The Singapore Free Press, 11 March 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press
  • 13 1 Singapore Free Press 10 CENTS. SINGAPORE S.S.. THURSDAY, MARCH 11, 1926. NO. 11,743.
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  • 287 1 A brush between Dutch troops and a group of Acheenette rebels is reported from Weltevreden Pace 8. The despatch frcm Sir John Anderson which was appended to the High Commissioner's memorandum and placed before the Federal Council on Monday is published on page 11. The Chief Secretary's
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  • 1121 1 Last month 1 beard a tall priest, dressed in the saffron tobes of an Oiiental ascetic, attempt to convert an American audience to Buddhism. A few days ago 1 saw him again in London and learned of his object iti coming here. His project is to
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 185 1 1 ANNOUNCEMENT. i F?OM FO Ltd. f 7 Hol I I L» born, London, turers of steel office fur.iiture and modern office equipment, take plea ure in announcing the establishment of a new Malayan Branch in KUALA LUMPUR ?Q lAVA QTPPI7T dUj J/W/V o 1 IxHIL 1 Where Stocks of
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    • 165 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Fish eaters at Robinson'.- Page it. Player's Navy Cut cigarettes- Page it. Announcenunt by Roneo. Ltd. Page 1. Sim >nds. milk stout. Caldbeck*! Page 8. Harmston's circuf change of programme —Page 2. Crawford*! cream cracker*. Barlow and 'o. -Page 8. You get greater mileage out of G >odyear
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 121 1 m i THE WEEK. ntarsslsy, Wth. Hick Water, T.aS a.m.. ;«.-J4 p ,m. Phil. Ordbeetra, Mem. Hall, (.11 p.m. P. ami O. homeward iaail leaves. Harmston's Circus, i<.la p.m. The Quaints, Victoria Thi at rr, 9^o p.m. FrMag, lttft. Higk Water, 5.4»; a.m.. WKl'.\ p.m. I*. and t>. homeward mail,
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  • 536 2 (From Our Own Correspondent}. I,ondon. Feb 1 1 There ii i good deal of interest in the payment of the Duff Arbitration Award. and some disappointment that the British Government does not seem particularly an-. Xkms to make the State of Kelantan meet its liabilities. Perhaps an
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  • 109 2 Schoolboys Ruse to near Western Drees. London. Feb. 21. 1 »ii -Mustapha Kemal Pasha's lead in enforcina Western dress ia Turkey apparently is affecting modern Egyptian youth ■*d resulted in a comic situation at the Darelolnm School where the students hov< v. into conflict with the authorities tHrtans
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  • 355 2 THE SINGAPORE FREE PRESS- The only Morning Daily in Malaya; r live "news" paper 35-40 columns of new* daily, also the best Medium for Advertising Delivered with the Chota Hazri each morning, with Latest Telegrams, I,ate«t New? »nd Latest Announcements together with exclusive special features, "Pictures of the week" Serial
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 87 2 THE HAPPY VALLEY LTD. The Town Amusement CENTRE I MALAY OPERA, CINEMA. jsiDE SHOWS AMUSEMENTS. Mdm. SI Kelvey 's A\ School of Am Dancing A well-known professional teacher in Character, Classical, Clog, Ballet and Toe-dancing. Pupils are trained gracefully, individual style studied and developed. Private lessons in the latest ballroom
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    • 353 2 UP TO AND INCLUDING SATURDAY MARCH ptxT" SPLENDID, RARE PICTURES TO THRILL. INTER l«xr ENTERTAIN A W> AT THE ALHAMBRA In the Second Show, commencing 9 p.m. A THRILLING TALE OF ADVENTURE IN AFRICA The Story of a Two- Year Big Game "Hunt with gun and can the screen in
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  • 918 3 DRASTIC ACTION BY 1111l GOVERNMENT. (From Our Own Correspondent. > Pa is. F t !> Paris i ourmcts with expensive t&\ and Mchn pui v ar< much perturbed by tlie proposed super-tarcirg cf imported j luxuries wh cli maae life pleasant for rhem. Caviare from Russia, ho:k from
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 284 3 Get-WhiprHoi'se in j It is a guarantee of B 1 Sfl stocks maturing ensure 4 H sarne high quality which has always characterised tfflfltfai J'* scotch Whisky ig«iu:- Meam ADAMSON. GILFILLAN A i. td Straits Settlements. E Wnrrr Ho^sr Di«tilt.kps>., r. T ,^nn w t.onpon THE lARCEST INDEPENDENT WHISKY
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    • 103 3 '^a HI H 'W I I 1 I I i kl i Tel 2 90 BARLOW CO. TeL279L I n < ll 1 m. MAcWwE~i 1 j FOREHAND OR POWER E I Sy i^l "T« —m*—~mTt- T J fl 1 "T%_ —*> -^_^f m*m-^^^mmmmWmm*mm* .I— AM kWm^m? j 'u J*
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    • 45 3 •WAViViV.V.'iWAWiViWiVi V.V.V.W.V.W. a a I 9 sA V j: I > WASSIAMULL ASSOMULL CO, I*! M-CT, !li«h Street. j J K PHONE 1111. w. am a aaa WVVWVVVWVWUIfUUiroi _m& *w^ a T a I especially enjoyable, add to the I I LEA PERRINS' I SAUCE J
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  • 341 4 A WHALE OF A SKAT. This BKHtster eras recently caught hy boatmen off Norfolk island. Tho carcase was towed b) the row boats for 10 miles hut this i> a little joh around Norfolk Island. DEPASTURE 5F THK ROYAL SUSSEX REST.— The Die-hards on the quay
