The Singapore Free Press, 16 September 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • Article, Illustration
    91 1 In the motor-cycle trials held at Buona Vista ytsterday d> Don R's of ALFSEA HQ., Signals, Signalman Beeson is seen successfully riding the water- splash which washed out most of the other comoetitiors. Other pictures m Page 5. 1 ast week there were rumuurs m London of an
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  • 387 1 Tree Press Reporter KLUAXG, Monday. ft verdict the prolonged court martial of the 25i)"parattatfCfi the l>th Parachute Battalion on" charges of mutiny i> cxpecteJ tomorrow after hearing which began on Monday. Aug 12, with few postponements except over the vek-tnds. inied until this morning from
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  • 101 1 BUILDING IS BLOWN UP IN TRIESTE Tri( ste Mon. liec and, 1 I poke? a distance mvesti-.-h partially building j n ate. No j kid to have charge front porch d two Rale vails ar.d destroyed the I j one rocm. i of which [light land above over an area
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  • 46 1 J* R oewal of conk*.7%** the only statete'iud? press a:ter y est?r meeting at Al-x--n Ismail Sidk-gy«>-?:iar. Prime Mlnia>r. K^ate. C h.ef Bntish ne--5r nS A^io-Egy P :u n B| fc?* ta:ki an d Sir t±* T Campbell, British to Egypt say
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  • 40 1 «maift;;. S h ave vote d by j r.;aJ° n V or oration I n arly 566 it was re- oapi.a: of relay. [ched by a thousand six them vot* •< J lar ace -p-
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  • 22 1 Three hundred Dutch children have arrived m South Wales for a holiday. Welsh children will go to Holland next year.
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  • 160 1 Jerusalem, Sun. TERRORISTS tonight attacked the police station at Saraband el Kharab, 10 miles southeast of Tel Aviv. The attack was repulsed, and police reinforcements have been sent to the locality. A Jewish Agency statement today condemned "m the strongest possible terms'' the recent outrages m
    Reuter  -  160 words
  • 213 1 Free Press Reporter FE Singapore Free Press "coal-dust" reporter has lost his job. The "white elephant" coal-dust ship, Sam Trent, which has been lying m the Roads for three months while the Ministry of Transport officials decided what was to be done with its unwanted
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  • 466 1 Hyde Park meeting: Communists make 5 demands LONDON, Sunday. MARCHING m thousands through London's West End, headed by a band and with many women can-ving babies, London's "squatters" hitherto m a spasmodic stage of siege, pitting wits against the police m moving m and out of luxury flats,
    Reuter  -  466 words
  • 107 1 SYDNEY. Sun. WITH every one of the r /5 House and 19 Senate seats at stake, taxation has become the main issue m Australia's federal election campaign. There ara 233 candidates for the House and 58 for the Senate m the election scheduled for Sept. 28—
    A.P.  -  107 words
  • 46 1 Mr. Michael Wright, deputy special Commissioner for South East Asia, lstft Singapore today for Batavia, to make preliminary arrangements for the arrival there within the next two or three days of Lord Killearn for the truce negotiations between the Dutch and the Indonesians.
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  • 179 1 NATIONALISTS 100 MILES FROM YENAN NANKING, Sun. THINESE Government forces v were reported today to r» driving a deep wedge between the two key cities of Yenan ana Kalgan. A strong army, which had crossed the Yellow River, was reported to be at Lingfen, 100 miles east of Yenan. and
    A.P.  -  179 words
  • 56 1 Throughout Great Britain yesterday the "Battle oi Britain Sunday was celebrated— the sixth anriverrary of the RAF Fighter Command's greatest victory over the Luftwaffe, wl en 185 German nlanes were destroyed over Southern England. Services were hell at Parish churches, and Battle of Britcn service m
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  • 54 1 RAMSGATE, Sun William H. Curran, captain of the stranded American freight?: Helena Medjeska was reported to have be-4i found dead m a loek c d bedroom of a hotel here today. Stormy weather had halted attempts to salvage the vessel, which went aground m th? English
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  • 21 1 Police Constable Arthur Dulfll was fined £10 at Brentwood, Essex, for driving a patrol car at a dangerous speed.
