The Singapore Free Press, 12 April 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press
  • 13 1 Singapore Free Press 10 CENTS. SINGAPORE, 3.5„ MONDAY, APRIL 12, 1926. NO. 11,769.
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  • 290 1 The latest dt velopments m connects n with Ihe coal enquiry now proceeding at Home seem to indicate a desire by both sides to arrive at an amicable agreement Page The worst Air Force disaster since the war occurred at Henlow aerodrome on Saturday when two machines
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  • 1040 1 I have become -add, nly an object of eon.ratulatdn to a!i mv friends, writes Gerald dud m the Daily Chronicle, "Lucky felow!" say gome, with the sharpness of 5 n their voices: otheri (the better sort) gay, 'Splendid 1'dlou!" w. h the tear, of ;idmi-' ati<n m their eyes.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 171 1 SWALLOW ARIELI.S GLNGERNUT BISCUITS Raffles Hotel. Telephone No: 2920. SARKIES BROTHERS, .roprietors. j D_r\ 1 1 Iv GRILL ROOM I OPENING SHORTLY. %i_- j ~i i ADDING— CALCULATING 135.8?- \%*A MACHINE. j jf^" °*p£^ A machine that is almost human t 5e A \P] m its actions. Adds Subtracts J
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    • 220 1 W-rWW_VWWVWWW-r^^ i N_ TWIT-PIP Qa<\a\ I\C r\\% TOILET SOAPS l^Refresning as a Sea Breeze ij 5 tk WIDNES. ENGLAND. ''id (T < william gossage sons limited. (Incorporated m England). B W p a B 1, B rrra -V.v.\v.v_%v_v.\v.v.\\v.\%\\v_%%v.%sv.\%v.\v.\\v.v.v.v_v.% h The Europe Hoteri 1 > f v.%\V.%V-V.V_V.V.V.V.V.V.V.W. ADELPHI HOTEL, REMODELLED AND
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    • 119 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. House to let Pane 7. Give your child Lactogen--Pnge 9. Pr. Morse's Indian root pills— Page IL Xew programme at Alhambra Page 2. Further reductions at Little's salePage s. Fraser and N< av< aerated waters Page 16. Ladies' shoes m latest styles, Robinsons Page y. Latest shipping news
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 85 1 THE WEEK. High Water. 10.25 a.m.. 10.64 P.m. Ho Hong Bank mtg.. Kfarket-st- 238 p.m. Wednetday, 14**. High Water. 11. 51 a.m.. 11.51 p.m. Tht> rod -ni. 15**. High Water. 0.32 p.m. Telok Anson Robber, H. Hark, r.oon. B. I. homeward mail leaves. Phil. Orchestra. Mem. [{all, 5.15 p.m. High
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  • 191 2 I .did. div. rce case, aft< r Mrs. Bi g nducl with Cavendish Cavendish's connsel said thai he d .ish to proceed with the charge said thai i i arprised to 1 the d ision. She was dismissed s. s ol th. petiti >n<
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  • 128 2 Hal Refcsing to Gron Up Denounced. n real 1 fe, peopl< n re-fu-t r up, are a trial t<> others ao n ne nervous ail- Dr. EDizabet] SI Chesser, As. chi f dai linf aid, **is ndulj arc i iid a that he ge t f, as
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  • 150 2 IBN SAUD'S ST MPS. stamp as a syml r- when m< r. resj cted than m E; tern tries. A< rordingly, the Emir E did has ad p. this most ms ns of proclai ning the world the l: te Bachemite Gov- of the Hedjaz. Nearly 12 months ■H Wahabite
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 301 2 SKETOLENE. A REAL PREVENTIVE AGAINST MOSQUITOES. An unique preparation for the prevention of Mosquito and other insect bites. EOf all Chemists. MEDICAL HALL, LTD. 23, Battery Road. THE HAPPY VALLEY LTD, The Town Amusement CENTRE MALAY OPERA. CINEMA. SIDE SHOWS AMUSEMENTS Mdm. PS Kdvey's ||Zft School or Llii Dancing A
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    • 267 2 Victoria Theatre Coming SKortly A. CARPI will present The Italian Grand Opera Co. Full Ballet, Full Chorus and Full Orchestra. The Denishawn Dancers AND TIIE RETURN VISIT OF THE QUAINTS PA VI LION From Thursday Sth to Wednesday Uth April. THE* TURMOIL All Star Casl of Distinction: EILEEN PERCY, GEORGE
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    • 218 2 From Sunday, 11th to Friday, Kith April. 19L'd Alhambra Theatre (TAX CHENG KEE 00., LTD., Proprietor Overture by the Alhambra Orchestra of Professional Mu. In the Second Show at 9 p.m. A HERBERT BRENON— PARAMOUNT PRODUCTION Pdlliam J. Locked Famous Story "THE IfOUNTEBANK ERNEST TORRENCE AND ANNA Q. NILSSON Lrt-stirring
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  • 1215 3 THE OLD ORDER CHANGING. (From a Special Correspondent) The old order is changing m Siam and is rapidly ,_/idr,«. place to the new. Perhaps, indeed, it is giving place just a little too rapidly for an Eastern country. The Siam- se are a contented people who do
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 250 3 _> 1 ___k3o^_*4________->___s_" _4 d". Good Morning! I D like getting up m the an( >"°"r body needs every one of morning Xo doubt you find it I them. to m bed. And how do Take Kruschen every day, it will wl* i you Hie out of bod keep your
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    • 261 3 USE: I BRITISH TIMKEN Tapered Roller Bearings. Most Efficient Readily Adjustable. Every Roller Gauged Accurately to within [k\ One-T welvethousandth of an inch. j Sole Distributing Agents:— j Malayan Motors Messrs. WEARNE BROS., LTD.: Penang, Ipoh, Kuala Lumpur, Malacca. WEARNE BROTHERS LIMITED, Proprietors. V ,T I 1 m-^LH 1 I
