The Singapore Free Press, 20 April 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press
  • 14 1 Singapore Free Press 1 I, NTS. SINGAPORE, S.S., TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1926. NO. 11,776
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  • 325 1 Alarming rumours are current in Turkey that Mussolini inlt-nds making a bid for the leadership of the Arab world Fajje 8. The reported Graeco-Italian pact, the Greek military preparations and the Turkish mobilization seem to be responsible for these conjectures I'ajje 8. The first meetinir of the
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  • 910 1 Dim, grey rain Mi drearily on the eoUier> pen. and swept sodden acre* ol wh.--t and sidings. Sirens hooted, coal hoist* crashed and rattled, crawling up Bag.n of coal-trucks bumped and |oltad everywh. and the dock-hasin was M-unnncd with i film of loating coal-dust. In the
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 154 1 WI K LOO N(; IHK !it( O(.MSEi) HOISE fur BUBOPKAN TUOPKAL SLITS. St STREET. Raffles Hotel. Telephone No: 2920. SARKIES BROTHERS, Proprietors. o a np i/* GRILL ROOM Opening Night SATURDAY, 24th APRIL. A. F. PEATE, Manager. v m j -IZLJZ-IZZ Z-^ZZI ADDING— CALCULATING 1 356 87- i^ b
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    • 151 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Long John whiskj Page 4. Klim milk. Getz Uv>. Page J. The Garrick cigar tte— Page Hosiery at Assomull's— Page 4. Shipping en pages 1". 1- and IM. Jade jewellery at de Silva's Page 8. Crawford's biscuits, Barlow's— —Page 3. situations vacant and wanted- Page 7. Bristol milk
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    • 15 1 WING LOONG FOR HIGH CLASS TAILORING. Stylr, Cut a nd Finish Guaranteed. 32. HIGH STREET.
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 70 1 THE WEEK. High Water, 2.51 a.m., 5^6 p.m. Blue Funnel homeward mail leaves. Tfi a rsday, 22nd. Hi^rh Water, ').'2i a.m., 8.9 p.m. P. and <•. homeward i::;.:' leav< Phil. Orchestra, Mem. Hal!. 5.15 p.m. P. arid 0. homeward mail (train). Dutch homeward mail leaves. J.<ul>ri' St. Georgro Installation. Si.
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  • 353 2 HERIBON DRY. Hi From X.E.I. Papers). l'herirx»n. Apr. 1 L town i- practically without water, as hydrallts are out of order, probahh as 8 result of the earthquake shock wh.c:- was fell yesterday. Estate Manager Arrested. Padanp. Apr. 14--tanager of Aei Kembang who shot a c I
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  • 315 2 i the city article of the Tir> s (Man I 6) explains the wild specula- Y rk stock exchange. y. e read i i the stock markei began a -.v One •>'' the inadequate reason? for the d »velopment of "bearish i r a decrease in the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 328 2 THE HAPPY VALLEY LTD. The Town Amusement CENTRE MALAY OPERA, CINEMA. SIDE SHOWS AMUSEMENTS. Mirth-Melody and it 1 Variety ENTERTAINMENT AT VICTORIA THEATRE ON THURSDAY, APRIL 22nd. AND SATURDAY, APRIL 24th. Under the distinguished patronage of H. E. Sir Laurence Guillenwrd, H. E. Major-General Sir T. Fraser ami ViceAiiir.ii-; 1
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    • 402 2 Victoria Theatre A. CARPI will present The Italian Grand Opera Co. Full Orchestra, Full Ballet and Full Chorus. In Operas selected from the following repertoire: Rigoletto, Tales of Hoffman, Madam Butterfly, Othello, "Lohengrin, Aida, Tosca, Boheme, Oavalleria Rusticana, Pagliacci, Forza Del Destino, Traviata, Faust, Thais, Trovatore, etcBooking will be at
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    • 125 2 SINGAPORE CHESS CLUB. Entries for die 1926 Championship Tournament are now closed. Any post-entries however received by the Hon. Secretary on or before the ."nth April will be considered by the Committee. The handicap competition begins this week Post-entries fo r this will be accepted at any t line. F.
