The Singapore Free Press, 29 June 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 103 1 TH: < :ap«ve> n.ost ton .> h-.'iuty spot overue>tern approachtkc :-Und— they »;sed to b*j m no- war da.v> t*iat "syce P'-~' was Sin»upor?se for i.ovp You' is Neing u-.aded kg th»* \rm>. Wm9 ;ire boildin- officers' mess huts *ce!> the ali rest house L*«ed
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  • 76 1 POLICE FIRE OIN CROWD BAGDAD, Fri. d .n the air to dismonstiattoo today workers and colmarched through oanners urging withdrawal of fi m Iraq and subPalestine problem ur.ty Council. '-ration was orderrcten arrived Usli Embassy when ured cars with The deseed after the «i killed and including a injured later
    Reuter  -  76 words
  • 57 1 PUR masked Chinese, three armed with pistols, robbed the occuoiers of a house m Kallang Road, Singapore, of $3,000 last night. A pedestrian was held up m a lonely stretch of Sembawang Road at 145 a.m. today by three Chinese, one of whom brandished a pistol.
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  • 202 1 Free Press Reporter WURSES, hospital attendants, doctors, and clerks, numbering about 80 persons, one-third of the Tan Tock Seng Hospital staff, will have to wait about a week before they get their June salaries. Reason is that the report on the robbery of $10,000
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  • 112 1 BREAD CUT CAUSES U.K. FLOUR RUSH LONDON, Fri. THOUSANDS of housewives today joined m a great flour rush In the wake of Britain's decision to ration bread, which the House of Commons agreed to debate next Wednesday. There is growing public belief m Dublin that very soon the rationing of
    Reuter; A.P.  -  112 words
  • 27 1 British mil-tary and German civilian police arrested 97 good time girls yesterday, m tne second round up this week, says AP from Henord, Germany.
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  • 288 1 Gap Closed Except In China Says Hoover OTTAWA, Fri. rX-President Herbert Hoover, who recently went on v a world food survey tour as President Truman's special representative, said m a statement prepared for broadcast at the invitation of the Canadian Government that mass starvation m the world
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  • 68 1 MONTREAL, Fri. TANADIAN grain officials empv tied Montreal's last grain elevator today when they loaded 310,000 bushels into the holds of the Greek cargo ship Aspasia Nomikas bound for India. It is doubt :d whether any more grain will be available for export before September.
    Reuter  -  68 words
  • 69 1 MADRID. Fri. THE Spenish Navy Ministry an--1 nunced today that the Spanish submarine C 4 sank alter a collision with the destroyer, Lepanto In waters near the Balearic Isands. Forty-six officers and seamen were lost. The accident occurred m the afternoon during manoeuvres of the second
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  • 175 1 PARIS, Fri. THE United States Secretary of State, Mr. James F. Byrnes, during a three-hour plenary session of the *'Big Four" Foreign Ministers this afternoon, gave notice that he would insist on a decision being reached tomorrow as to whether or not a 21-nation peace conference
    Reuter; A.P.  -  175 words
  • 120 1 Free Press Reporter A VIGOROUS and co-ordinated campaign to fight the Black Market m Singapore has been inaugurated by the Government. Mr. J. Hamer, the Food and Price Controller, Singapore, has been appointed Joint Executive and Co-ordinating Officer for this campaign. He will have
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  • 149 1 U.K. KEEPS POLES' GOLD UNLESS.... THE Polish Ambassador, Dr. Henryk Strasburger, has been formally notified, the Foreign Office spokesman stated tonight, that the British Government will not notify the agreement on the settlement of Polish war debts until it Is satisfied that Poland is fulfilling its obligations to hold free
    Reuter  -  149 words
  • 42 1 j The world's largest liner, the 83,000 tons "Queen Elizabeth" dressed at Southampton m her j new peace im* paint. Her I hull has been newly pai i d Hack. Her superstructure is whit» and the funnels, red and black.
