The Singapore Free Press, 17 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 361 1 LONDON, Wed. THE charge that there was confusion and lack of decision m the handling of industrial and economic affairs by the Government of the Malayan Union was made m the House of Commons today by Mr. Rees Williams, Labour member, who toured Malaya with
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    7 1 i heated the m by^ suicide
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  • 243 1 NUREMBURG, Wednesday. r i.RMA.\ GUI RING, who died by crunching up a phial of potassium cyanide two and a quarter hours before his r. tello¥» Nazis went to the gallows here yesterday, made it appeared to he a "joke" about suicide nine days ago, *a> <ii>ea»»ed.
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  • 24 1 Sir Granville Bantock, eminent British composer, who was originally intended for the Indian Civil Service, died m Londor. yesterday 78. says Reuter.
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  • 61 1 LONDON, Wed. MICHAEL Dennis Corrigan, 49--year-old Mayfair "playboy" committed suicide today m Brixton Jail, where he was awaiting charges of embezzlement. Corrigan was a racehorse owner, self-styled "Oil King," rebel Mexican Army General, man of mystery, and described by the police as a "super swindle.'' He
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  • 49 1 A motion by the AttorneyGeneral to restrict the movement of vehicles on a portion of B>at Quay Singapore between certain hours, to avoid traffic congestion at times when fish was being brought to Ellenborough Market was passed m the Singapore Advisory Council today.
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  • 85 1 IXDNDON, Wed. THE Government was strongly criticised by the opposition m the House of Commons today for the continued coai shortage. Mr. Emanuel Shinwell, Minister of Fuel, said that the problem broadly amounted to this: There was a -gap of about
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  • 24 1 About 3,000 workers at the Ceylon Government railways workshops at Ratmalana struck yesterday demanding higher wages, says Reuter from Colombo.
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  • 170 1 TEHERAN, Wed. CAPTAIN Alexis Gagarin, 30 year-old American Assistant Military attache at the VS. Embassy m Teheran, stated today that he killed two and wounded several other Dor ah madi tribesmen of Southern Persia m self-defence, 20 miles north of SWraz, capital of Southern Fars Province. "I
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  • 336 1 Penang Girl's Death/all Free Press Correspondent PENANG, Wednesday. THE inquiry into the death of a former cabaret hostess, Molly See, which was resumed today, took a new turn when, at its conclusion this afternoon, the Coroner, Mr. W. Foulsham, issued a warrant of arrest against Loy
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  • 26 1 A landing craft is seen taking cargo salvaged from the Helena Modjeska which broke her back after going aground on the Goodwin Sands.
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  • 177 1 THE Road Vehicles (Special Powers) Bill, giving power to prohibit the use of road vehicles between specified hours m Singapore, the Theft of Vehicles Bill. providing for hoarier sentences for such thefts, and the Firearms and Aramunition (Unlawful Possession) Bill, also providing lor severer
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  • 56 1 According to a telegram received by the Chinese ConsulateGenera^ Singapore, from tUe Chinese mechanic and drivers m Kunming, who served on the Burma Road have been stranded m China since the termination of the war, t!he mechanics have been given a subsidy of US
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  • 319 1 Our Ration Unaffected Free Press Staff Reporter MO change is expected m I" supplies of rice to Malaya for the next two months v result of the impending return of the four border provinces by Siam to French tndo-china, although the Siamece Prime Minister. Da:i> rong
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  • 41 1 The Singa^—* Fire Brigade were called out *o deal with two fires during u>« 24 hours one at a ho*»* Mosque Street yesterday abe«» n. and another early t&fc» i:mp at the Air View Hot* *»*vs Street.
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  • 47 1 Dr. Wu F»^ ing, th* Chinese Consul %»er> ral. left Singapore this m«nt»it; M on a Malayan tour. He is e*;>>*ed to return ear*/ next taov% Mr. A C. T. Kwcmg, Chios*, consul, is acting for Dr Wu cSngapor c
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    • 431 3 •Evaded call-up did not mean peace and quiet for the aaire financier Serge Rubinstein, for America! authorities are still "gunning" evadng conscription nearly four years s Iph Hewns, Daily Mail Reporter. S ti-ht-lipped. bespectacled Chief has arrived by air m London from j the case.
