The Singapore Free Press, 18 May 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press
  • 13 1 Singapore Free Press. hi CENTS. SINGAPORE, S.S.. TUESDAY, MAY 18, 1926. No. 11,800.
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  • 341 1 The demobilisation of the emergency services at home is proceeding apace, but it will take se.eral daj> before complete normality reigns Pfege S. The railways are still congested with goods trains. Hyde I'ark is in a mess and the Post Office is chock-a-block with delayed matter I'ajje
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  • 961 1 The train was plunging heavily, at American Mains do. toward.- NYvv "> ri.. The frost was spreading the ioa bvcsj »vw tiie Bah waters of Long Island Sound, but the brilliant noon sunshine cotubmad h the steam heat to produce th< typical torpor of winter
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 132 1 W ING LOONG THK RECOGNISSD HOFSE for E\ [lOVK.\\ TROPICAL SbITS. 92, HIGH STREET. RAFFLES HOTEL r -It -phune No: 2920 SARKIES BKOTHERS, Proprietors. I £>it\i\er Dance TUESDAY, THURSDAY AND SATURDAY. rTe& Dance j I MONDAY. WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAY. NOTICE. Entrance to the Ball Room is at the absolute discretion
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    • 118 1 BRITISH GOODS f\OWFOLtd. I ACTUAL MANUFACTURERS OF MODERN OFFICE APPLIANCES. BEFORE YOU INSTALL ANY EQUIPMENT. VISIT OUR SHOW-ROOM. AN INSPECTION WILL FURTHER CONVINCE YOU TO— BUY BRITISH GOODS. I i r^^vv■■A•.■JV.v.^^r\^^^v.■A^^vuvw^^vyvb■.^vwv.^^^v^.^^v.^^v. j: The Europe Hotel" Adelphi Hotel. Tea Dances Every Tuesday 5.30-7.30 p.m. j Dinner Dances Every Wednesday and Saturday
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    • 110 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Long John whisky Page ">. Chinese cook wants posl Page 7. Boxing at Happy Vallej Page 2. Shipping on pages 1". and L3. Sutton's seeds, Kobinson'E Page 9. Douglas motor-cycle f< sale Pagt 7. Carr's biscuits, Randilands, ButteryPage 11. Atalanta high speed steels, Huttenimch's Page 16. Auction sale
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    • 17 1 W ING LOO N G FOR HIGH (LASS TAILORING Style, Cut a^H Finish Guaranteed H2, HK.H STREET.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 127 1 THE WEEK. Tut ttday, 18th. High Water, 1.34 a.n $.29 p.m. Blue Funnel homeward mail leaves. Div 1: Duke of Wellington's vs R E Wednesday, 19 th. Hi^'h Water, 2.19 a.m 1.38 p.m. H. M h( ward mi closes. 11 ;i iu. Thursday, 20ffc. High Writer, 3.18 a.m., &.56 p.m.
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  • 102 2 I OPR \H FIRE AT TJILATJAP. 12, wa~ destroyed by in Dongei I factory ai Tjila- with the divis f th< seats in ;h< I ineil that < „i i: tail tag any increase in tin' num- ts m thai council. llt,iv\ French losses in Syria. Par;-.
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  • 328 2 ARCH BISHOPS' PALACE AS RACING CLUB. oars* for Ponies Near London. on Ihe ntskirts vi ydon, a 1 mer i esiden the Arcl i acf Cantei has een acquired as head irter f ponj i acing in this It is tl A- ngton a se witl mmo<iatioi -n g l?
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 279 2 THE HAPPY VALLEY LTDThe Town Amusement MALAY OPERA, CINEMA. SIDK SHOWS AMUSEMENTS. That longing desire for something really nice ean bo satisfied at the VIENNA CAFE Delicious Cakes, pastries, chocolates etc FAY US A VISIT AND WE WILL SATISFY YOU. P9 Kelvey's Illi D&itcing i >wn i>l essiona I teacher
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    • 612 2 Victoria Theatre. FOR THREK NIGHTS ONLY Commencing Thursday, May 20th at 9.30 p.m. The English Comedy Revue Company r Harrington Rynolds. Charles Mason. Myrtle Kingsley. Joan Norman. Thursday, London's Most Successful Revue. May 20th SNAP Friday, BUBBLY May 21st A Laugh In Every Bubfrle. Saturday, KEEP SMILING May 22nd A
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    • 217 2 From Monday, 17th, -to Saturday. 22nd May. ALHAMBRA In the Second Show at 9 pm. A WILLIAM FOX SUPER PRODK TION From the International Stag€ Success HENRY WALL'S FLAY A Tremendous Drama of Society woven into i nealUtii of the war n r\ v \j v^j George O'Brien Margaret Livingston.