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  • 99 1 ABOARD THE L T SS APPALACHIAN. F.i. THOUSANDS of arniy and na-.y men will start moving; out of Bikini lagoon tomorrow, as the first of ihe final steps be.'ore the wo-ld's fourth bomb li tested. The bomber carrying the atom bomb will make three te. t
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  • 137 1 HAMBURG. Fri. THE Germans were warned by 1 the Commander m Chief of the British Occupation Army, Lieut Gen Sir Richard McCreerv on Friday that "firm action" will be taken if there is any repetition of demonstrations such as that staged by a Hamburg crowd against
    A.P.  -  137 words
  • Page 1 Advertisements

    • 566 2  - How the RAF looks after its civilians H. GWENNAP-MOORE By Flight-Officer WHEN the Royal Air Force returned to Singapore and undertook the formidable task of restoring the airfields to normal conditions from tne chaos and devastation left by the Japanese, one of the first J necessities was to recruit local
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    • 1021 2  -  HOWARD CLEGG By An appreciation of Mackenzie King's leadership m peace and the stress of war r. Mackenzie King, still only m his 72nd yearhe is 17 days younger than Mr. Churchill has just entered upon his 20th year m office as Prime Minister of Canada.
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    • 174 2 DOBERT BENCHLEY, one of America's most versatile and well-loved humorists author, critic, and actor, died last November. He left behind a miscellany of Benchley stories. First the one about Bob Benchley coming out of a night club one evening during the war. Seeing a uniformed figure standing near
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 58 2 d hk TOMORROW NIGHT WL3 BOXING-HAPPY WORLD 8.45 P.M 'Jf Jf MR N L LIM PRESENTS TOE YEAR'S BIGGESI y^P^||^ BOX-OFFICE ATTRACTION <! '^^M^K IBDDY LEE jEJ^^^^^y^^ (BRITISH K.O. KING OF THE R. NAVY) I SOMPONG -i T] al*l^ ff^ Former 147 lbs. Champion Siamese K.O. Kinj %M [P TTODTIg^
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 656 2 tinea at 6 "»0 o m arri new? i3Bp m Calling all sportsmen. 9.30 Music SINGAPORE TO-NIGHT'S HIGHLIGHT Parade. 10 15 p.m. Four hands lo a a v harmony, 10.30 p.m. Radio newsreel. BED SKI WORK from 0000 lo .J* P: m r r Jg S e r S 10M
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  • 151 3 ROYAL SCOTS LIKE HERE Tents are springing up like mushrooms m Singapore's wide, open spaces. The Ist battalion of the Royal Sots 1 yes m this camp at Tycrsall. The ...iv has swun^j into act:on w^th its own soiu- j l accommodation problem m
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    • 450 4 The Singapore Free Press SATURDAY. JUNE 29, 1946. THE shape of things to corr.e m the post-war South East Asia is beginning to become apparent with the new authoritative bodies being set up 89 Singapore Mr Malcolm Ma.Donald, Governor General of the Malayan Union and Singapore— he has already created
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    • 1120 4 BY A SPECIAL CORRESPONDENT rEN Prince Phumiphtn Adunjej accepted the throne of Siam on the evening after his brother's tragic death, he became ruler of a country which, although it lost the war, had already wen the peace. Not only has Siam escaped
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    • 76 4 The word for which you are searching is made up of the letters vf two or three words :n the sentence, and a clue is given m the remain ng words. 1. I hold Olive for sustenance (10-letter word). 2. Most dice become homely (8- letter word). Stray pie
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    • 478 4 UNORTHODOX Admiral wno once wrote a letter to a newspaper— lt was about the result of the Derby— Sir Philip Vian wao one of the most decorated sea dogs m the London Victory parade. As CaDtaln or the Cossack Vian boarded the notorious Altmark m a Norwcfi-
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    • 399 4 THE Soviet Union has launched its fourth Five-Year Plan. The goal of this new Russ an industrialisation programme remains the same as it was m 1932, 1937 and 1940 the years m wh eh the first plans went uuu effect. The chairman ol the Slate
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    • 52 4 THERE wi^ 91 m sightseer n *iJ3 hated walkn wouldnt |e( any ol the cty? m xe&* When th< N^S ster Abbey «4* to budge. 1. bluntly what Migh Vw* were for Th< < d wn to h4 polished shoe* .M^l -I dont I I sue** 89*1 the
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    • 13 4 The desirr of the Jg, killeth hi^ refuse to i< ■B*BB*BBBBBI BB*^
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 85 5 N:OUCHI Hidaji, fcnner mmandant of the Allied PoW camp at KanSiam, was sentenced to v hanging at the conof his trial before a re War Crimes couit was charged with illCapt. W. M. Drower ..t to an underground ihettei to surfer sol.tary :er.t. He also ordered
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    • 123 5 AShnfcli, Korean guard on .a-Siam RaUaay conKr.own to PoWs as Jim.* was sentenced to .imprisonment by the War Crimes Court m Thursday for inbrutalities on British, ncan and Australians v under him. was a guard at Nakom j a base PoW hospi al i hoi
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    • 22 5 July 4. which is Impendence Day w'll rved as a holiday by the <"*-nsui?te-Oer.?ral and Ltc will be -losed on
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    • 821 5 l \ew Camps, Hospitals r? A*.* i~ FreC Press Corre spondent under way-at a ~J *£-f»g« which are now expected, clear the Army I*2- JLzSZS, doUars wiH v is the target date of October i re lu,si1 u,sit «>n«l premises by the S^i&WiM** h
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    • 46 5 The Free Press has received the London Gazette dated 23 May containing the latest Ist of the King's birthday honours Any one who is interes ed m seeing the list can do so if they call at the Free Press office. 140 —146 Cecil-street.
