The Singapore Free Press, 28 June 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 681 1 CHURCHILL ATTACK ON BREAD LONDON, Thurs. WHEN Food Minister John Strachey announced m the Commons today that bread and flour would be rationed m Britain from July 21, Mr. Winston Churchill, leader of the Opposition, described the Government decision as "one of the gravest announcements I have ever heard m
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  • 185 1 U.S. worried over Malayan controls WASHINGTON, Thurs. TH:: terable concern m United States official and 1 itL ten over the question of how long the I to maintain rigid exchange and trade canst S< me officials claim that such controls wUI beyond the period necessary tor emergency recovery. Although there
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  • 60 1 Labour. ked the r Ail m the hither a I en the I the R.A.F. dc Freitaa reII 'o:cn decid- m brancn rs will be rs forming an the a n condltiona of ucation Branch c of comii already and Army. atlona] serine shortly the
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  • 19 1 m groups. centrt a of popubuilt f> r married dm n and war r from London.
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  • 188 1 WHEAT PACT STOPPED BY U.S. 'PRESSURE WASHINGTON, Thurs. U.S. state Department pres- sure prevented Britain and Canada fiom s gning a twoyear wheat pact stabilizing prices which, to a wheat expert, would have been considerably lower than the U.S. price. A diplomatic source, said that the Department had not
    U.P.; A.P.  -  188 words
  • 141 1 WESTMINSTER, Thurs. ORD Jowitt, the Lord ChancelL lor, announced m the House of Lords the appointment of a committee to examine the pre sent system governing the aa ministratin of the law o' divorce and the nulhtv of marriage ID England and Wales. The committee of
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  • 183 1 Greece will get Dodecanese Is Big Four Agree PARIS, Thurs. THE bi^ four Foreign Ministers m conference m Paris this afternoon agreed to return the Dodecanese strategic group of islands off Turkey to Greece. They also accepted the French position on the French-Italian frontier question and agreed to the limitation
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  • 172 1 A SINGAPORE police constable was shot m the leg m the Rochore Canal Road area last night while chasing four Chinese. The police withheld fire as there was a crowd on the spot, and there was danger to bystanders. The four Chinese were m two trishas.
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  • 79 1 THE Government wa« again defeated m the House of Lords yesterday the third time m the present Parliament. The Conservatives who have a big majority m the upper chamber carried the motion criticising the Government's agricultural policy for its recent cut m feeding stuffs to animals
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  • 162 1 Free Press Reporter THE staff of the Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Singapore, unsuccessfully chased two Chinese this morning, m an effort to get back a bag containing about $10,000, —the pay of the hospital staff— which the two men had snatched from the cashier
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  • 106 1 BANGKOK. Thurs. ALL eyes m Siam centred today on the public hearing at the Ministry of Justice, where a commission of inquiry was trying to penetrate the cloud of mystery cloaking the death cf King Mahidol. Leaflets making direct accusations that the young king was murdered were
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  • 191 1 Free Press Correspondent LONDON. Iters. ADDITIONAL taxation nv.y be levied m Pt-nang m order that she may contribute an equal share to the general burden of taxation for the whole of the Malayan Un. n. "This matter is now und^r considerat on," said the Colonial
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

    • 1051 2 A Russian states Russia's case WHAT DOES THE SOVIET UNION WANT? This statement of the Russian point of view has been summarised from an unofficial answer to the question "What Does Russia Want?" written for the "New York Times Magazine" by Dayid Zaslavsky, of the staff ol Moscow's official Communist
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    • 364 2  - American ideas on publicity H. A. TOWERS By 1| N America there are few I people and few profession? which do not m some way use publicity or advertising. To the English eye this presents at first sight some rather amazing examples. For instan r it is difficult to conceive
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    • 546 2 RITCHIE C ALDER EXPLAINS I HAVE just been setting my watch by the most perfect clock m the world, a c. which would take 165 gain or oss a minute. Id other words, it is accurate to within a thousandth part of a
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 606 2 SINGAPORE TONIGHT'S HIGHLIGHTS p.m. Dance music. 9.45 p.m. Sports SLKI> sil WORM VTrT to 818 Turner I**oll. ■32 Radio J^P^ C 10 M 45 P m \.n Tlieatre 'SP*' 2 Vol aS *2^» /T?«^? Orchestra. 10 p.m. Paotce of Va- "-30, p.m. News. 11.40 p.m. From z pjn. and SM
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    • 137 3 Hats are more feminine. But will demobbed Wrens (right) go m for this Victorian bonnet of white ermine trimmed with black lace? parade? No. It's just the mode m North African desert and her way of telling you that she's unmarried. That's what the neck ring
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    • 433 4 The Singapore free Press FRIDAY, JUNE 28. 1946. THE recommendations ofl the Government-s!:o.»--scred Wages and Co>l cf Living Committee for the Malayan Union and Singapore will not encouryg? Government clerks v go out and buy a n?w house or a new motor ca"; ncr will the recomm ndations cause any
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    • 756 4  -  ALAN GARDNER Says PART and parcel with the general shortage of houses m England is the immense number of rent "rackets'* which have sprung up during the war. While houses are short m Singapore today, the shortage cannot be compared with existing conditions In England.