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    • 313 2 From Saturday, 17th, to Thursday. 22nd pr j| In the First Show, at 7.30 CLOSED DOORs IN 5 REELS A drama of life told in a o^* ttl^!JjJJJJ r U i>lU In the Second Show, at 9 p.m. ENTER MA DAME IN 7 REELS A HARRY GARSON— METRO PRODI CTIO\
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  • 708 3  -  8.N.8. Herald PATHEB STAAL ON THE DUSUNS OF NORTH BORNEO. Few men are bt tier acquainted with the Dusuns of North Borneo than is the Rev. Father J. Staal. who has spent many years amongst them and who is well qualified to wiite about them. His recent publication
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  • 237 3 The story uf the marked progress made !•> Life Assurance Companies in India is related Mr. H. W. Meikle, Actuary to ;he Government of India, in the "Year Boo] for 1924-25 which has jusi been is- ere ai e at present 75 companies sub jeel to
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  • 828 3 I A very great deal has been written and spoken lately about what is called "osteopathy. n In spite of this deluge of discussion, however, most people seem to think that an osteopath is a kind of scientific bonesetter. Very few people, relatively speaking, know that he is a
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  • 114 3 An English journal has comment d on the fact that, in spite of her long connection with England, the portrait of the late Queen Alexandra has appeared on only three stamps. In the Newfoundland issue of 1897, the portraits of which included the four nerations of
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 137 3 The Soap that suits the Climate There is a strong demand growing steadily here and in other Eastern Countries for O>lverfs 20% Carbolic Medical Soap The old resident knows, and rhe newcomer soon learns now often such a powerful antiseptic Soap is wanted, CALVERTS" ls always the same, always reliable
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    • 24 3 THE EASTERN STUDIO. LEE. PHOTOGRAPHER, SINGAPORE. Enlargements, Miniatures, Wedding and other Groups, Indoor and MODERN STYLE. ELECTRIC LIGHTING, Etc We Also Do Amateurs' Work.
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  • 1371 4  - THE MODERN WOMAN IN MARRIAGE— No. 6. ISKRTA KUCK MEN WHO SHOULD NOT WED. Flirts, Sympathisers and Mother-Lovers. ONCE A KILLER ALWAYS A KILLER." ujf' (The Popular Novelist) [FREE PRESS SPECIAL] When 1 was given the title of this article I decided, "Well, 1 shall begin by saying 'There are
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  • 292 4 Sir Stephen Demetriadi has received a visit from Mr. 11. A. Gibbon, delegate of the European Schools in India Improvement Association with regard to their appeal for financial support to improve the teaching at the European Schools in India. Although considerable sums have been raised for
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 171 4 |®N© Special Rc^exVfe *y^"^ ScotchVhisky MEDITATION. A .Matured by time in the cellars of Scotland Bpyg^fl LONG JOHN nobly responds to the call ot lirpWHll those who seek meditation and comfort EflPßfl after the trials and difficulties of the day bUIII LONG JOHN Special Reserve Scotch Whisky. Obtainable from all
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    • 637 4 IMPORTANT MORTGAGEES SALE The Undersigned have been hull*** t»^*J+. at U r<^ ON MONDAY, 26th APRIL, 1926 AT IM I\M. TO BE SOLD IN ONE LOT. ValoaMe 99 year, 1 leasehold land coniainimr an area rf 4*5 years mere to run) with the Godowns erected therein No, B, ltd 8,
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  • 1550 5 I-OYALTY AND LOGIC Tunning th: scribbled pages of a diary that records some- impressions of a recent tour in Australia the ciiaiist asks himself what, after all. ho has learnt of the Australian. H; finds that from beginning to end of his notes he has shunned the
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  • 402 5 Some (i the changes which have overtaken the House of Commons in the matter oi diess ai discussed by Mr. Michael MacPonagrh in an interesting artis.fc in the :urirnr number oi the Empire Review. "When th House of ommons is crowded whai is it," he asks,
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 475 5 THE SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. r.y Morning Daily in Malay*; a news'" paper 35-40 columns of newt bJm the best Medium for Advertising. I i with the Chota Hazri each morni :h Latest Telegrams, Latest News Blest Announcements together with a ve special features, "Pictures of th« y Serial Story, Ladies'
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    • 465 5 Sjp 1 I Sfl 8b i 1 Si 2. ENO is the safe l.ixati efor young 5. KNO has been t-'ivirsg satisfaction B and old. for more than dftv {rears. Hg 2. KNO ensures inner cleanliness 6. 'I he regu-ar use oi KNO forms no H without drastic measures. undesirable
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  • 967 6 A VILLAGER'S VIEWS Bauraipur lies about fourteen miles south of Calcutta on the Diamond Harbour section of the E. B. Railway and is equally accessible by rail or motor. If the shikari intends to motor it, I would advise him to take the Garia Hat Read
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  • 19 6 I like to see men in subordinate positions, because that is all they are good for. Miss Rebecca West.
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  • 481 6 INTERESTING KARACHI SUIT. An interesting point in respect of the law of libel was decided in the Judicial Commissioner's Court, Karachi, on the 17th March, in which a cook sued his former master for defamation, writes the Karachi correspondent of the Times of India. Thomas Travas was
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  • 232 6 The sum of £395,000 was raised for war veterans in response to Earl Haig't appeal. The report contains th following. From Outposts <>f Empire. "From it- verj nstitution I 1 -i l Day has made an increasingly strong appeal to Britons overs as -both in th< lories
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  • 162 6 Recently a man named Mr. V. \V. Wacker, of a firm In Brisbane, Listened to .-tat ion 4Q(J's concert on a telephone, which had no connection with a radio .-et or with the station itself. The firm has a private telephone Line, not connected with the exchange, running
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 318 6 Sprains Bruises Rely on Sloan's to f Kill the Pain— C<| N > paint ui rubbing no waiting comfort the moment you use it. thousands of men and women, ready rr GREAT RELIEF" if need be to quell a not of pain from Mr. J. Thacker. St. Patrick's House, Rheumatism,
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    • 430 6 I Worn-out Nerves Are you losing mental and bodily vigour When you begin to feel that your nerve force is waning, wnen you tire easily, grow listless, mentally inert, take Dr. Cassell's Tubleis. Rven Biuopean living in [mbm must nowr > t latei expertenc* bti< fffet-tH ut tli<- .Itinitc H>>t
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  • 1839 7 BEDDING Off GOVERNOR GENERAL. (from Our Own Correspondent). Mi d i r,- Batavia, April 17. «*a. P. J. Djement, who has been married t0 lr D F <** Rroxy, will arrive here on Monday per s.s. Johan de Witt. A .special motor boat will go out to meet
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  • 43 7 [British Radio Official Service.] Rugby, Apr. 18. Paris 145; New Y >rk 4.8625; Brussels 131.75; Geneva 25.18; Amsterdam 12.*****; Stockholm ls.i": Copenhagen 18.59; Osl-; 2:;. '22; Vienna 34.5; Bombav Is. 5 57-64d.: Shanghai L's. 2%,d.; Yokohama Is. IPs. Silver 21) 5-16d.
