The Singapore Free Press, 19 September 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 375 1 809 SATRANDED IN NEW GUINEA Malaya's 'Lost Legion 9 Free Press Reporter TWELVE months after the end of the Japanese war, :)09 lost Malayans— believed to be members of the Malay Regiment who were shipped from Singapore to work as forced labourers have been discovered stranded m Hollandia, Dutch New
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  • 44 1 Police at Montbazon. Mas Tours, yesterday held an Annamite accused of breaking into the rcus? Of M. Avenot, 67-year-old stice of the Peace, on Wednes:i?.\ night and battering him ana ►as 17-year-old daughter FranLOi*e to death says Reuter from F.iiis.
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  • 157 1 3rd VICTORY! INEW YORK, Wednesday. i hvavywei-jht boxing champion, knocked !;> m the first round of a title bout m \i the wei^h-in Louis scaled 15 st. 1% lb ZYi In. It was Louis* 23rd defence of staggered the champion m the very fast round
    A.P  -  157 words
  • 42 1 RAIN STOPS PLAY FOR S'PORE GANGS d gai:- 11 and car-part ho bay? City out- too and i a night jht, preof the crime n ocioo't. rities rehea/y having and quietest tnd only p jrted— on bjarded and held under They stole
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  • 5 1 1 shies
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  • 12 1 A Catholic Mdriage Advisory Council his been fcrmed m London.
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  • 155 1 rE Sunday Times has secured the exclusive Malayan rights for a series of sensational but authentic reports on the war by Capt. Liddell Hart, the world's most famous military writer. Since the end of the war, Liddell Hart has been given special facilities to discuss
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  • 200 1 LONDON. Wed. A HISTORICAL step la the relationship between Britain and India was made tonignt by the announcement of the appointment of the first British High Commissioner to India. He is Mr. Terence Shone, present Minister at Beirut, who will take up his new post m
    Reuter; A.P  -  200 words
  • 347 1 WASHINGTON, Wed. »TOP Democratic Party advisers are understood to be urging 1. President Truman, firstly, to demand immediately the resignation of Secretary of Commerce Henry Wallace, and, secondly, to make personally an exhaustive and clarifying foreign policy pronouncement on his own behalf as the only
    Reuter  -  347 words
  • 292 1 PL ANE LOST OVER ATL ANTIC LONDON, Wed. ASKYMASTER airliner belonging to the Belgian Sabena Airline, with 37 passengers and seven crew aboard, 1? reported lost on the North Atlantic route. Th.^ plane was on the westbound trip from Shannon. Ireland, to Gander, Newfoundland, with enough fuel for 18 hours
    Reuter; A.P  -  292 words
  • Article, Illustration
    73 1 j squatters have moved quietly from the London luxury flats 1 which they "invaded last week. The Ivanhoe Hotel, fir^t of the buildings to be emptied l.v the court order, was vacated j completely early yesterday i morning. In a statement from I 10 Downing-street the Government promised temporary arrangements
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  • 95 1 Hamburg, Wed. SEVEN thousand Germans had been evicted from their homes m crowded Hamburg to malt" way for families of Britisn servicemen. Unless more material arid labour become available, it *ili be difficult to find homes for the remaining 26.000 awaiting eviction. Officials stated
    A.P  -  95 words
  • 40 1 The Dutch Military Police hays confiscated the property of two Indonesian operated shipping firms, valued at £2,875.000. or. ground, that rs lOrmer Japanes property it should be turned over to the Allies, says fuoiu Batav^a. A. P
    A.P  -  40 words
  • 214 1 B ATA VIA, Wed. fPHE Dutch Commission General of three which is to negotiate with the "Indonesian Republic" m an attempt to break the four months deadlock m the talks on the future of the Netherlands Indies, arrived at Batavia, today. The Commission is led by t*nj*.
    Reuter  -  214 words
  • 40 1 Prices of consumer goods have been cut throughout the Soviet Union for the third tirr° VM% year. Shoes, woollens, silks, cot^ 10ns. hats, r:aa\-maue ui.^^s and knitted goods are now ten per cent, cheaper, says A.P. from Moscow,
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  • 450 3 RUSSIANS ARE SALVAGING NAZI SHIPS WHILE the problem of the rockets which have recently been seen over Scandinavia remain unsolved, Soviet naval activity m the Baltic occupies second place m the interest of these countries. Little, if anything, is written about this, for Scandinavia's political position at present is delicate.