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 281 5 \mmr m^amw^^^^W W^W m^kmm\m^mW KaA/ mmW I H*£^&^ _________W^ m M m \Lmk\^^mm^k^k^k^A km V AS M a| IKnl^^BASi^Kt m^m \mW mm I^^k\ m^k^m. P^^W^W^^. J^r m M Wk^A^ f^j^^^^mmmmm^-^^^^r w^^mM^lO^^^^ A Greater- Mileage, Longer-Wearing Tyre. The essential principle of the Balloon tyre being to To-day, in Goodyear Tyres, you
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    • 148 6 To the Editor. Sir, —Youi contributor, Glen Hicken, surprised, me considerably when he stated that the machine used for stamping postage stamps in England, with the slogan "British goods are best," was made in America by Americans. I should have swallowed his statement with the usual
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  • 426 6 The First Report. The teport of the committee of the Race Couroe Golf Club for the period September Ist, IM4, when the golf section was first inaugurated to December 31st, 1925, states, inter alia: At a meeting held, at the old Singapore Golf Club House, on
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  • 194 6 Matters in China (By Courtesy of the Nanyo NichiNichi Shimbunsha.) Tokio, Mar. 8. Compromise between th. Kuo Ming Tan and the Mukdenite forces it is generally thought will In realized shortly. Honto in Difficulty. Dissatisfied with the attitude of the SeiyuHonto Party, which has eome to terms with
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  • 38 6 At the Selangor races on Saturday, the pjlice arrested a Tamil who was said to have bought sweep tickets and resold them to persons outside the course. Five others were am sted with him for buying such tickets.
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  • 526 6 TRAFFIC CONTROL— TOWN IMPROVEMENT. A meeting of the Committee of the Straits Settlements (Singapore) Association was held on March Bth in the Exchange Room, these present being: Mr. J. G. Campbell (Vice-President), the hon'ble Mr. C. Everitt, thc hon'ble Inche Yunus, Messrs. R. Braddell, H. B. Layton,
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  • 110 6 Mi Murray has pleasure to announce I forthcoming lit rary event of importance In the publication by authority of Hi> Majesty The King of the Second Scries of Tho letters of Quet n Victoria. Tho work, which has lu*. n edited by George Bnrle Buckle,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 407 6 "NEVERBREAK" Steamer Wardrobe Trunks. A FINE SELECTION WHITEAWAYS. i ~i^S' w l^o^i^V^ I •?'> r* ,r* i^l> -^^!^^fe§SSL VLSO THE kollowinc I < aL^^^f^Yt^ t K' MODELS IN STOCK. mJX i ft Cv (^tti- M _i* STVI.K NO 1103. Steamer (be— UL m*¥. LL«i- Va'F% 'A*> ZSI7^ luux mKkm *J
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    • 144 6 DYSENTERY AM) DIARRHOEA MOWMH SPECIFIC To be had of Three Dispensaries lin Battery-road, and of MISS BROWN. PILES CURED WITHOUT AN OPERATION. No Case Too Chronic to bo Cured. Recommended by thousands of former sufferers who have been permanently cured. With Dr. Van Vleck's Absorptive Pile Plasma no case is
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    • 227 6 Joa >■ »\v C SpeMfifi On His Ugf ZAM-BUK Alone Could Cure, x/ M I)ridl r B War when I poisoned bullets,* to. M M. Ke, Liverpool. "Thou, special attention fro the wounds woaldi I •'When I ..ot went from bad I three hit ritnmr. and ankle wh canned real
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  • 160 7 CRISIS OVER. AN EXPLANATION. [Reuter's Service.] Delhi, Mar- 9. The tension in which the Assembly sitting was closed yesterday, partly owing to the suddenness of Mr- Patel's announcement of the adjournment, partly owing to his remarks after the Swarajists had walked out that the Assembly was no longer
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  • 52 7 I British Radio— Official Service]. Kuehy. Mar. 9. The official weekly return shows a further decrease of 18.GM in the number. of unemployed. In the last eijrht weeks the decline has amounted to over 14">,(m0. The t ital titture. which is 1.1 07.000 is 125..M10 less than a
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  • 45 7 TReuter's Service.] London, Mar. 9The Master Cotton Spinners' Federation nave di cided that a ballot be taken of the \merican section as to an increase in the working hours from 90% to SB weekly, from April sth. The Federation strongly recommended the increase-
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  • 53 7 [Reuter's Service.] Ottawa. Mar. The Canadian Department of External Affairs has referred the case of thc British hooner Eastwood to th.\ British Embassy :it Waahiafftoa, whither tht owner's protest against the alleged action of the United States revenue cutter St-neca and the affidavits of the crew have
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  • 47 7 [Renter's Service.] Blue Fields. Mar 9All except twenty-six of the .ntombed miners have been rescued. Two arc known to be dead.- Those unaccounted for have been trapped in number Wwm mine, where nearly two hundred were kill d bf a similar explosion in 1914.