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  • 62 7 I it i< supportable oi this current belief. It was reported thai a labourer was killed i>y a tree which fell on him, as he was leaving to take a recess after having half-cut it. The explanation given of this accident is that: "You want to kill me by felling
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  • 897 7 KLUANG AMOf.ER SRNTENtFI). ihe Sultons Fruit. The Johore Assizes eame to a conclusion on Saturday, and the next will be on May 17th. It will deal with il^ adjourned case in which three C'hi-i. ■>•... youths (Hyfeuns) are charged with the murder of an old compatriot living on
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 378 7 BUSINESS CARDS, ;i MARY SETON S > E. AMBER MANSIONS. < ORCHARD ROAD. J > THE CURIOSITY SHOP. "I v/.v.v.v.v.w.v.v.'.v.v.wavS J Piease Send for the Illustrated 2 catalogue of Musical Instruments J SEASON CO.. LTD. 0 111 and 113, North Bridge Road S MARBLE TABLE TOPS. FLOORING. SINGAPORE CASKET CO.
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    • 721 7 NOTICES. REDEMPTION OF STRAITS SETTLEMENTS 7 PER CENT LOAN (1921—1926). Holder, of BEARER Bond* of the abov, l,,ai, can obtain payment of the principal of these bonds by surrendering them during ordinary office hours on an;) after .May Ist 1926 at thi= following offices: The Treasury, Singapore. The Treasury, Penang.
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    • 431 7 REMINDER. To-day, Tuesday at 4 p.m. SHERIFF'S SALE. IX THE SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. In the cause of Syed Omar bin Mohamed Usage* -.ff Versus Shaik Abdullah bin rtithau» j Banama r r AUCTION SALE OF Irak Household Furmtun Comprising: Treadle and hand w mathine.
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    • 41 8 BIRI HS. DE Bl RGH i HOMAS I>n the l?tl at Pulau Bulanjr, to the wife <: Mi A. de irgh I •■> W.C., daughter. DUGI'ID. On April al thi M itei nitj H pit Pt-nang, t< Mi md Mrs. J Duguid, -'T\.
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    • 33 8 < ROWHI RST KENDALI Al Kuala Knng- on Api il Bth, H >'■! Crowhurst, ol Kati Estate, Kuala Knnssar, I* Eveline Mary Kendall, daughter of th< late Paul Kendall and Mrs. Kendall, of Guildford.
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    • 23 8 GREMJ A( 9■ 2 Thomson Ro u\, A,,, i] 17th, the nfant soi of M ri H. < reminjeer. Aged 3 v k
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  • 737 8 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS TUESDAY, APRIL 20, 1926. A Necessary Nuisance. One of the mosi tiresome nuisances left by the war is the passport system. Before 1914 Britishers used to be able to travel about anywhere, at least within the very broad limits of the Empire, with no document to show
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  • 236 8 The hon'ble Mr. E. C. H. Wolff, Resident, Ni-irri Sembilan, is on a visit to Singapore, accompanied !•> Mrs. Wolff. Mr. P. A. F. havid. District Judge and firsi Police Magistrate, who has been abseni front court for some days, resumed duties yesterday. Mr. <i. A. Trimmer is giving a
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  • 285 8 INDIAN LABOUR CONDITIONS. (From Our Own Correspondent). PenanK. Apr. 19. The Malay Peninsula Agricultural Association annual meeting was held at the Caledonia Club yesterday, when Mr. J. W Kennedy presided. The chairman sGued that the scepemts fur iy2r, showed a profit of $l,Bi<>. Referring to Indian labour conditions
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  • 197 8 MUSSOLINI RUMOURS THE TLKKISH M<MUI.IZ \llo\ li.iuis OVeftUMg the ">r Mi( Mediterrar.ean, the situat. n tier. obscured cast and IRfSt to-da| b I triote negotiations to opel at I attempt to define th:- I m Rim zone- in M<>r« »(-<■.,. Meanwhile, th. Fund, SAd 1 are