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  • 47 3 I!ir «hu tell into OIKL t °> r v n>rn hinder fSTST- tho other 4<£ hoif of i orn. un. f r% %s rolloftin* the Mb: driven by km and her sister ,'?nd 3 nut her hand -;;rj;i .Her. Ml for
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  • 61 3 FLOODS AFFECT BREAD CED with I l" d harvest owing to ilk and flood (oc the G Pt to to rei the Br »l positicn BMr J^ h .n Stmchey. Food jgt;- tronr. Coper.Ihea l»«d rati «ing was Injncec >td tna« it 1 1 p- mcas <ro tor inder the
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  • 41 3 MARY TAYLORS: 39 OF THEM! :.on. of Swansea, v; man I I DCOray lor. if Favior of i. received asking at He her im- York a'>.d :n Texas t) «i Mrs Mrs. Moflin when UndinMrs Mary LISt tJOi and r ay:
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  • 36 3 too* part natural r lation fi- veen the Ufff m how 5.493 Vienna. men m >rts Reutween jo most lUiation, -d only VH SUCh but even rh-re ar- only IHJW wo-
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  • Article, Illustration
    65 3 With roof completely m ssiim as the result of a German air raid m the war, the Church of St. CUte-W) hout-Cripplegate m the city of London was again used for ffmfcfe for a lunrhhour service conducted by the vicar, the Rev. Fverett G. Turner. Duriner the service, money was
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  • 163 3 U.S. OFFERS JOBS IN MARIANAS THE U.S. Navy recently offervd qualified American workers relief from spiraling food prices and rents m the form of civilian positions m the Marianas Islands m the Pacific, where housing is available at $12 (Malayan currency) a month and meals cost 70 cents a day.
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  • 20 3 The Rhondca Valley m Britain has a £1.000,000 public works scheme to cut unemployment and improve living conditions.
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  • 89 3 NAZIS ARE RAVAGED BY T.B. /JERMANS today are thianer v thHF they have ever b?en at any time since the capitulation. Arnouncing this m his montMy report, General Joseph McNarnfy. United States Military Governor, says the nutritional status of the population is now so low as to entail excessive mortality
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  • 90 3 k TAXI-DRIVER took a fare n to the Elizabeth Garrett Anderson hospital, London. When he got there he refused to accept payment. Said the driver: "I never take money from anyone going to this hospital they've done too much for me. 1 This story was told by
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  • 55 3 A GOODWILL mission froHi Formosa is to call on Gene, ralissimo Chiang Kai.shek at Kuling to pay its respects to China's leader. Mr. Lin Yu-tang, head o* the 14-man mission, told tho Pre?s that after 50 years of Japanese? rule, Formosans were overjoyed to be
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  • 31 3 Six of the seven men on th? short list for the post of Deputy Medical Officer of Bath were Scots. On> of them. Dr. H. L. Campbell, was appointed.
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  • 25 3 E'ward Benson, 35, of Altrincham. his clothes m flames, ran from a factory and jumped into the canal at StretfcM. T .ancashir*
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  • 111 3 A NTIQUE shops are being opened all over London and the prices for their wares are very high. One of the reasons for this is believed to be that people are furnishing their iiomes with ChiD. pendale. Hepplewhite and Sheraton pieces because they do not like utility
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  • 196 3 THE U.S. Navy Bureau of Yards and Docks has begun construction of a $2,000,000 novel test hangar at the Naval Air Test Centre, Patuxent River, Maryland, to provide facilities for delicate tests on radar and other electronic devices installed m aircraft. The interior of the
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  • 65 3 THE Enchantress, the Ad. miralty yacht turned war. time sloop, m which the King and Queen travelled to France before the war, is to be sold as a coastal pleasure steamer. Her cost, m 1927, was £150,000, with armament. The last time the Enchantress was
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  • 30 3 Exactly 30 years ago on Friday last, the famous battle-cruiser Renown was commissioned for service with the Grand Fleet m the Ist Ba' :'le Cruiser Squadron.