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    • 39 3 WORLD TALKS ON AIR PROBLEMS Till *..a*. Br.iish r.avi|ational -ysterni -i-sed or. the b« deDaied Ir.:^rr.a:iDnaJ rfanlsttloa i coo- T' .-Is worth cf nd and air e^-jip- and crr.deper.d en r.:er:_:nment n anised 30 are ?xp-:c T ed at
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    • 12 3 ndaetct Gtliei Theatre orches- killed wh:n Ircnft crashed turn journey
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    • 100 3 Woman posed as a man: charged ELLEN MAY YOUNG, aged 26. of Oakdene-road. Peasmarsh, Guildford. Surrey, is alleged to have Dosed as a man and gone through a form of marriage with another woman. She will appear on remand at Coleshill (Warwickshire) magistrates' court on Oct. 16, accused of jerjury.
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    • 68 3 I«HE giant Cunarder Maure--1 tania, recently m Singapore, Is to become the largest cruis- ing liner m the world. Alterations to make her suitable for cruising as well as for the Atlantic crossing are now being planned They v.iil not b? completed till 1943. The
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    • 20 3 Bermondsey Borough has ordered that employees must be members of a registered or certified trade un on.
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    • 34 3 This picture shows the inspection end of the cleaner assembly line at the Hoover works. During the war. this part of the factory was assembling transformers for tanks and aircraft.
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    • 305 3 'A TOM CONTROL IS DIFFICULT' THE extreme difficulty of controlling production of atomic energy and discovering clandestine manufacture of atomic weapons is stressed m a 40,000 word report published by the Scientific and Technical Committee of the United Nations Atomic Energy Commission. Production of uranium m 1939, which amounted to
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    • 61 3 2. The report drives hcme f o politicians, as well as world opinion, that the crucial phase for control is production of nuclear fuels, which "under propel conditions" may be used directly tor manufacture of atomic weapons. At this stage installations necessary for weapon manuiactur? are relatively rmall,
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    • 45 3 THIEVES walked out of a hou^c m Eaton-avenue, Hanipstead, with jewellery worth .£3,000 stale lurs worth 2.500 from Knight. sbridge furriers. .emptied the bar on the Old Deer Park, Richmord. which Rosslyn Park Rugby Club had stocked m readiness for their first mat^h.
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    • 85 3 TERMAN war prisoners emu ployed on work of national importance m Britain are to be given a "good work" bonus to encourage them to increase output. Prisoners who have shown consistently good results will be credited with a permanent bonus of 3s. a week even
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    • 344 3 I TNLESS doctors m Britain stop selling new cars for a profit U when they have both obtained them on professional priority and have signed the six-month covenant promising not to re-sell, the Motor Trade Association warn them, they will be sued for breach of
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    • 70 3 MRS. Antoinette Brignall, of Dingley. near Market Harborough, Leicestershire, who broke her neck m a fall while horse-riding four months ago is able to ride again. Mrs. Brignall, with her neck still partly encased m plaster, said: "I have not yet my doctor's permission
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    • 121 3 \£20.000 NAAFI Club is to r opened at CatteruK camp, Yorkshire next year, announced Major-Gen. R. T. O Carey. Commander of Cattenc: Sub-Division. The general sain that this is only one of seveiat new amenities which he plai. for the camp. The football pitch :s to
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    • 113 3 r speed up hearing, Special Commissioners are to hear Service divorce cases In London, according to an announcement from the Lord Chancellor's office The first two Special Commissioners are Mr. R. Bush James. XC, and Mr. B M Cloutman. VC, XC. The class of matrimonia.
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    • 291 5 5-CENT MEALS BENEFII CHILDREN Free Press Staff Reporter THE decision of the Singapore authorities to supply meais I from public kitchens for as little as 15 cents— compared with the 35 cents normally charged for a meal m a People s Restaurant— is benefiting a large number of people, especially
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      26 5 i utst* U'uik2 one an RAF hospital ambulance collided near the sth milestone I'ppeT So ran goon Road. Singapore, on Tuesday. No one was hurt.
