The Singapore Free Press, 7 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 349 1 Sjahrir: 'We're on threshold of peace' IN Batavia at 10 o'clock (local time) this morning, Lord Killearn, Special British Commissioner m South-East Asia, was due to open the Dutch-ludo-nesian negotiations. The meeting is taking place at the residence of the British Consul-General, Mr. Gilbert MacKereth, Commission-General source
    U.P.; A.P.  -  349 words
  • 140 1 I CAIRO, Sunday. Mfenile flight from Hawaii to Egypt over the 'top the world by the 'Pacusan Dreamboat" proved that pf-FfaillUi n>uld do its job of defending the United over an part «,f the globe, its pilot said. Through >?ht. IS. Army Air
    A.P.  -  140 words
  • 7 1 I when I 'burg
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  • 59 1 The death took place m Singapore this morning of M. W. HorroclLS, of the Import and Export Office. Mr. Horrocks, who was interned m Singapore throughout the Japanese occupation, returned to Singapore with his wife by the Britannic three weeks ago. The funeral will
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  • 49 1 Mr. Ernest Bevin, the Foreign Secretary, will welcome the chance to have direct talks with the Egyptian Prime Minister. Sidky Pa£ha, on the revis on of the Anglo-Egyptian Treaty if he comes to London this month, the Foreign Office spokesman stated yesterday says Reuter from London.
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  • 233 1 AXE British soldier was shot dead and another seriously wounded by unknown assailants m the Street of Prophets m Jerusalem tonight, according to British Military Headquarters. Unknown gunmen travelling at high speed m a black saloon car tonight opened fire on a British Army Public Relations
    A.P.; Reuter  -  233 words
  • 53 1 KEMPEI ON PARADE IN K.L. Members of the Srla/igor Ktmpci tai were paraded m Kuaia LuMpa* l**t wedg, »<. r. <v w«'i t*«; an opportunity of identifying th ose against whom they might ha YeV c war crimes allegations. Two Kempci are seen being marched round a field m full
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  • 277 1 BURMA A CTS A GAINST RICE RACKET Free Press Staff Reporter RANGOON, Sunday. NOW that the Burmese rice crop is progressing so well and promises to be more than twenfy-five per cent, greater than last year, the Government is taking every step to ensure that there will be no black
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  • 79 1 TEHERAN, Sunday PERSIAN troops helped by planes which "successfully" bombed rebel concentrations yesterday pushed back a new attack by the Qashgai tribesmen on the besieged south Persian town of Shiraz, it was reported today. Teheran newspapers reported from Shiraz that after fighting on th'" outskirts of
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  • 67 1 rOR the first time for many months Singapore passed a whole week-end without a single armed robbery being reported. Detectives making their rounds during Saturday night arrested a Malay who was found with a fully loaded .38 revolver. The arrest was made m
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  • 30 1 Armando Mazzoni, editor of j the Leghorn newspaper Correre del Tlneno during the Faseis* regime has been mieDced to seven years imprisonment sayi Peuter from Rome.
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  • 198 1 RAEDER ASKSFOR DEATH NUREMBERG, Sunday. ERICH RAEDER, former Commander-in-Chief of the German Navy, who was sentenced to life imprisonmei.t by the International Military Tribunal last Tuesday, is petitioning the Allied Control Council to change his sentence to death, it was learned today. The application, it wa^ understood, will arrive m
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  • 125 1 MORE ARMY FAMILIES FOR STORE 'T'HE trooper "Queen Of B^rA muda' is due to arrive m Singapore from England on October 18 Sbe is bringinc a further number of Ser\ice families to Malaya and Singapore About 400 service officers 50 civilians, and 500 other ranks are expected to embark fat
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  • 42 1 Free Press Staff Reportu A military hospital since the liberation of Singapore and from 1941 up to the end of the Japanese camnaign m Singapore. St. Patrick's Srhool. on the East r-jst Road. rtHUBCS .services a^ school from tomorrow.
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    • 495 3 U.S. IS LAYING UP 1,991 WARSHIPS THE 30,000-ton 12-inch gun battle cruiser U.S.S. Guam and her sister ship Alaska, completed only m 1944, now form the major unit of the New York group of the United States Navy's great fleet of scientifically laid-up warships. There are also the aircraft carriers
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      28 3 Here is a new hat designed by Aage Thaarup, one of London's leading milliners. It is a tan felt mob can with self-coloured jersey quills accentuating the height.
