The Singapore Free Press, 4 September 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 271 1 i IKI!> iktvc is a tank coining ashore from a landing k Madras If the Japanese had not surrendered H?hi m Malaya, you would have seen this tank hummd> m>re like it landing on the beaches of SingaM < and Malawi. jum a year
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  • 20 1 100,000 US SEAMEN TO STRIKE TOMORROW |*nd mem- :ia: Sea on 1 and the o Ul < 3ej* 5. m York
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  • 36 1 The aircraft-carrier Franklin D. Roosevelt and other units of the US. naval task force, which have been manoeuvring m the Mcdi- j ter;an an. lnt Naples yesterday) for Greece says A. P. from Naples
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  • 398 1 BOMBAY, Tues. pOMMUNAI disorders spread into new areas of Bombay tonight, and the death toll of the three days* rioting has increased to IC9, and the number of injured is now 393. With the arrival of reinforcements thi< afternoon, the total number of British and
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  • 34 1 French malelots take a look s»t t^e Br"tish-built aircraft rarr > r olossus wn ich has been lent to the French Navy for fl\e years. P-'cture shows her lyin; m Cherbourg roacU
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  • 110 1 LONDON Tues CECURJTY precautions to proJ tect Kir.R George of the Hel-iene-j trom uninvited visitors alter his return to London today have transformed the fashionable (\aridges Hotel into a building more closely resembling :he Supreme Allied Headquarters two years ago It is understood that th>» precautions
    Reuter  -  110 words
  • 67 1 Free Press Reporter ONF of the b?g§est shipments o; flour_4 5 0 tons— arrived m Singapore last night by the Sheaf Crown from Melbourne. Sime^ Darby Co., have mult nuk'- i the unloading: and xpect to unload at the rate of about ."oo tons of
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  • 33 1 Two ships laden with UNRRA supplies for Yugoslavia had their sailing orders cancelled yesterday a few minutes before they wer c I to sail, say: A P forr. New York
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  • 232 1 PARIS. Tues. DEGINNING on Thursday. 12 countries claiming reparations from Italy will state their cases to the Italian economic committee of the Paris conference. As t'he result of a ballot the countries will be heard m th? following order: Greece, Alban a Poland. Yugoslavia. Belgium,
    Reuter; U.P.  -  232 words
  • 199 1 THE Singapore Traction Company strike enters its ninth day today with the position still described as "deadI locked' by Trade Union Adviser. Mr. S. P. Garrett, who held discussions with the busmen yesterday. Further discussions take place to-day. Both Traction Company busmen's union officials
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  • 41 1 KLIEST HANDED OVER TO YUGOSLAVIA Field Marshal von Kleist. former commander of a German army groun on the east m front, will be delivered to Yugoslav a for trial, it was reportec on Tues. day night, says A.P trom Lon. don.
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  • 93 1 U.S. rejects Yugoslav Note WASHINGTON Tuev THE I mt d States Government today rejected Yugoslav protests against alleged viola, tion of Yugoslavian sky by Unit?d States planes Acting United Slates Secre. ary of stair. William I. Clayton, m a formal note delivered to the Yugoslav (haree IVAflfaire. reviewd mi n
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  • 19 1 The strength borrowed from tfivast powei of atomic energy !ail?1 to keep alive thr?e-year-old Janice Mosrhella
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

    • 230 3 THE Board of Trade ir. London reported last week the biggest upward movement of wholesale prices m two consecutive months for six years. Over the whole rang."* of pro. ducts covered practically everything except food— they were 18 per cent higher m July than m June
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    • 70 3 PIVE civilians were k'i'ed and the crews of two U P Army bombers are believed to nay nerished when three aircraft flying m ti<?ht formation at an air show collided over iht Stat^* Fair grandstand at Montana. US A On rt plane fell into t»^
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    • 52 3 Soven thousand J onroncrs l?rt eatly this week for Kent and. Suss x hop gardens. A I n orni ig platforms 8 and 9 at I ondo.i Bridge w?re ciammed vi h luggage, furniture, prawns, dogs, to s. children, mothers, fathers, uncl s aunts and grandparents, says Reut.r
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    • 22 3 CUFFOLK and Cambr dges'iire! are to fight before (he* Boundary Commission for nossession of Newmatket and its wealthy racing community.
