The Singapore Free Press, 1 June 1946

Total Pages: 8
1 8 The Singapore Free Press
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  • 450 1 U.K. FACES BREAD RATION IN JUNE LONDON, Fri. THE new Minister of Food, John Strachey, speaking at a food debate m the Commons today foreshadowed the possibility of rationing Britain's bread and flour ration free staple foods throughout the war. In announcing the rationing plan, which could be put irto
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  • 107 1 Defended By Barrister He Robbed Jl Manchester Sessions 21 n >ea: old Thomas William Brooks, who pleaded guilty to two charges of house breaking and asked for 24 other cases to he taken into account, was -sked if he would like legal ud for his defence. from the lawyers m
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  • 81 1 5 WEEKS ON A FLAG STAFF .S TON. Ohio, Fr. ty irrhooj band playMcmoiial Day ate ice cream oikc 1 automob le Jacobs, 35, >. pole to be- "sit". i remain at the until July 4-a eats claim he tor since he o.d. -m made a Jacota ft* brintloowkle recognii
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  • 45 1 Th 2 British Foreign Seer Mr. Ernest Bevin, is arranging for two Labour and one Conservative, Member of Parliament to go to South Persia to examine labour conditions m the area of the Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, says p-'ter from London.
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  • 211 1 WASHINGTON, Friday. PRESIDENT TRUMAN revealed to the Press today that he I had, within the last 30 days, invited Stalin to visit Washington, but Stalin declined because oi poor health. He had not proposed a formal Big Three meeting, but had simply invited Stalin to
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  • 64 1 U.S. Ship Fire: Sabotage? PARIS, Friday. CABOTAGE is suspected to have 3 been the cause of the large flre which broke out today aboard a United States cargo vessel unloading cotton bales at Havre. Military police found two cases of liquid explosives m the hold where the cotton was stored.
    Reuter  -  64 words
  • 26 1 POLES FOR CANADA Canada will admit at least 4,000 of General Anders' Polish Army, who do not want to return to Poland, says U.P. from Ottawa
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  • 170 1 CHANGCHUN, Fri. GENERAL Tv Li Ming NationaU Hat commander m Manchuria, told a press conference today that government troops are definitely driving into north the governm ent is determined to take i over .all of Manchuria, and aid that v anybody obstructs the programme we will
    U.P.; A.P.  -  170 words
  • 26 1 The promotion of Gen. Sir Claude Auchinleck, C.-in-C. India, to the Field-Marshal was ahlibuhced here Ift Ww Delhi yesterday, says Reuter.
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  • 63 1 Martin Attlee, only son of Mr. Clement Attlee, Britain's Prime Minister is In Singapore this week. A midshipman In the Merchant Navy. youny Attlee yesterday had lunch with the Governor General, Mr. Malcolm Macdonald. This is his second visit to Singapore. He spent Christmas here wfcen his
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  • 104 1 WASHINGTON, Fri. THE Senate today defeated by 45 votes to 30, an attempt by Senator Robert Taft (Republican), to water down President Truman's Emergency Strike Control Bill. The Senate ignored Truman's appeal to restore the ~work or draft" provision, knocked out of the Bill by
    U.P.  -  104 words
  • 141 1 THE 8.0.A.C. this morning delivered an important item of 1 missing property to Singapore the missing Chief Justice, the Hon. Mr. C. M. Murray Aynsley, about whose whereabout anxiety was felt when he failed to arrive m time to administer the oath of office to
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  • 95 1 THE British Overseas Airways Corporation today announced reductions m fares from June 1 on the United Kingdom-Cairo-India-Malaya and Australia route. The new fares include U.K. to Karachi £120, compared with the wartime rate of £151; U.K. to Calcutta £140 compared with £163; U.K. to Singapore
    Reuter  -  95 words
  • 378 1 Free Press Reporter THE Singapore Food Control Inspectorate is being reorganized to conduct a more Vigorous campaign against Mack marketeers and further tighten up enforcement of price control of foodstuffs. The department will be provided with more transport to increase its mobility. There are to be
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 365 2 By Ernest Betts JESSIE MATTHEWS, unluckiest, of West End stars <:f vvVom it was said she would never dance again, toid me m her Brighton dressing-room recently, "So that* what they said, is it? Very well, I'm going to show them." Five minutes later,
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  • 123 2 IT can now be reliaoly fore- cast that the reconversion of Britain's industry from war to peace production will have been completed by the end of 1946. Manpower figures issued by the Ministry of Labour shpw that workers are returning from I War Service to
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  • Article, Illustration
