The Singapore Free Press, 10 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 195 1 NEW SAVING BOND ISSUED BILL providing authority to borrow $10,000,000 by the issue of Victory savings certificates, thus offering an attractive investment to the small investor, was passed at the Singapore Advisory Council meeting this morning. Introducing the Bill, the Financial Secretary, Mr. Nelson Jones, said that he was also
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 1 T: tho many Nrated vehicles seen i Sinsrore streets today as I fcnese celebrated the »fc anniversary 01" the foundif their fcoublic. Arches also bailt across n ads. ■•several mass mectinrs are ■»»f Hace trda.v The Chin- lOBsul-General. I)r Wu w«H ?«ve a cock riSr,r l ,n at thc in
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  • 81 1 LONDON. Wed. AN assurance that British troops never had been and never would be used to support the Greek Government m th e pacification of political opDonents was given by Mr. Hector McNeil, Minister of State m the House of Commons today to Mr.
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  • 80 1 Reporter. n: oread c ration X? U uil furVr notice. 28. singa- bread and flour •-•<: v s.7 an Climated up by baker- ccmes into c> e M hfl has a to get m. **r* kati s of or 12 -us one lb. of
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  • 66 1 Free Press Staff Reporter STUDENTS of Chinese schools all over Singapore stretched 100 yards by 50 yards deep m Singapore's Jalan Besar soccer stadium this morning m Singapore's first big celebration m 20 years of the anniversary of the Chinese Republic. While waiting to give a
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  • 153 1 Free Press Staff Rporetr. PULL details are known by the R.A.F. m Singapore of only one of the men who were m the York plane which crashed into the sea north-west of Penang on Sunday. He is Warrant Officer R. Bowerman, of 20 Goldingtons Road, Bedford.
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  • 49 1 A European who appeared before Singapore Police Court this morning on a charge of illegal possession of arms made an unsuccessful bid to escape as he was being taken from the tourt to Outram Road jail. He was chased and caught by two detectives m Chulia Street.
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  • 58 1 THE United States Government has accepted payment £40.000 from Yugoslavia as indemnity for the lives of the five American airmen killed when Yugoslav fighters shot down their transport plane on Aug. 19. Yugoslavia has requseted that this money be shared between the dependents of the dead
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  • 157 1 ROME, Wed. MINETY demonstrators and 29 policemen were injured and one demonstrator killed when Italian Carabinerie fired on a crowd of 5.000 workers demonstrating today outside Viminale Palace— the seat of the Government m Rome, it was officially announced The workers, demonstrating against the threat
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  • 238 1 OTRANTO SAILS WITH NO CARGO Free Press Shipping Reporter U7HEN the 20,000-ton Orient liner, Otranto, left Singapore for Hong Kong this morning, she wa s a passenger-filled ship but her holds were completely empiy. The Otranto did not load cargo of any type either military or civilian stores— when she
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  • 165 1 KILLEARN COSTS £326,000 LONDON, Wed. DEPLYING to a question m the 11 House of Commons today by Sir Waldron Smithers, Conservative. Orpington, about the number and cost of Lord Killeam's establishment m Malaya, Major Mayhew, Under-Secretary for Foreign Affairs, said: "Figures which the Foreign Secretary gave on July 29 were
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  • 31 1 Karl Helnz Moehle. commander of the German fifth UBoat Flotilla has been arrested and will stand trial as a war criminal at Hamburg on Oct 15 says Reuter.
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  • 54 1 A British military mission is m East Africa examining the suitability of the area for a base. It was reported over the weekend that the Cabinet's defence committee and Chiefs of Staff had discussed a proposal to withdraw Britain's main defence bases from Egypt to East-Africa
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  • 108 1 I Nuremberg, report j BERLIN, Wed. IT ib believed that th? Allied Control Council have today rejected the appeals for clemency oy Goering, Bormann. Frick Rosenberg and Streicher. all of whom were sentenced to death by the Nuremberg international war crimes tribunal. By the lour-power agreement, it
    Reuter  -  108 words
  • 62 1 IT is hoped to release textiles for free sale m Singapore soon without restriction or condition. This was indicated yesterday oy Mr. J. Hamer, Deputy Fwd Controller for Singapore. He said that textile price was still dropping. The fight against the black market of the Colony is
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  • 17 1 A rocket -propelled model plane was flown at a Leicester rally of aero modellers.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 335 3 EX-POW AIRMEN CLAIM £105,000 A IRMEN officers who were prisoners of war m Ger--11 many are claiming from the British and Dominions Governments the return of £105,000 which they spent while prisoners to aid the Allies against the enemy. The sum is macb up of the following payments: Escape and
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    25 3 [he (.real Ii Railway has some of its locomojvfs to •il-burners. Here is ac of the locomotives with an i tank m its coal bunker.
