The Singapore Free Press, 21 September 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 364 1 WA LL ACE RESIGNS Truman re-states pro-British, anti-Soviet policy NEW YORK, Fri. MR. Henry Wallace, U.S. Secretary of Commerce, lfl whose speech on Sept. 13 in New York, virtually calling on the American nation to drop Britain, and appease Russia, caused a crisis in the United States, has resigned. President
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  • 242 1 LONDON, Friday. lUOR CECIL BOON of the RASC, who was o n trial by I court martial on charges of allegedly giving aid to the ipaitfs? while a prisoner of war m Hong Kong during 1943 > 1945. was today found not guilty on all
    U.P.  -  242 words
  • 44 1 ImrH EW YORK Fri Z d *n at the l?£ the crasn 0{ the Beltaer wrecked 22 mihs 352;-. c search CJuard it^sf. hat there he crash. d word survivo.'■entionetf. were ftJ ?SsSL Wreck Thef e md a crew ne time of j
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  • 26 1 NK\ \V\LLA(E i Vhirsdav last week, no it Dont let lin.i^h balance <ower mani»nilat'<»n get U.S. to war don t i tou?h with Russia
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  • 49 1 The United States Government has told the Government m< mbers of the International Telecommunications Union that the World Telecommunications Conference will be convened at Washington on April 15, 1947. The purpose of the conference is to revise the Madrid Telecommunications Convention oi 11>32. says Reuter from London.
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  • 205 1 Free Press Reporter AT nine a.m. today Lord Killearn, the Special Commissioner, took off m a Dakota aircraft from Changi airfield for Batavia, where it is expected he will resume mediatory talks over the weekend. With him travelled Mr. Murray, Counsellor (information and members of the
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    62 1 picture. Ihousands thronged the Happy World, S n?apore, last night when the Governor, Sir i-aium Gimson, declared the Grow More Food Exhibition open. In his address, the Governor sad the Government "has been giving, and will continue to give, every assistance to the smallholders m the r endeavour to provide
    Free Press  -  62 words
  • 79 1 Britain will continue to insist upon inclusion m the Italian treaty of the principle of full compensation for Allied property losses during the war m spite of the surprise shift of United States policy toward partial compensation, Reuter reports from Paris. The United States withdrew
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  • 32 1 The first shipment of rice from Java reached Cochin yesterday, says Reuter from New Delhi. This first instalment of a promised 750,000 tons has been allotted to Madras
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  • 6 1 I "*I .T.orning.
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  • 23 1 Fortyeight Jewish detainees including four women were released yesterday from Latrun detention camp, it is announced, says Reuter iro*» Jerusalem.
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  • 75 1 NEW YORK, Friday. A huge section of the brink of Niagara Falls, on the American side, collapsed today, shaking the town of Niagara Falls with earthquake intensity as it tumbled down the 168- foot cataract. Witnesses said a section of the rock wall, 120 f?et long at
    A.P.  -  75 words
  • 44 1 Detective Lieut. James J. Finn 64, the man whose expert slouthing solved the famous Lindbergh kidnapping case, has retired from the New York Police Force after 41 years' service, it was learned at Police headquarters, says UP from New York.
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  • 135 1 THE autumn exercises of the Bri- tish Mediterranean Fleet began with a night "assault" by us upon a "convoy" fighting its way towards a country named Greece on most charts but known to us as "Malaya," writes Jack Jenkins signalling from on board the cruiser Mauritius
    Reuter  -  135 words
  • 36 1 The Russian authorities have ordered eight top-ranking Soviet correspondents to return to Berlin from the British zone, alleging that they have been treated with "discourtesy," it was learned last night says UP. from Berlin.