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  • 101 8 NEW LIQ UOR TREATY. 'j i,. i Stat tain, obji < tmu j ol in '■>'• til fielded four important I'ohintary uonc on iti. pari 1 1 Br tisl 1 ai hi lant pi kfed thai r been givea x<> Hm eoloi rtJ rit enablmg tfae suspi ted v» mdei
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  • 140 8 ii tuxtoo-road U daj *C when Ui ng to sell mi h itomat rtd rod ammunition i>>r the dime to a < hm.x ["detective, a Chinese «rho w;t- produced be foi iK, act tig i' ■id Judjfe, M' C. H G < larke, ye£i ttlay, bj Ifr. Oakslwtt,
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  • 395 8 .M:. W. Russell, the American Hiiiistei to Siain, ban had to entei the Bangkok Cursing Home. Mr. and Mrs. Goodman Amblei left Kuala Lumpui ...i Saturday i Sinaran w arhen Mr. Amblei is taking; over the beadmaster--h.ii :in- Outrani-rd. Schcv 1 Dr. Pairs i~ due fron Knarland bj tin I'
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  • 85 8 [Keuter *s Bel A. report froa M«ikdei 11 San hey wii' not ..<>■< i 1.. > a K n 1 < attg Fso-tei'fi roops ina;, in* pire* a lead* i nu I .iiD'r.- na.l thi rsnoni avoided by such M otu Tin- paper adda dial "< i Poi
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  • 61 8 [Brttud ka.i... Official S liuti*»^. \i'' volution part| f Conaetwu Parluuneni s. i rank N« Boothbey, Captain i:. C r MootV— an |mv:ih' a :-it t culture, pant, nal wl d ani-riir th< mbjecte tha" aril official, rhoai part h that petal ions vt ith Russia aa i
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  • 34 8 [Beuter't s rvice 1 Vth.n-. \V- v Pangalos bas been n in the < ithcdraj in tl diplomatic n pro, tgtal H the release of polH Santonn:. poUtica] (!<■: Pancake i> neUnq i itl
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  • 48 8 Eteuter'e S. n \larir.i-. V Serious i i"iu v nian-2-;ih;ir.. 250 Btilef POUtl W as a rwiuti dispute B4s B A suh-insiun-t." and Iw p.-!*- 1 seriously injuw d I* iftuatitfs i Numbers have bei n sites ted aftd i of over four persons haw boa* !>'■
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 166 8 -THE CONNOISSEUR COMh± TO CALDBECK'S" HARVEYS OF j I BRISTOL MILK SHERRY. j CALDBECK, MACGREGOR W»J™ Jo, Robinson Road, SINGAPORE. PATRONISED jfli BY ROYAITY SOCIETY'S LATEST DECREE "THE JADE JEWELLERY" J is not only delitrht t"ul and fashionable but exceedingly becoming for <•1 < i and young alike. Specialit> EMERALD
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    • 58 8 FOR ALL I" VERMIN USE M flm f___9S^_S V AGENTS: W. R. Loxley Co. i M^ I kl I Ik /I L# F If J GOLDEN SERIES. L i/V. A i^^A^^j^^^^^N. v I JUST KKJHT FOR THE CLIMATE I a] CQ rri i k V%c.aHißßwf* Ico.uw/1 co.uw/ V^fev LONDON, .J^Y
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  • 117 9 HAWAII'S TERROR. VILLAGES Bl KIEH FIFTY FEET New York, Apr. 19. ssaa* from Kona, Hawaii, stales u a'-alanche of lava from the Volcano ma Loa yesterday overwhelmed the vflHoopoloa, riyrhu^n miles distant. 4 its hundred inhabitants is not Several homes at Sanaa were also fiftj feet in
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  • 206 9 sli Radio— Official Service]. Rugby. Apr. lis. -T. of Mr>. Alec Tweedk. the m authoress, and Flight Lieutenant "av c been killed in an air crash ne. It b understood thai these :h others of the Royal Air Force Amman, had in-t-n flying over f« some days
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  • 275 9 i Ra Mficia] Sen liu tf f>\ Apr. is. Reading their return I Lob- i^y. after yean in I r 1 d ft Ldusii a >^ n V.r- roy, was extrenv Halit] Special n v..- King and c^'-^ n and Sfhristei awaited them on the togetl r
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  • 27 9 harlea C. Reade, who underwent an IB Sir. yap. -re last month, returned t.umpur on Friday in much betahk Be has resumed duty as Goy- wb Planner.