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  • 2108 3 A DIFFICULT POSITION. Part V. It is not gentxally realised what a huge i amount oi solution may c< m up in one place. At one end of Lak Natron. Tangany ika ona can, at very low water, walk for twenty miles in a straight line and be
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  • 29 3 Policeman in a "drunk" case at Stratford: I had to go into a Baptist church to eject him. Chairman: Perhaps h<- was trying to turn over a new leaf.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 154 3 The Soap that suits the Climate There is a strong demand growing steadily here and in other Eastern Countries for Calverf's 20% Carbolic Medical §OQp The old resident knows, and the newcomer soon learns how often such a powerful antiseptic Soap is wanted. CALYERT'S" is always the same, always reliable
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    • 277 3 LKAWriiKUN I i CREAM CRACKERS I CRISP AND CREAMY I; i ■I The sale of Crawford's Cream Crackers is enormous, and is still g rowing. We recommend them, we advertise them, we push them; but behind our efforts we have the quality, the quality > l[ that is liked everywhere,
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  • 707 4  -  DAVID BLAKEWAY THE_HUMAM_ FACTOR IN INDUSTRY. F:ar of Slackness Drives Men to Sabotage. SOME WILFUL "ACCIDENTS/' by \fREE PRESS SPECIAL}. !Vluch been said and written lately the aman factoi in industry. The 11 l Institute of Industrial Psycho- ;..-> la banquet recently, after which learned and
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  • Article, Illustration
    119 4 [Copyright. By arrangement with Daily Gra hie]. [< opyriuhl Bj rrangpement with Dail\ ..< [Copyright. By arrangement with D«il 5 Graphu w :goes g. <!■ r i wa i k a and has arnu ••on way by traininjj tricks. Henr\ is now using his twentysl paii of I n s,
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  • 959 5 (By Max Periiberton). A very great journalist said that everybody likes to read about eating: though why Jonts should welcome an account of the dishes which Brown consumed last night has always remained a myst-ry to me. Nowadays you need no patient inquiry to discover
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 285 5 It's not a Secret!— This is what it is First the juice of choice grapes from |O|ll^>fc* the sunny south everyone likes |§p&Jx^Ofc grapes. Then the finest and most t^A-f*\/%^fS highly concentrated extract of beef. VJs^jLjcr And then extract of malt, which has £jt\J& such high nutritive value and is
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    • 249 5 I ibu cannot be too careful of th£ purity and freshness ofwur chUdrea's food. In. hot climates it is parhadarly rwecssary. Hcrlid6-th£ original' Malted Milk- is specially suitable, it is always pure, rumrtsHutg and easily digested. 1-^in A- sizes of all^ Bazaars Stores Will he fall in the Fight All
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    • 620 5 Success nowor in T'wenty Years? TMEDtWawAr TO SUCCESS WHAT is the fc\ your grasp. By the success you hope for \Z/ most remarkable A responsible position, system of postal coachan ample salary, an ing in the history of assured future. —1 business education? Z The School trains vou how soon
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  • 1119 6 SCIENCE TO THE RESCUE. A writer in the Sunday Observer says. Mr. H. I), (rillies, n well-known London sur- geon, and one of the selected twenty-one Biitish Walker (up players, has entered the arena as a golf revivalist. He is preaching B religion that happens to
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  • 816 6 NOT A NEW THING. Mi. J. B. S. Haldane writes in the Daily Mail. -It was Sir Christopher Wren, at that time a professor of astronomy, who invented not inly the intravenous injection of drugs but the transfusion of blood in the year L659. His success
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  • 36 6 Windows Consecrated in Cheshire Church, London. May The Bishop of Chester consecrated the windows of Mobberly Church. Cheshire, in memory of Dr. Leigh Mall iry, who lost his lift in the last Everest Expedition.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 307 6 mJ '0B I'l I 1 smmm kj l^' q Correct reeding during earK infancy is ol vr it importance, either vvholu en' in part, will realise the vital < necessity tor giving lier child a toocl that re- sembles as closely as possible maternal milk. V Milk Food No. 1
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    • 454 6 A wonderful bone, body and muscle For yoiMig<i/Kf old-for sick well BsnaßaanaaaazSaP^BCßJU/CifrV-!*-' &r T iC23SC -^vftiaS JHSSaTaVaVaIBanBSBJBBBb Loss of Appetite Stomach Trouble When your bodily ha ancL upset Liid your food no longer agrees snd causes dh comfort, take Dr. Cassell's Tablets. They will tone and reliivigorafc your orgass of