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  • Article, Illustration
    32 3 Photo shows Indians collected »i* a narrow street of Bomoay as the riiters were rounded by the Police. The picture was taken during the recent Hindu- Moslem rioting m the o» v
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  • 373 3 RICHARD SCANDRETT. Chief of the Unrra Mission to White Russia, said m London that he considers White Russia to be the most devastated country m the world. V conservative estimate was that over 2,000,000 people were killed by the Germans m the Vitebsk area, a iigure
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  • 114 3 AN official Operation Crossroad n report, covering both technical and non -technical phases of the first two atomic lest* is tentatively scheduled for nonprofit publication late this Fall. This was announced recent ly by Vice-Admiral W H Blandy. U.S.N.. Commander of Joint Task Force Number One
    U.S.I.S  -  114 words
  • 86 3 DOR many years tne sisters 1 Esther and Elizabeth Oldroyd were noi on speaking terms on the farm near Shottenden, Kent which they inherited from their lather 50 years ago Elizabeth lived m tne farmhouse and Esther m a cottage. Elizabeth died two years ago. Esther,
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  • 633 5 ARUNDEL CASTLE ARRIVED ALMOST EMPTY Free Press Reporter r[E 19,000-ton Arundel Castle docked at Singapore, with 123 passengers and 500 tons of stores. The ship, modified for trooping, can carry about 2,000, including 230 cabin passengers, and about 2,000 tons of cargo. She arrived m Singapore with almost half her
    Free Press  -  633 words
  • 207 5 BAM. tjr^v« for \>uß'N»>read criticism because of her W faiiur >pl\ rice to hungry Asia, is making Il> 10,000,60€ seven-year irrigation project I 1 00.000 more acres under rice culti■ation. I «lam across the Criao Phya nver I were outlined by Mom Luang t member
    A.P  -  207 words
  • 56 5 TVEN 12 mouth*, after the libera- tion of the- colony, there are still many missing persons to be accov.rtec for m Hong Kong. The Wrsins Persons Bureau has dealt with 30 to 40 cases a dzy siiKC it tcck o' r cr from the
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  • 33 5 Pangkal Plnmnf, BANKA. Wed. —The Dutch authorities have released the r maining seven Chines^ ships seisvd a^d detained at Muntok. though some of the cargo may b? retained.- UP
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  • 38 5 The Australian Commissioner has received a letter from a 17--year-old boy. who seeks to establish pen friendship^, with boys or girls about his own age. He is Kevin William Avery, 25 Rofe Street. Leichhardt. Sydney. Australia.
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  • 9 5 I I .1 si 10 I
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  • 95 5 THE Directors of the Tal sman RuDber Company. Ltd.. have issued a report covering the period of rehabilitation only. There are no production results to present to shareholders, and m view of the rehabilitation expenditure still to be met, the Directors recommend that the balance cf
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  • 48 5 Mr. D S McDonald, assistant on Scdenak Estate, Joho«e. was attacked by a Chinese rubber worker on the estate early on Monday morning and receiver a v lash across the wrist wit*l a tanning knife. Mr McDonald was taken v tt>C Johore General Hospital tor treatment.
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  • 195 5 Free Press Reporter THE Government Statistical Department which, before the 1 war, produced a 500-page book monthly, giving detailed lists of imports and exports of Malaya, will soon resume publication of these figures. The figures are most useful to businessmen not only m Malaya but all
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  • 178 5 PRESS OPPOSES RETURN OF KOWLOON THE reported Chinese note as.I serting that Kowloon city a strategic strip of the Ch nes:' mainland opposite Hong Kons. should be under Chinese iuris- diction by treaty has caused comment throughout the colony, where m some auarters It is re- garded as "a feeler"
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  • 326 5 AT an informal inspection recently at No. 69 Reception camp m Rangoon, Major-Gene-ral W. A. Crowther. GO C-in-C, Burma Command, bade farewell to officers and men of the 4th Battalion, 4th PWO Gurkha Rifles on the ewe of their departure to India after two years
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  • 82 5 DADLY-NEEDED tugs and barges D for Siamese waterways are shortly forthcoming from India. Through the intermediary cf the Special Commissioner. Lord jKillearn. the Government of Siam 'has now completed negotiations jwith the Government cf India for the sale of 20 tugs and 100 barges to the
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  • 58 5 HONG KONG TACKLES HO USING PROBLEMS Much-needed liaison between the Services and the ordinary citizen m. Hong Kong on th; question of housing accommoda- tion has been effected with the appointment of Mr. R. S. W. Paterson as Quartering Authority. He has the tame r sponsibility as the Quartering Commandant,
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  • 39 5 A fine of $1,000 or m default six months' imprisonment for possession of 19.690 dutiable cigarettes which litre marked for forces' use, was imposed on a Chinese youth. Tan Ah Lee m the Third Police Court yesterday.
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  • 229 5 Free Press Keporter OEVEXTEEX dogs, each uith the sasne nurt^ »J ber of flying hours m his !o£-bor>k, circled Changi airfield yesterday morning and touch. Ed down m a Lancastrian trom Austr.i! These dogs could not spend all day waiting at the airfield and after barking
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  • 27 5 These Free Press show Ethel Low and I>irk Ralf playin the violin at a concert given at the Singapore YWCA on Tuesday night
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  • 106 5 KWANGTTOG TO AID OVERSEAS CHINESE AVEJtSEAS rtntWMiC \.ill si. v ly -eccive passports from '<»". t n?ting Oven eos Aff. v^.i-h will enalie them to return 1: their lorme.- places resi??nze hi various* \rt& ol ti South S;as. according to a repo:r from Canton. Negotiations are coriinuing tK--tueen the
    Reuter  -  106 words
  • 103 5 PRIZES OFFERED FOR ESSAYS IN connection with the S nga pore Grow More Food Exhibition, which opens at the Happy World on Sept. 20. the Public Relations Office has arranged an essay competition schoolchildren on the Mbject "How I would persuade the people of Singapore to grow moi? food." The
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  • 44 5 The Singapore Ratepayer^ Association hay? issued a circular iimwillg the attention of nembers to Ibt fact that notice claims against the requisite of premises on or before M 29, 1946. should be mad.' to Claims and Hirings, Singapore, before Sept 2P.