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  • 3313 4  - D r BUPNEYS GREATEST CASE. DIXON KAVE BY CHAPTER XXV. Rawdon Westeliffe advanced into che room and repeated what he had said. "'l'd- life I >ra ie a. is." he -aid. "is not of hei own free will, hue for the love of lh. r man. Foi the love of
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  • 423 4 j h m Penang, n>t only threatened men hul threatened houses live long for th< building referred to m the following para- graph which appeared m this column exactly twelve years ago is -till standing and inhabited to-da> says Wednesday's Straii Echo: s taii i being made
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  • 153 4 An official woli hunt, the tirst ever known! m Canada's oldest province, is being undertaken m Quebec. Wolves are plentiful m the province, particularly m the northern areas and they have been working widespread destruction among the big game, such as moose, i\voy. and caribou, besides
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  • 18 4 It is distressing to find ourselves saying m ten lines what the Roman said m five, Mr. Baldwin.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 407 4 enabled me to ST—^l^^\ Slf9 do twice as much twice as well COSMO HAMILTON. you put into it, and that most intra ate machine, the annua brain needs eatra nourishment to stand tne strain, Aco rse of Sanatogen is exactly trnat the brain and nervosa Ry«te need I enable a
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  • 1873 5 IHy Sir Stanley Bois > 1 hay, been as. Ed to make a few remarks the Kcononiic-s of Rubber, but before M it H necessary to indicate briefly What rabbet b and the sources from which derived. It may be that m doing so I shall
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  • 863 5 AN INQUIRY INTO CAREERS FOR HOYS AND GIRLS. Careers tor Boys and Girls. By Sir Herbert Morgan. What t) do with their boys i.s a problem for parents that do. s not become easier of solution, It is now no less a question of what to do
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  • 114 5 In conclusion. I can only say that the sincerest good will and the most earnest endeavours on the part of British producers will be exerted m tha endeavour to meet the requirements of our customers, and I am confident that when more of our friend? on the other side of
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 212 5 _B __fl _ES_ __S >___^^^^V. I __^_r pjpg >d^r.| jtf v'_K__^_)__HirwQ__^___ IBK M r\ I -ff^mm^r'l T_^T_n_J_V^__iTT_T__P__L TVf fIEK ff 1 L SfATjf __B____^^^^ Bui 1 Jaw i _______^^__Ei^^^ _B_____ w ______fl_f£«. Jl^mn^m __r i tf m V ____Fl _9___li fiffß I t I *f V M V Jaw _Cy
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    • 28 5 A huge consignment of SILKS, just unpacked at i j B. M. X. Doulatram Qf 00. BURMESE, CHINESE, AND INDIAN SILKS. TRY US BEFORE YOU GO ELSEWHERE. 1
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  • 801 6 REPORT ON METAL INDUSTRY. The current issu*? of Industrial and Labour Information, which is published by che International Labour Oflice, contains a summary of a special report on the conditions ot* labour m the Russian metal industry, submitted to a congress of the workers m the
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  • 94 6 When tiie palmiest days of the gold rush to Western Australia were over at least one disappointed fortune-seeker would have been glad of an aeroplane service on the return journey— always supposing that he possessed the fare (which is doubtfulk It was the unsuccessful prospector who. fading quietly from
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  • 23 6 The world is not organised or prepared for a much higher level of intelligence than It has already got.— Mr. J. F. Duff.
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 295 6 HHHHHBavnB qe_ns____aa*_____-____________M i I |^X STANDARD jg||| i "'aJ^vK v. «C\d »d- !d M xr^^d \^^__H _a____l _~^__i___) i^d *>__. w _v<____ a ___^^__B____\ Y^rvK*^ d <dl§«___-_! _B __r _f 1 ____D_____ri 7 ___^S_. __V__l WHITEAWAYS STANDARD VALUES 50 sheets of white feint ruled Ughl weight Bank Containing Km) sheets
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  • Page 6 Miscellaneous
    • 1032 6 SINGAPORE TURF CLUB. THE SPRING RACE MEETING. (Under S.R.A. Rules of Racing). Will be held on Saturday, Bth May. Tuesday, 11th May, Thursday, 13th May, Saturday, loth May and Saturday. 22nd May, 1926. MM PROGRAMME FOR THE INFORMATION OF MEMBERS ONLY. Ist Day. Saturday. Bth May. Race No. 1. THE
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    • 745 6 to run m Race 5 on the Third Day B. to run m Race 5 on the V and Class C. to run m Rao 2 Fouith Day. Distance-, ali i furlongs. Entrance Fee $25. For added stake monies we foe 4th Day. Saturday, LSth 'd Races Nos. 1. 4
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  • 922 7 THAT PUBLIC HALL. To the Editor. Sir, In your leader on the above subject you refer to the decision of the Committee cf the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association that a Public Hall should not be provided m the new Municipal Buildings. In the same piece of
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  • 31 7 India, will, I feel confident, revolutionise Western doctrines of progress by demonstrating the Insufficiency and lack of finality of much of the West's present system f human values. Sir Basil Blackett.
