The Singapore Free Press, 2 July 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 107 1 MANY HURT IN TRIESTE RIOTING Tr?IF-STE. Mon. BITTED STATES troops In full i:;mp.')t were called tfl quell an anarv crowd who were at'ommun!st headquarters r 'avour. JOO.OOo workon strke m prothe rioting m :ie person was killed roximatelv io. inrlud ng >ldiers. wer* injured yesd Information Ser"unced that three AmeItetn
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 1 .I'm Uta mhWii of the ?oiii Soard investisatn^ \hf Kin- of Siam's death '•rtnl ai Kan _k>k today t the Kin» was probably muted, says t'.P. (lav a lar^^ rrowd storm"J the Mir.isir> of Justice to ikt Uti» Kin;'s attendant, P'lture >h.»ws PhumiXdnldPt. «h« at 18, p pf^s »is
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  • 20 1 the British >n to India. Mr. cinder, First Lord of v has arrived at fca way to London.
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  • 339 1 Premier Attlee Acts On Palestine LONDON, Mon. AS reports from Palestine tell of the discovery by the Army of numerous caches of arms "too lar*»e to count," the House of Commons decided to hold a full-dress debate on Palestine after hearing Premier Clement Atllee's statement that
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  • 56 1 The American Federal on of Labours Conference of Smdio Unions suddenly ordered a stflk« again.>r major Hollywood riln^ studias The announcement was made at a mass meeting of 2.50'J rheerin« studio unionists at Hollywood Legton stadium, when major Him producers failed to meet union contract demands
    UP  -  56 words
  • 70 1 BOMBAY. Mu:i. AT midnight tonight the casualties m today's rioting at Ahmedabad. Bombay Province between Moslems and Hindus were stated to be 23 killed and 160 Injured Three of the dead were killed by pohoe. A pitched battle wa^ still raging between the Hindus and
    UP; Reuter  -  70 words
  • 38 1 STOPFORD CUTS THE CAKE Lt.-Gen. Sir Montagu StopfordJ Acting Supreme Allied Commander, Sou'h East Asia Command cuts the iced rake at a party thrown by ALFSEA Sigrals at Singapore. Another picture m page 5. —Army Film Un't Picture
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  • 276 1 Free Press Reporter MANY SINGAPORE TAXI-CABS were condemned and ordered off the roads by the Road Transport Department yesterday, because they were found to be not roadworthy. One of the objects of this move is to minimise road accidents, many of which are due
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  • 246 1 NEW YORK. Mon. Prices of everything except rood jumped m New York city today, but so far the abolition of the Office of Price Administration was only partly responsible Tor it. The city's new two per cent sales tax went Into effect today I
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  • 65 1 LONDON. Mon. HEAVY seas round the coast of Britain during the week-end exacted a toll of five lives m bathing and boating accidents. Three Londoners on holiday at Herne Bay, Dockland Settlement holiday home, (Ernest Black, 42 Lawrence Street, Canning Town; Mary Coaster, 62 Gwendeline Avenue, West Ham
    Reuter  -  65 words
  • 315 1 Bikini Test Shows Aboard U.S.S. Appalachian, Monday. VICE-ADMIRAL \V. P. H. Blandy. commander of the atom task force, told a Press conference today that the atom* test explosion was less spectacular than the Japanese assault on Pearl Harbour and that a considerably less damage was done
    Reuter; UP  -  315 words
  • 141 1 OXFORD, Mon. THERE are only remote prospects of atomic energy replacing other kinds of fuel within a foreseeable time. Lord Cherwell, professor of experimental philosophy, Oxford University, told the Empire Scientific Conference here today. Atomic energy m his view canrot compete with coal or oil for economy,
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  • 195 1 DAPPLE m Sing: i ore are ap- pealed to by Jtt. E. V. Fowler, C.I.D. chief, to report every case of armed robbery or .ntimidation to the Police. Mr. Fowler declared that the authorities are as anxious ao the man m the street to clean Singapore
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  • 83 1 Mac A SENT FOOD S.O.S. TO IKE' WASHINGTON, Mon— Congress learned today the lood situation m Japan is such that on one occasion Gen. Mac Arthur telegraphed to Gen Eisenhower. U.S. Chief o: Staff Send me food or send me soldiers, and if you do not hurry you will hay?
