The Singapore Free Press, 16 April 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press
  • 13 1 Singapore Free Press 10 CENTS. SINGAPORE, S.S., FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1926. NO. 11,773.
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  • 272 1 An entirely new method of obstruction was practised m the House Commons by thirteen Labour members and resulted m their being suspended Page 9. A question was asked m the Home as to the situation m China, but the Foreign Secretary was unable to make j a
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  • 1154 1 The new infirmary was completed except foi a host of odd jobs. Engaged on on* tl these, young leases Parkinson planed a piece if deal that was fco be a shelf. Shavings flew round him and th.' smell of the wood was tWtet m h nostrils. He
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 207 1 SWALLOW ARIELL'S MARIE BISCUITS Raffles Hotel, i Telephone No: 2920. SARKIES BROTHERS. Proprietors. Er-RILL room OPENING SHORTLY. A. F. PEATE, Manager. I j _m_ _m _m+*\ I ADDING— CALCULATING i 151 1?- MACHINE. I jt-J^22 08Jv^^* A machine that is almost human 456 \_W m its actions. Adds Subtracts I^B_C_r_______ss»
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    • 131 1 PABOO PAINT. I PABCO PAINT. Absolutely anti-corrosive. > Inexpensive. ji Non-poisonous. J ij Try it on your next job. S ij Sole Agents: ji I Sime, Darby Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m tht* Straits Settlements). ij MALACCA STREET, SINGAPORE. I rm j" The Europe Hotet'i m i: > v mmm i
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    • 115 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Indigestion made impossible- Page 7. Latest shipping on pages 10, ill and LS. Variety entertainment at Victoria Theatre Page 2. Cinema show at Goodwood Hall on Saturday- Page 2. Hoi Cinegraph. Singapore Studio and Photo Co.— Page 7. Auction sale of household furniture, etc.. by Powell and Co.-
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 87 1 THE WEEK. Friday, 16th. High Water. 0.20 a.m 1.1 p.m. Mentakab Rubber, Chartered Hank. soon. Hatch homeward mail leaves. Saturday, llth. High Water. 0.50 a.m.. 1.58 pjn. B. I. outward mail due. High Water, L 23 a.m.. 2. V.- p.m. Monday, 19th. High Water, 2.2 a.m.. :_54 p.m. St. Andrew's
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  • 418 2 t\ corres] ndent writes to the Rangoon iazette: Sir, In thi Rangoon Gaaette oi Marck 1926 there is published an artWV leahng with the conclusions of Dr. X Han is regarding th stature of our L rd. »>r :ne evidence of three witnesses Ir the ®d
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  • 164 2 Ai: astronomical event of the past month as been the award of the Gold Medal of T ne Royal A-tron>mieal Society to Professor Einstein, and the address by Dr, Jeans justifying the award. The President treated the .object lightly, speaking m parable of the children's quest for the
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 235 2 SKETOLENE. A REAL PREVENTIVE AGAINST MOSQUITOES. An unique preparation for the prevention of Mosquito and other insect bites. MEDICAL HALL, LTD. 23, Battery Road. THE HAPPY VALLEY LTD. The Town Amusement CENTRE MALAY OPERA. CINEMA. SIDE SHOWS AMUSEMENTS. *5 Relvey's Sl School of __J Dancing A well-known professional teacher m
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    • 337 2 Victoria Theatre O omiivg Shortly The Italian Grand Opera Co. Full Orchestra, Full Ballet and Full Chorus. In Operas selected trom the following repertoire:— Kigoletto, Tales of Hoffman, Madam Butterfly, Othello, Lohengrin. Aida, Tosca, Boheme, h Cavalleria Rusticana, Pagliacci. Forza Del Destino, Traviata, Looking will be at John Little's. _p
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    • 296 2 OR SIX NIGHTS ONLY, From Sunday, llth to Friday, 16th April, 1926. Alhambra Theatre (TAN CHENG KEE CO., LTD.. Proprietors). Overture by the Alhambra Orchestra of Professional In the Second Show at 9 pm. CA HERBERT BRENON— PARAMOUNT PRODUCTION. William J. Locke's Famous S.ory 'THE l IOUNTKBANK. ERNEST TORRENCE
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  • 1761 3 LEAGUE FOOTBALL. Nat onal Cross Country Championship (From Our Own Correspondent). London, March 18. English Association Football is feeling 1 more cheerful. Indeed it had bee., reduced to such desperate straits that more than usual interest centred up >n the inter-League engagement at Celtic Park, Glasgow, on Satm
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  • 103 3 A sv tod story v. told m a theatrical magazine of an encounter between Lady Diana Cooper, thi.' famous beauty ami moving picture actress, and Nov] Coward, the young and handsome playwright and actor. Coward had a play running m London at the time, a concoction .supposed to
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 166 3 I| M Take care of your Child and give him a Formamint tablet to suck, on the first symptoms of Sore Throat. Sore Throat is a sign of dangerous germs m mouth and throat. Formamint destroys those germs and so cures the 1 complaint It prevents infectious diseases like M
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    • 257 3 FORD OWNERS Prolong the Life of Your Car mf White Star Oil MAUYAN MOTORS JM h mL-___UJ^-_______-^ < i J__f IS*' t j SlCCp!f-SS W^mmmY _T^T_> Ifn ___v "^^___^^m* ia^_fc___^B^Mi^M B a ordered _i^»-^tive s\ _____^_P J ,*'j I; Thousands have mat ___\___E_______=_^ and restftil s!*.-p is induced hy