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  • 1117 7 DISTRICT COURT PROCEEDINGS Counsel's Objections to Charges. The opening stage of the trial of the Indians who were arrested in connection with the theft of $350,000 from the Banque de Undo Chine in 1922, before Mr. P. A. F. David, District .Judge, yesterday afternoon, involved a great
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  • 588 7 BACK TO WORK. LATEST STRIKE NEWS. [Renter's Service.] London, May 17. The papers arc of opinion that the general strike will not necessitate increased taxation, owinjc to the preat volume of free service by volunteers and the strike's brief duration. How aviation rose to the occasion in
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  • 922 7 THE STRIKE AND NETHERLANDS INDIA. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Batavia. May 15. The news that the T.U.C. ha.* ordered the strikers to return to work and that the strike is therefore ended has been welcomed here. As already mentioned last week the tea estates had already felt the
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 517 7 BUSINESS CARDS. I MARY SETON. I f. E. AMBER MANSIONS. \l ORCHARD ROAD. > >EW HATS AND STOCKINGS. i MARBLE TABLE TOPS, FLOORING, TILES, Etc. SINGAPORE CASKET CO. "Marble Merchants." Telephone 75. CARS FOR HURE. Great Reduction in Rates THE ASIATIC MOTOR CAR CO.j vi Orchard Road 6i)-b, Bukit Timah
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    • 647 7 NOTICES. EXCHANGE BANKS. Tbe Exchange Banks will be closed on Monday. May 24th, being: Whit Monday. NOTICE. Notice is hereby given that in future all forward constracts, Delivery orders and all bills for payment must be signed by either Aw Thuan Ham or Khoo So<> Knp, otherwise they will not
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    • 592 7 TENDERS. SINGAPORE MUNICIPALITY. Tenter:- an- invited for the supply of BCUU of transport for conveyance f jjood*- OMMigni 'i to the Municipal Commissioners for tht Municipal Engineer** and Water Department- from the Singapore Harbour Board Fr< mise<. The period <>f the contract will be U I months from i-t June
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    • 90 8 H RKLK At the Kin I tital, Kota th« wif< R >. i' I id JOHANNES I N 10 31 eye i i DEATHS. COTTIER Kt B k, M 14th U I Engim "K learly I i S( H( »M Bl RGK V 10 R( kiay 1 7lii !:O
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  • 680 8 SINGAPORE PREE PRESS. TUESDAY, MAY 18, 1926. Straightening U p. The cables continue to relate the step-- being taken to clear up thr mess made by the general strike in [England. The leading trades unions have admitted thai the strike withoul notice was a breach of the agreement with the
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  • 352 8 The annual Garrison Athletic meeting v. ill be h< Id ai Sal irdaj M.<.\ cot L'spondonl who v.iiit- regarding motoi uc< ident in Race Cours IJ hould sent! hi.- information to th< police. Thi i iiiiln i of subscribers to th< Raffli i brary in lU2"j was 912, an increase
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  • 112 8 CHANDI ON TIL AM HA. Itecord Seizure Ft>r IVnanjr. (From Ou Own Cotneapomient. I'enane. May 17. A record haul <>i' diandu was mad-- a search party from the Government Monopolies <»n board the Tilamha n th iressd'a arrival ht Penang from China ports iria Singapore. Under some
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  • 70 8 (From Our Own (oncspondont.) IVnanj:. May 17. Two inoneylenders pm owiewd fco i'<»iiCit (250 bail in the Supreme Court *n appellant who had proceeded to India, all attempts to aecure appelhwt*s return ing failed, despite the identification of tattoo marks. The appeal w;t- also dismisw tL Th<
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  • 64 8 1 1 > < )w n < i mdent > h,,,h. "Mi A sensation&l report froi »n« I hangl Kstate, t.<-:.s Ipoh, I tha sU uck the m: i house and fin to tin attap r«x>f. The whole structure wat burned dowi nd th< furnitun destroyed, but
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  • 465 8 Mr. anii Mi Sueur, >•• auak. ha left "i! seven m< k ave. Miss J. H I Sal ak and Gei Mi Tai I n trip t< I] tnj Bail) Mi H i tcker has Vet ing: Chief S I si f M J. i M F V Ja ,of
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  • 159 8 THE STRIKE I)KH\< \v LABOUR LEAVtVM MTU ISI i iv,——.. -p«akine in tiia con titttei i1 it Iciet the i ad< [Ji < 1 <in adful debac] Hi never Iremte I I >uld bat >■ assun >u; render. He hen h R. «i and be bi I ganie
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  • 13 8 u'tl policy u i i 1 kb uiufc rrt«ndinir it
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  • 9 8 Norl h »f l Lowei Hr\
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  • 32 8 rhe 1 Vriu'li finance i i 1'- ret, ;u't ompanied bj i in London to eonfei 1 1 live? if the BHti -1: go\ French deb< to Bi I
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 55 8 t -f^ FOR ALL Y VERMIN USE AGENTS: W. R. Loxley Co. n PEARS I n I GOLDtIS SERIES. L '■"■"■"■"-''<'■*■'■*■ *v9w yi ITS AN KASY JOB m m s \,< i>'ti< ate r car with' > m m nmm9* m l :j Irp'bß^ALAcl :j 501 MI \«.i->- VND DEALERS.