    A.P.  -  83 words
  • 35 1 NEGROES FLOOD U.S. ARMY The US War Department discloses that Negro volunteers are being signed up m the regular Army's intensive recruiting campaign on a ratio of one to five white soldiers, says A. P.
    A.P.  -  35 words
  • 25 1 FLOODS SUSPEND KOREAN REP AT The repatriation of Koreans from Japan has been suspended owing to the flood conditions m "orea. says U.P. from Seoul.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

    • 103 2 TOE world li acutely short of lead for housing and other work. At the bottom of the British Channel lie 15.000 tons of lead H an easily recoverable form the flexible pipelines of "Pluto." through which petrol poured to the armies o: liberation m
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    • 286 2 Ex-Gunner reads minds over 'phone A MAN who claims to read othei people's minds has done so over the telephone. He is ex-Gunnel Maurice Ptgel, cf SU>ke Ntwingtoa, London, whos*' claim was tested by psychology profeddOT C. A. Mace, of Birkbrck College and his two assistants, Fat Hooper and Adrian
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    • 91 2 JETS FOR DOLLARS PLAN •THE rcr.r.ation o! a company m the United States, with a capital of £2.500.000. which vr.U import Polls-Royce gas turbin? engines and later manufacture them undrr li?ence. was r.cunced at Montclair. New r sey. by Mr Philip Tavlor former chief en?ire?r of the Wright Aercnauti?al Corporation
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    • Article, Illustration
      11 2 i,{b,vs li.i-5/t.-: Bi>iutifnl Jra t Kent, rising joinj British lUm
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    • 345 2 13 Aim To Make A Happy Nation British Marriage Experts To Confer THIRTEEN of Britain's foremost marriage guidance ex I perts eight men and five women have been chosen to conduct a five-day national conference on present-day problems of marriage, sex and morals. First of its kind m Bri-U-in, the
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    • 187 2 THE year is 1908, and the scene is Leeds. Picure Frank Parkinson, a modest young man with a scholarsh p from the lo -ai university m his pocket and £21 .n the bank. Change the year to 1946. Towards the end of January Frank Parkinson
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    • 102 2 THE ATOM BOMB was the dominant topic at the Royal BottetjTS Empire Scientific Conlerence, the first inter-Empire discussion on general science, which opened m London Opening the conterence, the King said: 'The production ol the atomic bomb must never be u*ed as an argument against scientific research."
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    • 59 2 lOINT British-American help will be developed to provide Australia with a reasonable .system of defence, Mr. J. B. Chifley, Australian Premier, told the New South Wales Labour conference recently. Australia, he said, had entered upon a very uneasy peace, and [would be unable to defend rvor'cplf
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    • 173 2 Jl PLAN to purge the British coalmines of slackers has been decided on by the Govern- 1 ment m consultation with the .miners' leaders. I The olFenueis are mainly war- lime miners who entered the pits as an alternative to military ser- vice. Instead of the present
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    • 102 2 THE British Overseas ftinMaffl Corporation's Constellation Balmoral, making th? first commercial non-stop fi'eht fr»:i. New York to London AlfptH. Heathrow, recently, set up a re cord time for the rou:o of 11 hours 24 minutes. Tr f avcra^f ground speed was 3i m pii. and the flying height
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    • 231 2 PRESIDENT TRUMAN'S 12-point pian for a sifltffe l defence department to control all the United States amied forces represents an atterrnt end the «O!if and sometimes acrimonious controvtrs) e?n 'he Service chiefs. The plan is explained m :i letter dressed to the Congress Military and
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    • Article, Illustration
      10 2 Mother could hardl* obj^rt to this costume i it'> hrti
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    • 107 2 INDIAN DARE-DEVIL! The dashing, vwashbart Hn* John Cava* STUNT KING The Bi;-Acticn All-Mi layaa Premiers of the %ear! TOMORROW MIDNIGHT ALHAMBRA STUNT KING A Hy*r-4.a;sing Hlndu^uni PUm Crammed with Br«arn taking Escapes Daredevil Adventures! Action -t Big-Time Suspense! Released thru the Unit'i Exhibitors Syndicate for General Exhibition CLASSIFIED A D