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  • 696 4 NO. BEHIND THK 1. 1 M.S. ISp v a;v Written for Free Press). Next morninf it waa bright and sonny after the storm, and once mor< our spirits rose skj is We bad an eailj breakfast s and wen ben mai :hed off to Ihe railway Btation
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  • 54 4 sift mousseline m the nost ol (links, 1- combined with n thr youthful lil tie after- ibovc. There 1- a ide hi...... ii said., and the eh rer little appliqa aotives art- of narrow bands I the which reappears m the Inn i tins 1 I
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    • 444 4 By FLORA FLEMING. WHEN LOVERS RETREAT. "1 do n know anything mon pitiable than the way m which glrjs nowadays will anything to get any sort of a scoundrel foi a husband/ 1 observed a London magistrate last week m dealing with a case of pretenc< s. M
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    • 180 4 I i m ,i. fi bobbed hair ha. perhaps been som whal tardy m making an appearance, Ll !I it if has come at last. It is a patent, t( land a verj ingenious one, although simple enough. It ia a Hat double hairpin, almost j like
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    • 117 4 The iniquity, not to mention the moral m turpitude, involved m permitting small boys tn to play with toy soldiers, drums, swords, and Tl oth r panoply of war has again been impres- m sed upon manufacturers of toys. re Th Women's International League for U I
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    • 223 4 A FLOWER VOGUE. Tho originator of the vogue for fresh flowers m the modiste's window was well aware of how appealing tbeae bloou omn aw to the iast.d'ul woman. Now every sasart costumier wisely decorates her window, not with artificial id orna if she can help it, but
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    • 77 4 inkl nes ar< largi innot b need, but if thk km s due I Eat it I Walking four or five at a bisk pace is w I lin I ways t< elo| trim onkh an I li Raising and low ring the hei ftj times i day is als
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    • 47 4 Fashion designers have decreed that lumper suits shall be popular this season. Here are two attractive desig 's. li witi he seen thai pleating is introduced into !><>i!i ih.--,- su'ts a fine kill ng m one, and an inverted plea. n the ul her.
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    • 307 4 NO. 2.- DINNERS I II W E 'i i N The av-. rave housekeepei iei ye the of meal- far too much to tl lagination, always limited, of hei Chinesi »ok to an iv at much vai iety m Ea emus, which must n be rathei n tonous.
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    • 468 4 There is a varying hut always heavy rain on shoulder straps, whether one is aying a strenuous game of golf, dancing, pursuing the general occupations of an •dinary day. The possibility of a suddenly snapped raj) is (piite done away with if a simple id ingenious method of
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    • 537 4 i w< I oui Li v. ing hut b, and mine w imben known m soldii i slai as l Cl_ lo tts lick*. i was the only men er ol M.T.B. m I t Irdnance d i I I it a icky m ing hut- ite* a c ongen
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    • 55 4 How she advances, Joyous and debonair! And her eyes' glances Though the sun shines on her Are not made duller: Joyous and debonair, Motion aud colour! (dm there he anywhere In all creation Anything lovelier? Did the Creel- nation See m its olumnar Towns, or its isles Anything
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    • 43 4 and down at one inch intervals, at the machine shop, will provide any number of straps. Of course they are cut along the line of hemstitching, and, planned out like this, the edging costs very little. In wear these straps are Quite invisible.
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  • 382 4 (Continued from colli met one's gaze from the win I m England; I think 1 bad hoped As art jogged along s___ t>) time h ng con* oys 4 pi who had stuffed bii try i ttfneae laboui pai I S w W a Bort nnd gui
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  • 49 4 I summei orta _ir!i-h Ltli, dr.-- a hit( pi. nd. ai' ki t tilln. -v t th, rwifi -kirt. h i* a orn aH h i>. i k- I hit <■ lim n. bi nnd I h bat i- a -ot t -pm t-' is -.i\ h
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  • 893 5 ,r J. Forbes-Robertson's Memories. Sir Johnston Forbes-Robertson, m the course of an interesting address on "Recollections of a Stage Lift" before the Livery Committee of the Stationers' Company, said that it had beeS his privilege t teak* love on the stag* to some of tht most beautiful women
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  • 617 5 The term "artificial silk." though clumsy, is a fair, if far from exact, definition of the new textile. It is one of the many products <>f cellulose, which, m its turn, is the fundamental element of all ceyetabie matter. 'Ihe cslluiose filaments are by forcing or passing the
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  • 32 5 There are man) "best selh rs" thai have done more harm to the standard of our civilisation than a day on the Epsom Downs with "bookies.* 1 Mr. <d R. Stirling Taylor.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 147 5 55*^^*""''"*^*iii_2^_i_E _w v*^ Li&e a Thief m the Night I*he deal Hi c .I I age is sti ll f tr l nest *ec_ ______^^^m rer. V p the.: on VIROL 40 ati lon prescribed portion* o' V.roi wee m oi er 3,0 »0 Hospitals und c mc* lust \ear.
