The Singapore Free Press, 30 September 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 421 1 Nuremberg Verdicts Today TWENTY-ONE keymen of Nazidom will file into the dock of the International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg today to hear their fate from the President of the Court, Sir Geoffrey Lawrence, K.C. Goering, Keitel, Jodl, Doenitz and Raeder who called themselves "military"
    Reuter; UP; A.P.  -  421 words
  • 261 1 NEW YORK, Sunday. EQUIPPED with movie cameras, Frank Buck will return to his familiar hunting grounds in South Asia at the end of the year to replenish the sadly-depleted stock of wild animals in American zoos and circuses, and make the first jungle technicolor motion
    U.P.  -  261 words
  • 22 1 The seismograph at Fordham University yesterday recorded a "strong" earthquake from the south Pacific, says Reuter from New York.
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  • 33 1 >r,-e of (.rt-etf. just Hired ti> hL< throne. ha>; in■«t?d his Prim-- Minister, "utaatin Tsaldans, to form f»lition Government The "»*r has opem-d negotiations *"ith the Opposition.
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  • 153 1 mv pv CALCUTTA, Sunday. •™>r.M.\UVES jf 20 newspapers, including the _Bntish-owned Statesman, decided by a large majority wto reque>t all Calcutta newspapers to suspend publi-r-^m-m Tuesday, Oct. 1. as a protest against the Bengal ;nmtnt s order on riot news. X, promulgated under the Defence of
    Reuter  -  153 words
  • 39 1 WILL HUNT IN HOLY LAND Sun. inga ar e by the I and 1 troleum h begin a s I from R?nS?a y -"^oueccd today f conre Pali Sinai :^*d the j to the Idedonly •m exearth Sina; A.P.
    A.P.  -  39 words
  • 6 1 I for Oer-
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  • 61 1 The Sultan of Jogjakarta has accepted an invitation from Sutan Sjahrir to join his new •cabinet." Lord Killearn saw Sutan Sjahrir yesterday morning says A.P. from Batavia. It was reported that on Saturday night a Dutch sentry shot and killed a Seaforth Highlander, when, duo to
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  • 61 1 General de Gaulie, speaking at Epinal yesterday condemned the c'raft of the French Constitution adopted by the Assembly on Friday says U.P. from Paris. He maintained that it was necessary that France have a parlia:ary system in which there was not only a strong executive,
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  • 134 1 LONDON, Sun. A charge that "the British are inspiring and organizing civil war" and that the British military occupation Is "the basic reason for all the tribulations of Greece'' was in a decision of the Political Bureau of the Greek Communists, broadcast by Moscow Radio
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  • 111 1 LONDON, Sunday. MR. ORGE HALL, Colonial Secretary, has appointed six members of the new colonial economic and development council, formed to advise him on the framing and review of p'ars. The members are Viscount Portal, cornier Minister of Works, Sir Bernard Bourdillon, former Governor of
    Reuter  -  111 words
  • 371 1 Free Press Staff Reportei RANGOON, Sunday. THE new Left Wing Executive Council, which assumed ofhee in Burma on Saturday, has made no difference yet to the strike which, it is believed, will continue for a few days. Today, 20,000 strikers assembled on the river front,
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  • 104 1 CAIRO, Sun. IT is generally believed here that Sidky Pasha's resignation which he tendered to King Farouk without consulting his cabinet, was caused by frequent leakages to the Arab press of treaty talks details. The Arab press here yesterday printed not only the text of the
    Reuter  -  104 words
  • 309 1 Free Press Staff Reporter. TWELVE cases of armed robberv occurred in Singapore during the week-end and only two arrest have so far been made and thr? s armed robbers identified. A lone Chinese robber arm? el with a pistol entered a shop-hou^ in North
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  • 52 1 General Eisenhower yesterray denied that there is any possibility that he might become American Ambassador to Britain says A.P. from Frankfurt. "There is no possibility of my ever being connected with any political office he said. He is in Germany for a check-up on the U.S.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

    • 448 3 UK PORTS, SHIPPING ARE OUT OF DATE MerchantNavy Warns UNLESS the British shipping industry adopts a more u spirited approach to present-day problems we shall lose the battle for maritime supremacy, writes Vernon Brown in the News Chronicle. This is the warning given in the annual report ox the Council
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    • Article, Illustration
      18 3 mi MaryleL v jg msn r-i -ricd at i I.ont< her. .jffi -i a:>t*:tal t'.S. mm \ir KtrYoe.
