The Singapore Free Press, 19 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 453 1 CHINESE TO IMPORT SIAM RICE Free Press Staff Reporter THE Singapore Chinese rice importers are holding a meeting with the Government shortly with a view to bringing in the maximum quantity of rice under the free market experiment in Siam. Although details of the importation can only be finalised after
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  • 46 1 zezo*v;." -u--hii "-o Lon- Govern- i Rg IS M|;. ure teSstk-:< Jlcs L "w< the shippini of i\ce -Mi-:'- s during '•si- Hi are reasonably Jr lhc Chinese I with a i :oald no, v, Imftj from rree Press rtdm of Sept 14 and Aug. 2b.
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  • 164 1 U.S. SEEKS RUSSIA ASFREIND' WASHINGTON. Fri. EE S iMttolj of S*ate. Mr. hms F B--: a broad- tmigh: follow r.s Ma return Ba *he Paris conference, desM is d .r'ced over i qct asinz ed States [UB quickly I ng if one is U demands." u: eerh -h nearly d
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  • 19 1 FASCI ST ARRESTED couMn o! secretary Party was r Milan Prison, 1 i^ng term rriurder.i d forces 1*45. says
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  • 59 1 The United States yesterday sent a note to Yugoslavia chaarging that many Americans died In Yugoslav priso n camps and that others were treated as slaves. Th e note said that Amer.cans were arrested without being charged, wer e confined in insanitary prisons, and that
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  • 64 1 LONDON, Friday. THE Prime Minister, Mr. Attlee, today summoned a "super cabinet" of 30 ministers to 10, Downing Street, to discuss the Government programme for the next session of Parailment which opens on November 12. Downing Street was jammed with cars. It is believed *1t was
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  • 76 1 Colombo, Friday. rUR were killed and 40 injured i n a train-wreck near Colombo today. The authorities said that the wreck resulted from the removal of plates from a section of track. As a result of a train strike all long distance night mail trains
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  • 204 1 LONDON, Fri. THE Duke of Windsor today made a tentative claim at Lloyds for £20,000 for jewels stolen from the Duchess of Windsor by a cat burglar who climbed a draian pipe and stole the gems from her suite in Edman Lodge, home of the Earl
    Reuter; U.P.  -  204 words
  • 32 1 Ihe people of Singapore have various ways of spending their leisure. The Fre e Press camera man found this group of Chinese at a card game outside a temple.
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  • 218 1 4,000 CHINESE SUFFER IN HELL SHIP' BANGKOK, Friday. AN incredible tale of a hell ship" sufferings and extortion was told by passengers from the steamer Hong: Lee which arrived in Bangkok today from Swatow with 4,000 Chinese immigrants aboard. The vessel was built to carry 1,000. As a result of
    A.P.  -  218 words
  • 149 1 500 ARRIVE IN LINER DUE TODAY Free Press Shipping Reporter. WHEN the 22,500-ton Furness Withy pre-war luxury liner Queen of Bermuda arrives in Singapore today from the United Kingdom, she will have on board 437 civilians for this port. The giant vessel is expected to draw alongside Godowns 1, 2
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  • 374 1 TROOPS ENGAGE RIOT MOBS CALCUTTA, Friday. A MILITARY force of more than 300 men, aided by spotter airplanes, went into action this afternoon in an effort lo halt bloody rioting in the Noakhalai district. The troops had fired on mobs several times and had managed to localize outbreaks. Planes flew
    Reuter; U.P.; A.P.  -  374 words
  • 67 1 The third victim of the rrJdair crash between two planes over Harpenden. Herts on Thursday, has been identified as Wing Commander Edward Charles Crocker Tomkins, aged 28 says Reuter from London He was awarded the Distin guished Flying Cross lor his part in the
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  • 148 1 Free Press Staff Reporter A Singapore Chinese Divisional detective attached to Beach Road was shot dead by a Chinese gun-man in Middle Read Singapore last night, in a fight with Chinese gunmen. The man wtio was Killed was a long-service divisional detective, Lee Koh Beng.
