The Singapore Free Press, 6 June 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 357 1 'Massacred by Indonesians: A Hied spokesman BATAVIA, Wed. ALLIED Headquarters spokesman, quoted by U.P., a reported tonight that Indonesians had slain 600 Chinese in a settlement west of Tangerang River, 15 miles from Batavia, and that villages over a wide area there were aflame as
    U.P.; A.P.  -  357 words
  • 25 1 Irtbar Smith and his bride Miss Edith Helen Hume. tt r oi an Indian Army Brigadier, pictured after their wedding in England.
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  • 112 1 SECRET RICE HOARDS Wed. traded say they rice hoards of lUon and two in the jungle inDl the problem U lo the hungry .ed. IiCC Burma's ocealed from the known, because d tl roved, but it total might be as— more than •nine in India. are already un- reopening of
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  • 98 1 ADMIRAL Lord Fraser C-in-C of the British Pacific Fleet, is ill aboard his flagship, H.M.S. Duke of York, at Hong Kong and the Duke of York, due to sail lor Singapore, has been delayed. Naval headquarters at Singapore now expect the flagship to arrive between 11
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  • 221 1 LONDON, Thursday. BRITAIN'S wartime Prime Minister, Mr. Winston Churchill, speaking today of Russia's "iron curtain" said: It is here that the seeds of a new world war are being sown." Not only had the curtain descended from the Baltic to the Adriatic but behind it
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  • 35 1 A 25 year old West African, Olayimeka Sasanya, who described himself as an editor, was sentenced to 12 months' imprisonment at Newcastle, England, for obtaining money, railway tickets and typewriter by false pretences.
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  • 145 1 NANKING, Thurs. A COMMITTEE of three will sign a 15-day truce between the Chinese Government and Chinese Communists in Manchuria tomorrow. The truce will be preliminary to negotiations for a permanent peace between the Chinese Government and Chinese Communists. The committee of three consists ot Gen. George Marshall,
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  • 70 1 DKOFESSOR Alexander A Bogomelets has Riven some information on his serum, which he believes may add 20 to 30 years to man's life span, says AP. from Kiev, I'SSR. The 64-year- I'd biologist said the serum has proved invaluable in the treatment of high
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  • 230 1 Singapore Questions in Commons LONDON, Wednesday. QUESTIONS on Singapore and Malaya were asked in the House of Commons today. George Hall. Colonial Secretary, asked if he would take steps to repeal the law operating before the Japanese occupation which makes the Communist Party illegal replied
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  • 158 1 KOME, Wed. SOCIALIST Vice-Premier Pietro Nenni announced u today that a Republic had been voted by the Italian people aiid King Umberto would leave the country June 3 for exile after 29 days as King. Thus ends the the 65-yiear reign of the
    A.P.  -  158 words
  • 33 1 Twenty-one guns fired a salute from Dover Castle yesterday as young King Feisal of Iraq arrived in a destroyer from France.— **1 se? jour 'usband is 'ome. Mrs. 'Aw kins."
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 10 1 jgpß GEMS ORIENT U. S. de SILVA 105. Orchard Road
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    • 36 1 For Bett Photographic ttesult. I se BARNET ENSIGN Photographic Materials Exclusive Distributors for Malaya ACME TRADING CO. 43, Stamford Bd. CARPETS MATS HUGE CONSIGNMENT JUST UNPACKED WASSIAMULL'S Departmental Store, *l-»*-*5. HIGH STREET TeU 5454 610ft SINGAPORE.
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  • 374 2  - Magician From Prague RUTH MILLER By FREDERICK MARION is the magician who has so impressed the BBC that they are getting him to demonstrate I his powers in a special programme. A bachelor of 51 <*I couldn't carry ov* mv research work hampered with a wife' he wa> born in
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  • 770 2  - The Port of London is being 'Demobbed' L. R. ARMSTRONG By The Port of London, battered by German tombs between 1939 and 1.945 while it harboured the drab grey ships of war, is rapidly once more becDming the bustling scene of peace-time commerce. Some of the activities in vc Ived
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  • 52 2 While Britain burns more than 100.000 tons of wast" paper a year in refuse, waste paper is being, imported from Finland and Sweden. This paradox was quoted by Mr. J. C. Dawes. Board of Trade salvage circe'or. T^e salvage position was more acute now than during the war.
