1 ton U.K.-bound Queen of Bermuda and the P and O liner Ranchi, destined for Batavia will in no way free the Singapore Harbour Board wharves of troopers. Singapore will see the
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    • 55 5 Seventeen Chinese were arraigned before the Fourth Police Magistrate, Inche Ahmad bin Ibrahim, yesterday on charges of committing gang robbery oi several barber instruments valued at $50, in Sembawang Road on Oct 20 After the criarjre was explained to the accused, the case was adjourned till Oct.
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    • 16 5 Sand£at? Sea Angling Society held an all-night competition Id a 60 m.p.h. gale
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    • 248 5 Free Press Staff Reporter BANGKOK, Monda*. THE Siamese Government has decided to make Don Muang airfield, which is situated 14 miles outside the capital, one of the finest and most up-to-date airfields in the Far East, and work is already in hand to build new
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    • 132 5 THE Singapore sub-committee of the International Emergency Food Council started their first meeting since formation today. The meeting may be a two-day one. Those sitting were Messrs. A. C. T. Kwong, Chinese Consul, acting for the Consul -General who is at present in Malaya; Dumitrascu, economic
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    • 14 5 Nine hundred Ro.W.s are to assist with the potato harvest in Britain.
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    • 74 5 ALFRED Thomas U^zwin. s Paratrooper of the 7th Parachute Battalion, was acquitted and discharged by Mr. Justice Tliorogood at the Singapore Assizes yesterday when the common jury returned a v?rdict of not guilty against him on a charge of voluntarily causing hurt In committing: a robbery Goodwin
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    • 47 5 THEFT OF TENT AGE Sentence of two years rigorous imprisonment u as imposed by Mr. Paul Storr, the District Judge, yesterday on a Chinese, Fong Lcong, on a charge of breaking Intc a shed of the Base Ordnance Depot at Kranji and stealing a bale of tentajre.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 159 5 LYON PHOTO CO. Aeoowneo tor Superior and Quick Service 'Developing Printing and 'Enlarging PUm sent in today— ready the next day at 6 urn. Also Gndertakr to repair Camera*. (9 North Rrtdc* R"ad *inra|»ra. SITUATION VACANT WANTED Temporary Clerks ana Typist. Salary according to Government rates. Apply to Secretary, General
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 127 5 Weather Report Showers Late In The Day KATHKR forecast for 24 hours from noon today, compiled by the R.A.F. Central Forecasting Station. Air Command, So«th-F.ast Asia: Today: Mainly fair at first. Isolated thunder showers later. Ton'ght and tomorrow morning, fair, hase about dawn. Wind light-southerly, becoming fusty south-easterly during showers,
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    • 99 7 jbaaon tin** Kire. Mon. >f pi^i \t. u; hcav>irifht lx»\er. arrived at ikm tniri i l^te on eta on Ml I ondon, hi »ill Ji -ht Freddie !i was ac■jani'd Ij hi- IMfCt and IB la pi thi* Hrst of here at mm" ht
      A.P.  -  99 words
    • 49 7 u: Commubeat 56 WTU cricket C^::mrg on J Pbtlbps *c Edmonds b Cc t tj kC« > U\ 5 COX 2 Eu I Tial ••uxg. r!ll K lme Phillips > did '^as nnt for Mav WT V n tnr 'I: Brit. '**ftrV nt nOB< Io
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    • 158 7 CLARO HEADS BETTING IN CAMBRIDGESHIRE OH, Mon. c ridden by jockey II Wayward at Cam- *o win ward Belle amounts at elaadc winner! Khan, in W week. ked to win Si* £«*i bbot £8 -°°o i L ?on W e re both! \***U? m The only 1 onsiderable I amount
      Reuter  -  158 words
    • Article, Illustration
      26 7 Paul Gibb swit»es a baU to lee during the one-day match a. a nst the W. A. Colts at Fremantle. Gibb scored 51 in 90 minutes.
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    • 412 7 THE British Services in Medan, Sumatra, beat the Chinese 1 Football Club three-nil in the final of the Chinese Challenge Cup competition played recently. From the starting whistle fast and clever football was played by both sides and in the second minute Agutter was
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    • 991 7 Weekly Hockey League By "Sticks" AS I was saying nearly five years ago when these notes were interrupted by falling Japanese bombs, there is no reason why a hockey league shoould not be organised in Singapore. And the need is even greater
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    • 51 7 S.C.C. rugby team vs. Command Pay Office today is: F. Hutchinson; S. Johnson, J. Luff, G. S. Taylor, D. Redmond; C. Milton, R. jaird, E. C. Tokeley, S. L. Morris,.! 1 M. Goring, M. 5. J. Lee, J. L. McCarter, W. J. Todd, D. A. B. Hopkin, W.
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    • 73 7 TTICKS' invites all secre- taries or convenors of service and civilian hockey teams to send him details of teams, fixtures, players of note, results and any outstanding performances. In this way he hopes to foster enthusiasm which may eventually lead to the establishment of a league,
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    • 194 7 UNBEATEN TEAMS IN DRAWN GAME UEAVY rain which delayed play 11 after lunch prevented a decision In the challenge match played at Nee Soon on Sunday between No. 1 BTC and CRE 162 Works. The engineers batted first and were all out for 70, but good bcwling subdued the BTC
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    • 33 7 In a friendly badminton match xslxyed last week before a large gathering, the United Family B.P. again defeated the Steadfast B.P. by five games tc one at the former's court.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 493 7 futicura Use .Cuticora Ointment tor any stubborn itching skin trouble It stops the itching instantly and quickly restores the skin to a clear, healthy condition L GIVES COOL RELIEF J Apart from TYPEWRITER REPAIRING SERVICE WE can also supply Typewriters, Calculators, Adding Machines, "Sinobrit" Safes, Brass <Sc Wooden Bijnboards, and
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 268 7 Tomorrow's Soccer THE Free Press Is on holiday to-morrow, so here are the holiday soccer fixtures: Victory Cup tie, R.A.F. (Changri) v Royal Scots, Jalan Besar Stadium. 5.15 p.m. S.C.F.A. Veterans v SRC 4 A/ S.R.C. padang, 515 p.m. RACE WEIGHTS FOR IPOH Free Press Correspondent IPOH, Mon. THERE will
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