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    • 237 5 l'l V f I ____T _r i _ofc Ami^^^^^^^^^wmmmmww^ Md ___T Aml^M AmWrnW [J i ii U At th.c End of J p A S re_\t*o**s Set "5-tl IN srld m a Blue and (iold bottle. d^Sfe?^^! ftrnroientativi for Far East and India: Robert Ulu,'. Unict Building, Singapore. AUCTION SALES.
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    • 268 5 SHERIFFS SAFE. IN TUX SUPREME COURT OF THK STKAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. In the caus< of Syed Omar bin Mohamet! Aisagoff Plaintiff Versus <!:.:. Abdul ih Mohamed Banama Defendant Alt TION SALE OF T» ak Household Furniture etc Comprising: Poonaw almeirahs, dressing tables, washstands with un rb tops, iron
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    • 142 5 SHERIFF'S SAFE. SETTLEMENT OF SING AP". .i tbe case Syed I rtai Mi Mohamed Ai tgoff tinttfl Shaik Abdullah bin Mohamed Aid TION SALE OF I tluable Teak Household F«n A- N n I Ifl Kace < sui B On Saturday. April 17th al IM p.m. tables, la 1.. bi
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  • 1859 6 WEST OWNS TOO MUCH LAND: EAST NEEDS MORE. (From Our Own Correspondent). Tokyo, Mar. 2."). That the West owns too much of the earth's surface and that the East must have more than the Orient has to-day is a contention very often made by Japanese publicists and
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 1053 6 Estate of Shaik Abdullah bin Ahamad bin Ali bin Ahmad bin Obudh AlTway Basalamah deed. Important Auction Sale of Valuable Freehold and Leasehold land and shophouse premi>es known as N\s. .07, 8.">9 and 821 North Bridge Koad. No. 184 Selejfie Koad, Nos. :>7 and 38 Dunlop Street, Nos. 161. 169
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    • 187 6 UNITED ENGINEERS LIMITED. (incorporated n tbe Straits Settlements I Ef In it c ci* s" _____V__nV msaavm mov** r «s_____• a. a___*_. svsttm «T-"*__r^ 1 fc. ______T_B__ WAS __MT_lffy j*.-* 1 »«W«gg y _6i*___Bg mmmmmmmmV _Ti' Jk% Those quick to appreciate real quality are quick j| to appreciate I n
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  • 2216 7 SATISFACTORY INCREASE IN PROFIT. Tin annual general meeting of Teluk Anson Rubbei Estate, Limited, was held yesteiday, m the Hongkong Bank Chambers. those piesent being:— Mr. A. E. Baddeley, Chairman, the hon ble Mr. D. J. Ward, Mr. j -J. R. Crawford, Mr. C. J. Stephen. Mr.
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  • 55 7 the incoming of man were based on the assumption that the existing forces of nature were invariable. But natureforces were not uniform; they did not do equal work m eoual time; nature had no chronometers. Therefore, we can not accept anything m terms of years at applying to anything outside
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  • 364 7 l o reckon the ag* I our im <■ m terms of years is yet impossible, we are told I > Sir \V. Boyd 'aw a paper on "The ___ttqait} of Man.* recently before the British iUsoctation foi the Advancement of Science. Says Anted eat;
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 371 7 J^jNESS CARDS. 1 y4? V SETON. W E. AMBER MANSIONS. J J ORCHARD ROAD. < bb JHE CURIOSITY SHOP. 5 oco *****»««*^«»»*woV_m»««» SSS Sen< i f the I»«Btrated i -atmlofcue of Mu sica i Instruments, g bBi&SOI. CO., LTD. S IU and 113, Xorth Bridße Road> MARBLE TABLE TOPS. FLOORING
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    • 698 7 INDIGESTION I MADE IMPOSSIBLE. There's one quick and certain way to stop indigestion and all similar ills which •are caused hy acid conditions of the stomach and the resulting fermentation. Obviously the remedy lies m a neutralizing agept which will put an end to this Iharmfnl acidity without having any
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    • 162 7 j7amßuk fc^H£S^£™f^lSj b Zam-Buk. X kills "> cts. i .'^^^f^^S£sm___\^.^^^^ germs, expels poison and corruption and dispensaries grows new skin. THE SMALLEST CINEMA CAMERA THAT PRODUCES THE LARGEST PK TIRES. Any Standard Film as used by 'bin ma- brii be project I BOL CINEGRAPH. I Any film taken by the
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  • 723 8 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS FRIDAY, APRIL 16, 1926. Air and Annexation. The "Conquesl of the Air" is proceeding apace, with bigger and more reliable machines, and new devices for safety and speed. Also with the increased activity there is an increase m the number of accidents, though we doubl whether the
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  • 516 8 L, K. Travel s, I'.K.. and Capt. I. K. Price, R.A.S.C., hav< arrived and are I taken <■!> th< strength of tin- Command. Re\ > rid Mrs li < Bom er, of Ihe American M. K. Mission, are expected hark from furlough next month and will probably be stationed Buitenzorg.