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  • 35 7 [Reuter's Service. J Cairo, Mar. s*. Alan Cobham has ariived at Solium and a messaKe has bven broadcast to ships in the Mediterranean t keep a lookout when he leaves far Athens to-morrow.
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  • 55 7 |lieuter« Service.] I'ekinff. Mar. it. Pekißg und Tientsin are pra.-t irally isolated, the railways interrupted and the forts at Taku are tiring ir.dist rin>nately at all eiaft attempting t<» navigate t.'tc river Peiho. An American cruise! i:- at present at Taku and His Majesty's ship Fox^lo^e is leaving
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  • 202 7 Mr. MacNeilPs Reply in Commons. London. Feb. 23. Intervening in the debate in the House of •mmons Mr. 6. M. Gillett (Labour), the hanker, criticised the way in which guarantees had been given, particularly those to shipping, and £2.000.000 for the development of the Kentish
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  • 814 7 During the debate on the Prai Wharves, in the Federal Council, the Chief Secretary said. The problem connected with Prai must he viewed from three points of view, namely na\igation, engineering and finance. I believe that Penang pilots are not in favour of the idea of
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  • 100 7 Hrillianl Society Function at Grosvenor House. London, Feb. 24. The Prince of Wales' promise to attend attracted a very large number of distinguished members of Society to last night's Victoria League Ball at Grosvenor House. The crush was so great outside that guests arriving in cars had
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 405 7 BUSINESS CARDS, fjtfARY SETON. g i v \MBER MANSIONS. S > OLD ENGLISH CUT GLASS "C J 4 \D siILVBB NEWLY ARRIVED FROM HOME. 5 oo**^ 00 m w .Xj^ *W r H nm mm*m'lW^ S 9 please Send for the Illustrated \Z r a talopue of Musical Instrument*, t*
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    • 666 7 NOTICES. THE JERAM KUANTAN RUBBER ESTATE LIMITED. (Incorporated in the Straits Settlements), NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the transfer books of the Company will be closed from Thursday 18th to Thursday 2oth March, both days inclusive, for the preparation of dividend warrants. By Order of the Board, HARRISONS PARKER CO.,
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    • 832 7 I ONO 1 Special Red^Ve H t-w Scotch Whisky I Is entirely distilled in Scotland and matured I naturally in His Majesty's Bonded Ware- I houses, by age only. I A British Customs Certificate of Origin and I Age can be furnished with each shipment, I thus affording purchasers an
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  • 388 8 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS THURSDAY MARCH 11 1926 The Prai Wharves. Built OB tin land of the Colony, with K.M.S. money ami for the F.M.S. railway. and ol" much interest to Penang. the Prai Wharves must, wt- tear, he looked on as a wash-out —or perhaps a wash-in. The subject was
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  • 425 8 The procedure followed by the diplomats in coming to an an ierstanding which led to the Locarno Pact vas for the responsible statesmen of the interested parties to mee* together round a table and freely exchange views, in camera. A similar procedure is being followed in the
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  • 227 8 Mr. T. Evans, the Taiping soccer player, i> in hospital with fever. Mi. Justice McCnbc Reay will preside ov< r thc Second Assises to-day. Mr. H. R. Div. arrived ia Kuala Lumpur }on Tuesday, entraining at Parit Buntnr. Mr. 11. A^hworth Hope, of the legal lirm of Gibb and Hope,
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  • 50 8 ACQUITTED OF ASSAULT. (From Our Own Correspondent). Penan?, Mar. 10. Subbiah, the secretary of the Hindu Valfba JSungam, was charged with assault hy Ramalingam Pillay, managing director of the CJanesh Printing Wrtrks, and acquitted. It was pointed out for the defendant that there was a confusion of dales.