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  • 36 1 Lord Burgh ley, who won the Olympic hurdling championship 18 years ogo, was divorced by Lady Burghley, says U.P. from London. Lady Burghley charged her husband with adultery with Mrs. Diana Forbes in Stockholm.
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  • 40 1 Traces of a city, believed to date back 5,000 years, found 20 ft. below the surface of the central Palestinian desert, are thought to be Tirza, the first capital of the Israelis Kingdom says AP. from Jerusalem.
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  • 17 1 Burma's Government yesterday decide* to lift the three-month-old ban on the Communist Party
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 35 1 YOUR SMOKES NEXT WEEK Next week's Singapore cigarette rations: Capstan "50's" and Rough Rider or Torchlight. The proportion will be 50 per cent. Capstans to 50 per cent of either of the other two brands.
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    • 316 3 i FT of former warships are playing a vital role .peedinu «P the shipment and distribution of J Applies in hina. In the past three weeks, the Vit of uruontly-needed supplies reached a new Ve totalling no less than 121,772 tons. na's reviving Merchant Marine,
      Reuter  -  316 words
    • 64 3 THE De La Rama Steamsiiip A Line has that its ship 'Dona Nati" in port in Shanghai and scneduled to loau 1.000 tons of cargo* was denied permission to load because Chinese officials contended there was no commercial treaty between China and the Philippines. Shipping
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    • 52 3 Rear- Admiral Liu Yung-chi, special naval take-over commissioner for the Canton area, has been arrested by order *of the Naval General Headquarters in Nanking *The charge against him Is alleged abuse of powers in the exercise of duties by illegally using ships taken over from the enemy
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    • 40 3 Miss Li Ming, movie actress who was found guilty of collaborating with the enemy in North China by serving with the Japanese Army Press Bureau during the war, was sentenced at Peiping to five years* imprisonment.- Central News
      Central News  -  40 words
    • 67 3 Royal Nary Will Help China 'THE Royal Navy will do its best to assist China rebuild her own naval force, declared Admiral Sir Denis Boyd, Commander-in-Chief of the British Pacific Fleet, in an interview with Central News at Shanghai. Admiral Boyd said 400 Chinese naval personnel are at present on
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    • 37 3 GEN. MACARTHUR has directed the Japanese Government to locate 177 bales of silk shipped from Shanghai to Hong Kong in December 1941 in seven different vessels which were captured by the Japanese Navy.- Central
      Central  -  37 words
    • Article, Illustration
      38 3 iiiil 's Ch.nesp Section consists of (left to right) W. Mak, F >. Way, C. Su, Y. K. Lung, W. Emnson (Editor, Chinese Section t Mrs. P. Fang (also in photo on left) and P. Fang.
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    • 367 3 THE major cities of Formosa, oft the south-east coast of the China mainland, have ended the first phase of CNKKA's rehabilitation project, according to reports received here. It took an army of labourers exactly nine months to clear the debris and rubble, dispose of
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    • 149 3 THE Alien Property Administration of the Chinese Government had taken over enemy properties, cargoes and cash to a total value approximately £77,--275,000, according to a report submitted by Mr. Shen Kwel-ya, chief secretary of the APA to the Shanghai City Council. This amount included 26,200,--000
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    • 49 3 ALL non-enemy deposits in the Central Reserve Bank In Shanghai, which have been frozen since the Japanese surrender, will be refunded to the owners between Oct. 1 and Nov. 30 according to an announcement by the Chinese Finance Ministry's Liquidation Office In Shanghai.