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  • 1182 8 Y.M.CA/ S OPPORTUNITIES IN MALAYA. Y«uth and the Future •The future of Malaya will not be deter- mined by its tin mine, and its rubber es- tates, but by the character of Eta p*** Sir Arthur Yapp. KAB., the National Bee- L retery ot the V.M.r.A. declared,
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    • 49 8 .Fioin Our Own Correspondent 11. R. H. Prince George it r* rak to-moirow and Bai ir ia> i th» of the Sultan of Perak at Kna_ I when a program;.!. m -iudi: j i ides, water sp<»rts. i )< fa) < up Ihe I'erak river bM
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    • 29 8 I l- >-<.ni lur Out: oas aapoi U IN nan*: law Mr. G. A. HeneCord, I>;sth< j indisposed an<i if und« r. n. tri
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    • 231 8 A sett lenient was i ached m between the ligh' imw i and 1 1 Harbour Bbnrd eft__ negotiat i Mr. C W, A. Trimmer, I dollars pet mon' for the tc -Jl the nf him, pi"- fM cent Ou .ng to 'as I da Motor cat
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    • 187 8 ever] i pn snd household m Pel anc it not it reflected i thi igenda I mccl inf if I M unit ipal t metl. reservoirs art for tia- i but, had thi dtaougi laefe I i as week, the po.H would h:-. beei serioui one, and ur..:.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 48 8 VWVWWW-W_VW__VA_\NWWA :*A Parf vms de Luxe OOTY i Rose Jacqueminot J J Emcraude > m J EAU DE COTY Jj J to be had trom all dealers > Dtipir* Brothers. WVV^AVAVwV^VUV__r\-V_fliVVli L I _E _l-^l*fe_________________i mmv THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. Singapore, Penang, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh. Alor Star and Teluk Anson.
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  • 245 9 VNLUCKY THIRTEEN. NOT ECONOMY OF TIME. [Reuters Service.] London, Apr. 15. W House of Commons an extraordi- I T atlon Sloped at six m the rnor- after an all night debate, m the com- at the House on the Economy Bill. siting mi n the SUS{H nsion rf
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  • 146 9 Ku_.hy, Apr. 14. Sii Aostea Chamhelain, foreign secretiry, staled m the Hoose oi Conunons that \-.\l hud been asked to act as British eaeatatrne oa the preparatory committee n disarmament at Genera. He would ■i assisted hy representatiws oi the Fort~ OAee, War Office. Admiralty and the Ml
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  • 137 9 [British Radio— Official Service], Tl* airship N'or_e. which left Pulham jresterday evening, arrived safelj at Oslo o>h Vpr. 15, Th. airship Norse has left for Leningrad. ITk N". r ge sent a menage from Vax- w:rele_s station at 5.40 this morning, »tating that she had entered a aone
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  • 93 9 I „n April 14 it appears tint whih gwemeot ha- been reached witi' regard to thf establishment of ai" lines, there are difficulties with regard to thi rules laid WB by the Conference ef Ambassadors In .■2>\ with a view of discriminating be- 1 •■w.-n military and
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  • 31 9 [Reuters Servke.] St. Johns, Newfoundland, Apr. 14. .Mount Cashel Catholic Orphanage, boosing UN boys has been gutted by fire. There were no casualties. The loss is estimated at $2«»0.000.
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  • 120 9 CANTON WRONG. PEK INC. MIST SETTLE DOWN. [Reuter's Service.] London, Apr. 14. In the House of Commons, invited by Captain Fairfax to make a statement with j regard to the situation m China, Sir Aus- ten Chamberlain said that this was imposj sible. usefully, at the present
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  • 158 9 [Renter's Servioe. 1 London, Apr. 11. A hundred delegates, including Britain, I Australasia, Canada and Japan attended j the third International Shipping Confer- i ence m 1 ondon. Mr. Walter Runciman pre- j sided. The conference unanimously passed a resolution calling on the Governments represented at the forthcoming
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  • 43 9 Iti Orestes, the first of two motor ships foi Alfred Hoh'- eastern trade, has been launched al Belfast. Siu- is IT*, feet long! 58 wi.].-. with a displacement of 15,0001, ns and a sp< ed of over fifteen knot M
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  • 122 9 Washington. Apr. 1 1. The "Wets" recalled General Andrews, I chief government enforcement agent, whojl conceded thai the home manufacture ofjl intoxicants was seriously injuring the moral fibre of the nation. He was of •■pinion that •nt >rcement would be facilitated if the gov- j rfrmenl manufacture
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  • 71 9 Several papers lay stress on the work oi Bishop Fabregues m China. L' Echo, Paris, j -ays that he makes an appeal for money and subscriptions for the college he m- j i t< nds to found m Peking. The total revenue returns for March are 2,123,903,700
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  • 15 9 11. I H. the Prince of Wales has left j for Biarritz,
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  • 140 9 Mr. ustice Eve, m thi- course of the hearing of a ease m the Chancery Division j relating to the affairs of J. R. Bousfield and Company, Limited, wholesale clothiers, m j voluntary liquidation, was informed by counsel that entries m the company's books weie made
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  • 24 9 Do people become municipal councillors because they hate beauty or do they hate 1 beauty because they have become municipal councillors?— Mr. George Sampson.
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  • 27 9 [Router's Service.] Paris. Apr. 15. A telegram from Nice says that Krassin was successfully operated on m a nursinghome and had transfusion of blood. r
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  • 22 9 [Biitish Radio Official Service.] Rugby, Apr. 14. The death is announced from Jersey of Sir Robert Houston, shipping magnate.