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  • 324 1 ARUNDEL CASTLE Free Press Reporter THE Army movement authorities m Singapore, who have no control over the arrival and use of cargo space of shipping coming into Singapore from the United Kingdom, yesterday signalled London and asked for official comment on the Free Press story
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  • 91 1 INSIDE STORY OF DUNKIRK CAMPAIGN A SECRET order by Hitler which changed the whole coarse of the war is revealed by Capt. LJddell Hart, the world's most famous military writer, m the first of a series of articles beginning m The Sunday Times tomorrow. Capt. Liddell Hart has spent many
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  • 96 1 LONDON, Friday. THREE passengers were wash?d overboard and lost, 2nd 36 injured when the steamer Isle of Jersey, 2.000 tons, bound lor Southampton from the Channel Islands today with 623 passengers was struck by a huge wave shortly after she had passed ths Casquets. The Air
    Reuter  -  96 words
  • 60 1 Over 80 per cent of houses, flats and hotels requisitioned for official purposes have now been released and Government are taking further steps to settle 6,000 families of squatters m empty camps. The squatters affected are the original ones who commandeered camps and not those who
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  • 593 3 CHANGHAI, which for months has been the happj hunting ground of U.S. Merchant Marine personnel with smuggled cigarettes, wrist-watches and fountain pens or pilfered ship's equipment for sale, is undergoing a "clean-up" drive by the U.S. Coast Guard. Notice has been served through the
    U.P.  -  593 words
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  • 49 3 01 to <?n- rvate Govern- v. rtment and n gard m.- d the as ma 'iisii >ri- at tails of I r .-.der {land l are ittd bf ..-ation- to the Governi schools. art nude .o Ordin- s -hools can edu .ition r.ds of into COB- on th:
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  • 27 3 WAGES 540 TIMES PRE-WAR cment I univ( r- caoi:iave 300 to 510 ale an? 000 a -3 to to Kwi Btmento between nth. is r a single
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  • 14 3 r that rodent formea n a block i V hundriMi Pared ax-
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  • 105 3 KALGAN IS TARGET OF NATIONALISTS GEN. CHEN CHANG, Nationalist Chief of Staff, has singled out the Communist arsenal and major military base of Kalgan m Chahar Province as the Nationalist objective. Asked by foreign correspondents m Nanking if Yenang also fell m the same strategic group as Chengteh and Kalgan,
    Reuter  -  105 words
  • 153 3 ACNS2O,OOO,OOO fund has been allocated by CNRRA to help villagers m Wai Shih m Honan to resume the war-inter-rupted industries of spinning, weaving, basket-making, farm tool manufacture, loom making, wheat grinding and brick making. The fund is for a CNRRA-UNRRA plan evolved by Miss Tirzan
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  • 40 3 Hong Kong has appointed a, Committee to examine the question of the establishment of a general war memorial and to make recommendations on the form it should take and the manner m which its cost should be defrayed.
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  • 274 3 ITSHERING m a new era m the Chinese fishing industry, a fleet of 11 new deep-sea fishin; vessels— vanguard of more than 200 brought by UNRRA from the United States and Australiahave left Shanghai for fishing operations off the China coast. These modern power Doats. manned
    Reuter  -  274 words
  • 60 3 These p- ctures conic from Ch»na: They show a Chinese girl working in* a Shanghai textile factory, a dam being constructed to harness water power both for textile and flour mills m North China, and a scene from a Chinese rkeißia. Slowly recovering from the ravages
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  • 113 3 CHINESE industrialists who moved their plants to the interior of China during the war m an effort to keep Chinas industrial war potential from collapsing have petitioned th 2 Chinese Government for assistance. They point out that heavy losses were incurred through their patriotic efforts. Machinery
    U.P.  -  113 words
  • 49 3 TH E production of silk m Kwangtung province this year will be only about 8 per cent 01 the pre-war output, according to official sources. Estimates of productior are 3,000 piculs of raw silk 'hb> year, as compared to a normal pre-war production averaging 40,000 piculs.
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  • 468 3 yONG KONG Government statistics reveal that 171 companies, doing business m China, registered themselves m Hong Kong during August, although a Government official told the United Press this could not be considered an accurate gauge of the number of firms reported to be moving
    U.P.  -  468 words
  • 132 3 POLICE LOOK FOR "MASTER MIND" DRAIL, opium-smoking Yoh Shan-nien, wife of Chang Hungtu, chief of the Construction Department of the Railways Administration has oeen described by Chinese authorities as the master-mind of a $121,700,000 swindle which makes "Ma Barkers" biggest robberies look like a small-time operation. Chang, who is under
    U.P.  -  132 words
  • 88 3 CHINA hopes to realize a total of $5,000,000,000,000 (Chinese Currency* from the sale of rnemy property, by the end of 1946 According to a public announcemnt by Mr. Hsu Pei-yuan. Vice Minister of Finance, ehfnv property sales to July J r < m Shan:hri al
    U.P.  -  88 words
  • 63 3 AUT of a job today, wartime v interpreters of the Foreign Affairs Department of the National Military Council hare sent a petition reminding the Government of its promise to send 20 per cent of their number for advanced studies abroad. These interpreters, 80 per cent of them
    Reuter  -  63 words
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    • 55 3 TnillPUT GREAT WORLD TONIGHT. AT 815 PM all-in WRESTLING Grand Kn^and \n. China Malt h |Hk GARSIDE Minttfeinnniii versus iM. SON OF ZOMBIE vs. DAI MORGAN f flH^^* JiM CORBETT vs. LEN HICKS wßtßm > ANDY OLIVER vs. SAILOR MUSKET Stan Garside Yorsh ire's Bookings: Tel. 4498 Today Clean Si
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  • 127 5 REMPANG FOOD CROPS ARE LEFT TO ROT Y^ Free Press Reporter I vm Japanese prisoners-of-war who were I to the 1 Hitch island of Rempang m the o f rt .(utupation made such good use of ithe iun le-covered island that three lead**iSorc mi rat-tors visited the island t.> see
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  • 64 5 fHARGED with th^ theft vi J. sandles of uhite cloth Taloed at $59.00-) or alterutirfl* of dishoneNtlv reta.n the >tole:» ?oml-. a < hinesc, V«; P^n? <an yesterday 'himH trial m the Fourlli I*htt ourt The JW?fd theft na> staU'J blm teturrtd n a
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  • 66 5 Hop Her Free from Splitting Headaches fi£ .1 n: J™Bj,cu:«l do *»ii to read how i pain i emed to d-, k*wX I taps t aking j:: a gone, and i err way. no rntap now I of en ride N W:tle 1 n.<
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  • 38 5 The Bishop of Labuan and Sarawak, the Rt. Key. Hollis, who is now staying m Singapore .is the guest of the Governor, will preach at Evensong j»t St. Andrew's Cathedral at b. 30 p.m. tomorrow.