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  • 191 2 BERLIN FAIRY STOR Y iTHE EoUowin I Tal?. apj a Bsfel j newspaper. Once upon a I there tasi* young cirl *?o b> arxl tint [that all men v -»41 'her. She wa ftV| ,decia'ed that. b« any Mopootll would carrv < ir When tho I along, she hand him
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 138 2 IS'EW RADIO SETS 'ASTOR' 'CLASSIC MADE IN AUSTRAUA KELLER PIANO CO. F. E. M. S. 2. ORCHARD ROAD SINGAPORE. COMMERCIAL TYPEWRITEF COMPANY. No 20 Malacca Street. Phone 245( SINGAPORE Dealers and Repairers in rypewrlter: Adding machines and Calculators On Sale LAMPSHADES Any design md colours in stock Lampshades also made
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 718 2 SINGAPORE tS^^pSh^ P 8 m 45 N um^T' i° tkl a~ 1015 &m ai Variety Lo,_ou 930 a.m. RED NLIHORR from noon J£^ gg f^S iSf J5S_ g^-dig* siSft £*\2g» Si* !fg_"^_ »-> 35--2 p.m. and ..30 to 11 pm on 225 9-30 p.m. Scottish variety orchestra am T te
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  • 133 3 TODAY we conclude the picture story of the Bali temple dance with the death of the temple dancer, who must die because she made love, a sin which the Bali people believe will bring the wrath of the Gods upon them. Top left and above
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  • 570 4 Singapore Free Press THURSDAY. JUNE 6. 1946. War Profiteer PEOPLE who oeiieve that war does not pay should take a look across the border at our neighbour and late enemy Siam, a country which is providing an object lesson in how to make war profitable even when you have lost
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  • 549 4  - INFLATION— WHAT'S THE ANSWER? ERNEST EVE Hy Evening Standard City Editor JO-DAY the man in the street sees the word inflation bointf freely used. Text books are shy about defining "inflation/' but thev night put it as a condition where wage* and prices chase each other to higher and higher
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  • 659 4 D.B.C. technical experts D have completed ar rangements for the biggest broadcast in the history of the Corporation the day-long running description of scenes throughout Britain on Victory Day, June 8. More than 50 commentators are to tell the story of London's celebrations. The broadcasts
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  • 475 4 j APPEAL FOR COMMANDOS. I 1 One of Supremo's earlier (engagements on his return to London will be to make an appeal for the Commandos Benevolent Fund at a Mansion House dinner on 14 June. As a former Chief of Combined Operations Lord Louis naturally takes a
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  • 359 4 TWENTY tough men, wearing dark blue uniforms, carrying truncheon? and riding bicycles, keep a nigVv watch over 100 houses between Regent's Park and Highgate. Big gold letters on their peaked caps spell ''Night Guards." Scared by tlie amount of housebreaking, more and more Hamp- stead
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  • 267 4 FRENCH DE LAYED DUNKIRK Secret Qui FIRST s:ory i and compl' military plan, work ol Fie- i high-ups. v many v.tal evacuation < from Fc n:« [Jays of Dun.. aliy in a lull i Lieu' -Gene v.. l Brooke v j trooke) tel! I the last hopeless stru:. with French
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  • 35 4 QUIZ i mum i 'of? as "18 ear;.' t. Cc.n y< novelist <•: name MM F: I 4. Wh to do with pi 5 Ftor wh one entrance 6. Do i (Time in t! I D <
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 47 4 mm MM ___W— M I A -¥> delightful spot for your I meals. 1 convenient rendezvous I and the y ideal place to entertain B your friends S These have made [SAVOY I RESTAURANT Collyer Quay, S'pore. J the most popttlitr rest a u rant in town today.
