The Singapore Free Press, 27 September 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 46 1 Silver coins go out in U. K. LONDON Thmn '.'ooiished mi r?p. v ins with r vralrd Ikr la nu nt is dral dm i ;&arj *tol kgnlttea *hii it is jKfcd. will be olaceel ttfwt "wt sarin oi r__rtt_upe«t .Ivor **i «»en>ive i| prt'--nt Reuter
    Reuter  -  46 words
  • 37 1 GUNMAN IS SHOT DEAD IN S'PORE 1 pistol.: evade i n x Shots E2__L car .1 a, down 11 p.m. t-utthe the v.. •ice to are on d and body •-r. '--> rs con- f^... ■W_T 1 three
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  • 126 1 DETAILS were given today of a prison break attempt by six Chinese who were being held in remand in the Civil Prison in Outram Road, on the morning of Sunday before last, just as the prisoners were unlocked for roll call in the morning. It appears that
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  • 122 1 m the! LUi General ment o> the r t rs to kesmen t was _i dent on Sjahrir*s return from the interior, possibly on Saturday or Sunday Lord Killearn is to preside and the talks will take place at Consulate here, which is considered neutral ground.
    Reuter; A.P.  -  122 words
  • 517 1 Paratroops get jail for mutiny Free Press Staff Reporter CENTENCES on 255 men of the 13th Parachute Battalion, who were charged with joining in a mutiny at Muar on May 14 and tried by court martial at Kluang, were announced in Singapore today. All the accused of the
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  • 250 1 S 'pore will have more food ships By Our Shipping Reporter U7ITH the arrival yesterday of the steamer Chanda, the British India Company has, for the first time in its history, established a direct Australia-Singapore service. Ot'.er British lines are placing more ships on the route to speed up the
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  • 307 1 BURMA, chief hope for new supplier of rice for Malaya. yesterday reached a historic milestone in its constitutional progress when the Governor, Sir Hubert Ranee, announced in Rangoon the formation of the country's first interim national Government. The new Government will exercise almost the same powers
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  • 54 1 India and Canada supported a plan for an economic commission for European devastated areas Rii yesterday's meeting of the UNO! Economic Council, says Reuter from New York. India's Sir Sirja Bajpai said: "India gives her support on the understanding that. similar measures will come Later
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  • 28 1 Because farmers refuse to send cattle to market at the present fixed prices many New Yorkers ate horse-flesh yesterday, says Reuter from New York.
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  • 251 1 Free Press Staff Reporter I RANGOON, Thurs. 1 WITH the formation of an interim national Government in Burma, there is fresh hope for Malaya of getting more rice from the Burma granary. Lasx month, in spite of labour and transport difficulties. Burma exported 28,000 tons
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  • 40 1 The Free Press understand-' that Mr. C.J. Pyke, Economic Adviser to the Malayan Union and Singapore, who is to go x> Washington immediately to diicuss the rubber situation, lef? Singapore by air for London oo Sept. 18.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 4 1 1 BSHDR* riH M-
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    • 75 1 Latest Designs LAMBSKIN Just Arrived CHOTIRMALL'S 41, 43, High Street, Singapore. __fcsT^^____^^c_3_U '^B^^"~~\T~- J\%^jJC/Xf*ricL]9f <' jp+> *t sj mw^s*- '**^_t_^ s^ii__»* mat^^ _l.fit_ m JUST ARRIVED BY S. S. SAMSACOLA The biggest shipment of Persian, Bokhara and Indian carpets and Rugs in the most exquisite designs and colours in varied
      75 words

    • 368 3 U.S ZONE IS FULLY DENAZIFIED THE United States zone in Germany is more completely denazified than the French, British or Russian zones, former military government officials reported today. Dr. James K. Pollock, who has just returned to Washington from 14 months as a leading official in political reform in Germany,
      368 words
    • 41 3 LOST: 38 HOURS OF SUN I teorol tt. wines, c.own- 11 in on the sun- .ree ■•vest :;r Aas week, p in all nc day, n 12 hours. l/;"-- v:r -c was at 1 v.liere a *as re- despair In Kent
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    • 34 3 five i to Sir .orney- P I St. to him at and re- irts 01 •How ill live" arth-joj rates I by Mr. i ns s.> Hart- at Hartley them i
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    • 8 3 P Steam or uu. icsdavs
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    • 222 3 MORE THAN 3 MILLION DEMOBBED BY the end of July this year, nearly three and a quarter million men and women had b.e n released from the fighting forces in the thirteen months since demobilisation began in June. 1945. Of the total of 3.217,000, wo-m<-n numbered 317.000. The number of
      222 words
    • 82 3 A FEW da:-^ ago, Hereford faced an influx of 300 "magicians," who descended on the city with relatives and friends for a convention. The "magicians" include a solicitor, a chartered accountant, an Air Ministry official, a sales manager, an estate agent, a dentist and an
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    • Article, Illustration
      37 3 Jock, a n 11-vear-old Hfeftfancsterr wil}l lon loi s proved that he has an anvahl. i'V:».si_ion even if his appearance is unfriendly when he- act-i as pnnn'-e- pony' at a grouse shoot on Leys Castle moors, I-nernets-shir...