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      21 5 j t in the ti\ fc art oni I i to I a rlacr* u^« re notices is thi> ipr* .r
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    • 23 5 Bachelor of 80, Alderman E. J. Hmds, has been invited to become Mayor of Beccles. Suffolk He was Mayor m 1912
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    • 14 5 S'PORE SCHOOLS GET $190,000 .pore ires ir.t of i irds rej bn the v-on-
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    • 23 5 Mrs. Gronerc. Cam Brea. Cornwall, whose twin sons were killed togetiver at Amhem. will visit their graves as Holland's guest.
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    • 196 5 Mmmtbatten calls a on Tcm aJid Mary, thote extraordinary people who omm resi-t the temptation to carve and scribble their *s everywhere, was made by Lord Louis Mountbatten, M (Ymmander, South-East Asia, at the annual the National Trust, at Mansion House, London. tieek. tc Turn
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    • 22 5 JAPANESE CRIES WAR COURT Lt C Java are ailing .rrr.en War .hen, m r.ce. he Officer.; -a gave n for had
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    • 8 5 to th« m have if S ::c\
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    • 21 5 Some 2,750.000 old-age pensioners this week collect order books for the increased pension to be paid from next month.
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    • 234 5 MORE restaurants are being planned for the Malayan Union, i»l and by the end of November it is expected that 25 will have been opened. It costs a wage-earner as little as $7.20 for one meal daily for a month (excluding Sundays), drink,
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    • 144 5 THE Chinese Chamoer ol Commerce decided at a meeting of the committee yesterday to forego its allocation of 360,000 yards of cloth and to ask Mr. J Hamer, Controller of Supplies, to place this quantity for distnbuttion by ration cards. The meeting agreed wth the
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    • 102 5 THE Chinese gunman who was shot down by a constable whom he himself had wounded during a chase m Middle Road. Singapore on Tuesday night, died m the General Hospital yesterday afternoon. The Singapore police, it is understood, took a statement from him before he died.
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    • 35 5 The Singapore East-West Society meets today at 8 p.m. m the YMCA Pavilion m Bras Basah Road. Mr. R. Friedman will address the Society on 'The Historical and Cultural Background of the Jews.'
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    • 56 5 FOLLOWING the intervention of th-L Labour Department, it is understood that the strike of mechanics employed by local Chinese engineering concerns will end tomorrow, when the men have promised to return. An adjustment to wages has been drawn up Dy the Labour Department which has been
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    • 21 5 Sir Tristram Edwards was at Edinburgh elected chairman of the British Shipbuilding Research Association and Sir Murray Stephen vice-chairman.
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    • 28 5 Mr. W. F. Stafford has been appointed a temporary Assistant Superintendent, Malayan Police Service, and Mr. J. D. Fairhead to be a cadet Malayan Police Service.
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    • 161 5 |UST as S ngapore has its black market, so has Rangoon, where, however, the racketeers concentrate on essential goods, writes a Free Press Staff Reporter from Burma. Between the Sule Pagoda which is approx mately m the centre of Rangoon, and the western outskirts
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    • 232 5 Free Press Staff Reporter THE fear felt by some sections of the public m Singapore 1 that the purchase of rationed bread may jeopardise the r future supplies of rice, and that bread retailers may have their rice distribution licences taken away from them
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    • 11 5 Examiners m Welsh anthracite mines have withdrawn strike notices.
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    • 37 5 CERGEANTS R. B. Milne and Kamala Rai of the Malayan Volunteer Air Force have been awarded mentions m dispatches m recognition of their services during the operations m the Far East m 1941—1942
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    • 302 5 SPORE PORT NEWS Free Press Staff Reporter ANE of the biggest shipments of coal 7,500 tons is due m V Singapore today by the Empire Prospero from Calcutta. The vessel will anchor m the Singapore Roads and unload the coal at the wharves later m the
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    • 79 5 WEEKLY SAVINGS Average weekly saving? o: eacn Savings Group member m the small Monmouth village of LlawrRlyn is £3 10s. rAT O N G RESTAURANT dc BAR 18. Chulia Street Singapore, Tel. 4303. Pteaw come to as fat BREAKFAST TIFFIN DINNER ■fc cater' for Parties at our RESTAURANT or m
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    • 106 5 Weather Report fine evening a sunny morn U LATHES forecast for 24 hours from noon today: Scattered fight showers during the afternoon with sky becoming almost clear at night. Tomorrow morning is npected to be fine and sunny. Surface winds south to southwest, hght to moderate. falling to calm m
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  • 357 7  -  Bill Bowes trorn PERTH, Wednesday. team fleeted to P^y a Combined Australian t Perth to-morrow, Friday and Saturday has no mm a Vhe team to play is: Yardley (captain), Gibb, Washbrook, Pollard, Ikin, Langridge, r^nDton Fdnch. Twelfth man is Smith. ..ft < ut of the
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  • 87 7 ITK-HMENT of about bO an and m>l policemen t Mtrd JaUn Besar *,Vd»> to control the fca the second 'n t&e i Victor <UP com pet the RAX TenWtments for policinf (mm* and control of the iin now m the hands it Utanicipal authoruies.