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    • Article, Illustration
      28 3 Jean Bostock <Jean Ni<*oll) and Kay Mm/it's (Kay Stammers) who left London recently for the I mted States to compete m the I.S. I awn Tennis (ham. pionship.
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    • 272 3 GOVT IS URGED TO JAIL RACKETEERS a housewife ana an ordinary man were among the hundreds of "good citizens" who spoke m one voice m London m favour of a resolution urging the Government to take drastic action to end the black market. They gathered m the Central Hall and
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    • Article, Illustration
      45 3 With a huge gash m her port side the Tnited States steamer, American Farmer, is sa led into Falmouth by a boarding party from her sister shii. American Pan-rer who took over from the British steamer. Elizabeth A dispute now rares over this 1.000.000 pri?e.
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    • 98 3 GUTTERIDGE TWIN DIES IN BUS linn Tales CHARLES JI d*». one of ns boxing so anke that higii Install t^em. died d on a No 31 bus as '.lly.rirrus W •o hospital Jaok-son.s Gur-Tid^e. the Cljb serond |fc< 1914-13 v r wounded on or: th-^ Somm?. ;r. ihe 57th nships
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    • 75 3 GUEPNSEY 'Channel Inlands-, j w i s toe v.l i s9Darmt*<i the d^ 23 yea-< Get. d^ided, wouli a.rrf rt< n dr Purton Ba-'~ar* b Gall* >treotk) i S manefe Goern p d 'on K'--^v VI fo'ir m i Ireland. Gu-riw v when -^.larshins differeri schools 1
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    • 28 3 HE WANTS TO BE AN EARLY BIRD h bus* ssman has for nart-tm^ th« hours' m •v to get from fish- j ard one mt wantiM r'.bbons, earoi
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    • 16 3 Pri Stranger ays I ie ster. on Monday P ill-treatmenr Jmn Elliott. wd\ be
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    • 162 3 THE pretUoen of a iiM'e girl of two. terrioly Dvr r »ed oe saved because he: si>te. a«ed ei?ht. has givet: ieven nieces of skin for her and her brother, aged ten. is OiMy wailing his tuvn to give more The children are [sob^l
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    • 54 3 CANADIAN.BORN Sir Charles S Wright, director of scientific research at the Admire 'ty since 1934. has been appoirted first chief ot the Nav&l oci r>ti;j- &ervi n^'v oorr r i n ic a*'"'v Research work m all branches of raval affairs is to be r'evrioped on
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    • 151 3 NEW TYPE OF PENICILLIN ARRIVES HOSES of p°nici!ii n twelve times larger titan thos? usually given are prodding remarkable results m the cure of boils, carbuncles, inflammation and various infections of th? Mood stream At Kings College Hospital. London. S.E hundreds of out. rati°nts have heen treated with these bigeer
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    • 25 3 Cambridgeshire claims that Newmarket makes an awkward "foreign island" m its county West Suffolk County Council claims that the pres?nt arrangement is efficient
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    • 224 3 ALLEGED agricultural inacc^'a. t&et m some of Canada's new stamns have cause- 1 amu^. ment m the Canadian House of Commons. The Post Office Department e?tim:' tr> s were under oiscussion when Mr Gordon Gravc'on <P v o. aressive Conservative > as ted who was responsible
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    • 54 3 SCOTLAND YARD were trying to trace stocks of children's suflm^r frocks and other clothing valued at £5.000 stolen from the premises of Ladybird. Ltd manufacturers of UxbrHge. Middlesex. The clothing. much of it parcelled and waiting delivery, bears the firms trad^ m?rk. A r^wa^d of £500 is
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    • 74 3 MORE attention must be pa <d to the education of traie union members if they are to take their rightful place m the development of society, said Mr. Stanley Rees. organiser of the National Council of Latour Colleges, m North-East England, at the Scottish Summer School.
