The Singapore Free Press, 2 September 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 44 1 aanesc Indians and Malays. including a large number of women, held a ■teet. Pjrk. Singapore, vestcrdav to celebrate the affiliation of the Singapore Federation frade I nions to the World Federation of Trade l T nio ns.— Report on Page 5.
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  • 48 1 ;ccw, s pa Minister. d In night. and no dar papers iinced his for > toreign Diplo. I that he will P^ace CorH araa pointed ot the Stalin and aders pro. hand r frcm the chiof tion. Vu> p a «:r g A .P.
    A.P.  -  48 words
  • 47 1 NIL* Bun. Government leaders and the artiuerr ed m the •5 mues north bannered n n w and m "the I deadline I nt peasants anas, the »ith -im. PrcsMrni would as* Intelligence alleged Huk. Manila and nephrw 3ders of the A.P.
    A.P.  -  47 words
  • 377 1 INDIANS RIOT AS THE NEW GOVT TAKES OVER BOMBAY, Sun. WIDESPREAD rioting has broken out on the eve of the new interim Government taking office m India. In Bombay, 47 persons were killed and 200 injured m two hoars of disturbances. The police were forced to open fire three times
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  • 267 1 Free Press Reporter REPRESENTATIVES of the crew of the Sam Trent, the ship which has lain m Singapore waters for eleven weeks with unwanted cargo of Pearl Harbour coal dust, waited outside the Port Directorates office m the Ministry of Transport s department m
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  • 72 1 RIO DE JANEIRO. Mon. MARTIAL law was clamped down on this city after two days o: disastrous riot, a Brazil strug- gled m the grip of one of the worst economic crisis m her history Troops patrolled the city against possible recurrent of rioting m which
    A.P.  -  72 words
  • 333 1 LONDON, Sunday. FIELD MARSHAL Lord Montgomery. C-in-C of Allied land forces m the D-day assault on Europe m an official report, just issued, on the operation from then until Germany's surrender declares: "The outstanding point about the battle of Normandy is that it was fought exactly
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  • 23 1 Malayan Tobacco Distributors state that this week's cigarette rations issued through rice re- tailers will be only Gold Flake and Players.
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  • 17 1 Over 400 Government -owned vessels now demobilised, have b^cn disponed of lor £7 500.000.
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  • 101 1 OWNERS or lessees of private property now under requisition to the Services, arc asked to write to the Requisitioning Office* —if they have not yet done so if they want it to be released. In j many instances owners have gone j direct
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  • 173 1 JERUSALEM. Sun. JEWS will not attend the Lon- don Conference on Palestine, under the existing conditions, Mrs. Goldie Mayerson, acting head of the Jewish A^eniysl Political Department said today. Her statement coupled with yesterday s decision of the Pales- tine Arabs not to attend the j
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  • 246 1 No Mention Oi Malaya, But- I rte Pr:ii hep 4 i REUTER m I Bingaporc i- v. stat.s niLn. a i < Depjrt.r.ent of Agri:ulture i the next uj v.... 'most criiica; In a I avert mass starvation In tod (where the r« i i v, v..'u
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  • 91 1 U.S. MAKES BULK SALES TO CHIN A New York radio yesitroa" quo ed Mr. Robert Patter «on. r J 3 Secretary o: War. as Saying rrw bulk sale to China of ' r\p > US. surplus proper!' would c able hV U S to re- v \u wi son or
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  • 34 1 An all-British air service 1 > Europe was inaugurated yestci day when a British European An ways Corporation Vickers Vikiru airliner left for Copenhagen sa 1 Reuter from London
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  • 32 1 The Seaforth Highlanders .wii.i kilts swinging to the skirl of pipe> paraded m Batavia yesterday o 1 the occasion of rhe itfth hiithdav, of Queen wllhelmlna P.nrter.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 467 3 $3 FRENCH GIRLS IN PLANE ACCIDENT IRISH soldiers and villagers searching with lanterns found m the Wicklow Mountains a plane which crashed twelve hours earlier with a party of 23 French Girl Guides from Paris. All the girls are reported to be alive. Twenty of them were found lying injured
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  • 71 3 Illuiminated Policeman Peterborough. Northants, has avessial m its now idea Kit traffic by grins illuminated poli emg* We rvz s \»hite coat, th? pgfirr eanstable tarries a red linip m -»m hmd and a sreen feptain th.- PSaWt Sal his helm illuminated parted wih th ird POLK is lit I,
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  • 239 3 AN attempt may be made to land on the moon from a rocket ship of 1,500 to 2,000 tons, withing the next 15 years. That is the view of Mr. ML W. VVholey, a mechanical engineer and a member of the British
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  • 49 3 An Australian proposal to limit reparations levied on former enemy nations to their "reasonable capacity to pay" and to r e!a.\ action until a special commission could study th c question was voted down m the p^ace conference commission yesterday after three day.j of debate.