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  • 705 7 (To the Editor of the Times). Sir, In your issue of the 2nd inst. you publish a letter dealing with the position of British subjects m criminal matters m the event of the abolition of extra-territo-iriakty. The writer refers to the provisions of the Chinese Penal Code
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  • 235 7 Police Officer's Achievement. Bangalore, Mar. 16. While on inspection duty al Honnali on the l"3th March Mr. P. K. Bo.vrd._r, the Inspector-General of Police m Mysore, who! was touring m the District, received information that tigers were creating great havoc among the village cattle
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 411 7 BUSINESS CARDS. I jw. nn ivuwifw v.\% v. v. w y v.\\ J MARY SE TON |l E. AMBER MANSIONS. > ORCHARD ROAD. J THE CURIOSITY SHOP. J! V VAV. V W IMAM A V -W% W* I S J Please Send for the Illustrated 2! Catalogue of Musical Instruments
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    • 623 7 NOTICES. EXCHANGE BANK NOTICE. The Exchange Banks will be closed on 14th April, Wednesday. Hari Rava Puasa V 13-4 SINGAPORE TURF Om NOTICE. I n I Candidates for election as Members of the j Singapore lurf Club are reminded that no ballot j tor membership will be made after the
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    • 475 7 IP. ..-\x& PEPS Protect jfc^) Against Deadly A fy/ JThroat Lung N Disease. f*J> The bacteria of consumption, pneumonia, diphtheria, influenza and many other deadly organisms inhabit the polluted air of our cities. Passing into tbe mouth and nostrils, these instdioi s germs, unless checked, soon carry infkmmo tion and
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    • 511 7 TENDERS. NOTICE. I Johore Government <> prepared to teeopl tenders for the supply of: A. Khaki Drills, about 14.1'Oit .•> B. Whit.- Drills, about L,4M puds {jiving- samples and price per yal Tenders .hould be sent to thi- Stat. Secretary's Office not later than 1 4th. Apr 1666. The Government
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    • 35 8 PA 1 ERSI >N. On the Tth instant, HI eh- 1 j. ii isp X Lumpur, to th« *tfe of yy H g p rson, Malay; r. Civil Service. v jjn 1 1* 1
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    • 37 8 KAi I I -YLOR. Mar. 15, i I Pro npt< i Oratory, Roderick Jam.? Ra I f I 1 Selai por. to Charlotte "I i 1-,., o. H I ayloi and of Jl Hdg v, elboui
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    • 20 8 WELL) tl al -Vynreford, Chideock, Fredei ck J opl > i on th. lal Sir i- rederick \V« X.C.M j
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  • 832 8 Singapore Free Press MONDAY, APRIL 12, 1926. Comment of the Week. The National Conference of Minors* Delegates have unanimously adopted the Executive's recommendations for the rejection of the proposals of the mine-owners arising from the report of the doal Commission, and thai a firm stand be made against distric. agreements
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  • 167 8 Mr. VV. 11. Mair. of Messrs. MacAlister -wnd Co., Ltd., returned to Penang on Thursdaj after holidaj at Home. Tiu- late Mr. i 'raw ford Davison Ken (82), of Hyeres, Var, France, and >rm< rly of Shanghai, retired merchant, left English estate valued at £12. 150 (net personalty Aii application
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  • 366 8 AN OLD SINGAPOREAN. We regret to announce that the death took place at Boscombt, Bonnmnnwth, <><;., March H_h last, after B l»g fc«d illness most courageously boon-, oj Miss 0 Kate Jones, who was v/ell-kn »w I in tne c b raits Settlements and F.MS.
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  • 44 8 B ourtesj I lfes_ ra. ftiacphail and I tnpany. we leai i I hat prioe rubn London oi Satui daj ace tiding to quotation, despatched bj Henry Gardner and Cc pany. Unas: Standard R 8. S. In warehouse, pot 2a. y_
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  • 108 8 Loe .i..- exhibitions an to m au arde d bj the rrinity College fron thei peel 1920 and td m are to be given to candidates wh obtain the highest marks of their dh i Benjamin Rodrigues, age: ll pear* al the time of lv- music
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  • 47 8 The hon. treasurer des re* to ackn.>« ult- the i ceipt of the inn ,v Mr. Borgonah Mrs. Salmon 12 Mrs. Hunter 12 Mi s. Manchestt r M rs. i 'rase i 6 Mrs. Mathews 6 Total >.••• C. E. 11 JACOBS, Hi. rrea_
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  • 197 8 Mr. WT. Stevens from Singapore arrived m Penang nn Thursday. John Tans, author of Kimono, Banzai. etc., who is on old Aberdonian, nou Scotland m holiday. One of our contemporaries thai now the Japanese hove token I cross-ore i I puzzles, an moy toon hove some churn ng designs for
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  • 241 8 AIDIENCE BIDS FAKEWKLL lo MR. ALLEN. Saturday afternoon's ddd ren ll (he Victoria Theatre wa-, as;. IU- t 'or both grown-ups and tht v< ones. The house wa.s packed and conclusion ol th»- piuglßMliae the ilu fAms three rousint-- eh Ifl Urn Ah who is shortly leaving
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  • 82 8 r\|rv A I ford 'a I arewdi I attest. hat should pro' r atl m Singapore I lira. il Wi m mdtt] ai Sot I 24th. m aid i I aw a a f-v g| .iltOll. H tr end melod s pi--.-.. Ot rhii h trill be
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  • 29 8 Olivet ps Spai the future confer Parii m I Fi____m h i etegafc i littone Lt o anted the 1- fl 11 il Lib o
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  • 9 8 jktrh k ntrknk kltr etmjkljklj ktklsekl
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  • 7 8 I o bum* at.
