The Singapore Free Press, 23 July 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 409 1 .JERUSALEM, Mon. AT least T>! people were killed, says a police communique, when Jewish terrorists today blew up five floors of the King David Hotel m Jerusalem, which houses the British Military Headquarters and the Palestine Government Secretariat. Scores of British military people, including A.T.S. girls
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  • Article, Illustration
    30 1 j c Pa?e" girl m a British tel vi>ion i> rizabeth Sco t, 23. blorde. and a Mt] American fashion model, ri tured here m front of the television camera.
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  • 34 1 SIAMESE CAN'T REACH U.N.O DISCUSSION United Nations headquarunced jast night that the government has requestpost pjnement of th? CmnMls discussion of aeaa dispute with France ransport difficulties oreSiamese delegation from Hen York at presen..
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  • 206 1 Free Press Reporter ROYAL AIR FORCE Warrant Officer who took a taxi B am the rank outside the Cathay Cinema, Singapore Uht to the junction of Grange-road nd Nathan Road .^tilted by the Sikh driver i:nd his after _iie refused to pay $20 demanded
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  • 59 1 SHANGHAI. Mon. E Communists and the arc claiming victories m constantly r civil conflict. Mce.s placed the scene or conflict around Tai--70 milts nort^.-cast of Government spokesman nationalist troops had the Communist siege of 20 miles north of Nanking, it the Communists are to encircle Jukao.
    A.P.  -  59 words
  • 89 1 NAVAL BASE STRIKE TALKS OPEN Free Press Reporter HEPRESENTATIVES of about 12,000 labourers on strike at Singapore Naval Base are to me.-t the Controller of Labour, Singspore, and the Trade Unio:\ Adviser to open negotiations. The difficulty m initiating negotiations so far has b^en the inability of th 2 authorities
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  • 135 1 INSURGENTS CONTROL BOLI VIA LA PAZA Bolivia, Mon. CTUDENT and working-class S insurgents were today controlling the government of Bolivia after four dayr of battle m which there were reported to have been 2 000 casualties In the **tt»L!2, o2*s^ Sunday. President Cualberto Villarroel was hanged from a lamp post.
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  • 55 1 lord Winster. Minister of Civil \\iation, looks out of one of windows of an air pressurised rabin m a Tudor I before taking oft on an experimental flight which was cut short by fumes entering the cabin. Aircraft manufacturers say the defect will be corrected on
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  • 76 1 U.S. Wants To Publish Peace Terms WASHINGTON, Mon. THE I.S. Secretary of State, Mr. James F. Byrnes, has s;nt messages to the Foreign Ministers of Biitain, Russia and France urging them to a?reo t.» the immediate publication of the tfxt of the European ma^e treaties. The United States has previously
    A.P.  -  76 words
  • 254 1 LONDON. Mon. THE question why ships mm allowed to k*ave British ports for Singapore with empty car^o space m view of the importance of export trade and the fact that Singapore merchants found great difficulty m obtaining shipping spate for goods was asked m
    Reuter  -  254 words
  • 43 1 Army trucks manned by 200 tzoops took over the distribution oi bread throughout Belfast on Monday xfter the Bread Servers' Association decided to stick to its decision not to deliver rationed bread, says A. P. from Londen.
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  • 223 1 Gold Thief Raids Custodian Free l'ress Reporter SINGAPORE'S most daring burglary, involving a slab of gold weighing about four pounds, took place over a month ago m the office of the Custodian of Property, Supreme Court Building, Singapore. This was the last of a series of four burglaries conducted on
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  • 80 1 London Mon. THE Britiffa Foreign Secretary Mr. Ernest Bevin, promised carlv action to simplify if not abolish, passports and visas ior persons who want to enter and leave the United Kingdom. Speaking at a holiday camp exhibition. Mr. Bevin said he objected to all these
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  • 50 1 EGYPT CONSIDERS ANTI TERROR L AW Government and police officials at the Ministry o! Interior ia Cairo are understood to have considered taking further measures against the Mlsr el Fattat organisation to which 11 arrested Egyptians, who confessed to taking part m recent bomb outran^. belonged, says Reuter from Cairo.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 26 1 ,v British i. srnpmen.'3 oi STERLING SILVER WARE COLDV7ARE etc. a 'ruins P. t\ HENDRY l!\\l I IKK iXi F«tabltsne<i :cie Rp' I'aMon tr Hrirtrr Road.