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  • 1919 9 THE ANNUAL MEETING. A Review of the Year. The annual general meeting of the conjugation was held in the Chapter House tost evening, under the Presidency of the V«u Archdeacon Swindell, there being a wn attendance of members. The folfcwmg were elected or nominated to office:— Churchwardens,
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  • 713 9 A DIRECTION BY iMR. SEAH LIANG SEAH. The will of the late Mr. Seah Liang Seah, whose death occurred in December, was the subject of proceedings before the Chief Justice, Sir William Murison, yesterday. Several questions were raised, the principal one relating to a direction by the
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  • 217 9 The Council took over from the S. D. A. all financial liabilities incurred by them on behalf of Rev. G. T. Shetliffe, on his entering into agreement with the Council. A special appeal for the Endowment Fund has been issued, appealing especially to those who are retiring or have retired
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 164 9 Mm Aj^Mw s^" 3 Ai j x^^BMj^jMp^^^ Dessert OKocolates "REGENT" "BROOKI Y\ T 1 7 50 4 |(i k'J ASSORTED iUCHMOXn" SWBBTS ■> I.IJ. BOX si FILLER'S "NEW YORK" HOC OLATES 1 IJ{. BOX S2 7", 1 FILLERS CHOCOLATE NEAPOLITANS I'KKK Kn> ROBINSON Co., Ltd. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements)
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 555 10 Ellerman Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND). PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICES UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT i VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL. FREIGHT SERVICE. s.s. CITY OF LYONS Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan In Port HOMEWARDS. s.s. CITY OF' PEKIN London, Rotterdam and Han.bnrg Apr. 22 s.s. CITY OF VALENCIA Marseiles,
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  • 1086 11 RUSSO-JAPANESE RIVALRY. Khar bin, Feb. 15. Though the Chinese Eastern Raihvay is now being- well managed with the object of obtaining- commercial results, foreigners interested regard the situation with mixed feelings. They appreciate the present businesslike methods which promote trade, biit taturally they profoundly distrust the principles,
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  • 193 11 A Hearty Laugh of the Wrong Sort. Washington, Mar. 16. In a spirit of cynical levity critic. an«l audience went last night to .sec the first presentation of Vera Lady Cathcart's play, "Ashes of Love." with the Countess in the principal role. Critics went because last week
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  • 315 11 Fortnightly Service Between Bgypi tad India. Delhi. Mar. 25. Tiie Standing Financ Committee took up the question of a hangar and hutments at Karachi for tin- Cairo-Karachi aeroplane service. It was explained that His Majesty's Government in the Air Ministry had Entered into an agreement with
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  • 73 11 When 1 hear a man say. »«1 am in favaui of peace, but then I know In- is really in favour of war.— Mr. W. Lyon Bbelps. ing the critics, roared the only be&rty laugh during the entire evening. "Can she still be deported?" one critic asked as the final
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  • 271 11 During the hot spell m Bydnej then or four weeks ago a perspiring but i n rgetic journalist went the round of th* shops .in.) carefully w ighed up the garments the* i p worn '>> woman and num. Th«- result the knowledge be gained caused him
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  • 134 11 According to the Darwin Tiam tl;< naging director of the Kfastraliaa Airway < Ud., has written to the Dutch I-:. In. lies Government requesting a concesG for the exploitation i I ail sei ioei b tam n Java and Australia with the intenttoi esUbUshing weekly
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 265 11 You don't need to be ill to need Wincarnis Wincarnis is not merely for invalids and those who are run down in health. It's for M B ri JV m^^f- lltl t. 1^ 111'* ill v\ CI 1 From OH Chemists POST THIS COUPON >lj' j i CciKNAa Co Ltp.,
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    • 94 11 3 BLACK WHITE 1^ BLACK E _^===^R fl W T hen a cigarette has established a reputation WWW9WW^U\W\ -rrr=L=^B for quality lasting over a centurv ljlf H I I M —--.^^B j] When four generations have smoked and en- V ~"^"^"^^^fl J®y nt?m \j IK ui vl l vw n
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  • 73 12 The P. and 0. Devanha has left Hongkong and is expected to arrive -at this port at 5 a.m. on Thursday, 22nd instant. She will proceed to the Singapore Harbour Board's wharf on arrival. The master of the Rosandra reports that he passed a large floating spar about
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  • 311 12 London to lx» the Home Port for (unarders The decision of the Cunard Co. to brintf t<> London five of their great liners which ha\L' hitherto had Liverpool as their home port has aroused considerable interest in the shipping world. The project means that the passenger tonnage
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  • 375 12 Mr. Walter Runciman's presidential address at I hi m ting i f the I 'hambei oi Shipping of the United K ngdam, on February 19th, was of a character thai in these days of Socialistic propaganda should be studied bj all who would •le: rmine their
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  • 82 12 lI. H. the Sultan of Perak lias issued in citations for the marriage of his daughter, Yang Mulia Raja Fatimah, to Yang Mulia Tengku Abu Baker, son ft" H. the Sultan oi Pahang. The wedding ceremonies will take place from April L'.'» to June and the festivities will include a
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 573 12 Burns Philp Line R( Incorporated in Australia.) FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE. »r monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7.375 tona) and MALABAR (4.512 tons.) The 9.8. MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cabins de Luxe, single berth cabins, swimming
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    • 372 12 MESSAGERIES MARITIMES HOMEWARD MAILS. To Colombo. Djibouti Port Said. Marseilles from Singapore. PAUL LECAT 17.000 tons Apr. tl CHANTILLT 17,000 tons Apr. 2^ AMBOISK IG,OOO tons May S OUTWARD MAILS.: To Saiß«n. ttatcfeaayf, Shnn^ha; and Japan. AMAZONE 11,000 tons Apr. L9| To Saigon. 'Uurane and Haiphong. FONTAINEBLEU 17.000 ton? Apr.
