The Singapore Free Press, 27 March 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press
  • 13 1 Singapore Free Press I ENTS SINGAPORE, S.S., SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1926 NO. 11,757
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  • 265 1 To the eoneern of many who went to PM him off at Huston, the f'rince of Wales whs ind -posed and cou'd n<»t see the (irand Nationa' »*aj;i> The winner of th.» yreat raee and Iher particulars is given .1 pat![e lfi. Australia has voled a further
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  • 1090 1 Quicqiti,] Bjuut liomltUK vjntn t st fmrrin ''i >*Hl .JUV.-TK'I Wh.n a member of tin House <>f Common* had enquired the aragee paid to male and female irorkert on the rubber farmi pardon: ire e/ere thinking of Mr. Jelf in Malaya and was told that it
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 243 1 1N (i LOONG iUK RBCOGNBD HOI'SB for i i u.U'EAN TROPICAL SlilTS. 32. HIGH STREET. j Sea View Hotel. 'I SUNDAY 28th MARCH. ij HIGH TIDE 10.8 A.M. l j: Cinema at 9.30 p m f I 1. What Price "Loving Cup." \2. Heroes of the North Sea. ij j:
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    • 66 1 one smoke I Fishing or shooting? Each sport has its adherents believing their pastime unrivalled. But both agree that for cigarettes I there can be only one choice I I *> VIRGINIA CIGARETTES I Y The Europe HoteVi V V BRITISH GOODS FROM ACTUAL MANUFACTURERS OF MODERN OFFICE APPLIANCES. BEFORE
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    • 155 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Long John whisky- -Page 1 1. Rubber estate for sale Page Sea View H >tel inema Pag l. Gcwdwood Hall Cinema— Page l. Municipal tenders and notice n <»n page 7. Goodyear Tyrea at Borneo Motors F'agc 4. Little's Annual Sri 1 bofrinn on Monday I'a^e H. Buy
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    • 14 1 WING LOONG FOR HIGH (LASS TAILORING. Style, Cut and Finish Guaranteed. 32. HIGH STREET
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 148 1 THE WEEK. Hijrh Water, 0.33 a.m.. 10.33 p.m. Fraser an»l Neare's snnL mtg., ii.on. Cricket: Army vs. N.w. Tanglin. Rugby: Army r». Navy. Stadiam. Bftwiag; Army v>. Navy, Happy Valley, '.>.:>() p.m. Royal Hawaiian*, \":t\ Theatre, $JS9 y*.n\ Sunday, 2Hth. Hinh Water, ics a.m.. 10.58 p.» i. Mi^'h Water. 1
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  • 270 2 KM Iveinforcement (ir«>up. T:. annual musketry course will be fired on Bukit Timah Range <>n Saturday and Sunday next. Saturday, 2Tth March. 2.30 p.m. -One bm will leave Drill Hall. Beach Road st 8 p.m. fox members who require conveyance, ■Sunda>. 28th March, 8..J0 a.m. On- bvs
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  • 246 2 Grady, of the F.M.S.. Medical Service, doc hack from none leave by the P. and O. Kashgar about April He will understood, be stationed at Kuala I pur on nil return. Mi. Hon. Mr. Justice A. V. Brown, Senior Puisne Judge, Penang, who has been away at K» da», for
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 284 2 fflE HAPPY VALLEY LTD. The Town Amusement CENTRE MALAY OPERA, CINEMA. SIDE SHOWS AMUSEMENTS. GOODWOOD HALL SCOTT'S K«AD. CINEMA TO-NIGHT AT 9.15 WALLACE BERRY IN RICHARD, THE LION-HEARTED Based on Sir Walter Scott's famous novel The Talisman. Admission $1.00. Mdm. aKelvey's j Dancing A well-known professional teacher in Character, Classical.
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    • 321 2 From Sunday, 21st, to Saturday. 27th March. 1926 THE G§EATEST DRAMA OF THE AGES CREATED INTO AN EVEN GREATER MOTION PICTURE AT THE ALHAMBRA In the Second Show, at 9 p.m. A WILLIAM FOX SI PER PRODUCTION From the Immortal Story by Mrs. Henry Wood Presenting A GALAXY OF NOTED
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  • 1179 3 A STUDY IN PROPORTION. Not since th war, said one paper, had an> thing so convulsed the Riviera as the tennis-match between Mdlle. Lensrlen and Miss Wills. Not since the war It is an exigent comparison. if our present civilization comes to be judged, in future apes,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 362 3 I Do you know SsArK 1 I i constitutions W undermined, if not ruined, by having milk Uj trom Tubercular cows > fe I How is a mother to know that her baby H is safe from this risk.- Better not to run the I iisk— Cive Baby Glaxo! I
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    • 221 3 I DO YOU REMEMBER >: Hartley's Jams Marmalade? J j: If so, you will know that at Home they ra n k as The Best > They are now obtainable at the following Provision Stores s < Messrs. THE HIGH ST. PROVISION STORE. Messrs. HI N BKI CO. j£ LIM
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    • 33 3 j:J WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO. S. L .-.«-r,7. Hi K h StroW. i| >. f/ r PHONE H44. v.^^^^^^^^^v.v.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^v.^v.^^v.v.v.^v.v.v.^v.Vr^ ffi if f i smpwisKY *****l 111 llllllllllllllllHlllllllllUlllllllllllllllllllllllll Every Bottle carries a guarantee of Quality Age
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  • 1026 4  -  E. T. Brown.) WHITE GLOVES FOR MOTORISTS. Motor Cycling For Indies. (By Mr. Stenson Cooke, the Secretary of the Automobile Association, made a very strong appeal a few r.i^hts ago on the wireless for the universal use of the white glove MMMf motorists, and he has asked
