The Singapore Free Press, 18 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 368 1 ROW ON TEXTILES IN S'PORE Free Press Reporter ySHJTE has broken out m Singapore over the method of distribution of 1,500,000 yards of cloth earmarked for Singapore and allocated to the three hamber> of Commerce, the British Association of traits Merchants (Singapore branch) and other importers, to issue. While the
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  • 145 1 Rv porter. i -ed letter to retarv. Mr. a member of So: plica Advisory ant to th* P j.rri which, by "?ed to distribute da of textiles •r has arisen. I suggested ins svi-em should I Kirn' r (Foo^ j id that this bs
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  • 19 1 M shot dead I r i was wounded m 1" Pan^ an S Singa:oday i« a' rest
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  • 202 1 Windsor gems recovered LONDON, Thursday. OCOTLAND YARD today recovered part cl v the £25,000 jewellery of the Duchess ol Windsor stole n from the Ednam-Lodge, Georgian manor of the Earl of Dudley, last night. Detectives said that part of the ioor. valued at more than £20,000, was found itt a
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  • 23 1 A British police Inspector died m Jerusalem last night after being shot m Jaffa Road earlier m the day says Reuter.
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  • 173 1 WASHINGTON, Thurs. CIR JOHN BOYD-ORR, Direc- tor-General of World Food and Agriculture Organisation, gave the warning today that there was only a SQ-50 chance of avoiding a third and disastrously final world war. He linked this statement, made at a Presj conference, with the assertion
    Reuter  -  173 words
  • 57 1 PARATROOPS PLAY RUGGER ON PARANG Ur^e Free Press pictures were taken on the Singapore Padanr durin? yesterday s rugby match m which the Singapore Cricket Chib beat the 13th Parachute Battalion (most of whose men were recently released following the quashing of their Klnang Court Martial sentences) by 14 points
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  • 239 1 Free Press London Correspondent MR. WALTER FLETCHER, an ex-Malayan, (Conservative, Bury), speaking m the House of Commons today, asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies, Mr. Arthur Creech Jones, if he did not think that a considerable degree of confusion at present existing
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  • 263 1 1 1 Na zis cremated ashes strewn POISON MYSTERY UNSOLVED NUREMBERG, Thursday. POLONEL BURTON C. ANDRUS, commandant of Nurem V berg prison, announced officially tonight that the bodies of Herman Goering and 10 other Naii war criminals have been cremated and the ashes dispersed secretly. The announcement was made m
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  • 14 1 Major-General Sir John N Kennedy is the new Governor oj S. Rhodesia.
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  • 85 1 5000 DIE IN INDIA RIOTS CALCUTTA, Thursday call for troops to deal w'ta the communal rioters m the eastern Bengal town of Chandpur m the Tipperah-Noakral; area was disclosed m Calcuia today. Official figures of the casualties m the riots m the whole area were not available, but the Bengal
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 22 1 for QUALITY i 1 A L U E a DIAL 141 1 i> H. HENDRY if<Hkr h D |sl3b iHird •> «,dr K*putii:it>n
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    • 270 1 COURTAULDS British Manufacturers SPOTTED iIIIPID SATINS CHOTIRMALLS 41-43. High St. Singapore. Keep ABREAST of //it? TIMES ensure a regular supply o! British and American periodicals With few exceptions any British or American periodical can be supplied on a subscription basis. British periodicals are despatched direct from this Office and supply
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  • 69 3 He Could Not Spend £10,000, 000 MR. W. EDWARDS, South African commercial representative, went to Britain to spend £10,000,000 on British goods, such as textiles, for South African consumers. He has just returned to Durban after spending only £3,000. "Business seems virtually impossible with Britain,' he said. "As 100 per
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  • 124 3 FORCES HOLD ON TO TWO MILLION ACRES ABOUT 2,300,000 acres of land m Britain are still held by the Services, and nobody knows yet when they will be released if ever. But, fighting for Ihe Suffolk villagers displaced since their districts were taken over as battle training grounds, the Council
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  • 233 3 CISTELIO was a prisoner of war, brought to Britain from O North Africa. They sent him to Bedfordshire, where Sistelio hoed and dug and weeded m the fields arourd Biggleswade. In 1944 Sistelio fell m love. Her name was Cynthia. A year later Sistelio was
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  • 59 3 THE shipping tonnage available for commercial operation by countries maintaining services between Europe and Eorth America will still be limited m 1947, but will gradually increase. This was stated at the close of the statutory meeting at the Savoy Hotel m London of the Atlantic
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  • 53 3 Peggy Ann, n?w born daught r f Mr*, and Mrs. Gardner of Hayes Road. Bromley. Kent. j: ~^?d just under one pound at I £he is being tfed on a 'irt or mil 1 and b r andy, and will C 2 In an o::ygen tent for
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  • 495 3 WHILE the traffic of incoming and outgoing air-liners grows steadily at London Airport (Heath Row) and Northoit the means of regulating and controlling it safely lag behind. As a result the air over the two airports is rapidly becoming the most accident-prone m the world,
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  • Article, Illustration
    26 3 Lord Justice Lawrence, the Britsh presiding judge, who reaJ the verdicts of the International Tribunal on the 21 Nazi leaden m the Palace of Justice. Nuremberg.
