The Singapore Free Press, 1 July 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 160 1 SINGAPORE Police swooped on underground haunts m Singapore s growing criminal world during the week-end. mm! k a wide round up arrested 21 Chinese, nine of whom arc suspected of being gunmen and gangsters. This uas the first determined step taken by the fwce
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  • 46 1 Pope Pius m a broadcast yesterday said a "reign of discord Is spreading through the world afflicting nations and, sowing hatred among brothers. The Pope was addressing a radio messag-e to the National Eucharistic Congress, sitting at Isucre. Bolivia, UP
    UP  -  46 words
  • 100 1 FE United States delegation spokesman said that United States will support a full hearing for Siam before the Security Council on the border dispute with French Indo-China and will bad* Siam's application iox United Nations membership, reports A. P. from New York. The Siamese
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  • 14 1 |J*J ?e yesterday appointed ?l. c B ho D of TaebCaj»o. UP
    UP  -  14 words
  • 1012 1 ATOM-BOMB FAILSTO SINK SHIPS 5 Target Vessels On Fire: 60,000-Foot Pall FIA3H FLASH FLA3I ASQWC BOMB CROPPED Bacon, July I (UF}~-3fc» atott bp»b wai d*opp#d, 3ECOBD PIASB Bikini Ugoon disappeared In a cloud of wnofco. -Wlttffi PKES3 Aboard a Press-Radio observation plane over BIKINI, Mon. THE fourth atom bomb ever
    A.P.; UP  -  1,012 words
  • Article, Illustration
    13 1 V* nz for an Admiral. Pic-t-rt sbuws Lord Louis Mountain, at CUibrUgi I'niversity.
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  • 94 1 LONDON. Sun. IN Air Ministry meteorologist. who kept a close watch on their instruments during the critical minutes after the explosion of the atomic bomb at Bikini Atoll, reported it failed to register on any of them, but the seismograph at West Bromwich station m the
    U.P.  -  94 words
  • 81 1 "This is the day for which we have worked, prayed and waited for four months,'" writes Major Woodrow P. Swancutt, pilot of the Atomic bomber '•Superstitious none of us is, but some of us have good luck pieces. Mine is a dirty old towel I've carried
    A.P.  -  81 words
  • 165 1 Troops swoop on terrorists JERUSALEM, Sun. MACHINEGUN posts, manned by men of the Royal Lister Rifles, are today covering all approaches to the headquarters of the Jewish Agency raided at dawn yesterday m the largest ever drive to break-up Jewish terrorist gangs. Inside the palatial white building, British troops are
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  • 118 1 2 Missing In Yacht At S'pore DRIGADIER H. F. Anderson D and Capt. J. G. Hill have been reported missing since 3 p.m. yesterday when they left the Royal Singapore Yacht Club m a 16-ioot gunter rigged dingy. Singapore Marine police and Port authorities who were informed at about 9
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  • 126 1 The first Arab reaction to the British drive is lukewarm. The Director of the Arab Office m Jerusalem, Achmed Shukeiri, told the Press today: "We do not intend to express our rejoicing at ye'stemay's operations." In London, the statement which Prof. Brodetsky, President of the Board of Deputies
    Reuter  -  126 words
  • 120 1 PORT SAID, Sun. THE British liner City of Hong- kong (9.606 tons) bound for the United Kingdom from India with more than 250 passengtis collided early today, after leaving Port Said, the 10.000-ton British cargo shiD RipLngham Grange carrying a cargo of meat from Argentina. The
    Reuter  -  120 words
  • 92 1 SARAWAK joins the British Empire today. At the official cession ceremony held at Kuching, Mr. Malcolm Mac Donald. Governor General of the Malayan Union, opened his speech m Malay. After giving: a personal message from the King and a message from the Secretary of State for the
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  • Article, Illustration
    63 1 After two years atom-experi-menting m Canada, Professor John D. Cockcroft, pictured above with his five children, is back m England to take charge of the Didcot research station. "American industrialists exnect solid signs of the commercial use of atomic energy within five years," said Professor Cockcroft "but at
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  • 99 1 CYCLE RACE STARTS RIOT AMBUSH TRIESTE, Sun. DISORDERS are gong on m Trieste following the ambushing of cyclists taking part m a tour of Italy at Pieris, 20 miles lrom Trieste. Four cyclists were injured by stones and a policeman suffered a bullet wound. In Trieste Italians started reprisals, wrecking