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  • 39 8 i anus were brou jh» n l im* bed!} burn. Ed bj thi c illiston li Urn hank. H am_ con ied off by the tj -nve chin, o abeaard until thi > tsoi d the but i
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  • 56 8 A ma-s meeting at the and will propose a resoluti m ,t rnment to ordei an §oo_uir3 af the Coal Commiasioi arW cc ntinued depression m the *ton aapeeiolly with regard ba n during the turnover pi rlod 191 led m a circuior bo Biatoi i panics issued
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
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    • 41 8 w_lV.VAV.^^v.^vAv.vAV-^v< Part* urns de Luxe OOTY J Rose Jacqueminot 5 to be had from ali dealers I Dtipire Brothers. \*f vet I Sole A Rents: THE BORNEO COMPANY; LTD. Singapore, Penang, Kuala Lumpur. I ipoh. Aie»r Star and Teluk Anson. 1
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  • 754 9 LATEST DEVELOPMENTS. t FRANK HODGES BOPKFVU [__euter*a Service.] London, Apr. 9. Miners 1 Delegate Conference has not I definite decision. It unanimously the Executive's recommendations. eonier, and another delegate con- being calkd to arrive at a final. si The K\ecutive sueeceeded m curry- moeierotee policy and ovoieded
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  • 157 9 FIVE KILLED AT HENLOW. PLANES COLLIDE IN MIDAIR. [Reuter's Service.] London, Apr. 10. Five persons were killed as a result of i collision between two aeroplanes at Henlow. London, Apr. 10. Henlow aerodrome, Bedfordshire, this morning was the scene of the worst Air Force disaster since the
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  • 135 9 [Renter's Service.] ihe King has received Amundsen and Ellsworth, who are shortly leaving by steamer for Spitsbergen to get ready for the arrival of the airship Norge, which is not likely to start for the Pole before the •i. of May. The American Legation afterwards gave a
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  • 89 9 Reuter*? S« rvice.l Paris, \pr. n». M. Durand, Minister for Agriculture, has been appointed Minister dr the Interior, m ion 1 M. Malvy. The franc dropped three point- coincident itl Vi. Malvy's resignation. Apparently h a dep irture is interpreted m financial ire! s as paving the way
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  • 58 9 fjj itish Radi i I ifl cial Sen ice.] Rugby, Apr. le». yig nn.. steady. This announcement |de m a bulletin issued yesterday further bulletins will be issued. j.. viev of Princess Victoria's recoverj the i X and Queer will to-day go to Windsoi i wheie the I
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  • 117 9 [British Radio-^Official Service], Rugby, Apr. 10. The arrival m England yesterday of a number oi American hotel proprietors, who, ar. to mad- a to U r of England and the continent, was marked bj a record tram. tmey, from Plymouth, when- they landed, j. .ndon. The distance
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  • 73 9 [Reuter's Si rvice.] Paris, Apr. 10. L'Humanite announces that fines enforced bj the City of Paris have resulted m a total estoppage of the salaries of the three Communist Deputies: Cachin, Vaillant Couturier and Doriot, who were sentenced; last October m connection with an attack on
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  • 421 9 KUOMINCHUN ACTION. DRASTIC MEASURES NECESSARY. [Reuter's Service.] Peking, Apr. lt>. The leaders have requested Wu Pei-fu to come and restore, the political situation. They have rebasfd Tsaokun, ex-President of the Republic, and cabinet officials and called on the senior minister. It is stated thnt General
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  • 196 9 Paris, April 9. Determined efforts by the Paris police to obliterate the increasing illegal traffic m drugs has resulted m numerous arrests recently. An instance is an arrest m con- j nection with the death yesterday of a wellknown actress, Vanda Syjvano, who was found dead at
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  • 57 9 [Reuter's Service.] Havana. Apr. 11. The threatened run on a certain bank was forestalled by President Machado visiting the hank and depositing $100,000. and offering to make a Loan from the Treasury, flu President stated that Cuba was passing through a slight crisis and he asked
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  • 40 9 [Reuter's Service.] Washington, Apr. 10. Nearly a score of hills designed to increase the immigration quotas were rejected by the Senate Immigration Committee. The bills aimed at the admission of domestic servants, farm hands and Americans' fiances.
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  • 34 9 i [Reuter's Service.! London, April 9. The British Ambassador at Rome v as been commanded to convey His Majes y's regrets at the attempt on the life of Signor Mussolini.