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    • 20 4 FAITH An the ends of tlie earlh I have seen the salvation of our God. j Psalms, 98, J. I
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  • 271 5 G.O.C. Answers Housing Critics Free Press Correspondent KUALA LUMPUR, Wed. produce evidence where the military have en makng the maximum use of the accommo--3 have, I will po into the matter imme;id Lt.-Gen. Sir Frank Messervy, Q m Q.C* tVmniand, a a Press conference when he
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  • 87 5 JAP S JAILED FOR DEHEADING AMERICANS r the respond- j beheading 01 ind after reed down in j r Saiaon Kemnd Lieut Kuwa- ;.:..j. Murakami, si Crimes Court. rday, were both j art rigorous defence counsel course ot is that Kuwahata's laying acUon on rder to execute the d the
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  • 151 5 1,100,000 FOR RELIEF ration up to the |1 414.310 in cash| the needy in h thf various n Singapore the same period .*.td Red Cross It offs and clothing same centres Sted by Mr. C. S. lier of Relief Stores. who disclosed that foodstuffs and all the clothing r^Red Cross
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  • 84 5 A male Chinese was shot dead at about 7.45 p.m. on Tuesday The bod", with a bullet hole in the chest, wa.s discovered at About 815 p.m in Braddell Road by a Police patrol on beat duty. It is understood that the man had died half an hour
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  • 93 5 THE Malayan Union Governor, Bir Edward Gent, on Wednesday, received the President and other representatives of the Junior Civil Service A..ociation who presented him with a memorial to the Secretary of Slate for the Colonies claiming arrears of pay during the Jap occupation. The Governor promised
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  • 245 5 SINGAPORE'S three government hos- pitals will each have specialised functions in future, following a reorganization scheme planned by the medical authorities. The General Hospital, which is to open again to civilian patients on Wednesday after four years and four months, will be the principal hospital for acute
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  • 107 5 SINGAPORE FOOD PRICES REVISED THE following revised prices for vegetables will come into elfect on Friday June 7: Long Beans, 20 cents a kattv: Bean Sprouts <Soya Bean) 23 een'.s; Brinjals I white or green 25 cents; Brinjals purple 2') cents; Chillies <red> GO c»nts: Chillies I green 40 cents;
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  • 257 5 A N impressive record of construcA tire achievement Hes behind th n Rnvil Engineers and the Roth f Tnrihn Fn-ineers of Malaya Command British and Indian SSSThaje already *n nut Malaya back on vm it*-t a°nd P remed/ the f^***, H tcrioration of public seruces rc suiting
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  • 49 5 British troops find life in Hong Kong; pleasant and interesting. They fare better than their comrades in Singapore, favoured as they are by a more accommodating rate of exchange. These photos, taken by the Army Film Int. show the Commandos "shopping" and the Peak Ra'lvtay.
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  • 405 5 ADMIKAL Lord Louis Mountbatten at a Press con- ference in London yesterday said he had flown an equivalent of the distance between the earth and the mooi since assuming supreme command in Soith-East 4sia in September 1943. When he arrived on Tuesday night to take
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  • 149 5 Consulate Staff Gets Back Pay TxiL local stalls of the two Americ~.i consulate offic sin Mala\a hav e been given an exgralia payment of 50 per cent ol the amount thev would h. earned during the period of occupation. Those concerned, who were in employment during the occupation, had what
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  • 83 5 Killearn's Rice For The Poor CiNGAPORE'S allocation of the 100 tons of lirst quality Siam rice that the Siamese Government sent as a personal ;-ili to Lord Killearn, Special Commissioner, South East Asia. is being distributed by the Singapore Welfare Centres to people on relief at the rate of a
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 74 5 M a— m o^&Jvvb&QvQ*so^^^™^^^**r*f _B^B ANOTHER OUTSTANDING SHOW AT YOUR FAVOUR fi. T9£A£S LOOK AT THE CAST! NEED WE SAY ItES <<_H^aP^B^'4^k _____B rf* yas p^t*^-*">'»-__.* t___Si. >*____§. *jr fm? m **J _________^P* •rV^S n -jm ilk __________^______i ____________P>*-M___r Cji I yl§«^Bl jP J^l^L WHirf Y L ANSBURY E V
      74 words

  • 28 6 Pruucss Mil fin Uose made ?i« r first nublic ipiicarance ue.inng Sea Ranger i.riiorm v. hen she attended lhc \UFns.aml KaMger Tally in L—d»n lecentlv.