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    • 84 3 disillusioned JSO are besieging with applica- /'of the war such 0 already outBSpd "•*•> -umber of marriages nearly 4.000. and record level of pt to relieve the or Occupying to appoint new JEbu- < little hope of the cases being Srd before next year. s have
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    • 105 3 A s by the Wmnn Governmeii* is pro- .<: the "leopard n^r.sible for man:, rutnks gnten which have tenc- communttes partol :he Calabar province. ten have been re- condemned to death by High Court and hanged at prison The executions d out over three days Mi
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    • 46 3 ONE IN THREE AIMS TO WED FRAULEIN APPLICATIONS for permission I marry German girls numne m three of the unm some units of h Forces m Germany aforcementi of padres will ne for March 11— date for marriage bethp ?ix-months waiting I™* im-oscd by the authori-
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    • 121 3 THIS is what the war cost Britain -as worked out by a special sub-committee of the United Nations: In cash— £2l,ooo,ooo,ooo. In housing—three out of ten destroyed In shipping, one half of prewar tonnage lost In overseas investment— incom rt reduced to less than half. But
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    • 116 3 ITALIANS have spent £50,000 making a film shoeing that when the Allies bombed the Monte Cassino monastery m 1944 there was not a German m it. Five hundred monks and refugees, the producer claims, were killed. Eleven monks wno were there acted as historical advisers
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    • 331 3 SIR EDMUND CRANE, 59-year-old cycle manufacturer, who began business with his brother m a 7s. Gd.-a-week house, is selling the Hercules Cycle Company for more than £3000,000 to the Tube Investments group. Sir Edmund refused a £4,500,000 offer for the business m 1936. The £18,000,000
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    • 73 3 SEAMAN aircraft pilots are to be recruited by the Navy, the Admiralty has announced. First vacancies will go t» volunteers from hundreds who were training as airmen when the war ended and who were rejr»rded as abl? seamen, cooks and stokers. Many had almost won
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    • 26 3 Frank Smith, of Fores" Gat~. E.. died after b in^ c irhcd between a boat and a on th River Bure. NOii'dl':
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    • 95 3 THE Victoria Cross awarded posthumously to Flt.-Sgt. Arthur Aaron, which was stolen recently from his parents' home m Gledhow, Leeds, has been restored to them by the Leeds C.I D., together with the D.F.M. which was stolen at the same time. Mr. M. B. Aaron, the
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    • 110 3 BO AC GETS AVRO TUDOR BRITISH Overseas Airways nas taken possession of their first Avro Tudor 1.— 15 months after the prototype completed initial flight trials. While the Tudors were being designed and produced the Government ordered from the U.S. five Lockheed 42-seater Constellations, which are now being ordered to
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    • 26 3 Col. C. C. O. Whiteley has been installed as Master of the Farriers' Company, with Mr. W. I'Axman and Mr. Oswald Lewis a-" Wardens.
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      46 3 Piss flans jo Langhout and Mr. Emile Meyer, both of Amstert'<n\ arc seen examining a Roman oyster shell found at the site of the excavations m King's Head Yard, Borough High Street. Southwark. They are members of a Dutch archaelogical students from the University of Amsterdam.
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    • 82 3 WHAT is described as "a slar of unusual temporary bril--Lance" was seen south-east of Deal, m England, recent' People were awaken* c oy \\s glare on their windows There appeared to be a path of light across the sea, and the "stai* shone vividly for two
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    • 29 3 A total of 80 tons of prepared Umber for houses was destroyed m a fire at the sawmills cf G. Parker Son. Summer- road Peckham. S E.