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  • 49 3 BABY LEFT IN MIDDLE OF ROAD c saw wnat w i b*r die n ad. a mv v caby bl a m a gr?en w^ n rta-ngo snd i as Robert Hes- M boy hlf to traco oil between and Enstone at William Ingle. heshire>. who rem a holiday
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  • 112 3 VI \H -OLD boy saved his mother from drowning at 1 atggfjH Perth, (m the North Cornwall coast, and then laaaatf 1 tha! his father and uncle had bee n drowned. All <>n holiday at Newquav. Mr. William Matthews, of Wednesbury. Ml Albert Matthews,
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  • 45 3 THE barking of Bob. a ten-year-old Airedale watchdog, gave warning of a Are m workshops at Rheidol.mews. Islington. Two van mares were found dead, apparently suffocated, m stables adjoining the workshops. Beside them, also dead lay Bob their inseparable comoanion.
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  • 125 3 TEARS and ertn sal va can give away criminals. These n-w m solving tragic were revealed by Dr. Roger Pilkington at Chrltenham. Dr P.lkington was addres ing the British Marriage Guidance Committee on the probl r ms of heredity He explaned that the tears and
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  • 35 3 A British Star Trio Joy Frankau. the young British film actress, with Model Pappy* (left) and "Joe -Mac V\ two of the racing prey^hounds ith which she stars m Grand National Films The Long Shot,"
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  • 76 3 ONE oi the year's fiercest storms sweeping Britain has flooded roads, delayed traffic and coastal shipping. Sixty mile an hour winds and torrential rain caused much damage to crops In many areas wher th? harvest was further delayed, while sx passengers including two little girls
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 212 3 PETERHEAD and PYasrrbu* gh herring fishermen have landed 250.000.000 fish, woith more than £1,000.000. since tnc| season opened three months ago. Doring a week Peterhead men Drought m caichcs valued at £44,000, and FraseibiKgh fleets'! gross earnings were mor^ than* 70,000. Several nights only hall the fleets
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  • 375 3 THIRTY-FOUR passengers were injured wl.en the 4.15 |*.;r. L.M.S. express from Wolverhampton crashed in»o a line of empty coaches m Euston Station recently. TeoH reaching for their luggage were hurled across the carriages. The express sent the empty coaches whi^h were standing m Platform No. 7 crashing
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  • 108 3 Girls prefer dole to nursing SINGLE women and <irl> ar drawing unemployment benefit rather than work wlii'c hospitals have to close wards he. cause of staff shortage, Mr. S°ss Edwards, Parliament:! r\ Secre. tary to the Ministry of labour, said at Newport recen'h. Mr. Edwards, who wa< opening a nursing
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  • 131 3 THE ta.y for War. Mr. Kenneth RoyaJl. saia m Washington recently that thr* American Government was starting immed ate ly to build ut> a £525,000,000 war r gpJ IP stockpile of "critical materiel; we need first m an cm o rg.°nc\ President Truman made available
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  • 46 3 The British Post-Master -Gen'-. ral announced Wednesday that telephone service with Hungary and Czechoslovakia will reopen j Friday. The minimum charge f. r I a three.minutes call from Englar.c and Wales will be £1 to Hut ?ary and 18 sh«lh>~« to CserhoSlovakia.
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  • 395 5 Department will spend $786,000 on urgent work Free Press Reporter THE Municipal Electricity Department m Singapore has 3786,000 to spend on urgent rehabilitation work this year but is not quite sure if it will be able to use all this money. Says Mr. C. C. Payne, Municipal
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  • Article, Illustration
    29 5 b i J\ .Kai»T Airport yesterday to greet ttie m arks returned from Batavia after his Dal i *nd Indonesiars. Lord Killearn describes talks as "highly successful/*
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  • 130 5 66 BRI TISH FIRMS QUIT CHINA KIT-SIX Br ii firms incorporated m China were regjriajaj h; lac Registrar of Companies m Hong Kong up August <4 i t wa> disclosed by the Acting Colonial SecreI. R. Todd. It Ls anticipated that another 93 com--1 "II be resjiaicsai m the very
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  • 1 5 Reuter
    Reuter  -  1 words
  • 37 5 40,000 Tons Of Flour Arriving MAI AY AS flour position will be considerably improved within the next month with the arrival at Singapore this month of a number of food ships with flour totalling approximately 40,000 tons.