      18 words
    • 30 3 HBY TO JOIN TOWAWAY HOTHER I cowed n b ad and re- at StratI C Rosso Rel ssary th? London. •v M.N< ad. She steamer her husa last b ner
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    • 83 3 D^ T c oread, sugar and cereals have been treba.vl UllOUghOuL lubMa. Meat, cheese and buttei no.v cost two-and-a-half times as much. The price of chocolate la doubled. Prices of "surplus" food sold in the off-the-rations shops are cut a third to a half, but
      83 words
    • 137 3 GEORGE PHILLIPS was the 1 last of a long line of blacksmiths. When the motor-car drove many horse-drawn vehicles from the road, George refused to close his smithy in thc centre of the Gloucestershire town of Lydney. From his workshop In the High-street came the
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    • 54 3 LARRY ADLER TO TOUR FRANCE WHEN Larry Adler, the harmo- nica virtuoso, starts a tour of Britain and France on Oct. 2 he is assured of a welcome from mouth-organ salesmen, whos? sales in Britain jumped by 2,00e) per cent, after his last visit. Alder fan clubs in Britain have
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    • 49 3 Villagers of Bursinel Cooa. near Geneva, gave Mr. Churchill a tray, with arms of the Commune, which include a lion. He said: "The British coat of arms has a lion too Our lion has been IP, .3 still very weak, but improving rapidly."
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    • 100 3 'lins. *i«»t.>: aphs were taken in Berne, Switzerland, on the occasion of the official reception given in honour of Mr. W'inston Churchill, on Sent. 17. They show Mr. Churchill in conversation with Federal Councillors (Nobs and StampMi) during the reception given by the Swiss Federal Government and
      100 words
    • 52 3 The office of the civil property custodian at Allied HQ in Tokio has announced that the Japanese Government had located three historic bronze statues, which were stolen by Japanese troops from Hong Kong. Among them was a statue of Queen Victoria, with its crown and right
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    • 225 3 BRITAIN and France has announced the conclusion of an accord by which France's £1C0,000,000 trade debt will be liquidated "on extremely favourable terms." The two countries will also work together to increase the trade between them. The agreement, subject to ratification by the British
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    • 217 3 Saw fortune in feathers? he made £97,000 TECIL Munton Botibol, one of the 14 Botibol children who lived in Aldersgate-street, E.C., believed there was a fortune to be made in feathers. And he was right. His will, published recently, announces that he left £97,558. His success was the climax of
      217 words
    • 244 3 FIRST Lady oi the Atlantic', the giant Cunarder "Queen Elizabeth", in dry dock for refitting after six years as a troop transport, leaves Southampton on Oct. 16 for New York on her maiden voyage as a passenger liner in the Atlantic service. She is to
      244 words
    • Article, Illustration
      33 3 The London Zoo's new barn owl finds its first perch on thc shoulder of Fay Andrews, nine-year-old visitor from WestclifT-on-Sea. Essex. The owl arrived at the Zoo while Fay was there.
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    • 94 3 k POWERFUL impressive Mer- cedes, maroon coloured with cream upholstery, was an object of envy when it rollei up smoothly to a London West End Hotel at regular intervals. Now, it Is seen no more. That car has a history. It Mas Hitler's wedding present to
      94 words
    • 157 3 ALDERSHOT. Sat OENTENCES on ten men con- cerned in the February mutinv at Aldershot detention barracks when part of the building was set on tire in what was then described as the "worst revolt in 'Glasshouse' history" hive now been announced. The sentences were: Driver T.
      Reuter  -  157 words
    • 87 3 LONDON. Sat CIGHT monthly housing reports issued today as While Papers show that during August accommodation was provided in Great Britain for 19,467 families by new buildings, repair of habitable houses and re-quisitioning ai d conversion. The Julv firure was 14,516. Temporary houses completed during the
      Reuter  -  87 words
    • 28 3 Mr. George Edwards Ball, aged about 50. of King s Drive, Bishopstone, Bristol, fell to his dean over the 300it. cliffs at Avon George Bristol
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    • 29 3 Radium weighing 0.6 grams valued at £5,000 was landed at Prestwick airport recently from Canada for the Atomic Energy Department of th? Britisn Ministry of Supply
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    • 27 3 Harry Evans, sev-.-n o* Settlestreet. Stepney. E.. was d:ov when he 'ell Into five f?et water in an emergency vmtet tank ir Fieldc/'le Etrtft.
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    • 283 5 I ret Press Reporter „a T> tl pupils in Singapore schools have been r* jiy vxiun there are two children of the nolU ni>i Jllml fees, the other may be r*T£*~ aii'l that they should apply to the I* L-rtir r.mication. (rill} „!r bat will
      283 words
    • 98 5 Anti-Suicide guards in enang Jail undent Vn' v P^ ili ,nd ___srn2 t£C_ ,r *^i° th z H „f de r th r c thf 'Ta Ton M < r th, dock on Wh th- I-* and J r Ki ,d (-m rerata. „V d for their siiboidirntc*. *H_» fee*
      98 words
    • 18 5 MUARA MAY EMPIRE'S MAIN OILFIELD tne e v ho. Ed I a ead are I ro•ern the Reuter
      Reuter  -  18 words
    • 10 5 I »-J on p.m. talk 8 Hers
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    • 6 5 may be I I
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    • 36 5 Under the auspices of the Buddhist Union a lecture will be bv Mr. D. P. E. Lingwood on A Modern View of Buddhism*' ar the Ramakrishna Mission. Morris Road, on Wednesday at 8 p.m.