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  • 73 9 Local fowl rearers and poultry farmers are complaining of a disease known as fowlcholera which is causing hundreds of fowls to sicken and die. The disease shews itself m an inability to eat. The opinion is that the disease is brought into the Colony by poultry imported from
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  • 519 9 GERMAN ASSURANCES. NO DANGER TO LOCARNO. [British Radio Official Service.] Rugby, Apr. 14. Information regarding the negotiations for a convention between the German and Soviet Governments, to which reference is made m to-day's press, has been conveyed to London and other capitals by the German authorities. The convention
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  • 58 9 [Reuter's Sen-ice.] Helsingiors, Apr. 15. The Soviet representative has verbally nformed the Finnish foreign ministry that :he Soviet is ready to negotiate separate non-aggression treaties between Finland and the Baltic States and Roland, including provisions und. r which the contracting parties undertake to remain neutral m the
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  • 442 9 MANY CONFERENCES. DISTRICT AGREEMENTS THE CRUX. I British Radio Official Servicel. Rugby, Apr. 14. The coal situation occupied the attention of the Cabinet at its weekly meeting today. Afterwards it was stated that the Premier was arranging to meet the industrial committee of the trades union congress this
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  • 80 9 1 Reuter-s Service.] Paris, Apr. 14. 1 Rioting occurred m consequence ol attempted demonstrations by civil servants who are claiming a sliding scale of salaries. A crowd »f several hundred, mostly Communists, defied the prcfectoral prohibition j to demonstrate and tried to force the police barrier m order
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  • 59 9 (.Reuter's Service.] Havana. Apr. 15. The Cuban Cabinet has accepted the plan of the sugar-growing interests to reduce the sugar crop tt n per cent as an outcome of the unsatisfactory position of the industry, which culminated m the recent run on the banks. It is believed
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  • 37 9 [Reuter's Service.] London, Apr. 14. I Dunlops made a record net profit m last year's operations, £2,896,000 sterling. The directors recommend a dividend on the ordinary shares of fifteen per cent., the first since 1920.
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  • 99 9 [British Radio— Official Service.] Rugby, Apr. 14. The Board of Trade returns for March show a decrease of both imports and exports compared with March of last year. Imports amounted to £106,864,084 sterling, being a decrease of £6,002,9 a?, and exports to £66,399,647, "being: a decrease of £3,903,632.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 113 9 BY LATEST MAIL. <4*£\L TiQHiOq' f f^-t\^__^ JLJt__LvllOo j m___b Wm^i* mr ffcr Millinery I ff m*j "V H +m]m m mm. Af**— tnl iK\ JL/X S S Of Robinson S Co., Ltd. (Incorporated m the Straits Settlements). ll Raffles Place, SINGAPORE. I i fcT n__E____E--n"-'**^^ nr_£_l_r_ac o_r\rr_a_a IlldtvCo CUIICC
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 563 10 {Ellerman Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND). PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICES UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT s.s. CITY OF LYONS Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan Apr. 18 HOMEWARDS. s.s. CITY OF PEKIN London, Rotterdam and Hamburg Apr. 22 s.s. CITY OF VALENCIA Marseiles. Havre, London, Rotterdam and Hamburg Apr. 29 s.s.
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    • 242 10 P. o. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES MAIL, PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES PENINSULAR AND ORIeI^TaTsTEAM NAVIGATION CO. LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SER\ ICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). r^. i =t 23J_3. For Port Swettenham. Belawan, Teluk Anson and Penang. SAILING OF STBAMBKB OF THF. UtfTfSfl IMH\ <«;
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  • 861 11 INSTANCES FROM THE EAST. Sir John A. Bucknill, who was AttorneyGeneral m Hongkong, and afterwards Chief Justice of the Sti aits Settlements, and is now m India, discusses, m a letter to The Times, some cases of mistaken presumption of death, from which the following extract is
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  • 125 11 For the three years from 1922 to 1024 the number of ships posted missing at Lloyd's averaged twenty: last year there were only ten. It is believed that this is due to the law which requires all ships of „6CU tens gross to carry wireless, say. a Home paper. Of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 301 11 NOTICES. SINGAPOREJTJRF CLUB. NOTICE. < andidoUa fo r .-lection as Member. _f a,, i;X p w be made after the »Wd Wf PP K Catl nS t0 J° in the Club <• tWfo,., b, made as early as possible. ALBERT H. TODD. Secretary, S. T. C. i-\ i*. a-4 THE
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    • 487 11 Here's Health! says Monty. A long dnn!_ of Montserrat Pulpy Lemon Squash not only quenches your thirst and keeps you coo' but it does you good Nothing but the pure juice and pulp of selected Sia _an Lemons, sweetened with pure cane S'gar no harmful preservatives, no colouring, no artificial
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    • 155 11 Bl DION BOUTON CARS jj The Premier French Car I 2 4 Seater Wire Wheels $2,450. I Petrol Consumption 40 45 miles per gallon. B 4 vw ___> wpsm mmmn P. W 111 I I A_f I w mm m^p Am ___r ___> I-a jModel De Luxe 10 H.P. Touring!