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    • 88 1 For Smart and Cp'tn-Dute TAILORING See BEE CHOW CO. t\, Chali* Strc«C Sincaporv Phone 6535: SECOND TO NONE jAy I KNGUBH4IAKE I ?*^^3 ins master's voice Fflfafhi O O $275-00 SPECIAL FEATURES Superhet 8 Wave Bands Banr*spread Tuning on 13—16—19— 25-31 meters. Sensitive Reception Two-colour wooden cabinet 4 Easily worth
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    • 785 2 Great Britain first in post- war Television TELEVISION m Great I Britain had well established itself as a popular means of home entertainment m the years immediately preceding the war, for the first public service of high-definition television, m Great Britain or any other country, was inaugurated at the British
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    • 293 2 THE Br.tish Legion Unit for Rheumatology has completed the first month of its operation. Formed as a result of the widespread incidence of rheumatism, arthritis and allied diseases amongst exService men and women, the Unit has been established at the Three Counties Emergency Hospital at Arlesey,
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    • 227 2 FACTORY development and cm- ploymcnt prospects m the new development areas m Britain are most encouraging. This does not mean, of course, that pockets of unemployment m these areai will disappear overn gt&t. Nor are the industries yet at a stage when they can
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    • 62 2 Fwas bud Tobruk l: made a prisoner i maining io unt4l of the war Hi 1 crowning: blow 9d. a day trad- have be<?n P>M not come thn This Ml R.E.M.E. man. waiting for hl« years when be m He might still had not ItM rzion
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    • 597 2  -  BRIAN McCORMAC By ANYEODY who knows a medical student, and that includes almost everybody, cannot understand how he can ever b<«como a doctor. One day he is a medical student with a stethoscope under one arm and a bottle of brer under the other.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
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    • 355 2 RADIO MALAYA BU:h NU WOW from noon to I***-'*^ ml\U£% I*\ 2p m And f pjn. to li p.m on 300 RED NETWORK from noon to metres: from noon to Z p.m on 7.2 2 p.m and 6.30 to 11 pm on 225 j met/see. In 41 metre <*and 6
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    • 156 3 atj GtnUM |lrtk are bins trained as polir-.vome n at »rl by It.-(oi (i > ;rwrin? of the Rirmincham c Fi tire shows th > Fraul^ins at their unarmed rombat Ipsson. Suicide or Murder? German women police student* go through the observation test. Below,
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  • 418 4 The Singapore Free Press TUESDAY, JULY 23, 1946. loss than a we:k to gc j;-.ore the Peace Conference opens m Pans, with China represented as one of tl.e victors, Generalissimo C/.iang KaiShek's Government finds izseii more deeply embroiled m civJ war than ever and beginning to become a target tor
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  • 809 4 Gen. Dempsey Might Have Been A Test Cricketer AFTER grappling with one world troub espot Java Lieut.-Gcn. Sir Miles C. Dempsey, KCB, KBE, DSO, MC, who has just succeeded General Sir Bernard Paget as C-in-C, Middle East, now faces an older and more thorny hotbed Palestine. But Gen. Dempsey is
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  • 219 4 I" an'appcal to the British Legion to discourage ex-Service men from returning to India to find employment, the Secretary of the Ex-Service Associat on. India say« thai their -chances* are nil." Making the appeal m a letter he writes: "Certain cases have 1 brought to the
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  • 866 4  - Prize Courts: Founders Of In terna tional Law R. Y. JENNINGS By AT the outbreak o! war, each maritime belligerent is required by international law to set up a prize court to determine the question of prize or no prize whenever the naval forces of that belligerent capiure a foreign
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  • 47 4 WE wu.;c, r an over a us v.ho U $5 f-35 C] 5 P.. Ist Bat lar.Cf r SK v < Sorr% c the lad hut k*\ might h-!p A Thank You ON to Pn i n whi w^ spend mu recalling i j
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  • 12 4 Fear tut 1 1"- IN ord with you I)rutcronom> *t) 3-4
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  • 358 4 DVSWOMEN'S HOLIDAY -Two thousand bus conductors and drivers shouted themselves hoarse with excitement watching half a dozen clippies punching tickets ike a man ana all of them on their day off. That was the high spot of the London Transport sports gala when conductors entered for the
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 38 4 QUIZ I. first «a> w li:o B S:dc "Tie V to n-T Last D ed 3. What lav cr 4 What tw these Chi Bent. I .s. Wl it and (fcl the n strati ve cour. am" 5
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    • 269 5 NEW MOVE TO END ROBBERIES Better Street Lights r\ RTiiv a ree J Pre Reporter (^KIAJ.N dark unlighted roads m SingaporeSaStoZZS V ny an ed r «bberies-are to have .mm spent on placing electric lights at "strategic IZLJ? aS t0 rCdUCe the dan^ er of hold -«Ps by Kunijsters.