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  • 429 3 BRITAIN TIGHTENS DISCIPLINE IN GERMANY TRITICaSMS of the British staff of the Control Com- mission for Germany were answered by Marshal of the R.A.F. Sir Sholto Douglas, C.-in-C. British Occupation Forces. He said it was not true that Britain had 26,000 administrators on the job. Though the establishment was 26,000,
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  • 162 3 ptKOHTIONS m Austria are worse than they should be, ac- It >ir Harold Mitchell, who has an estate there and kn .u-Vin country well. Sir Harold was MP. for Brentlurd and Chiswick from 1931 to 1945. v, the Daily Telegraph, Sir Harold stated that ra]
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  • 51 3 I have now d, as promised Jack Lawson m last March, to rid ilsory Church na are subject the phrase "so ries of the SerParade will still tor all enlisted »I 17U. that the Army be. of -King's that they service cf •nomination, as b§
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  • 27 3 LITTLE SHIP ON 90-DAY TRIP }J ships" of war- Huddersfield f 4 others to South day or two. e*j*Jted to take po-^f lRel udm g calls at
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  • 74 3 A CONGRESS Library Com. mittee report states that Stalin has ordered Soviet m. dustry and science to build up. m the next 25 years, a military machine "equal to the present might of the United States." The report says that Russia will have a manpower
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  • 32 3 THE Blue Nile at Khartum recently reached a new high level of 57 ft 1 m Normally, the Nile rises \o a maximum of 25 ft.
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  • 14 3 Some permanent commissions m the Navy's engineer branch are to hi granted.
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  • Article, Illustration
    43 3 Photo shows the small sailing vessel, the 'Sagoal' rename J oy the immigrants 'Yagour' pulls alongside the docks at Haifa. British personnel, wearing tin hel mets seen on the bows of the boat, boarded her before she entered harbour to check all identities.
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  • Article, Illustration
    56 3 The llagstatt presented to the town of Punta Arenas Chile, by the British community. It has been erected m the principal square and the salute is always taken from its base at important parades. The pedestal ear. ries four bronze plaques, bearing the British and Chilean coats-of-arms.
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  • 205 3 Photographs set 4, 638 free FOR five shillings, the 2,319 couples whose divorce decrees I will be made absolute will be able to get a photographic copy of the document that sets them free. These "photographic decrees" are to be used to help further m the Divorce Court speed-up. As
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  • 66 3 Stained glass windows m the village church at Watton near Driffield, dedicated a few days ago by the Bishop of Hull, tell the story of a pathfinder crew's raid on Germany. The windows are a gift from Mr. Reginald Pexten, a local farmer, as
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  • 20 3 The King and Queen have sent a contribution to the St. Paul's Cathedral restoration fund (tar. get £100,000)
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  • 127 3 THE Australian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister for the Army, Mr. F. M. Forde, an. nounced that the Government would enlist an interim army cf 39,0C0 and a permanent military force of 17,950, including 4.000 reinforcements, pending deter, mination of the Commonwealth's future defence policy.
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  • 14 3 Luise Rainer will spend 18 months film-making j n England.
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  • 90 3 HOPPING centres and "green belts are to be features of U.K. RAF stations of the future. Plans which are now being completed by the Air Ministry are based on suggestions submitted fiorn all ranks of the Service. Each RAF station is to be a well-planned
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  • 62 3 Manufacturers of prefabricated units lor permanent houses are being asked by the Government to "tool up" for large-scale production this winter so that complete houses can be exported to Europe and the Middle-East. The Government has placed substantial contracts with six leading manulacturers, and some are
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  • 33 3 Hundreds of forged £5 notes are believed by the Police to be circulating m Glasgow. Forged clothing coupons, too, are coming into the Glasgcw offices of the Board of Trade.
