The Singapore Free Press, 11 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 342 1 Free Press Staff Reporter CORMAL announcement of their freedom following the quashing of their sentences by the Judge Advocate General m London, was made this morning to the 200-odd Paratroopers of the 13th Parachute Battalion as they paraded within the wired barricade of their detention camp
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  • 68 1 Paratroop Gets A Double Reporter 2, ;iCTO^ SMITH. 2 Mratroop7**<f tre charge of Vr° r 14, has 5 Quashed— his requesf :o J oan, i at should divorce rcop€rs oe ST detention camp •'ary prison *«»mn* t accour the [^C. laiportant mesfe*si delayed lls?bi^t! eaß,i reply not ■ears for morning
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  • 32 1 About 1,000 inmates m the American zone of Germany at Darmstad yesterday tore down 450 yards of camp fencing. Troops were called m and order restored says Reuter from Frankfurt.
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  • 272 1 Why was trial irregular CHALLENGE BY MPs LONDON, Thursday. DEPLYING to questions m the House of Commons, the War Minister, Mr. Frederick Bellenger, said that no compensation would be paid to the Kluang paratroopers who would be immediately released following the decision' to quash their sentences, that their future was
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    100 1 Leut-vien. Sir Montagu s|.9rd. Commander-in-Chief N Und Forces. South -East v from whose Singapore Msiurters it was announced k «ornins that the freed irtroojk would be coming to kipore area. pford. who i> also Supreme Allied Commn m plate of Admiral hnttmten. led 34 orps m I famous race
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  • 120 1 PHILADELPHIA, Thurs. A LONELY m an unknown spot, unmarked by a headstone, will be the final resting place for each of the 11 Nazi war prisoners convicted at Nuremberg, according to Dr. Robert M. W. Kempner, who helped m their prosecution. Dr. Kempner, chief of investigation
    A.P.  -  120 words
  • 158 1 LONDON, Friday. DLANS for re-opening Lon- don's Mincing Lane rubber market wert reported this morning to be proceeding m the wake of the Government announcement that international control of rubber will end on Dec. 31 Informed sources here said t.*at the plans being negotiated between the
    A.P.  -  158 words
  • 200 1 GOERING Co LOSE APPEALS BERLIN, Thursday. FE Allied Control Council has rejected all appeals by the sentenced Nazi leaders. The appeal of Erich Raeder, veteran admiral who was sentenced to life imprisonment, to be shot, was declared not receivable as the Council was only empowered to grant clemency. The communique
    Reuter  -  200 words
  • 37 1 Late last night United States Army headquarters lifted its suspension of American plane flights over Czechoslovakia and Hungary. Flights over Rumania are still barred and officials refuse to explain vhy says A.P from Frankfurt.
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  • 109 1 TRUMAN ANSWERS ATTLEE WASHINGTON, Thursday. PRESIDENT Truman told a presi conference today that he had replied to the note of protest from the British Prime Minister^ Mr. Attlee He did not disclose the contents. Mr. Attlee's note, which Presi-dent-Truman received last weekend, was a protest against the President's demand that
    Reuter  -  109 words
  • 89 1 NANKING, Thurs. GENERALISSIMO Chiang Kaishek was re-elected President of China by the standing committee of the Kuomintang Central Executive committee m a special session today. Information Minister Peng Hshueh-pei said the tenur e lasts "until the date of assumption of office of a new President duly
    A.P.  -  89 words
  • 50 1 The Egyptian Prime Minister, Ismail Sidkj Pasha, who leaves for London on October 17 for talks with Mr. Bevin. Britain's Foreign Secretary, said m a broadcast yesterday that Egypt seeks 'an era of solid friendship with Britain on a basis of real equality" says Reuter from Cairo.
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  • 30 1 Calm was restored m Rome yesterday, says Reuter, after two persons were killed and over 100 injured on Wednesday m a clasn between demonstrators and the police.