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  • 109 3 BECAUSE of waste m ships take aboar* far more food than they need, Falmouth Port Health Authority has deciaea to ask tne Ministry of Food to secure more careful victualling. They suggested that the Tviimstry instruct shipbrokers and agents to arrange supplies m accordance with length
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  • 89 3 CHINA is to run a regular shioping service to link up with the Philippines shortly. ;\t the request of Chinese m the Philippines, says the China Press Shanghai English-language daily the China Merchants Steamshin Navigation Company has decided to place the oceangoing steamer Hai Hsia on
    Reuter  -  89 words
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    47 3 A t.Jnster Meteor jet plane, similar m type to the aircraft whirh. piloted by Group-captain E. M. Donaldson of the Royal Air Force, set a new world's air speed record of 616 miles an hour was on show on the Horse Guards Para de, Whitehall, London, recently.
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  • 44 3 SMUGGLING GANG IS SMASHED IN international smuggling gang which used secret routes over three of Germany's frontiers has been smashed, the British Frontier Control Branch announced. Following up clues from letters and captured smugglers, the combined control services have made a number of arrests.
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  • 232 3 SINY British servicemen now m Hong Kong do not want to start their civilian lives afresh m England when they demobilised, writes Margaret Bradbury m the Hong fug China Mail. Instead, they plan to gather their families id savings and seek new fields overseas. kterviews
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  • 23 3 SEARCH FOR HUSBAND ENDS WITH FINE Julienn om Dun- hich was J [aid to have never rossed t worth re. At not cte-
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  • 158 3 FIELD-Ma\RSHAL Montgomery will tour East Africa next June, on his way to Australia and New Zealand. East Africa is expected to become a main atomic-age training ground of the British Army and a main support base m the new Empire defence system. Plans have
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  • 30 3 Coal shipment! from the Tyne during the eight months ended Aug. 31 totalled 3,876,420 tons, an increase of 779,760 tons compared with the same period of 1945.
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  • 21 3 A weekly naif day of parole Is now being allowed German prisoners at the Ure Eank Crmp at Rinon.
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  • 239 3 TOR probably the first time m the history of the British Army, soldiers were recently permitted to take their girl friends into their barrack-rooms. And, while the soldiers sat on their beds polishing equipment and rifles, the girls talked and laughed and made themselves at home.
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  • 216 3 Gen. Ch iang appeals for peace NANKING, Wednesday. GENERALISSIMO CHIANG KAI-SHEK tonight made plea for peace when he made a nation-wide broadcast on the eve of China's "Double Tenth". He urged the Communists to "abandon their plot to achieve regional domination by force and instead to participate m the national
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  • 66 3 CAPTAIN Raymond Blackburn. Socialist MP for King's Norton, and a parliamentary expert on atomic energ>. arrived back m Ev'tiin from America recently a "frightenel man" He told a meeting at Wembley: "I am frightened because I know there are several weapons cf mass destniition tb?t may
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  • 26 3 Americans m the Eurocean Theatr c have been given permission to marry Hungarians, Bulgarians and Rumanians, but they still canno, marry Germans.
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  • 24 3 Transfer of Service women to hospitals to relieve shortage of nurses Wi~s suggested m a resolution for the Liberal Party Council meeting.
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  • 37 3 The first Lockheed Constellation delivered to X.L.M., the Netherlands airline was named City of Arnhem by Maj.-Gen. R. E. Urquhart, commande r of the British First Airborn c Division at A rnhem
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  • 19 3 A lorry loaded with prefabricated house parts stolen from Denham, Buckinghamshire, was found abandoned at Newport. Monmouthshrie.
