The Singapore Free Press, 5 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 323 1 Mr. A.V. Alexander is new Defence Chief DUMBER lt^ Downing Street, last night announced N IS ihanuts m the Cabinet and ministerial posts m Mr. Clement Attlee's Labour Government and a reorganisation of the Defence Ministries to provide a new Minister of Defence. net reshuffle, the first since
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  • 114 1 NUREMBERG, Friday. PERMISSION to enter the British zone of Germany was today refused by the British Military a" thorities to two or the Nazis recently acquitted at the war-crimes trial. The ban falls on Schact. who was th? Nazi finance irinister, and Fritsche, propaganda assistant to
    Reuter; A.P.  -  114 words
  • 200 1 THE new set-up of the Defence Ministry will not prevent the Prime Minister m case of war from assuming functions as Defence Minister. He will preside over meetings of the Defence Committee and his deputy may be the Minister of Defence who, m that capacity,
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  • 31 1 Seven people were killed and nearly 140 others injured by fire and explosions at the Sun Oil Company's petrol refinery at Marcus Hook says Reuter from Philadelphia
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  • 25 1 The Chinese dollar yesterday dropped 600-points to 4,700 to one American dollar, then returned to 4,100 says A. P. from Shanghai.
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  • 110 1 LONDON, Fri. FIVE London Communist leaders were today committed by the Bow Street magistrate for trial at the Central Criminal Court on a charge of conspiring together with >'V*n!is onknown to trespass upon property and to aid. abet and direct such persons to trespass. The alleged
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 361 1 LONDON, Friday. PRESIDENT TRUMAN'S appeal to Britain, made public I from Washington this afternoon, that substantial Jewish immigration should be permitted at once into Palestine without waiting for a solution of the problem as a whole, is officially regretted, the Foreign Office spokesman stated tonight, as
    Reuter; A.P.  -  361 words
  • 57 1 Milan, Fri. l ARGE quantities of grenades, machine-guns and automatic firearms, and several hundredweight of TNT have been discovered by the police m a search at a farm near Castel del Rio, south of Bologna. A tank m perfect condition was hidden under a heap of dead
    Reuter  -  57 words
  • 29 1 YOUR SMOKES NEXT WEEK Singapore cigarette rations tor next week will be mixed m the ratio of three "B" class <Douoie Ace) cigarettes to two "A" class (Players) cigarettes.
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  • 115 1 Free Press Staff Reporter WHILE petrol rationing m Singapore will continue for some time, the basic ration for civilian cars has been increased by 50 per cent, m Singapore as from the beginning of this month. This will benefit nearly 10.000 motor vehicle owners The official
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  • 261 1 Free Press London Correspondent THE Daily Herald slates that the British Cabinet are considering the full evidence concerned with the case of th? Paratroopers of the 13th (Lancashire) Battalion upon whom sentence was promulgated m Singapore last week for mutiny at Muar m May. The Cabinet
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  • 33 1 Cardinal Griffin. Roman Catholic Archbishop of London, has asked the British Government to intervene on behalf of Archbishop Stepinaic, on trial m Yugiosavia, according to diplomatic sources m London says UP.
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  • 100 1 MADRID, Fi:. IT was announced by the sJpanisJ. police tonight that they haw captured Jose Isisa Oiaizoia, alleged to be a prominent Commun ft leader and Ccmmander-in-Chie. of the anti-Franco Jorces mi n a.. Spain He was taken with S4 olhe. Communists and th e claim
    Reuter  -  100 words
  • 73 1 By a unanimous vole th c Conservative Party Conference has passed a resolution that the "principle of Imperial preferenr? must be maintained," says A P. from Blackpool. Demands were vo ced that th? United States keep out of Britain* Imperial affairs. Lord Amery, former Secretary of
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 19 1 PHOTOGRAPHS o. f- Fdo*. Chemic»«» aviiUbl* HEW RE X photo Studio I. Raffle F 1 1 cfcac:<:e Club. r
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    • 42 1 Y. T. LEE Repairs Lrve< type Pump fI.M Vacnmatic Pomp Z 0t Gold Nib LU Extra 2 -YE AH FRKfc SERVICE. FREfc SAC OR FREE DIAPHRAGM! Oatstation: By Reftotrred Post 34. Chali* Street. Singapore. 332. North ttridre R ad. Tel 7971 Singapore
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    • 274 3 CHINA BUYS SURPLUS U.S. PROPERTY £200,000,000 Deal THE bulk sale to China of civilian type surplus property originally valued at £200,000,000 was announced by the president of the Executive Yuan, Dr. T. V. Soong, and Mr. Thomas McCabe, the United States Foreign Liquidation Commissioner. The statement emphasised that only non-military
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    • Article, Illustration
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    • 102 3 CHINA WILL ADOPT 'OPEN DOOR POLICY' I.- Ign Minister, D: Wfcng Sfc.-Chieh told a at China. r ign capi- skill for xhe r natural reQg the general dard. will pursue an door" policy m th> new era Chinese Gov&s to accord the d nation treatment r. which she Is c
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    • 31 3 A low flying aeroplane flew over Hong Kong recently heralding the start of a DDT-spraying operation covering the whole of the Colony which would last for a week.