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  • 30 3 Sir Stafford Cripps, President of the Board of Trade, is seen speaking at the opening of the Empire Trade Conference at the Carlton Hotel m London recently.
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  • 244 3 Turns to crime to 'buy back wife' W buy back his wife who was said to be m love with 1 another man, a Birmingham sales manager started a «:are«r of crime and embezzled £1,000 from his employers. His mad idea sent him to gaol for twelve months at Birmingham
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  • 71 3 SURREY will have 19 instead of 14 M.P.s if th e Boundary Commission's plans are approved. The Chertsey division, one of the largest m the country, with more than 100,000 electors, will drop to 57,000 by losing Walton-on-Thames, Weybridge, Esher and Molesey New constituencies
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  • 24 3 To improve the supply of utility furniture to holders of priority dockets imported furniture is to be added to the utility range.
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  • 124 3 "11JE ARE now finding new homes for 5,000 families a week," said Mr. Aneurin Bevan. British Minster of Health. "In London, during August, we re-housed families at the rate of 1,500 a week." Mr Bevan, speaking at Barking, said that, altogether, there are about 450,000 houses
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  • 315 3 Land racketeers will be caught DEOPLE who have speculated m land m the iast year or two m Britain, m the hope of making huge profits out of impending developments, are going to be caught on the wrong foot, writes Ernest Jay, Daily Herald Political Correspondent. It is the alternative
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  • 78 3 IIRITISH sappers have built *5 baby creches, cradles and cots for the babies of Jewish refugees m a detention camp m Cyprus The babies were taken ott hell ships a month ago, suffering from malnutrition and covered m sores from skin diseases. Now, healthy and
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  • 116 3 ■TO avoid further risk to high- speed test pilots, Britain's next all-out attempt to achieve faster-than-sound flying speeds will be made with radarequipped rockets An official of Messrs. Vickers, who, with Miles Aircraft Co.. have developed highly secret prototypes of these rockets capable of travelling at
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  • 15 3 One gallon of beer was the prize at Wrestlingworth (Beds) flower show.
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  • 66 3 BRITAIN S herring fishing fleet has returned with the fliot catch of the season and industrial activity m Yarmouth has become livelier. Some 250 boats the majority from Scottish ports arrived over the week-end. Britain is sending herring to Greece, Italy, Cyprus. Malta and Egypt as
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  • 13 3 Harlington (Beds' people voien against street lighting, decided to use torches.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 62 3 THE STRAITS TIMES PRINTING DEPT has received a consignment of high Quality ACCOUNT BOOKS LEDGERS 3ize i2 \y 6 m •< m Ouuoica Casn Cuiutnr^ indexeo Hall Souno H fui sicin $H each CASH BOOKS -g g*^ "5--slfS each JOURNALS Size I2»b' «W> o-t;c-Hall Bound m aoai s:k »ii each
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous

  • 427 5 Chinese form society Free Press Staff Reporter a T a meeting held at the Singapore Chinese Consulate, presided over by the Consul-General, I >r. Wu Paak-shing, it was decided to form a society ith the express purpose of implementing the decision both of the Malayan and
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  • Article, Illustration
    5 5 pi *ho»mg a tfi-boni calf.
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  • 64 5 Chm** delegates to the National Assembly tt Nanking on Nov. 12th are leaving for China, I Chew Jit Poh. Mr fcM S 1* Lim Kheng Lian, Mr. Ho ing. The Singapore, delegates, md Lim Kheng Lian, are going to Hong two will make the trip
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  • 14 5 EDUCATION CONCERT r -.a: will be a music by -c y ft *> 35 f.