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  • 134 9 CANADA'S CRIME WAVE. BANISHING THE BOOTLEGGER. [Reuter's Service.] Washington, April 10. Labour witnesses at the prohibition enquiry pronounced the law to be a failure, because it favoured the rich at the expense of the poor. They predicted that a national referendum would show that the majority of the
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  • 274 9 [Reuter's Service. J Athens, Apr. 9. It is officially stated that Maj us Bakirdji, Karakoufa and Zefas led a mutiny hy a small number of troops and occupied Karabournu, m the Gulf of Salonika. Karabournu was surrounded. The fleet was ordt red to Salonika, hut subsequently it
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  • 137 9 [Reuter's Service.] Baghdad, Apr. 9. The safety of Baghdad is threatened by unprecedented floods. The Tigris" hanks were breached near the Royal Palace, which has been evacuated, lt is surrounded by a fiercely flowing torrent. Baghdad, Apr. 11. Ten thousand men. women and children are at present assembled
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  • 49 9 -J [British Radio— Official Service. 1 Rugby, Apr. 9. The British Ambassador at Constantinople, Sir Ronald Lindsay, will proceed to Angora at the end of next week, aider th conclusion of the Bahrain festival, lo .v--sume negotiations with the Turkish Goveminent on the Turkey-Irak frontier ques- j
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  • 51 9 [Reuter's Service.] Paris, April 9. Following a Cabinet meeting. "\L Peret stated that he would not proceed to London before the end of next week. It is believed that he is awaiting certain information from Washington with regard to the negotiations at present proceeding with the United States'
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  • 35 9 [Reuter's Service.] Moscow, Apr. 10. Replying to the League's last note regarding the Disarmament Conference, the Soviets adhere to their former attitude of refusing to participate m the conference on Swiss soil.
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 92 9 vS« JUST RECEIVED CONSIGNMENT j C. xv LADIES v3^d Robinson Co., Ltd. f (N^^^^^V (Incorporated m the Straits Settlements). yi Raffles Place, J Singapore. A^ NATURAL-MILK FOOD makes little mites mightier Jaclogen Will v agree With ■your child/ I Plenty Semi-Deisell rvi _n Ull LllglllCS. Stationary Marine IB t I
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 427 10 P. O. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated m England.) MAIL, PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVK;,ATION CO. LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government) OUTWARDS FROM LONDON. ero For China and Japan. For Marseilles, London and Antwerp. Due Ua%e Tonnage. Singapore.
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  • 1504 11 (From Our Own Correspondent) London, March 11. The course of the Civil War m China with all the developments round Tientsin depresses people over the outlook. It need only be said that most people think that the Christian General Feng can stand a lot i f
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  • 332 11 Arabic or Latin Constantinople, March 2. As from to-day the Turkish postage stamps hitherto m use are being withdrawn, and during the course of the next few daya they will he superseded hy a new set. prepared m England, the principal interest of which lies m
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 166 11 Government Evening Classes. RAFFLES INSTITUTION. Subject to there being a sufficien number of students to justify their >n. Classes will be held m the following subjects:— TECHNICAL. COMMERCIAL. Electricity mud Magnetism. 3. Shorthand. ,v:uinu> (Beginners', Elementary, inter--7\ I medhUe and Advanced Divisions Buikfing Construction, 4. Commercial English (Senior Cambridge Standard).
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    • 199 11 j^_V_**^____^r^__^__________________"m. i_______L J^^WLm^"Ma^\ F". l^^__l //___ri 3 Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills RJ U Indispensable as a Household Medicine M &7" It is their searching, cleansing qualities I"* [T which make Dr. Morse's Indian Root Pills E^ kin invaluable as a household remedy. Impuri- fc/ QH ties collect m the
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  • 470 12 A Chinese deck passenger, one of 2881, died on board the B. I. steamer Takada, during her voyage from China to Singapore, and was buried at sea. Commander G. R. Bald, who left the battleship Malaya m July last, and has since taken the senior officers' technical course,
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  • 78 12 Few lady d ictors turn to the sea for the practice of their profession, ami it is rare, if not altogether unknown, to find one on vessels coming to these parts. The Haihong. however, which arrived from Amoy yesterday with over a thousand coolies on board
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  • 39 12 NALDER A'S RECORD RUN. The P. and O. "Naklera," recently made a record P. and 0. run from Fremantle to Colombo, the voyage having taken 183 hours 54 minutes. The previous fastest record was that of the "Macedonia" namely