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  • 149 12 A telegram has been received m Singapore stating that Mr. Stanley Dollar has purchased from the United States Shipping Board the Admiral Oriental line of steamers. The M. M. outward mail steamer Aniazone is due here from Colombo on 19th instant at o* a.m. and will have on
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  • 125 12 A partj of Hongkong yachtsmen were rescued by a junk on April sth after they I had been clinging for some time to the bottom of then upturned boat. Mr. I). EL nEIKs, the own. r of the I. m question, took out Messr- 11. Campkin,
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  • 133 12 The I (on inia, ov< rJOO feet l< ng and having a displacement of 18,000 tens on her summer load draught, the largest cab] laying ship yet constructed, was launched on March 16 from the Neptune Yard, Walker, of Messrs. Swan, Hunter, and Wigham Richardson, Limited, for the
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  • 129 12 Injured m Pluck) Devotion to Duty 1 k v During a re, i n\ pale the lights th lighthou on Daikoku island, off the Hokkaido < i ast, led to function. The i: llth ls kei per, Tokunaira Kitajnura, knowing that tia re was much shipping n
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  • 296 12 i A discovery, una ;t ]l the smack of old- fashion. '1 r >mance, has b en made al the i little Galii lan village of Moureira, near the P ay Pontevedra, A contractor named Manual Fontal was excavating the founda tlons :1 new hou* vi;, ne th< wor kmen
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  • 31 12 Mean sh. temp v JJax. sun. radiation I™ Mm. grass radiation I Sea temperature V' Mean wet-bulb tm,,, J' Mean relative humidity 77 ;1!, o, ,iH,n OSO m v ins- 1
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 446 12 Burns Philp Line FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN, v THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and MALABAR (4.512 tons.) The s.s. MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cabins de Luxe, single berth cabins, swimming First Class Singapore
      446 words
    • 375 12 INDO CHINA. STEAM NAVIGATION CO. LTO (Incorporated m England.) Direct Services te Japan via H«»nek»nr and Singapore and to Calcutta via Penang frem Singapore. Taking cargo on through Bills of Ladmf for Canton, Macao, Swatow, Amcy, Chefoo Tientsin, Newchwang, Yangtze orts, Formosa, the Philippines, etc. FOR PENANG AND CALCUTTA. FOR
      375 words
    • 65 12 \j|v ft C»I v \s OM Scotch Whisky w I JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. I K» Xl Singapore, Penang and Kuala Lumpur. __3_s3___X_. LLOYD TRIESTINO NAY. CO. Ii c rporatcd .n Ita HOMKWARI) SAiriNi- BUIB ll „Vr,:i X° N SFM N^<O I I T HK AMERICAN KV'KfCO., IN(\ FMS Rl
      65 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 667 12 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembing and Kuantan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Friday 6 a>m Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah a m Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 6 p.m. Kota Tinggi
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 578 13 Destinations. Steamers. Arr. Dept. London, Rotterdam. Hamburg, Antwerp. Bremen, via Colombo, Aden Alaska Main Apr. 22 Apr. 23 P rl >.; lan and Port Said. Mombassa; Zanzibar. Dar-es-Salaam, f Mexico Man, Apr. 22 Apr. 23 Beira, Delagoa Bay. Durban t Chicago Maru May IS May 19 Durban I ape Town.
      578 words
    • 427 13 J^!SL Round-the-World PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE 38 Days to BOSTON 41 Days to NEW YORK OILBURNERS. NO COAL DUST. NO CINDERS. ABSOLUTE CLEANLINESS. via Colombo, Port Said, Alexandria, Naples, Genoa and Marseiltds. From New York these fine new liners continue on Round the World, returning to Singapore m 110 days.
      427 words
    • 593 13 Kerr Steamship Co., Inc., REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE TO BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND s.s. RHINE MARU In Port. s.s. BELFAST MARL due April 24. For rates and other particulars apply:— GUTHRIE CO. LTD. Agents: Singapore and Paaaag. _RT "D TV/T KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET NAVIGATION CO., OF BATAVIA). (Incorporated
      593 words

  • 1611 14 ST. PATRICKS DAY. (Fran Our Own Correspondent). DuLlin, Mar. 17. Heartiest greetings to every reader 0:1 this auspicious day— tbe anniversary of Inland. patron saint, the good St. Patrick, W__€ a ier all was not an Irishman, but Whose memory is enshrined m the heart I every
    1,611 words
  • 214 14 Link m Imperial Air Route. alcutta, March LM. ii is expected thai work m connection with the Karachi air station will start on Maj 1. Particulars of the new station which will form a link m the projected Imperial! air route were given to a
    214 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 294 14 [>_^_^_i__^% < r___H__^__sa_g g^^> i **ssjr i fe-^^^ r ts from london OTV mm* W _W WAV mtV AmzJ />^>_si___A *s\ %*vs_k <{ n(^ tnev reach \ou a^ fresh as if you bought them >\ffi4\i f %i ~~'*_7 at our London shop V \*fyfA~?fo""**J+ Piccadilly Virginia Cigarettes will briny you
      294 words