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  • 80 8 (From Our Own CeflßSpGrtdent.) mm Penang, Mar. 10. At the Assizes Meh hin Osman was ac(|iiitted of a charge of causing the death of Lee Kim Chang not amounting to culpaMe homicide by driving a car in a rash or negligent manner. Mr. Justice Brown, in his summing
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  • 264 8 la connection with the f UBS 111 of Her, Highness The Sultana Rugayah of Johor-.' which took place at the Royal I'emete.ry at Mahmoodiah Johore on Monday, March *th at 5 p.m.. wreaths were received from the following The Royal Family. Johore. Members of j
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  • 383 8 Whin Dr. Dosrden goes on leave. Dr. Wellington is ko ad as P.A1.0.. Selangoi Sii George and Lady Maxweil are going to Fraser*f Hill this week.. When 1 »i Bams goes on leave, Dr. Dannatt at present acting Chief Surgeon, lYrak. i will a* t as chief Surgeon, Selaiuror Dr.
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  • 45 8 SIX KEKKI.S BHOI [Aneta Service. Wefcevreden, ar u Lieutenant van Heerde n rebels near Bakeßgun, Aehec W?.? same place where, a tOU| I patrol detachment of th.. Dut r U practically wiped out Six reb:ls were shot, sad killed and two wounded.
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  • 199 8 The following disembarked mm* Derbyshire on Mardi ft* ob th, strength af the data:— Inis.-llth. Heavy Bs Uoval tiliery. 2nd Bn. Th, h. Regiment Details.- Royal Artillei x j, by, Lieut. P. hearden. ti Allcock. Koyal Eagineei y Cardan, 0.8.E. liny;,: Major H. A. S. Gardaer. 1: ral
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  • 167 8 I Tue Hen. Treasurer t with man) fcfcsitks r ceipt donations: Previously Aekaov ledge Mrs. Ong feooa Bin Onj: Kah Leak B Bfee Ih Low Tang T. ng in Tan Sian Chang Ha Ho Biscuit Factor) Total 172 The Committee of tht ai><>\,- Kami I thank Dr.
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  • 151 8 last night, the Qaaiats save 'Tho Unfair Sex." a clever and very witty tUOOm comedy by Eric Hudson. The pi:. plenty of scope for acting of really exe* j lent quality and George CUTSOU, Cl' v: Woods. Gordon Beanis m naH m WW t Lennox. Kathleen West end
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  • 56 8 I Reuter's Service.] Blue Fields. W. Virginia v ir. I* Ten more of the entomb. -.t mt* WW reeeued yesterday evening. Eight in buried down the mine-shaft sad ,vcn r known to be dead. The rescue I Jjj ricaded themsalvas nsailj ta aWa* in the mine in
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  • 46 8 According to a Melbourne U ff I**1 wombat which had burrowed v.: *an 3 queduct near Warburton has ca >'- B,a slide of 2,000 cubic vards. and the [J porary blocking of the flow ol J l gallons of water, which is a quarter* bourne's daily supply.
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 151 8 S "77/E CONNOISSEUR COMES TO CALDBECK'S* S I SIMONDS MILK STOUT I Will do you good. 1 OBTAINABLE AT ALL DEALERS I OK I'KOM THE IMI'OKTKKS. CALDBECK, MACGREGOR CO., LTD. I C* V y. x „.,..> •£> v>w'^&' V^^Cv... x-. s. ■<.» >v-r v x-.- v.* x»» VyWV> Qr^B^Bi -w
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    • 38 8 o^^^ FOK ALL J vr.KMIN USE PIP L AGENTS: W. R. Loxley Co. J***************8 DEARS' j 1 GOLDEN SERIES. I I > I m 2 a mwam^*} mWWWWSa^ ITS AN KASY JOIS to renovate vour caj* with ROBBIALACB ■■■■■■■■■■■■■fl
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  • 478 9 NEW CABINET. THE PERSONNEL. Reuter's Service.] the late hour at which the ompleted, the newspapers had which :> comment. Generally lowcver, M. Briand's resumption ested an excellent impression. -arris the Cabinet as a mere enabh M. Briand to go to niie wed prestige and repair which the
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  • 75 9 1 neuter i Service. Madrid. Mar. 9. 1 '"Hy announced that the prelJ? bar, recently apto that post, called Minister and the Minister '"formed them that he elecc ept the appointment oa aex-ount /I't ical connections. He was appointment was compulsory h< Barcelona bar must ohey o«cial announcement