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    • 133 3 A LITTLE girl's smile "snared" a boy of nin e to safety after a detachment of Plymouth firemen and four policemen had tried for two hours to entice him from the roof of a 50-ft high building. He had climbed to the roof to
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    • 78 3 BRITISH steel production in August was substantially more than that of a year ago Output was at the rate of 11,747,000 tons a year, compared .v:th 9,465.000 tons for the same month last year. While owing to holidays, output normally drops in August, the fall, only
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    • 96 3 A RTHUR James Madden, Windsor shop-porter, has 53 games of draughts on hand and yet never sees his opponents. He conducts his gmaes by post. Currently playing against world title-seekers in America, Canada and South Africa, he also has five tournaments going with players
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    • 57 3 IN an attempt to save England s harvest from the rains, 8.000 troops are working in the fields. In Northern Command, Unit Commanders have been instructed to comply, wherever possible, with requests for assistance irom the troops. A few days ago in Suffolk, the rrven put
      57 words
    • 176 3 S A NUMBER of non-priority sea passengers will be able to obtain berth to the United States, Austiaiia, South Africa, Sou^ /tmerica and India in October i i his is due to an easing in the trooping situation and a lessenI lag demand tor Govetjit.* nt
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    • 68 3 SUNDERLAND plans to become th2 Blackpool of England North East. The Town's Development Committee are to discuss a scheme to the Seaburn coast suburbs which will cost more than £1,000.000. The plan includes the provision of a theatre with seating for 3,000, extension of
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    • 152 3 LUXURY troopships are the latest possibility after recent promises of better barracks, fewer guards and fatigues, and better uniforms. Two Army officers and a Ministry ol Transport official have just completed a round trip from Britain to JBombay to study conditions of travel in a
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    • 396 3 A BRISK aide-memoire from Britain to the Danes is turning a European spotlight on a minority of between 12,00U and 15,000 German citizens of Danish descent who were lelt on the German side of the line when Schleswig-Holstein was divided up after the 1914-1918 war.