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    • 322 3 Indonesians agree to Chinese schools CDUCATION m Chinese schools m Indonesia may continue vi- er Chinese control provided this does not endanger public security and constitute a threat to the "Republic" according to a resolution adopted at the Indo Chinese conference at Jogjakarta. The Indonesian Government has indicated its willingness
      Reuter  -  322 words
    • Article, Illustration
      35 3 Mass drill now forms part of the Uinesc school curriculum. Hsrc are the puoils of the Tuan MohChincse Srhoo! m Tank Koai Singapore, doing P. T. on the playing field m front of the school
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    • 189 3 fHE experimental mechanised farming project m eastern Honan, recently interrupted by the spread of civil strife, has been resumed m the western part of the province. Altogether 49 American-made tractors are now m operation, manned by Chinese farmers. These machines have cultivated m the past six
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    • 167 3 l ADY Ciipp^, President of the British United Aid to China, will begin her extensive tour of China's health centres, schools and other relitf, welfare and rehabilitation facilities by acting a s co-sponsor of a Children's Welfare Ball m Shanghai on Oct. 7. The entire
      Reuter  -  167 words
    • 100 3 THE rehabilitation of the Can- ton-Hankow Railway, one of the principal lines m China, will begin m earnest shortly following the completion of a survey lasting many months carried out by American engineers. This 1,096-kilometre line, which was completed just before the outbreak of the
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    • 37 3 A Skymasler left Hong Kong recently on a test flight to Bangkok prior to the opening of a service by the Far Eastern Air Transport Incorporated for passengers and frsight boUern th? two ports.
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    • 106 3 URESH hopes of yet another "last" British repatriation vessel calling at Shanghai have been aroused among the thousand odd Britons there awaiting the chance of a cheap trip horn?, or to some other part of the world, to start life anew. This follows a promise
      Reuter  -  106 words
    • 35 3 S'pore Chinese School Sports Today the Free Press publishes Singapore pictrvss of special interest to its Chinese readf.s. These photographs w^re taken when the Tuan Moh Chinese School m Tank Road, Singapore, held sports heats.
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    • 77 3 OfTICIALS of the CNRRA hope to revive the fishing industry m the Pescadores which are considered to rank among the finest fishing grounds m the Pacific. Only 20 of the 64 islands forming the Pescadores group are inhabited. The entire population of 71,000 tenaciously eke
      Reuter  -  77 words
    • 188 3 UNRRA AIDS 100,000 CHINESE AVER 100,000 displaced* have been sent back to their homes from exile m West China through CNRRA since the end of fche Pacific War. By road, rail and riv^r nearly 10.000 residents of Kiangsu, Anhwii, Hupeh, Hopeh, Hunan and even more distant provinces have been
      Reuter  -  188 words
    • 138 3 COTTON IS CHINA'S MAIN IMPORT RAW cotton retained the lead m imports into China, ftftllc'i saw an addition to Chinas adverse trade balance of about £5,407,000 for July, the latest month for which figures are available. Raw silk headed r.« export list, followed by leather and wood oil The month's
      Reuter  -  138 words
    • 52 3 Gen. Chang Chi-chung. Governor of Sinkiang, accompanied by 19 Government officials recently returned ta Tihwa by air from Ining. During their one-week stay m Ining Gen. Chang and the Government officials held negotiations with the local autnonties and inspected the frontier between China and Soviet Russia
      Central News  -  52 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 77 3 KSTSYine IMISIBLi MJMDM6. THE STRAITS TIMES PRINTING DEPT has received a consignment of high Quality ACCOUNT BOOKS LEDGERS 3ize 12 y 2 r ?ut> ronos Doubled L'a&n Coiumns indexed Hall Bound m 2t»at r skin $H eacn BOOKS Slze l2v 8 2UO tollos Hal! Bound m goat sfcin $15 each