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  • 110 9 ALL FOR PILSUDSKI. I KMI'OKAKY PRESIDENT. •<• premier, Pn fessoi Cashnnr Barministev oi railways ;.ih! obtained ins degree at Mw*ic)i Bartcl hai botrj is >ui d statements, -hv necessity of a retain to the s*l nas im>- ible. »1 i nei Sikorski, com rps at Lwow, ha seH
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  • 63 9 i ation io •he N lisa] nted 1 i\ An.;::. ited his I States f DESPERATE PLIGHT. N i>ni<-. Ma] IT. Renter's lent, a that thii and open N hours. A P lescei ded oi the O\\ ing ini Barrow, ickles lei fl «i .n^ the gas
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  • 6 9 rpo tor's Service
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  • 7 9 baaej fefct Hd slighi
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  • 107 9 Sowing the honoai al dming ExceQen tin Govern rand Lady •,i at Government H<Mise on Fri- H r. •ps Mr. and Mi s. i v\ ibrams, R L Dyne, M and Mrs J I'. Mrs H Whil V and Mrs. F. Mr, H. E. i"i»!: Try. Mr. w.
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  • 11 9 ■i vritli offering an illegal prati- ia nvicteci and sentenced to
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  • 4876 9 |THE MENACE OF RUBBER STEALING. COST OF LIVING AND PENSIONS. Monday, May 17th, 1926. Present. j His Excellency the Governor, (Sir Laurence Goillemard K.C.P.. K.C.M.G. His Excellency the General Officer Commanding the Troops, Malaya < Major-General Sir Fheodorc Fraser, K.C.8., C.5.1., C.M.G.). I rke Honirie the Colonial Secretary
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 80 9 j: NEW SHIPMENT I i^P^fc^ VLGL I ABLL Robinson Co., Ltd. ji Raffles Place, SINGAPORE. cigarette can be smoke the "GARRICK" J LAMBERT AND SUTLER, ENGLAND i j Collapsible Gates j; All Types jj|ffl| t May we I > Gates f PITH'I J I send you j > I if
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 539 10 Ellerman Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND). "EIICDUIII" HUE LLiLEimAn Linr PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICES UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL. Due S'pore. .s.s. CITY OF NAPLES Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan May 10 HOMEWARDS. s.B CITY OF SINGAPORE London, Antwerp, Rotterdam and Hamburg May 22 s.s.
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    • 481 10 XT Ck/ \J« BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION 00. LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) OUTWARDS FROM LONDON. HOMEWARDS. For China and Japan. For Marseilles, London and Antwca IDue I' Tonnage.