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    • 118 4 JJISMANTLED sea mines—British anc German are being put to a strange variety of uses along the south coast of Ireland. Hundreds of them drifted ashore during the war. It became customary for whoever reported a mine to get the casjig when the authorities had removed the
      A.P.  -  118 words
    • Letter
      • 126 4 MUCH publicity ha* been given to R.A.F. plan* for future camps m the U.K. and to Navy plans for better conditions aboard ship. What of the Army plans? The Army has been stopped by the Treasury from building camps, and for the next two or three
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    • 35 4 Five straightforward clues, the answers to which must begin with C. 1. Scottish broadsword. 2. Spaniel m Nottinghamshire. 3. This mouse has wings. 4. Cask-maker. 5. Guild of Shoe-makers. ra*t«w m m Page 6)
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    • 397 4 niCKENS FILMED. Cast being lined up for Britain t forthcoming picture of "Nicholas Nickleby," which goes into production at Ealing studios soon, includes 53 year old Sir Cedric Hardwieke just returned from the United States to take the part of Ralph Nickleby. Sir Cedric has been appearing
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    • 562 4 Blame Napoleon For Inc ome Tax RECENT announcements m the local press foreshadow the introduction ot income tax into Malaya very shortly. What are the causes responsible for the imposition of this tax? From a study of the history of income tax m UK it appears certain that wars are
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    • 12 4 The foolishness of man terve teth his way Proverbs, If, j.
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    • 187 4 King Plays Trombone, Writes Jazz By a Sr»< TriJb iv* I Print I to the til and mmi of a bois > than a ruler. Nearly 13 been spent from br; end 01 UK his country accompar:.f-d Siam a of the Swltzer'. with th* 1 At sft. 9 I taller
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    • 178 4  -  A. L. McINTYRE By THE i 1 of C: and ttet i of Malay Kronchonpatj sure to bt reduced I Britain as I men return hOOK on den* from Vari East. Many i -f they UMirlfi 'h* Or.ental etti take bw home. M;» local music
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    • 276 5 2.\p.c. More Than May Free Press Reporter Bring m Singapore this month has risen by about t *r cent over last month, according to official sti I omrared with 1941, it is about three and a half ..tcr. 100 as the cost of living m
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    • 101 5 I ..itached to H..M5. who were ei:argtheft of a wrist watch r tan Jalan Besar re yesterday described .perior officer, Lt. W. R.M., thus: D Taylor: "The worst I have seen among men." Arthur Morrall: 'Very worthy" Magistral*, Mr L. C. Goh, d ttafal to three months'
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    • 248 5 TH! ring passengers arrived .^apore yesterday o> from rremantle. I Aoel. Dr. OP. Allen. Mr H Arathoon, Mr il P. AxchW H. Avery Mr. K.L. S H. Bersu Mr. and Bkd\ Mrs i- F.. Biick. V: D B^oth. Mrs AD. Burt. rr!. Mr. N Chi vers.
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    • 140 5 Free Press Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR Thurs. LT.-GEN. Sir Frank Messervy, G.O.C. m C. Malaya Command, is leaving Kuala Lumpur tomorrow for a visit to England. He Will be away till September on leave and Will be attending a Wsl Office conference. His temporary successor is Maj
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    • 35 5 FRANKLIN GOES TO THE PICTURES rnor, Sir Franklin attended the Malayan of Eagle-Lion's produs- lth Veil," at the I night, with a party .dea Lord and Lady star-ing Ann Todd Mason, will be released soon.
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    • 35 5 RANGOON. Thurs.— An earthquake shock of some intensity was felt m Rangoon tonight. Tiie tremor lasted several seconds severely rocking hupe blocks of buildings. No casualties are so far reported. Reuter.
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    • 122 5 BAIL of $10,000 each m two sureties was granted at the conclusion of a preliminary inquiry before Mr. H. A. Forrer m the Seventh Police Court yesterday int legations of causing hurt against two Malay members of the pohce force. Sgt. -Major Hussein bin Ibrahim and Sgt.