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 44 2 ifldßdrdkG Exclusive m Malaya to the Singapore Free Press "1 iH^f^Jn^^rr 0 foorsT^ I IjBKilHl 1^ U 1 A^^ C^"^ QQ uM.^r nrr -A MAW APPROACHiS-'MANDRAKft U HJir- j BY MAWORAKE 'S FtGUAE IMA6E MIONJ6HT-- MANDRAKE WAITS ALON£ LYES BURN HYPNOTICALLY" B|l P |L >
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    • 281 2 SINGAPOSE 2 p.m too *S« v i n. me*re> rr»»m m»«r .< 2 p» *n mcs sec t» >i metrr »a<«a fM 7.45 to St 1 p m "r I r*c «rr 61 metre mm CHINESB nivr IC :1: /c- refl id HotfaeL ai 1 «jn. Canwatii at I 10
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    • 123 3 WHICH book can I get you? Students returning lo college find their library is intact. FS lt\un the LiCLTvts of v blood ptCWic register m the Physiology Bdow. All that b 'efl of the denial bib. Japs sawed Übfv h^s to suit thr'rr o\m
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    • 491 4 The SIngapore Free Press TUESDAY. JULY 2. 1946. f little item of news came into the Free Press office yesterda v which, although it was from far-off Washington, may be more important to the people of Singapore than the current local squabbles as to whether the Government servants shall be
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    • 1287 4  -  ROLAND WILD By MRS. WILLIAM GETTLER, aged thirty-eight, of 186 Monroe Street. Rahway. New Jersey, the dark, pretty wile of a trainman he would be called a ticket inspector m England stood by her gas plus electric stove m her wood frame house and fixed
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    • 359 4 TRUE BLUE.— Britain's successf 1 1 wartime food minister Lord Woclton of pie fame has accepted Winston Churc-h ll's invitation to become Chairman of the Conservative party organisat on. Lord Wooltcn, politically independent before jGining the vartime coal tion government, is a capable organiier. His new job
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    • 97 4 DRITISH troops m Berlin will v be well satisfied when the block of modern buildings m the Reichkanzlerplatz, Summit House, is completed m August. The block, taken over as a halffinished building by N.A.A.FJ. a^d rapidly completed by German labour, is the finest thine In NAAFI
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    • 43 4 (Letters to the Fdi or should be bri f and mnst (if a nom-de-{:lume ts used) bear the full name and addrrss of the sender as a si n of food faith. Anonymous letters are thrown into the baske:. Editor.)
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    • 65 4 QUIZ 1. Can you say m what respect the recent apnointmcnt oi a Commanc'er-in-Chief of Malta was unusual? 2. How many spelling nstakes are there here?— Diiletante. pallativc. dec doous. carnivorous. 3. Your funny bone is the Femur, humerus. sacral, fibula tib a, natella? 4. Which way docs the head
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    • Letter
      • 244 4 When The 'Empress' Was 4 Tbe Bifen' ALL th Env Y^. as membf alias Ok:: "fltepmi i rigM, I have mwipli forts on Bh In thos' was kn The Be^et 1 The Oki:.. have rezd tmm the 650 pi Siimapon u^j these lad> A lew c waited It bt .i
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      • 85 4 Having rca Free Piv>^ under tho bead of ship to Sing:.; me wonder concernod thought to disgraceful I ins which count 1 troops wtre \o «-d 1 from U.K. I W* I%i and Burma. Regards. t^ese people: to vacate imrr. > perty left fcl
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    • 368 5 MALAYA TO BE SELF-SUFFBCBENT IN LIVESTOCK nn\s t^ Free Press Reporter ne numoer of slow-maturing animals lik*» r»tti*» n^H buffaloes, which will extend ovfr a p™W of ll to 20 yearf Experts feel that apart from making the country independent of what are frequently dangerous sources of imports, animal husbandry
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    • 175 5 I *~l M a newspaper was L Singapore which is X Tar East. It is the or the Indian paper. Jawan, bethc first paper ever <*ed m Urdu scrips m ;ority of Urdu-read-:he Ind an Army i:t:ng an Urdu .<*ian troops m SEAC ttractfff but
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    • 239 5 Tiif Malayan fishing industry is to be developed on a big scale, and as the first step towards this opnient scientific research into fishing grounds the China Sea and Inditin Ocean wiU be carried oat k- Ihc Pan-Malayan Department of Fisheries, ansced Mr. f>. W.