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    • 165 12 Stcwort's Old Scotch Whisky Sole Agents: JOHN LITTLE k CO.. I TIU < hai n via* ed En| and Singapore, Penang and Kuala Lumpur. LLOYD TRIESTINO NAY. (I i Knc porat4 d i It HOMEWARD SMI .IV Ri-monthly service !-h Hill- f Lading vast ai i Bla k v p
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 738 12 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pa hang, Pekan, Sungei Lembing and Kuan tan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Friday 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuaia Lumpur, ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah 6" a.m. Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 6 p.m.
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    • 106 12 Mrs. J. K. Hutton. Dr. 1.. Kan. Mr. and Mrs. Sauders, Mrs. Lemon. Mr. and Mrs. Fourdlaw. Mr. \Y. c. Wardlauw, Mr. Daworon, Mr. L. B. Daworon, Mr. 1.. B. Gibson. Mr. W. C. S. Covry, H. H. Jenkens. Mr. and' Mrs. W. Macleod, Mr. and Mrs. R. Macleod, Mrs.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 569 13 O. S. K. Line. Destinations. Q# earners. Arr Ti*n» ndi p Rotterdam, Hamburg, Arr D pt -ut-p. Bremen, via Colombo, Aden Alaska Maru Aor 21 Anr 9* Port Mulan and Port Said. P P w Imssa; Zanzibar, Dar-es-Salaam, f Mexico Maru pr 22 Aor 23 ft a. Delago. Bay Durban
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    • 418 13 Utt^ SISIMSBIP LINE Round -the- World jl i\.oorilMjiriJti AINJJ rtvrilvixll oCilCYlL'fi 41 Days to NEW YORK OILBURNERS. NO COAL DUST. NO CINDERS. ABSOLUTE CLEANLINESS. via Colombo, Port SaM, Alexandria, Naples, Genoa and Marseilles. From New York these fine new liners continue on Round the World, returning to Singapore in 110
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    • 618 13 Kerr Steamship Co., Inc., 44. BEAVER STREET, NEW YORK. (Incorporated in U.S.A.) GENERAL AGENTS. REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE TO BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE (via Suez) s.s. RHINE MARU In Port. s.s. BELFAST MARU due April 27. For rates and other particulars apply;— GUTHRIE CO., LTD Agenu*: Singapore and P«»«»t
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  • 1192 14 B.E.H.H. has been writing a series of articles in the Rangoon Gazette, "A Memsahib on her Travels" by a tourist ship. The Last Lap deals with Singapore as under. At Singapore we found all the prosperity that Hongkong lacks. It is enjoying what is called a "boom"
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  • 222 14 U.S. OFF ICER'S SUICIDE. Tragedy of General's Son a( Manila. Manila papers Veport the death of First Lieut. David Stanley Holbrook, iMth Cavalry, in his quarters al Camp Stotsen MSrg, due to a pun shot wound apparently St! f inflicted. He is thought to have been temporarily despondent. No cause
    222 words
  • 414 14 Mtai .iii.i < hhrr- K; ir < cfi VUMI. NieM finds niade recently in the excavations at the site of the Metropolitan Wat* l!: >'' at Xova ich< P.1., ■!i ;i hei inter* si ing, :u iOl ding H Otley Bey< i Profess t \nthn :i
    414 words
  • 34 14 lectun efeired the <fe* had for ih«- m st word I in hi.v op;. have \hv universal > held I hat >v )'h ine whi.-h nd Sn i quest a i I
    34 words
  • 16 14 I h;iY»- never known \h-> f r spiritual food that^ I Danv Hem tetta Ba iiett,
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 224 14 Determine NOW to be Strong and Well Step out of the gloom of Fatigue and Listlessness, tone up body and nerves with Sanatogen, s which, to quote a well-known London physician cells, and builds these up into a permanent and i my routine hoik, which is fairly arduous, without Obtainable
      224 words
    • 25 14 yft if Opinions ffuma about, ||^^^"^JcV^| j iaarettes qonia^^^^ s rhu rd\ertuemenl m j»j« b) ;hr Bridbl Ampncim j oCj»cca. Co. (Sir«n*J L<o R-' 7
      25 words

  • 68 15 April 19. Bank 4 m.s. o < o o Hank demand o 4 Private credits 3 m.s. ■> 4 j;^^ Nfew York, demnnd 5(5.Credits 90 days cor/ k r ranee, demand 1610 India, T. T. 155% Hontfkonn. demand ;ji,, p c rjj s Yokohama, demand 120 Java, demand 140
    68 words
  • 229 15 April L9. Tin 100 Ton- e^gg qq (ianibit-r 12.00 Pepper White 60.00 Pepper Black 40.00 Flake Tapioca 5.55 Pearl Sago Small 7.50 l) l"" :l IL6O opra Sundried 11.70 Opium. Benares unt. 4.000 Rice, Liang Hin Chan Mark Red Eagle (New) 330 Rice, Siam old No. 1 .330 Rice.