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  • 149 1 Lisbon revolt report WASHINGTON. Thurs. OFFICIAL dispatches reaching Washington from Lis> bon tonight suggest that v reported civil and military uprising m northern Portugal has been thwarted by prompt Government action. Reuter learned from a reliable source tonight. There is no word of any fighting and American officials m Lisbon
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 120 1 LADY Cripps, chairman of the United Aid China Committee, arrived m Nanking from Hong Kong on Wednesday aboard the Generalissimo's private plane "Meiling* accompanied by Mrs. Elizabeth Miller, Secretary-General of the Committee, Miss Cripps who is acting as her mother's secretary, and Doctor George Yen, acting
    U.P.  -  120 words
  • 60 1 DEMITTANCES to China Horn overseas Chinese during August doubled the July figure, reaching the total of CN58.000.000.000. according to statistics released uv the Bank of China. Of this sum. about half cam* from Chinese residing m various parts of the British Empire, ai.d the greater part
    Reuter  -  60 words
  • 34 1 A trade agreement signed m Rome yesterday betwee n Italy ard Poland is based on the exchange of 750.000 tons of Polish c^ fcr the equivalent m Italian i"ri^trial and agricultural produces
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

    • 241 3 Fifteen housing schemes urgently presented to the Ministry or Health m the past few years have been turned down because there was no assurance that these new homes would not also collapse. But this disembowelled town, this Town That Gave Too Much, is not going
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    • Article, Illustration
      55 3 M?.r,ur.i. hapman. star of Columbia's "The Walls Came Tumbling Down." is seen with *>•• of the suits from that puture. mated icr her by Mw I» an I ouis. It is of > v >ter pm tjaVrdine. with arrow di/nated pockets and Hirhli'hted with r*i<key and ißffs of nj nk
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    • 114 3 WINE FLOWS INTO U.K. be plenty of wine <• m Britain at j™mas. Rum and brardy, too. m all pirts ol ir coming m o- the buiist wme-shio-Bristol Docks. >-nents from the been resumed n 1200 and ZTT^f of sherry-mor? than due to be Cadiz. ~e from Oportj and rtmnaj
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    • 10 3 Be<r. has £5* h^ re^ed to
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    • 164 3 GANG'S LAIR SOUGHT AFTER £6,000 HAUL DOLUS of cloth valued at abouL £6,C00 were recently found to have been stolen from the factory of K. Marock and Co. m London The quantity of cloth involved suggested that a gang of several men must have used more than one lorry during
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    • 31 3 Two ex-R.A.F. pilots. Mr. C. Y. Brownlow. of Durham, and Mr. D. Redman, of Newcastle, reached Capetown m their 10--year-old Swallow aircraft. 39 days after leaving Britain.
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    • 24 3 91 -NO MORE SMOKES At 91. Mr. Arthur Purkis. of Silver End (Essex) gave up smoking because "I don't think M agrees with me
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    • 28 3 It is announced m Pretoria that South African airmen who are war veterans may apply to join the R.A.F. under the extended service scheme
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    • 188 3 BEFORE he hanged himself at a German war prisoner^ camp at Brockley. near Bristol 37-year-old Rudolf Nowak wrot two letters to Germany. To his brother Bernard he wrote: "I have one last request. That is that you shall do whatever you can to look
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    • 28 3 Approval is sought for a direct ferry service between Southend and towns m the Medway by shallow-draught vessels which will carry vehicles.* pedestrians and goods.
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      19 3 do's mwsi have ercr ise hut m this picture four-year-old John Mahomed, of M?l "ioiirne has a man-si/e job
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      72 3 A hundred survivors of the British Ist Airborne Division and a hundred relatives of men who fell at Arnhem joined with many Dutch people m a pilgrimage to the Airborne Cemetery at Oosterbeek on the second anniversary of the landing of the Divoion. Oosterbeek, near Arnhem, was the
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    • 135 3 ANY marked increase In the production of British cars during 1947 is unlikely unless the supply of sheet steel is Increased. The scarcity of this metal is mainly due to the delays m putting into operation new steel plants that have teen planned and
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    • 400 3 Kluang paratroops frees trial irregular LONDON, Thursday. THE Minister of War, Mr. Frederick Bellenger, today announced the quashing of convictions m the Malayan mutiny charge, m which 243 British paratroopers were sentenced by a Kluang courtmartial to two years' imprisonment with hard labour. Making the announcement m the House oi
      Reuter  -  400 words
    • 153 3 Free Press Staff Reporter RANGOON, Wednesday. NORTH Burma has its smuggling problem. Reports reaching Rangoon from the north-west coast indicate that nightly shipments of goods are being brought from India and sold m isolated villages at considerable profit. Areas cut off from normal rice supplies
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    • 168 3 The Supreme Commander's headquarters state that negotiations have been resumed with General Derevyanko, th c Soviet member of the Allied Council m Japan, regarding the repatriation of Japanese prisoners of war and civilians m Russian hands. General Derevyanko has advised having received authority from
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    • 38 3 Fifty school-children from the village of Upper Weston, near Bath, who went on strike because her e was no transport to take them two miles to their new school, are to have a special 'bus
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    • 42 3 More than £750,000 m Civil Defence gratuitie s and post-war credits is still unpaid becaus? claimants have not kept the authorities m England informed of their changes of address. The money i s owed to 35.000 people.