    Reuter; A.P.  -  99 words
  • 114 1 A LARGE percentage of Poland's 11,000.000 voters polled early today on the country's threepoint referendum The referendum will decide whether Poland shall have a permanent parliament with one cr two chambers, whether Poles approve of the industrial nationalisation and land reform, and whether they approve of
    UP  -  114 words
  • 39 1 An official UNRRA spokesman m Berlin said yesterday that the growing influx of Poles into the American occupation zone of Germany is expected soon to reach the rate of 16,000 monthly, according to A. P. from Berlin.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

    • 425 2  -  FRANCIS BYRNE By ANYONE who surveyed England to find ground suitable for racing horse* would be attracted by Uie open heaths at Salisbury Plain, Epsom, Malton and Miadleham m Yorkshire, and Newmarket. Ideal ground condit ons on rhich to gallop thoroughbreds are obtained m a plain
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    • 1058 2  -  Mac NAIR REID The Scottish Highlands have had a By for 33 years At a time when Britain is contemplating a State Medical Service, it is interesting to know that a similar service m miniature has been opera ing with great success m the Scottish Highlands for
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    • 155 2 THE unimpressive 5-pfennig stamp, one of the new series designed for all Germany, reproduced here is a poor thing compared with the Britain s victory stamps. There Ls a reason for its modesty. Its design, was selected from hundreds because it contains no motif to ofTend
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    • Article, Illustration
      26 2 ioda. Pin-Lp: Attiacl ve Aiu» .al n < at; j«ianston. Her first bij break ii British films is in t mem Ir.dividn! Picture^ production "Ti.e Rake's Pro«
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 51 2 m3ilS9r2K6 Exclusive m Malaya to the Singapore Free Press Mandrake waits for g*. Alamdrake /s wATOiffO- C^: 7«£ we *vs /s j AiQiJc^r WAIT HERE, LOTHAR. I'LL BE ON THEj W| n=S -B U^ JH f«£ fOW |GOOO. CARRY CORNER. COME WHEN I SIGNAL- Kb J^ ffl f>- -7- MANDRAKE
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    • 244 2 W***VJJ"** VSCI&* mcs sec ID 4 A metrr oani RED XfclHOUk from mob to U 7.4S pm and 9 pm iMI a*. p.m. and oSO to 11 p m on 225 «o 4.78 me% we m 61 n*rt Mai netres from bood u> 2 yen oo 4.825 MALAY WKM Ml
      244 words

    • 201 3 KEEN anatomy students check points with each other as they 4 *run over" an animal skeleton. Below, a class studios electricity and ma^elism. hlkL J? ...,-vrc Medical College has re-opened. In 1 the laboratories, which the Japanese turned into I factory. Euras'an. Malay,
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  • 450 4 The Singapore Free Press MONDAY, JULY 1, 1946. EVEN the most anti militarist ivillan m Singapore must adirit after seeing the Free Ft\?ss pictures and news stcry of the new camns outside tne town area that the army is now making a real effort to get the officers and men
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    • 1055 4 The Man Who Came Back' Answered MAJOR X, m his articles m the Free Press, lias made some bad and misleading remarks about Home. Yes, Major, Home it will always be to us. You say you couldn't live on £500 a year. How
      1,055 words
    • 393 4 WOT NO SEX? Blonde, vlvaious British ac ress Vtgry Cummins vehemently denies she lost £he heroine's part m "Forever Amber" at Hollywood because she was not sexy enoush. "Say it was my lack of experienc?, say it was the colour of my eyes, say it was a
      393 words
    • 104 4 One of the many social headaches m ltal> m what to do with the thousands of children the various tities. In Rome. "Re-education < established anJ these assist some 3 too i) r > da* Too picture shows an enthusiastic audirn children at a theatrical perform ance
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    • 345 4 THE United Stales \*ill grant full political independence to the Philippine Islands on Thursday, thus completing an American experiment m colonization which bogan with the Spanish-American War m I£>9B. The act will occur on the 170 th anniversary of America's own indep nuence. The UJS. is
      345 words
    • 24 4 Th* millio compl?U>d it factory m B graphed by assisted m car was pi Museum. The ballot fcr t'.. Bernard D( drive.