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    • 75 3 ANE war-time job undertaken by the "Queen of Bermuda* peace-time luxury liner on the New York-Bermuda run. was among icebergs of the Antarctic as an armed merchant cruiser, where she protected the whaling fleet. In May 43. she was converted to a trooper at Southampton, with
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    • 167 3 DR Fedor G K._o:hkov of tha Soviet Union was electei chairman recently of the interim commission of 18 nation* *>r the proposed United Nation. World Health Organization <W r HO> The interim commission, on which India is presented. *as set up by the international aeaitl
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    • 413 5 I ret Press Staff Reporter hod in the Gazette yesterday I state duties in Singapore. There duties, the first applying to cases nveen Apr. 2, 1940, and July 4, estates of persons dying on and 1 I k effect from yesterday. The first schedule of
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    • 21 5 and i 1.0 a 1 TWO I h ia. leteij MarB Oales w I L I f I r r
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    • 229 5 A soldier lived in S'pore.... A POSTMAN walked up to an old school house near Plymouth yesterday, and handed a parcel addressed, in English and Japanese, to Private Joseph Beck, with the contents marked: "One pair nutcrackers," says a LoriuOH cable Tiie
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    • 185 5 BISCUITS AND TOFFEE FOR PUBLIC lARGE quantities of Army bis- cuits. and toffee have bet n distributed to Singapore retailers, who Will siart selling upon publication of this news In the Free Press. The maximum s.-lling price ol the biscuits la 50 cents per lb. In the case of toffee,
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    • 57 5 PROVISION lor $1,000 to the subordinate siaff is made by I directors of Benta Rubber tea Ltd. from the balance of I 584.79t.11 standing at credit ot j profit and loss account. Reha- bilitatlon expenditure is provid- I ed for to the extent of $10,000
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    • 27 5 the fc Spin,' -:i!v nighty" Ha l ■> onlv •I and uas the »4 mmt uUUt.OMs" M!s r>«Ttraitur r »M Naid of •^P: -it P. L.
      P.L.  -  27 words
    • Article, Illustration
      32 5 Some of the sheep which afri ved bv the Chanda trom Australia yesterday. The average number of sheep imported into Singapore per month is now stated to he 4.000.
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    • 57 5 The funeral of Mrs. YOnne ae Wind, wife of Mr, A. P. de Wind of the Singapore Airport, won died at the Kandang Kerbau Hospital on Wednesday after a brief illness, was well attended bv relative and friends at Bidadari Cemetery yesterday. Father Ashness of the
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    • 226 5 SENTENCED to 15 years' rigorous imprisonment by the War Crimes Court in connection with the "Double Tenth" incident in 1943. his sentence subsequently annulled. Ahmad bin Hashim alias Miyazaki Kasuo was yesterday sentenced to a total of 15 months' rigorous imprisonment by Mr. T. T. Russell,
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    • 642 5 Free Press Staff Reporter ANE Army depot on Singapore island over a period v of ten weeks has lost, by looting, goods to the "controlled" market value of $250,000. The goods include bedsheets, groundsheets, canvas, tarpaulins, car tyres and 70,000 yards of long cloth.
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    • 183 5 S'pore looking for court houses free Press Rep* rter THK lack of suitable accommodation I* delaying the establishment of a court to deal specially with traffic ca-e--which are on the increase in Singapore, lie i ore the Japanese occupation, a special Traffic ourt was housed in t*" building at the
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    • 181 5 COifMANDEK B B. N. Hicks, R.N.. of II M.S. Terror, anct Major M. Ro^iiic. R.E., ga.- 1 evidence In the Second Distnc. Court yesterday, on the resumption of the trial of Capt. J. G;ilespie of the Second Echelon. ALFSEA, on two charges of causing
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    • 43 5 DENNIS Jansen, a price Inspector of the Food Control Department, who was alleged to have extorted money from Ave •Javanese hawkers at Beach Road on July 10. was acquitted and discharged by Mr. TT. Russell, the Second District Judge, yesterday.
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    • 43 5 Malaya Command. Kuala Lumpur, is shortly to raise an itinerant court to try war crime.- cases in the Kota Bahru area. Members of the Court will be based at Kuala Lumpur, and w,ill transfer to various places in that. area.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 41 3 ANNOUNCING THE PUBLICATION OF A NEW AND FORCEFUL MEDIA On the Ist, October, 1946. +1 0 s CHUNG NAN JIT PAO (A Chinese Daily) With Malaya-wide Coverage Rates and Particulars from: CHUNG NAN JIT PAO PRESS LIMITED. 110, Robinson Road. Singapore-
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    • 346 7 from Itill Howes PERTH, Thursday. .j tv early to make any assessment on vesterday ar.J to-day, the England ,ded themselves. I say this not because to work earlv, but because of the ibtef> mm L_.*it ihev arc snowilf. m** ws how dangerous the Australian
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    • 34 7 LO.NIRi I [>I_ i tjffi %'mwTt of rk& nJr Sv 1 is>n h ii to* H r nam mi I-** r r i ■< i p Reuter
      Reuter  -  34 words
    • 7 7 I U.P.