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 499 12 Burns Philp Line (Incorporated m Australia.) FOR SYDNEY. MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and MALABAR (4.512 tons.) The s.s. MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cabins de Luxe, single berth cabins, swimming EUDUNDA
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    • 380 12 Ny Carlsberg SOLE IMPORTERS: THE EAST ASIATIC CO., LTD THE SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. The only Morning Daily m Mal%y%; .ive "news" paper 35-40 columns of new iaily, also the best Medium for Advertisinj Delivered with the Chota Hazri each mom •ng, with Latest Telegrams, Latest New md Latest Announcements together
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    • 354 12 LLOYD TRIESTINO NAY. c<], (Incorporated m Italy HOMEWARD SAILINGS. Bi-monthly service for Bnr. dii and Trieste via ports taking through Bills of Lading for Levant and Black Sea Ports. parts on the West Cou^t of ha ROSANDRA OITWARD SAILING*. FOR HONGKONG. BRANCH KSy JAPAN. Dates of sailings, ffl—wrki aiv subject
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 686 12 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembing and Kuantan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Friday 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah 6 a.m. Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 6 p.m. Kota Tinggi
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    • 288 12 PASSENGERS ARRIVED. Per Ision: Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Searer. Ter Queda: Mr. H. J. Leeds, Mrs. Leeds. Ter Kashgar: Mr. C. Swinton, Dr. and Mrs. Douglas, Mr. and Mrs. Rart ley. Mrs. M. Onraet, Dr. and Mrs. Stone. Mr. and Mrs. Whyte. Mrs. Le Gros Clark. Mr. De Courcy,
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 595 13 O. S. K. Line. Destinations. ndon. Rotterdam, Hamburg, learners. Arr. Dept. twern, Bremen, via Colombn Ar____ _i rl Sudan and Port Sa" AlBSka MarU A P r 22 Apr. 23 mbassa; Zanzibar, Dar-es-Salaam m Heu_oa Bay. Durban I s___L^_T 22 Apr 23 »P« T„,n. Ri„. Santos. MarU Ma >' 18
      595 words
    • 435 13 _______^_P^P \Qm 9______T____9fS____P*___PV^ fIP Pt^vrTTn *£mS> Round-the-World PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE 38 Days to BOSTON 41 Day« tn NFW YORK *i uays to XNI!_VV lUM OILBURNERS. NO COAL DUST. NO CINDERS. ABSOLUTE CLEANLINESS. via Colombo, Port Said, Alexandria, Naples, Genoa and Marseilles. From New York these fine new liners continue
      435 words
    • 602 13 Kerr Steamship Co., lac, REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE TO BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE s.s. RHINE MARU Due Apr. 13. For rates and other particulars apply:— GUTHRIF &CO ITD Agents: Singapore and Paaaaf m m m m fa> «f^ -mb mmm __l^l _J_tr I wf KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPIJ. (ROYAL PACKET
      602 words

  • 1329 14 WHO IS SENATOR BORAH A CURIOUS PERSONALITY. [By a Blunt Englishman.] Daring the debate on Geneva m the House of Commons Mr. Lloyd George made a reference to one ot* the outstanding political figures m the U.S.A. to-day. According to Reuter this "mention of Senator Borah was received with some
    1,329 words
  • 227 14 I'hird Fist of Subscriptions for 192."»-6 Previously acknowledged $6,057.9£ j Lady Guillemard gQ j Mr. A. Still 2 5 H..n. Mr. G. C. Clarke 7;, i Donaldson ard Burkinshav. i Fk m y deceased i;, 'harity" 7n Mr. F. H. Smith 5 ''Sunnyside" 1 I l>.._ M
    227 words
  • 152 14 GOLD RUSH— NEW STYLE. Aeroplanes Oust "Mush ers A recent message from Winnipeg stated: Bitter disappointment awaits a party of hardy prospectors who have started on foot with dog teams hauling provisions and t<'ds towards a newly opened gold camp at Red Lake (Ontario) m the belief thai they will
    152 words
  • 30 14 The wrfl of fe Uta u^ Erans Stuart Davis, Into Cm Surgeon, Rangoon, who fed recenUj, at his resrfence Malone .ark, Belfast d and l, as been sworn at personal
    30 words
  • 152 14 New and Kasy Method A sensational discovery which, it is claimed, may possibly revolutionise medical science, was made public on January 1 by M. Besredka, the successor of Professor Metchnikoff at the Pasteur Institute at Paris. U is declared that by swallowing capsules containing a virus, the
    Daily Express  -  152 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 225 14 3*:*£ >:>&*sSs____r with a good mouthrinsing with Odol, begin the day well. This marvellous liquid dentifrice removes all impurity from the mouth, and arrests with absolute certainty the development of bacteria which cause decay of the teeth. After a rinsing with Odol the mouth is sweet and wholesome, and no
      225 words
    • 396 14 I __r I KELV I N AT lON ou can aye a co^ refrigerator withou t Kelvinator maintains a f ee j ust i nsta ll Kelvinator Electric Is c^standj Refrigeration and it will keep itself cold. i^th'zo* 7 lfK^Kdiia 1^ 11 Kelvinator keeps refrigerators colder It is much colder
      396 words

  • 544 15 ERASER CO.. EXCHANGE AND SHARE BROKERS. SATURDAY, APRIL 10th 1926. 6f C tf_f^l? fl bracl c show the iss^ value marked.] aiS Uniess other^de MINING. T buyers Sellers W 1 I John. Tin <.i) DSS f. 5 'i Kaniuntini. (I'll Kj»ta As_L? f 0 _0 68 0. 6d _a C
    544 words
  • 35 15 April LO. Hank demand 2 4 l-:;_ New prk, demand Hongkong, demand 1 J DU. Yokohama, demand 122.4 •Java, demand l Bangkok, demand 7;.\. Bank of England Rate 5 p.c. Sovereign, Bank Buying. ..r.i