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    • 119 5 S.M.C. WANTS MORE UNOFFICIALS CINGAPORE Municipal Com- misslonors will ask Government to Increase the number of unofficial Commissioners on the Board. At the Commissioners' meeting yesterday, Mr. John Laycock suggested that this should be done not only to broaden the basis of represents ion but also reduce the strain on
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    • 21 5 A communion service will be held at the Union Jack Club tomorrow following the Welsh Service at 7 p.m.
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    • 36 5 When the field general cour*martial of Major F T. Metherell. R.E.M.E., was resumed yesterday, the defence counsel. Mr G. M. Coltart, made h s closing address. The prosecutor's address will be delivered on Monday.
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    • 191 5 MR. MALCOLM MACDONALD, the Governor-General arrived m Singapore yesterday. He will leave for Kuching tomorrow to attend the formal taking' over of Sarawak as a new colony m the Brit'sh Empire and the swearing m of the acting Governor of Sarawak, Mr. J. B. Archer. Today
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    • 33 5 GUESTS AT SPECIAL' PAVILION SHOW Picture. JVi ss Adia Vincent of Radio Ma'aya pictu-ed with I -> r d Killearn at a special showing of Seventh Veil" at the Pavilion Cinema. Army Film Unit
      Army Film Unit  -  33 words
    • 234 5 A Jap lieutenant who was stated to have beaten up PoWs when he was drunk, a Korean quartermastei who was charged w'th tne death of a British signalman, and v Jap medical sergeant who is alleged to have run away and refused to come
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    • 284 5 CINGAPORE is today a cleaner city than it was a few months ago. All centres at which refuse had been collected have been cleared up and a systematic attempt is being made to clean up the drains. Reporting on the steps which have been taken
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    • 145 5 IN sp.te ol public response to tho appeal to save water, consumption m Singapore must ie reduced by a further million gallons a day to preserve a m nimum margin of safety, said Mr. W. Bartley, Municipal nrp?ident, yesterday. At the Municipal meeting yesterday. Mr
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 82 5 "TtRAFiG BOELAN" "•puiar Mala* tone ON CCIUM*!A RECORDING v,v. Sung b MN, < VICTOR TOEING with "SWOT J\\\ ISLANDLRS"■»»i ian Orcbr^t'n PR 'CF 51.90 OKLY. OBTAINABLE AT *AN3 HENG CO., ■1 WO HBBJ Road Spore classified advertisements <* Smalls I r line Mm. Charge $4/-. Public Notices o*r single column
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    • 135 5 THE VANGUARDS OF DEMOCRACY IN THEIR GREATEST ADVENTURE, SUFFERING AND VICTORY I ANTON WALBROOK Remembered for hs mighty "MICHAEL STROG*»rF H "VICTORIA THE GREAT,' and 'SIXTY GLORIOIS YEARS.*' now gives the most brilliant performance of hi? distinguished car*^r open. TO-DAY s^-rr FIVE SHOWS DAILY If" Bl ITI I rf"l II
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    • 57 6 An adaptation of Daphne dv Manner's successful stage play, the film of "The Years Between" is the second production of Sydney Box's I'nit at Riverside Studios m London. The film contains flawless performances by Michael Redgrave as a r^turnei prisoner- of-war and Flora Robson as an 01.l
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    • 89 6 f&XIGABfI more than 10 y^ars I old will not b? allowed m th? streets of Torquay. The council made this de ision *r. refusing a hackney cirr aj,e li-cce for 1933 car. S-vd the Ministry of Transport or. t?e new age-test for taxicabs*'Locnl authorities have
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    • 66 6 Proposing the adoption of a report providing increased salary 5 -ales for Ceylon government emr,iovees Sir Oliver Goonetilleke. Financial Secretary said, "the rich c! Ceylon are the most lightly taxed "rich m the wirld. and if any crouD m the Island must stand last m the
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    • 80 6 A young man. unclothed, rushed from St. Stephen's Hospital. S.W., recently grabbed a bicycle, and started to race along the busy North End-road. After him chased a police constable and a retired policeman, Mr. Harry Rowland. The chase ended m a collision. Mr. Rowland's arm
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    • 31 6 So many towns have l*i>d. bus and tramcar fares that the executive council of the Municipal Passenger Transport Association to ask the Government to introduce a l^d. coin.