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  • 777 11 BEGGING— OLD STYLE. ELIZABETHAN TRAMPS AND THEIR WII CU »i lIXo. How little human nature changes in a few centuries, writes Mr. Bassett Digny in T. P.'s and OasselPs Weekly. Some hundjftd yea»s ag», one Thomas Harman. made a bobby of studying tramps. The results of his investigations he set
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  • 166 11 Decline of Once Fashionable Plume. The chanpe in women's hat fashions has brought about a remarkable drop in the commercial status of the ostrich feather. A few years ago, when such plumes were in the fashion, an ostrich feather cost £3 or 1.4 in London. Nowadays dealers,
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 231 11 m m i C V K Fit in the morning 1 The results of diminished nerve -force I I comprise headache, loss of sleep, indi- I clination tor bodily or mental exertion, I loss of memory and a lack of vigour in B all physical functions. To overcome these conditions
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    • 138 11 r=m. i R V^^ 4^^ M^. <zSfs^^ yan iM ohl:iln<>d from:— IT THE QUALITY BISCUIT High Street Stores. 9 "wl^l V i /I JS^M CARLISLE i A J w j-^3 SANDILANDS BUTTERY &CO j^^k \rM wr 0 JLf you would get >^ vour iuii snare oi k^ v^»^ slaving comfort
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  • 51 12 (By Courtesy of the Government Health Officer^ K<>r the twenty-four hours ending mid Mian, shade temp >>">.!? F Max. Mm rad 1 ">7.:> F Min. grass rad 70.5 F Sea temperature s l F Mean wet bulh temn 78.9 F Mean relative humidity 79 p.c. Evaporation .092 ins.
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  • 102 12 The following passengers arrived ;it Singapore by the K. P. M. steamer Melchior Treub on Monday:- Mr, M. de R<><>s. Mr. I**. Oleaga, Mr. and Mrs. Firestone, Mr. and Mrs. Myers. Mr. Cheek, Mr. Kimlin, Mr. C. Menschaur, Dr. H. A. Adaus, Mr. Meerteus, Mr. Slotboom, Mr. v
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  • 36 12 The P. and O. Kashgar has left Hongkong and is expected to arrive at this Port at 4 p.m. on Wednesday, lUth idem. She will proceed to a Singapore Harbour Board Wharf on arrival.
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  • 107 12 On the arrival of the Moreton Bay, in Colombo on May 1, from Australia bound for London, the- Captain reported the disappearance >f Mr. Donald Kennedy from on board the vessel on the 26th April. H< joined the ship at Sydney and was going Home on
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  • 428 12 The Dolphin Shell, a bald-headed threemasted barque, fitted writh a Diesel en^in an ived at Brisbane on Apr. 10, with oil trow Singapore. She ia a ship of many names. Built at Greenock in 1895, she commenced [a long career as a freighter in th
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  • 405 12 Lloyd's Register oi Shipbuilding irn I'M' the quarter ended March ">l show thai the^tonnage under construction in Great Britain and [reland 843,070 tons ia nearly 42,000 tons less than at the end of !><•- cember, \M~k and about 322,000 tons less than the tonnage building twelve months
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 309 12 Burns Philp Line (Incorporated in Australia.) FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and MALABAR (4,512 tons.) The s.s. MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cabins de Luxe, single berth cabins, swimming bath,
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    • 232 12 HUGO STINNES LINES. (Incorporated in Germany). REGULAR MONTHLY FREIGHT. PASSENGER SERVICE. OUTWARD BOUND. riONGKONG, SHANGHAI AND JAPAN. s.s. Adoif von Bayer l?,000 June 6 aA Havenstein 12^50 June 30 HOMEWARD BOUND. NAPLES, MARSEILLES, ANTWERP, ROTTERDAM IND HAMBI RG. Car! Legien 9,000 June <^ Not calling at Naples. Agents: Singapore and
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    • 543 12 MESSAGERIES MARITIMES HOMEWARD MAILS. To Colombo, Djibouti. Port Said. Marseilles from Singapore. ANGERS :,G,ooo toai May If I FONTAINEBLEAU l,\ooo boas May 2$ "AMAZOKE 11.000 tons June 2 1 OUTWARD MAILS. To Saigon, Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan. ANGKOR IUKT) tons May 17 To Saigon, Tourane and Hai;>h<uip. COMPIEGNE 17,000 tons