  • 64 15 April 15. Bank 4 m.s. 2 4 7- 1 Bank decant. 2 4 1-..2 Private credits 3 m.s. 2 1 9-16 New York, demand 56% Credits 90 days 58% France, demand 1590 India, T. T. L 55« Hongkong, demand 2 p.c l>is. Yokohama, demand 121 >_, Java, demand 144%
    64 words
  • 213 15 Pepper White 63.00 P« pper Black n.uO Flako Tapioca Pearl Sago Small 7.50 Copra t1.60 Copra Sundried 11.7,1 Opium. Benare? ur 4.000 Rice, Liantr Hin Chan Mark Red Eagle (New) •> Rice, Siam i..d No. 1 .10 Rice. Rangoon Birt;.?] .<> Rice, Rangoon Sio _a 2 Rice, Siam Broken
    213 words
  • 70 15 DAILY PRICES CURRENT. April l.">th. 1926, 12 o'clock noon. Its S. Equal to Standard, Q.< .F. Spot > 7- St;, rxi.u, l K.S.S. on IN nder April 7* 7:" 4 May-Juno 77' L 7-July-Sept. 7 77 Tun,- of Mark* I Weak. Latest Cable: London Spot
    70 words
  • 408 15 Singapore, April 1 1. Although the price of Rubber is substantially down during the week Rubber shares have fluctuated within narrow limits and the market generally rinses firm. Tu. has fallen £9 m London but locally is practically unchanged. A notice has appeared m the local Press
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  • 78 15 Rl RKER AICTION. The Singapore Chamber oi Owaaatatta Blubber Association beld its 755 th. auction yesterday, when theee was Catalogued _55,£51 1i,.-.: :;m.m tona. Offered _55.74_j Its.; 252J»7 bona. Sold 4Sl. ."><;<". lbs.; 214. W tons. PRICKS Ki:\i.i/i:i). Tho nest auction wil! be held Wednesday the April
    78 words
  • 40 15 Paris 142: Men tfork 1-86; Brussels 129; Geneva 25-16; Amsterdam 20-12; Milai 120-9; Stockholm 18-14; opetthagen 18-58; u..i, 22-45; Bombay 1- Id 15-I6d; hah_ hai 2s. 11 i; Hongkong 2s. _<i; Yokohama 1- LOd <-Bd. Silver spot _':< s.
    40 words
  • 175 15 MACPHAIL CO. LTD'S REPORT. Singapore. April IS. Rubber. Local 78% per lb. Tin.— I ,ii i 27, Local 137.75. 7.". RuHjc.s. Sbares are easier. ferau Evve. t<*n§ have buyers at 1.62^ with seller. at 1 las offei at 1 1.70 Nevt ai have buyers at *th Bellerti at •'■'>. o7
    175 words
  • 367 15 ROSE MACPHAIL CO'S REPORT. 1., li. Macphail) Sinuupi re. .pr. IS. Rubber. 2s. D.'wn %d. Local 7 v b. i share quotations are again i asii i with >'dl rs predominating. There are do '"'l" nf interest m .he Mining secttoi where share quotations arc steady. Indus trials and Loans
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 479 15 Assets Over $6,500,000, S.C. a F Ov $22 000 000 1 THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE (X)MPA__IJMIT_). I (Incorporated In Straits Settlements) I HEAD OFF!CF_-_Winchester House Singapore. LONDON OFFICE: 32 Old Jewry, E.C i Tne Company has £20,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England, and complies with the British
      479 words
    • 467 15 HB^^^«ii^M_____________L________________i_P BANKING. YOKOHAMA SPECIE BANK, LIMITED. —Established 1880— Capital Sabscribed Y.loo,ooCtfll (fully faid up) Reserve Fund V.86,600,000 President: K. Kodama Bag. Vice-President: R. Ichincmiya, Est, DIBBGTOIS. M. Odagiri, Eaq. >uugami, Esq. Baron K. Iwaaaki K. Takeuchi, Esq. K. Tatsumi, Esq. T. Hodsumi. Esq. F. Watanabe, Esq T. Okubo, Esq. Baron
      467 words
    • 444 15 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION. (Incorporated m Hongkong) Head Office: Hongkong Authorised Capital $50.C00,00C Issued and folly paid up $20,000,000 Reserve Fund:— Sterling 4,.* 00,00' Silver $27,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $20,000,000 I COURT OF DIRECTORS. D. G. M. Bernard, Esq. Chairman Hon. Mr. A. O. Lang Deputy Chairman
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    • 744 15 ERASER CO.. EXCHANGE AND SHARE BROKERS. r__rv___ Till RSDAY, APRIL 15th. [Figures m brackets show the issue value marked: d llaiS UnI6SS otherwise MINING. "uyersi S_ller_ Asam Kumbang < i. sg a §g s n Tin ($D 75 80 x.d. Hitam lin L 35 _45 y ,ls < 54s 9d
      744 words
    • 43 15 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE (Incon_oratad ln England by Eoyal Charter A. D. 17*0). FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds Smgap^e Representative -Messrs. BARLOW Co. Messrs HARRISONS nZZn _l__a BARKER CO., I v.. CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor) A CORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
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  • 403 16 ONE KILLED AND THREE INJI RED. Faction Fight m Albert Street. A wild exchange of shots during a faction tight between rival gangs of Gantonese at the junction of Albert Street and Selegie Road at about 8 o'clock on Wednesday night, resulted m the killing of an
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  • 314 16 GHOST CUKES DISEASES OF HEART Situated m Oa ey-road, and bearing the number S3, b a vacant house, thi loors and windows of which, have been nailed up for month.-. Th.c houses adjoining are occupied, bul the landlord baa been unable to iret a tenant fur about
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  • 96 16 Alleged to have obtained credit from ditferent persona while still an undischarged bankrupt and without disclosing the ,ef\-\ that he was an undischarged bankrupt, an Eurasian named J. A. de Rozario was produced befi n Mr. t larke m the District i U:1 ye-t rday and remanded.