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    • 45 5 AN agreement has now been reached between tai iff ant* non-tariff insurance com^anie.-* in Malaya. Tnis agreement removes tne danger of cut-throat competiamor.g companies ana introduces standard rates of premiums, rebates etc which are to be allowed on pellicula: v'.^sscs of business
      45 words
    • 70 5 DIAL 3777 i For Radio Patrol— IN an emergency when Police assistance is required, a telephone call should be made direct to the Radio Control Room number 3777 or 3778. When it is desired to contact a particular officer, the caller should telenhone the Police exchange 5221 and ask for
      70 words
    • 144 5 THE Kwar.g Sang and Hickory j Burn are expected to arrive in Singapore today from Hong j Kong and Bangkok respectively. Ships positions in Singapore 'on Saturday were: MAIN WHARF Godown 31-32 Samaria, loading <-tcre for Batavia. Godown 33-34: Alcinoits. discharging stores. Godown 35-36: Atreu«*. lo
      144 words
    • 443 5 Free Press Staff Reporter RANGOON. Sun. BEFORE starting out on the actual operation o f droopin? rice to the starving Karen hill peoples. 100 miles north of Rangoon, the leading aircraft of the mission Dakota KK 104, I v^ntly took Wing Commander J. R.
      443 words
    • 38 5 American I vesident Lines luxur y liner, President Polk, which arrived in Singapore on Saturday after a lapse of nearly six years to inaugurate the com pa ny's first normal post-war round thc-world cruise service.
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    • 226 5 REMITTANCES by overseas Chinese lo China have increased considerably, according* to a Central News Agency report. I igures published by the Bank of China show that remittances during August were double the July an\ount. Chinese living in British territories remitted the most— about St.
      226 words
    • 191 5 NEW SCHEME FOR GOODS DISTRIBUTION IN addition to the Straits British Merchants' Association, which is still responsible for the distribution of Empire supplies in Singapore and the Malayan Union, four outside firms have been appointed as agents to handle textiles on behalf of Government. Sales of textiles against permits are
      191 words
    • 117 5 THE Air Ministry announces that RAF. officers on the retired and reserved lists, ex-officers and officers released from the Service j hr e been permitted to retain t* eir rani: may wear uniform on *r ain occasions. The occasions are: when attending investitures state ceremories, rirades
      117 words
    • 356 5 TO afford opportunities to both employer and employee to discuss mutual problems and with goodwill on both sides to resolve their many diflicuities, the Malavan Union has taken the first step b\ establishing a Joint Interim Whitley Counsi! Scheme for its staff, according to
      356 words
    • 81 5 A Malay who has given private tuition to a number of prominent Europeans in Singapore during the past 20 years, has compiled two editions of Good Malay For Beginners which are new obtainable at Singapore book i stores. He is Inche Sulaiman bin i Ahmad,
      81 words
    • 345 5 Municipal Affairs I PLEA to Commissioners the people of Singapore to 'queer the pitch" of msr: working Municipal otSeei. subordinates by anonymou. fttie gations in public or private < "Municipal corruption and M<:r..cipal inefficiency" is made •)>• the President, Mr. L. Raymaii. "Do not look
      345 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 49 3 LRYPTOKS e)!e Fus*?d -'^'**>-als Mill H'omen. have k- 31 uoneeaj i. n t■mi mm cop IBIC ■&CIIM OPTICAL CO.. High Street Number 1586 ---a-_-___ t Re.eived!! Primer. 1 to 12 L_. e *c -Phone 4086 dbook ot M hv°^'YOFSIMGAPORE ru '■■■''< y nomci "Mb apanc requestS at I lot
      49 words

  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 48 5 \mi -*A«2 L F^Srni $W h Taaal *afc 'ivv'"'**'"* J". 7*_r ■BtJ>> v **v^K*e iffe* "**s*s.- >_i.- iPßj??***Ba*ar^^^^^^*m rtf Hr^ j"*T Jy jk*^*» jKnMB "^*j*J_tQ_ BlttS-'-'' ?s_*^ -^**e i■ fi A 1 W™-""^-----^. tI-M ~~flW -aal JSJJjJJB t. > -_B ""a"*^""""*** wSw*m mr v^^^V _^H _^__aa ~_____fl aa! \mmm\m\
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous

    • 403 7 4; Indians 2. 111 had <• n u»t hard all the wa y to beat the h .'f,,iir -M.aU lo two in yesterday's soccer at Jaian ■*>■".* j |w jJ ooals in the last five minutes eventually m al^OT* lht ame was P lave
      403 words
    • 77 7 jfufss^sm sAwrsn r *.*K*» tN Z^mTmYi^^s Idv-ard. IS D--'*> S"** b **f lb. b Dharmaraj 4. f mZTm\ I 9. *tmLi> 1- WUson b ld»ard> _srit-fcw--«__f__ C or iixKiin* Da*--. t» Wsmm w. kSStSt 3. I r^irds C Umsml K IL r 5-y~! b Na „or
      77 words
    • 34 7 t; ::ness -<-ter. End, in round *'-c u-»**n battle IB wk\m Bo* r. Br. S :n the air of z V n Pak lipri I i f a^hy MM
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    • Article, Illustration
      33 7 Mrs. Wii Paak-shing presents the Sundram Iyer shield to Kee Yew Leng, the Chinese captain Also in the picture is Dr. A. A. Sand os ham, the I. A. official.