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 90 4 rJ^^^^t^E^^m Tlm« to W«-tlr» B B fC^T^ff I wCJ^ yVT«»(K m« we u t p«t orr. Jft B •j Fisk Tyres are through and through First j: J -1 1 1 li 1 ji represent more than their money value j! in mileage and service returns. 1b Imr^mm ■■■^■■h I
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    • 138 4 The Tyre with the Lasting Tread. (iocdyear Motor-Cycle Tyres give exceptional mileaue and reduce skicliin^ to a minimum. The All-Weather Tread is the one non-skid tread that ha.s proved the scientist* m rreetness of its design. For safety, for freedom from tremble, and for maximum mileage fit («oodyear (!•••'<! it>
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  • 398 5 Rapid (irowth. wai given by Lieut. -Colonel A. D.5.0., on behalf of the Society Manufacturers and Traders at a of the Committee on Industry 1 Tra.i-. held on Feb. 24, Sir Arthur j tding. Hacking explained the prograsy which the organisation 4 exhibitions has been conducted, j
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  • 189 5 Humours have been current recently that Brooklands motor track is likely to be affected by the death, which we announced recently, of Mr. H. P. Locke King, its founder. I had a chat with Col. F. Lindsay Lloyd, who assured me that the famous track
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  • 135 5 London, Feb. 2H. The increase of a penny per gallon in the price of petrol is costing the u crs about £1,800,000. This is attributed to the advance of the world market price in America. Meantime, there is a probability that Russia may become a competitor in
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  • 89 5 It is well to know how to make a clutch slip in order to know when on»* is injuring this important unit of the car. A clutch, even properly adjust; d and in pood condition, will slip, if, while engaging it, the engine il run too fast. Under such conditions
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  • 936 5 FORBES-LEITH OS MOTORING. PRIMARY CAUSE OF DISCOMFORT. RESULTS OF INVESTIGATIONS. Hy— Major F. A. C. Forbes-Uith. F.R.G.S.. (Author of: "By Car to India." There are now upon the road so many lady-drivers, that I trust I shall -not he censured for addressing this week's article i'xohisivtly
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 189 5 f** t^^MJJHg j T M rT BBllQfcpaj.di!m. ~J it viand lancs j (f"*""* Vi^/ f 00 niwif^ •j In use in every country in the world. ji Has an INTERNATIONAL REPUTATION of being th? finest lorry made •I in England. Examine the LE\ LAND Chassis and then compare it with
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    • 268 5 j: ITALY'S BEST i BIANCHI CARS! Model T2O. 20-30 h.p. 7 Seater 28 m.p.g. $4,000 j Model S4. 10-12 h.*?. 1 Seater 40 m.p.g. 5 I $2,850 j J Distributors I GUTHRIE CO., LTD. jj (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements). 1" v%%y .y .y ,y^y ,y a^ssy^d'.y.y .y v«%y.Fuy^y'Ay.y M
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  • 2031 6  -  gj ARTHUR DE COURCY BOWKR. gg A KIN EM A OF VIVID LIFE. XX tfv S* g %l Haunts of the World's Gamblers. by $<, In this fascinating instalment of his recollections of Casino life, the author details his experiences at the gaming tables
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  • 1348 6 WiSK DECISION Exploiting Tosti. [Specialty Written for Free Press]. N lU Melba (nee Mitchell), who, after present farewell concert tour of the English rovinces, will retire, may be COBgratulsied on knowing an elderly singer's Not that she is at the end of tether. Melba's voice remains "pood while the
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  • 1583 6 SPECIAL BOAT RACE DAY ARTICLE. i Story Behind To-day's Battle on the Thames. B K gS ALL FOR TWENTY MINUTES. <*# Ktf--2£ by <^ AN* OLD OXFORD BLUE. *J? What has often been called "The greatest sporting event in the world" will be seen once
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  • 521 7 YESTERDAY'S BRIEF MEETING. Less than half an hum sufficed for the completion of the busings oi the ordinary monthly meeting of the Municipal Commissioners yesteiday afternoon, no matters of etjns-.itlerable impoitance being included in the agenda. The President (Mr. K. J. Farter) presided and there were also present
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  • 174 7 Eanseal Freudian writes i»> Use htanihester Guardian: "Has your Government .•< r-' lered, I wonder, i!i»- bearing of 'he tlirer problem <n tfce new naval basei Tin- othei day, not far from the ui the base, coolie was attacked by •i tisfcr. The r<>llowing nighi I drefamed ;li<
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  • 122 7 The ciiliin t-ntaker bemoaned the decay of iw rait. He recognised that it wrs inevitable that machinery should make it hard i<>r the ■maU man. But the lavish use «>f f;j«t'n and inferior timbers galled his soul. And mjßch modera upholstery was positively fratiriul nt. Ik- mentioned an
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  • 41 7 The marriage of Mr. Martin Ernest Wrifftt and Miss Ivy Moir took place on Thursday at St. Andrew's Church, Kuala Lumpur, the Rev. R. D. WbHehorn officiating. A reception was afterwards held at the residence of Mr. Warren Hastings En Ampang-rd.