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    • 28 3 Cl'm^in* 400 fc^t*up a cliff at -oniHo to tak° a snap. "Seter n re^frrd. of Vinrent-avenue Chorlton-T-T^rdv. Manchester t-"k and had 4 be rescued 'y oolice
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    • 232 3 FATE and time have played their queerest trick on the Iron Duke, for thirty-four years the pride of the Navy. The oldest British capital ship still afloat was towed a few days ago from Scapa Flow to the Clyde— and with he.* went her
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    • 51 3 V.C. Passes Gift To His School THE Isle of Man's only VC, Major Robert H. Cain, has g-'iven 1,500 to hi, old school m the Isle of Man. King William's Cclle-e (famou* for its (-xtremcly difficult general knowledge' papers) to found a scholarship. He won his V.C. at Arnhem. m
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    • 117 3 SI X THOUSAND American troops are to be stationed permanently m wartiire camps m Wiltshire, ana as the\ become fully trained are to be drafted to Germany as part of the Anglo. American Army of Occupation They will do their training on Salisbury Plain near
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    • 54 3 A GERMAN prisoner of wa: who escaped mcc than three months aao from Ton kawa Camp. Oklahoma US was captured near Forbach. on the Franco-German frontier. He said ho ]\\d travelled to Lisbon as a stowaway aboard a Portuguese ship, and crossed Rrmtn and
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    • 21 3 Beer lorry, running away m Derby-road, Croydon, was "recaptured" after a sprint by the driver. No beer was spilled
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    • 349 3 DOCTORS and wC*ntt tfl investigated condition* *<f lile affecting the very old and the very youn? This is wh'3' they report Members of the Clue lor Re. s arch on Ageing, with d-le?a e> lrom Euro*van branches and others interested m the work of combating
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    • 65 3 A CROW wh eh fed on a lied^J hog. kill?d by fjot-and mouth disease m Norfolk. i> thought to hay* carried tfee i'ltection to a farm three m las avvay. Hedgehogs diad from Mm r-uease are still being found M Bruehton. md at Candecot^ Farm, Oxborou^h seen?
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    • 49 3 JET-PROPELLED LANCASTERS JET engines nave be^ir, nued f> Britain's famous tourengined Lancasters. it wa^ revealed by the designri Mr Roy Chadwick The jets have been successfully tested m flight, the normal engines being shut oft !oi shoit periods Mr Chadw.ek says that Lancaster* will soor. fly solely on jets
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    • 57 3 SOUTH AFRICA ii» to cieat men and women from the British Army and ATS who contracted tuberculosis m the w\: altei passing Al at medical tions On the Rand— 4.000 I' up— special sanatoria wil receive them The constant sunshine and cool air accordin2 to
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    • 350 5 COAL HOLDS UP MALAYA'S FLOUR SHIP Free Press Reporter TWO food ships are held up m Australian ports be- cause of the difficulty of obtaining coal, according to the News Letter issued by the Singapore office of ihe Special Commissioner, South East-Asia. One of the ships is bound for South
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    • 37 5 lll*** 1 L En W r-di.-tuii (I WZur-t thai u..«>.nm^itors M*< -ilrady I *rs«ns *h*> I MaboKth ti>e rnt>niv luring Ka^ation m »han«ha« Kr- pat* <»' CM** d** X,. ?fJd et th- people, X to pr*»minen: quar-
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    • 51 5 •NINE jryhar.s. a ;*ose ft lied wh:ie working ftir. >.f: Ha.. way* Hr? r. w housed m the Krphanage. near Batu Kith Malaya. Mr S. Tv. I erst alive or :he ft :r.i;.t .'a.aya, ft: 10 -he orBm Indian. 13 Chinese ft- the ft r. has accommoftr another 50
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    • 82 5 Lantern-toys appear in S'pore shops This month, *he Chinese crlcbrate the Moon Cake Festival. In Singapore, the first sign of the approach of the festival is the appearance m shops of lantern- toys, such as you see m this picture taken by a Free Press camfranmn. On the 15th day
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    • 85 5 rE Malaya Command m order to relieve the s^iortase of accommodation m Kuala Lumpur and enable the restoration of normal scholastic course at the capital's man school have started to move out of Victoria Institution to a new site which is being prepared on »th~ north
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    • 292 5 tht Japanese surrendered on Aug. 15 last year, some R.A.F. pt- rv<»nnel. with stores and equipment, were their wa> i«, Okinawa. The first convoy of Tiger uprising veteran pilots, air and ground crews from itpean batik-front, ar.d the skies over the Western wr* diverted from
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    • 8 5 r f re i in 1 .icI
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    • 109 5 SIAMESE TERRORIST ARRESTED ALOR STAR, Wed. THE leader of a gang of 16 Siam. ese robbers who have been operating: for ths past 10 years m Kedah's rural areas such as Gumn, SU and Kota Star, and have accounted for more than 20 gang robberies has been arrested by the
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    • 120 5 CIX hundred and five cases, each 3 cace containing 30 dozen e<*vs, have be«n dis f riout?d to eta 11 holders In Municipal Markets. These stall holders t' 1 m turn distribute the eggs to other stall holders m their particular markets and the eggs will
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    • 40 5 EAST -WEST SOCIETY The next meeting of the i^ast and West Society will take place on Thursday at the V.M.C.A., Bras Basah Road, at 8 p.m. Major T A. Ratcliffe will speak on The Relation of Psychiatry to .veryday life."