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    • 123 12 J.BG. Stewart's Jamie LIQUEUR Old Scotch Whisky JOHN LITTLE CO.. LTD. rporafed I I Singapore, Penang and LLOVD TRIESTINO NAY. 0 ii i rp rated d I HOMI-W ARI) SAII \S Bi-monthl s r servia and Frstati ttsong^i Bills of Lading Levan; and Bladl <( FIUME i J Vl' N
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 546 12 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembing and Kuantan (via Gemas and Je ran tut) every Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Friday 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah G a.m. Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 6 p.m.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 542 13 FO. S. K. Line. Destinations. Steamers. Arr. Dept. London. Rotterdam, Hamburg, Antwerp. Bremen, via Colombo, Aden Amur Maru May 18 May 18 Port Sudan and Port Said. Mombassa; Zanzibar, Dar-es-Salaam, Beira, Delagoa Bay, Durban t Chicago Maru May 18 May 19 DnWa, Cape Town, Rio. Santos, and Buenos Aires. tLa
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    • 421 13 VK STEAMSHIP UN£ Round-the-World PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE OILBURNERS. NO COAL DUST. NO CINDERS. ABSOLUTE CLEANLINESS. via Colombo, Port Said, Alexandria, Naples, Genoa and Marseilles. From New York these fine new liners continue on Round the World, returning to Singapore in 110 Next Sailings. Air. S'pore Leave S'pore Leave Pentng
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    • 587 13 Kerr Steamship Co.. Inc.. 44, BEAVER STREET, NEW YORK. (Incorporated in U.S.A.) GENERAL AGENTS. REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE TO BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE (via Suez) m.s. SILVERFIR In Port m.s. SILVERELM Due May 26 For rates and other particulars apply:- GUTHRIE CO., LTD. Agents: Singapore and P«b«bi KONINKLYKE PAKETYAART
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  • 624 14 I'L BASH RE-SEEKERS OF MONTMARTRE. Paris, Apr. 11. A strangg light upon more than one oi the kind of artificial paradises sought by the feverish world of international pleasureseekers in Montmautre is thrown by two deaths of women from overdoses of drugs in the last few days,
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  • 194 14 "SINGAPORE Ml NICIPAL FOOTBALL CUT.." The annual general meeting of the Singapon Municipal F.u>tball Club will b held on Fridaj in the Corhnnssioners' Board Room at 4.45 p.m. The special item of interest in the report will !><• t fie inauguration of the Municipal Service < Hub. All members of
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  • 46 14 LABOUR TROUBLE IN NEW SOUTH WALES. 40,000 Engineers to be Dismissed. London. May Sydney. It is estimated that .'}o\ooo to 40 000 employees from .'OO engineering workshops in New Squth Wales will W dismissed for refusing to work over 44 hours a week.-- Times ef Ceylon
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  • 334 14 iii the bad "M days in Fiji, every knoll was a fort, and every hill had a name, while th< number of tribes were legion. None of thftffi was what one might term very numerous, but some had some hundreds oi j fighting men. T;>-day many traces
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  • 108 14 Hiiih Court*S Stricturf em S» -sionv .ludir«. Caliutta. Rfag Ordering the re-triml of Mr. (i. C. Wils.m. the Assam Tea Estate manager, who wms acquitted by the Session.- Judge of nilpable homicide n -t amounting to mttrdei in connection with the death of a COo!)
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  • 11 14 Woman at Mansfield: 1 Heard two genf in a loud constropersy.
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  • 136 14 S\ rim > x T/;<- deal I. i hrtialo, a former iota n i wli.i recently refttgtta d f i B6CI '.-la ry to Ih< N< W v !A- iation. M 1 hea tth for sorm t im< Rociation granted him le«v« Itvd.-i!. bat: alwa. e 111
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  • 20 14 1 to w;!t;.— vujr^r. i" you thai > ■>• n woman. Mr. Root* (the n I) she know wiiaf ilkm an
