The Singapore Free Press, 3 October 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 387 1 SURMA WILL HARVEST MORE RICE Food news for Lord Killearn A FREE PRESS Staff Reporter who flew from Singapore a week ago to make a rice investigation m Burma, which m August exported 28,000 tons of rice more than was expected, and which is Malaya's chief hope of supplies to
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  • Article, Illustration
    38 1 Fruit starved English Test team men wasted no time m sampling Australia's 1-ntit'ul supply of fruit when they landed at Fremantle. "Gee, it's years since I tasted one of these." says Len Mutton, as he ate a banana.
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  • 73 1 BYRNES MEETS MOLOTOV IS, Wed US the eve American broke his from first call Minister. th« Peace I m July of personal riets and throughout d to much Americani. calLd t d this aftermade at .Mtiative. ways ling the Conference meeting m ICinl today's re- Bevin. ihl that tera wish
    Reuter; U.P.  -  73 words
  • 125 1 WAR OF NERVES TH LONDON, Wednesday. Mfra continues unabated. The United States it- Moscow Ambassador, Walter Bedell Smith, batk to the Kremlin, and its aircraft-carrier, ll > Izmir, a port on the approaches to the Dar»nd there are reports of Turkish-Russian frontier Hilary preparations. eprate Mr.
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  • 33 1 A search plane was held ready yesterday to contact American soldieTs slogging across mountainous western China seeking the airmen believed enslaved by Lolo tribesmen, says A. P. from Shanghai.
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  • 161 1 IT was announced from Lord Killearn's office m Singapore this morning that the British Government have agreed m principle to supply the Indonesian Government with 200 trucks, and 1,600 tons of coal monthly, to speed up the rice deliveries to India from Indonesia. Lord Killearn has
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  • 74 1 ONE of three robberies report cd m Singapore yesterday occurred at 5 30 m the morning a short distance away from Hill Street police station. The robbers, seven m number, used three revolvers. They got away with $200, a bag of clothing and a railway warrant
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  • 131 1 NEW DELHI, Wed MR. Jinnah, President of the Muslim League, conferred with the Viceroy today and it is believed that th-re has been an agreement on the League's partlrl ition :n the India i'^c* pend- ThLi was the fjurth meeting In the last few days
    U.P.; A.P.  -  131 words
  • 32 1 MARQUIS'S SISTER ACCUSED Lady Elisabeth White, 29-ycir-oli su,t-r of the Marquis Townsh-nd, who, with a Maur Walsh, was alleged to have taken household articles from the Dowager Marchioness s London home recently.
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  • 225 1 Free Press Reporter A TAXI fire that refused to be extinguished by the jets of extinguishers and the use of foam on Tuesday night finally led Singapore firemen and police to several remark"bleThT£und that the flames came from liquid phosphorus, that the driver of the taxi,
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  • 28 1 A two-day radio telephone service between motor-cars and any telephone subscriber has been opened by tfce Bell Tele phone Company, says AP. from Ph ladelph:-
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  • 393 1 NUREMBERG, Wednesday. IS four generals, representing the Allied A Commission, tonight m the Nuremberg courthouse worked out plans for the execution of the 11 condemned Nazis, seven of these men are appealing against the sentences. They are Ribbentrop, Frank and Seyss Inquart (sentenced to
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  • 39 1 The United Nations Economic and Social Council yesterday unanimously approved £36,000.000 budget lor the proposed international refugee organisation. Tne fund was approved after it had been reduced by £25,000,000 says A. P. r -om New Yoric.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

    • 33 3 These good things... ..t*k H> Mrthday. Rev. H. 1"9 23 Sunshine, lovely MMta. Smil--1 f,ce Ab ri sinking. children at play. u-rine cornfields. I>V y« ,d >lv%racious little g*S5 W* My old .upr^
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    • 104 3 DENTISTS THREATEN BOYCOTT 3 \ND dentists m ai beini urged U )f fees offered nal Insurance ■,v Q Senior, koo. secreAdusory Dent' Coa iid that the denL te asked to tell would treaL itely on the scale or mcd by them— ll2 per -war which ha^ Minister of Mr Jim
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    • 37 3 £13,000 TAKEN IN PARTS HOLD-UP 1 SERIES c: caring hold-ups, me of them m daylight. on busy Pans bouiev arc's is mplatnta m th* Pr was at Vciitpa;vhere hree mor», >u'o-machine gun?, i *it -any i_ 13,000.
