The Singapore Free Press, 28 September 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 31 1 Crashed to save dog l>. u mm I I hi tmtt I a!on? St a» if r r: ,„n .'l'lou-ih .f one f tbe i:i a> r« M W4 that an
    31 words
  • 37 1 CORRUPTION RAIDS IN HONG KONG ra hi B ti*e tion ith pr.vate v'omrk»2 tc the in- -md L* i !9 O. Depart- *\ea *c -P- special; police by the 1 to raid ne al.o r ">rivar.p U.P.
    U.P.  -  37 words
  • 16 1 ROOF ARRESTS AT GODOWN H-nry rafalaar todav Malay polkec xtracted I lis were Spe-ia!' Oag while
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  • 313 1 Plane blows up over Thames LONDON, Fri. r APTAIN Geoffrey de Havilland's Swallow Flying Wing n jet plane, on its way to Sussex for a test flight on the speed record course, was reported 45 minutes overdue at Tangmere this evening. A plane uelieved to
    Reuter; A.P.  -  313 words
  • 35 1 Canada and China have concluded negotiations for an interim "most- favoured nation" trade treaty which will be followed by a full dress treaty next spring, official spokesman said in Ottawa yesterday .>ays Reuter.
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  • 26 1 Next weeks cigarette ration will again be 50 per cent "A" class (Gold Flake) and 50 per cent "B" class cigarettes (Rough Rider, Torchlight).
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  • 39 1 British sea. land and ai r watch on the Palestine coast was tightened last night as news reached military headquarters of an expected arrival of the "biggest yet" shipment of illegal immigrants says Reuter from Jerusalem.
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  • 260 1 Free Press Staff Reporter AMONG the 258 paratroopers who were courtmartialled at ri Kluanjer, on a charge of mutiny, was *****31 Private James Jones. Jones had the experience of being sentenced to five years' penal servitude and discharge with ignominy one moment, and of
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  • 99 1 TWO Jap war criminals, Lt. Murakami Seisaku and Ptc. Saito Kanji, were executed by a firing squad at dawn today near Changi Jail. Murakami was responsible, between Dec. 1944 and Jan. 1945 for the arrest and torture in Sibu. Sarawak, of 30 Chines"?. Two of
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  • 23 1 More than 10,000 motor vehicles, including 600 jeeps, were sold by auction by the Ministry of Supply at Bordon. Hants.
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  • 106 1 BUENOS AIRES, Fri. CERIOUS disturbances have broken out in La Paz. Bolivia, following an unsuccessful attempt by an army officer to assassinate the President. The President. Tomas Monje Gutierrez, was leader of the revolutionary group which seized power when the Government was overthrown recently by a
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  • 307 1 Free Press Staff Reporter THE flow of rice from Australia to Malaya, which began in earnest with the arrival of the Chanda at Singapore on Thursday, will carry on with the arrival of the Euryades, which is expected to dock at Singapore shortly with 2,000
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  • 63 1 LONDON, Fri. THE British Foreign Minister. Mr. Ernest Bevin, said tonight: "There is one kind of war that must stop if we are to get peace. That is the war of nerves that has left some unfortunate countries in a state of disturbance." Mr. Bevin
    Reuter  -  63 words
  • 86 1 4 BRITISH SOLDIERS DISAPPEAR VIENNA, Friday INURING the past four weeks four British soldiers have not returned after patrol duties en the frontier between Yugoslavia and the British zone of Austria. There is clear evidence that tibty were taken into cust d\* by Vie Yugoslavs Repeated official enquiries have failed
    Reuter  -  86 words
  • 47 1 This is a picture, taken at ilat field aerodrome, Hertfordshire, of Capt. Geoffrey de Havilland s 'Flying Wing' which he him self designed. Jet-propelled and intended to be a fighter, the plane has its wings swept back at an angle of nearly 43 degrees
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  • 224 1 Greek King flies back in secret ATHENS. Friday. IfING GEORGE of the Hellenes landed at Eleusina airfield this afternoon to resume his reign. The King drove from the airfield to Hat quay and went aboard a Greek destroyer. He was joined on the destroyer by the Regent and the Premier.
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  • 34 1 Britain has accepted Australia 3 invitation to attend a conference in Canberra in January to establish a South Seas Commission says Reuter from London. Native welfare is to be the main topic
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  • 32 1 A third detachment of Dutch troops, 1,500 strong, has sailed from Rotterdam for the Netherlands Indies. They are due in Java on October 25 says Reutet* from Rotterdam
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 14 1 *CjT;snAPHS w t_<*»* »-noii' It* I *rri*' f 10.' H| \7 HEX ?jj.o Saiid*
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    • 41 1 T. T. LEE Repairs Lever Type Pomp fI.M Vacumatic Pump I Oi Gold Nib A Etc Extra 2-YEAR FREE SERVICE. FREE SAC OR FREE DIAPHRAGM! Oatatation: By Regiatered Poat 34. Ch*alis Street. Singapore, 3*2, North fert4ge R ad Tei. 7971. Singapore.