    51 2 The first girl to sit m the House of Commons gallery m slacks since the withdrawal of the ban recently imposed. She was Miss Irene Swash, and she came with a depute 4 ion •f the Women's Land Army to demand better conditions With her slacks she wore a blue
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  • 495 2  -  Alec Spoor By WOMEN are taking an ever-increasing part m local government m Britain. Today, they enjoy exactly the same rights as men. Practically every woman over the aK^ <>f twenty-one may vote m a local council election, or, if she can find
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  • 302 2 LONDON, Thuis. ALMOST exactly six years ago the British Imperial Staff sat down to ponder a document that was to be the key to Allied victory It was a reasoned report on the defeat of the British In central Norway a defeat which provided the Allies with
    Reuter  -  302 words
  • 168 2 THE Cornish Riviera Express, non-stop to Plymouth, was stopped at Reading for loudspeakers to broadcast a message for Mr. Isaac Foot, Lord Mayor of Flymouth. His wife was dying m hospital at East Grinstcad (Sussex), 50 miles away He left the train and returned by car to
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  • 83 2 WHEN the Three' Tuns Bilston, Staffs, opened recently Jim Harris, the landlord, and most of the regular customers were not there. They were round the corner at church. A *j>eeial service was new at St. Mary* for the landlord and customers of the Three Tuns
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  • 58 2 AT FIGURED OUT WELL! If you c»!i v sun-! ath n mywhTf, don't loo.; above avd m (ip from the !>' lovely uho hM *'(HMI that i <ak^ couple of scan. u> beromp a real girl You don need the pins, to- our model has mi knotty problem —knots All
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 114 3 i.if Twice 1r- ts out into the harbour. The junk rals towards them. At I ::>*! -Service Police headquarters, Singapore, Fte Fitch of the RASl'plup* m. c~M *> "> »*K«::?ncy", A junk suspected of carrying sto en W.D. property has teen si°hte Ship's papers are
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  • 428 4 The Singapore Free Press SATURDAY. JUNE 1. 1946. Still Waiting MC.xE than two months ago it wr.s announced irom Sou In Eas, Asia Command Headquarters that War Office approval was being awaited for the building of a number 01 stat :c camps m Malaya and Singapore fax the trcops who
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  • 1476 4  -  Richard Garnett By On July 15 and 16, 1939, 345,473 young men went away from their homes to serye six months compulsory military service. That six months became six years some never returned from it but the remainder are now back where they started.
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  • 397 4 ART IN ENGLAND TODAY By Eric Newton, Art critic of the London "Sunday Times" lONDON Galleries had a lively succession of exhibitions L during April, and it would be pleasant to give a detailed account of them— particularly of the Hckman Bacon collection of Early English watercoiours at Agr-ws and
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  • Article, Illustration
    22 4 This picture shows Cotman's "The W ndmiil. which is bring shown at an exhibition of British water colours m London.
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  • 322 4 Z°° talk was m'ostiy about Ming, the London Zoos late lamented Giant Panda, when she was m residence there In fact Ming was probably the mast tallied about animal during the late crisis thirties. Now with V- i bombs off their minds the Bri- I tish people
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  • 217 4 Poetry rhis June, m Lo s hca J bands will While men Etna aad t will march And we, m sp;r. tory Day Rejoice, yet those who d. Who strove, who r from Sine;! Across the Bti yond Mala' To Burma I v m 1 bloody
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  • 106 4 Dehydra ted Mashed Potatoes DEHYDRATE potatoes hiv one of the dov\. I tain's Depaitrren* and Industrial V sing: a new nooi: I sorely tried ho the same tin-r considerable sa the interests <v food problem. The research because potatoes Of fror« £2- £4 vr anncall" m and. "ih i food
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
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    • 61 4 QUIZ 1. What is the biggest bronze statue m the world? 2. Who described architecture as frozen music? 3. Who painted La Gioconda 4. What is fresco painting? 5. Where are <a> the Parthenon, 'b> the Colosseum? 6. What was Micheiangelo's comment about trifles? 'Answer? m Page 6> F«II Walk
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  • 403 5 April Imports Show Big Jump Ahead t ree rress Reporter PENANG, Satur. pLNAMi reverts to her pre-war status of a free port today. Taxation on imports and exports has been levied at P^nang since soon after the liberation, and the re\ersion to the free port
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  • 47 5 Trapped m a rented room, a Chinese air cadet, who was hunted since Tuesday night fcr killing two of his fellow cadets m the Denver hospital, shot himself and died soon after his arrival at another hospital, says A. P. from Denver Colorado.