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    • 266 3 "ITNLESS production is maintained, there may je i 10,000,000 tons deficit m coal with a resultant i<» of employment to 2,000,000 workers m industries dependent on coal," said Mr. Arthur Homer, General Secretary of the British National Union of Min;>workers, at Newcastle recently. "We are
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    • 145 3 THERE Ls an unprecedented df- mane for luxury flats m Mayfair, at rentals :rom £600 a yeaj to £1.300 or more "As fas: as they become available th3y are snapped up." a West End estate agent said. "I have aLo heard of people
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    • 509 5 FRENCH LUXURY LINERS FOR S'PORE Free Press Staff Reporter THE French mail line, Messageries Maritimes, is placing new luxury liners on the Far East run, making Singapore a regular port of call, and the first of four new vessels will be the 22,000-ton La Marseillaise. This ship has just been
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    • 162 5 k Cripi* president of the British United Aid to China Liisation, has left London for China. She had a I ta> k pafkin^ into a suitcase all the clothes needed for d cokl climates and for the formal ceremonies and pools t^ur of inspection through small villages m the
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      24 5 Lib Hoh-t iom- >f the tv Po the *m corvette of the CL;nkn which arrive J at P*f *>n Saturday on its to China
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    • 18 5 Wis- Zoiac! ioH c k'v. J**w<t New Zealand and H»»k\ 52. X r.g Street. v Aus-
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    • 141 5 LORD Mountbatten, Supreme Allied Commander m Fouth-East Asia were among those who paid tribute to the RN.V.R. at a Commemora;ion Fund inaugural dinner last Thursday night In London. Confessing that hs never m% m the committee which m^*viewed prospective R.N.V.R. officers, he said nevertheless h
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    • 45 5 f HINESE leaders m Medan and v Bagan. and Indonesian disrict officers and high officials fDDm Medan and other parts of Sumatra have Bagan Si-Api Aci where an armed clash took place between the Chinese and Indonesians two weeks ago
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    • 112 5 ONE of ihe flrst Java students to receive a Dutch Government scholarship to study music m Holland is a 15-year-old Chinese girl, Miss Lee Soan, who has arrived m Singapore on a visit to her uncle before leaving for Europe. Miss Lee has been
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    • 13 5 A Malayan Volunteer Ex-Ser-vices Association has been formed m Kuala Lumpur.
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      45 5 Last weak, members of «he former Japanese military polio m Selangor were paraded m Kuala Lumpur, so that the public miffht have the opportunity of identifying any against whom they mirht have war crimes allegations. These pictures were taken duriiur Uie parade of the suspects.
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    • 174 5 AN the advice of the authorities, v the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce will shortly i^xige a claim for over $30,000 with the Local Records Office m respect of advances maie by the Cnamber during the war. This amount represents wages raid by the Chamber to
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    • 257 5 Gen. Cox inquiring into cheque mystery Free Press Staff Reporter THE whereabouts of a cheque for Ks. 100,000, presented by the Maharajah of Mysore, for the en\?rtainme«t of Indian troops m Malaya just before the Japanese occupation, are shrouded m mystery. It is learned that Major-Gen. L. H. Cox, G.0.C.,
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    • Article, Illustration
      32 5 Miss low Geok Chan, tmrd daughter of .Mr. and Mrs. Low Choong Far of Singapore who was married last Saiuiday at the Church of the Sacred Heart to Mr Chong Choon Chew.
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    • 26 5 Mr. Cheng Hui Ming has bc:n "'-.po'nted the Chinese Assistant to the Secretary for Chines? Affairs, Singapore, according to Chungnang Jit Poh.
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    • 48 5 DEJECTING a petition for re- view, the Chief Secretary, Malayan Union, has confirmed a\<i sentence of thre c years' rigorous imprisonment each on two charges of assisting the enemy originally passed on Loh Kai Fatt by the Perak Superior Court, at Ipoh on May 21 last.
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    • 218 5 Free Press Stafi Reporter ANE of the best jobs of rehabiliv tation m Rangoon so tar is the clearing of the wrecks whicn lay m the river obstructing traffic. A great deal of rubble has been cleared from the dock front to make for easy
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 69 3 THE STRAITS TIMES PRINTING OEPT has received a consignment of high quality ACCOUNT BOOKS ledgers i nm toros Doubled Casn Columns Indexed Hall Bound m WM& C_ skin SH each BOOKS Slze l2v 8 '^i toUos Halt Bound m goat sKir *15 each '•OLRNALS Size 12 VV *W pages Halt
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  • 2 7
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  • 333 7 Home Rugby Results LONDON, Saturday. A LATE rally enabled Richmond to draw with Paris University at Richmond where each side scored a goal and two penalty goals. The pace of the Frenchmen coupled with the leg injury of Wade, former Newport fly -half, enabled the
    Reuter  -  333 words
  • 342 7 BLACKPOOL RETAIN DIV ONE LEAD LONDON, Saturday. r^TLE Iniud. m Saturday's League games, scored a nil against Newport, after leading by seven at «fcaokleu>n. Newcastle's purchase from Bradford. U T rin 'he tir>t half and another m the second. >< earlier Newcastle had sold Stubbing, d. to Liverpool for £13,000,
    A.P.  -  342 words
  • 29 7 SCC BEAT ALFSEA >>.c.tJ. btat Allsea ltf points to Uiree m a or rugger pU»cu «m the padang on Saturday. This picture shows the game m progress. LhjUGLAS R'j&S
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  • 425 7 k BBM lOOttrf p l P A Pts 10 n m 16 EL r 9- 3 9 H EH IM M r I S 1 2 It 11 11 I j l 3 .'6 2ft 11 '4 IT 12 1! EL > 9 io IS 9 10
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  • 7 7 IMT-v I Ex^ f C R.E
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  • 145 7 WEST YORKS BEAT DEVONS 7-3 Fr?e Press Correspondent PENANG, Sun. DISPLAYING superior team work, the West Yorks, Penang's soccer cup semi- finalists, scored a convincing win by seven goals to three over the Royal Devon Yeomanry, Ipoh league and Cup champions, m a fast game played at Glugor last evening.