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    • 110 6 ATOMIC bombs, mothers-in-law. queues, controls and shortages are causing more nerve cases than Britain's wo^st blitz period, says a Birmingham nerve specialist. He says neurotic cases have Increased by almost 33 per cent, since the worst days of the blitz In 1940. "The lack cf
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    • 31 6 American Army authorities announce that Lt. Col. Max Koegel. former Nazi commander of Flosaenburg concentration camp, hanged himself m Nuremberg jail less than 24 hours after his cap-
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    • 188 6 AUSTRALIA WANTS 35.000 NEXT YEAR r! Australian Government plans to encourage 35,000 people to emigrate from continental Europe and Britain during 1947, and especially welcome will be building trade workers who can construct their own homes. Priority will be given to this class of worker, worker. The 35,000 migrants expected
      A.P.  -  188 words
    • 72 6 MR. J. Hugnes, of the East Midand Baptist Association, said at Leicester that he once asked a gathering of Sundayschool children how many of them had tasted beer. Of the 4G there, 29 put up their hands. The number would havj been grea r if some older cirls
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    • 184 6 PLASTIC CAR IS LIGHTER DETAILS have te_n put before British car manufacturers of a n American car made except for the engine and wheels of a fibre-glass plastic. The material is said to be stronger than steel, and weighs considerably less. There is no chassis. The floor of the car
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    • 71 6 A soldier fell on the main line at Darlington. Durham, as the London express drrw into the station. He was unhurt by the locomotive, but cauiht by a rear coach. He was taken to hospital, where his l^ft foot was amputated. Holidavmakers saw him fall. He is
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    • 49 6 Miss Madeleine Benaud claimed the new women's world record for gliding when she stayed for aloft twelve hours and 53 minutes m Southern France. The previous record was 23 minutes butfer set by two Russian women m 1939 says A. P. from Paris.
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    • 128 6 A WIFE told the Divorce Court that when her husband was captured m the Dieppe raid she found affectionate letters from mother weman among his pergonal belongings. The wife, Mrs. Helen Sybil Prior, of Flansham Cottage. Flansham, near Bognor, Sussex, was granted a decree nisi
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    • 55 6 'Ohs and 'ums' foil mechanical writer EXPERIMENTS with a mechanical Hansard writer have failed m the South African Parliament. The machine could not be regulated to change the speech of a member turning it into good English. It recorded all the "ers,' 4'ahs." and "urns" used by speakers while thinking:
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    • 151 6 HEADLEY DOWN (Hampshire) Fri. MILITARY police were showered with missiles from a prison roof, stated witness at today's hearing at a court-mar-tial here m which 19 soldiers are accused of joining m the riot at Aldershot Prison and detention barracks m February. Lieutenant-Colonel Acton, commander of the
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    • 13 6 1, Livelihood. 2. Domestic. 3, Asperity. 4, Damascene. 5, ?hvs que.