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  • 164 3 JAPAN is inviting tourists from English-speaking countries to spend their holidays again m the "land of the cherry blossom." Prom the Japan Travel Bureau m Tokio a handsome 248-page holiday brochure has just arrived m Britain. It is m the form of a diar> tor
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 117 3 •IF YOU ARE NOT SATISFIED WITH YOl R PRESENT ACCOMMODATION. TRY "THE TAVERN" The Newest European Residential Hotel m the Coolest A Healthiest part of Singapore. EVERYTHING UP-TO-DATE *Spac:ous rooms luxuriously furnished with the latest design of Furniture. ♦Every room has its own separate bath-room *Our Cocktail -Bar with its
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  • 490 5 S'PORE POLICE APPLY BURMA WAR LESSONS To :ain tirst hand information tfvkat Chinese m the South $eas s»ff« ed materially and m idler respects durin the occuggfai Mr. Tai Kuee-sheng. lief- Minister of the Nanking Casta* Affairs Ministry armed by air ;n Singapore vfst rd.iy FUTURE POLICE Free Press Staff
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  • 142 5 S'PORE CHINESE PRESS HAILS GESTURE Rice Loan fll Poh, a leading -fcfca: ine-e newspaper, SBsin the er diversion oi Ctatt's aDocatior or S'amese rice to ituya and hei South-East &a during the next three months, another sign of Mtaess or' the Chinese Govern•erseas Chinese. \m journal mn that since
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  • 30 5 LIJ Officer at the JS: 7jF; ial oi ftvp Paratroopers "nParacr.u-e Regt to be X*? aptain f W Ward, the r w prosecuted at -li; Kluang.
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  • 95 5 CHEOK Yin Kong, a rood control clerk, was convicted by the District Judge, Mr. Tan Thoon Lip, yesterday on three charges of bribery m connection with the issuing of rice ration cards. He was fined $200, m default three weeks' rigorous imprisonment, on each of the
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  • 26 5 The Siamese Government has officially announced that it will permit the export of 240 buffaloes per month to Singapore on a three-month trial basis.
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  • 221 5 D R. WU APPEALS FOR UNITY I -as Chinese LbJJJ" a nit, and full cok ww C: nes at home k2L* ar rehabilitation and ftb* rmc n \ade by then *n a Double Tenth/ n of this nomage to JNfc r. Dr. Sun .lions of our ?^hsa- -^Preme and Q
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  • 28 5 At 9.45 p.m. tomorrow, Mr. C. S. Alkins. Secretary for Chinese Affairs, Singapore, will broadcast from Radio Malaya on "The Origin of the Double Tenth."
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  • 379 5 Free Press Correspondent AN unofficial mission to rice-producing countries such as Siam, Indochina and Burma, to study marketing and other conditions and make recommendations to speed up exports to South-East Asia countries threatened with famine, is among the suggestions made by the Selangor Chinese Chamber of
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  • 324 5 STORE PORT NEWS Free Press Shipping Reporter A DUTCH passenger-cargo vessel which was captured by the Germans when they overran Holland, and later found abandoned m Bremen after the collapse of Germany, is m Singapore today. She is the 9,250-ton Java-New York liner, Sumatra,
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  • 95 5 CHINESE EVACUATE API API FOLLOWING the armed clashes between the Chinese and the Indonesians m Bagan Si Api Api, about 1,500 Chinese refugees have crossed to Pulau Ketan. and a considerable number to Kuala Selangor. This is known to the Union Governor and the immigration authorities, and the urgent need
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  • 167 5 RochoreRd. rid of stalls Free Press Staff Reporter ROCHORE'Road area, one -»r Singapore's most popular haunts of blackmarket hawsers and pickpockets, is slowly being cleared. Regular police raids during recent weeks are beginning to take effect, and the road is once again passable to motor traffic, and soap-box stalls which
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  • 49 5 "pHINA'S Little Devils* will be Jj shown at the Cathay Cinema Singapore, at midnight tonight the anniversary of the Double Tenth. The film, which was produced ir. America with a Chinese cast headed by Duckie Louie, tells the story of Chinese resistance u> Japanese aggression.
