The Singapore Free Press, 4 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 378 1 UP demands prompt action on mutiny Free Press Correspondent LONDON, Thurs. DOLTON'S Member of Parliament, Mr. John Lewis, has informed the Bolton Labour Party that he has written to the War Secretary, Mr. Jack Lawson, asking for the trial by court martial for infringements of the King
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  • 47 1 S'PORE BOS MEN WILL END RACKET B Report reached ipore Trac. cmi expected about d tares D hM to cotion I 2 -c comay s:.rd la iHtr.; -veen > m A A Ewing. :npany, Fr;e Press. I I pany is a by make a General Trac::zie tone,
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  • 41 1 I Rossi m MnlsI- B ft otov had 1 ft Chinese I Te I Plenary; ntoten 1 c find- tees be- own Foreign I «ne for expect- M re the nee, but' Trieste -aid last m
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  • 4 1 t?gresd Oca &3
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  • 112 1 ST. JOHNS, Newfoundland, Thurs. THREE-MAN search party which today reached the wreckage of the American Skymaster airliner, which crashed near Stephensville yesterday, signalled there were no survivors of the 39 American passengers and crew aboard. Passengers included six children, 12 women and 13 men. The crew
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  • 98 1 MIGHT HAVE SAVED GIRL NEVILLE HEATH Far the murder of Margery Gardner, this ex-air pilot was sentenced t.> death at the Oid Bailey recently. The father of n-IVREN tv.».'-n Marshall (above) second vie im of Neville Heath said his daughter's life might have been saved had the Police allowed the
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  • 193 1 More UK troops leave for Persia BOMBAY, Thursday. A FEW hours after the Persian Headquarters announced that the Persian Gulf port of Bushire was "lost to the revolting Qashqai tribesmen, news was released today that three transports had left Bombay and Karachi recently witli 2,400 British troops on board bound
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  • 101 1 SAN FRANCISCO, Thurs. MR ROBERT PATTERSON, United States Secretary of War, has called for a regular territorial and reserve torce of 5,000,000 men kept up to strength by a universal military training programme which would train 726,000 youths for the Army '•very year.
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  • 269 1 BANGKOK, Thursday. THE Siamese Premier, Luang Nawasawat Dhamrong, re- vealed yesterday that rice shipments m September totalled 30,000 tons. He added that 42,000 tons were available against the target of 60,000 tons but the British were able to ship only 30,000 tons. A Free Press
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  • 43 1 MR. AY Lit ILL Intil his appointment as IS. Secretary of Commerce, Mr. Harriman was U.S. Ambassador to Britain. He has succeeded Mr. Henry Wallace who was dismissed from his post for his "Drop Britain. Woo Russia foreign policy speech.
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  • 100 1 Free Press Staff Reporter. DEATHS reported to the Singapore Coroner Mr. W. G. Porter, totalled 111 last month, with traffic cases heading the list with 14 deaths. Burns and hanging cases each claimed seven deaths, according to the Coroner's monthly returns of inquiries into various types
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  • 59 1 Gen. .Anders, the Polish commander, has challenged the right of the Polish Government to deprive him and his fellow officers of Polish nationality. "Many members of the Government were Russians. It scms ridiculous that they can depriv j me. born m the very heart of Poland,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 10 1 IB En? 0 p g. HENDRY •iCk i» l $jßfi?ore.
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    • 278 1 Latest Design s LAMBSKIN Just A r rived CHOTIRMALL'S 41, 43, High Street, Singapore. Keep ABREAST of the TIMES ensure a regular supply of British and American periodicals With few exceptions any British or American periodical can be supplied on a subscription basis. British periodicals are despatched direct from this
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    • 241 3 BRITISH DIET NOW BETTER THAN EVER I of all classes in Britain is better ban oer before. The point is made by Sir chief medical officer of the Ministry Ufa in a report on thQ*tate of the public health ill lit*** l rn s,\ jretn <>t war. monotony of diet,
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    • 196 3 SOLDIERS CAW JOIN UNIONS AN Army Council Instruction has been issued which mak?s it easier for the tim^-^pircd soldier to obtain a job. Agreement has been reached \%ith two major trad? u/.iens by which certain Army-* ruined tradesmen become eligible to take ud jobs m civil iife as skilled men.
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    • 57 3 IN the sleepy French village of Tnnus, Yard men conferro.l With Surete officials on the murder of Christopher Lord. Lord, a member of a secret British service during the war, parachuted into the dislri; t in 1943. Later he was foupd shot rWd, with a
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    • 47 3 Miss Irsne Munn, cf Manches<f i\ v.vci Miss Hi'da Thotnyce. ci Crcwe. two of 74 British teachers visi'm'* America m exchange for 71 U.S. teachers visiting Britain, fine Cicero. Ulinoia Al Capone's homo io\vn "just heaven." They wer? referring, of course, to groceries, not gangsters
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    • 44 3 'WIVES ARE NOT CHATTELS' DECAUSB the vicar believes that v "womsn are not chattels village girls married at Haughley Paris Church are not giv'en away. In consequence the Question "Who giveth this woman to be married to this man?" is omitted at Haughley Church.