      33 words
    • 128 7 By Merv Williams, Boxing Editor Melbourne Sporting Globe. MELBOURNE, Sat. BOY Andre (8 1) flyweight champion of Malaya upset th e hot favourite Ron Brain (8 5%) with a k.o. i n the 9th round at Melbourne stadium tonight. It was a sensational win.
      128 words
    • Letter
      • 144 7 WITH reference to the ehal- lenge from 72 M. E. Platoon RE., printed in your newspaper on Saturday, wc wish to inform you that they were beaten four-two the same evening by our company team. The match was played at Ayer Raja Camp. a nd their
        144 words
    • 359 7 E M COY WIN 7—0 From J. Greenall TN a further tie in the Army elimina- ton soccer contest 16 E M Coy., R.E.. brought oft a resounding victory ;on Friday when they beat Command Pay Office seven nil. The first half j was full of thrills and excitement J
      359 words
    • 234 7 S.C.C. cricket match between two club sides yesterday resulted in an easy win for A.C. Growder's team over VV. K. Jagger's side. Scores were A. GROWDER'S XI D. B. Haig c Frame b Pearson 4 J J. P. Luff c Re?s b Wheeler 7 K.
      234 words
    • 91 7 At Uie general meeting of the Merrydale B.P. Kuala Lumpur. the following were elected as office-bearers for the ensuing year 1946-47. President: Mr. Voon Chow Kwai; vice-president, Mr. Low Chye Guan; hon. treasurer, Mr. Hue Kim Fatt hon. secretary, Mr. Ix>w Chi Tho. A* captain, Mr. Liew Choo
      91 words
    • 316 7 LONDON, Sun. Home soccer matches yesterday resulted: FIRST DIVISION Aston Villa I Brentford 2 Bolton W. Grimsby T. 2 Chelsea 2 Charlton Ath. 2 Derby C. 1 Blackpool 2 H field l Ever ton 0 Liverpool 2 Leeds U. 0 j Manchester Utd. I Arsenal 2 Preston
      Reuter  -  316 words
    • 68 7 IFOFFMAJSS bright knock of 38 run*, the highest of the match, and D Almeida's 33 with the bat and his analysis of six wickets for 10 runs, were features of yesterdays cricket match at the SRC. ground when the Singapore Recs U»at the A.M.DG.W Sports
      68 words
    • 487 7 From Cpl. Phillies IN a fast, exciting game of soccer played at Changi Airfield on Saturday, the R.A.F. (Changi) beat the Royal Engineers (969 IWT) by three goals to two, the highlights of the game being the fine defensive work of Wardlow, the R.E. centre-half, and
      487 words
    • 80 7 HOYLAKE. Cheshire. Sat. UENRY COTTON, former British open champion, wortnily established himself as the British matchplay champion today when he beat James Adams by" eight and seven in the championship final scheduled for 36 holes on Ihe Royal Liveroool championship links here. Earlier in the season
      80 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 127 7 4} NOl NCEMEiNT IT B HEREBi ANNOUNCED THAT THE NETHERLANDS INDIES SHIPPING ORGANISATION V I. S. O.) i on the 10th September. l*»4b\ I oen their pre-war offices as frum >:..> u m run mau. binsou Rad Telephone 7123 "ll* ni,,V l\l'\N NV i -I j Crediet-en I Rotterdam' Road
      127 words
    • 423 7 BOUSTEAD Co., Ltd. TEL 516! -2 II < f"DS> AGENTS GLEN LINE Denbighshire from IJL Dae Oct. li Gleaaffarie for I R Ead o- i Glenstrae for II na**R Passengers sad cargo accepteo la L.K Hongkong aad Shanghai a« opportunities offer BURNS PHIL* LINE .>ai!ing> tot Sydney Carry'** passengers and
      423 words