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    • 95 6 I 1.500 m.p.h. aero engine called "the flying stovepipe' has been successfully flown m a pilotless nlane, according to L T nited States Navy official m Washington. Originally designed for flying bombs, the engine resembles a long pipe, weighs only 701 b and develops between 2,000 and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 169 6 ESJJJEEp*^ TODAY 5 SHOWS 10.30 a.m., 130, 4, 6.30, 9.30 p. m Eagle -Lion Presents A Stirring Vivid Dramatic Hit! "NOEL COWARD SCORES AGAIN" f %9&? hr?^F* ft M TlP 1 mmmmJ^O M W^Ml^ziWm^'- CYRIL RAYMOND iPiSRBHHK^' 4!^ A N OEL COWARO-CINEGUtLO Pf?C EXCLUSIVE to the PAVILION Eagle-Lion's Technicolour "VICTORY
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 25 6 J ANE Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press m Malaya I mm^m\Xwm\\ \mmT^mmmm*9**^^ im^^Z-Mmm. ~"""**"^^4^Hv hl^PSra *> > bW^l^bVjl B^IL^I H L^Lf f i^^"^Tfc^^^Bß^^^^*^^ mm iM M*J
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    • 307 7 YORKS LANCS WIN AGAIN LONDON, Fri. RECOVERING well with typical grit from a big first innings deficit, Yorkshire scored a comfortable victory over Glamorgan by six wickets over Glamorgan at Sheffield today, but owed their success largely to a fine unbeaten innings of 99 by Len Hutton. Lancashire, leaders m
      Reuter  -  307 words
    • 118 7 THE finals of the Army Athletic Meeting (Singapore District) will be held at Jalan Besar stadium to-day. Maj.-Gen. L. H. Cox, G.0.C., Singapore District, will be the referee and Mrs. Cox will give away the prizes. The programme is: 2.30 p.m. 100 yards; 2.35 p.m. 880
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    • 52 7 THE BJS.C. XI will be* chosen from the following to play a friendly soccer match against an ALFSEA XI at Tanglin Barracks at 5.15 p.m. to-morrow M. A. Mecca, Leomard, Sahat, Rahim, Halim, Guan Chwee, Guan Kirn, Lembrugan. Omar, JafTar, Haron, Dollah Kechot, Eddie Barker, Alex Watts, Roland
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    • 514 7 WIMBLEDON, Fri. Iv Xi California, joint favourite for the men championship with Dinny Pails of Ausr>iabt ie fourtJl roun d» was surprisingly elimilr^ :> unseeded J. Drobny who won 2—6, id* *> 6 3. This was the second big ournament, Pancho Segura of Ecuador, r four, having fallen
      Reuter  -  514 words
    • 85 7 N •> it r match cd at Jalan ■MfMMi when 11 Association I Hq The !.i\ d m aid !>n„, and adv. ill be SI and \-off will be at ill be: \\y r A. Rahman ->aHeh: Taha: p. !':h -i" ll.irith: SharifT wjdon Gi .n Hali
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    • 62 7 ALO. Thurs. T v the 183 lb. urt boxer from i.tiy as a heavy- 91 th Joe Louis cained his 46th ts when he White of Newark the first round eree stopped the ccond time m two >;ared a first Bg his first public ppearar. since he
      U.P.  -  62 words
    • Article, Illustration
      50 7 C.F.D Sutton (Bel-rave Harriers) is snoon-fed by his wife with milk pudding 15 hours after the start of the -4-hour track walking race at the Wbite City Stadium on June 15. The race was won by Percy Re -.din- with a new record distance of 129 miles, 749 yards.
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    • 535 7 FOOTBALL league clubs have decided not only to reduce their minimum gate charge next season to Is. 3d but they have also undertaken to make a "reasonable proportion" of their accommodation for spectators available at that price, writes Graham Selkirk. They have thus reversed their previous
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    • 254 7 NORTHANTS LEAD THE INDIANS NORTHAMPTON, Fri. (JCORING 362, towards which 1 Timms made 107. Northampton secured the distinction today cf gaining a first innings lead against the Indians and also making the highest score by a County against the Indians. Merchant and Amarnath had merry knocks m India's second innings,
      Reuter  -  254 words
    • 77 7 ENTRIES are now upen tor tne AllSingapore table tennis championship of 1949, and the events are the inter-club league, men's singles, men's doubles, women's singles and mixed doubles. The inter-dub league event will be between teams of nve players together with two reserves. The p'tyert must be
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    • 192 7 THE final England trial and practice match m preparation for the services international Rugby series will take place at Seletar R.A.F. ground on Tuesday at 5 p.m. The first game, between England and Wales, will be played at Jalan Besar stadium on Saturday, July 6. The following
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 137 7 MARLBOROUGH Itffc 3 rsstal Shows: 3 4 9 2nd vnanh Week! JH O O L A a Hiadusu!.. Super-Super of it Rees! ytc than 2 Hours of Rap- Entertalnmextt! ~tt more y. you want this week end? **__>€ Lei_ chltrus ft Ashok Ku_nar P^P calls to deep ft lore beckons