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    • 111 5 PRICES OF TEXTILES FIXED been enforced prices of a vast I fan Singapore. Government I j x IT*) *3.25 per I $2.60 per sarong S t* of the more re as follows: European style jrd Malay and 20 per yd. <36") yd «27 K lirttngs <31/2"> $1 5) 31 2'
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    • 53 5 PUBLIC CANTEEN NEAR CATHAY ..n of People s a be lengthen- I I the opening ol ir tViC part at ttM Ca- I Bandy Lar.c. be i^se of thii ,'ivcn by the Sin- d C v.mi>s:oners oJ the position ittet car parking :u:red." be erected m the nrim the 35-cent
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    • 139 5 INDIAN ARMY TO HAVE MILLION MEN DEMOBILISATION of the Inoian Army is proceeding according to plan, and by October 1946 demobilisation started m October last year— the greatest volunteer army m the world will have been reduced to one million men. it is omcally stated at General Headquarters. New Delhi.
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    • 337 5 THE future of Hong Kong is to be discussed "m due time" by Generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek and the British Government, said the new British Ambassador to China, Sir Ralph Clarmont Skrine Stevenson, just before he left Singapore yesterday to .continue his journey to Nanking
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    • 105 5 fr ree Presss Repot ler CIN(.,\POKK police arc looking out for a young Turopean who ualkrd into a house m Kidout Road a few riays ago. told the bo> that hi> master had sent him for soni? shirts as he wanted them urgently. The
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    • 158 5 TELOK AYER BERTHING RULES NO vessel ur.dergcinp: repairs >i laying up is allowed to re- m Teluk A;. ?r 3asin or occupy any loading or discharging berth within the port, according to the Singapore Port Amendment) Rules. I J4G. Ihi6 rule, however, does not apply m the case of
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    • 46 5 INSPECTOR ACQUITT ED Free Press Correspondent MALACCA. Frl. MOHANNA KRISHNAN, a former Inspector of Police was dismayed and acquitted before the District Jidge. Mr. M. Neal. today ona charge under a summons of causing hurt to two Eurasians of Se Portuguese Annie Fernande> and Adelaide Hen'lricks.
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    • 11 5 .Blanc Hugh, a 38 year-old Briof $50 was offered.
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    • 19 5 wr* Edwin F. Lee, will be the Mrs. tawin* fortnightly SsjS*^ of the United States at War.
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    • 204 5 Free Pres s Reporter A WOMEN'S Police Force m Singapore, built round a nucleus of experts lent by the London Metropolitan Police, will not come into being for some time yet the London authorities have not yet even replied to a request from Singapore.
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    • 51 5 NAMES of journalists, men and women, throughout the Empire who lost their lives m World War II while serving m any of the uniformed services, and national and civil defence, are to be inscribed m a Book Of Honour now being compiled by the London Press
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    • 91 5 CURFACE and air mail corres- pondence may now be sent from the Malayan Union and Singapore to the following destinations m Sumatra and Java, according to information received by the postal authorities from the Netherlands Indies Post Office. Mail fo» Sumatra may -be sent to
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    • 211 5 Free Press Reporter MALAYANS with money frozen m German banks wl.en war broke out. are to be gtfCß an opportunity of demand Qg from the banks, statements of their ac- 1 counts. Bvt that is all they will get lor the present, as. ;t is
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    • 50 5 There will "be a public lecture at the Singapore Lodge theosophical society. No. 8 Caimhill Road on Thursday. July 25 at 6 30 p.m on the subject, "Theosophy Is My Adventure" by Mr. J. L. bavidge, a journalist and Theosophist from Adyar. Madras, on his way tc Australia.