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    • 24 5 Inche Yaacob bin La tiff has arriyjed m Seremban from Kuala Lumpur and taken over the duties of State Public Relations Officer, Negri Sembilan.
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    • Article, Illustration
      33 5 Mr lien Yin^-chow, r r sident of the S n^Mill Chinese Chamber of Commerce, is seen addressing the gathering at a t ea party held at the Chamber yesterday to celebrate Victory Day.
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    • 233 5 THE 43,000-ton French liner, lie de France, was fired on by a concealed coastal batten m Sumatra on Aug. 9 while bound to Saigon from Europe. lie de France is now m Colombo on the homeward voyage carrying 2,000 French women and children and
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    • 28 5 THE Department of Trade and Industry, has been taken over by the Secretariat for Economic Affairs, whose office us on the Third Floor, Fullerton Building, Singapore.
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    • 173 5 DUTCH AIRLINERS TO CALL AT SINGAPORE LONDON Tues. rE terms of the agreement reached m London between the British and the Netherlands Governments for air services oetween Great Britain and Holland and m r?spect of longdistance routes traversing territories of both countries were published yesterday m London as a White
      Reuter  -  173 words
    • 46 5 Stocks broke more than 1,000.--000,000 today m one of th? sharpest declines since before the outbreak of the second world war. Trading quickened on the break and the tickor repeatedly ran be_ Mnd the market, says UP. from New York.
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    • 59 5 No progress has been made m the Anglo-Russian trade talks now proceeding m London since they opened m JJuly, authoritative sources here stated today, i On not one of the many separate Items involved has agreement been reached and there is no likelihood of any settlement being
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    • 127 5 UNION TO RAISE $10 MILLION A BLLL about to be introduces into the Malayan Unioa Advisory Council will give the Financial Secretary the power to borrow $10,000,000 against the issue to individuals of Victory Savings Certificates. Certificates will be issued with a unit value of $15 ani wi> be redeemable
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    • 176 5 'It's a great shame,' says Chinese Consul "IT canuot be d-i i d ll.a. sum Chinese m Malayan society are btcoinin; exnervs m hlacnmarketing and can even convert members of other rommun ties and m vme cases, Europeans," said the Chinese Consul M lisa Men- hsiung at a dinner m
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    • 128 5 BATAVIA, Tues. THE door has been opened lor the return of American movies to the Netherlands Indies The Netherlands East Indies Department of Economic Affairs announced that a contract was signed on Aug. 24 with Leon Britton, representative of a combination of eight major film companies,
      A.P.  -  128 words
    • 49 5 Land m Bukit Brown Chinese Cemetery, Singapore, will be marked out for new grave plots, and that the choice of such plots be allocated with priority to applicants m substitution for those reservations m that Cemetery which were utilised for pauper burials during the Japanese 1 occupation
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    • 236 7 War Her Defeat By RJV..-4.& Avenged Sultun R.N.A.S 0. A(i N( a tourone defeat at Sembawang three weeks n>IS Sultaa beat RNAS by seven goals to nil m a a "W m*u !>k ved at Blakang Mati. :>.es, who was playing his first game for I the
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    • 30 7 I 81 lp r? st the X Ca Dtt C i. SupV B Thoma-. Mr**- X '-or. 5 R-»ad C Sin we H >' irdiy. ft A W I
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    • 112 7 LAUSANNT Tues. AT the international Olympic committee meeting held here today it- was announced the next Olympic games will take place at Wembley from the end of July to August over a period of 18 days. No events will take place on Sunday. It was
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    • 135 7 Sikhs Play Inter-State Matches Fre? Press Correspondent SEREMBAN, Mon. THE Selangor Sikh Union visited Seremban on Saturday and Sunday and played the Negri Sikh Union at cricket, soccer and hockey. The soccer match was played Saturday on tha N.S. Ciub oadans and Negri Sikhs won by four goals to one.