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    • 275 3 TiR. Neil MacLeod, a psychiatrist, who has often given eviy dence m murder trials, was found shot dead m a ditch m a lonely lane five miles from Leeds. A revolver was found be>ide the body. Photographic and fingerprint experts weie brought from the West Riding
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    • 81 3 Mark Smith, unable to talk since an artillery barrage m World W On., regained his voice alter taking sodium pentothal. the "truth serum." John Smith mo middle Initial) appears 8.000 times on the U.S. Veterans Bureau rolls. But the Bureau is really fascinated by the North
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    • 42 3 Miss Barbara Hutton, the world's second richest woman, who f.7« her residence m Re-g-nt's Park. London, to the U.S. Government for an ambassador*; home, has bought an ,C 18.750 "Arabian Nights Dream Palac;" m Kabbah (native quaiter) ol Tangier.
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    • 152 3 evidence for the c ws s i opaxanda Pal d 29, eteht oreoar- propct'n 1952. ntcnfcc rlaon- mcnt, saying: "There are many elements m this case which enable me to take a much more lenient view than m seme other cases of trrs kind.' Gilbert said
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    • 73 3 Some of the latest Spitfires have arrived m Japan for the Commonwealth Air Contingent, which consists of units from the RAF, RAAF, KNZAF and RIAF These air units are on occupational duties, which include patrol over large areas of Japanese territory. On the airfield? used by
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    • 136 3 They want to go to the moon "THE moon m our time" is the confident belief of several I hundred earnest young British scientists, most of u?*om are working m their spare time and without laboratories, to find out all they can about lunar conditions. Their organisation is known as
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    • 28 3 A British military war crimes court at Herford, Westphalia, sentenced Edam Diegl, of the Germaii Home Guard to five years' imprisonment for attacking two British officers.
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    • 60 3 Frank Tully, 30, a Rover Scout, of Margate, plunged into a toueii sea at Palm Bay, Kent, to rescue two 11 -year-old boys on a raft who were m danger of being swept out to sea. 8 GERMANS KILLED Eight German seamen were killed when more
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    • Article, Illustration
      46 3 ftuKnicc Chevalier, French ent retainer with the tilt d s;ra\v hat, was presented with a floral version of his professional .headwear when he arrived at firomma Aerodrome to appear at the China Theatre, Stockholm. Photo shows: Maurice Chevalie.* 'jisoerts his fltvraJ straw hat at Bromma Aerodrome.
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    • 403 3 U.K. EXPLAINS POLES CORPS THE British plan to enrol Gen. Anders's Polish troops into a Resettlement Corps m Britain has been explained fully to the Polish Provisional Government m a Note forwarded to Warsaw. From the moment when, m May this year, Mr. Ernest Bevin announced m the House of
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    • 54 3 EXERCISES on parallel tars, swings and other gymnastic apparatus are helping crippled babies at a clinic m Holland Park Avenue, W., to be cured of physical deformities. The system was introduced here from Denmark by Mrs. Estrid. The work is supported by the British War
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    • 116 3 AND ROBBED AND ROBBED HER CLIENTS CUSTOMERS had to be blindfolded when they received attention from beauty specialist, Mrs. Catherine Joan Sutton. It was part of the ordeal for beauty's sake. But while five? women were thus sightless. Mrs. Sutton stole money from their handbags. She admitted it at Norwich
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    • 151 3 WARDERS at Peterhead Prison grim Jail on the edge of the Nortn Sea beyond Aberdeen, want cutlasses to defend themselves against the convi?ts They carried cutlasses until 1938. when they were abolished as "barbarous." but the Scottish branch of the Prison Officer*' Association, meeting at Perth, unanimously
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    • 31 3 The College of Midwi;es m Britain is founding a research scholarship to enable a midwife to assist a doctor m hospital research into the use of analgesia m childbirth.
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    • 33 5 t* jw»X „f thf Sin^anore Harbour K^:d »> open i a fi-w days X Hfrf b a I r f> I>r? s P ic H^r *f s°me of the workers
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    • 124 5 MEMORIAL SERVICE FOR COL. WILD I* I Gt ree's Garrison I stentaj i I s ded by j held n* t Col. Cyril! E War er to I recently t tnrni f ig evidence r Wai Crimea tnals. t urn CkJ I -r.i.. H.Q. lISEA h. J. X :ich bugie
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    • 23 5 between at the -d at about yds had nr-ocession -pie. re hurln« seme 1 ndowa of ion, en de-
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    • 398 5 Free Press Staff Reporter TRAFFIC regulations, aimed at relieving congestion on the main routes leading to the city, are now being enforced m Singapore with all the customary prewar vigilance. Chief of these regulations deals with the operation of taxis along the regular bus routes.