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  • 36 5 "Total Education was the subject of a talk given by Mr. A. S. Martin, of the Army Educational Centre, at the fortnightly luncheon meeting of the Young Mens Club at Cecil's Restaurant on Saturday.
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  • 77 5 A large and enthusiastic audience was present at the concert given by Mr. Wu Paak. Chiu, the Chinese tenor, and Mr. Goh Soon-Tioe. tne wellknown Singapore violinist, at the Victoria Theatre last night. Thc concert had been arrang. Ed by Dr. Wu Paak-Shing. the Chinese Consul-Generat
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  • 127 5 LABOURERS ASK FOR MORE RICE BETWEEN ten and twe:ve thousand workers representing the 96 labour unions m Singapore affiliated to the Singapore Federation of Trade Unions 'formerly The Singapore General Labour Union) stood three hours on Farrer Park yesterday listening to speeches, singing songs and shouting slogans t 0 celebrate
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  • 108 5 THE Waterman Steamship Corporation, recently admitted into membership of the StraitsNew York Freight Conference, is resuming its regular monthly service to the United States. Atlantic Coast and Gulf ports. The first vessel of the service is the s.s. Afoundria, loading at Singapore, Port Swettenham and Penang
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  • 65 5 PEOPLE'S Restaurants m S.ngapore will now open at 11 a.m. This is to encourage those without regular fixed lunch hours, particularly the unemployed, to patronize the restaurants before the rush hours, usually between 12 noon and 2 p.m. By way of an exper.ment, the Pejple's Restaurants are oftering
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  • 159 5 THE War Office has announced that soldiers who were released from the British Army or transferred to the Reserve before May 8. 1945. have now become eligible to claim War Gratuity, Post-War Credits and Overseas Service Grant. Making this announcement from HQ ALFSEA, an Army rpokesman
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  • 248 5 MEN attached to the Forces, with son m Singapore, will be interested to know that vacancies exist m the Ist Singapore Air Scout Group m the Wolf Cub Section (for boys aged 7 to 11 years) and m the Air Scout Troop for boys aged
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  • 155 5 PENANG WARDER TELLS OF MASSACRE Free Press Corresoondent. PENANG, Sun. THE mass shooting of Chinese and Malay civilians m Penang prison m 1943 was recalled by a subwarder Hashim yesterday at the resumed hearing at the war crimes court of the case m which 35 members Of the Japanese Kempeitai
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  • 24 5 Mr. N. G. Nair formerly of the V.M.C.A. School Singapore, has joined the Bombay Life Assurance Co., Ltd., as Organiser for Singapore and Johore.