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  • 40 5 The Singapore Immigration Office is to remove from Clifford Pier to gcoojvn "B" at the East Wharf. The telephone number ot the Deputy Immigration Officer. Mr. J.LJ. Haxworth, will be 2740 and that of the general office 3070.
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  • 271 5 Free Press Reporter AFTER reading m the Singapore Free Press on Sept. 18 that danger spots m Singapore are to be lighted as soon as possible, Mr. Leon Brittoft, Far Eastern Supervisor of RKO Radio Pictures, wrote to Mr. R. E. Foulger, Commissioner of Police, to
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  • 67 5 'yHE Governor of Singapore has received the following cable m reply to the resolution of the Advisory Council on the Anniversary of the liberation of Singapore: "His Majesty was much touched by the resolution of the Singapore Advisory Council and has commanded me to request
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  • 57 5 A VERDICT o! suicld* mile zf unsound mind m returned tyy a rommon jur* ai w»q «cs» before the Sinxaporr Coroner Mr W G Porter vt*stmi*i tr;M the d«alh o? Chines* '<•- \fLeong. who Mirnp*d fro r o J\<? first fioof j* tt»e Go^^fi •v* pital and
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  • 175 5 fsw Press Reporter LARGE sum.s of money are being sent back to India by members of the Indian Forces stat:oned m Singapore. It is believed that most of the maney is sent through secret channels *et UP by their civilian friends. The b ggest
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  • 30 5 A 40-year-cld Chinese, Tee Aun Tong. was sentenced to one month's Jfigorous imprisonment and fined $750, m default five months' r.i, by Mr. Paul Siorr n» the First District Court
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  • 154 5 ABOUT 3,200 padi cultivators m Perlis are m need of assistance »o comnlete planting operatinn«« on th°ir land. Some of these r armcrs have no more padi «n thP r poss2s-ion for fheir li'llv consumption and hay* :noaris to MWpofl themftHc* nniPss thp\' Iravt their
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  • 102 5 MUSIC BY THE SEA One of the most popular spots to spend Sunday afternoon is the beach at Jo ho re liahru where, each week the Combined Services Entertainment band practise beside the sea. Their makeshift bandstand was loaned by the "2nd. Div." Crowds of people come from neighbouring villages
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  • 50 5 An open verdict was recorder by the Singapore Coroner Mr. W. G. Porter, yesterday when IM inquired into the death of an unknown Indian, who was rated to have thrown himself m th? path of a military true* P*Hi sustained fatal injuries at Tax elm on June 14.
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  • 166 5 Indonesians: 'We welcome Killearn' INDONESIAN political circles welcome the role of arbiter 1 which Lord Killearn, British Special Commissioner to South-East Asia, seems destined to play m the DutchIndonesian negotiations, according to the official Indonesian news agency "Antara.'* Lord Killearn's presence is regarded a* especially important m view of the
    U.P.  -  166 words
  • 166 5 INDIAN WINS DSO, IS MADE BRIGADIER FE first Indian" officer to win the D.S.O. m World War II Colonel Rajkumar Sn Raiendrasinhji has been appointed Commander or Piska Sub-Area, m Eastern Command. He has been granted the acting rank of Brigadier. Commissioned m 1921, he joined the 2nd Royal Lancers
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  • 107 5 OWING to lack of suitable shipping, great difficulty has been experienced m the movement of live sheep* from Australia to Singapore. The situation, however, has been eased by a prompt response from London to a request for extra tonnage from the Special Commissioner, Lord Killearn. By
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  • 254 5 S 'pore petrol ration will con tin ue Free Press Reporter THERE is no likelihood of Singapore's petrol rationing scheme being abandoned, until the supply position m ait countries improves. Motorists must be content with inofficial explanation that although the position may be &oo«l at present, no-one can tell whether
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  • 155 5 Free Press Reporter ANE of Singapore s "secie: v strikes— the stoppage 01 /<> ariisans and ntters at the Bi James Power Station m Kepp* I Road— has just ended. Six BOP s and a skeleton staff of Municipal engineers were the heroes of the strike
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  • 50 5 Th<» Singapore Traction Company Ltd. will operate an aeonUonal bus service from tomorrc* between Finlayson Green zr.d Noifclk Read. The route to be taken will be Collyer Quay F. lerton Road, Connauglit Dii\«* Beach Road. Bras Basah Fosi* Sclefie Road. Serangoon Ro^ci and Rangoon Road.