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    • 36 4 QUiZ 1. Does NM pertoire oi ths J 2. II Pur:. d a peaccck 3 What v.. ket full ol' 4. nil this hcoupons 5. Only spelt v cous. vi r v Ansucrs or. P»* c
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 53 4 Be sure your t>«.:> ajc luuctiouuig r.oi-ma.iy have them ex«jruned bert tomorrow. Glasses will be recomfr^rdod only If necessary. DAH SIM OPTICAL MOUSE 3*5 North Bridge Road. S pore. Proprietor— P S DZING. O.D. Former General Manager of NAN SIN OPTICAL HOUSE Singapore and Kuala Lumpur. Supplier to THOMPSON
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    • 18 4 FAITH j Righteousness exalteth a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people. Proverbs, 14. 34. j
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    • 277 5 TALKS ON S'PORE FISHERY EXPANSION DFree Press Reporter ISCUSSIONS on the lines Government's policy toward the rehabilitation and expansion of the Jishin" industry Singapore should take, and on the future ol £t, SC <? /?T merly run the Fish ri es Department on feast Coast Road are expected to influence
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    • 79 5 SWJAPOBE nUFFK CODE w sa jj ai m OBEY TRAFFIC RCL£$ m p »tj^ h Singapore Traffic (ode has been issued by the Road Transport Depart m?»nt with the obieet of educating motorists. Instructions, printed m four lang a^es. En-lish. C* i-ese, Tamil and tewi, are s mple
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    • 119 5 ss Correspondent PLiN'AiNG, Mon. G. waterfront urchins p down on unpro>es and decamp only have made a sizable titatc one of the main the prevailing high rted goods, accord- traders. eases, it is revealed. BH r.ey" has to De loaders so as to enthe coeds are not
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    • 112 5 toll W. A. M. Watts acting Municipal Secretary, has been appointed to the post of Registrar of Vehicles, Singapore Mr. Leong Yee Soo. first cl^rk of the Municipal Secretariat, has been promoted to the post of chief clerk of the Secretariat a special grade, appointment Other promotions
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    • 71 5 THE Malayan contingent to the 1 London Victory Parade left England on the Cunard liner Mauretania on Jure 2G Rod after a journey via the Suez is expected here m the second half of July. Before they left received a farewell message from the Secretary of State
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    • 277 5 t'xesathrc Committee of the Civil Defence and -er.tial Services is to meet m Singapore shortly ler to discuss the future course of action to be I v numbers of these Services m view of the rem lent by the Government on the arrears
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    • 73 5 Presa Correspondent In an inquiry thf coroner. Mr. I w nUct cf murv.—i Chinese w*a I Kirn Scoi vmi house m Green I 10 •her of the dead court how a :1 at the hous? V I having a meal loft ami round hi* lon th^n
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    • 34 5 Hospital Ships To Evacuate French b hospital snips, the <">ra and Gerasalemme to be employed m the of French children of French ex.rac-Indo-CMaa. hins are now on to Hmoi where alto- 1.200 chiliren will
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    • 96 5 Free Prc^s Corr:sDordent KUALA LUMPUR. Sun. THE Junior Civil Services Association of Kurla Lumpur i- as rece ved a request signed by its members to conven- a ma«s me 3 tir<* to nass a resolu ion of protest a~a n?t the recommendations of the Cos: of
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    • 326 5 War Claims IMMEDIATE PAYMENTS URGED Free Press Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. CAILURE by Government to pay out war risks goods insurlance, which was compulsory {insurance, is causing a great j deal of resentment throughout Malaya, declared Mr. S. B. Palmer, at today's meeting oi the Malayan Union Advisory Council meeting.
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    • 36 5 AT C-IN-C'S PARTY Major Durrani, holder of the George Cross, talking; to lord Pethwiok Laurence, a member of the British Cabinet Mission to India, at a party {riven by field Marshal Sir Claude Auchinl?ck, C.-in-C. India.