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  • 129 7 Notice ifl hefeby given th:U Tan Thu;tn llt:i:i ;ii.-<« known n.» S::m Hup Bat r<>tir«-l from th»* part&ership busiiv- heretofore carried on at No. t<> rircuhir Singapore un<|.-r t-hf style or tirm «>f IVin Youc liuan. M fro»n Um l»1 <I;i> tnd Moon l*ia In
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  • 355 7 THE SINGAPORE FREE PRESS. The only Morning Daily in Malay*; e live "news" paper 35-40 columns of newt iaily, also the best Medium for Advertising Delivered with the Chota Hazri each morning:, with Latest Telegrams, Latest New? and Latest Announcements together with exclusive special features, ''Pictures of the week" Seriaj
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 386 7 BUSINESS CARDS. i: MARY SE JON. i < K \MBER MANSIONS, j: ORCHARD ROAD. PHE IRIOSITV SHOP. i ,v/av.vv.v.v.vv.\vv.ww a 5 I'Uu-i- Stnd for the Illustra'ed t itslofwS of Musical Instruments, o SEASON CO., LTD. 113, North Bri Jpe Road. \!.S, MARBLE OR GRANITE SINGAPORE C\SKET CO. (NUMENTAL MASONS." TELEPHONE
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    • 820 7 M)T!( KS EXCHA.NGE BANKS. The Baichange Banks wiU hv rioted on r r i,i lV jnd Saturday the 2nd sbd Srd April b ing Public Holidays and on ith April being Easter Mond LGJ M jj ROBINSON AND COMPANY, LIMITED. in the Sti-ails B«ttWmeoUl.] IwriCß IS HKRKBY GIVEN thai ths
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    • 298 7 NOTICES. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby Bjirea that the bsJainOM of Cloth Merchants formerly carried on at Xo. 175 Arab Street, Singapore, has as from Ist Febraan WM has taken avor by Koona Moona Clulam Meydin alias Tamby Vappa, Koona Mooaa Mohiaiod Basoae and Koona Moona Mohamed Couth and will be
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    • 704 7 TENDERS. TKXDERS rxVITKD for the erection of a house in Tannin district. Apply to PL R. Arbenz, K.P.Z. Architect, 6a Ma!accs Btroet MLNICII'AIJTY OF BINGAPOUL Reconstruction of Stamford (anai. Section No 1. The Municipal Commissioner of giagapeve mvjte tenders for the RaconstTOCl I »f SQsslford Canal. Section No. extendini from
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous
    • 680 7 I CHURCH SERVICES. J HARRISON CHURCHES. (Church of England.) Tanglin. J a.m. Holy Co;rununion. 5.45 a.m. Parade Service. 5.15 p.m. Evensong :>nd Baptism. ttlakan M&ti. 10.M0 n.m. Patads Service. METHODIST TAMIL CHURCH. Short Street. a.m. Sunday School. J') turn. Divine Serviee. I'reacher: .Mr. S. M. Thivathasan. 7.1."> p.m. Kpworth League
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  • 661 8 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS SATURDAY, MARCH 27, 1926. Empire Produce. Most of us who have lived some time in the hast have met with numerous instances of poor f6Ugr*> phionl knowledfirc which is not p<ceg sary to repeat The knowledge of maps and places and countries is only t<« be acquired
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  • 434 8 M: \N A. C. Haim--. Asvistai.t Commis-hi(»n«-i ..f Police, F.M.s.. i> «i 1 1*. bark From Home l.y th«- liihgn The I'm Man School stint "•■*<•«! for the purpnaai of political pcopatanila t«» the <k-tiiiiu-ut of the Interest* of the Colony is declared an unlawful aehool. Mr. I I.iiuh.n of
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  • 239 8 PENANG NEWS. (From Our Own Con-espondent). I'enanjf. Mar. 26. The wedding: took place of Mr. Arthur Williams, district officer, Balik Pulau. to Miss May Lilian Read, at the Presbyterian Church. The bride, who arrived by the Macedonia, was given away by the President Countilioi, the matron of honour
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  • 87 8 ADMIRAL'S VISIT TO UNION JACK CLUB. Y<*>u-nla\ morning, Vice-Admiral Sir Bdwyn Alexander-Sinclair, K.C.8., Com-mander-ia Chief »»f tin China Station. visited th t'nion .lark Club, arcumpanuMJ bj Pay MastM 1 <«inman<lti- \V. .1. \V<. xjimitt The distinjniished visitors vran nut by 11. E. Major General Sir Theodoiv Fraaer, G.O.C^ Lieut. Colonel
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  • 414 8 Tlhj name of Mr. F. K. Harmer i- added t" th» Commission «>f th»- Peace for Mr. St rat ton Ferrier li appointed to K nemher ..t rh«- Volunteer Advtuory oil niitti*-. IViumu M». Leong Sin Kwee baa b«-t<n granted c«»mniis>i<>n as sec irnl I'.cu^naMt in the Chinese Companies, s.s.V.