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    • 41 3 lbjnetir disturbances are disnlays m the i of Scotland Uttncoci bribed the effects a> drap>Ma or a curl cjpo:isi-.:e for cancellation of Ceylon radio com>ne service, duo to d for ?eneral traffic, aw Reut^r from London
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      46 3 'b-ii. 5D diff "ent typ»s of British 'niancs lined up at B adlett an-field for the 'irst "*eo«n2 Smc 1937 of lhe Society of British Aircraft Const™ ctors. Rejresent^ives fropi«ar > ■*i the display of flying and the exhibits, many of which contain revolutionary changes m desiffD
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    • 446 3 MANY new types of civil and military aircraft, affording a fascinating glimpse of the shape of things to come, were displayed on Radlett airfield, Herts., m the exhibition organised by the Society of British Aircraft Constructors. More than 200 British companies have stands at
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    • 213 3 6,000 FAMILIES TO OCCUPY 718 U.K. CAMPS SEVEN HUNDRED and eighteen camps previously cf:upied by the Services and other Government departments are to be made available for housing with room for 6.000 families m U.K. This is the result of the review made by the Home Secretary and an inter-dspirtmerta!
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    • 97 3 DRITAIN and the United States ar o to exchange television films. The BBC, which has failed to get the permission of the n~-ws reel companies to televise their productions, is developing the work of its own film unit m co-operation with the National Broadcasting Company of
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    • 141 3 IT is now unlikely that branded 1 petrol will bs available m the U.K. Jan. 1. Twice already the tentatively fixed date for the cessation of the "pool" scheme has besn postponed. Makers and users of highefficiency post-war 'car engines 'are concerned at the low
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    • 94 3 CHANGING Guernsey's official v legal language fro: i French to English is likely to tak c 25 years. A plan suggested for a gradual change-over will be discussed by the States, th R Island Legislature. The change has been considered by a special Royal Court
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    • 27 3 B2caus? the h?rring nests livcM more fish at Peterhead ard Fraaer^urgh than the cursrs could handle, only half the fleets will be permitted to operate.
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    • 85 3 A MAN was locked inside a converted Halifax bomber at London Airport to guard its cargo of 120,000 pairs of fullyfashioned non-utility silk stockings, worth '£25,000. The cargo will not be urscalcd until the aircraft reaches Stavanger Norway The stockings, which were manufactured m Britain,
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    • 22 3 One British soldier was slightly hurt and thre;? Germans seriously injured when a train from Brunswick to Berlin was derailed.
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    • 227 3 Southampton (By Air Mail). A WIRELESS message reporting disturbances among the men aboard brought the Military Police and armed troops to Southampton on the morning of Sept. 23 when the 15,000--ton trooper Dunnottar Castle was due to dock. The Dunnottar Castle left Toulon on
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      52 3 i is mo s.i am prua.t'ni fur Mrs. Chapman, vile of Staff-Set. Roy Chapmai.. of the British Army of the X ..M.She goes to the Civilian Labour Office and finds a lone list of German applicants for tier selection. There are hundreds on the waiting list, eager -to work for
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    • 156 3 THE use of seaplanes, to be catapulted from passenger liners m mid-Atlantic wich express mails, is being considered by the Cunard-Whit? Star Line. It is presumed that if seaplanes are carried by the Queen Elizabeth and Queen Mary to carry out the company's mail contract with
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    • 32 3 British cars are being snapped up m Montreal as quickly as they can be shipped. Austins which arrived this week were sold before the ship docked
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    • 361 3 EDMUND Hamilton Sutcliffe, 23-year-old unemployed mat. who is serving a sentence of six months' imprisonment for stealing, is responsible for a shake-up m the London Metropolitan Police Force. It was revealed that when Sufcliffe was sentenced by Miss Sybil Campbell at Tower Bridge Magistrates' Court o n
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    • 30 3 The New Zealand Budget &COiishfs Excess Profits Tax. reduce.^ income-tax surcharge from 33 l 8 to 15 per cent., and mak«> or; reductions m sales tax.