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    • 98 5 Free Press Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Mon. AT today's session of the General Assembly of U M.N.0., delegates of the Malay Nationalist Party and Persataan Melayu Jawatan Rendah (Malay subordinate services association), walked out of the meeting following disagreement over certain domestic issues. Controversy which has been
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    • 202 5 BRIGADIER ALL NIGHT ON SAND BANK Free Press Correspondent iIi'HILE Marine police and port authorities were still searchins for them m the waters around Singapore yesterday. Brigadier H F. Anderson. Chief Engineer. oip~~-o re D'st r i~t\ a^d Cart O. Kill, a member of his staff, ♦nrned v^ srf^. but
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    • 55 5 Prompt action yesterday by the Municipal Fire Brigade out an end to a fire at the storage godown of the S n^aoore Produce Company at Robertson Quay. Twenty bales of tuftr* roots and a number o f empty baskets were set ablate, the fire causing some darrage to
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    • 233 5 AFTER a protracted hearing, che field Bcneral8 cneral B^' T al MeUiereU. ai R^i«-E.. on fraud charges concluded yesterday. 'The findings of the court on Pll five charges, being subject to cenflrmaton. will be announced later- the Jud?e Advc^ateSenenU stated, after the court had reassembled following
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    • 287 5 KUCHING, Mon. SARAWAK'S 42,000 sqdara or oil and mtber rich v jungle was officially received into the British Empire as a Crown Colony at ceremonies presided over by the Malaj*an^ Governor General, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald. A crowd of 2,000 lined the approaches of the
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    • 62 5 A NUMBER of new omnibuses, similar to those recently on the F.nJayson Green-Katong service, will be placed on the Tampenis-Serangoon Finiayson Green route with.n a week thus augmenting the pres2nt service to a considerable extent. The buses will operate every ten minutes. Another new serv.ce runs between
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    • 93 5 Among those at the gay party] held recently at ALFSIGSJ Officers' Mess, Changi, were the Acting Supremo, Lt.P Gen. Sir Mon'agu Stop- J ford, Maj Gen. I'Hman Chief Engineer Singapore District, and Mai. Gen. Tyndall. t Director of Medical Services—, and Tommy Ti7«der and party.* Genial
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    • 47 5 About 80 members of the staff of Tan Tock Seng Hospital w.l! receive their pay today. This :epresents one third of the hospital staff who were unable to get their June salaries last Friday when two Chinese robbed the hospital cashier of $10 030.
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    • 296 5 M.P. THREW WOMAN OUT OF WINDOW Ftess Press Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR. Mon. iTHE story of how a European civilian prisoner, Mrs. Doris Van der Straaten was stripped, slapped and strung ud by the I arm pits and finally thrown ou 1 of a window was narrated m tht War Crimes
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    • 36 5 ■F jQa. JgW^^pl^ *&-L\*p\l mjmSß^ M 7 THESE FASCINATING FOLKS HHp^ FAST AND FURIOUS ACTION '^91! PILUS! DOLPI-i: V Al.l B FC)R YOl'R ADMISSION "3^^^« TO-DAY CAPITOL SS£ UUt {VtUMf Air-Conditionfd) Phone 52X1 far I mat
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    • Article, Illustration
      40 6 I. "ikriowi van ri "urs away the wreckage of a guard > vui :\fVr a collision between a west country hound rassens:«"» train m Lirul and a noods train rear 1 orr«» station More than :M>iH» holi'laymakers were delived.
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    • 231 6 P" CLIC nur ents as we knov, !h»ni to day are not amlisfactafj j)!accs fcr Use wel'aro »»f children, and :.i tion of children of ihe same a^e i;roi;p BHTJI have a h:irmlnJ i>r J. c. SpencQ. Professor of C .1 Health ct the UniTersiU
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    • 271 6 INDIANS GET OWN HOMES IN MALAYA MALAYAN Indians who wish to settle down on the land may apply for homestead lots of three acres as the re.-ult of successful negotiations between Malayan Union authorities and the Malaya Indian Relief Committee, according to relief committee officials, writes an Associated Press conespondent.