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    • 253 3 Trade improvement is reported ALTHOUGH no figures were given, semi-official Chinese sources in Shanghai disclosed that since the devaluation of the Chinese dollar at the end oi August, China's trade position has shown an improvement, with imports decreasing and exports rising. They said that the Central Bank of China in
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    • Article, Illustration
      21 3 A TYPHOON ItraCk u< c*«W las» week resulting in mo* than 10 peopl? beire k lled ar. I
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 106 3 UAL I The world-famous disinfectant and fungicide- 25^ for estates use and general sanitation. Highly concentrated and economical in use. r W* NOXO 1 The finest wood preservative and stain 11^11 Prevents fungus and deterioration of wood- work. Protects against white ants. Made by Newton Chambers A Co. Ltd., Thornclifft,
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

    • 182 5 18 Times Pre-war I 1 rec Press Staff Reporter L\UVA Australia's third-best customer I Exports to Malaya during that Lnth. valued .1.932,000, were more than 18 times F were in the same month of 1938. fim* priHHiril hy the Information Service of the Uu-tralian O
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    • 129 5 i: India rave decided to chart it a special JJ» take Ir.d.a:; repatriates T.-dia at the 10 pers m each month. l*J« er tc rhe seJJ* of for this •i Repress/ hi the 22? er 1 of Iri.i in Malaya 2T 5
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    • Article, Illustration
      69 5 Tbc dry snell in Sin^ar^e has meant brisk business for the roadside iced water seller. At 10 cents a small glass, he makes quite n good profit, and for many with big f am lies to support selling: ice-waler is the only me:.ns of livelihood. Singapore health inspectors see to
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    • 66 5 NEW YORK, Wed.— Mr. Chaman Lall, head of the special Indian Food Mission to Argentina, told Reuter yesterday he had received a cable from Buenoi Aires that four more ships are being loaded with grain for immediate shipment to India. This is in addition to the 17
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    • 61 5 SIX warships and four submarines, comprising the commanding force *T" of the British Pacific Fleet, have proceeded to Hong Kong after fleet exercises, leaving in Japanese waters, the light cruiser Euryalus, two destroyers and one destroyer escort and two Australian destroyers. The Australian light cruiser
      U.P.  -  61 words
    • 51 5 The Liberty Musical and Dramatic Association are presenting a charity concert in a:d of the China Famine Kelitf Fund and the Silver Jubilee Fund at the Chungking Hall :n the Great World on Oct. 25. The concert will feature Mandarin, Cantonese and Malay songs, dances and
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    • 125 5 ONLY 20 per cent, of the Chinese mines in Malaya are in operation. High cost of labour and replacement machinery and the shortage of capital are given as* the main reasons for most of the Chinese mines remaining idle. The Kuala Lumpur correspondent
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    • Article, Illustration
      66 5 The-e i .ce Pr«>> pi-.-turcs «e;e taken :ii a ten party g'vcn Ly I' r Nc!fe*< -:jj Trading: Society in Singapore yesterday to celebrate 25 years* service by live members of its staff. One of these II ve men Mr. Tan Chin Choon, is seen in the picture above receiving
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    • 43 5 The forty-first of the series of Saturday evening promenade concerts presented by the Littic Theatre, will be held a: the Armenian Street, Army LJucation Centre, today at 8 r.m. There will be a recital ol recorded music by Schubert a~ia Mozart
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    • 48 5 The following rubber crop figures tor September are reported:— Alor Gajah, 22,000 lb. Ayer Panas, 63 500 lb: Gletiealy Plantations, 47,733 lb' Kluang Rubber, 43,000 lb: Pa jam 138 000 lb; Tambalak Rubber 24 508 lb: Teluk Anson Rubber, 68.128 lb; Ulu Btnut Consolidated 32.360 lb.
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    • 430 5 Free Press Shipping Reporter FIVE languages English, Norwegian, Swedish, Danish and Finnish are spoken by the crew of two 340-ton Chinese oil tankers which arrived in Singapore yesterday from Philadelphia via Colombo. The vessels are the Ming Sung No. 1 and Ming Sung No. 2,
      430 words
    • 115 5 Free Press Shipping Reporter ONE of the biggest cargo vessels afloat today, the 15,575-lcn Panamanian, at present discharging 8,000 tons oi Australian flour in Singapore the largest shipment vet ha> a! a the distinction of being one of the oldest ships in service. Built 42
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    • 32 5 There will be a public lecture at the Ramakrishna Mission, ft Norris Road, today at 6.30 p.m. when Mr. D. P. E. Lingwood will speak on "Vedanta and Modern Problems."
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    • 161 5 ALLEGED to r.ave robbed tvr.i Indians at pLs^-01-point. four young Chinese, Tan Ba Bi. Fong Ah Soon, Tan Eng Seong and Loa Thiam Quee, were committed to stand trial at the Assizes on a charge of armed robbery uft:r a. preliminary inquiry yesterday Lx*fore Mr. L.