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    • 60 5 Free Press Correspndent PENANG. Sat. THREE Chinese alleged to be members of the "Dig Three," a certain Perafc society have been arrested m Penang. The police on searching them found a letter demanding a 'loan' of $4,000 from a local merchant failing which, the note
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    • 110 5 POUR Singapore Chinese fami--1 lies were rendered homeless yesterday as a result of a fire which destroyed a wood and corrugated iron building and pan y burnt a brick structure m Serangoon Rof.d, avshort 1 stance from the Serangoon Road entrance to the New World Park Called
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    • 71 5 THREE American films to go the rounds of schools, associations, and pi 'ie cinemas m Malaya soon, we.o shown to a small audience yesterday by the United States Information Service m Singapore. One dealt with the fas -inating life story of a jeep A second was
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    • 48 5 From Our Own Correspondent FENANG. Sunday —The police are investigating the loss of nine slabs of tin fcund missing from the works of the Eastern Smelting Company yesterday. The thieves, it is believed. entered through a side door the lock of which had been removed.
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    • 227 5 KUALA LUMPUR, Sat. IT will take up to three years to restore the pre-war conditions of electricity throughout Malaya, despite the fact that supplies of electrical materials and equipment are starting to arrive and the position will imDrove proTessfrely, acr^ r din^ to Mr. F.
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    • 224 5 Free Press Correspondent PEXANG, Men. WITH the collection of evidence and other necessary investigations nearing completion, Penang's war crimes trials will soon open as several leading Jap suspects are sent back from Japan to answer charges here. Amcng the batch of suspects expected to return
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    • 229 5 Nawab Honours George Cross Holder Free Press Correspndent* THE Alhilal Palace, summer re- sort o: His Highness the Nawab of Eahawalou*- State, m the Kangra Valley <Puniab>. was the venue of a function m honour of Major Mahooj Khan Dv rani who was recently awarded the George Cross for "conspicuous
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  • Page 5 Advertisements

    • Article, Illustration
      24 6 lie GctaHMl i* copies I'ar the German people didn't get. arrives m Oxford-?* reet, London, for the "Ger,,,anv I'nder Control exhibition.
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    • 53 6 Students were ofTered copies of forthcoming examination papers at 30s. each m Paris so the education authori ios hay? postponed the matriculation examinations. Hundreds of eon es were circulating m the cafes of the Latin quarter. Studen's demonstrated m prot p st because rhe
      53 words
    • 155 6 \JjiTHIN a few hours ct" the town Council's decision to spend £250,000 on a new sea wall, workmen began a racj against time to save 150 houses, a herring industry plant and tne fM works from beir.^ engulfed by the North Sea. The
      155 words
    • 54 6 OHAMELESS half naked hus- sies; I'd horsewhio the lot of them." was the verdict on the modern girl by Mrs. Ann Matilda Martin, of (lifTordßardens. Kensal Rise, on her 101 st bi-thdpy recently. She is -irou 1 of being a Londoner, aud prouder still that she staved
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    • 90 6 The Mayor of Lymington (Hants) has got his .£'2oo chain of office back— after a U.S. sergeant, who bought it from a man for £2, had read that it had been stolen A raggedly-dressed man offered it to him at Southampton, and the sergeant
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    • 425 6 MONTY'S 'FRED KARNO' DOUBLE DUPED NAZIS LT. M. CLIFTON-JAMES, the man who deceived the Germans into thinking he was Field-Marshal Montgomery, has been demobilised from the Royal Army Pay Corps. His home is m North Avenue, Leicester. It was a picture m the London News Chronicle that brought Mr. Clifton-James
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    • 137 6 EIGHT LEAVE CLUBS TO CLOSE DOWN rmeet "urgent housing requirements of Servicemen's families," the War Office has decided to down eight London leave hostels for Service people. And hostel officials who say their accommodation is filled to capacity every week-end— though beds are vacant during the week —are angry
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    • 141 6 TEACHERS BAN 'SAFETY' LESSON Complaint that teacccr* were preventing police officers from giving road-safety iectu'es m schools was made at a meet- ing of the Herefordshire Joint Committee for Road i3ai. ;v at Hereford. The Deputy Chief Constaole, Chief Inspector Wheatl?y, said he gave two lectures and then the series
      141 words
    • 21 6 A "silent" vacuum cleaner which will not ii erf eve frith radio is to be exhib ted at Blvlcpool
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    • 12 6 QUIZ Answers 1. Dittvbox. 2, Proud 3 Ry? 4, Dp, 5. Veto
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    • 145 6 POLE HAD 103 WATCHES LEwt-3 < Sussex*, Fri. I PoLsh officer, sent to prison for four months at Lewes after having pleaded guilty to fraudulently attempting to evade Customs duty on 103 watches when he lancied at New Haven, said he had invested half-a-mill on francs his lite savings m
      Reuter  -  145 words
    • 200 6 CUTTING m his prison cell, composing poetry about the O bombers roaring overhead. Walter Richards had no ide i that some of them were carrying men equipped with si reblowing apparatus he had invented. His apparatus weitfimg loss than a couple of pounds and causing
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    • Article, Illustration
      9 6 Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press in Malaya
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 210 6 Famous A. V. M. Product FAMOUS l-LAVODK— cmooth. full. rich, delicious, gives extra fragrance bouquet. CHAEACTEB from choice tea leaves. ECONOMICAL— you use less "Durbar" per cvp it's so rich In flavour. A. V. M. Abul Ka»im Brot. 79. Choon Gnan St.. S pore. Phone 447$ StorkHts: CHIUA FRANCIS CO.