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    • 168 6 AS a woman was being shown to a seat m a cinema, the usherette's torch went out, and the woman fell down some steps and broke a lib. For that the woman. Miss Elizabeth Thomas. 58. of Islington London, was awarded £175 damages at the
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    • 121 6 CHILDREN should 5* taught to appro; iai the nature of hat»\ envy, greed, spite, tfuilt and temper," says Dr. Ellis Stungo, I London psychologist. H.s purpose is that, m later life, the children will bo able to counter and control tendencies In themselves
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    • 23 6 Bren-Cun carriers 'etched an average of ijoO each at the £5,000-an-hour Government car salo at Britain's Crystal Palace J
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    • 110 6 POMPLAINI that some German prisoners' on ta.rr.s m Britain arc deliberately "going slow" has been made by tanners. who are aemanding that they be punisfced and bonus paid to.grood irortert. Reason tor the "go-slow" polL-y is thought to fee the belle! hold bf some prisoners
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    • 104 6 VI It FORCE HAS WEEK END WAAF The Air Ministry is forming a new "week-end" Volunteer Air Force for women. It will be modelled on the lines 'of the pre-war R.A.F. Volunteer Reserve and the Auxiliary Air Force and will be m addition to the regular W.A A.F Women who
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    • 31 6 QUIZ Answers 1. Tre new Governor and Coinmander-in-Chiel is a civi Ilian- Mr. Francia Campbell Ross Dt glas, Socialist MP. for North Battersea. 2. Dilettante, pall aitive. 3. Humcrus. 4. Lett
      31 words
    • 100 6 Al 111 1) Headquarters m Japan have returned to China ten rases of valuable Chinese Mth Century 'lassies seized by the Japanese army m 1042 m lions Kong. The books, numbering ?.r»5O were found b> the V StatPs authorities m the Imp-rial .Museum m Tokyo.
      Reuter  -  100 words
    • Article, Illustration
      44 6 A romance which b«**an m South Fast Asia when 8.8 war correspondent Eugenic Ciirot met Wrrn Shei!a Ma< leod. culminated m their tvedding at St Anthony's Church Anerley. London S.E T.irot flew from Burma to Kandv. Ceylon, to become cniagcd to Miss Mac leod.
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    • 185 6 DKMARKING that she deserved well of the commun:y" Mr., Justice Ca&sels at D'rby Assizes., put on probation for twelve month* a woman who. m fourteen years, had eleven children. She had pleaded evil y to causing the dsath of her nine month old son by
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    • 129 6 A20.000-SIGNATURE petition is being prepared to persuaao the Home Secretary to let ar American May m Britain The American wants to work m I British coalmine because he ru<ls people there "'more congenial and homely' than m tre U.S He if Richard Daws, or
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    • 61 6 COUPONS IN THE PLATE To provide cassocks and surplices for the choir, the Rector of Norton. Stoke-on-Trent, appealed to his congregation to put one clothing coupon m the collection plate. C nrrple crnve more ttt*n one. Mid the Rector, the Rev R B Mackenzie, but the general re. p .is
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 146 6 ALHAWBiU 5 roi.Ortm v,,,,n 11-i ::o-4- *"> BOOK i YOUR LAST CHAMC* TO SEE THE YEARS PIN-UP PICTURE: Thr Show Bit; < r w ihr Man« i i: '-s Support In v p Beaut\ I raiur* OPENING TOMORROW! ViOrt jction-ps:h: I U minwsu thin theccrtenho: 3 ever recorded' g ORTfißlffl
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 35 6 J/' v! E Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press m Malaya |CONGRATuLATiO^sy DON'T ME NTiO.^ it,l YOU BETTEF? KJlfflJEttlUiß -^> U J |b|. HELPED, YOU KNOW.'-] SHE'LL BE ALL ]|SHJ3EESS LOOK, BAAS -DATVy; fx^tfi ~*?f fe^
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    • 325 7 PETRA BEATS PAILS IN SINGLES BRITI^H rtirxt A WIMBLEDON, Mon. H ISH B RN Australian Dinay Pails, seeded number lv to??* faV red lo win th <* title, was surpns ngly defeated m the quarter-final this afternoon by the giant Frenchman, \vo n Petra, 7-5. 7-5, 6—B, 6—4. It was
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    • 23 7 new t-:rsey. sun. s clinched the c Davis Cup I v.\y when Bill Gardner Mulloy victory over nclo and Armando UP
      UP  -  23 words
    • 28 7 ■TEXAS', Sat. I the University red the world throw with the m. m the na- •r.arr.plDiis.hip. U 174 ft 10.3^4 d Consolidi of 1941.- A. P.