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    • 185 3 LORD LISTOWEL PAYS TRIBUTE TO CHINA THE Postmaster-General, Lord Listowell. on behalf of the British Government and people, broadcast a message to China on the occasion of the first anniversary of victory over Japan Lord Listowel, after recalling that China was at war with Japan for eight years, said: "China
      Reuter  -  185 words
    • 103 3 THE Shanghai branch 01 the Tao Hang Bank of Hon^? Kong was ordered to be closed down and liquidated by tiie Chinese Finance Ministry tor committing a breach of the currency stabilisation regulations This drastic action was ta'.'ei: following the discovery that the bank in question
      Central News  -  103 words
    • 36 3 Over 90 Hong Kong Gin Guides and friends attended Sandilands Hut, Girl Guide Headquarters, when 25 girls from the Rosarv Hill Guide Company were enrolled by the Acting Commissioner, Mrs C. M Bird.
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    • 345 3 COME 100,000 Chinese Army officers, all the way from full Generals to warrant officers, are today undergoing an intensive course of commercial training to fit them for a constructive role in post-war China. Only recently demobilized, these war veterans are enrolled in 36 institutes
      Reuter  -  345 words
    • 60 3 KWANGSI FAMINE IS ONER rovmce of I of many _st f no »nths of ll amine "nor of Shu-chu. he diffiserious *e" and rei full e heavy would take province *o pertty, he •o:ne the >ped chens." eipable of -regie day. wheel cooking trailers and n destined ivang. be set
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 36 3 cx iUrt order :\>r promade by the 57a£? r ne fined thc and closed it tore wa, oummonea for "JO rolled price »o price tag. said the August tor ~^__-*--z on butter
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    • 100 3 A FLEET of 300 new, streamlined Ford motor-buses will be put into service within tiie next few months following the arrival in Canton of the vehicles. The fleet will be operated by a company financed by overseas Chinese businessmen ln America. It is learned that the
      Central News  -  100 words
    • 117 3 Fortune forecast tor people born today Born today, your emotions and your impulsiveness must be brought under control if you are to reach the heights to which your talmts would take you. If things do not move along as you wish, be patient. You have a quick
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    • 48 3 The recent readjustment of the foreign exchange rate by the Central Government has resulted in increased remittances from the Uhited States, to the four southern Kwangtung districts of Toishan, Yanping, Hoiping and Sunwui. During August they totalled CN512.000.000.000 compared to CNSB.COO,OOO,OCO la Julv. Central News
      Central News  -  48 words
    • 320 3 ONE year after re-occupation, conditions in Hainan Island are still choatic with little prospects of immediate improvement, writes the Canton correspondent of the Shanghai Morning Post According to Mr Tseng Sa»ishang, chief clerk of the Provincial Kuomintang. who is a native of the island, the for.d
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    • 47 3 This is the "Water Gate" to Peking. In the days when the Jap hordes were nearing the city, a close check was made of vehicles passing through the gate. This picture was taken when, as the notice board says, 'No Motor Cars Are Allowed.'
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    • 211 3 NANKING, By Air. IN an effort to overcome the stag-nation of the outward flow of Chinese products, the Government has ordered the Central Trust to buy up the nation's silk crop, and is considering the same action with such other principal exports as tung oil,
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    • 233 3 COMPREHENSIVE plans to develop Manchuria into a supply house and granary for the rest of China are being dratted by the Chinese authorities. This follows extensive surveys by Government officials and Chinese commercial leaders, all of whom returned greatly impressed with the industrial and agricultural
      Reuter  -  233 words
    • 127 3 CHINA nopes to woru out an agreement with Japan under which she will exchange b-fcft quality cooking coal for Japanese fuel coal, Lt.-Gen. Chu Shiiiming told the Allied Council for Japan. During a tentative discussion of the proposal fcr poss.oienationalisation of the Japanese coal-mining industry, the
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    • 130 3 THE Chinese Government has remitted, through the Central Bank of China. US $89,400,000 to Washington as another instalment in the International Rehabilitation Bank. It was decided at Bretton Woods that China's contribution to the international bank should be U*****,000,000. of which 20 oer cent, must
      Reuter  -  130 words
    • 55 3 AMERICAN, Government ana Communist members of the Executive Headquarters' 25th Special Field Team, have returned to Peiping after having concluded their investigation into the recent Anping ambush of a party of American Marines. On the way to Peiping, the Team stopped over at Kalgan and met the
      Central News  -  55 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
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    • 155 3 CLASSICAL RECORDS IN AUTOMATIC COUPLINGS at $3-85 Each. \^^y*£~/ BRAHMS Symphony No. 1 in C Minor op m Symphony No. 2 in D Major Op 7.5 Symphony No. 4 in E Minor Op 98 Double Concerto in A Minor Op 102 Piano Concerto No 1 in D Mr. I Op
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    • 412 5 Free Press Staff Reporter AN average of 4,000 sheep a month is being imported into Singapore and Malaya from Australia now. This average is for civilian consumption only, over and above the monthly average 1.000 which go to the Army. The Joint Supply
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    • 217 5 Free Press Staff Reporter WITH tne closing down of the Indian Y.M.C.A. in Waterloo Street at the end of this year, a new club, to be known as the Cox Social Club, for Indian troops, will be opened shortly i n Singapore. This club
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    • 33 5 The Requisitioning Department which is now situated in the CAistodian's Office, New Supreme Court Building, Singapore, will move to the Land Office, old Government Buildings, Empress Place, as from Sept. 30.