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      23 5 l r i,:rv-'n md the Etarral Dr Wu I'.tak- fcinkin! th* toa.-t t»> ■it i Mcktafl partJ at I (usuli! >o*trrda> I
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    • 203 5 INCAPORE PORT NEWS hff Press shipping Reporter WENT of "dangerous cargo" comprising 96 drums sdphuric atid. ?5i cases of matches, 500 cases of and v*> jars of hydrochloric acid, will be ri the East .\-utic vessel Mongolia when she ariSayipore f r nm Copenhagen today. r
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    • 488 5 8 HOSPITAL PLANS DISCUSSED Free Press Staff Reporter CIX men met m a room m Singapore a few nights ago J and discussed a campaign to build a big hospital for tuberculous sufferers. Some of them were doctors; others were businessmen. The task they have set for themselves is the
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    • 61 5 The Governor of Singapore, Sir Franklin Gimson, is seen congratulating the Chinese Consul -General, Dr. Wu Paak-shing. on the occasion of the. Double Tenth at a cocktail party at the Chinese Consulate yesterday evening. Also at the party (see picture below > were Miss Christina Lee,
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    • 70 5 IN an interview with Singapore Chinese reporters. Mr. Tal Kwee-sheng, Vice-Minister of the Overseas Department of the Kuomlntarg Party. Nanking denied the report that his Ministry was going to establish an office m Singapcrre. Mr. Tai explained his main purpose was a good-w.ll mission to overseas
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    • 88 5 REMARKING that the police had no right to "waylay" people on the streets. Mr. K. M. Eyrne, the Third Magistrate, acquitted a Chinese after the man had pleaded guilty to a charge of fraudulent possession of sugar. It was stated that the accused was riding m
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    • 136 5 ANOTHER batch of 39 refugees from Bagan Si Api Api, m Sumatra, where a Sino-Indonesian armed clash took place recently, have arrived Malaya at Port Dickson, reports the Nanyang Siang Pau. The Malayan Union authorities have granted them special permission to land from a
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    • 52 5 Any person or public body desiring to make representations to the Estate Toddy Shop Committee appointed by the Governor of the Malayan Union should forward a statement of evidence or views not later than Oct. 31. 1946. Such statements should be addressed to the Chairman, Labour Office.
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    • 149 5 Failed to grow food, fined IN th? District Court, Jelebu, on Oct. 7, the first two offenders m Negri Sembilan under true Agricultural Food Crop Proclamation, Woh Ah Kwee and Tan Keong Inn, were charged for failing to cultivate two per cent, of their land with food crops. The Distinct
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    • 66 5 The Chinese Consul-General m Singapore has issued a notice to all Chinese mariners stranded m Malaya and elsewhere to report, to nim at once for repatriation to Ch'r.a. a group pnoto o aaph taken at the quarterly conference of the Paya Lebar Methodist Church, Singapore. Reports of the
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    • 277 5 By Our Chinese Correspondent LAST night, Singapore Chinese celebrated the "Double Tenth" m grand style not m 10 years had the Colony seen the like of the two-mile-long "lantern" procession which wound its way through the streets. Generators specially mounted on trucks provided electric lights for
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    • 132 5 FIVE Japanese, includang two r major-generals who were chiefs of the Judicial Department at Singapore, were sentenced to death by hanging, and five more to Imprisonment for hfe, at the Third War Crimes Court yesterday m the Outram Road case. The rest of the
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    • 118 5 JOHORE BAHRU CANTEEN A SECOND public restaurant m Johore sponsored by the Socal Welfare Department. Malayan Union, will be opened m Johore Bahru cm Saturday Oct. 19 at 11.30 ajn. by the Resident, Commissioner, Johore. Meals will be served at 30 cents a meal from 11.30 a.m. to 2.30 p.m.
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    • 85 5 Licences will now be granted for the importation of canned milk, milk powder, infant and invalid foods, (milk based) from al* foods. <milk based) from all sources except the United Kingdom. Licences m respect of imports from non-sterling countries will be issued by the Registrar of
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    • 18 5 Mr. Li Ti-tsung, Chinese special envoy to N.E.1., is scheduled to leave Shanghai for Singapore today.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 28 3 mi Gillette BLADES^ a The keener, harder edges of Blue Gillette Blades provide smoother and cleaner shaves. Their long life provides the extra shaves that save your money.