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    • 49 3 ROTTERDAM LLOYD m v M KOT^ GEDE" This vessel is due at Singapore frr«n Rotterdam and Genoa on Bth October and will discharge her inward cargo at the Singapore Harbour Beard For Delivery Orders Consignees should apply to: N v. Internationale ( lUndels Vereeniging ••Rotterdam" Shipping Department Telephone 5073
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  • 521 5 Arundel Castle 'Arrived Almost Empty 9 fm i >r Slaff R e P° rter TERS ALFSEA> at Singapore, have passed on f*«s> i' l t\pl anati °n received from London ice ndt .i Ya>tle arrived at Singapore on Sept. 123 pi^engers and about 500 tons
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  • 62 5 Urn Ciunwe- I Efcjaeland, and Ed a [4 statement tenon Gover: Lmetr.. people liaJce is limited tV* and 'he d t_ -KM Cl Lg ceylonese :or yjjjng IT 410 applies k lass van: to r Enc 18 744 to India t secured. I I i Mbb, 1592 have been
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  • 64 5 ASSEMBLING FOR RIOTING CHARGE l IM Eng San claimed trial m Uie L Fourth Police Court yesterday to a charge of being among five or more persons who were assembled at the junction of Upper Serangoon and Yio Chu Kan? Roads for th-e object of rioting on Oct. 3. He
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  • 61 5 it Relieved His tk Backache J mor.ths r j.. his Scttie of Kruschen -ai* Ihi «'.ory from r.usband sore coney m spare. ■Jth,: pyi He said *Jm pa:n I sh er- sad pH| r.i.^hed 1 jy 18 be J"2* buy another 5* a erer so much Ifca «fcuschen"—Mrs.. SL^?
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  • 2 5 P.
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  • 72 5 Free Press Staff Reporter RANGOON, Fri. |JEW cars are reaching Burn ma illegally fro m India, where they are sold at four and five times their catalogue price, bringing rich rewards for the smugglers. Military vehicles, which are bein^ sold as troops leave Burma, are being
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  • 168 5 A FURTHER 1,100 dozen cotton singlets have been distributed by Henry Waugh Co., Ltd., acting as Government Agents. These vests should be available at maximum prices of $1.05 and $135 each, according to style. Edgar Bros. Ltd., acting as Government Agents have distributed 400 x
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  • 32 5 Singers, dancers and stage hands of the Brussels opera went on strike for more pay half an hOOT before th c performance last tit ay s AP frOm Brussels.
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  • Article, Illustration
    16 5 A view of the General Hospital m Johore Bahru, which has been restored to civilian use.
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  • 43 5 MUNITIONS DUMPED INTO SEA Japanese prisoners or war unloading explosives from a military truck into an LCT for dumping mto the sea off Malaya. The Japs are said to have pileS up a Iwge stock of exp m various parts of Malaya.
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  • 243 5 Supply-dropping veterans disband THE disbandment of No. 31 RAF Squadron, until recently operating from Batavia, brings to a close an unparalleled record of achievement, starting m the early days of 1015 when the squadron took the first aircraft to India and commenced Army co-operalion work from Karachi. It was still
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  • 67 5 NO more application for passage to China can be accepted at th 2 moment as 2,000 former applicants a r e still awaiting their passages, according to Mr. Teng Peng Jin, secretary of the committee which has been set up for handling passages to
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  • 147 5 SOLDIER JAILED FOR ARMED ROBBERY A BDUL Latif bin Mun&hi Abdul Aziz, described as an Indian soldier was yesterday sentenced to seven years' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. Justice Worley at the Singapore Assizes. Aziz was found guilty of armed robbery. The prosecution stated that on May 10 at about 8.30
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  • 130 5 CHILDREN from 23 schools participated m the Singapore School's anti-black market poster competition, an exhibition of which was opened by the acting Colonial Secretary, Mr. H. P. Bryson m the Municipal Council Chamber yesterday. Winner of the first prize was 14-year-old Terence Galistan, of St. Joseph's Institution.