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  • 339 9 GERMANY REPORTED. THE SI B-COMMITTEE. [Router's Service.] Geneva. Mar. 9. The committee of the League Assembly reported Germany's application for admission and suggested that a sub-commit-te* be appointed to deal with the matter jn accordance with the usual procedure lhe committee approved of Sir Austen < hamberlaia'a suggestion
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  • 160 9 [British kadio- Official Service]. Raghy, Mar. h. it is understood that aarssnsent is in al fair way of being reached between the Dominions Office and the Dominion! as to the method of utilising the sum to be set apart i >r facilitating marketing of and stimulat- i ing
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  • 337 9 !liriti<h Uadio -ofticia! Service). 9Bf by. Mar. 9. Tbe Times to-elay devotes a special supi lenient t<> artificial silk. The supplement i jM«ns with a Uadinu article in which thinew industry is arelcomed as likely to prove' of the ntasaat importance to this country. lt is pointed
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  • 1135 9 J LOOK'S RELUCTANT CONCLUSION Brokers' Risks. Holding that no contract had been proved c he Chief Justice, Sir William Muris<r in the Supreme Court yesterday delivered fydgmem for Lim Tang Horg in the ac tion in which h. was sued by Lam Choon •ad Co. tor $10,161
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  • 417 9 WELL-KNOWN STOREKEEPER SHOT IN RACK. A Vindictive Crime. Describing his ciime as a most wicked and vindictive one, and stating that he must hrve been hired by someone to commit it, Mr. Justice Deane at the Second Assizes yesterday afternoon sentenced Tan Kim Swee to seven years' rigorous
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  • 106 9 Serious charges of robbery have been preferred against F. c. Almeida, a Portugese, \s .1. Ungnrd, s Eurasian, and A. Amamthoon, an Armenian, win- wire brought up In the Second Police Court yesterday and rtmanded. The otfsnes, it is alleged, was c »mrnitte<l in the Oriental Hotel.
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  • 141 9 The following Singapore propertks were ■old at public auction by Messrs. Towell and C Ltd.. Nos. II ami 17 Rallies Place on Tuesday, March ith. There was a larire number of intending purchasers, bidding was brisk and prices were good: One undivided moeKy in IS<5 Arab Street, 999
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  • 62 9 Bear-Admiral Wilfrid Nunn, C.8.. C.M.G., C.5.1.. D.5.0., is on a visit t» the Straits and is now in Singapore. He has come to see his brother, Mr. B. Nunn, Resident Councillor, Penang. The Admiral sawstirring times in Mespot, up to 1917, when he went to the Harwich Force, and later
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 90 9 "PI? 1 1' ''IT Ji^K^^^^^^^^^^^ff'-^^^^^^'^^H 5 1 KH Hi mW^^^^^^^rim\vFmmm\\T jL t .s fife mil I l^^^^^^^^r- ■~^r£_wwamL J^^^wli I KH r, a— aw taH^^^Bifc: /tw "'Jfa^aasvi i J Robinson Co., Ltd. j I (Incorporated in the S.S.) Raffles Place, SINGAPORE. jj I I m r.J yfWSUmVmm trnm^t M _J*A|
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 589 10 Ellerman Bucknall Steamship Co., Ltd. (INCORPORATED IN ENGLAND). "ELLERMArIINE PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICES TO UNITED KINGDOM AND CONTINENT VIA PORTS AND SUEZ CANAL. FREIGHT SERVICE. OUTWARDS. s.s. KATHLAMBA Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan Mar. 27 HOMEWARDS. s.s. KORANNA London, Rotterdam and Hamburg Mar. 14 s.s. CITY OF WELLINGTON Havre, London, Rotterdam
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    • 594 10 P. O. BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorporated in England.) MAIL, PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARDS FROM LONDON. HOMEWARDS For China and Japan. For Marseilles, London ami \ui\,trp. Due Lea Tonnage. Singapore.