    229 words
  • 66 15 DAILY PRICES CURRENT April 19th, I«>2K. 12 o'clock noon. Buyers Sellers R.S.S. equal to Standard, (H'V Spot 75% 76 Standard R.S.S. on Tender April 76 76% May 75 75% May June 7 1 7.". July-Sept. 74 7J Oct.-Dec. 71 Tone of M arket Easier. Latest
    66 words
  • 128 15 SZE H AI TONG BANK. The annual repori for the y«.ar 192H (for presentation at the animal meeting to be helil at i p.m. on Saturday, April 2 i t h at the Bank's Offices in Chuliah Street) states: The ni't profit for the year as shown by the Profit
    128 words
  • 58 15 Yesterday's Alterations Batang Padang Tin ($1) ,5 77 Kinta Tin ($1) 1.29 1.31 •Nai Hoot ($1 1.14 1.18 Indragiri ($5) 9.50 10.00 Kempas ($2) 9.75 10.00 Mayfield ($2) 14.00 15.00 Radella ($5) 11.50 12.00 S'pore Cold Storage 37.50 42.50 Straits Ice ($10) 10.00 15.00 nom S. Steamship
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  • 87 15 Messrs Guthrie and Co., Kuala Lumpur, agents for Remban Jeloi Rubber, Ltd., advise having received a cable from the secretaries of this company to the effect that the directors have decided to recommend a final dividend in respect of the financial year ended Dec. .Slst last of 12% per cent,
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  • 354 15 FOCRTH RESTRICTION YEAR Stock Afloat In Harbour. March rubbei declared in April, 319 tens. Stocks held by the Harbour Boards, Sii pone and Penang BOS Urns. Additional I. ports. Declared stocks on payment of 42 cents per 1b export dutv March: F.M.S. 5 tons; S.S. Nil; Johore
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  • 203 15 MACPHAIL CO., LTD'S REPORT Singapore, Apr. IH. Rubber.— Local 76%. per 11 Tilt— £273. ss. Local 139. (100 tons sold) Rubbers.— Shares are quiet but steady! Mentakabs have buyers at 57 with sellers at .V.. business passing at the middle figure Malaka Pindas offer at 3.05 buyers
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  • 251 15 ROSE MACPHAIL CO S REPORT. (L. R. Macphail) Singapore, Apr. lit. Rubber.— ls 10-Vl M down. Local 7m 1 Tin. £273* ss. (17.4.26) Local 100 tons sold at 139. Rubber share quotations are easier on] tin' further fall in the juice of the commodity. Alining shares are steady and Industrials
    251 words
  • 325 15 JACKS' METAL REPORT. London, Mar. 21. Markets. The unpleasant revelations thai have just been made regarding the I.< twfro Pa;t and the League of Nation.- Conference have naturally come ae a surprise to the commercial world both bete and m the Com. binent, and America tin(is fresh
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 522 15 Assets Over $6500,000, S.C. TI iTi /in Assurance in Force Over $22,000,000. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED. hp in n^trr w,. (Incorporated la Straits Settlements) Ht.AU U*MLE:-- Winchester House Sinnnore r nxtruwi nvvinv oo nu t e- n The Company has £20,000 deposited wifh tv^ q, LONDON O*FICE:
      522 words
    • 382 15 gANKING. YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LIMITED. —Established 1880— C**?**/ Subscribed Y.100,000,Wi (tolly paid up) Reserve Fund Y.86,500,000 President: K. Kodama Esq Vice-President: R. Ichinomiya, lie DIRECTORS. M. Odagiri, Esq. K. Mogami, Esq. S^S"* 1 I ?V kl K T k^chi, Eiq. F. Watanabe, Esq. T. Okubo, Esq. Baron K. Morimura. Y.
      382 words
    • 439 15 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated in Hongkong) a emd Offlee: H<m&kong. Authorised Capital $50,000,000 ls«ued and fully paid up $20,000,000 Kestrve Fund: Sterling 4,F00,000 Silver $27,000,000 KeserTe Liability of Proprietors $20,000,000 COURT OF DIRECTORS. D. G. M. Bernard, Esq. Chairman Hon. Mr. A. O. Lang Deputy Chairman a
      439 words
    • 43 15 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE, (Incorporated In England bj Royal Charter A. D. 17S0). FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE Fidelity Guarantee Administration Bonds Singap^-s Representative Messrs. BARLOW Co. Messrs. HARRISONS. BARKER CO.. U4 CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor) A GORDON LEE, Resident Manager. ALHAMBRA APRIL 23rd.
      43 words

  • 121 16 PUBLIC SCHOOLS ATHLETICS. CORONACH FAVOURITE FOR TWO THOUSAND. (Copyright by Free Press. .From Our London Correspondent.) London, Apr. 17. Bedford School won the annual athletic championships of the Publk Schools, scoring 33 points to the 16 scored by Charterhouse and the 15 scored by Eton, The champions
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  • 26 16 Wellington and Haprow mei doling the week mi the final oi the Public Schools rackets championship, Wellington winning by four games to three.