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    • 113 5 Mined Ship Being Towed To Singapore Free Press \jorrespoiident PENANU Mon. THE Ben l.ner Ben Lomond' which struck a mine m the Straits of Malacca three hour^ after leaving Pcnang last Thursday and had to turn bak at midni ht the samp night, is :>till m port today waiting to
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    • 241 5 NO OFFICERS MAY DRIVE AFTER AUG. 1 ONLY m special cir -umstances. after Aug. 1. will officers be allowed to drive military vehicles, and even then m most cases it will be necessary to obtain authority to drive from an officer not b^low the rank of LieutenantColonel. No officer will
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    • 107 5 Free Press Correspondent MALACCA. Mon. MR. A. C. T. Kwong. th c Chinese Consul of Singapore, at a dinner given m his honour by the committee of the Malacca Chinese Chamber of Ootnim ice last night at the Chamber's premises, said one ot the purposes of
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    • 186 5 A CORPSE discovered m thoutskirts of Pontian, m Johore, is believed to be that of one of the gunmen who escaped daring the Police raid on Pulau Minyak on July 3 m the early hours of th? morning, when several arrests were made and 19 revolvers
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    • 458 6 Soldiers zoill eat their meals at home THE cost of living: m Geim;.ny for families of liiiii^h army I of the Rhine troops who will shortly be going out to the British zone under ''Operation Unicn" was announced at British headquarters when full details of
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    • Article, Illustration
      35 6 l£* a::o-iri" m true naval slylo. th sp rirls of tl>e S.»a Lanccn ar^ part of th? erew under training cf the ortani^aticn's new vesse. at Dartmontl* M.T.C 630, recently handed over by the Navy.
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    • 458 6 Plymouth plays bowls again I 1 twa Weeks Pl mouth is cdebrai'aig the 400 th anniver- ?srv cf one tf the mo! rclourCul figures m British hisi rv Sir Fnaeia Diake?. Part of the celebrations will he a rane of boy.'s en Use lawns of the Hoe, overlooking illt "ound
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    • 108 6 Badford Wants Bailey Bridge nEDPORD Town Council bare been approached by the residents (i Kempston to provide a Bailey bridge over the river to I r.k up with the residential district of Queen's Park. Bediord Rowing Club has had a auiok revival on the return of several of its most
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    • 28 6 Back From The U.S. Mr. Anlhoii) Fo>n lormer Bri.ish tore ?n nvnister, pictured at London airoort on bis return from a visit to llrrmuda and the I'nitrd States.
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    • 30 6 The mother who will receive a larger family allowance than any other m the country is Mrs. a.m. Cooch of Pontynricd. wi:o has IS mouths .to feed.
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    • 93 6 A RESIDENT of Margate, Mr H. A. Marsh, has asked Margate Council to press for a S I Statue of Liberty for Britain' Marsh visualises "a giant statu- 1 ol Churchill In the uniform of the l Lord Warden of the Cinque poits" which he
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    • 211 6 DFC AND WIFE SHOT IN HOTEL THE bodies of Wing Commander William H. Farrow. 0.8. E., D.F.C aged about 50. and his wife. Rita Liliane Elsn Farrow. 37. were discovered m a locked room on the ton floor of the Hotel Park, m Bayswater-road. London. W. They had bullet wounds
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    • 28 6 The Borough of Wandsworth London, has a Pi<-d pipor 20 war old ex-land girl Dorothy aiKmi of Union-Road. Clapham, who is official ratcatcher to the borough.