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  • 59 7 ATHLETES TO PLAY IN CUP AMES •ciion o: the Chinese MRtt to he Vie- D has been ™^d by 3^.: and Chi- A, There A 22 I a.the the ■fey 'hong ■■of the CA :d :ha:l laves: of Dr vm P ..ijc- 3UI- ca.. JJp -ad decided to put rhe
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  • 55 7 Playing their last match of the season on Monday, St. Joseph's Institution beat the J.C.S.A.. by three goals to one m a soccer match on the School field The schoolboys were slisntly superior, but the Civil Servants put up a good fight, although playing without two good
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  • 88 7 The following have been selected to represent the Eclipse B.P. m a friendly badminton match of five singles and two doubles against the Jacques B.P. on Sunday, at their Court m Upper Serangoon Road at 3.00 p.m.: S. Ahmad Alhabshee, Cheung Hock Whatt. Chia Chin Seng. Wilson Hen*,
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  • 10 7 the NTw n chi- pa 5lt C Kfli.
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  • 238 7 'LETAR BEAT WIRELESS GROUP 1 2-6 JV« Hanger. d the up by i I two as as *-Tv-: r the .rees I fast would have done better if they did not hold on to the ball too long and run diagonally. Peet, the right winger, played a strong game, scoring
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  • 199 7 LONDON, WED. 'I^HE two visiting continental soccer sides, Sparta who are the champions of Czechoslovakia, and a Sileoiau side from Poland, both gained threeone victories over their Scottish opponents today. At Greenock the home side were iwo goals down m 12 minutes and lagged three-nil at
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  • 51 7 THREE CHAMPIONS Europe's three fastest women swimmers were matched m tHe 100 yards race at the Inter-Allied Gala held at Marshall Street, Baths, London. They are, left to right, Miss N. Raich (third). Miss Tennonlen (the winner) and Miss Nathan9en (second) photographed after the race. The winner's time was 61
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  • 397 7  -  'Winger' Weekly Rugger Notes By ABOUT the only civilian rugby team captain pleased with himself today must be S.C.C/s Potter. From a start which, to say the least, was built up on hope, the Club now has a team which is streets better than
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  • 240 7 LONDON, Wednesday. THE French horse, Monsieur Lamiral, owned by the British I owner, Mr. Bernard Hankey, won the Cesarewitch over two-and-a-quarter miles by three quarters of a length from the Irish-bred British-owned Mr. W. Wadey's Ford Transport, with Mrs. May Harvey's Geoffrey's Lady one and a half
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  • 310 7 A PROFESSIONAL boxing match which has been discussed for some time will be held at the New World Arena on Sunday night when Jimmy Welch of the R.A.F. meets Golden Boy over ten three-minute rounds. Ever since Welch knocked out Baby Eagle m two
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  • 148 7 IIEXT month the Selangor Turf Club will celebrate its 50th anniversary with a Golden Jubilee meeting which will be held on Nov. 9 and Nov. 16. The meeting will carry a special trophy to commemorate the anniversary, and it will be competed for by class
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    • 227 7 fc AV4V RADIO ELECTRICAL TESTING INSTRUMENTS SEOW KUAN COMPANY, DkobT Gktvt, Siafapore. Td 7787. SINGAPORE MUNICIPAL 5% DEBENTURE STOCK 1926/55 -W. NOTICE is hereby given that u«e Transfer Books of the above Stock will be closed from 17th October ♦/> Ist November 1946. both days inclusive, for the preparation of
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