      210 words
    • 88 6 ALHAMBRa 5 BIG SHOWS I>\UV 11— 1.30— 1— 6.3U— p' BOOK NOW!! Tel: i,!*| CALORICS' IT'S THE TFII\(. n, KUT OVFR! ITS THE THING To < KWf for: WHAT DID FILM CRITICS SAY' "BRISG OH T«IE BitlS!" WCt TUNEFUL 'n' TERfiIUC! jl^k^^^ Supportei b% tai h.uhin; IVaut> FVatut. The IW<
      88 words

    • 337 7  -  VERNON MORGAN By LONDON, Sun. iTK I t^ur fights between leading American heavy--1 Al ht> and British boxers and two world champion^ i bouts m London between September and Per* this year was the programme outlined by lack Solomons when he returned to London bm Sew
      Reuter  -  337 words
    • Article, Illustration
      22 7 Alan Paterson. the GlM<Wt bo Mtl up a new hish lump British record. He is here seen c caring 6ft. 5'^in.
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    • 195 7 MELBOURNE, Sat. (Hy Mervyn Williams, Boxing Editor Sporting Globe) I/1D PANCHO, featherweight champion of Malaya, made a great impression at the Melbourne Sfadium to-night when he outpointed Billy Alexander, featherweight champion of Victoria, over 12 rounds. It was a hard, gruelling fight from the first round. Pancho,
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    • 185 7 TEDDY Lee outpointed Som Pong m a thrilling ten-round fisht at the Happy World Stadium last night. Som Pong, using all his experience and ringcraft. weathered an early storm after he had been sent down by a left jab for a count of seven m the
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    • 33 7 NEW YORK, Sat. WILLIAM WOODWARD'S nily, Bonnie Beryl, beat five colts to win of $50,000 Empire City Stakes, h'ttin* the wire rmlf a length ahead of the favourite Natchez, A.P.
      A.P.  -  33 words
    • 74 7 rpHE Chinese Swimming CJub beat the United Services Itom In a friendly game of table tennir by seven games to ml The results were: Chua Kirn Hearn beat N. Choularton 3-0; Chan Poh Ylns beat H. Ekstein 3-0; Chan Kwok Ming beat J. Page 3-0; Wong Tonj Goon
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    • 256 7 KEEPING the ball low and adopting short passing tactics, which suited the sodden ground, the Malays beat ALFSEA by three goals to one at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday. Organised for the benefit of the Singapore Welfare Fund, the game produced fast and keen soccer ALPSEA set the
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    • 439 7 Wimbledon Championsh ips WIMBLEDON, Sat. THERE was a half-mile queue from the gates when opened 1 two hours before play began and all means of transport were taking more onlookers to the famous arena. Queen Mary arrived and took the seat she usually occupied and
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    • 394 7 County Cricket LONDON, Sat. THE outstanding feature or County cricket matches starting to-day was the unbeaten first wicket partnership of 235 runs by Essex at the Oval. The batsmen concerned m it are Avery, who has so far scored 140, and Dodds, who has got 83. Surrey
      Reuter  -  394 words
    • 81 7 THE Naval Base Asian's Sports Club beat the Johore Police by three goals to two m a friendly soccer match played at the dockyard on Saturday. Kimie and Aziz gave the Johore Police the lead m the first hall when they led by two goals to one.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 109 7 20 415 tmQ H I lI II V M M> '^^d^ c House for Comfort Every Seat An Arm Chair Air Conditioned LAST 5 SHOWS TODAY! So unu-ual! so delightful different! Cathay always you the best. AH Singapore is singing the heart throb lilting melodies Sung by Lovely Dt..nn;i. DEANNA
      109 words
    • 439 7 BOUSTEAD&Co.,Ld. rEL 5161-2 LLOYDS AGENTS GLEN LINE Glenogl* far CJL In Part Samsrtte from I ft. Doe Jul> 7 Promethean fraa UK Hot July 1| tTmmemgen canrc ae©t» plea u» UK Hoivrfc«nf and Shauha* ■ppTtanlUo offei BURNS PHILP LINE Kbezeaor fraaa Austral a G. 4/f^ !>aj!inr* far Sydney Carrytnt aaanencen
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    • Article, Illustration
      8 8 All that is left of Bridgnorth Castle.