      A.P.  -  28 words
    • 199 7 LONDON. Mon. THE Ileni^j Royal Regatta which opens on Wednesday has attracted 11") entries as nu>ny as any preuar year Apart fro.-n competiton from every part of the British Isles there are oarsmen and scullers from Australia, the lir'ed Sta'.es, Norway. France. Denmark Switzerland. Czechoslovakia, Argentina
      Reuter  -  199 words
    • 190 7 I finals were won m three straight setc. The sh rt sleeved spectators weltered m th* 1 hottest day of the summer and the Geolt Brown- Lennart Bergclin match taxed the players' strength to the utmost. The Swedish player, with fluent stroking made a groat impression but he was inclined
      Reuter  -  190 words
    • 76 7 U.S. ATHLETICS SAN, ANTONIO. (TEXAS), Mon. I BONART Strand, the Swedish thin man. turned back America's best distance runner m winning the 1500 metre national amateur athletic union event here on Saturday, m what may be his final American appearance. Strand finished 30 yards ah?ad of Leslie MacMltchell of Sew
      A.P.  -  76 words
    • 60 7 AMARNATH FOR BURNLEY LIVERPOOL, MON. THE Indian crtck»*t*r, Amarnath. stated that he had not legally signed as a professional for Burnley, but has a gentleman's agreement to play for them next season if he was able tn return to England.- Reuter J. Davies (Neath A.C wins the ©nen one-mile scratch
      Reuter  -  60 words
    • 382 7  -  Vernon Morgan By LONDON, Mon. AFTER their performance m the first Test match against the Indian tourists, England have every reason to believe that they will put up a good fight against the Australians m the five Test matches 'down under' m the coming winter. Several
      Reuter  -  382 words
    • 156 7 at all sure they might not have won or at ieast drawn had they adopted "win at all cost tactics." But the outcome was that the spectators were given a real treat and a perfect example of playing the game for its own sake. Were
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    • 65 7 LONDON, Sun. THE Maharajah Gaekwar of Baroda Ift n-oydon airport today air on the first stage of his joirney to Geneva. With him was the Maharani, their 18 months-old son, Prince Rayo. his nurse and a party of i 2 The Maharajah had nothing to say
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    • 374 7 RIFLE ASSN. HOLDS FIRST SHOOT AFTER a lapse of about hOT years the Singapore RiMe Association, the oldest rifle association m Malaya established m the year 1878, held its opening shoot at the Maiidai Road Rifle Range On Surday. The shoot was scheduled :o start at, 8.30 a.m. but as
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    • 111 7 PARIS. Suu O R. SCHMITT'S Souveram wm J tne Grand Prix De Paris t'.i< afternoon from M F Boyr^t-'i Prince Chevalier wUL M T -rC Baroi:s Pirf.te th:ri Ihe riist two inisheti so sjf to^otlier that a pnjiograph le Mn wa.<- necessary to decide v
      Reuter  -  111 words
    • 181 7 LONDON, Mon. A special tit-bit of this week's racing is likely to be the Princess of Wales Stakes ran over one and a half miles at Newmarket The Epsom Derby winner, the prey colt Airborne, makes his reappearance after missing the Ascot and Mill take
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
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    • 467 7 BOUSTEAD&Co. 9 Ld. TEL 5161-2 LLOYDS AGENTS GLEN LIKE GietMde fo. I'JL In Part SamsHte from I R Due Jul> 7 Prometheuf from UK O»r Jul> 13 hiwntin ««tf cmrzm *r«vpifß to OJL Honsiionf and as ■pp»rf mitt* olln BURNS PHILP LINE Rbexenor traai Austral a G 4 5 Dct*b
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    • Article, Illustration
      48 8 In a «uiet Thames back tater r.ear C heyne-ualk. Chelsea, rest the Pride of Ipswich ani other l«ar s es. It is a scene that recalls a bv?one. less busy London but m the background the cn.mneys of Lots-road Power Sta ion brinjj you back to r?alU>.