      U.P.  -  7 words
    • 12 7 (Sui*J* >V oxies- ma. *m Sautit <__». gomJ
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    • 410 7 Bv Archie Quick. LONDON, Thursday. WHEN you come to think of it. it ia a remarkable thing that Iceland's footballers, from their craggy little island jutting into the sea not so very far from tile North Pole and despite their Danish extraction and upbringing, can
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    • Article, Illustration
      61 7 Joe Ijtuis. holder ot the world hcav>wci_rh. championship, retained his title when he knocked out challenge*!- Tami Mauricllo in the first round of their scheduled IT I •■111! fisht at the Yankee Stadium, New York, on Sei>t. 18. This vaJio nhoto shows Tami Mauricllo handing on the ropes
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    • 32 7 LONDON. Thurs. TODAY'S football results were THIRD DIVISION (Southern) Norwich City 2 Crystal Palace 3. RUGBY NlSOft Rugby 6 Northampton 8. RUGBY LEAGUE county match Cumberland 9 Yorkshire 11 Reuter
      Reuter  -  32 words
    • 332 7 Front J Greenwall In their third round tie Ut tl e Armv elimination soccer contest on Wednesday, H.Q. Singapore District, took the held with a scratch team, and fate dealt them another hard blow when Goldspink had to retire early in the first half with
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    • 330 7 By Our Soccer Reporter FE possibility of transfer during the next month is lte reason why the Northamptons Regiment soccer team, Singapore division champions and runners-up in the Malaya Command Cup knock-out competition, have not been entered for the S.A.F.A. Victory Cup knock-out competition wi.ic.l will
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    • 119 7 From Menr Williams MELBOURNE, Thar*. VID Pancho (8.13) was unable to check the strong finishin* run of tall, rar.v Ted Sprouster (8.13) at the Leiehardt Stadium to- night and was beaten on points over 12 rounds. Pancho was ahead at the eighth round, but Sprouster floored
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    • 199 7 Professional Golf HOYLAKE, Cheshire, Ihurs. DRI lAIN'S professional match P-*".y golf championship ior £, "given by the N(ws of the World. ccntinu:d on the Royal Liverpool Championship links today with two rounds, which reduced the original field of 64. who had qualified from district tournaments in
      Reuter  -  199 words
    • 115 7 Singapore Cricket Club rugb;, teams for tomorrow's match between Cniours and Whites are as below. Aiw n'.oyer. who is unable to turn out should advise the rugby secretary Mr. A. Cromarty, today. All payers mtc rp^uested to bring colour d and whit? jerseys it (hey have them. Whites:
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    • 34 7 The cricket club of jo W.T.U., R.A.S.G, Pulau Brani. va*H like to have away games versus clubs and military teams of company strength. Fixtures can be arranged with Capt. Trncv. telepnone 3865.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 123 7 *W PLAYING VICTORIA THEATRE Services Entertainment Presents rVurl Beresford's LONDON BY NIGHT m^ !l S| ars Irom the \i!? LL Qnd WHITEHALL THEATRES .v*% Ml Saturday, Wth Sept. at 8.30 p.m. WTDiEE s, slh SEpT AJ fM pm mtn R..b„^, n Ram<s Place froni 9 0 o lsM fl1 l^-omce
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    • 442 7 BOUSTEAO&Co., Ltd. ILL 5161-2 LLC YDS AGENTS GLEN LINE Denbighshire from 1 h Dne Oct. II Glemaffaric far U.K. End O* t. Glenstrae far IK Nav, Passengers ano cargo accepted ta I" K Hongkong and Shangb-4 opportunity offer Bl RNS PHIL* LINE Sailings rot Sydney Carrying passengers and cargo as
      442 words