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  • 173 7 1 m (pi. Cirkett Royal Engineers 1 i? iihlhwd^i -imes of soccer played at Seletar m fle week- the Stletar Airmen beat 16 E and M Coy.. <r,vi!- to one to avenge a defeat suffered by he hS I Uie Sappers last month. M rd
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  • 34 7 A -Dirk up* game of rigbv wiJ be played on the S.C.C. padans on Saturday at 5 p.m. All Club members, who have th^ir names down for rugby, are requested to attend.
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  • 25 7 S.C.R.C. members invested m tennis are invited to attend a meeting of the tennis section at the Clubhouse on Monday, ac 5.15 p.m.
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  • 42 7 Nashville. Tues Johnny Palmer of North Carolina, former 829 gunner m the Pacific. capped his f.rst important professional tourament victory by d?fe^in? E. J Harrison of Arkansas by one stroke m the 18 hole plavofT of the Nashville invitational golf tournament- A.P
    A.P  -  42 words
  • 485 7 C. A. BEAT INDIANS IN JUNIOR SOCCER JUNIORS MEET AT SOCCER C.A. Juniors 6; Indian Juniors 2. QINGAPORE Indian Juniors who took on the Chinese v Athletes second string for their first appearance at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday, left the field losers by six goals to two. The game was
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  • 97 7 IN Singapore today, and attached to the R.A.F.. is Mr. Newman Mond. who used to write notes on b'lliards and snooker for the Daily Express. Mr. Mond is also a billiards room entertainer, and has signified his willingness to put on his shows of skill and
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  • 188 7 Free Press Correspondent PENANG, Wed rOUR new horses— Colour P&tch, m class one, and Aim Woll. Hill Queen and Shubel m class three -will bo making their Malayan racing debut at the Penang Turf Clubs two days September meeting to be Leid on
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  • 537 7 Archie Quick's Sports Parade LONDON, Tuesday. MOT all m professional football is a s mercenary as the 1" present transfer ramp would suggest. Here is a homely little story from Queen's Park Rangers. The Captain, Alf Ridyard, stalwart centre-half of many season's service, reported an
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  • 114 7 New Method For Testing Doped Horses Pittsburgh, By Air Mail rO pharmacists have offered the nations horse ratine industry a new method of testing horses for drug effects. Dr. James C. Munch and Dr. A. B. Sloane, both of Philadelphia, told the convention of the American Pharmaceutical Association that mice
    A.P  -  114 words
  • 217 7 DEFORE a large crowd, includ- ing Regent of Johore, the Resident Commissioner, and other Government Officials, the annual Tong S?ng Cup match between the Chinese and Malays m honour of the Sultan's birthday was play. Ed on the Istana padar.g a\ Tuesday. The match,
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  • 70 7 rPHE following ill it present the A Ceylon Sports Club against the Singapore Recreation Club on the SRC. padang on Sunday m a whole day match. K. Muthucumaru <Capt.>. R. V. S. Sundram, V. R\ Sabapathy, U. W. de Bilva. S. K. Sundram. K. Doraisamy C. Thuraisingham. S.
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    • 72 7 SBTHQV Pho 4M SHOWING n am. 2 00-4.15-6.30-C.30 ITS A BATTLE OF THE SEXES I Jf I at MNIEVy *U>LAKE Hesßouch! She's Dynamite' IT'S THL ~j^^ ALAN Latest star run I of '"KILLER I HesToiHjh! "CHINA" GLASS KEY" L ft PARAMOUNT RICTURE I NEXT CHANCE, [fTFAVORITE BLOHS£— I MADELEINE CARROLL
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    • 378 7 BOUSTEAO&CcLtri. TEL 51«l-2 Ll^ IDS AGLNTS GLEN LINE GlenaiYarir from IK G 31 2 Loads for Hongkong l'd± mserv and cargo accepted to U.K. Hongkong and Shanghai a* opportunities offer BURNS PHIL* LINE Sailings fot Sydne> tarrying passengers and cargo as opportunities offer First Claa* Second t Uu £S« Single
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