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  • 29 7 SYDNEY, Sat. OSSIE P ckworth won the Australian Oven Golf Championship at the Royal Sydney cours; with a 72-hc-les score of 289. Alan Watson was th e runnerup. A.P.
    A.P.  -  29 words
  • 77 7 LONDON, Sun. Commenting en the soccer strike threat the Secretary of the Football League, Fred Howart, told Reuter today: "f do not think the strike will materialise." The League, he added, had made no plans to meet the strike if one did take place. "I certainly think
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 52 7 IN a well c6ntested game of hockey St. Joseph's Institution Ist XI held a strong Food Control Inspectoxate XI to a one-all draw nt the school ground at Bras Basah Road. After a scoreless first half J:cJ*ie Oliveiro netted for Food Control Inspectorate, and Kimi Eng equalised for
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  • 233 7 D. ROSo who put up an unbeaten 64 on Saturday did well again with the bet to return the highest score of oJ runs m yesterday's cr'cket match between the SRC. and Mr. A.N. Fiber's XI, which the Rees won by 31 runs. The scores were
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  • 59 7 San Francisco, Sat. IN a major upset, Eddo Moylan of Trenton, New Jersey beat second seeded r i'om Brown of San Francisco, 6-4, ?-6, 6-4, to reach the ssmi-finaLa of th« Pacific Coast Tennis Championship along with tfr? national champion, Jack Kranver of Los Angeles, Julus Herdman of
    A.P.  -  59 words
  • 138 7 From Our Own Correspondent fcUALA LUMPUR, Sun. IfEEN and clean boxing, as the judge described tt, m the feature of last. night's amateur contest m aid of the Malayan Welfare Fund. Two of the nine fights ended by the short route. The best bout of the
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  • 50 7 Stockholm. Sat. MARCEL Hansenne, Frea^h ac? runner, won the international 10,003 metre race at the Colombes Stadium, beating Rurc Gustavsson of Sweden, the world record holder for the distance. H s time of 2 mm. 24.2 se?. was thre? seconds behind Gustavsi'>ii f record, however. A.P.
    A.P.  -  50 words
  • 240 7 SCC WEN BY SEVEN RUNS DEVONS were seven runs short of the S.C.C. total m the cricket match on the padang yesterday, when their innings was completed. A sportin c gesture by Devon's Captain, who allowed the S.C.C. to bat after lunch when they had last nine wickets at four
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  • 118 7 A large crowd turntd up at the Great World Arena last Saturday and Uf Jeff Conda More a re.^sational K.O. win over the masked wTestier. Son of Zombie m the fourth round of a scheduled e'ght rouni contest, Conda scoring the victory with his famous knee drop tactics.
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  • 266 7 Kranji.... 2. Terror 1 TWO of the Navy's four teams m the S.A.F.A. Victory Cup knock-out soccer competition played a friendly game o n Saturday, Kranji Wireless Station P. C. beating H.M.S. Terror by the odd goal m three. From the kick-off play was scrappy, both
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 341 7 BOUSTEAO&Co..Ltd. TU. 5161-2 LU TDS AGENTB GLEN LINE Denbicasairc from UJL Dae Oct It Glenaflaric far U.K. Oct. IS Gleactrae for II Nov. faaoeiirer* *ad c*rro acceptea LX Haarkonc and SaaagfcaJ a* sppTtgnirte; offet BURNS PHIIJ- UNE s>a ilinc* fat tfyaarj Camrla* paasearer* aad carro r*irst CSteav Secow^ Olaaa £M
      341 words