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    • 361 8 BIG 4 NEAR AGREEMENT ON PEACE TALK PARIS, Sun. WHEN the Big Four Foreign Ministers' conference meets again tomorrow it is expected that rapid agreement will be reached on calling the full peace conference of 21 powers, writes Sylvain Mangeot, Reuter's diplomatic correspondent. This turn to the fortunes of the
      Reuter; A.P.  -  361 words
    • 335 8 SECOND TEST TRIAL TEAM SELECTED LONDON. Sun. TOR the second Test trial match of the season to be played at Canterbury on July 10 to 12 the following England eleven has been chosen: N. W. Yardley, Captain. Yorkshire, L. Hutton. Yorkshire. C. Washbrook. J. T. Ikin, Lancashire, J. HardstatT, W.
      Reuter  -  335 words
    • 178 8 China 'Peace' SHANGHAI, Sun. THE Central News Agency reported from Tsingtao that the Communists m 10 or more junks had attempted a landing on the outskirts of the city but were beaten off by Nationalist troops. Large-scale Communist movements were seen m North and Central China,
      UP  -  178 words
    • 58 8 Marshal Mac Duffle, chief of UNRRA m the Ukraine said that he had resigned his job as a protest against U.S. action m cutting off UNRRA funds for Russian and other countries accused of restriction of the activities of American correspondents seeking information on how
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    • 148 8 LONDON, Sun. MX. Donald Stewart, a London hotel proprietor, won the Greyhound Derby, over 525 yards last evening with "Monday's News, 1 which cost him only *135, at the White City Stadium. Monday's News, which broke well and was never headed, started at s—l beating Lilac Luck,
      Reuter  -  148 words
    • 73 8 The British rationing of bread and other essentials is "indispensable at present, but may however be lifted very shortly," said Sir Wilfred Eady, leader of the British commercial and financial commission to Argentina, to pressmen on the airfield at Lisbon on Sunday. He described
      A.P.  -  73 words
    • 26 8 A Pravda dispatch from Kharbarovik reported that a scientific expedition has left to make a complete survey of the Kuriles islands.
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    • 89 8 POONA, Sun. GOD did not wish me to die/ Mahatma Gandhi said on Sunday night after his escape when his train was stopped by boulders on the rails, 68 miles from Poona. He said at his prayer meeting: "We came very near to death.
      A.P.  -  89 words
    • 188 8 GDYNIA. Poland, Sun. lUGS of cream, cakes, wines and J spirits, cherries, oranges and strawberries, unrationed butter, sugar and tea', plenty of clothes and furniture— these are the things a visitor to Poland linds m abundance m shop windows. But many of the people look thin
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    • 36 8 The Norwegian Central Bank and the Norges Bank of Oslo have arranged with a group of New York banks for a $16,000,000 (U.S.) revolving credit for three years, says A.P. from New York
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 190 8 4 Shows 1.30. 4, 6.30, 930 P)m> Eagle Lion Presents Noel Coward's "BRIEF ENCOUNTERwith Celia Johnson Trevor Howard OPENING TO TOMORROW Hes Back Again By Public Demand g fcj^tjß^l ■111 M* ll SENSATIONAL DRAMA /^S~fi~"-~" BEHIND THE SPANISH v PUDiffll civil war! \J*^IIUL; 11 am.— 2 p.m.— 4 15— C
      190 words