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    • 84 7 TONIGHT'S CARDIFF FIGHT FOR WORLD TITLE LONDON. Tues. THE British Boxing Board of V Control has been notified by the National Boxing Association of America that NBA wouH recognise the title fight on Sept. 4 between The Williams and Ronnie James of Wales as a world's championshio lightweight boat The
      A.P.  -  84 words
    • 334 7 THE Ist Devons beat the Non. descripts by three wickets on Sunday m a game of cricket which had a thrilling finish. Scores were: Nondescripts. Ist Inns: Claude Da Silva b Pates 0, J. Bird c Lang b Pates 5. De Rozario b
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    • Article, Illustration
      34 7 S4okes heads the ball off Millington's corner Kick, hut this efi'art did not bring; a goal m Sunday's soccer at Jalan Besar Stadium m which the Chinese beat the Northamptons two. one.
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    • 225 7 LONDON, Tues. RAIN seriously interfered with many of the last County championship matches and may have been the cause of Middlesex finishing runner-up to the champions Yorkshire instead of Lancashire who had to be satisfied with third place. Lancashire were well placed when rain brought their
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    • 64 7 U.S. DAVIS CUP TEAM NEW YORK, Tues.— Franklt Parker, Jack Kramer, Gardner Mulloy and Billy Talbert were today named to the United States Davis cup tennis team, to meet Sweden m the inter-zone finals at Forest Hills Now York, on Sept. 13, 14 and 15. Walter .Pate, was named the
      U.P.  -  64 words
    • 408 7 HATTRICK IN CHANGI CRICKET From Sgt. F. A. GidCins IN a game oi cricKet played at AodEA »Jvorts Field on Sunday, tne B. A. O. C. c. beat the KockUtes by 69 runs. B. A. O. batttd first and Riley and bymoncs put on before Symonds was lbw v Galistan
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    • 74 7 OSLO, Tues. NINA Dumbadse, Soviet winner of the women's discus m the European athletic champion, ships is claimed to hav c established a world record discus throw of 50.50 metres (165 feet SV* inches) m a sports meet. Try official world record is 48.31 metres (about 159 ft.
      Reuter  -  74 words
    • 38 7 LONDON. Tues. r -DAY'S football results were: FIRST DIVISION Grimsby Town 0. Wolves 0. THIRD DIVISION (Northern) Rochdale 0. Wrexham 1. Soulbnor*-. I. Tranniere Rnverr *> IRISH GOLD Cl'P Ifirt ro-ndi Belfast Celtic 3, P Reuter
      Reuter  -  38 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 187 7 BOUSTEAB«Co.,Ud. TEL 5161 -2 LLOYDS AGENTS GLEN LINE Glenaffarie froaa U.K. Due Sept Glenartny from U.K. In port Passengers and cargo accepted to UK Hongkong and Shanghai v opportunltie* vflt* BURNS PBILP LINE Samite from Australia G 1/2 Mangola for Australia G 11/12 Priam fron Australia 13/14 Sailing* fot Svtne?
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    • 123 7 GOOD NEWS! Available from stock and to Help you all to break the Black Market. Qtarto or Letter Sfce Air Mail Paper or White Manifold Pap?r— Price f 3 50 per ream Don't pay more when you can get these at $3.50 per ream of 500 sheets from PETER CHONG
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