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  • 255 8 CHANDr SRIZI'RK. Drue Found Nine Feet I'nder Coal j n Bunkers. Captain Cotton, of the Itfn g, Bet-, pleaded guilty in the District </., yesterday morning to eharg« against him in consequent of a brn zurc of chandu on his ship. It was stated that the Vmw|
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  • 225 8 Cerent r*i Verdarj of Justifiable Bemititi Holding that two Chines brothen who «.uis»'.i the death of a Javanese, w\u> ar tempttd to break int i their borne and molest their mother, ha.l acted in accordant* with their j-iuht- of private k Coroner, Mr. F. Bourne, re turned a
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  • 79 8 Complainant I naWJe to Attend PaMct t The robbery case in which HT. Li M Amtaooa and F. D'Almeida arc caarf* ed, was mentioned before Mr. Da\Hd in th« [District Court yesterdav momiag, ther p >stpotieinent being granted until ll ril. L'lst. a certificate being prodneed in>> that
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  • 118 8 His ExceUencj the Governor bai biei pleased to appoint the foOofring ff«tle»H to form the Social Hygiene \d\-.s.r BttH for Singapore. The P.C.M.O.J the Secretary for Chiai* Affairs; the Senior Medical Otker, Saxd Base; the Senior Mi dual OOcer, M Comniand; the Municipal Healtl «>^^ r
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  • 97 8 Bills t.> be introduced into thi I Cornell, publish; (i in th<- Gaaette, Native States Itim—ll. Voliimn-. amtW nu-nt, and Disabilities on form Aliens. The first named makes it iral 1 a Sarawak prisoner to be transfers -i Colony for the purpose of ur.dorp i">r punishment. The Volunteer-
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 100 8 "THE CONNOISSEUR COMES TO CALDBECK'S?' FOR COATES' ORIGINAL PLYMOUTH GIN The Navy's Choice. CALDBECK, MACGREWR CO., LTD. (Incorporated under thi j Companii'.^ Oidinaiut's of Hongkong*) (Incorporated in Shanghai). 45 ROBINSON ROAD, SINGAPORE. Telephone 228. FOR SUCH JEWELLERY OF EXCELLENCE NONE, HUT THE ROYAL JEWELLER. B. P.De SI LVA 62 :J
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    • 35 8 \F.imi.\ use a m~ji AGENTS: W. R. Loxley Co, 8 OFAP^ H GOLDEN SERl£S ust rk;ht !or the CLJMATB \%,C.G.MIBBEIiT4 CO x S:'Mf:'j VSJk LONDON. J&-/ V^»^ ENCIANO. 4%y'/ REAL BEER" \danison. dilfillun Co.. Ltd.
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    • 216 9 PRAISE FROM ALL MEN. [Reuter s Service.] London, Mar. 25. A istt-n Chamler'ain was presented h the freedom of the City. There w-re ,1 the Premier and his wife, Mr. Winhurchill, Mr. anJ Mrs. Ainery, the umissioners of the Dominions and i nine Ambassadors among other n Chambei
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    • 75 9 Rad>o— Official Service]. Rugby, Mar. 2.*. Itl tie first meeting of gitc of N'atior- Commission set up r the question relating to the tution of the League Council j Geneva on May loth. It will of the ten members representing n v Council and five members -nting
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    • 90 9 British Radio- Official Service 1. Rugby, Mar. 2."». i iwncrs and miners have lost time in entering upon consideration °t on which they must agree be- liemselves before the Premier's pro- to jive effect t the Coal Commission's n l comes operative. The executives th parties
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    • 162 9 [Renter's. Berriee.] Washington. Mar. 27. Secretary to th. Treasury, Mi-. Mel :uled when inter\ iewed in ivtraid l<> Churchill's speech ir. the House o* ii. ns on Tuesday v\ h* r<-in he threw out Wffgttlioa that the limited States bould wipe out Europe*! war debt to •a and
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    • 95 9 Yesterday's Itesuits. "npionship Pairs Mixed (Final.) GriAth-Joaei and Sinclair beat Miss and Miles, G-:;, ♦>. .j-_o. Handicap Doubles (Men). I and Teak, owe ;r>.2 b«-at Dyne and ran, o»« l. 2- 6—l. ft -4. MONDAY'S Tli:s. Handicap Doubles Men. (Final). •«d Wild, (-we 15 vs. Hunt and
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    • 66 9 DEFICIT STILL PROBABLE. [Reut'jr's Service.] Paris, Mar. 26. The Chamber has adopted by 415 votes to 128, the revenue section of the Budget. The expenditure side was voted in the autumn session. The entire 1926 budget is now ready to go to the Senate. The Sociaists decided
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    • 41 9 [British Kadio- Official Service.} Rugby, Mar. 25 I'aris r.IS.G'J.-,; Nt w >r\: 4,862f»; Brussels J2l; Amsterdam 12.155; Milan 120.8:>; Berlin 20.42; Bombay Is (Jd; Shanghai 2s j infcd; Hongkong- 2s |%d; Yokohama Is 10 !>-ltfd; Silver spot 30 S-16.
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    • 46 9 [Reuter's Service.) Washinu4on. Mar. IS. After eoafenriag with Mr. KeDocg, Senator Borah declared that smu of the claim* of Americans ngatest Britain and France arising from the seizure of goods during the war, while America was neu- tral, should and would be paid.
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    • 76 9 Berlin. Mar. 2»>. Interviewed by a representative of Router. Gerwin, director of the Gennaa Steel Trust, admitted that the provisional agreement cablet! earlier had reached Paris, but the negotiations will have to be resumed, as there are many obstacles to overcome h fore a definite sain meal
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    • 41 9 Buenos Aires. Mar. 2H. Government has asked Congress speedily to vote the ratification of the Argentine rejoining the leagW. of Nations, which u necessary before the Government can accept the invitation to sit on ih<- League committees,
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    • 180 9 RHGIMKNTAL RUGBY. NO. 1 Company won the Duke of Wellington's Ktgun* nt inter-Company rugby 'shield by defeating N<«. i Company in the final by points to nil. Previously No. 1 Co, defeated N«>. 2 Company by 15 points to nil; and No. 4 Co. defeated 11. Q. (A)
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    • 201 9 Regimental footballers are having plenty of exercise this Week. Following the match against the Cricket Hub on Thursday the First XI playe<l the Royal Navy at the Stadium ye.-terday afternoon, at the same time as the Boys of the Regiment were playing the Boys of the flagship at Tanglin.