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  • 10 5 BAN HITS ACTORIES °c the ex■^ipe: c t I- L
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  • 5 5 k?« fed v
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  • 26 5 The Office of the Chief Inspectoi of Machinery, Singapore, will be moved to the Chinese Pro<vtorate Building (ground Havelock Road, Singapore, n Oct. 21.
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  • 55 5 Korean guard Kioshi Kaneoka who by his insensate cruelty •d and contributed to the lUu of many British and ten PoWs who were taken for airfield construction m Ambon *as yesterday sentenced to death hanging by the War Crimes mil at Changi, with Lt. Col.
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  • Article, Illustration
    35 5 i.T. fi i olonial Sceratary, Mr. H. P. E yson fancies son?- of York Hill House's lunch m the company of a former S:m- KoaJ "tvrunent camp companion, Mr. Bouchard, during his visit yeste rday.
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  • 183 5 MP QUESTIONS AIR CRASH REPORTS UR Gammans, Conservative MP for Hornsey, asserting that the names of some of the passengers who were killed m the Royal Air Force Dakota which, he said crashed m Hong Kong on Sept. 26, appeared m Malayan newspapers on the same date, asked m the
    Reuter  -  183 words
  • 95 5 TAPT. Kasai, Kempeitai Chief at Miri. and his adjutant. Warrant Officer Ma?da. were yesterday sentenced to death by hanging, by Lt. Col. R. L. le Gallais at the Third War Crimes Court, for the unlawful killing of 28 civilian residents of Miri. Sarawak, on
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  • 50 5 The former British, corvette, Petunia, has arrived at Hor.g Kong on its way to China to become part of China's infant Navy. Now named Fu Po, she is a thousand-tonner capable of sixteen knots. The Fu Po called at Singapore on her way to China.
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  • 66 5 REGISTRATION for rations of bread and flour closes m Singapore tomorrow. It is the purpose of this scheme to supplement the present rice ration by an additional ration of flour or bread. This additional ration can only be given to those who register m time. Flour will
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  • Article, Illustration
    69 5 The latest Road Safety notices to appear m Singapore is on the boundary wall of the Convent School along Stamford Road. It warns motorists "Your Bad Driving Causes Death,'* m red letters painted on a white board. This Free Press picture, showing the notice (on the right side m the
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  • 169 5 Rally against Ub troops In China Free Press Staff Reporter MASS meetings will be held by Chinese m Singapore campaigning against the presence of U.S. troops mi n China. The meetings will begin on Monday and will last for a week. The campaign aims at obtaining signatures to a protest
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  • 489 5 PORT NEWS FUR thousand tons of rice has arrived m two ships from Bangkok this week. The ships are the Binfield, which is at present unload ing her cargo at the wharves, and the Daviken which arrived yesterday evening. Each carried 2,000 tons of
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  • 105 5 CEVEN deadly cobras were on the loose m Philadelphii U.S.A., yesterday, believed hidden m 7,200 tons of believed hidden m 7,200 tons of raw rubber and teakwood cargo on the freighter Nicaraguan Victory, strike-bound m the port. The cobras escaped from a shipment of 20
    U.P.  -  105 words
  • 89 5 COUND guilty by a common .ury 1 on a charge of committing armed robbery, a Chinese, Chua Ah Sai. was sentenced to seven years' rigorous imprisonment and six strokes with the cat by Mr. Justice Thorogood at the Singapore Assizes, yesterday. At about 6 p.m.
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  • 200 5 A COMMITTEE has been formed by the Singapore Chinese Buddhist community, sponsored by Singapore Buddhist Lodge, Singapore Chinese Buddhist Association, China Buddhist Association, the Buddhist Priest Assembly and The Buddhist Union, to hold memorial services for soldiers and civilians who lost their lives during the war
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 105 5 —Weather Report Fair and warm with S-W wind kATHER forecast for 24 ho*n from noon today, compiled by X..V.X Central Fortcaatlng Station. Ah- CommaiML Sooth -East Asia: The weather will continue fair and warm wth partly clouded skies for the 24 hoars with ha*e carry tomorrow morning. The surface wind
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    • 28 5 ST. THERESA SOCIETY The St. Theresa Choral Society will celebrate the annual feast* day of their patron saint on Oct. 20. at 6.30 p.m. aft 10-5 Short Street.