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  • 60 5 A MALAY soldier, Abdul Samad bin Jaafar, was commitU, to stand trial at the next Assizes on, three charges of carrying a loaded i^volver. possession of two Japanese automatic pistols »nd rounds of revolver and pistol ammunition without a licence, at the conclusion o*f a preliminary
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  • 92 5 Free Press Correspondent LCM)O\ Fridov. IN ex-prisoner of \\a.\ l>r- keley Quill, who was raptured a few days after bis arrival m Singapore m 1842, is so "m love with Malaya' that he has organized an expedition m which he and nine others are sailing
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  • 93 5 M.P.S Told FEB. 15 ACTION SAVED MALAYA Free Press Correspondent London. ~Pri IN the House 01 Commons the 1 Secretary of State for the Colonies, C George Hall assured Sir Arnold Gridley (Cons Stockpart) that though there were still isolated cases of intimidation, of workers, shopkeepers and ricksha-pullers by subversive
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  • Article, Illustration
    27 5 Louis Mount batten and Lady Lous d-b\e to Mr. Malcolm Mr.rDo'nald, the RCnJ and Mr F. (Unison, the Oovernor M rnanji airfield on Thurs day ni?ht.
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  • 224 5 Spore-Sydney In 8 hours Jet Plane I Inej to Singapore m eight hours is one of ig aerial developments envisaged by Mr. W. Fysh, m:^na ring-director of Qantas Empire s, when jet propulsion is applied to oommerf\*l airciaft. r. Hudson Fysh is on a tour nspeclion of the ground staff
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  • 73 5 ry serious offence to iesa D of amcia: s. declare J m the District i>e convict a Chinese setiealer on :r. possession of and empty shell coun- of being m I6S i Nsaii of .303 D, the accusoc* three months' risou]nc: d $200 or threr ■:r.«j In
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  • 61 5 >m Mohamed appeared H c. BofUsan In «w t on May 30 he was m Kflton of a pistol "^t obtai* fag a licence harge was explalnwas a :r.-ntion and b.iil of Restaurant run by the first floor White--5 narrowly escaped oy I fire which about
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  • 115 5 BRITISH M.P.s LEAVE MALAYA Free Press Reporter FENANG, Fri. r«APT. L. D. Gammans, at the conclusion of his tour of Malaya, said m Penang last evening he was convinced that "from peasant to Sultan Malay feeling against the Union proposals was very real and strong." He thought, however, that he
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  • 282 5 "CHAMEFUL." was a word Kuv.ahata, former Kempei man at Saigon, used to describe the execution of two American flyers, captured when their B-2d fell m the sea off the Indo-China coast "Not till after the war ended did I ever believe my senior oncers would
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  • 82 5 Tan Yeo Ling v' r«d nr: Mr, L.C. Goh in* the Seco .:ay on on May 18, m company with time •»th«Ts, he iobb a Chines?, Choh 31m Ec, of cash and j:v. ellcry v Vi "OS. m a house m Loron,- i Geylang. After che charge, which
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  • 324 5 The Singapore Swimming Club has decided to «sk tbj Services to derequisition its premises on July 1. At a general meeting at Adelphi Hotel yesterday, members voted against an alternative proposal that the club should approach the Services for derequisitioning of the club building-,
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  • 292 5 FREE TRADE WITH MAINLAND No More Permits THE system of obtaining permits to export goods to the Malayan Union has been abolished m Singapore. The rapid revival of trade and the increasing flow of supplies into tni* country are among the reasons for the proposal to dispense with the issue
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  • 72 5 j WO duty is payable on cosmetics imported into Singapore, but the duty (imposed even before the war) on cosmetics imported into tne Malayan Union has been lixed at 50 per cent &d valorem, and 25 per cent preferential. Before the Bar the duty
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 137 5 BY POPULAR BEQUEST" "THE TAVERN" Ha* enirsprd et ffr-eat Bs^Wftr AN ALL fcL'ROPEAK ORCtItSTItA To play at this mosi UP TO-DATE HOTEL on twtry WEO\E«»AY and KATrUDAY NIGHTS br?innirf ;>om Ist June 19W MAKE IT A DATE AND DON'T FO2GET TO RALLY RO! VH It Is In the rooJest District
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  • Article, Illustration
    31 6 Representatives of the Australian Women's Services who will march with the Australian eon tingent m the London Victory March on June 8, wave farewell from the deck of H.M.A.S. Shropshire.