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    • 28 3 Arrangements have been laza*to Import into U.K. 2.500 tool cl melons from Spain and 3.000 ton? of melons end 3,000 tons of gran* from Portugal
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    • 231 5 pftc Pr»B Sla^ Reporter h recruits will be joining the lining School m a few days* ni Malacca, where the Police have til! recruiting campaign. trainees at the Police School err. v.t frcm the fact that six out its there have been seconded for
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      78 5 An art ex j b ti n wi, held recently m the Union Jack Club, Singarorv*. It was organized by Miss Scott-Mon-crieff of the WVS. Thes- pictures show a spetiil meeting at uhich the exHbits were rc\iewed and criticised b\ Mr. Hawkins and Sq. Ldv. J. Richardson, and
      I.S.T.D.  -  78 words
    • 236 5 TOODS worth $2,000,000 were U disclosed m a Singapore police court yesterday as being the subs'ance of one particular case stUl under investigation by the police. Three Chinese were m the dock en charges of theft and bribery ar.d m strenuously opposing bail for
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    • 54 5 The Army Information Service announces that terrorist activities are increasing m Borneo and Celebes. In Borneo rice stores were set on fire at Sampit and m South Celebes arms anc ammunition were seized near Macassar by terrorists who set a camp on fire and killed eight persons,
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    • 17 5 r urgent Police aid, dial 3777 —2 "V /t!ie.the E JsSl ip.J Mi I** tl mrd of
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    • 24 5 I- m X- I I m m m m I r be- B rade m I I I
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    • 139 5 Free Press Staff Reporter MARRIED women employed m Singapore Government offices receive less pay than unmarried women. The following comments have been made to the Free Press by both interested official and unofficial persons All posts, such as those of stenographer m a Government office m
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    • 61 5 The headquarters of the Dewan Pernlagaan Melayu, Malaya. Malay Chamber of Commerce, Malaya) is now at 17 Old Market Square, Kuala Lumpur. Telephone No. 3400. All Malay concerns and individuals throughout Malaya with 20 or more employees, including clerks and labourers, are requested to communicate as
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    • 36 5 It was officially announced m Dublin last night the Eire Government has recognised the Republic of the Philippines. The interests of the Philippines will be represented m Eire by the U.S. Legation, says Reutor.
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      9 5 The troopship Devonshire docki ng at Singapore on Tuesday.
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    • 65 5 NANKINGOPENING STORE OFFICE MR. TAI KUI-SENG, Vice- MinL*2r of the Overseas Department of Nanking Government, is on way to the Southeast Asia on a goodwill mission. Touring: with Mr. Tai is Dr. Lin Wo Chiang of the Chinese Economic Ministry who will come to Singapore via Hong Kong. It If
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    • 50 5 SOCIAL WELFARE STAFF CANTEEN ABOUT 50 clerks of the Department of Social Welfare will row be served by a ris aurant run on the premises for tp.e stu.lT. Arrangements have e:er > mad 2 to provide their staff their midday meals by urocuring m bulk from one of the Peoples'
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    • 72 5 ABOUT 200 Malayans were evacuated, at the request of AFNEIHQ, Batavia. from Hollandia (New Guinea) to Batavia per X.P.M. vessel "Both", and they are expected to arrive at Batavia on ©ct. 20. It is not decided yet how these neople will be transported from Batavia to
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    • 215 5 Free Press Staff Reporter THE Netherlands Indies Shipping Organisation m Singapore, which controlled all vessels m the Dutch shipping pool, has been dissolved, and the various nre-\rar Netherlands shipping lines have been re-established. When the luxury liner Oranje which, during the war. was one of the
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    • 23 5 EIGHTY-five officers and men of the Chinese Navy are arriving m Singapore today on board the 1,400- ton submarine chaser, FupO.