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    • 47 5 Ct oRia THEATRE Uuajri* Stase Club Presents 1 4 TOMORROW NIGHT at 8.30 P.M. TONIGHT AT 8.30" ACT PLAYS BY NOEL COWARD P S toViTJI; Tickets S2 5° ?1 can oe *^mtE BINSONS Raffles Place 9.30 a.m. .a* Theatre Box Office 2 p.m. to 4.30 p.m. I
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

    • 269 7  - JOUR GIBB MAY OPEN IN TESTS Bowes I from PERTH, Fri. \i( C tour of Australia opens with its first B jj mat ch against West Australia today. Two un--0 i i rames ha\e been played previously, being ft l 1 r practices only. But m the team selection b
      269 words
    • 183 7 Krotn J. l.reenai: m a two-cr.p defeat last a' ncLs of ■formed 177 CRE team. iCompar.; R E scored Els* fd BSD on y DriU leaving l oals > both i a hardj -rsued M was j BfaTor. end to end ■ven-1 the tc m the After redouble. fOftt
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    • 6 7 Reuter
      Reuter  -  6 words
    • 54 7 The Tam'l Brotherhood Association *iU meet the ft.N.A.S. (Sembawang; lin a friendly frame of soccer, to be played at Sembawang tomorrow. Players and supporters are requested to assemble at 94. Oven Rd. by 3.45 p.m. The Tamils' team will be:— Sithambaram; Kayambu; Thnmbyrajah; Ghani. N.G. Samy. Sabapathy; Muniandy; Vljiyaretnam; Manian.
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    • 17 7 win renres^nt |V: Petroleum 'Malay G against ury at sorrow. Chons Koh Ahmad. k Tan
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    • 239 7 THE only goal of the match decided the issue m favour ol the Royal Scots over 969 IWT m the last game of the Army elimination matches for the Victory Cup competition at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. The three other Army finalists are Alfsea, C.R.E.,
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    • 69 7 THE Army soccer Warn to piav the 2nd. Div. touring team at Jalan Besar tomorrow will be. Sig. Coram; Dvr. Stevenson, L. Cpl. Champion; Sgt. McCarthy, Cpl. Galloway, L.-Cpl. Dixon; Spr. Shaw, X.. Cpl. Cumberlidge, Capt. Gascoigne, Cfm. Bannister, Cpl. Please. Reserves: Spr. Shaw.
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    • 62 7 The following will play for Sinhalese Association Cricket XI at 2.10 p.m. tomorrow at Foit Canning grounds against Base Signals. L. Wijeweera (capt), M. Perera, V.R. Fernando, Narendra Gunas*kera Wester Warnasuriya, L. Hettlhewa. G. Fernpndo, G. Ranatunga. T Wit nan a. C. Fernando, E.A. Perera. Reserves. D.B.
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    • Article, Illustration
      26 7 Mom left t-j rierht, Lie Boon S»3n, Iyssen, Lim Joe Dncin and Kamis who took part m exhibition tennis matches m Singapore on Wednesday.
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    • 586 7 From H. N. Hanmer THE heats m the RAF Malaya Athletic championship, which is being held at Seletar to-morrow, were run off at Seletar on Thursday. Thanks to the organisation by S/Ldr. Hatd In drawing up the heats, and on the field, by W
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    • 241 7 FIRST game m the Singapore Amateur Football Association Victory Cup knock-out competition will be played on Tuesday next week, opponents being the strong H.M.S. Sultan team and R.A.F. Base, Singapore. Among the more favoured teams m the competition, the Chinese have drawn Kranji whom they
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    • 252 7 HOME soccer fixtures for Saturday next week are: ENGLISH LEAGUE. FIRST DIVISION. Arsenal v Stoke City Aston Villa v Charlton Dlaekburn Sheffield U. Blackpool v Manchester U. Brentford v Preston NI. Derby v M borough Everton Bolton Huddesfield v Liverpool Portsmouth v Chelsea Sunderland
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    • 185 7 Stoneham, Southampton, Thurs. BOBBY Lo^ke, South Africa, and James Adams, Scottish international attached to the Beaconsfield Buckinghamshire Englifh club, tied for first place m the Dunlop Masters 1,000 guineas professional tournament here today, each with an aggregate of 286. As Locke is returning to
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 407 7 BOOSTEAO&Co M Ltdrsi MM LLf YDS AGENTS GLEN LINE Denbighshire front L.K. Dae Oct, 12 Ulenaffaric for CJL Dec Oct, IS Glenstrae for tl «•> iIM— 9OS ana oargo accesses to V.X Hsngksng ano Shanghai BURNS PHllaf- LINE haWngs tot if it J cnrrysng passenger* %ac eargn as opfioitaaMirr offer
      407 words