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    • 59 5 rHINESE mechanics and drivers in Kunming, who have been stranded in China since the termination of the war, and who are awaiting repatriation to Singapore and Malaya, have been eiven a subsidy of $200 (U.S.) each by the Chinese Government. CNNRA has started transporting them to
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    • 40 5 A Chinese looter who used a sampan to land at the Naval Base and stole a wheel and tyre *rom a plant yard, was yesterdav sentenced to three months' imprisonment by the TTiird Magistrate Mr. K M Byrne.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 70 5 PIANO TUNERS tic REPAIRERS NANG HENG 6c CO.; 103-105 Setegie ttoad Singapore: Tel: 6958 classified advertisements Classified Smalla %l/- pei tnc. Min Charge S4/Public Notior* $5/- per single inch. Personal A I)omf t i r 82/- per une. Min. Charge $8/slx average words :om prise ot.» line. Advertisements ma; be
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 115 5 Weather Report Thunder Till Midnight \t LATHfcR forecast for 24 hoars from noon today, compiled by R.A.F. Central Forecasting Station, Air Command. South -East Asia: Cloudy with occasional thundery showers and thunder storms this afternoon and evening: dying; oat by midnight. Tomorrow morning: fair with haze at first. Some bright
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  • 545 7  -  Hill linuo From PERTH, Fri. riand attack, magnificent in all departments yesterm totiay distinctive by its very mediocrity. Indeed, st aVide. fieldsmen wer e placed to save runs, policy adopted by the bowlers. At the end the sccra in this game- which finishes to-morrow iTtotraiia l«tf.
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  • 89 7 -electors wta! may be :he comcti s i Bta who has They Brjm Jones to play N* N Scotland at ap to the dapper figured in the f* r transfer deal of SL £140O :d b >' Ars enal eight years ago), to hapter
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  • 37 7 Northem Scoreboard The primitive Scoreboard at the North am cricket ground where the English Test team played their first match in Australia. It had the honour of recording the first century of the tour, made by Hammond.
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  • 248 7 From Merv Williams, Boxing Editor of the Sporting Globe, MELBOURNE, Friday. 'THE new Chinese boxer Mok Kai Khoon lost to Val Newman, 1 Queensland flyweight, because of an eye injury in the 10th round at Brisbane Stadium tonight. Khoon was sfill full of fight, but
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  • 144 7 S.C.F.A. Veterans To Meet S.R.C. "A Wednesday T I-E S.C.F.A. (Veterans) wiU play a friendly fame of soccer with the SRC. "A" on the padang next Wednesday, in preparation for a charity match against the Malay "Veterans." in aid of the dependant* cf those footballers who died during the occupation
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  • 222 7 Pree Press Correspondent rPOH, FrL EX>LLOWING are acceptances for the r first day of the Perak Turf Clubs October Meeting on Saturday, Oct. 19' RACE ONE Horses, Class 4, 5 Furs. Sycilllan 9.olRobehu 7.13 M G M 8 00 QrPATfHiNr SCRATCHING Young Ginger b n RACE TWO
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  • 1232 7 Referees Part In Crowd Control Weekly Soccer Notes By Our Soccer Reporter A TEMPORARY and most timely solution was found on Wednesday to the recent impasse between the S.C.F.A. and the C.A. over the selection of the Chinese community team for the Victory Cup competition, so that to-day when the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 164 7 $100.00 ndred dollars will be to our patrons who could suggest to us a suitParamount's Newest Top most Musical and Laugh Hit And The Angels Sing" S threv times fast an d three times as funny as any entertainment in ght 23rd Oct., 1946 (Deepavali eve) at the JUBILEE THEATRE;
      164 words
    • 539 7 Lm A. j^*-t CHEM/CAI CL£A#f*t. BiSTPYF/96 HtViS/Ht MJODM4. m HER LIMBS CREAKED WITH RHEUMATISM Widow Suffered for 25 Years Pot 25 years 1 suflereu from sciatica in my right side, and I had backaches which forced me to remain in bed for two or three weeks at a time. When
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