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  • 634 9 I suppose, within a short time, we shall all carry earphones about with us and be a bio to pick up messages wherever we may happen to be. Mr. Hamilton Fyfe. he mortgaged in !;♦.::>. Hi- expected a *urphlfl of $1,000 on Ibis. He bought a third share in MMe
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    • 50 9 NOT TO BE DOMINATED. [Router's Serviced Melbourne, Mar. 26. The House of Representatives have passed a bill for increasing the capital of the Colonial Oil Refinery by a hundred thousand sterling. Mr. Bruce defined the purpose of the measure to prevent outside oil interests dominating the Australian market.
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    • 42 9 [Reuters Service] Mexico City, Mar. 26. It is understood that the conferences of the oil interests with the Mexican government have virtually come to a deadlock. Mr. Ovey called on Mr. Sheffield, and is believid to have discussed the position.
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    • 77 9 Router's Service.] PariK, Mar. 2t>. A tthtfiam from Beirut says that nume- ious Druses attacked Kattana, south-west of Damascus, which was surrounded and set afire. Four squadrons of cavalry, supported |by airmen, counterattacked, and the Druses I were repulsed and fled, leaving over a hun- dred dead. [Havas
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    • 37 9 Mr, A. W. Vick of the Chartered Bank one of the arrivals from Home by the V<re ;i Mi. and Mrs. H. J Fougere are coming out by the Haruna Maru, which left London on Feb. 27th.
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  • 952 9 RECEIVING ORDER AGAINST RICHARDSON. Receiving and adjudication orders against Mr. P. Richardson were granted by Mr. Justice Deane in the Singapore Bankruptcy Court yetseiday morning, on the petition of Messrs. Sarkies Brothers, who, it was stated by Mr. Roland Braddell, for the petitioning creditors, had obtained a judgment
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
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    • 558 10 P. O. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARDS FROM LONDON. HOMEWARDS. For China and Japan. For Marseilles, London and Antwerp. Due Leave Tonnage. Singapore.
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  • 790 11 SALFORD BOROUGH ANALYST'S ADDRESS TO WOMEN. Mr. S. D. Elsdon, the Salford Borough Analyst, who has been persistently urging the need for more stringent powers for dtaling with the adulteration and misdescription of foods, surprised a large audience of women in the Salford Town Hall by his revelations
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  • 132 11 BURGLARY AT THE COLOMBO MISEUM. Valuable Precious Stones Untouched. The Miners] Gafltry of the Colombo Museum was boTffWd on Mar. Bth. but while a few stones valued at only about Rs. 41 were removed, a valuable case, containing stones to the value of thousands of rupees and within a few
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 443 11 PNa/Se your&e/A to a profeMionai Matu% 111- EFFORTS w being Conoration of Accounts towards industrial develop- (ACKA) cnt in the British Empire j,i ie Institute of Cost and open a wonderful prospect I *c€omtimsg (A.C.iy.A.). r qualified men. e >?*«»& Chici among the opportunities u- or ear u _j r•:
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    • 130 11 BBBBH \!T^T7^~l lU^ s fm£ ■fafafLg^^B^^^^ ■^BbTb^B^^^^^^^^^^^^ m^^Bßß^^^^^B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^SmmiSLb^^^^^B^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Bßßßbß^Bß^Bßßßßß^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ B~l^^ HbII llfc^^r^ L_ fc ''-^^^Bl BBBi BV I I I BB Bb I Bl AT BBr^^^^^3 JL mJI m ■A* W/ bbbbbbb^bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbjl Bi^Ek^Q TT-I IT 1-^ T r p Sandilands I^uttory Co. b^^^^^t^ Kuß iw^sflli i y r j *w 'i'
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  • 147 12 The N.Y.K. mail and passenger steamer Haruna Maru left Colombo Mar. 25th and is due at this port on Mar. 30th (daylight). She will probably sail the following morning from the wharf for China and Japan. The pending discontinuance by Trinity House of the Carnarvon Bay Light Vessel
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  • 107 12 Owing to the increasing importation :»f oil into Great Britain, and in order to oVVcloa their facilities on the Humbor, th<> L melon and Xorth-Kastern Railway have decided to construct a second oil jetty at Salt End, Hull. The jetty will .support pipelines and extend
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  • 112 12 Thi Altai Mara, strande<l in Fa Tan Mun Pass, Hon^kontr, was refloated »,n Ma<-. 10th. and towed to K >wloo n Bay. where sat will remain until taken into dock for overhaul and repair. The salvors, Tb< Tokio Salvage Company, state that o)»eration> were carried out with
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  • 409 12 launches During 102fi. Somcthia* likt- sc.. r <. „f cruiser* an expected t.. U- pi ,t afloat for the navfei of the world during 192*. and the great maj|ority of them, proi,abiy for th<- tir^t time in history, will U- of a standard (ttsplac*ment. Tht« Waaala«taa Coaferenee in
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 525 12 Burns Philp Line (Incorporated in Australia.) F FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7.375 tons) and MALABAR (4,512 tons.) The s.s. MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer trad ins: to Australia. Cabins de Luxe, single berth cabins,
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    • 346 12 MESSAGERIES MARITIMES HOMEWARD MAILS. To Colombo, Djibouti, Port Said, Marseilles from Singapore. ANDRE LEBON 18,000 tons Apr. 7 T'AUL LECAT 17,000 tons Apr. 21 FROM I'ENANG ONLY. AZAY,LE RIDEAU ;4,000 tons Mar. M OUTWAKD MAILS. To Saigon, Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan. ANGERS 16,000 tons Apr. I AMAZONE 11,000 tons Apr.