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    • 285 5 Rats destroy Burma food stocks Free Press Staff Reporter RANGOON, Wednesday. FNS of foodstuffs are being eaten or otherwise rendered unfit for human consumption by rats, which live m holes amidst the bomb debris which litters Rangoon's streets and number tens of thousands m the city area alone. Rangoon's rat-catchers
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    • 86 5 Free Press Staff Reporter j AS part of their \i^oroiis drive to check crime m Singapore, the Police recently made a surprise raid on Kreta Ayer street stalls which are believed to be meeting places of men of doubtful character. Hawkers and stall holders m this area
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    • 60 5 rE China National Aviation Corporation is p' uniting an extension of its air lines to the South Seas, with routes connecting Shanghai with Manila and Singapore. Representatives of the company will leave for Manila m the near future to open negotiations with Philippines authorities
      U.P.  -  60 words
    • 166 5 Chinese Chamber •THIRTEEN members of the ne^ 1 committee of the Singapore Chinese Chamber of Commerce have resigned. Their names were read out at the beginnii.g of the induction ceremony at the Chamber on Tuesday. Although no reasons w^re given at the time for the resignations, it
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    • 45 5 ONE thousand nine hundred Burma Chinese who were stranded m Hongkong at the outbreak of the Pacific War. passed through Singapore yesterday on board the Hong Kheng on their way to Rangoon. The Chinese are being repatriated by UNRRA
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    • 73 5 pUSTOMS men on duty «v :r.e Singapore Railway Station en Tuesday night seized 120 katis of rice hidden under ve;* Sanies from a passenger who na.d just left a train. In the Second District Cmirt yesterday, 54-year-old Le.r.g Ling Soy from Bahau. Negn Se:».bil?r.. was
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    • 64 7 Linj v with ■JIM'?;. Kuu Kirn Lin. is (nn» .n iwtnlu He ariivi *»ll li'htw «:cht and is I ihM*t i welter. He has ■or* !;ke a MfVJ to keep m u» I*t Ho ankle, in--4 m tis last H^ht. ha« rid. md he kM
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    • 12 7 ENTFORD, CELTIC BIG TRANSFER LONDON Wed Brentfovd and m U port town.
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    • 364 7 M.C.C. SHAPE WELL IN FIRST GAME From Bill Howes PERTH Wed. THE visit of the English team to Northam, the small farming township of West Australia, attracted more people than town could boast a population. The local team could hot offer serious resistance to the Englishmen, nevertheless an enthusiastic crowd
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    • 139 7 Close of play scores: NORTHAM Ist INNINGS Tetlow lbw b Smith 34 Madew c Edrich b Voce 0 Allnut c Evans b Edrich 5 G. Solomon b Voce 0 L. Solomon c Edrich b Ikin 1 Lawrence c Edrich b Voce 32 Slater b Smith 26 Sanders st. Evans
      Reuter  -  139 words
    • 116 7 SYDNEY, Wed. Sidney Barnes, Australia's famous batsman who is reported to have been suffering from ftrebositis. states that he does not intend to take a rest. "I had a littl.3 muscular trouble but it wa^. of a minor character and treatment almost cleared it
      Reuter  -  116 words
    • 123 7 XENNIS of a good standard was witnessed at the residence of Mr. P. F. de Souza last Saturday. Those who took part m the exhibition were Liem Dioe Diicn. champion of Java, Li 3 Boon Swan, champion of Sourab^va, Kamis former doubles champion of Malaya and
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    • 28 7 LONDON, Wed. TJUGBY UNION results to-day were: Bristol 21 Clifton 6 RUGBY LEAGUE LANCASHIRE CUP (second round Leigh 6 Oldham 11 Salford 0 Wigan 19 Reuter
      Reuter  -  28 words
    • 28 7 THE Acsea hockey team would like to arrange away games with any teams m Singapore. Fixtures could be arranged with Cpl. Banks, telephone Air Command 134.