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  • 191 5 THE RAF crew of a Mosquito reconnaissance aircraft, which was forced down on an uninhabited island m the Gulf of Siam, have been rescued and brought back to the mainland by the Siamese Air Force. The Mosquito, belonging to No. 684 (Photographic Re. connaissance) squadron, was
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  • 78 5 DUTCH QUEEN'S BIRTHDAY CELEBRATED QUEEN Wilhelminas birthday was celebrated extensively by I the Dutch community and many Indonesian subjects of the Queen la Singapore on Saturday. The celebrations included a parade of Dutch troops, a gymkhana for children, a soccer match between teams of the Royal Air Force and the
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  • 136 5 IN view of the abnimal BVB*» bers of Service and clv.lian pass.nge"s t:av M ~^j transooit at Hw and m view of the resultar.t congestion on board. MO <i. other than taking passat i are allowed to visit a iro*- t transport on embarkation
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  • 47 5 Two Indian soldiers, J iarc Lai and Bhagat aVm, nece procu before Mr. T T. Rrssell m the cond District Court on Sat'.trd. J when they were c.iaij'.j w. criminal breach ot trust m W pect of 1.025 mil tary blanks j. valued at $10,250
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 106 5 m^L\Jffc i >: yanß v %mw "*-"'"'"^"*y'' mmf*"**^*!* Mm t'+Vf&fi**-*- *£J?J f**' ml s**^~' 1 */*aV fit ■aaafevC PffifrJSfr"' ''*W ft w5 myJ f&f^'^'^xZlK^*' TmWrl/'>r^mmWmwl^^***M/m im 3 11 Si iMM xWmWt^Sr^Sti if ft If Imf i2^**+ lt^^jSnm m^ AL^t(^m\imm ana Bfc-? 0^ fea^yas' $9T'' "^j* -si if #> wf f*
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  • 331 7 CHINESE WIN THRILLING RETURN GAME 8; Northamptons 1. ri i lunesc F<*>tball Association beat the !|nt<>n-mrc Regiment, Malaya Command Cup W( „ne yesterday m one of the grandest t J~: > r Staaaaaaaa m recent months. In a betweea these two teams exactly three weeks a Vhine-e won 'n a
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  • 159 7 RAIN STOPS CRICKET ON PADANG A SHOWER ol ran yesterday afternoon preventer nmher Dlay of the cricket match at the Padang. when the Singapore Cricket Club were just about to field against the S.ngapore Recreation Club. The Recs had just dismissed the r opponents for 115 runs when rain stopped
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  • 58 7 London, Sat. County cr cket close of play scores were: at Nottingham. Yorkshire 283 for nine (Sellers 66. Turner 53) versus ..ltfham&hire. At Gloucester, fcsex 4S for nine v tsus Gloucestershire, rain. At Hove. Lancashire 159 for five -us Sussex. At Kingston. Hampshire 234 'Arrold 57. Squires 8
    Reuter  -  58 words
  • 230 7 LONDON, Sat. ENGLAND'S football season will be highlighted by short tours oi continental clubs. The Sparta or Czechoslovakia, Nordkopping of Sweden and Anasibe from Copenhagen have almost comi pleted their arrangements with the Football Association for visits that will give soccer fans here a
    A.P.  -  230 words
  • 648 7 Vernon Morgan Writes 0n... LONDON, Sunday. SQUABBLES exist the world over m sport no less than O politics. Only this week while the battle royal was being waged m Oslo between the Scandinavian countries and Britain and the United States over payment to athletes, far across the
    Reuter  -  648 words
  • 16 7 ihe Chinese goal 'under fire' m yesterday's soccer at Jalan Besar Stadium.
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  • 77 7 ABOARD TIIE STERLING CASTLE, Sun. From Norman Preston. Reuter's special rirrespondent. Fwas officially announced today that Norman Yardley, Yorkshire, has been appointed vice-Captain for the tour and Fdri-h. Middlesex, senior prof i aa tonal. The selection committee for all matches will comprise Hammond, Yardlty and Edrich
    Reuter  -  77 words
  • 31 7 LONDON, Sat. DESULTS of Irish i^ccer games played today were: Ballymena Un 5 Cliftonville 1 Belfast Celtic 7 DistUlery 0 Coleraine 2 Linneld 0 Glentoran 5 Derry City 0
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  • 243 7 CHINESE beat the Ceylon Sports Club at cricket yesterday by two wickets Scores were: CEYLON SPORTS CLUB C. Thuraisingham c Tay b Chong Gee 25 S. Yogarajah b Chong Gee 10 S. K. Sundram b Chong Gee 2 K. Muttu b Kirn Swee 9 E.
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  • 72 7 London, Sat Rugby League results Barrow 20 Salford 8 Bellevue Rangerrll Wigan 12 Bramley 5 Hull Castleford 10 Bradford N. 2 Dewsbury 10 Huadersfield 2 23 Workington T. Ii Hull Kingstone R. 5 Featherstone R. 5 Keighley 8 Batley 10 Leeds 6 Wakefield T. 18 Liverpool Stanle.,
    Reuter  -  72 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 337 7 60USTEAO&Co.,Ltd. ILL 5161-2 LLOYOS AGENTS GLEN LIN Is Glenaffaric from UJL Due Seat Glenartoy from UK Sept. Passenger* *no cargo acceptea tm C X Hongkong and shanghai a* 3pporiumt«e% afiet BURNS PHI LP LlNfc Samite from Australia G 12 Mangola for Australia G 11/12 Priam fro-i Australia 13 14 Sailing*
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