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  • 224 6 'Romantic love is enemy of marriage' FIVE reasons for the disintegration of family life were given to the General Assembly ol the Presbyterian Church sitting at Marylebone recently. The reasons, listed by i_r. David Mace, of the Marriage Guidance Council, were: < 1 Social and economic changes: 12) The new
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  • 411 6 Orderly Who Deserted From Mental Home rE case of a 19-year-old Army nursing orderly who deserted from Banstead Mental Hospital was raised by WingCommander Hulbert in the Commons recently. "I have visited this appalling institution/' he said. "It is old and antiquated and contains 1,500 civilian mental patients and 500
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  • 133 6 NFS Men Charged With Arson ONE of three N.F.S. men committed for trial at Whitby, Yorks, on charges connected with arson, was alleged to have told the police that the main idea of the fires was that the men were ijaid 10s. for each call. The men were William Austin
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  • 134 6 The €300.000 newsnnnt ship. Baskerville, 9,000 tons. was launched at John Redhead's j shipyard. Tyneside. bv Lady JRothermere. Sir Walter Layton. chairman of the Newsprint Rationing Committee said that the Baskerville could carrv one week's supply of newsorint for the British press. George Govdcr. director of |Barberrvs
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  • 132 6 Duke To Pay £500 For Libel L'OR describing his former farm bailiff. Mr. Henry Hobbs as **a bad master, a bad servant and a bad farmer," the Duke of Bedford was ordered to pay £500 damages and the costs of the libel action brought by Mr. Hobbs. Giving judgment. Lord
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  • 49 6 The Essex Police secretly film jaywalkers, bad drivers and careless cyclists. Plain clothes officers are taking Dctures from street corners of towns and villages or from car windows. When the record is complete, they will be made into a ten-minute-film on road safety for public exhibition.
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  • 48 6 The Duchess of Rertf leads the way with hat fashions. In the upper picture she wears a s liking hat of natural straw with a blue »i and »«»w a '*-»ation of roses, violets lilies-of-the alley and a bid, all within a light veil.
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  • 155 6 AFTER nearly four years' valuable service, the 25th (Ace »75«wsttawa '?SS £#»«j__&--£srSS at a time when Japanese threat to South TnZ „o L lu »j jliiii innia wa.s lmmij nent. Going into action against the Japs in the Arakan. the division won a great victory
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 317 6 BOOK EARLY f* KTH A V J?* 10 THE 'PHONE 3400 J- "/I I EARLY SHOW NOW SHOWING 1 1 a.m, 2.00, 4.30, 7 00. 9.30 p.^ Bing Crosby. Bob Hope, Dorothy Lamour. Ray M d L Franchot Tone, Victor Moore, Paulette Goddarc* -j f Zorina, Mary Martin, Dick Powell.
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous

  • 765 7 Air borne Snatches Thrilling Victory EPSOM, Wed. THERE was a surprising finish to the first Derby smcc the war when Mr. J. E. Ferguson's Airborne, a grey colt by Precipitation out of Bouquet, an outsider of SU-1, ridden by T. Lowrey and trained by R. Perryman
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  • 325 7 3 Malays 0 ..riled at Jalan Besar Stadium yesterday ed Army soccer team drawn from three SIOS, RE. and R.A. beat the Malays by thie_ fast and thrilling game. D of Abdul s were at I it would be no to -a. that
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  • 126 7 EPSOM, Tues. BIGGER crowds than even the boom years before the war attended today's opening of the four-day Derby meeting, although there was really no big event. Sir Victor Sassoon won the premier prize, the Rosebery Memorial Handicap of 2,000 sovereigns, run over two and a
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  • 50 7 LONDON, Tues. AFTER considering replies from the Colonics and Dominions, the English Football Associahave decided to rejoin the Federation of International Football Association. The other three home associations have not yet announced their intentions but it is expected they will follow a similar course. Reuter.
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  • 92 7 LONDON. Wed. PLOSE of play scores in County Cricket matches beginning today arc: At Horsham, Sussex v. Somerset, no play today due to rain. At Manch'stei, Warwickshire first innings 100 <Phillipson 6 for 30); Lancashire first innings 124 for 1 (Washbrook not out. 50 > At the
    Reuter  -  92 words
  • 50 7 RAF 3 REME 0 Playing on soft, uneven ground at Balestier yesterday, the RAF* scored a comfortable win over the REME, defeating them by three clear goals. The soccer was not up to the standard expected of these two teams and wa: maintained at a moderate pace throughout.