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    • 23 7 kJ.s .»s un at the nets at i't.ih on the second da> after the English team arrived m Australia.
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    • 260 7 SYDNEY, By Air Mail. PRMER international left-handed batsman, E. H. Bromley, is hoping to make a come-back to Test cricket this year. Bromley, 34, first came into prominence against South Africa m 1931. He played m Tests against England m 1932 and 1934 but
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    • 54 7 NEW YORK, Wed.— A re-match of one of the great fights of fistic history— a middleweight titte b6ut between champion Tcny Zale and challenger Rocky Graziano—has been signed for Mar. 21 m the Madison Square Garden, with the largest indoor gate m history predicted. This would
      A.P.  -  54 words
    • 43 7 MOSCOW, Wed. POVIET chess players, who w recently defeated a U.S. team, were awarded cash prizes totalling several thousand roubles, the all-union committee on affairs of physical culture and sport said to-day. Individual awards ranged from 1,000 to 5,000 roubles. A.P.
      A.P.  -  43 words
    • 68 7 Jackie Pater son To Defend His Title v Medina GLASGOW, Wed. JACKIE Paterson will defend J his European bantamweight title against Theo Medina at Hampden Park on Oct. 16, when there will be a new layout for the fight The ting will be constructed close to the south stand of
      Reuter  -  68 words
    • Article, Illustration
      26 7 t c Indian goalkeepe r, beats Keng Hork to the ball m the soccer match between the S.CF.A. md the Indians, which the Chinese won four-two
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    • 111 7 SPARTA CLUB DRAW WITH ARSENAL From James R. Chambers. LONDON, Wed. SPARTA, champion football club of Czechoslovakia, drew twoall against Arsenal this afternoon m a ragged came watched by 30,000 spectators at Highbury. Sparta, two goals down at half time, staged a fine rally midway through the second half when
      AP  -  111 words
    • 139 7 INDIAN TEST CRICKETERS SAIL FOR HOME LONLON, W d. JHE Indian cricketers tailed Mr home today from the London docks m th? steamer Burma, and will be back home on Oct. 25, all being well. Eleven players and the manager l r .ft totfay. Pataudi and Nayudu are »lreadv fccrne,
      Reuter  -  139 words
    • 61 7 HUNSTANTON, England. Wed. MISS Maud Harlemann, Swedish and Danish Women's golf champion, defeated Mrs. C.M.V. Elliott of England two and one m the third round of the British women's amateur golf tournament on Tuesday. With only 32 survivors, the fourth round will be played tomorrow. Mrs.
      A.P.  -  61 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 139 7 _J VICTORIA THEATRE SERVICES ENTERTAINMENT presents STARDUST -SERVICES MUSICAL SHOW By ALBERT ARLEN SATUKBAI sth OCT. AT 8 Z9 pjn. OPEN TO MvIMWs AND SERVICES. I a.m. to 12.30 p.m. Robinsons f ro—al Callers only) I P m. Tel. 6826 Theatre Box-Oitice J_ si. 10—90 cts.— so cts. maUT, CCXOBER
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    • 268 7 BOUSTEAO&Co.,Ud. m sin -2 LLf YDS AGENTS GLEN UN Denbighshire from IK. Due Oct II GlenafTanc for I R End Oft. Glenstrae for IK Nov. Paauenfere ano cargo aecepced v CJ.K Monekonjc and Shanghai %s npportanitie? offer BURNS NMI INK isaili_fs tot Syrtne> i ainini passenger* «nd carg« as opportunities
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