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  • 100 16 Lord Woolavington*s Coronach at l-l i- favourite for the Fwo Thousand Guineas, which is to be ran at Newmarket on the 28th i t this m »nth. Sii Abe Bailey's Lex > second favourite at 15-2, and bi this connection is interesting to recall that, after
    100 words
  • 102 16 Bla were visitors to Leicester to-ilay and iy.-- T with a decisive reverse for, they were only a'K to tross the home line <>n h ccasion, ::.<> had four tries, one converted, registered against them, Th< meeting t I Harlequins with the Serviei savi >th sides strongly reI an
    102 words
  • 22 16 CORINTHI ANS BEAT THE NAVY. 1?^ a fi > ndly mat ern I < inthians lefeal N. at s by three als to one.
    22 words
  • 94 16 Sexi ice.] Loud n, the men ni j fit. 'i hey wen enthusu I ally vel i i d and b tice a: L r^i> to-morrow. Intense interest beinp clispl Kng tan i in the ket matches wh h are to be pla d itb Australians. Gi
    94 words
  • 49 16 Sunda] Tiffin to U- Resumed Meml ei Sm ming < 'in* ai d to note that in resp nse to many r< quests :h<- praetic< of providing ;:'r at the lib every Sou i wi '.> h as tpped >mt? ■me ap i be resumed from n
    49 words
  • 55 16 The following will represent the Y.M.r.A. vs. Band, D. W. Regt to-day on the Y.M.C.A. groond:- R. H. Pennefather; K. C. Wheatley and < A. r^ennefather; ii. S. Duncan, C D, Smith and A. <;. Armstrong; M. Catchatoor, A. X. Katyal, H. (i. Stack (Capt), E. V. Smith and
    55 words
  • 123 16 Action -dk. i: at a meeting of Committee X... 5 on April nth: In t0:.... it:, n with the shortage of water decided that drastic restriction should be brought in if the necessity arises, and that a ni/t;,»- be published in the Press asking the public to economise
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  • 936 16 A BUSY WEEK-END. Final Race for Guiliemard Cup. The week-end was a busy one for the Club, two races coming oft* on Saturday tfternoon, and the final race for the Guilmard Cup on Sunday morning. Saturday's hi;.; race was for a cup put up uy the Vice-Commodore and included
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  • 28 16 The master of the President van Buren Reports that on April lKth. he observed breakers, probably a shoal, in latitude S. 50, X. and longtitade 110, 55, K.
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  • 686 16 CHINESE DEFEAT S.C.C. A Helpless Forward Line. S.C.F.A 1: S.C.C 0. A goal by I'm Sur, during- the first five minutes gave the Chinese a well merited victory over the Cricket Club in the return game on the Padang yesterday evening. Had (he margin been four times as great
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  • 89 16 April Medal. The result of the April medal is a win for (J. Cullen, who returned a score of 78-8-70 nett. "Telegraph Cup." The following have qualified uv.<\ are drawn for as under: Jervis vs. (i. Cullen. Stewa ii vs. .1. M illar 11. i. Jones vs.
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  • 40 16 S. F.A. LEAGUE COMPETITIONS. Entries Close To-day In connecetion with the Singapore Foatball Association's League competitions it is point d out that entries close to-day. The honorary secretary is Mr. R. H. Gale, care of Messrs. Sime, Darby and Co.
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  • 74 16 Throe Chinese have been arrested by the Rochore Police in connection with the murder of Tin Chwee Thong in Lorong Lalat, off Jalan Besar, on March 31 last Thi body was discovered on the roadside and bore evidence of a brutal attack, there being several stab
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  • 242 16 PROMOTION POSSIBILITIES. The positions in the English and Scottish Leagues to date, arc as follow: Division i. Huddeiafieid 41 2;J 7 11 HO .VJ B7 Arsenal M 21 11 7 82 00 49 Sunderland 40 20 14 6 92 74 46 Leeds 40 13 19 8 59 73
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  • 332 16 S UNDAY'S WIRELESS PROGRAMME. A i leasing feature of Sunday night's wireless programme was tin- short t;iik by Sir Arthur \airn. K.11.K. it i- a ran event for such a distinguished speaker as Ai thur t trai from th<- S nga poie Studio, and the eloquence with which h
    332 words
  • 175 16 The unusual sight of a British sail..] between the shafts of an empty rikisha caused a mild sensation in the particulai section of Jalan Besar In which the incident was witnessed on Saturday night. It attracted the attention of many, amongst th< m two police constables who
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  • 42 16 Production of the "Sorcerer." Members of the caste are asked to note that, owing to the fact that Friday, the 23rd inst., is St. Georges Day. thera will be no rehearsal for principals or chorus on that afternoon.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 208 16 STEIN WAY is the Halimark to ANY HOME. I S. MOUTRHf CO., LTD (Incorporated in Honpkonpr). UAIILES PLACE, SINGAPORE. Sole Agents. tf -S^ \a j^ *r Royal Vinolia One of the most important essentials of beatfh is a healthy skin, and this is ensured h> thdaily use of Royal V
      208 words