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    • 60 5 The East and West Socle' y has resumed its weekly meetings m Sir»"anore. In future they will take place m the To?-H fat th* junction of Stamford Road and Beach Road> on Fridays at 8 n.m. At today's meeting a discussion on "Screrce and
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    • 241 5 rO officers attached to the oase workshop at the PoiO Giound gave evidence for the defence at th-- fiel' general courtmartial m Singapore yesterday of Major F T. Metherell, R.E.M.E.. who fa five charges of fraudulent conversion of certain materials removed from the site by a
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    • 21 5 The United States Army announced that 308,978 officers and men lost their lives against Germany and Japan, says U.P.
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    • 42 5 wee Admiral Sir Denis W. Boyd, the new C.-in-C. British Pacific Heet, inspects the Guard ol Honour and band of the Jaip-ir Guards, on Queen's Pier, Hon- Kong. He is accompanied hy Maj.-Gen. Fcsting, G.O.C Land Forces, Hong Kong.
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    • 275 5 A LOAN Bill authorising the Financial Secretary, Mr. Nelson Jones, to raise a sum not exceeding $50,000 1 00 by the issue, from time to time, of registered stock, was passed m Singapore Advisory Council yesterday. The Government of Singapore will float a loan
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    • 117 5 LONDON, Thurs. MR. Callaghan, (Labour, Cardiff,) asked the War Minister if Army Group 34 had yet left Singapore, and if it will be home for discharge within the period laid down. In a written reply, Mr. Lawson 5-ald: "I am afraid I cannot say definitely
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    • 58 5 Free Press Correspondent PENAN G.— Two Chinese youths, who were alleged to have used a water pistol to "collect loans" from locnl sav~o minufacturers fell into a police trap last evening as they entered a shop Loth were arrested but a few of their
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    • 45 5 Two Sepoys, Nai': Mukhand Lai and Ram Naresh. attached to HQ. ALFSEA Transport Coy. anpcared before Mr. L C Goh. the Second Magistrate, yesterday, charged with gang robbery m Chan^i Road on April 10 The case was postponed to July 4.
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    • 330 5 MALAYA'S public services will cost about $330,000,(K)0 lor the nine months from Apr. Ito Dec. 31, 1946. Singapore's part m this expenditure amounts to about $40, r 09.000, the rest being expenditure of the Malayan Union. A Bill which will come up before the Malayan
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 124 5 B^^^P^^ SEASON EXTENDED TODAY 4 SHOWS 1.30-4-6.30—9.30 p.m. Eagle -Lion Presen ts A Stirring Vivid Dramatic Hit! "NOEL COWARD SCORES AGAIN" -'v j .*m O 1/ w- M *L_ mmmmJJ Oti IS^^^B JE^9 ■'■s*~Mrs3jm\ rntLC ak AI laV bT bJ L^a^ -3E JOYCE CAREY Sy/^-^B \\w^ J^n/BSSLmmmS^::- CYRIL RAYMOND s
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    • Article, Illustration
      94 6 More than 800 of the 900 exhibits at the World's Invention Exposition m Chicago have be?n designed for the heme or the convenience and welfare of the average individual. The exposition is the first since 1939 and the inventors come from all walks of life. Proto-ra^h top |?f!
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    • 228 6 1 SHOP ASSISTANT who became a clergyman and found ft that as vicar of Ault HucknaH, Derbyshire, he had only 50s. a week on which to keep his wife and three children, stood m the dock at Derby Assizes. He was tho
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    • 43 6 All aircraft available m Britain *1r\ d C o France incl udin g German Ju 5Js. are being used to carry peaches and other soft fruit from the continent to Britain, and London" peach prices? have fallen •to one shilling each.
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    • 476 6 SECRET SOCIETIES BUSY AGAIN Free Press Reporter SECRET SOCIETIES, whick took over when the BritUh reoccupied Singapore are back m business again at 1 their old trade or robbery with violence and "protection" racketeering. Before the war the secret societies were exclusively Chinese but now Indians and Malays have joined
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    • 53 6 Damages totalling £7,000 with costs were awarded at the Durham Assizes against the Sunderland Corporation, to a former probationer nurse of Grindon Hall Sanatorium, Sunderland. The girl was severely burned m the Sanatorium when a film caught fire, and it was stated that the injuries might deprive
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    • 157 6 BANK staffs want a tiveday week but at present they have not even a 5 halfday week. At the annual conference In London recently of the Bank Officers' Guild (whose name is now changed to National Union of Bank Employees), Mr. Cook (Guildford) said:
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    • 63 6 Martin McNeely (29) of Chats-worth-street, Liverpool, a dock labourer who had been earning £16 weekly, was awarded £2,032 and costs at the Liverpool assizes when he claimed compensation for personal injuries against Sand Ballast Producing and Shipping Companies. McNeely received serious injuries when a bucket containing sand, which
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    • 25 6 Princess Elizabeth was erucst of honour at the Commandos Ball held at the Dorchester recently and danced until 2 a.m.