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  • 705 6 THE three V.C. winners with the Australian contingent I taking part m the London Victory March won their coveted awards m the South West Pacific Area. They are Sergeant R. R. Rattey and Privates F. Partridge and R. Kelliher. The three of them are
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  • 400 6  - BRITAIN TO END FLOGGING, PENAL SERVITUDE GORDON SCHAFFER By C WEEPING improvements m the prison system, the abolition of penal servitude and corporal punishment, reforms m prison administration, and enlightened methods for dealing with juvenile defenders, will be included m a new Criminal Justice Bill which has been drawn up
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  • 125 6 LONDON, Fil DRIVATE car production (excluding service vehicles) for April jumped to 15,231 from the March figure of 12,278. Nearly half of these were produced for export. Another big jnmp was recorded m the production of radio seis. The Press Association Lobby Correspondent comments
    Reuter  -  125 words
  • 144 6 Rear Admiral Robert t'arney of the U.S. Navy and Louis Johnson, former assistant secretary of war, accused Russia of blocking efforts to keep peace, says U.P. from Washington. The Admiral attacked the United States "hasty and selfish' demobilisation and Johnson warned "It may be a new
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  • 37 6 I. The Statue of Liberty, 2 Goethe. 3. Da Vinci. 4. Pictures painted on freshly spread plaster before it dries. 5. In (a> Athens, 'b) Rome. 6 "Trifles make perfection and perfection Is no trifle."
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    • 115 6 <^m H^B E 1 H9 11 a.m., 2, 4-15, 6-30, 9.15 p.m. l^^^^^^W^^SHgggS^ BEULAH BONDI FRY «ANQUaU LfONAtO STRONG 7" »mtftr* iomkt mtewi ••!««■< *r wm*a* •••ntnc MM M OPENING Samuel Goldwyn's |L Masterpiece I jife r JBl WORT H i^^^^s^. jjiw Featuring KS DANA ANDPEUS Ifl ANNE BAXIER \WF
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 62 6 JANE Exclusive to the Singapore Free Press m Malaya PS T(ME FOR A CASE L AND THE V/a l Tml iSKST^^ Jr*s H 'BREAKING AND ENTERING' VBOYS—^^^ H Z!SL!^Z!2S?^ Xk^-5 Ilia RIGHT UNDER HIS MOSEf- V< -^»vA 1"^ Vv >uaLIS? 5?fT /*V3&3I Ua J r HE SCOFFED AT MY STORY
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  • 22 7 lin pl*> ag^mst D. Barton Great shorts m the Davis Cup France eliminated Britain by five matches to nil.
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  • 176 7 BOROTRA DRUGNON AT WIBLEDON AGAIN fill be exc't:d by the rew> t' it is qui.e :\is Borotra will be seen at this summer's first .:clo!i lourna merit. Every regular Wimbledon I spectator has an affection lor the "Bounding Basque" of the years between the wars, who used to delight m
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  • 169 7 ROBSON WINS U.S. SPEEDWAY CLASSIC INDIANAPOLIS, Indiana, Fri. TEORGE Robson guided his sixU cylinder Thorne engineering special at an average speed ol 114.82 miles an hour to capture the $20,C00 (U.S.) first prize m the thrill-packed 500-mile Indianapolis Speedway classic The winner, a 36-year-old resident of Los Angeles, finished ir
    A.P.  -  169 words
  • 45 7 General practices In preparation for the Singapore Victory Athletic Meet ill be held foi all Indian athletes on sdays and Thursdays 6 p m at •i Besar Bt*diimv Singapore. Heats, any will be run off on Tuesday, June 11, at 6 00 p.m.