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    • 84 5 FROM today, the Singapore Free Press editorial office is located on the fourth floor of the Straits Times Press buildin- m Cecil Street Visitors who can face the long flights of stairs will find the view over the harbour from our new office worth
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    • Article, Illustration
      55 5 For the firjt time since the Tib nation, tfcc £i:isapcr? V s Men's Club held a social dinner and dance at the Ccc 1 Restai-an' recently. The function was attended by a lar-e number <» r members and friends, some of whom rr r r?n m this picture. The V's
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    • 103 5 IT.-Gen. Numata Takazo, Chief of General Staff to the late Count Terauchi, called as a prosecution witness m the Outram Road Gaol trial, spent the best part of yesterday morning m the witness box. The Court treated him as a hostile witness. Among the forty-three
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    • Article, Illustration
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    • 195 5 Burma plans road repairs after monsoon Free Press Staff Reporter RANGOON, Thurs. QHIPMENTS of road-repairing materials have been landed m O Rangoon, and as soon as the monsoons are over, a big programme of road reconstruction will commence. The rebuilding of Burma's road system is important to every rice importing
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    • 38 5 Lt. Col. C. E. R. Jennings ai the Australian War Crimes Court yesterday sentenced Capt. Nomura Fumio. commandant of a PoW camp m Siam to five years' imprisonment for inhumane treatment of Allied PoWs.
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    • 153 5 THE last proclamation of Sir Shenton Thomas issued on Feb. 16, 1942. which stated that it was the task of every man and woman m Singapore to co-ope-rate m the restoration of order m the town, was quoted by Mr. S. V. Hogan, at a tea
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    • 94 5 MPs MAKE EMERGENCY LANDING DANGEROUS flying conditions were responsible for an unexpected and unheralded visit to the British Commonwealth Air Group station, Iwakuni, this week of the British Parliamentary delegation. The party was to have flown from Shanghai direct to Tachikawa airfield, Tokyo, where members were to be guests of
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    • 166 5 AIR TALKS IN S'PORE SOON niSCUSSIONS will be Uld ir> If Singapore shortly b; Group Captain Elsworthy am Wing Commander McKinley with the Air Staff of Headquarters, Air Command Soutn. East Asia, on the problems oi heavy aircraft operations m the Far East. Wing Commander McKinley was among the crew
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    • 64 5 THE total of the Malayan Welfare Fund is now $244,311.9.. Recent donations Sum Hoe <sc Co., Muar, $50; Ng Lay Hwct-, Muar $20; Immigration Dept.. Kuala Lumpur, $10; State Welfare Dept. (Relief Section* $671.70; Anonymous, c o Chartered Bank, penang $1,000; Quek Kai Kec, $100: All Mala van
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    • 250 5 PORT NEWS WHEN the Bibby Line trooper Devonshire left Singapore yesterday afternoon for India via Medan. she carried nearly 50 British and 1,260 Indian Servicemen for Bombay. At Medan, the Devonshire will pick up approximately 100 British and Indian troops for India. The Ellenga, which leaves
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 218 5 WHEN TO POST YOUR AIR MAIL LETTERS FOR the information of readers, the Free Press publishes today a full list of the latest posting times at the General Post Office, Singapore, of air mails for various destinations m the world. Alterations m the posting times will be notified m our
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    • 33 5 TIDE TABLE Today* High water 4.4? a.m. 6 ft 6 m; 3.37 p.m 7 ft. G in. Tomorrow: Hiph water 50 am M 6 ft. 5 m; 458 pm. 7 ft. 2 m.
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    • 312 7 M.C.C. SHOWING EARNS PRAISE OF CRITICS From Bill Bowes PERTH, Thursday. ENGLAND'S captain, Wally Hammond, played a majestic L innings of 131 retired m the M.C.C. team's victory by an innings and 215 runs over Northam to-day. Compton also displayed excellent form m making 81, while another promising feature of
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    • 84 7 LONDON Thurs. L. r- j^j "C r Oil f ning g taker. X '*sd: 100-3 Cad«nazzo Bw" 3c"- 6 Ford Mr: wily. .5-1 Culf 1 Urn? 33 l g," Geoffrey's Br,-i g■■ d. W' I '.Va>-warri 1 taken; 100—7 EL- taken; 1 ih ana fc-
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    • 30 7 S.C.C. RUGBY XV v ALESEA sent the see Lgainsi Hq.. "ov. M Quay!?, fc. Morris, M c Dtife D M J. B. J. W. T H K. J Healv 3:a:h.