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  • 328 7 1-RUN WIN IN CHANGI CRICKET 4N enjoyable day's cricket, rounded rv off by a thrilling finish, was played at Changi on Sunday,' when Hqrs. Australian War Grave. b:a. Transportation by one run. Th? outstanding feature of the "-ame was the fine double fcr th? winners by Loring who opening the
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  • 84 7 BOMBER Newton will tackle something unusual on Saturday night when he oppose Jeff Conda, the wrestling champion, in a boxer v. wrestler bout at the Great World arena. Scheduled for ten five-minute rounds, the bout will be governed by special rules and there will be
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  • 303 7 EPSOM, Wed. (By Vernon Morgan). The 50-1 outsider Airborne, who was the on ly g rev in the race and carrying the "unlucky" No. 13, won a thrilling race in Britain's premier classic, the Derby, on the famous downs here this afternoon. Superbly
    Reuter  -  303 words
  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 102 7 Entrust Ls With Your CLOTHING DRYCLEANING v- mpi Attention urtd. I i:.iertaken. Higaptn Drycleaners. id Road Sincaporc > lo Pavilion Theatre. MULLS" BEAUTY! DARING! "SjiS MOUGHT IN BY REALLY THE MOST iV****** SPECTACULAR CARAVAN LANDED! /^cTi^C^Si^V THS WORLD CLASSIC! (CJy*|lQL) BAGDAD!.. Desert Port of A/foreaert! I v-. Q 11 a.m.—
      102 words
    • 368 7 BOUSTEAD* Co., L.d. TEL 5161-2 LLOYDS AGENTS GLEN LINE Glenogle Load* for CK in Ju*y .Neleus from IK Mid Jane Passengers and cargo accepted to U.K. Hongkong and Shahghai ao opportunities offer BURNS PHILP LINE Sailings for Sydney Carry ng passengers and car?* First Clan lare £86 singk £144 return
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  • Article, Illustration
    17 8 Edinburgh lniversity This picture will be familiar to the Chinese doctors who have studied at Edinburgh.
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  • 340 8 THE Foreign Office spokesman said today that the British Government had received a note from Yugoslavia declining the invitation to join in the Victory Parade on Saturday. The spokesman said that the no'e stated that the behaviour of H.M Government towards .Yugoslavia had been such that the
    U.P.  -  340 words
  • 101 8 T OTTAWA. Wed. HE Morning Journal reports that wo rd has heen received ot the death trom heart failure of Col. Nicolai Zabetin, former military attache at the Soviet embassy in Ottawa four djys alter his return to Moscow from the Canadian capital Zabetin was named
    A.P.  -  101 words
  • 629 8 SEAC SERVICEMEN'S TOUR CUT TO 3yrs LONDON, Wednesday. DETAILS of the new qualifying periods of service for leave for forces in the United Kingdom and Overseas were given by War Minister Jack Lawson in a written reply in the House of Commons today. During the period July to September inclusive,
    Reuter  -  629 words
  • 157 8 CHICAGO, Wed. AT least 52 persons were killed many suffocat_d in their beds without being awakened today in an early morning fire that swept through the 22-storey La Salle Hotel in the heart cl Chicago. 3 Hours Battle It is estimated that abou f
    A.P.  -  157 words
  • 353 8 •'Continued from page one) In lively Incidents with the Communist Member of Parliament, Mr. William Gallacher, and also with the Prime Minister, Mr. Clement Attlee. When he spoke of the Communists getting orders from Moscow and their change of attitude after Russia entered the war. Mr. Gallacher. amiti a
    Reuter; A.P.  -  353 words
  • 30 8 n fi d T Vr ght Brltish Chairman of the United Nations War Crimes commission, is leaving Tokio for Washington by plane on his way lome, says U.P.
    U.P.  -  30 words
  • 166 8 LONDON, Wed. THE Rumanian Government's reply to the recent British note of protest against the Rumanian Governments failure to prepare for general elections and against certain other curtailment! of democratic liberties was described as "thoroughly unsatislactory' by the Foreign Office spokesman ln London today quoting Reuter The
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 265 8 I ALHAMBRA 5 !?U??^5J Best Sound in Town Advanced bookings Tfl TARGET FOR TO-NIGHT: j The Most Authentic, the Mos; Shocking, Revealing Film about the BEASTS of BER L |y THESE ARE THE.'HEEL^^ m __r ____^^l 4___B ____________H__________L J ____ff 1 i SI n[ _______H BP*_^^K K ___^^l m _BH
      265 words