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  • 150 3 A SCHEME to encourage British ex-Service men and women to emigrate to Rhodesia will soon be announced. It is believed that immigrants will get free passages for themselves and their dependants and that, on arrival, they will be helped to find jobs. The shipping shortage means that
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  • 132 3 THE Canadian Government has abandoned its efforts to ap. prehend 14,000 absentees and deserters from its armed forces. Mr. Abbott, K.C., Minister of National Defence, said m the House of Commons that their penalty would be simply loss of veterans benefits The last complete figures issued
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  • 90 3 'SELF-SERVICE 7 STAYS IN UK THE "Help- Yourself" service, introduced m many restaurant m Britain during the war, die *.a UftC shortage cf labour, has proved vj popular m restaurants of certain classes that it is to be retained. Hclp-Yourself" Is most popular with women workers who like gei lunch
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  • 127 3 AIR AMBULANCE MISSING MORE than 20 R.A.F and 1 Air Arm rescue aircraft flew hundreds of miles over land and sea areas between Abbotsinc;i Naval air station m Scotland and Stretton, near Warrin^tcr., Lanes, m a search for the Nrv.l air ambulance, missing en a flier from Abbotsinch to Rochester
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  • 56 3 Coastal erosion has become sucrj a serious matter m Britain thai the Government has decided to deal with the matter on a national basis. It has not yet been decided which Ministry will be responsible A great deal of valuable agricultural land has been lost to the
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  • 195 3 WORRIED and agitated after a major had spoken to him about an alleged bleach of military discipline, a lieutenantcolonel, commandant of a prison camp, sent the woman with whom he was living to get some cigarettes and then shot him. self. In court, his wife, married
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  • 65 5 i r 1 i i r two I rat d I E i refa- tang- I sert are r to t fl 3 d an CM). A t the J t. adnutt**! I could sent Ability t i*:- I C-:Tf mc lATI CROPS t I
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  • Article, Illustration
    25 5 Picture L Rr -tanri,' .n wife and daughter, Annie, on :h lrs| s clocked at Singapore last Friday I "vue famiiea. to Malaya.- Free Press
    Free Press  -  25 words
  • Article, Illustration
    64 5 Mr. and Mrs. George K. Stein after their wedding at St. Andrew's Cathedral on Saturday. Mr. Stein, who is a well-known Malayan cricketer, is the only son of Mrs. N. J. Stein of Bedford and the late Mr. G. K. Stcn. The bride was formerly Mrs. Natalie Denton and is
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  • 117 5 INDIA has no intention of agreeI ing to the diversion of padi shipments offered by Indonesia, declared the Central Food Department spokesman m New Delhi on Saturday commenting pn the report that Indonesian padi is likely to be sent to other South-East Asia countries. The
    Reuter  -  117 words
  • 12 5 Limited telephone servic? bewecn Britain and Iceland has jeen renewed
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  • 299 5 PLANS TO FIGHT SOCIAL EVIL Free Press Reporter |HE Singapore Government is discussing the best means to fight social evil. For the first time m the colony's history, plans are being made to combine the efforts of all social welfare workers under the leadership of the Department of Social Welfare.
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  • 41 5 MOVED UNDER HEAVY GUARD The British authorities at Kure had removed 23 Japanese under heavy guard from Tokio to Kure, en route to Hong Kong for war crimes trial. The prisoners then completed their journey from Iwakuni by air. craft.- U.P.
    U.P.  -  41 words
  • 76 5 THE Chinese Consul at Penang, m a petition to the Malayan Union Government, points out that bank deposits during the Japanese regime have been "frozen" since the British reoccupation. He urges that the moratorium be lifted, and a plan for releasing "occupation" credits be formulated. He also
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  • 48 5 CIUDENTS of 32 grant-in-aid Chinese schooLs m Singapore, numbering about 27,000, wili receive five yards of cloth eacp at controlled prices. Should an adequate shipment of textiles be forthcoming, students of private schools wll also receive cloth, according to the Sin Chew Jit Poh.
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  • 227 5 Free Press Reporter SPECIAL precautions are being taken by the Naval and Singapore Harbour Board officials to prevent stowaways slipping aboard ships just before they are due to sail. This follows the discovery of a large number of stowaways on two ships recently. A day-and-night
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  • Article, Illustration
    53 5 In the motor-cycle trials h.-d yesterday at Bouna Vista, n arshalls were as hard worke i its the risers. Here a marshal! is seen helping Signalman Harvey to solve a whee's^in problem. The other picture shows Biziia man Thurgood tackling a water-splash, but mud and sunken tree stumns beat him
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  • 144 5 THE Hong Kong Government has relaxed control over the movement of rice, and as a result big quantities are finding their way into that colony, according to Mr. Aw Boon-haw, millionaire Malayan Chinese who recently visited Hong Kong. Following this. Mr. Aw
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  • 72 5 A party of eight members of the Singapore Overseas Chinese Importers and Exporters Association left Singapore for Muntok on Saturday taking with them medical supplies and other articles of relief for the few hundred Chinese sailors neld up at Muntok by the Dutch authorities. There
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  • 27 5 The present figure for cheap meals m Singapore is 28,600 per day and not per week as stated m Saturday's St I aits Times.