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  • 1751 11 h \M)i:US()VS DESPATCH. in« is uif 'iesjiateh foi ri Sir •v. the High Comrissioiur for States at the time, to Lett! s- retary ol State for the d«d to the High CommisLemorandam placed before the incil on Monday: J In view off the probable rean arly date of
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 557 11 AUCTION SALES. PRELIMINARY NOTICE. AUCTION SALE OF Very valuable European residential property situated at the junction of Bukit Timah and Cavanagh Roads a central position, within easy reach of the Town and Business premises. Comprising three well designed and substantially built two-storey dwelling: houses well maintained and in a good
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    • 459 11 mi^^'^m^^^m— I mmf ~~**m^^mm^ma^^^^£^^^^^^^^ mm mmm^^^^^^^^^^^^~^9 mmm^*mmmmam^lr m i < **W-&»<. mmo^^^^^^g^**mmm..mmmmm^mmmW^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^W _j— -<..^,,^,..j, f fr"aarf w w^.^^ i hi— j -^m^^^m Bk^_ I I^^^^^^^^^m m mmm*m^mm^mm^~^^^ m^ a -^^^^^^^^^M^^^^^g^^ j—^"^^S^^^^C^^^^M^-^ 3 BLACK WHITE (CS- di a rif B CIGARETTES. DLALR "T-LB When a < >i^ arette hliS established a
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  • 163 12 The concrete beacon at the SE. end of Pulo Stebarok, in the Singapore Strait, is damaged and lying at an angle of about 30 deg.— partially visible at low watersubmerged at high water. Mariners artwarned. Lately there has oeen a marked eduction in thc number of obstruction eased
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  • 111 12 The cruiser Cornwall, which was laid down at Devon port Dockyard on the 9th Oct. 1924, is to be launched to-day. llth Mar. when Lady Clinton will perform the naming ceremony. The Cornwall ll one of five cruiser* Uti«i down in 1924 to replace vessels of the "County"
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  • 143 12 CHINA COAST OFFICERS A Momentou* and Serious Decision Shanghai, Feb. 26. A joint meeting of the China COMt Officer*' Guild and the Marine Enu'im ers' Institute has been held in connection with t h*» final deflate attitude of the officers of lhe Indo-China Steam Navigation Company in regard to the
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  • 331 12 Stating that he wa: a Christian and that he had asked the Captain to pay overtime wages for work on a Sunday, a Monadonese seamen on b >ard the steam* r Soon Ann denied that he had refused to work when ordered to do so by Captain
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 528 12 Burns Philp Line (Incorporated in Australia.) FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and MALABAR (4.512 tons.) The s.s. MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cabins de Luxe, single berth cabins, swimming bath,
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    • 43 12 S.S. "SIRDHANA" (Tonnage 7,800). Expected to sail about Mar. Uth for undernoted p;>rts has excellent passenger accommodation FREMANTLE. ADELAIDE AND MELBOURNE. For further particulars apply BOUSTEAD CO., LTD. (Incorporated in F.M.S.) Agents, B. I. S. N. Co.. Ltd. (Incorporated -in England). Telephone 3121.
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    • 394 12 MESSAGERIES MARITMES j HOMEWARD MAILS. To Colombo, Djibouti,JPort Said, Marseilles from Singapore. ANGKOR 12,000 tons Mar. lfi I PORTHOS 19,000 tons Mar. 24 j j FROM PENANG ONLY. I AZAY LE RIDEAU ;4,000 tons Mar. o0 OUTWARD MAILS. To Saigon, Hongkong, Shanghai and Japan. PAUL LECAT 17,000 tons Mar. 8
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    • 269 12 Stewart's BLENDED Old Scotch Whisky Sole Agents: JOHN LITTLE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in England.) Singapore, Penang and Kuala Lumpur. LLOYD TRIESTINO NAV. Cfl. (Incjrporated in Italy i HOMEWARD SAILINGS. Bi-monthly service f<»r Hrindisi. Venice and Trieste via port- taking cargo en through Bills of Lading for Fium«. th« Levant and
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 677 12 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembihg and Kuantan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Friday 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah 6 a.m. Kelantan etery Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 6 p.m. Kota Tinggi
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 605 13 U. o. K. Line, Destinations. Rotterdam, Hamburg, Reamers. Arr. Dept. -,i. Bremen, via Colombo, Aden j 1 Sudan and Port Said. ftt_ m* **B* Maru Mar. 22 Mar. 23 Durban. Cape Town, Santos, Rio. Montevideo and Buenos Aires via b t Hawaii Maru Apr. 14 Apr. 16 o and Bombay.
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    • 395 13 zBSL Round-the-World PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE 38 Days to BOSTON 41 Days to NEW YORK OILBURNERS. NO COAL DUST. NO CINDERS. ABSOLUTE CLEANLINESS. via Colombo, Port Said, Alexandria, Naples. Genoa and Marseilles. From New York these fine new liners continue on Round the World, returning to Singapore in 110 days.
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    • 696 13 I KAWASAKI— ROOSEVELT UNE H GENERAL AGENTS:— '<^M Kerr Steamship Co., Inc., I 44, BEAVER STREET, NEW YORK. (Incorporated in U.S.A.) REGULAR FREIGHT SERVICE TO fl BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA anJ fl BALTIMORE H (via Suez) For rates and other particulars apply:- GUTHRIE* CO., LTD I Ag«nta: Singapore and Paaaaf
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  • 1291 14 If you leave the city of Bagdad in a south easterly direction you come directly on an outlying district known as Mudtown. A post-war election, Mudtown represents the gradual transition of the refugee camp erected hy the British in the war into a permanent suburb. Built of
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  • 37 14 The Baroda coi rei poi I of India reports that th Hesketh, wife of I H < Iffit i r mmandinf! the Bj ov< red on the 15th brun about ■_'•> et deep lituai I near the race ourse.