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  • 45 5 Tomorrow yet another People's Restaurant opens at 11 a.m m the arena of the New World. Thirty-five cent lunches will now become available for the inhabitants of the Jalan Besar and Lavender Street areas. Entrance to the restaurant is from Kitchener Road.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 40 5 Important Announcements OUR TELEPHONE NUMBERS: as from today will be as follows— SALES DEPT. 4373 IMPORT EXPORT DEPT. 3114 FIRST SHIPMENT OF METROLAC (Latex Testing Instrument) received Use "YACHT" BRAND FORMIC TAN SIN PENG CO. 1 1, PHILLIP ST. SINGAPORE
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 620 7 CHINESE FOOTBALLERS URGED TO UNITE IJOLLOWING a statement published m the morning press i F today from an official of the Chinese Athletic Football Club that the services of the Chinese Athletes will not be available to the community m the forthcoming S.AFA i Victory Cup competition. Dr. Wu Paak-shing,
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  • 66 7 22 Players Selected *ketion .—Si li,r 1 „d>i€-rs .Lim \ong *£•;.> the b^ >rom STihe <^ n^ (0m g.^mwill be chosen: JTT. Bac!;>: »wee 2 Chin L>e. Soon San, Thaan. Half Hacks: I+Om UkrtMtMQt blew L?n? sw^ !im EL urn spn s Leun Forg.fbitLim. iM M^n?r a iß«fk (Captain). Boon
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  • 170 7 CESAREWITCH ACCEPTORS RDOII, We*. IE 30 ftnl M witn ■eights Wti I the ■mtrh to be run over two er at Newfctcr. |0I (17 Bndelandi Pipo the ft ynard Smith Delville -cve t ■ds extra. Gusty v- Star Lover B mdudinir pounds Ok* 1 Wl. Charles Bte Ford Transport t3.10
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  • 30 7 «wtey fc.jns anxious to te>? B e against team m wl or Service). PixHW /a aran i Wlth P P t- 72 C I Bw Pood fl%t 4431).
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  • 270 7 From J. QnumM AGAINST very little opposition, No: 2 Signal Coy. brought off a two-nil victory against 'G* Branch Alfsea at Tanglin Barracks on Monday. John. Alfsea goalkeeper, was definitely the most outstanding player on his side, and it was only through his great efforts that
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  • 177 7 LONDON, Wed. HERBY COUNTY beat Sparta Club from Czechoslovakia In the tourists' third match today by three goals to two a happy result from the Derby viewpoint because they were beaten by Sparta m a recent match m Czechoslovakia. For the first half Sparta held the
    Reuter  -  177 words
  • 476 7 From H. N. Hanmer SELETAR RAF who look like being one of the strongest rugby sides m the island, having won by wide margins four of the five games they have played since the beginning of the new season, gave further proof of their
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  • 46 7 Re g Allen, Queen's Park Rangers' goalkeeper, who has conceded only two goals m eight league games this season, shows how he saves a low one. A parachutist during the war, Allen knows more than the average goalkeeper about getting down to earth.
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  • 72 7 MILLS-JOE BAKSI FIGHT MAY BE POSTPONED London. Wed. THE fitfht between Freddie Mills, British cruiser-weight champion, and Joe Baksi, American heavyweight, fixed for Harryingay on Oct. 22, may be postponed owing to the death of Baksi's mother last night. Baksi was due to leave for England today. In the event
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  • 161 7 PERTH, Wed. rpHE M.C.C. team to meet West- crn Australia m a three-day match beginning here on Friday are: Hammond (captain) Yardley, Glbb, Hardstatt, Washbrook, Ikin, Edrich, Evans, Smith, Wright, Voce and Bedser, the 12th. man. For this first important match of the tour,
    Reuter  -  161 words
  • 156 7 LIEM Joe Djiem displayed excellent form yesterday when he beat Kamis 6—4, 6—2 In an exhibition tennis match ou Mr. P. F. de Souza's court m Thomson Road. Highlight of tre game were Liem's ground strokes and his powerful forehand drives with which he scored
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 13 7 t ,AH TUNERS REPAIRERS ague co., J* *fcg* Koa4 *^^f~~ M I _f^B
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    • 261 7 BOUSTEAD&Co.,Ud. I'fcl 5161-2 LLI YDS AGENTS GLEN LINE Denbighshire from IK Dae Oct. 12 GlenafJaric for U.K. Dae Oct. 16 Glemtrae for U.K. Nov. Passengers ano cargo acceptee la U.K Hongkong and Shanghai as opportunities offet BURNS PHILI- LlNfc Sailing's tot »v<ine> i a.-rytng passengers and cargo as opportunities offer
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