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  • 357 5 Otranto coming with 4,149 on board Free Press Staff Reporter rE liner Otranto is due m Singapore on Tuesday from Tilbury, with 4,149 passengers. These include 450 cab n passengers, 2,711 m hammocks, and 826 "hard lying"— which involves the use of a mattress or a blanket on deck. Most
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  • 87 5 AS a result of using an open oil n lamp on May 27, Ang Ah Ng, a 34-yeai-old motor-boat salesman, and a friend sustained burns which subsequently proved fatal to Ang. Ang anJ his friend went to inspect a fishing boat and when m the
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  • 72 5 DLANS are under way to revive poultry-keeping m English and Malay schools m the Malayan Union. Before the war. about 100 Malay and English schools went m for poultry- keeping. A teacher, who has had special training m poultry-keeping m schools, will be recruited for the
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  • 136 5 THE Singapore Government Xl being asked by the Sirvgapore Association whether would be prepared to make a public announcement that it would be responsible for the dependents of any citizen killed m combatting the lawless elements m the Colony. The Association has pointed out the
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  • 81 5 nESCRIBED as the stoker on a minesweeper at th c Naval Base. Kenneth Edward Davis claimed trial before Mr. Eu Checw Chye, the Fifth Police Magistrate, yesterday to charges of causing hurt to M. Govindasamy by driving a taxi so rashly as to endanger human
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  • 122 5 Free Press Staff Reporter ALTHOUGH the Dutch N.E.I. Government have recently released 22 Singapore Chineseowned vessels which were seized off Sumatra and Java ports, they are still reported to be holding m detention five other ships. According to a representative of the Singapore Oversea Chinese
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  • 72 5 CTATING that all he wanted was to be sent back to his home m Argentine, a 27 yearold Argentinian. B. Alexander, wa s sentenced to three months imprisonment yesterday by the Fourth Police Magistral: on a charge of theft. Alexander admitted stealing a ZlLss Ikon
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  • 44 5 IWAKUNI. Fri. ITNDER heavy guard by RAP. police, three Japanese army officers, suspected of war crimes, took off by plane for Singapore to stand trial. The officers included Lt. Gen. Mataguchi, Maj. Gen. Kawamura. and Maj. Gen. Kinoshita. U.P.
    U.P.  -  44 words
  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

  • 541 7 IT;, fhiirk s Football Forecasts I LONDON, Friday. searching shrewdly for weak links m Up 01 i „f international calls were comH et?k for the teams who had men m r for England did remarkably well. t Franklin away and Mathews who evidently missed To© United without Shinwell, their
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  • 84 7 Petra Beaten In Straight Sets In U.S. San Francisco. Fri. FO upsets marked fourthround matches m the Pacific Coast Tennis Championships today, as Earl Cornell defeated the favoured Yvon Petra of France, 6 4, 6 3, and Julian Heedman knocked out Bob Falkenberg of Hollywood, S— 2, 4—6, B— -6
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  • 109 7 The heavyweight match between Jeff Conda, of Manchester and Son Of Zombie, the masked wrestler, will take place tonight at the Great World Arena. The second main event will see Johnny Merrill, of the Royal Navy clashing against Jim Corbett of the 2nd Div. Johore. This
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  • 214 7 FOLLOWING are acceptances for todays races at Penang: RACE ONE Morses, Class 3, Dir. 2, 5| F«rs. -:xa 9.07. Aim Well 9.02, Shubel 8 05. Scratching*: Marquise de PolouiA 04. Dark Encounter 7.11, Neela •■i 7 10. RACE TWO Horses, Class 4. Div. 2, 5J Furs. Robelus
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  • 18 7 Joe Hardstaff at the nets at Perth when the M.C.C. had their first practice.
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  • 605 7 By Our Soccer Reporter THE thorny problem of who is to select the Chinese team for the forthcoming Victory Cup knock-out competition has dominated all soccer topics this week, but let us put it aside for a moment to consider the exciting news that a strong Indian
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    • 248 7 RULE No. 15 of the Singapore Boxing Board of Control states: "A newly-arrived boxer will n °t be permitted to fight m a main event, except m the case of a boxer with wnose pugilistic record the Board is fully satisfied." Therefore, the American
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    • 61 7 T*HE Ceylon Sports Club yesterday beat No. 1 Petrol Point (R.A.S. C.) by two goals to one m a game of soccer played at Farrer Park. After a scoreless first half the Ceylonese forged ahead m the second with i-vo goals scored by Shagram arc* Sabapathy respectively
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    • 10 7 '1 MHI je M|| -IT-IP pwjri oq |ouur.)
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  • 74 7 Alf sea Rugby XV To Meet S.C.C. HQ Alfsea rugby team to play the Singapore Cricket Clab on the padan^ this afternoon will be: Salmon; Robertson, Cave- Brown, Horr, H«*«: Williams. Lewis; Pike, John, Evans, Frost, House, Moreton-moss, 'Rowley, Wyatt. A limited number of chairs will be available to S.CC.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 212 7 BOUSTEAD&Co.,Ltd. TEL SICI-2 LU YDS AGENTB GLEN LINE Denbighshire from IK Dae Oct. It Gteaaffark for IK. End Oft. Gleastrae for IK Pasuencen and cargo accepted tm I'.K BeoMCkoag and Shangaat as opportaastier offer BURNS PHILh LINK Sailing lot 6jdmtf C arryin* passencer* aad carco as opportunities oiler Pint Cta*
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