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    • 35 5 In all, a minimum of 5,000,000 yards of textiles will be distributed throughout the Malayan Union. The majority of purchase permits have already been issued by the Controller of Supplies, Malayan Union.
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    • 29 5 For and relaxation This is a general view of the Indian YMCA in Waterloo Street, Singapore. In part of this building, the new Cox Social Club will be opened
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    • 53 5 TO SMALLPOX ATHS IN H.K. 1 tlun HO people have ird Ho**e K" n! from fM >mce the bei**nnin§* titsx Others attar ked tfetasf have been blindliif disn?ur-tl niNxtatrd \esterda> m i nuing lo Ihe tjs* lo set vaccinated. ii Ki n< is afflicted by a nrtlent ttne of smallpox.
      Reuter  -  53 words
    • 70 5 ANKETS AT $1-80 EACH I Taafh At Co Ltd as Government .terMed 9.0 EUres 0 26 dealers in j m The Dianfcets should i-fc a; a maximum re- m of SI .80 ea In hai also dis- I I I lb. tc 31 deal. r.s m 1 Hi Hn J
      70 words
    • 56 5 Soon Had Him Hi» Ship CaS?^***- mmmj\ let: J*_* t s-_ot he was! *2L !nrr u Mhe out; Ut uJ V** t% i *>** «k^ W e <***> ar. old fc^S** the. Krusam real -r.: c e I was I R W. l: J mmotUy
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    • 93 5 ANEW system of bread and flour rationing is to be introduced in Singapore, probably in about three weeks* time. Under this system people will be able to select their ration individually from the following: One and a half katties flour, per week, or t-wo lb. bread
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    • 119 5 AIRLINE LINKS SINGAPORE WITH MANILA Free Press Staff Reporter CINGAPORE'S growing import- ance as a world aviation centre is further evidenced by the inauguration of a new weekly air service between the Philippines and the Colony, by Commercial Airlines (Ine* which nas its head office in Manila. With Hong Kong
      119 words
    • 367 5 MALAYS, including a Malay girl from Malacca, have wo n 11 of the 25, 194*8 Malayan Union Scholarships at Raffles College. The following are the winners: Abdul Rashil bin Md. Ali (Prince of Wales Institution, Kuala Lumpur), Abdul Shukor bin Haji Alwi (Victoria Institution, Kuala
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    • 388 5 W orld cruise liner arriving today PORT NEWS ONE ton of American mail will be brought to Singapore today by the American President Liner President Polk, first of the company's passenger-cargo vessels to resume its re gular pre-war round-the-world service. The vessel is expected to berth alongside godowns 13-14 at
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    • 191 5 THE RAF recorJ-breakinj aircraft "Aries" has left Chang i on its way home to the I U.K. Its arrival from Australia is the culmination of a lengihv lecture tour conducted both to Service and civil flying organisations in Australia and New Zealand. Known as
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    • 68 5 CARMELITA Lawless, the wehknown CSE classical pianist will give a recital on Oct. 6 at 6.30 p.m. at the Victoria Memorial Hall. Singapore. Part of the recital will be broadcast by the Radio Malaya. The time of the broadcast will be announced later. Plans are
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    • 22 5 A special committee has been organised by the Singapore Chinese for the celebration of China's National Day— Oct. 10.
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    • 31 5 S.S. DEEBANK from SqmUi African Ports will berth aton-siae Godowns 8 9 on Sunday morning. Consignees should apply to Boastead Ar Co. Ltd.. Union Building for Delivery Orders.