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  • 307 5 ANOTHER ship has been added to the smuggling fleet of theSingapore racketeers, who are nightly landing black market stores on the coasts of Malaya for sale at tremendous profits. On Saturday night, a six-ton 26-foot cabin cruiser was stolen from its moorings from the yacht club
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  • 86 5 INDIA-CEYLON AIR SERVICE OPENING AN air service between Ceylon and India, operated by the Ceylon Government, is expected to start functioning m December this year. Arrangements Rl* being made for three Dakota planes to be flown from Calcutta to Bangalore where the Hindustan Aircraft Company will recondition them for commercial
    U.P.  -  86 words
  • 298 5 SIGNALS HOLO MOTOR-CYCLE TRIALS DON Rs a> -ta Signal h^d a day-out m the "jungles" o 4 i Buona Vista yesterday when the unit held its motorcycle trials 1.1 preparation for the big BaWla/a Command event to be held m Johore Bahru next month. Fifteen riders took part m yesterday's
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  • 239 7 f 1. Combined R.A.F 0 aaSfitl itiaw UiM 10 -W0 soccer fans at Jala n Besar a«terda> >aw the Malay Football Association l< urn \incd K\ r by two to one m a thrilling "id el lie M.F.A. Rehabilitation Fund. (P 13 :v for the
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  • 12 7 F > Sun. Souve ra;n con- form yriven's D.rby Royal Loot-
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  • 87 7 S. African Tour Proifts For Oval, Old Trafford Johanesburg, Sat. The South African Cricket Association at its annual meeting today decided to give half their profits of the Surrey and Lancashire games during the next year's tour to the Oval and Old Trafford Restora. tion Funds. It was also decid.
    Reuter  -  87 words
  • 170 7 LONDON. Sat. Ruaby L?acne matches resulted: LANCASHIRE CUP IST ROUND Barrow 10 Widn:s 3 BtUevue R. 11 L'pool Stanley 5 Leieh 17 St. Helens 4 Oldham 19 W'ton Town 10 Rochdale Hornets 5 Wigan 32 Warrinston 10 Salford 5 YORKSHIRE CUP IST ROUND Batley 8 Hunslet 9 ssaaaaskf
    Reuter  -  170 words
  • 62 7 Free Piss Reporter Perak, Sunday. IN to-day's trial rugger game on 1 the Ipoh padang, the Europeans beat the Rest by six points •one penalty goal and one try) to three (one try). The Rest held a territorial advantage m the first half, while the
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  • 42 7 Stockholm, Sat. T'HE Swedish team at the stadium here today broke the world's relay record when coverntj four 800 metre laps m 7 minutes 29 seconds. The previous best was 7 minutes 30.6 seconds by a German team m 1943.
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  • 261 7 TWO fine batting performances 50 by Gerry Clarke for the Recs and 4~ by Eu Cheow Chye for the S.C.R.C. —were features of yesterday's padang match which the Recs won by three wickets. Scores: S.C.R.C. Khoo Ong Lee b Schubert 7. Gan Kee
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  • 19 7 Abdul Rahman, the Malay fullback, heads away the ball m the thick of an RAF. attack.
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  • 272 7 ALFSEA 5; C.A 1 OUTPLAYED m all departments of the game, the Chinese Athletes were soundly beaten to the tune of five goals to one by the ALFSEA at Tanglin yesterday. But for Boulton, the centre half, who misjudged and netted the ball m kicking it
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  • 100 7 M.C.C. Team Will Reach Perth Next Monday AFTER a fortnight's relaxation, excellent food, sun-bathing and deck games all the cricketers for the Australian tour are very fit and look forward to reaching Perth on Sept. 23. writes Norman Preston, Reuter's correspondent travelling with the English team on the Stirling Castle.
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  • 222 7 NOON BATS WELL IN S.C.C. GAME "TIOME and Home" cricket match at the S.C.C. yesterday resulted m an easy win for A.C Growder's XI over W.K. Jagger's team. H.B. Noon scored a fast 64 for the winners. Scores were: W.K. JAGGER'S XI. H.J. Tinker b Healy 8 L.A. Smeaton c
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  • 725 7 LONDON, Sunday. THOUGH the English season is only a fortnight old only two teams First Divisioners Manchester United and Doncaster Rovers m the Northern section of the Third Division maintain 100 per cent, records. Middlesborough and Blackpool dropped their first points of the season while Newport
    Reuter  -  725 words
  • 338 7 FIRST DIVISION Aston Villa 0 Arsenal 2 Bolton 1 Liverpool 8 Chelsea 3 Leeds Utd. 0 Everton 1 Portsmouth 0 Jl'fleld 0 Blackburn 1 Manchester U l Middlebro* 0 Preston N.E. 5 Charlton Ath. 1 Sheffield U. l Grimsby Town 1 Stoke City 3 Derby County 2 Sunderland 3 Blackpool
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  • 35 7 Free Press Reporter Batu Pahat, Sat. rIE Ist Battalion. Camexonians (Scottish Rifles) stationed here beat a Batu Pahat team by four goals to three m a fast and exciting football match yesterday.
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