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 254 14 W"\ \<?i{Py' "^^v °f Andrews Mver Salt in a plass of \%)i V*f water, and you have a cooling, lmbbliug I l^lj ytfssX~-~^ -^u I <lrink that nol only keeps you cool, but }r^Zj£Cz3i[\ lln I rcctivc t< r i-t.i >tipation, headaihe, ili/.ziJyC^ \1 Apnts The Borneo Co., Ltd., Singapore,
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    • 150 14 NAVY CUT CIGARETTES r-^ s- i ma/ie tnem contenZed i "r a ix- r; W.D.& h.o. wills /^/Wmß^f i BRISTOL LONDON M&y I^^^SfJ Jit Skin Tortures End Hr i^HNk Thankful Mother tells 1 Artd SOPC PiSCCS tlCd! hrrhuu-h^computcje. whenthe Blood j|^SP^ i .Vt. w is cleansed W II -1 We
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  • 70 15 \T 'A V "I Banks '< in .s_ g 1 g_j i Hank demand 213 LI -Hi Private credits ■> m.s. 1 1 l lg-32 N'ew \'urk. demand £6 1 1 1" Credits 90 days s France, demand 1 750 India, T. T. i;,.< Hongkong, demand Par. Vokiiliaina, demand
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  • 201 15 I'• t J eai Sago Smal 7/2. r Copra n < "opra Sundried 1 1 Opium. Bena rea un« Rice, I.ianz Hin Cha«i Mxri Red Eagle New) Rice, Siam a d .\'o 1 Rice. RariKoon Rirtpr ?nu Rice, Rangoon Sioka Rice, Siam Broken No I »2J Rice, ?ia.m
    201 words
  • 586 15 j tKASfiK CO.. EXCHANGE AND SHARE 13ROKERS MONDAY, MAY 17th 1926. IFigures in brackets shnnr *u„ of the Share in d L s IL 1M i? VaiUe marked. J aonars unless otherwise MIXING. i- i **uyera Selj*»r« Asam Kumbang fi 'Jtotm. Padang 8^ '77''" Hitam Tin ($i
    586 words
  • 233 15 ROSE MACPHAIL CO'S REPORI L.R. Macphail) Singapore. \la> 17 Rubber. I.< >cal 75. Tin. £268. ss. L T ncl in e I 1. ical 100 tons 135*2. The inai'kci is dull and featureless i sections. Rubbers. Papahs were taken at an- further wanti-i. Kuala Siding can I taken at 3.90
    233 words
  • 182 15 >« ■<>.: Barlow and Co. (Kuala Lumpur). Ayer Kuning, 66,000: Bradwall, 14.MI1: Chersonese. *****; Dennisiown, 23,358; Highlands and Lowlands, 118,000; Rla l>aiur. 7. r .,900; Krian, 35,420; Sung i Krian. 59,230; Rungei Way, 65.012. Sees.: Barlow and Co. rlarimau. 5.975; Majedie. 15.200: Muai [tam, 16,051; Permas.,
    182 words
  • 395 15 FINAL DIVIDEND MBCUUtfID. Mr. W. A. Sun* ptvsxicd over fee anana g;eneia nu-c-rin^ oi the Sandycroi, Rubber Co., U«]., held in the ompany's offices -Wr,, Bank Un,,,,-'. F^£££ Others (weanf u r( j^^ H K an.i 1... Philhp. for !fll Secretaries Messrs Harrisons, Barkei and i ompam counts,
    395 words
  • 197 15 MACPHAIL CO., LTD'S REPORT. Sinira|x>r«'. H KuhiuT. Local 7f). Tin. -London, E2«B. :,>. i.,,,. ;i i Ul(1 ;<>t^ soM. RaMera, -Shan are rate rapatu have buyers at 34.50 and A!i,ni>f- at 3.3*4 Mentakabs are quoted 83 65 and Broi 1.85 L9O Connemarafi are enquired f< 2.K5, Balprownios ,i an «i
    197 words
  • 52 15 May 17th. 12 noon. Lateg< Cabk'.- London Market >■<-<■: New York Spot E9wet tt. et». IT^ r lb Buyers Sellers R.S.S*. equal to Standard Q.CF. Spot 74 a fi Standard K.6.S on Tender Maj 7 [«f a r l^ July-Sepl 7: Oct.-Dec. 71 7. Tone
    52 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 365 15 Assets U\cr S>b,J)UU,UuO, S.C TUT /'DC A T V k pmrinkT Assurance in Force Over $22,000,000. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED. (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) HEAD Oi-'FlCE. —Winchester HouBp mn<r«^«« fhe Company has fJO.OOO deposited «dth S^KT" LONDON OFFICE: 32 Old Jewry, E.C posited with the Supreme Ooart
      365 words
    • 394 15 BANKING. YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LIMITED. Established 1880 Capital Subscribed Y. 100.000,000 (fully paid up) Reserve Fund Y.M5,500,000 President: K. Kodama Esq. Vice-President: R. Ichinomiya Esq DIRECTORS. M. Odapyi, Esq. K. Mogami, Esq. Baron K. Iwasaki K. Takeuehi, Esq K. Tatsumi. Esq. T. Hodsumi. Esq.* K VVatanabe. Esq. T. Okuho. Esq.
      394 words
    • 446 15 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Hongkong) Head Office: Hongkon.e. Authorised Capital $50,000,000 Issued and fully paid up $20,000,030 Reserve Fund:-— Sterling 4,500,000 Silver $27,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $20,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. D. Q. M. Bernard, Esq. Chairman Hon. Mr. A. O. Lang Deputy Chairman W. H.