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    • 128 6 PX-Flt.-Lt David Cluni kgtdl 14 21. :v.:d his 23-year old wife. Celia. have moved out ol their home m Henslow Road, Ipswich. I and "set up home" m a saloon car. Their notice to quit the *urnished house In Henslow Road has expired. Aftrr
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    • 44 6 Men may join the RAF. regiment Btraight from c .\iian life v sunncrs for an Initial rpn; ,d of five vc-ar>\ Alter completing their regimental training recruit? become a. c. 2s wttti pay apart f-cm aßowances at 31a cd. a week.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 196 5 NOTICE -re invited fur recruitral Clerical Service. nave attained their a:.d not rave attained rtfcJM en 3 1st December. I :>> of gocd character lit passed the Malayan itc Exam:nat:un or other equivalent or higher I »nh this qualification lintircnl be oaid the initial 5 >n 31st December. 1946 ■m.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 88 6 QUIZ Answers 1. March. 1877. m Australia: the Australians won. 2. (a) Thomas Gainsborough; Cb) Sir Joshua Reynolds; ic>: J. M. W. Turner. 3. The Duck-BUled Platypus fOrnlthorhynchus) and the Spiny i Ant-Eater Echlndna 4. (a) Mild. Cb) Zealous: »c> Glory of tho Army. 5. <a» Inverness; <b> Th^ City
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    • 683 7 .ill Iji ljw Game From George Chisholm LONDON, (By Air Mail) u »< lift the old tile to J::cki e Paterson, of Glasgow t ,n:ounding the boxing critics by making the undage and proving himself still the best m the weight. Nobody expected him to
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    • 45 7 LONDON, Mon. SIR William Cooke, owner of the 2.000 Guineas winner, Happy Knight, says his colt will not run m the St. Leger. He said "I realise he would not stay the distance so there is no sense m starting him.' Reuter
      Reuter  -  45 words
    • 73 7 LEWES. Sussex, July 22. fORDON RICHARDS registered his hundredth win of tiie season today when In the £200 Abergavenny Plate here, wher? the racing is taking place for the first time since the course was derequisitioned by the Government, he rode M. A. Matthews colt Peacelaw
      Reuter  -  73 words
    • 217 7 LONDON, Sun ONLY seven counties have provided the 12 players so far selected for the Australian tour Yorkshire head the list with three, while Lancashire provide twa and Notts two. This gives the three Northern Counties predominance of seven to five. Kent provide two. Surrey Middlesex
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    • 102 7 U'ben Oxford met Cambridge at Lord's m their annual niekd match this year five of the six surviving members of the Oxford team wfcieh beat Cambridge 50 years ago were quests m a party at a box at Lord's. The picture on top th«WS them, left to
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    • 222 7 By Vernon Morgan LONDON, Mon. THE names of the 12 English cricketers cho=cn to make the tour to Australia at the end of the season contained no surprises. At the same time Yardley, Ikin and Evans will not be the choice of everyone. There
      Reuter  -  222 words
    • 195 7 PARIS, Mon. AS the result of today's play m the French lawn tennis championships at Roland Harros Stadium m Paris there are three Frenchmen, two Americans, two Czechoslovakians and one Yugoslav m the last eight. The Wimbledon champion Yvon Petra had a comfortable three-set victory, 6—l, 6—2,
      Reuter  -  195 words
    • 94 7 Free Press Correspondent SEREMBAN. Sunday. HHHE Negri Sembilan Chinese JfceJL creation Club were well beaten by I three goals to nil at Seremban yesterday by the Singapore Rovers. The scorers were, Boon Leong, H.G. Yusof and Lecmbruggen The Chinese team made a comeback m the second
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    • 443 7 LONDON, Mon. THE coining European Athletic championships at Oslo draw attention once again to the Cinderella of British sport. While there are wealthy bodies such as the Football Association, the Rugby 'Football Union and the Racing Association, the bodies which control such sports as athletics, swimming
      Reuter  -  443 words
    • 149 7 LONDON. MON. THE Aga Khan's classic colt. Khaled, was scratcned from all engagements including the St. Leger at 9 am today. While no official statement was made, the scratching was not surorising in view of Khaleds failure in the valuable Eclipse Stakes last wee* when
      Reuter; A.P.  -  149 words
    • 24 7 WANTED oy Chinese family a house 2/3 bedrooms Joo Chiat Katorn* area preferred Please apply to Bax No. 17, Singapore Free P-t*3.