      346 words
    • 216 12 Stewart's I I I I I I I I I BLENDED Old Scotch Whisky Sole Agents: j JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England.) Singapore, Penang and Kuala Lumpur. LLOYD TRIESTINO NAV. CO. (Incorporated in Italy.) HOMEWARD SAILINGS. Bi-monthly service for Brimiisi, Venu* and Trieste via ports taking eafgt on
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 676 12 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembing and Kuan tan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday Thursday andFriday 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Scremban, Kuala Lumpur, lpoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah 6 a.m. Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 6 p.m. Kota Tinggi
      676 words
    • 154 12 Mrs. Mackie and infant, Mrs. A Punier and child, Mr. P. A Ca^ill, Mrs. IVmpler, Mrs. Botteley, Mr. and Mrs Crow Mr. A. Arbuthnott, Mr. H. C. D'Arcy Irvine' Mr. H. N H. Cobbold, Mrs. I, C.Von "n! Mr. H N. H. Cobbold, Mrs. L. C. Gordon! Mr. J. AfrNichol,
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 659 13 O. 8. K. Line. B Steamer,. Art. Oept. london. Rotterdam, Hamburg, p Antwi'P. Bremen, via Colombo, Aden por, Sudan and Port Said. Alaska Maru Apr. 23 Apr 24 purban. Cape Town, Santos, Rio, Ifonfc video and Buenos Aires via Col< nih> R Ko f HaWaii Maru A P r 14
      659 words
    • 436 13 I a^LiuU BnSHa^nV SLV BEaw a^a^B finT V^S^n^ .£lnw a^Ll Cv^nD v\ atonaT^atam Hb^^bUßw I^^Bg STEAMSHIP LINE Round-the- World PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE 38 Days to BOSTON 41 Days to NEW YORK OILBURNERS. NO COAL DUST. NO CINDERS. ABSOLUTE CLEANLINESS. via Colombo, Port Said, Alexandria, Naples, Genoa and Marseilles. From
      436 words
    • 627 13 Kerr Steamship Co., Inc., 44, BEAVER STREET, NEW YORK. (Incorporated in U.S.A.) GENERAL AGENTS. REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE TO BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA AND BALTIMORE (via Suez) m.s. SILVERCEDAR In p ort For rates an.l Mtuer particulars apply:— GUTHRIE &CO ITD Agenta: Singapore and P«m»i k. p.~m! KONINKLYKE PAKETVAART MAATSCHAPPU. (ROYAL
      627 words

  • 660 14 STRIKING INCREASE IN EXPORT VALUES. Preliminary trade figures for 1925 show that British Malaya has now reached a remarkably prosperous position. Expoits from Malaya in 11)25 are put at the appioximate figure of vi 50,077.550, which la MtjptSjOM more than the exports of 1!»24, and i72,22i),50K more
    660 words
  • 209 14 It isn't new and th re are other vernioni „is well as extensions) of it; but a COrTe* pondeni raggesti it a.-> bearing on the Boodi in the Thames valley and elsewhere and it retelling:- A rtory of Ike original Flood, as told in the ancient
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 702 14 AUCTION SALE OF VALUABLE FREEHOLD PROPERTY situate at and known as LADY HILL AM BATCHELOR'S HALL. ORANCiE GROVE ROAD. To be sold at Public Auction by Messrs. POWELL CO., LTD. at their Sale-rooms Nos. 16 and 17, Raffles Place, Singapore. ON TCEBDAY, the 30th. MARCH 1926, AT 2.30 P.M. PARTICULARS.