      446 words
    • 100 15 Kuala Reman, 102, <",]!!; to date 102,619. Bruseh 20,331; to date 20,:>:!i. Lok Kawi, Ltd. 39,500; to date i:>2.r>o(). Pahang Consol Tin, 3,572 pks; to elate 33,862 pks. Ipoh Tin. 77:> pks; to date! 77.") pks. Sees: Paterson. Simons and Co. (Penanjr). Henrietta. "7 noo agnst 26,000; to date 155,700.
      100 words
    • 28 15 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. [I (Incorporated in England by Uoyal Chattel A. I) U2O). I Fidelity Guarantee Administration Bonds Singapore Representatives.— Messrs. BARLOW CO. CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist Boor).
      28 words

  • 254 16 LAST DAY'S HANDICAPS. The following are the handicaps for the last day of the Spring Race meeting to 3e held on Saturday. Ex-GrifMn Ponies, Class C (Race Course) Lady Sydney U).2, Master Reggie 9.4, Posh lJ.ll, Umptaway 8.4, Noisy Oyster 7.13, Hit 7.13, Kismet 7.9, Chinta Hati
    254 words
  • 94 16 The following ai the entries for the i Amateur Meeting to be held on Monday, May 24th. <>!>♦*" l'«»iiit's. (Five Cla«Be«): Bridget, Drusilla, Kism<-t. Maiquise, Hit. Dinty, M.'.W of Athole, Penarth, M;« Dierie, Lady DifT, Shere Khan, Speciality, Lockstitch, Cunun r.:m. Lenador, Boomerang, Merry Maid'!). Mora, Jane, Samarani,
    94 words
  • 125 16 Yesterday's Second League Games. The St. Joseph's < >ld Boj *'ere defeated by the Military staff tear i n t ht- Padang yesterday afternoon, th< most curious feature of the encounter being that the three goals scored bj the T a'T wen all from the spot. Ttw Militarj opened
    125 words
  • 77 16 Perak Defeal Selangor. I rom ():.i Own orrespondent). Kuala Lumpur, May 17. In the European Inter-State match, Pt'ak beat Selangor by four goals in thief. Perak opened strongly and. aided by defensive errors, established a had of 3 0, which was reduced just before the interval. Resuming play,
    77 words
  • 48 16 (From Our Own Correspondent). Ipoh, May 17. The first schoolboy to make a century at cricket in Perak is Hoon Hong, who com- pil d 100 runs in the Anderson School's total of 203 against the Malaj College, who were dismissed for 1(5 and 21.
    48 words
  • 336 16 iJONG SOO QUALIFIES FOR COLONY. By defeating M'orita at the Cricket Club yesterday Lim Bon# Soo qualified for one oi the three remaining places in the Colony side to meet the F.MJ3. for the (Juillemard Cup at Whitsun. The winner of to-day's match between John Lim and
    336 words
  • 47 16 [Renter's Service.] openham'ii. Ma> IK. France eliminated Denmark from the Davis Cup and have won all the four matches hitherto played. li. the double* Brugnon and Cochet beat Henrfrseu ai Ulrich, 4 >; l >:. 7 5, 6 0. In [singles Cochet beal Petersen 6, 6
    47 words
  • 108 16 BRITISH CHAMPIONSHIP DRAW. rp l nd< a, M..> IT. A featun f the British Amateur Golf hampi nship draw is th< number of clash'•i^ r amongst the tw nty-seveti American competitors, which occur s h «4 i ;h latter win *h«- Isi and 2nd rounds. TLt most notable
    108 words
  • 92 16 Americans bt'at Varsities. [Renter's S» rvice.] London, Ma- hi. The American Walker Cup team beat tin Oxford and Cambridge Golfing Society at 'Rye by four matches and one. Seve«i mem- bers of the society team were British Wail-, r h up nominees and the only win they
    92 words
  • 37 16 (From Our Own Correspondent.) Ipoh, May 17. .Mr. W. J. Wayte achieved the surprising' !'«-at of holing out in one at the fifth hole. L33 yards, on the [poh <i<>lf Course mm Saturday.
    37 words
  • 80 16 May Medal. The result of the above (bogey) is a win for H. Roerers, all equate. Hall Sweeps. Saturday F. G. Ridout, all square. Sunday Tie: J. M. C. Macgilchrist and "Duffers Cup." The draw for the first round, which is be completed by May 30th., res
    80 words
  • 41 16 I The following cards were returned in the men's May medal. 21 cards were taken out. Lt. Col. J. D. Richmond 87 11 73 Lt. C. R. 8-1 10 71 Capt. W. C. MacKinnon, 86 8 78
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
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