    35 words
  • 201 15 T 125 Tons L3s.o_i Pearl Sago Small 7..v Copra 11. Ti Copra Sundried ll.» Opium, Benares unt. 4.00*' Rice, Lian;* Hin Chan Mark Red Eagle [New) 330 Rice. Rangoon Sio\.a 250 Rice, .Siam Broken No. 1 220 Rice, Siam Glutinous No. 1 MQ Rice, Siam Glutinous No. 2 320
    201 words
  • 63 15 DAILY PRICES CURRENT. d>rii I Oth. 1926, 12 o'clock Boon. R S S. Equal to Standard, Q.C.F. Spot 8J Si dard R S S on Tende r Apri 36 v •July Bepl v I ni of Market: Steady with few sellers. Latest Cabl L >ndon
    63 words
  • 236 15 Now that the price < f rubber has wry considerably declined, American agitation 'ver the Stevenson scheme (which was nevei widespread, despite the best efforts of Mr. Hoover) has virtually disappeared. S problems as the American rubber manufacturers faced have a way of working out their own
    Timies  -  236 words
  • 100 15 Four now companies wren, registered in Penang during tha year with a total registered capital of $2,650,000 as compared with thirteen with a registered capital of $3,452,857 in 1924. viz: Kian- River Tin Dredging Co., Ltd.. $1,000,000; Rantau Tin Dredging Co., Ltd.. $1,450,000; Gk-n bines Rubber Co.. Ltd., $100,000; and
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  • 211 15 KOSE UACPHAIL COS REPORT. Singapore, April 10. Rubber.— 2e 2d. Down Local B 6 Tin. _268. Up _'n-. The market is [uiet m all seeti_m_ with little bnsiness pass Bather. Bessette offer al lIS cum. la Idragtrifi made L 0.40 and Kempes lv. Allenir. s wen taken
    211 words
  • 272 15 London. Mar. 17. Markets.- Taking ml cons v i n the unfa' able positi a <m tin conl inenl tttai tnets have been wonderfully steady, and at ti. m<>- nl thi re is talk of a I iron and steel combine I control tho >•<■- steel rail
    272 words
  • 89 15 did Ml h |os beart entirelj the &!ai b export 1 ked d level, tl. _iched 01 a| 'an at the the i se, the to' c is an asy wiih a sagging be ndene I i Made: is lad w efatherii Is on the li '4
    89 words
  • 147 15 The sugg tstton f rubber tern lias been again brought forward. T. years ag i the Rubbei Sti te and Td Courts, Ltd., set out to teat 1 i las af hir I rubbe r lawn teni ia iaa the rm Ib m proved difficult to artiw
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 468 15 Assets Over 56.500.000, S.C. Assurance m Force Over $22,000,000. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY LIMITED. HEAD OFFICE:-Wineh._*er Ho_^^^ ta Btt S^lements) The Company has _2fi 000 -f j!S_ 01 LONDON OFFICE: 32 Old Jewry, E.C mpany has £.0,000 deposited with the Supreme Court of England, and comnlies with the
      468 words
    • 473 15 BANKING. YOKOR4MA SPECIE BANK, LIMITED. Established 1880— 1 Subscribed V.100,00O s 'J6O K^ser^e fund Y.86,600,0C0 President: K. Kodama Eaq. Vice-President: R. Ichincmiya, £_<_ rtj DIRECTORS. !M. Odagin, Esq. K. Mogami, Esq. Baron K. Iwasaki. E. Takeuchi. Eaq. K. Tatanmi, Esq. T. Hod.umi, Esq. F. Watanabe, Esq T. Okubo, Esq. Baron
      473 words
    • 448 15 BANKING. HONGKONG AND SHANGHAI BANKING CORPORATION, (Incorporated m Hongkong) ___T__.__._l _f"___r_ tt i Head Office: Hongkong. Authorised Capital $50,000,000 Issued and fully paid up $20,000,000 Reserve Fund:— Sterling 4,500,000 Silver $27,000,000 Reserve Liability of Proprietors $20,000,000 I COURT OF DIRECTORS. D. G. M. Bernard, Esq. Chairman Hon. Mr. A. O.
      448 words
    • 42 15 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (Incorporated m England by Eoyal Charter A. D. 1720). FIRE MOTOR CAR IVIARINE Fidelity Guarantee Administration Bonds Singapw! Representative -Messrs. BARLOW Co. Messrs. HARRISONS. BARKER fi 00 I■ I CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (lst floor) A GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
      42 words

  • 50 16 STAFFORDS WIN ARMY Cl P. OXFORD RUGBY. [Exclusive to the "Free Press." From Our London Correspond* nt]. London, Apr. 10. Tht hnal ol the Army Cup was played at Aldershot to-day between the 2nd Staffordshire Regiment and the 2nd l_eicestershire Kept., the former winning by three j
    50 words
  • 54 16 In the course of their Continental tour the Oxford University Fifteen defeated j Grenoble hy 2° points r> nil. They end; ountered much harder opposition from the Ly-mnad and were beaten by 14 points tv j In. while they obtained a narrow victory OT. r Jura by
    54 words
  • 111 16 Yorkshire and Hampshire fought a hard! r atch m the final of the Rugby County i hampionshipat Bradford on Saturday. York- ahire, wh i defeated Leicestershire m the senu-final by 27 points to 11, winning a dos_- game by 15 point: tc 14. This 'is the i
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  • 41 16 BLAC KHEATH LOSE TO CARDIFF. Tne t »unty Championshii Bnal was one oi several lose maaches on Saturday, am mg the ether- being the meeting of Cardiff with Biackd-atn at the Welsh club's headquarters, where tiie home side won by '_'"> points
    41 words
  • 16 16 The Navy and Royal Marines Fencing Assoeriation defeated the Army Fencing As-.-'ciati'm. 21 1".
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  • 41 16 In the Navy and Royal Marinees racquets r.nai Lieutenanl Halt beat Lieutenant Litch-Reld-Speer "■> 1. Lieutenant Halsey, who won the title laal jrear, is serving m H.M.S. Hawkins, the Sagship of the China Squadron, which was recent!} a- Singapore.