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    • 56 5 OENVXAL CLERICAL SEKfICE Candida ters who have already applied for entry into this service ana are resident to Singapore are requested to can at the Colonial Secretary's Office, before SO Sept. where they will be notified of the date and time at which they will be required
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  • Page 5 Miscellaneous
    • 32 5 TIDE TABLE To-day: High water, 12.16 a.m., 9 ft. 8 in.; 12.25 p.m. 9 ft. 2 in. To-morrow: High water. 12.49 a.m^ 9 ft. 5 m.; 12.47 P-m, 9 ft. 1 in
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    • 178 7 NGLAND MEETS RELAND TODAY F BELFAST, Friday. f international soccer match since 1939 will be .-.hen Fnijland meet Ireland at Windsor i*vi Iv x ,ater En^ 11 a\M will go down to L \\Sm a*-*- 8, t,re after a 30 y ears P***! 1 a little controversy between the over
      Reuter  -  178 words
    • 224 7 Free Press Correspondent PENANG. Fri. *T"HE following »T e tns weights for L the first day of the Penang races on Saturday. Sept. 28 RACE ONE Horses, Class 4. Div. 1. 5 Furs. S.lver Bond 9.02; Samory 9.00; Never Mind 8.04; Moonwin 8.03. Scratch. ng: Magic Star
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    • Article, Illustration
      20 7 B/uce Woodcock surrounded by friends after his eighth -round knock-out of Gu. Lesnevich at Harringay on Sept. 17.
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    • 287 7 LONDON, Sat. fOMPLETE list of English and Scottish fixtures for next week are: SEPT. 30 SECOND DIVISION Burnley v Barnslev GLASGOW CUP-FINAL Rangers v Clyde OCT. 2 Arsenal vs Sparta Club. Prague. Czechoslovakia. OCT 3 SECOND DIVISION Swansea v Southampton THIRD DIVISION SOUTH Notts C. v Portvalc
      Reuter  -  287 words
    • 85 7 NUMBER 72. M. E. Platoon, R.E., have written to say that they have a soccer team that has played 17 games without suffering a defeat, their goal average being 58 goals for and 8 goals against. Opponents have included several company teams ln the vicinity.
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    • 70 7 TO-DAY Soccer: Malays v Sultan. Jalan Besar Stadium; R.N.A.S. (Sembawamr) v J.C.S.A.. Sembawan*: Roeklltes f No. 1 8.T.C.. Nee Soon. mafgtr: S.C.C. trial S.C.C. padang Cricket: S.R.C. v R-A.F. Seletar I. SRC. TO-MORROW Soccer: Indiana v S.C.F.A., Jalan Besar Stadium. Cricket: S.C.C. Home aad Hume, S.C.C; S.R.C. v
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    • 398 7 HMS SULTAN OUTPLAYED AFTER EVEN OPENING From Cpl. RAF Seletar 5, H.M.S. Sultan 1. GOALS were the order of the day at Seletar on Wednesday when the Airmen in a game of soccer defeated H.M.S. Sultan by five goals to one. The game unfortunately had to be curtailed to
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    • 952 7 STRONG RAF TEAMS FOR VICTORY CUP By Out Soccer Reporter WHILE the Army elimination contest to pick four teams for the Victory Cup is still being vigorously contested among the units, the four R.A.F. entries have long been settled. They are Seletar, Changi, Tengah and Headquarters, and the first three
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    • 66 7 A meeting was held at the S.C.R.C Club House and the following mem bers were elected to hold office in the j rugby section. Lee Slew Choh. (captain). R. Fu. (vice-captain), Ng Wood Kan. (convenor) The B.C.R.C. will begin their season on Oct. 19, and the convenor will
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 114 7 IS HEREBi ANNOUNCED THAT THE JERIANDS INDIES SHIPPING ORGANISATION «V I. S. O.) be dissu.ved on the 30th September, 1946. I >pen their Dre-war offices as from ,U,, ROaA, DI KH MAIL »ri_h»x, rf joln -*-°n Road Telephone 7123 titv ,H( LIM M HI\Vj XPXN ||Nf iwf- wale Crediet-en i?ing
      114 words
    • 171 7 BOUSTEAD&Co.,Ud. TEL 5161-2 LLC YDS AGENTS GLEN LIMI Denbighshire from L.K. Due Oct. 11 Glenaffaric for IR. End Oct Glenstrae for CJL Nov. Passengers and cargo accepted to L.K Hongkong and Shanghai as opportunities effe^. BURNS PHILF LINE Sailings for Sydney Carrying passengers and cargo as opportunities offer Fisst Class
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