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    • 739 14 AUCTION SALE OF Excellent well-kept Teak Household Furniture. Comprising: -A Columbia double spring motor hornless cabinet gramophone with English i records, magnificent walnut-stained wardrobe I with oval full-length bevelled mirror door, i duchesst -dressing table with oval bevelled swing mirror, marble top washstand, teak single bedsteads, teak sideboard with bevelled
      739 words
    • 442 14 IVERSHARP W WABL PEN M WHY have morr than twenty mil- 'yf J M lion people all ovrr the world !f •i hought Ever&haq>s un<l Wahl Prn.-. in- j {I of just pencils and prns? To he ii JL. Hiire they are ronvenirnt, dtirahle and |j* elecant. But more
      442 words

  • 487 15 ERASER CO.. EXCHANGE AND SHARE BROKERS. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 26th. marked.] llars unless otherwise lAsam Kumbang (Ml elierB Batan* JE? &W) Hitam Tin (f) l .2i .8o Idris (£i) l kjtfc 1.45 Johan Tin (fl) 57s Kamunting (£1 j JJJ Kinta Assn fSim s Kuchai Pref s ($n Kuchai Ords. (si,
    487 words
  • 72 15 C OF C. RUBBER ASSOCIATION. DAILY PRICES CURRENT. „o Buyers Sellers R.S.S. Equal to Standard, Q.C.F. Spot 100 100»i Standard R.S.S. March Spot 100V., 101 u. on Tender April 100 101 »t n Apr-June 99 Vj 100 July-Sept 97 97*.. Tone of Market: Easier and Quiet. Latest Cable: -London Spot
    72 words
  • 69 15 March 2P». I'ank 4 m.s. 2 4 15-32 Hank demand 2 4 3-32 Private credits 3 m.s. 21-32 Now York, demand 56 13.1c C rod its 90 days |g* Franco, demand 1550 India, T. T. IU% Honirkontr, demand V. p.c. Dis. Yokohama, demand 1237m Java, demand m 141 Vi
    69 words
  • 224 15 March M. Tin 100 Tmm $MO*i Gam bier 1(J Pepprr Whit.- 6500 F'.'ppe r Black 44 00 Flake Tapioca 5.75 Pearl Sago Small S.OO (< M";i H.65 Copra Sundried 11.90 Opium. Benares unt. 4.000 Rice, Lian? Hin Chan Mark Red Eagle [New) 330 Rice, Siam o.d No. 1 S.JO
    224 words
  • 148 15 MACPHAIL CO., LTD'S REPORT Singapore Mar. 26. Rubber.— Local I.OOtfc. Tin. London £279 10s. Local 140% (10<» tons sold). Rubbers. -Shares are easier. New Studais are quoted S 3.16 and Malaka Pindas at 3.20 :*.:?0. JenUßl have sellers at 1.70 ex. and Balgownies at 5. New S^'iendahs are quoted 4.80
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  • 279 15 I Enhanced Value of Island's Tea. The total amount of rubber exported fr >m Ceylon during February, according to the Customs Returns, was 11,811,825 lbs., 1 the value of which was Rs. :>O.iMG.7SS. Febnmry'i total xceeds January's by 1.027. 7". 1 lbs., but it
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  • 648 15 NORTH BORNEO CHAMBER OF COMMERCE. Minutes of a Committee Meeting, MCh February. Present. Mr. W. B. Johnston (in the chair), Mr. C. B. Brewer, Mr. A. D. Hennc. Mr. S. D. Key, Mr. G. Mavor, Hon. Mr. r. W. Pinnock, Mr. H. .1. Walker, Mr. Soh Sifcw
    648 words
  • 66 15 Ti, r* Singapore Mar 26 raw"' £3!°% M r ket has S-Srf Business continues to be confined to near sft Portions, futures bein P n -lecte and speculation conspicuous by its abstn^ facturers have taken small quantities of low grades. The general demand is. howey«r. slow and values
    66 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 455 15 Assets Over $6,500,000, S.C. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSDRAMS CmSTESST"*" hf An OFVirp- wu (Incorporated in Straits Settlements) H LAD Ob b ICE Winchester House Sinrannno ATTRACTIVE PLANS OF ASSITRAMnii. Companies Act me A^urance AGENTS WANTED Secretary G C KNOX. *****ng Director HORACE W. RAPER. a. ROBINSON, F. L A.
      455 words
    • 904 15 BANKING. YOKOHAMA SPECK BANK, LOOTED. E»t»bliih»d 1880— °"ffi&l23W T.100.000.C00 Reserve Fund vB6 KAn nnn *£«i<lent: K. KodanJ 00 000 Vice-President: R. IchmomiyaEsa m DIRECTORS. SJ:, 9^lf^ Ew t. Mogami, Esq. Baron K. IwasakL K. Takeuchi, Esq. F Z^ m L E^- T H <xJw»i. Esq. Sl^^FtS B'.l^8 1^ T Esq.
      904 words
    • 42 15 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. (Incorporated to Bsfflaad by Eoj.l Chftrtar A. D. 1710). i WRE MOTOR CAR MARINE Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds Singap<"H* Representative Messrs. BARLOW Co. y Messrs. HARRISONS. BARKER CO.. LM CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor) A GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
      42 words

  • 95 16 JACK HORNER WINS. A TWENTY Fl\ E TO ONE CHANCE. [Rj ftteJrs Service.] London, Mar. 26. The r ;:;iui Xational (4 1 > miles), run at Liverpool to-day, resulted as. follows: Mr. K. Maekay's JACK HORNER (Watkinson) 10.5 1 Mrs. \Y. H. Dixson's OLD TAV BRIDGE (Speck)
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  • 261 16 THE PROB ABLE STARTERS. The probable starters in the Grand National, according to a message ol March 18, were: Mr. W. H. Midwood's Silvo (P, Ree») 12.7. Mr. 11. Rershaw'ji Gerald L. (L. Brookes) H'.i2. Mra. W. B. JVxon's Old Tay Bridge (Speck) \2:2. Sir Keith Praser*! Ardeen (Trudgill) li.i».
    261 words
  • 83 16 [Reuter's Service.] London. Mar. 28. The Prim t <.f Walt 1 is indisposed and is unable to cany nit his intention to tee the Grand National. London. Mar. 2»>. Crowds disenabled at Euston to witnc>> the departure <>f the Prince <>f Wale* t<> Liverpool to see the classic
    83 words
  • 22 16 J.ond. n. Mar. l!l. Double Chance and L'Aiglon are nonrunners in the (irand National arid the Lincoln respectively. J
    22 words
  • 49 16 Newmarket. Following a good, stripped, four-mile gallop this morning the (irand National candidate. Doable Chancel was pulled up lame. The Lincolnshire candidate. L'Aiglon, while undergoing a useful five-furlong gallop, fell at half-way distant and rolled over. It was f.-und that he had ruptured a Mood vessel.