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 221 14 I Nature's Greatest Health Food WjWm^^~ m^mmW^y^Wm//y// .^^WSj* yffl/fflfifr Delicious -JVutritious Easy to prepare, easy to digest m^iJmm\j j V~P J^ mm*M J1 I I UUuality// Lreden//a/s jl fkaf coun/. 'T^y THE OLDEST DISTILLERS IN THE WORLD Innn Hjiiit JOHN HAIC &Co L-* MARKINCH SCOTLAND.|^^ THK ANGLO-MAM CORPORATION LTD. SINCAPORE.
      221 words
    • 92 14 (WARSHIP CEMENT) j: Specif ication: /v^T^^C^ Attractive ij I Equal A# X^\ To lcol HH Absolute] y British Xy^^^^r^ fSSI Dependable!: a_t _v m t t *Z^ _j^| _WWr j African Eastern Trade Corpn Ltd. ll (Incorporated in England) 117 CECIL STREET SINGAPORE. j: 1 M.%V I V.V-%V.VAV.V.V.V-r-V.".V.V.V.V. B V.V.V.-.-.V.-.V.-.V.
      92 words

  • 70 15 March 10. Bank 4 m.s. .y Bank demand A\. Private credits m.s. 4 17.32 New York, demand M y 16 I Ciaditi 99 dnv. 58 9 16 r ranee, demand rnn t India. T. T. jJJ 1 Hongkong, aaaaad I p c Prt m xokohan.a, demand 124' I Java
    70 words
  • 216 15 March 10. Tin 100 Tons 914WM Gambler r> Q() I'c-ppc-r white 6 00 Pepper Black 50 00 t lake Tapioca 605 Pearl Sr.go Sm .11 g^ opra 12.05 opra Sundried 12 30 Opium, Benares unt 4000 Rice, Lian? Hin Chan Mark Red Eagle (New) S3O Rice, Siam aid No.
    216 words
  • 35 15 C OF C. RUBBER ASSOCIATION. Singapore, March 10th, 12 noon. Singapore Standard Ribbed Smokec Sheet Spot and March 92 03; April- June 8m 02; July-Sept 00 01. London Quota tion Sheet 2s Ul. Market Firm.
    35 words
  • 715 15 Singapore. Mar. 9. The special feature of our share market haa been the fluctuation in the price ol rubber which after touching 2s 6d closes 2> Z%tt Rubber shares have responded ji little to the impi-)ved price of the commodity, especially in the cheaper
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    • 119 15 YESTERDAY'S LIST. The Singapore Chamber of Commerce Rubber Association held its 750th. auction yesterday, when there was Catalogued 1,486,844 lbs.; 663.77 tons. Offered 1)***** lbs.; 420.02 tons. Sold 819,710 lbs. 365.94 tons. London 2s 4{ Ncw York 55 cts. PRICES REALIZED. Ribbed Smoked Sheet Cents Per Lb. Standard
      119 words
    • 193 15 MACPHAIL CO.. LTD'S REPORT. tt ui Singapore. >lar. 10 I. 9%} pcr lb fioj ton T n^ l ,r „on £282 l Locai < 100 Rubbers.— Shares are steady. New Scudais are quoted 2.72 '-> 1.77% ami Prnts hn'v la, r aS ?V& Mal^a t Tt ve bu >' ers
      193 words
    • 241 15 ROSE MACPHAIL COS REPORT. <L. R. Macphail). r Singapore. Mar. 10. |^R.bber.-2s 8%& RJi down. Local i Tin 'T f 2B2 ir,s Unchanged. Local lOC tons sold at 1.42. Rubber share quotations are Steady with fair enquiries. Mining stocks are quiet and a good demand continues for Industrials and all
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 471 15 issetfl over $5,500,000. THE GREAT EASTERN LIFE ASSURANCE QVAmun^ HEAD OFFICE:-Winchester Ho JsiZ^^ StndtB Sett,ements > The Company has £20,000 depodted witt S?sKL* r *ip L °NDON OFFICE: 32 Old Jewry, E.C. 6 Prei e n S Ur of England, and complies with the British Life Assurance A i TRACTIVE
      471 words
    • 1526 15 TRADE AND COMMERCE FRASER'S REPORT. Omiaag the week the in ,fr a r re V M T r shewn very little\ ,H f T,n hfts for Tin shares anat,on n(i quotation, ■in snares remain f*%* *u «7s 6d. PucbonU A K »muntings r! thei V ,s a tfood enqoiry for
      1,526 words
    • 43 15 7 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. I (Incorporated In England by Eoyal Chartar A. D.^1720). J FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE Fidelity Guarantee— Administration Bonds Singapon Representative Messrs. BARLOW Cc Messrs. HARRISONS. BARKER CO, U* CHARTERED BANK CHAMBERS (Ist floor) I A GORDON LEE, Resident Manager.