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    • 29 7 cited to B »ys ai m o:; El College. and supAndrew's Rd.. at Sanderson, Soon, E E. L Ten? Bee. Ton-, P. is X Fung. Ferguson
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    • 149 7 FINAL STAGE REACHED IN WOMEN'S GOLF HUNST ANTON, Norfold Wed. THE Irish champion. Miss Philo- mena Garvey, reached th» final of th e British women's golf championship here this afternoon and will meet Mrs. Hetherington of WansUad. London, tomorrow. Nineteen-year-old Miss Garvey, who attracted so much attention during earlier championship
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    • 103 7 A game of cricket will be played on Sunday at Thomson Road Police gruunds commencing at 10 a.m. between the Sinhalese Association's Home and Home teams: J.N. Fernandos team: F.V.R. Gunasekera. D.B. Fernando, Gregory Fernando, Cyril Fernando. V.R. Ferr.ando. J.N. Fernando <Captj. Lloyd Fernando, N. Gunasekera, George
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    • 297 7 Close of play scores: NORTHAM Ist INNINGS Tetlaw lbw b Smith 34 Madew c Edrich b Voce 0 Allnut c Evans b Edrich 5 G. Solomon b Voce 0 L Solomon c Edrich b Ikin 1 Lawrence c Edrich b Voce 32 Slater b Smith 26 Sanders st. Evans
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    • 306 7 riGHTEEN officers and men— members of the permanent staff of No. 1 British Transit Camp, Neesoon, and drawn from various units of th e British and Indian Armies— can claim to be among the most successful and versatile sportsmen m Singapore Service circles, writes
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    • 26 7 S* m din (Arsenal) saves from Broome (Derby) at Highbury Bernard Joy, the Arsenal amateur, is on the right. Derby won this came one-nil.
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    • 274 7 THE following are the football fixtures m the Home leagues next week: i ENGLISH LEAGUE OCT. 9 THIRD DIVISION SOUTH Mansfield Town v Watford OCT. 10 THIRD DIVISION SOUTH Notts County v Port Vale OCT. It FIRST DIVISION A/senal v Brenlford Aston Villa v Portsmouth Bolton Wandrs.
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    • 25 7 ROYAL Scots beat R.E.M.E. Base Workshops by four goals to one m a Victory Cup elimination soccer match on Wednesday.
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    • 107 7 Singapore Recreation Club cricket teams for this week-end will be: On Saturday at 2 p.m. vs. Police nr the S.R.C. padang. G.F. Clarke. (Capt.). P. DAlmeida, N. Aeria, B. Barker. E.W. Barker, J. Galistan, R.C. Hoffman. S.M. Hope, R. Koenitsz, D.C. Ross, M.C. Schubert, J. de Souza and
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    • 59 7 ALL S.R.C. hockey players a r requested to fill m their names mi n the Hockey Book provided for m the Club or to pet m touch with R. Minjoot, the Secretary Convener. It is proposed to start a seven-a-side or eleven-a-side tournanr nt if
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    • 579 7 I ARGE entries and keen competition marked the RAF Base L Sports, held at Paya Lebar on Wednesday. The meeting, which was held with the purpose of selecting Base representatives for the RAF Malaya Command athletic championships to be held at Seletar on Oct. 12,
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    • 60 7 LONDON, Thurs. FREDDIE Mills, the British light -heavy weight champion, will meet Joe Baksi the American heavyweight contender, at Harringay Arena m London on Oct. 22, it was officially announced by promoter Jack Solomons today. The fight is to be recognised as the world
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    • 47 7 Members of the Maytalr B.P. are requested to note that the reunion dinner will be held at the China Restaurant, ex Swan Restaurant, Happ7 TTorld on Saturday night. Members will assemble at the President's residence <Mr. Tan Soo Liew> 481. Sims Avenue by 7.15 p.m.
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    • 48 7 LONDON. Thuis. To-day's football results were SECOND DIVISION Swansea T. 4 Shampton 2 DIVISION THREE (south) Notts C. 3 Port Vale 2 RUGBY LEAGUE YORKSHIRE CUP (2nd round) Hull 42 York 8 Wakefteld T. 11 Castleford 2 LANCASHIRE CUP -2nd round) Widnes 9 Swinton 2 Reuter
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 13 7 eL la fl c-W-^-dir II hooM m ality. Re\- Cinema Apply 14 Johore.
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    • 241 7 BOUSTEAO&Co.,Ltd. TEL 5161-2 LLCYDS AGENTS GLEN LINK Denbighshire from IK. Dae Oct. fl Glenaffaric for IK. End (>- 1 Glenstrae for IK Nov Passengers and cargo accepted to t- X Hongkong and Shanghai as opportunities offer BURNS PBIU* LINE Sailings fot Sydne* Carrying passengers and cargo as opportunities offer First
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