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    • 56 6 UARRiED twelve yeaxs, Mrs. lfl Helen Davis, of Philadelphia, U.S.A., is now seeing her husband for the first time, cables John Sampson. 'He's a handsome devil." says Mrs. Davis, who became blind seventeen years ago. Her si-'ht has been partially restore.! b y two on?rations. 'I never thought
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    • 25 6 Thp Northern Ireland Government's decision to fix a minimum marriage a^e of sixteen has been suspended by the Minister of Home A (fairs.
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    • 186 6 'Glasshouse 'riot: 7 9 on trial IJAMAGE amour.l U than £9.000 v at a court martial a tention camp j 19 soldiers are accu arising out of <■ Aldershot militarj detention barracks Ifctjfttaiing v well over a week 23 for the defence Q All are charged w.\. mutiny 'to resist
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    • 65 6 BBC STATION FOR E. ANGLIA The BBC. are to set up a new transmitter at Postwick. four miles east of Norwich, to provide, Improved radio reception for East Anglia. The new transmitter will renlace the present one m the Norwich area. There is no indication yet as to when the
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    • 29 6 Many of the the v I sportsmen who will a*:e:.. first post-war Olympic Garner .a London m 1943 will be ace dated m the R.A.F. denot. t'Xbridge.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 106 6 AMAZING COURAGE OF SEAMEN FIGHT HARDER AS FLAMES LEAP HIGHER HIGHER! A War-Time Story Stacked 000^ With Thrill.! TiP i 1 La.t Five Show. \LAI lIU L J 11i.8i.2p.8i.4.15,6 30,9.15 p.«. Tel. 5281 Merchantmen Brave The Sea's Most Hazardous Route— Murmansk! Humphrey Bogart's Heroism Leads To Crew's Survival! -w
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 71 6 QUIZ Answers Claymore. 2, Clumber. 3, Coal. 4, Cooper. 5, Cordwainer. SAWS J A N C Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press in Malaya r^tius is where AH 8E"Jter\ 1/^ /'take rr "X L ),i I H..V 77! T"\ 1 she works, timber-Tkeep ouTa sight f PA *°l N /easy
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    • 1060 7 All In The Game ....With George Chisholm Makes Offer To Bruce Woodcock lOE (Still World Champion) Louis is coming to England. So is Mike Jacobs, million-dollar promoter of the championship fight at New York's Yankee Stadium. Joe's visit is a friendly one an air trip
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    • 314 7 ißv LEARY CONSTANTINE) NORTHAMPTON, Thurs. IjORTHA i'iONSHIRE hi:ve fought back hard m this If fame i the Indian tourists, and only totally unexpected mi] -nings seem likely to produce a definite result. The o>i:n; M;»rted the day well by getting rid of the three RBBjinin^ Indii.n
      Reuter  -  314 words
    • 28 7 Wimbledon: Page Eight I fend \v"ll-ulaced n ntuAl'y fell toj b.ill from rarlier had been -m. M\ Ist INNS. 119 n b Merritt Baasßl ta-k b R»»H3 an
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    • 225 7 LONDON. Thurs. THE Country cricket orogramme was interfered with rain m some cases, but Middlesex and Surrey managed to win their respective matches inside two days. Middlesex's victory over Warwickshire was featured by Compton's return to form, scoring a grand 122. Scores were: At Lords,
      Reuter  -  225 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 116 7 *f*4 SUNDAY 30« JUNE 1946 f^k BOXING- HAPPY WORLD 8.45 P.M. tf *fjj| "M MR V L. LIM PRESENTS THE YEAR'S BIGGEST %-"3jF BOX-OFFICE ATTRACTION SsL V TEDDY LEE f o -C\ 'BRITISH K.O. KING OF THE R NAVY) i^ J v sompong m^^^^K^ Former 117 lbs Champion Siamese K.O.