    49 words
  • 128 16 On (.rand National. Latest prim <>n the (Grand National ac- < <»nling to a March 15 nenafa am as follows: 13 to 2 a^raina Sprig (offered). 100 to <i against Old Tay Bring* 100 to 8 against Double Chance and Koko. 100 to 7 against Silv,, (taken
    128 words
  • 38 16 The following will represent the V.M.C.A. vs. r.a.m.c. on Monday on the Y.M.C Kn»unil:-R. H Penn,fathe,- C. A. PenneJ»th«r and K. G. Wheat Wy; 1). W. Dale R Un* an (l C. D. Smith; M. CtdMltoOT. A.
    38 words
  • 10 16 thehr y U °PP^unities of using the brain.- Fr^-ruk Mott
    10 words
  • 263 16 RECENT PRACriCE WORK FOR TO-OAY'S RACE. The 78th annual boat race between Oxford and Cambridge University crews will be rowed this afternoon over the 4% miles course from Putney t~> Mortlake. The latest news of the progress of the two crews is contained in the following messages,
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  • 161 16 OXFORD'S FINE PERFORMANCE AGAINST RACING CREWS. London, March 1 7th. The Oxford trial was held under perl I i conditions. They started stroking, 22 I the minute against th<- Westminster Bank [CIXW, \\l:<- a minute start, paced them from the Fulhara football ground. At th«miU post, reached in t mins.
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  • 131 16 London. March. iHth. The Cambridge crew appear t.. have in herited some of last year'a Inclination toi crab-catfthing, as when they started, No. I L. Be van, eaughl a crab and damaged the stretcher. The crew had to land while n was being repaired, but started
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  • 209 16 S.( TRIAL MATCH. The trial game which is heim- played at the S.C.C. ai a preliminary to the Selangor match at Easter, between two teams captained by Major K. K. Vjnrjraa and Mr. C. H. Clarke, was eommene d on the Padans, yesterday afternoon, the former side hatting. Throughout
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  • 96 16 Five tianis have entered for the Framroa Cup Cricket L.ajrue which will commence on May Bth. and probably be finished in July. The following are the teams: Y.M.C. A., I nnka Union. Duke of Wellington's, and H.A. Each team will meet the other twice. The following
    96 words
  • 41 16 [Reuter's Service. 1 London, Mar. 25. The following are the results of to-day's League matches: Division I. Tottenham 1, Newcastle 0. Division 11. Piestoa 2, Fulham 1. Division 111 (Southern). Charlton 0, Plymouth •">. Division 111 (Northern). Grimshy 2, Claws
    41 words
  • 263 16 Tin 1 following matches in the English and Scottish Leagues will he played to-day:" livision I—Ulackburn1 Ulackburn R. vs. \V. Hani U. Biuy vs. Arsenal. Cardiff City vs. Leeds U. BvertOH vs. Notts County. HiuldeisReld T. vs. Aston V. BheAeld t'. vs. Burnay. Sun«lerland v.. Leicester C.
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  • 496 16 I n-m«trr«»w \rranKenu-iit». To-morrow, Sunday, the i>:im races between the Rjyal Navy and 'I;-- Royal Singapore Yacht <'!ul». On the latter rests :.«>u;- i>f the Ka*t for the China Fleet lecently lowered tin- Colours of th. R Hongk nu r :uh? < luh and hai challenged
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  • 23 16 Saturday, March 27th., 2.30 p.m., Bukit T.mah Panpre. First Reinforcement Sunday, March 28th., 8.00 a.m., Bukit Timah Ran^e, First Reinforcement.
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  • 547 16 ARMY DEFEAT NAVY AT THE STADIUM. IX tf Wellington's 2. The Navy .0. Fielding the same side as that which save the S.C.C. such a hard run on Thursday afternoon, the Duke" of Wellington's left th: Stadium ground yesterday the winners A their match against a team from the
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  • 69 16 The matchea in the penultimate stasje of the V. A. i'up competition will be played today. Principal interest will centre upon the duel beta n the two Manchester crabs which is io he fought out at Branall Lane, the ground <»f Sheffield United, the Cup holders. The
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  • 108 16 ARMY VKRSIS NAVY AT STADIUM 10-DAY. Th«- Fifteen which will represent the Army against the Royal Navy in the ruffby match at the Stadium this afterno >n will he almost < ntiiclv composed of members of the Duke of Wellington's Regiment. The A imy side \vjjl he: Major Wils
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  • 101 16 A reminder is irivcn of to-night's Army and Navy boxing tournament for the Lowther Grant Cup at the Happy V:.lley. A Cup for the winning team has been presented by Messrs Nestle and Anirlo Swiss Milk Company Limited. Tankards f>r the winners have D<>en presented by the Borneo
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 186 16 WVW^WWViV.W.'iWWW/AW.W.WAV.V.V.V.V.'.v;,, i THE i 4 fflS MASTER'S VOICF' GRAMOPHONE I AND J 'HIS MASTER'S VOICE' RECORDS. Provide all the Music of all the world. •I (GREATEST ARTISTES, FINEST RECORDING Ask for Free Illustrated Price Lists. S. MOUTRIE AND CO., LTD. ■H (Incorporated in Hongkong). HI RAFFLES PLACE. SIN (i A
      186 words