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  • 128 7  - ENGLISH BOWLERS WERE ON THE SPOT Hill Bowes from h 10-inii the toss m their match with a Pt-rh t#*J, have every reason to be Vu*the da P^>* The general opinion was H *du!l *»>'* cricket, but that is the West Aus r tree hours' play only produced n ta
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  • 608 7  -  Winger' By THE S.C.C. went on to their third successive rugby win yesterday when they met the 13th Parachute Battalion, late of Muar, but it was only after one of the hardest-fought games seen on the Padang. The final score was 14 (goal, 2 tries, penalty)
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  • 195 7 ADELAIDE, Thurs. FDAY Don Bradman practised for the first time sinc c last reason. He appears to have lost weight and did not attempt to hit the ball powerfully. H e proposes to take part m the club jame o n Saturday. If he comes through satisfactory without
    Reuter  -  195 words
  • 112 7 NEWMARKET, Thur. l ORD MiliorcTs great sprinter, Honey Way, a fiv e yea r old 10 rs? by Fairway out of Honey Buzzard, ran the finest race of his career to win the Champion Stakes here today ov?r one and a quarter m'lcs. Starting B—l.
    Reuter  -  112 words
  • 289 7 CIXTY minutes of hard soccer could not produce a decision it Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday when the R.A.F. (Tengah) met 77 C. RE. m a first round tie m the S.A.F.A. V.ctory Cup competition. Two goals wer c shared and the teams will meet
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  • 44 7 MEXICO CITY, Thurs. Pauline Betz, United States woman's singles champion and Philippe Washier, a member of Belgium's Davis Cup team, won the fifth Pan-American Tennis Tournament mixed doubles title. They defeated Louis Brough and Bob Falkenberz of California. 6—2, B—o.- A. P.
    A.P.  -  44 words
  • 46 7 Detroit, Wed. (Sugar) Robinson's bout with Cecil Hudson of Milwaukee is postponed indefinitely with permission of the Michigan Boxing Commissioner, after his New York doctor wired Robinson was still ill and Manager George Gainsford came to Detroit from New York and conferred with the commissioner.- A.P
    A.P  -  46 words
  • 69 7 CIVIL and Military policemen were m force at the Stadium yesterday and a moderates'ted crowd was kept behind the wire-fencing throughout the game. There will be big crowds at the Stadium to-morrow and on Sunday for the games between the Chinese and Kranji and the Malays
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 7 pit t lire flwCfira **i i»r".i»i i* •••is was taken at the Singapore Airport yesterday. The Yorkshr/e captain, who left for Australia this morning to report on the M.C.C. tour for the Yorkshire Post, thinks that Test prospects are very open.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  43 words
  • 28 7 ?he 13th Parachute Battalion Ku<?by XV. International t»y half Roy l.eyland, who captained the team, is th-rd from ths left m the second row.
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  • 283 7 From Merv Williams SYDNEY, Thurs. KID PANCHO (9 st) was too strong and persistent for Oanny Simmonds (9st 4»/ 2 lt», the !:\ather champ on of New South i Wales, and won o n points over i 12 rounds at Leichhardt Stadium j conight. Simmonds
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  • 133 7 LONDON, Thurs. AFTER a two-hour meeting between the Football League Management Committee representatives and Players' Union leaders m London today, m an effort to end the deadlock mi n the soccer wage s dispute, it was decided to set up a joint committee of three representatives from
    Reuter  -  133 words
  • 125 7 THE following will represent the Rocklites at cricket against the Base Signals <Fort Canning), at Fort Canning, starting at 1.30 p.m. on Sunday: Claude da Silva, J. Galistan, S. Mosbergen, W. Galistan, D. C. Swyny, G. Carnegie, D. Dharmaraj, P. Swyny, V. V. Sundrum, M. Swyny, C. Rodrigues.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 358 7 PIANO TUNERS 6c REPAIRERS NANC HENG 6c CO.; 103-105 Setefie Boa* Singapore: Tel: 6958 LYOM PHOTO CO. ftenowneo tor Superior aria Quick Service ♦DeTeloping 'PrinUn« mad 'Enlarrtng Kiln) sent id today react? the aext day atflum. Also Undertake to repair Cameras. 69. North Bride* Road Singapore. Oiabetea? Wn> «lr«cry} When
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