      43 words

  • 1408 16 IIISTORY OF THE JIALAYA COMPANY. The following interesting article forms part of the report im be submitted to the shareholders of 'the Malaya Broadcasting Company Ltd. at the forthcoming ordinary gc neral meeting of the Company to be he'd next month: Four years ago the word "broadcasting"
    1,408 words
  • 194 16 Results of London C. of C. Examinations. The following passed the London Chamber of Commerce examinations held in November, 192a. Junior. Book-keeping: Distinction Lau Pone Sia, Then Djin Soei. Tan Kng lb., and C. S. Menon; (Pass) Lim Sin (haw. V. V. Kajaloo Yap Fui Sin.
    194 words
  • 99 16 By last mail we learn that a frequent contributor to our columns undor the pt n name of B. B. Milne is now playing the lead at the Strand Theatre, London, in the farcical -Minedy "Don't Tell Timothy," under the stage name of Betty Lumsden Milne. Changing its venue from
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  • 1065 16 SERANGOON ROAD VALUESCo ern ment Intention to Build School The litigation arising out of the acquisition by .Government of 4 acres 2 roods of land at Serangoon Road for the purpose of erecting a school, was continued and concluded before the Chief Justice, Sir William Murison, with whom
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    • 27 16 [Reuter's Service.] New York, Mar. 9. Japan, Cuba and Mexico have cabled their intention of participating in the Davis Cup in the American zone.
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    • 19 16 (.Reuter's Service.] Loncbn. Mar. 0. Celtic beat St. Mirren. 6 goals to 1. in the Scottish League.
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    • 57 16 Duke of Wellington's vs. S.C.F.A. A friendly soccer match will be played at the Stadium e»n Saturday I etween the 2nd. Battalion the Duke of Wellington's Regiment and the S.C.F.A. The nett proceeds of this game will be handed over to the Geylang Fire Relief Fund. Prices of
      57 words
    • 53 16 [Renter's Service. J New York, Mar. 9. Milligan, the British welterweight, has voluntarily forfeited his right to meet Micky Walker for the world's welterweight championship, owing to his inability to make the weight. His manager states that Milligan is likewise renouncing the- welterweight championship ol Kurope, confining himself to
      53 words
    • 28 16 The S.C.C. will meet the S.R.C. this week-end on the latter"* ground, die match commencing on Friday at 5 p.m. and continuing en Saturday at 2 p.m.
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  • 141 16 Yesterday's Results. Championship Parrs (Men). Fuller and Murphy beat Prentis and Green, 6 4. o— -2. Championship Pairs (Ladies). Mrs. Sehafer and Miss Paweett be-at Mrs. Tennent ard Miss Rope 4. 6—4. Handicap Do i hies (Men). Hunt and Teale owe 15.2 beat Hickey und
    141 words
  • 83 16 Manchester Lady Third at Stockholm. The ladies 1 international World's championship skating competition, held at Stockholm «'n Feb. 7th and Sth.. resulted as follows:— Hernia Jnross, of Vienna. 340.9 points, 1; S.»nja Henie. of Oslo. .321.5 Points. 2; Miss Kathleen Shaw, of Manchester. 270.7 points, .3. There were
    83 words
  • 126 16 COLLECTOR'S AWARD INCREASED. The Chief Justice delivered Judgment in the morning in the case relating to houses and land in Ramah Street, belonging to the estate of the late Sultan Khan SuratC-o-In delivering his judgment the Chief Justice said that Mr. Robertson, one of the two Assessors,
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 23 16 Printed and published by Walter Makepeace at the office of the Singapore Free Press Ltd.. fi9. Robinson Road, Singa D cre. Straitf Settlements.
      23 words
    • 142 16 STEINWAY is the Hallmark to ANY HOME. ASK FOR PRICE LISTS. S. MOUTRIE CO., LTD. (Incorporated in Hongkong). RAFFLES PLACE, SINGAPORE. Sole Agents. m_\\_\ w w^ j^w*m i w Wa m\\^mmWm*m -J& *^^V Jr^KmkL^m^mmwS^m^ WjwA a WmFy ml tm m One smoke Opinion is divided as»to whether Golf or Hockey
      142 words