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    • 414 7 BQUSTEAD&Co. f L.d. TEL 5161-2 LLOYDS AGENTS GLEN LINE Glenogle for U.K. In Port Sams?.te from I X Doe Jul> 7 Prometheus from U.K Doe July IS fassenger* *nd cargo acc-ptee so U.K Hongkong and Sh.i.tha as apportunitie* oOe. BURNS PHILP LINE Rhexenor from Australia G. 4/f Sailings tor Sydney
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    • 98 8 NUREMBERG. Fri UANS Fritzsche, f.oebbels* former deputy and last of Hitlers lieutenants to remain alive m Berlin to the fnd. told the war crimes court that Hitler committed suicide. A report was put out that Hhler died m battle. Fritzsce said, but he had personally prepared
      Reuter  -  98 words
    • 97 8 ASKED by the Australian War Crimes court yesterday to demonstrate how hard the Japanese could hit wi h a b?lt Lance Corporal Kaga Zenshi, a Japanese 2 uard at Rajburi. m Siam borrowed an Australian belt from the prosecuting officer. Capt Grant Ma:lntyre. He handled
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    • 100 8 TVERY person who was m Sinpore during the Japanese occunatlon and has not been revaccinated since should be rej vaccinated now. I This would be a wise precaution, said Mr. W. Bartley Municipal President replying to a suggestion by Mr. John Laycock I at the Commissioners' meeting yesterday,
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    • 59 8 As Alphonese Marchais, 84 uoi ci Ch n^ achelor sc hoolmaster of valet village was buried yesterday loudspeakers relaying his voice throughout the village invited mourners to drink 500 bottles of wine mi n h's c'eller says Reuter from Paris. y He had records of
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    • 396 8 M.P.s DEBATE BRITAIN'S NEW ARMY The- ak WESTMINSTER, Fri Hfc debate on Army estimates m the House of Commons «_„TS e "f d b Mr R Low < Cons Blackpool North) who muVnc 3 de c SlOn as shape of the Army was _Ts_*. ,ndec, ,0 n o he wcruiting
      Reuter  -  396 words
    • Article, Illustration
      19 8 i..a.> lastly a greystone pile m tne Sco tish barj.ial style, w „ere tne Queen spent her Childhood.
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    • 230 8 I case m which C.S.M. Stanley j n Robinson, attached to t N. A. A. F.I. was charged with causing hurt by a rash act was compounded before Mr. Paul r Storr m the Dis 4 ~ict Court yesterday. The accused was discharged. The complainant, an
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    • 88 8 ROME. Fri. 1 THE Constituent Assembly today I elected M. Enrico de Nicola as first President of the new Italian Republic. Former speaker m the Italian Parliament M. d\? Nicola is Drobably the most celebrated lawyer m Italy. He is graded as Jhe man who had to
      Reuter  -  88 words
    • 102 8 iWS r? Crce Nisi was Bunted m the Divorce Court recently to a woman doctor whose husband-.: m the Judges words— "had the S^to b ->g to the flat a woman whom his wife knew was his mistress/" s wnl? l^^ 0^ was given to the
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    • 35 8 th? arl Browder former head of Unite,, s?T niSt part y m t^ united States, arrived at New i af h er long vislt t° Moscow sTys A.? 0 detentlon ta Brital
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    • 317 8 THE Burma Legislative Bill giving universal suffrage m I Burma, which has already passed through all its stages m the House of Lords, was given its third reading without division m the House of Commons yesterday and now awaits the Royal consent. The main
      Reuter  -  317 words
    • 114 8 THF r, 0 TOKYO, Prl. THE newspaper Mainichi said today that Fleet Admiral ami Nagano, a defendant at hlwir crimes trials SSimSl the entire responsibility" for the fnTle e tter ta C H k H 0n *«1 H«£ m a letter addressed to Defence Counsel Hakhiro
      U.P.  -  114 words
    • 37 8 .inn" a written reply to a question by Major MacPherson Mr be GL fTr National DumS Mr. Geoffrey de Freitas UnderSecretary of state for Air said he advance promulgation show? gp-4r_B_g
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 84 8 conditioning Cathay marks Pgafe new Era m Singapore's world rov*l tm V ot f eS of the c ">*">a cult can now 2 "Pholstered luxury, air-conditioned comfort and expert service whilst enjoying the finest selections m FUmtc Pare and re! Tl~r~* V 7 seat is an arm ch «ir. Associated
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    • 201 8 (SCORES OF ENCORES! DELIRIoi s ru, Singapore's Beautiful Girls came to se< J EES: notes! Bring On The m l Sn ALHAMBRA -«v, BEST SOUND IN TOWN BOOK The Show Every Boy fc Bringing ||j. (li J* Supported by Special Bathing Beauty F, a tur, nMnonT midnight: wm« g he
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