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    • 109 8 DI'SSIA has been blam?d for the worst mass atrocity of the war the cold-blooded murder of 11,000 Polish officers and m«»n m Katvn Forest near Smolensk— by olonel Friedrich Ahrens. Commandant of a Signal Regiment based near the woods, reports l P from Nuremburr. Colonel
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    • 183 8 4 MURDERS KEEP YARD BUSY nr-rvrr LONDON. Mon. CCOTLAND Yard had one of its v busiest and intensive weekends for itwil months^ J tiret of its chief .nspe.-tors w»re m the provinces, and London < ases kerJt the oth^r Yarj men busy. Chief Inspector W. Ta-r U invest gating
      Reuter  -  183 words
    • 26 8 President Truman signature 'he increased pay bill lor »;rvicmen means approximately >0 .000.000 more m their July pay **>*•. says AP. trom Washing-
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    • 407 8 FIVE COUNTIES WIN IN TWO DAYS LONDON, Mon. NO less than five of the County matches finished today after two-days' play, the winners being Somerset, Worcester, Kent, Yorkshire and Middlesex. By their latest win, Yorks are now only 12 points behind the leaders, Lancashire, and have a game m hand.
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    • 194 8 WARSAW, Mon. AI'TBRKAKS of violence were reported throughout Poland U today M the first results of the Polish referenrium were announced. The only death so far reported, however, was the murder of a woman teacher who headed the voting commission m Lozma. Seventy-nine per cent, of
      UP; A.P.  -  194 words
    • 271 8 Continued from pagp one> the Prime Minister, that H If. Government will not tolerate auv 1 attempts by any party to influence the decision on Palestine by force." Mr. Attlee said the Govern- ment intended to persevere with their attempts to reach a settlement on lines q/ the report
      Reuter; UP; A.P.  -  271 words
    • 36 8 Koenigsber:*. formerly the capital of East Pmssia. and now under Soviet rule, is to be renamed Kaliningrad, m memory of the late* Kalinin of the Soviet Union, says Reufer from Moscow.
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    • 79 8 DURHAM Mon UOTORISED cattle rustlers the police believe a lorry was used got away with five Friesian rattle worth £500 from a field at East Rainton near Durham. Descriptions of the animals have been circulated by the National Fanners 1 Union, and farmers, cattle dealers and auctioneers have been
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    • 122 8 FAR EAST HARVEST NOT GOOD' THE Far East prospects for the 1946-1947 harvest is generally not too bright according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, says U.P. from Washington. The southern China dry weather delayed the planting of the summer rice crop and m southern India the rains had not
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    • 91 8 The police fear the cattle rustlers are working with the blackmarket, -it would be an easy matter to kill the cattle m some unlicensed slaughter-house and dispose of the meat on the blackmarket, 1 said a farmer. The stolen cattle were grazin* m a field. The gate was padlocked,
      Reuter  -  91 words
    • 381 8 LIVERPOOL, Mon. k crowd of 10.000 enjoyed a day of bowling successes here today m the second day of the match between the Indians and Lancashrie. The Indians started the day well by dismssing three Lancashire batsmen for one run, and eventually dismissing the
      Reuter  -  381 words
    • 41 8 The American owned Shanghai Evening Post and Mercury charges that large funds m the hands of the German Embassy and other official Reich agencies m China disappeared after Germany's surrender, says A. P. from Shanghai
      41 words
    • 28 8 The Singapore Swimming Club 7- oc f.upied by N. A. A. F.I since the liberation-was derequisitioned yesterday and will be open to members on Sunday
      28 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 225 8 1.30 4 6.30 9.30 B HE'S BACK AGAIN BY PUBLIC DEMAND l"j% MSfßßi^^fiW hpW f^ A v^SPjflKlß^^Hß'^^^ '-^fl H i.l e^^^^^hl k s-?Z* V**Al- RP^^^^^ HPNMHI NEXT CHANGE Z THURSDAY A NEW MASTKRPIK I JAMES HILTON Hall Of F vm* Picture W.ll Ui n a i \n\ Place Among Your
      225 words