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  • 22 16 H W Austin, the nineteen year- old :enr.;s player, defeated Turnbull at Magdalen Park on Saturday, 6—2, H*— B.
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  • 157 16 COUNT! CHAMPIONSHIP FINAL. London. Apr. I<>. At Bradford m the Rugby County Cl ampionship final ia glorious weather Yorkshire beml Hampshire by 15 points to d m lhe presence of 10,000 spectators. In the early stages Yorkshhn were mostly attacking bui afteT eighteen minutes Richmond seoied an unconverted
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  • 82 16 BIRCHFIELD HARRIERS' RECORD Londe>n. Apr. 11). Nineteen teams of ten men each started from Weestminstl r OB the annual London to Brighton relay running race. Birchfield Harriers, ira hold were first home m 1 hour- minutes 34 1-5 seconds, beating their oil record of 1 hours,
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  • 44 16 ww« A FRENCH SUCCESS. London, March 28. Brussels. In the International Crosscountry Championship over ciffht miles tho six countries were placed as follow: France. England, Scotland, Ireland. Wales, BelThe Englishman, Harper, arrived first, taking 4 1 mil B, IT 2-5 sees.
    44 words
  • 438 16 ST. MIRREN WIN SCOTTISH CUP. A Record Attendance. At Hampden Park. Glasgow, m the Scottish Association Cup final St. Mirren beat Celtic by two tfoahs to nil. Celtic were handicapped by the lastminute unfitness of McLean their international left-winger. The St, Mirren halves dominated the game throughout. There
    438 words
  • 180 16 A BOLTON HAT TRICK. London. March 27. The cup tie between Bolton and Swansea at Tottenham brought hundreds of demon- strative Welsh enthusiasts to the MetroI polis. They toured London, saw the Boat I Race, and then went to Tottenham, armed j with mascots and favours
    180 words
  • 35 16 The following vvill represent the S.C.C. against the 27th. Battery R. A. on the Padang this evening: Barnes; Craik, Wallich; RffcLennan, Jaraieson, Bovens; .Tait, Lee, Smith, Polsen and Thompson.
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  • 411 16 S.C.C. vs. LANKA UNION. Win lor the Union. The S.C.C. again demonstrated their dislike of foreign soil when on Saturday they visited the Balestier-rd. ground and were defeated by the big margin of seven wickets. True, the visiting- team was not at full strength, but it was reasonable to
    411 words
  • 341 16 The Y.M.CA. ecured a very narrow victory over the S.c.*'. 2nd XI on the Padang on Saturday, for after dismissing the Club for la:, they onlj bettered this tota! by three runs. In their victory, ton. the Y.M.CA. wers fortunate, since Lync was caught behind the
    341 words
  • 228 16 Visitors Badly Beaten. Playing on tho S.R.C. ground on Saturday the ,I>.uke of Wellington's Regt. received a shock at the hands of the S.R.C. when they were defeated by 117 runs. Scores:— Duke of Wellington's Regiment. Sgt Bennett b Bartels 0 Lt. Prankis b
    228 words
  • 130 16 SINGAPORE GOLF CLUB. Spring Cup. This competition was played on Saturday and Sunday, and resulted m a tie between Messrs. L. P. Hickey and J. D. P. Nisbet. Sixty cards were taken out and the following were rt turned: The iiist sixteen qualify to play i'or the "Guillemard
    130 words
  • 48 16 U.S. AMATEUR CHAMPION. I Reuter's Service-. 1 Net* York, Apr. 10. Jay Gould, the national amateur real tennis champion since 1907, lost his title I y de fau H to Sugden, scratching as he was i. nade play owing to not having recovered t rom influenza.
    48 words
  • 48 16 TO-DAYS TIES. hampionship. Hunt vs. Hall. H logins vs. Prentis Newcomer's Handicap. <ox owe 2 vs. Harford, owe 15, to finish Profeesston Pairs. Linton and Hickney vs. Griffith^ ncs and Hamilton and Ndwbery vs. Kleinman and Sinclair. < ameron and Cobb vs. Roy Smith and Hazell.
    48 words
  • 45 16 Championship Pairs. Hall and Eiuggins vs. Cooper and Eh Stu. rs. Hamilton and Wild vs. Marriott and Holyoak. Kbit. man 'and Whitley vs. Cameron and j Cobb. Veterans Doubles Handicap. I Teak? and Griffith-Jones owe 15.3 vs. Mer- gler and Mergler owe 15.
    45 words
  • 66 16 The second race of the series for the Guillemard Challenge Cup was sailed yesterday, the points gained being: Bobbe B, Gertrude 7, Marion 6, Joy 5, Puteh 1. .Iran 3, Polly 2 and dune 1. The aggregate points gained m this series now reads: Jean II and Bobbe 10.
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 301 16 WHEN YOU SAY ij I 'THE BEST THAT MONEY CAN BUY' p YOU MEAN I STEINWAY. j S. MOUTRIE AND CO., LTD. j Sole Agents. fawVwVwVwVi^^ /t?^ f T last/ i }y ''^^m\W^ asYIW Lsr^-tKc strenglK f dd-*^:^?:.; and subtle flavour Mrr •C _r^««ir*.* lamed to the last drop by
      301 words