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    • 100 7  -  Ver non Morgan By LONDON Mon Backers, mho genera f .l> have been having a thin time, have gone on strike m Northern Eire. It happened when local bookmakers at Drogheda started to put new limits on odds. The nunters, deciding that the* bookmakers were
      Reuter  -  100 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 207 7 BOUSTEAD&Co.,Ud. TEL 5161-2 LLOYDS AGENTS GLEN LIKn SaoisetU' Ironi BJL tn P o^ Prometheus trom I X uue Au« i Passenger* mo «argo vvcepUit to L.X flongkong at.d shanghai as spporiunities offn BURNS PHILP LINE Devon from Australia In I'ort Marella from Australia Due Juh Samiie trom Australia Due Jul*
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  • Article, Illustration
    15 8 X.i.ord Docks. ThLs picture was taken during a recent visit by Transport Ministry Officers.
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  • 82 8 Spent 20 Days In A Dinghy To Phone Wife \i iKK rowing 2t) da>s across rt the Baltic m a tbr.'e-foot >iuare rubber Uiruh> from (iermany to Denmark, a German soldier was arrested while telephoning to his Danish wife. The toldier. Albert Kruser married a Danish irirl while he was
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  • 270 8 Continued irom pa?e 1 It is bein? fought by fir-? brigades while troops carry out files, some of which are believtd to contain details of the activities of the Jewish Agency and the Jewish underground armies. It is reported that a number of tenlor British Government officials were killed
    Reuter; A.P.  -  270 words
  • 44 8 Vatican authorities confirmed yesterday that the Pope had requested the Polish government not to execute Arthur Greiser former Gauleiter of Western Poland, found guilty of war crimes Greiser was hanged mi n Posnon on Vat Van. FeP rts ReUter from
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  • 298 8 INDIANS COLLAPSE AFTER GOOD START MANCHESTER, Mon. DICK POLLARD of Lancashire probably bowled himself into a place m the England side for the Australian tour and almost certainly robbed India of a splendid chance of winning the Second Test match at Old Traflford, Manchester, today. He broke a grand first
    A.P.  -  298 words
  • 196 8 ENGLAND— Ist Inn* Washbroofc c Hindlekar b Mankad 5? llutton c MushUo AH b Mankad »i: C'ompton Ijw Amarnath 51 Hammond b Amarna'.h Hardstaff c Merchant b Amarnath 5 I Gibb b Mankud Ikin c Mankad b Amarnath Voce b Mankad i Pollard not out 10 Bedser Ibw Amarnath
    Reuter  -  196 words
  • 277 8 2 DAY WINS FOR YORKS, GLOUCESTER LONDON. Mun TWO days sufficed for Glouccs c: and Yorkshire to win their County encket games, but whereas Gloucester had an easy v.ctorv. Yorkshire did not win till they had lost nine of their second innings wirkets. The name was not. ble for lev
    Reuter  -  277 words
  • 301 8 Madame Sun YatSen: SHANGHAI, Mon MADAME SUN VAT SEN, widow of the founder of the Chinese republic, m her first political statement m more than two years, warned that the Chinese civil war 'though undeclared had already be^un" and urged the immediate creation of a
    U.P.  -  301 words
  • 192 8 P_ MALINO, Mon LR resolutions embodying a federal plan for the future government of the Dutch East Indies were adopted unanimously today by delegates from the outer territories (Dutch East Indies, except Java and Madura) at Malta near Macassar m the Celebes. The resolutions were: First:
    Reuter  -  192 words
  • 87 8 ABOARD THE USS APPALA CHIAN Mon U7IIEN the worlds fifth atom bomb bursts beneath Bikini Bay on Thursday, scientists will be able to say whether m the future coastal cities can be flooded by subsurface atomic detonations. The wave, according to a predict.on by Vice-Admiral W.
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  • 191 8 BOMBAY. Mon. k Bombay mass meeting of several thousands of th? 250,- 000 workers who took part m to- day's general strike m India ended peacefully tonight with the > leaders announcing that sym- pithy strikes would end tomorrow, j The paralysing postal and tele-
    A.P.  -  191 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 160 8 ALKAMBRA LOVE FLARES UP IN A TOUCH If^Lj When Belle Her Troupers Ln^ge n „v, s OutOanking Manouvre* witu uk«» n > He-V BRIMMING with MUSIC! BURSXihg^ROMANCE! TROBBIHG m XECHKICOIoJ /gg^>» <** Viitting ,/HTiSSmkt"- ihe ,HEAT^* I Mb :fiM lift i\ Frozen tim& W^_ A¥iMffljl\ h niil f/^l ill I
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