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  • 348 7 BOOM SEASON FOR ATHELETICS IN BRITAIN Athletics look like having a boom season m Great Britain this summer. Many men m the Services have hud athletic ambitions stimulated at Services' sports meetings and are anxious to continue their new-found interests m civilian life A club likely to do Tery well
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  • 62 7 TENNESSEE. May SI Bifchf KiCSB retaiactf bis wtrMs professional tennis eßJuapftoasßap mi b kis def cmt af Doa Brtr.t to give him a lead «tf 24 matches t* 71 aa the presemt reauuas to pCajcd. CiHKIMKg tne ecjUßaaMMlHß> taroncfat Ksrc 521.509 sstf A.P. Mr. T. Lilly's
    A.P.  -  62 words
  • 153 7 Pompton Lakes, New- Jersey, l-ii. ALL boxing experts at Joe Louis' training camp, including the heavyweight champion himself, took turns m emphasizing that the Brown Bomber already is m excellent form for his championship boat with Billy Conn on June 19. Louis said: "I feel
    U.P.  -  153 words
  • 144 7 SOUTHPORT (Lanes) Fri. FRANK Stranahan, last American survivor In the British amateur golf championship, was ousted m the sixth round four and three by Gerald Micklem, 34-year-old stock-b rok c r. on the Blrkdale Club's links here yesterday. Etranahan reached
    A.P.  -  144 words
  • 231 7 fOLDEN Boy gained a narrow points decision over Charlie Gibson over ten rounds at tne Happy World stadium lasr ni?ht m a fight which did not produce the action and thrills wtpcctfft* of it. The first eight rounds were i evenly shared, and then Golden
    A.P.  -  231 words
  • 430 7 iT is a frequent occurrence al home lor pe.p'e to jo t b g soccer or rugger matches, partcularfy cap fina's. International games and suchlike, and find on arrival m the ground that they. have bought an extremely unoffic al p o- gramme. Sellers
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 74 7 SHGSPCSE COLD STORAGE CO.. LTD. Monday the 3rd UM Head Office of the D operate from it« I DOCK ■1 Road. S....apore r Singapore H 5486 MM Establishoerate as a* c a!e of v limited s are available and of rations. ifl nr.d Rations liipnpti to: v "Ti>. Singapore
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    • 275 7 BOUSTEAO&Co.,Ld. TEL 5161-2 LLOYDS AGENTS GLEN LINE NHeas fraa* Ltk Maf Jmtm BURNS PHILF LIME far S»*— 5 CarrjKac rfrat naa< tan £M atecat £t«4 raters Secaai (b« fan £53-«-¥ rtactr rrtura rNDO CHIXA S.N Co. Sfea«sfaai. scd CaJeatta arrrpir^ aa BANK LIKE LTD. ■■aVfcanfc l ■ii f«r tt«B Varfc
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  • Article, Illustration
    28 8 On the sters of St. Pauls. Picture shows Standard bearers of the women's section or thBritish Legion entering St. Paul's Cathedral, London, for their annual Thanksgiving Service.
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  • 62 8 on guard duty at St. Ma-y's naval barracks. Chatham. Kent, have asked for the guard to be doubled at night because, they say the (host of the Ancient Mariner, walks the ramparts during the middle watch. Officers at the barracks say that the tramping sound of
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  • 293 8 'JAVA OFFER UNACCEPTABLE' SOEKARNO BATAVIA, Fri. PRESIDENT Soekarno told United Press at Djokja- karta today that the new Dutch proposals were not acceptable to the Indonesians. He said the Dutch scheme failed to grasp the Indonesiar desire for independence for which the Indonesians would fight to death. Soekarno said: "The
    U.P.; A.P.; Reuter  -  293 words
  • 140 8 (Continued from page one.) that India should receive 1,400,000 tons of wheat and coarse grain during the first hah of 1946. He later on said that 380,000 tons had been shipped up to the end of April. Do the new figures come on top of them or are
    U.P.; Reuter  -  140 words
  • 245 8 LONDON, Friday. rE assurances given by the Rumanian Government regarding civil liberties are "not being satisfactorily implemented either m letter or m spirit," says the note hand?d to the Rumanian Government by the Brit sh Minister m Bucharest on May 27 and issued tonight. The note
    Reuter  -  245 words
  • 178 8 LONDON, Fri THE South African Premier 1 Field-Marshal Jan Smuts warned tonight that Germany may easily become a dangerous menace. Broadcasting on the occasion of fn h «™i c s Union Day Smuts said: "UNO is a great advance on the League of Nations and deserves our
    U.P.  -  178 words
  • 407 8 SURREY BEAT NORTHANTS BY 9 WKTS LONDON. Fri. THE weather seriously interferred with the County cricket m-tches but Yorkshire, winners of the last county championship, finished off Kent inside two days to jo!n Middlesex and Lancashire at the head of the table, each with points Lancashire followed up their victory
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  • 131 8 SALISBURY, Frl. A FTER the Druids Stakes run over r% one and a quarter miles here today, which was won by s—l5 1 chance Rock Goddess, it was decided not to run Massicle m the Derby. Seven started and Massicle did not finish In the first three.
    Reuter  -  131 words
  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 125 8 mir-nn n DAILY 5 BIG Sovkl ALHAMBRA *mi uj 9 ,7 BEST SOUND IN TOWN Advanced Booking: Tel (m> TO-DAY— THE CURTAIN GOES UP Ji l l /i .akoi Mi Mil** l ITT 1 O V ml n O fc f will i I J^l^S kill C£gSgTw«T|^ FfLiVV'Er fi)M^T-T.iEHi>3T EXTRAOrtDirfASTMOGHT
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