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    • 319 7 Piano Concerto t\. 1 on H. M. V. recordings ARTTJR SCHNABEL. Piano with London Philharmonic Orchestra. Beethoven Concerto No. 1 m C Major. Op. 15. No. 2 m Bb Major, Op. 19. No. 4 m G Major. Op. 58. No. 5 m Eb Major. Op. 73. (Emperor) SERGIA RACHMANINOFF. Piano
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    • 388 7 BOUSTEAO&Co. f t..d. rEL 5161-2 LLOYDS AGENTS GLEN LINE Glenogie dee Jane 29 Loads for CJL Sams-tte from I K. Dae Jaly T Prometheas from U.K Dae Jaly It Passengers «nd earge aocvptee u> DJL Hori»knn» and Shahchai as opportanttles offer BURNS PHILP LINE Rhezenor from Aastralia G. 4/f Sailings
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    • 20 8 A violent earth tremor shock the region between Concencion and Chilian m southern Chile yesterday, says Reuter from Chile.
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    • 69 8 Crowds outside the barked wire? perimeter of Jerusalem courthouse today cheered and waved goodbye as 31 young Jews, including a 21--year-old girl, loft m lorries for the jail after being sentenced by a military court for carryina arms and explosives. Thirty will serve 15 years' imprisonment while one
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    • 233 8 WASHINGTON, Thurs. i THE U.S. Government today began to accumulate evidence around the Russian naval lieutenant Nicolai Redin re^ardi tag an espionage charge alleging that he tried to transmit to I Russ.a plans of a new 10,000 ton destroyer tender the USS Yellow-stone. The Assistant.
      U.P.  -  233 words
    • Article, Illustration
      56 8 *k J at To, P l|t1dl l*oi «=ct In the ntarb* village Britain 9 first trade union was horn. !L last 5; enturv s,x farm labourers lhing there agreed am ong themselves on a rate for their job. They were tried for their unlawful act. condemned and transported, and
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    • 79 8 Special Fleet Mail For A-Bomb Day Aboard the I'SS Mount McKinley', June 27. A cancellation stamp for mail sent from Bikini atoll on atom-day July I—has1 has been authorised by the commander of naval opt ra 4 ions, writes an A. P. correspondent aboard the rSS Mount McKialey. The postmark
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    • 52 8 IN the list of S.alin prize winners 100 000 roubles has been awarded to Profeaaoc Alexander Pavlovlch Zhdanov, head of the radium institute of Academy of Sciences for i splitting atomic nuclei of pro- I mium and ftllveT with cosmic 1 rays, says U.P.
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    • 195 8 GERMANS CRY 'GOTT STRAFE ENGLAND' HAMBURG, Thurs. pOUK thousand Germans chanted "Colt strafe England"' I today m a protest demonstration against the British plan to evacuate more than 20,0C0 persons from Hamburg homes to make room for British occupation troops' families. Cries of "We are not Indians we are Germans,"
      U.P.  -  195 words
    • 156 8 Poland gets U.S. loan— on terms WASHINGTON, Thurs. THREE days before the Polish elections the United States decided to grant Poland the £18.000,000 loan which it held back last month because of the Polish Governmen: s reluctance to abandon news censorship and give a full accounting of its economic dealing
      U.P.  -  156 words
    • 130 8 LONDON, Thurs. I THE Stage Door Canteen m j Piccadilly which has entertained two million Allied troops since it opened two years a^o is not to close at the end of this week, as previously intended. Before the curtain went up on last night's show, Mr. Charles Dickson.
      Reuter  -  130 words
    • 485 8 WIMBLEDON SURPRISE BY AMERICAN WIMBLEDON, Thurs IyiMBLEDONs first tetuatioa arrived today when m the 1 mens singlej Pancho Segura of .Equador, 'jurth ranked player for the lawn tennis champion--1 ships, was eliminated by Tom Brown an unranked American 1 player, who won 4 6 6—3 6—3 6—3 But Brown, 23-year-old
      Reuter  -  485 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 71 8 BRUTALITY I iq^iniiniiiiiiMi rORCKD LABOUR ON T^Y^Vg"* ]]1| ni \th r \il\v i^'B™|fi|mf Ib\ 1 aTf A■ |H"IL p j hj flf-|| Great m Drama SWSS **J w&amDoas eS IS MARGAHETTA SCOTT A tig? PETER SINCLAIR -V^aJ^^ REGINALD TATE 4 m l£ JL HARTLEY POWER My tf) V 5 Y
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    • 292 8 WkIHM 1* EVERY SEAT AN Ar^CEAa 11 a.m. 2.00. 4.15. <>. NOW SHOWING Deanna Matchlessly Co-starred viM, M t *t e rf Franchot Tone and a HiJaricus Pat <> I: p IUI six Bewitched and Bewidircd Biitkr Riotous Tamiroff' HLy!vTTnnm^^J^y^i^^r' 1* -i&^sSl I RlMl *T DEBT (T^H A J I^BBIRjH
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