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  • 87 5 SINCE V-J bay more than 132.000 men have been released from the Royal Indian Engineers. A total of 600 Engineer units have now beer, released. Of the various Engineer depots m India, No. 2 Transport Training Centre at Jullundur has released the most men— a total
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  • 28 7 trail, m Herald Bradi Jan ftrst NOV. Ken Brad- i nes, kCtI 10 ur ::om feel This but that he a drop »uth OH .-.ten r>cif .v
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  • 29 7 red Frt. P >. *n airI ouis. U the heavy- i i n«ht p. he fa but he some I that" aov;e Deor.- i bought unfurl 4te public pro-
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  • 353 7 MEXT week's English and Scottish football fixtures 'A W ENGLISH LEAGUE Sept. 23 FIRST DIVISION Wolves v. Grimsby .Blackpool y. Portsmouth THIRD DIVISION SOUTH Cardiff v. Swindon Pert Vale y. Notts Sept. 24. THIRD DIVISION NO"! >il Accrmjton v. Carlisle S?pt. 25 FIRST DIVISION Charlton v. Leeds
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  • 998 7 FOUR STRONG TEAMS IN THIS WEEK-END'S FOOTBALL Free Press Soccer Reporter WE are within three weeks of Singapore's first soccer competition since 1941 and enthusiasm almost as great as that with which the old First Division games and Malaya Cup ties were invested surrounds this week-end's soccer at Jalan Besar
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  • 313 7 From J. Cireenwall. E ME. Bre Workshops advanced a step further m the Army elimmaon rounds of, tne Singapore Victory 7up when they beat Bbs Mech: Equip: Company, R.E, one-nil on Thursday. Kicking off, 865 took the ball into RE.M.E.s half, only to
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  • 54 7 On a sodden ground at Jurong. the J.C.S.A. defeated the Dept. of Broadcasting Jurong). at soccer, on Thursday, by two goals to nil. Swee Lim Swang. the S.C.F.A. half, scored the first goal of the evening when he sent a swift drive that beat Tony completely. Bala
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 112 7 ANNOUNCEMENT n b hereby announced that the ■BUNDS INDIES SHIPPING ORGANISATION |N. 1. S. O.) I on the 30th September, 1946. f>Den their Dre-war offices as from **U«»US| BOI.H DtICH MAIL c r Read Telephone 7123 JJSJWJVM LLOYD Crediet-en J irg Rotterdam" Roal i ird floor* Telephone 5073 5074 *g*
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    • 50 7 HOUSE WANTED WANTED Very large house within 3 miles Singapore for immediate occupation on six months lease. Furnished or unfurnished. Box 28, Singapore Free Press. WANTED WANTED to rent one to two yeai> good house minimum 3 bedrooms. I bathroom?, modern sanitation garagf Reply Box No. 29, Singapore Free Press
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    • 379 7 BOUSTEAO&Co.,Ltd. TEL 5161-2 I.LC YDS AGENTS GLEM LINE Denb c^shre from IK Doe Mid. Oct. Pas^;m«er» and cargo accepted »o IK Hongkong and Shanghai at opporlunitief offer BURNS PHIL* I. INK Sailing Cot Sydney Carry tni passengers and cargo as opportunities offer First Class Second Clas* £8l Single £53-6-8 Single
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 59 7 SPORTS DIARY TO-DAY Soccer: Malay Football Assn. v Army, Jalan Besar Stadium. Rugger: S.CC. Trial, Padang. Wrestling: Garside v Bosca Boa, Great World, 8.15 p m. TO-MORROW Soccer: S.C.F.A. v Recs, Jalan Besar Stadium. Cricket: S.R.C. v C.S.C., SRC. Padang, 11 am. St. Josephs v D. B. Anderson, Thomson Road.
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