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  • 22 16 Nc S Uedian can live aid thrive m the atmosphere of beaut, cb ruses and jazz orehesl Sir Hai y I auder.
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  • 327 16 THE INTER-STATE MATCH. Rain Stops Play. (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur, Apr. 15. When the inter-State match between Negri Sembilan and Selangor was resumed this morning Selangoi could only add seven to their over-night score, the innings closing at 10.50, the total just reaching three figures. Selangor followed
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  • 207 16 It is underst 1 tbat the Hongkong .ricketers, who are returning the 1924 visit f the Straits m May, are leaving Hong ng m *he Hosang on May 15. Thi following have been selected I represent the Services versus S.C.t it Tanglin on Saturday, -tart at p.m: L_eut_-Col.
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  • 74 16 YESTERDAY'S RESULTS. i_ n hamptnnship |*airs. I). H. KU unman and N. IL P. Whitley beat R. X. Hamilton and K. Wild, 6 4, 2—6, 6— 2. Veterans Fairs Handicap. VV. C. Hill and (L F. Cobb, owe 15.3 beat C, V. Miles and V. G, Coleman,
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  • 50 16 April Medal. The April monthly medal will be commuted for on Saturday and Sunday, ],7th. and 18th. inst.. by stroke play and the j I adies Spoon on Monday, 19th. "Tele.rr.iph Cup." The qualifying und tor the above Cup will be played m conjunction with the April
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  • 278 16 JUDGMENT FOR TRUSTEES. Mr. Justice Dt -ine yesterday morning delivered judgment m three actions m which two mi ants, Thomas Augustine Basapah and John Alexander Basapah. sued two trustees, Sana Mohamed. nnd Kandasamy Ratnam, claiming to have leases of trust property m which they had a
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  • 182 16 Nine Months for Dishonest Servant. Thi sequel to the theft of $2,000 worth of jewellery from Mrs. I_ee 'honn (Juan's resi dence, Mandalay Villa, at Tanjong Katong, was heard m the District Court, before Mr. H. Clark. yestl rday, when Wong Sui. a servanl hoy. was
    182 words
  • 167 16 V VKIKTY ENTERTAINMENT. li<.>kiiiK i- n"v. open at John Little.- for •the variety entertainment which Mr.-. Alt' id i- organising m aid of the Ex-Services Association Funds. It promises to he an excellent entertainment. In addition to the best I. teal talent obtainabli Messrs Leeds and La Mar.
    167 words
  • 124 16 Old Fashioned Helen Wills. I Miss Helen Wills, besides possessing the j must powerful forehand drive ever seen m women's tennis on the Riviera court, holds th.c distinction of being tiie only unbobbed player out of the thirty-two entered m the recent tournament. A hairdresser ad the
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  • 66 16 The report, of the Mercantile Bank of India, Ltd., presented at the meeting on March 23rd, shows net profits (including' _l")8,22l brought forward) of £415,884. i' r -0,000 is carried to the reserve fund (raising it to £1.350,000); £15,000 to officers pension fund; and £20,000 written off promises. A final
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  • 46 16 LEAGUE RESULTS. Reuter 's Service.] London. Apr. 14. Results of League matches played to-day are as follow: Division I. Newcastle 4; Manchester V. 1. Division 111 (Southern). Exeter L Northampton 9. Division 111 (Northern). Accrington 2, Doncaster 3. Scottish League. Celtic 3, Morton L
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  • 68 16 (From Our Own Correspondent). Kuala Lumpur. Apr. 15. There was a line boxing tournfuneni las*. night at the Town Hall, during which Boy Walley defeated De Vera on points m a twelve-round contest. The champion soured five rounds, three were drawn, au<» four wen. to De
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  • 358 16 The second race for the Guillemard Challenge Cup waa sailed last Sunday iv such light airs, calms and heal thai all concerned were glad to sec the Mack ball at the Flag-staff head as they struggled over the hist leg of the first round. Nine boats
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  • 38 16 Surprise was expressed by Sir Arthur Yapp, when interviewed yesterday, that i tiler, i- no Rotary Club m Sirica pore. He Stated that he would be pleased to hear from anybody interested m the movement.
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  • 142 16 The annual general meeting of the Association was b_dd on Saturday. 10th inst, at the Association premise. Alter passing the report and accounts, the following gentlemen were elected as officebearers for the ensuing year:— Mr. F. Neelankavil President; K. P. Menon Vice President; V. M. Gomez
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  • 45 16 Friday,— 5.15 p.m. Drill Ball, M.G. Platoon; 5.15 p.m. "A" Company; "C' Company; 5.15 p.m. Malay Drill Hall, Malay Company; Drill Hall. S. V. C. Band' Saturday,— 2.80 p.m. Farrer Range, "C" Company. Sunday,— 7.30 a.m. Drill Hall. Field Exercise, all units.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 300 16 NO HOME IS COMPLETE Moutrie Piano FOR FRF.K ILLUSTRATED PRICK I IS S. MOUTRIE AND CO., LTD j I RAFFLES PLACE. SINGAPORE. ANWWWWWWWYkr^^ a" You Cannot Better the Best LIPTON SFOR OUALITY| ij Gives more cups to the pound j I C than any other. TI4F RTCT AND 1 ML
      300 words