The Singapore Free Press, 8 March 1926

Total Pages: 16
1 16 The Singapore Free Press
  • 13 1 Singapore Free Press 10 CENTS. SINGAPORE, S.S^ MONDAY, MARCH 8, 1926. NO. 11,740.
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  • 341 1 The French Government has fallen as a result of being defeated on the Finance Hill, which had been made a matter of confidence Page 9. M. Briand has proceeded to Geneva, but will participate only m the preliminary negotiations Page 9. The Sunday Times thinks that Briands
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  • 1179 1 Afl the sun pas pi over the highest crags of Kinaba'u, turning the waters of Gaya Bay from grey to grata, and the barrier of islands that guard the approaches to the harbour from dark shapeless masses into ro*y-tinto<l islets set m pedestals of glistening sand,
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
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    • 329 1 TRADE MARK WARNING! If has come to our notice that Soaps are being sold as Gossages which are not of Gossages' manufacture. In order to protect consumers trom these imitations, Gossages* Soaps are now stamped with the Trade Mark on the reverse side. Gttssages' Soaps have over 50 years' good
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    • 144 1 LATEST ADVERTISEMENTS. Flit Kills insects Pa.-c 3. Shoes from LittU'V— Pat« s. Gietsbesl aspar.'»"rs- Pure 7. Capstan denrettes Psmkb 14. Shirts at Robinson's Pace 9. I'llman for watches— Pace 3. Wanted adverts, etc.— Pace 7. Shipping on pad i 10, \i and 18. Cold Storage lee cream Pace B. Whiteaway*s
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  • Page 1 Miscellaneous
    • 94 1 THE WEEK. Muhitfijf, Bra. Hitfh Water, 3.27 a.m.. 1.14 p.m. Federal Council, Ku;i\a Lumpun The Quaints, Victoria Theatre, '.'.:<«» p.m, Uitrh Water. 4..54 a.m.. 7. 1S p.m Presbyterian Sale of Work. Tomlinson Hall. Th»> Quaints, Victoria Theatre, 9J99 p.m. Hr«4ii«Mlay, ltffc Hi»:h Water, 8J a.m.. K.r>i p.m. M. M. homeward
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  • 306 2 THE PEICB OF DIAMONDS. T«» \hv Kditor. >ir. -My attention has lufii drawn t<. notice m a recem i«sue of your esteemed paper, according to which there should be an expectation of an early drop i?i the price <>s diamonds. I have no doubt that such
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  • 115 2 T«; the Baiter. Sir,— l read with intereni an artleV* '•Buy E tish Goodi -But why not -< i l! them?" \n\ yom issut i,i this moniiuj.-. y ;m American. He says. "When I was m Enflard ie tin- i fall, I think on every postage stamp
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 346 2 COMBS. COMBS. MEDICAL HALL, LTD. have pleasure m announcing the arrival of a very fine selection of the famous "ACE" Combs. They comprise Pocket, Men's, Dressing and Bobbed Hair Combs. Prices range from 50 cents to $2.50 16 DIFFERENT PATTERNS. MEDICAL HALL, LTD. 23, Battery Road. THE HAPPY VALLEY LTD.
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    • 280 2 Commencing: Sunday, 7th Mirch, 192<; SPLENDID, RARE PICTURES TO THRILL, LVriP[.v T ENTERTAIN AN'b AT THE ALHAMBRA In the Second Show, commencing 9 p. m A THRILLING TALE OF ADVENTURE AFRI The Story of a Two-Year Big Game Hunt with gun an iat the screen m One Hour and a
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  • 631 3 DR LIM BOON kknc; vs. infi rest. To the Editor, S y A great man, but oven great in;?n mekc mistaket said Dr. Una Boon Kent;, US.E., m the couise of his lecture when he had occasion t<> refer to Alahatma Ghaxdi, ihe Indian r^hiloaopher, Orator.
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  • 209 3 (To th< K»lit( r of the Daily Kx\ Sir, I agrree fully with your corr sp«>n(U'nt's sujr'jost inn to Uvy a tax on hyphenated nanH s. Tlii< tax should af>peal directly to lir Winston Churchill, as his fath r, Lord Randolph Churchill, coined the phrase about
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  • 113 3 A prise of i' 2 ia offered by the Pennsylvania Society for tha Prevention of Cruelty to Animals for mw word which shall I)** "a withering, blasting cognomen which rail 1 1' applied f«> a parson utterly Indifferent to the Buffeting of animals." Most of us already know such words,
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 208 3 rAy J"\ y* 2 v^K lT ~T^^^^bsSM^^Bßr^^^'^^^^^j^^^^^^^^^ Ciiai^abie from all Dealers. Singapore Cold Storage Co., Ltd. n the Straits Settlements). YOU iVIJLL ALWAYS [HI NSSORTMENT LiA r i YOU MAY DESIRE. HES, JEWELLERY. SUM kv. t u. Kli«lnE I LLMANN ARE NG 0 G( T\ lE] h-« LINES ARE RECOMMANDED
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    • 347 3 USE: BRITISH t Twr Tc?" "ly T^r Tapered Roll^ Bearings. Most Eff icient Readily Adjustable. Every Roller Gauged Accurately to within /A S^l J| One-Twelvethousandth of an inch. i/lt-J/ Sole Distributing Agents: x :r^ r l §^a Malayan Motors Agents m F.M.S. SINGAPORE. Messrs. WEARNE BROS., LTD.: Penang, Ipoh, Kuala
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  • 3437 4  - Dr BURNEY'S GREATEST CASE DIXON KAYE 'BY CHAPTEK VIII. .Now Gilbert Burney worked as he had never worked before; his practice was his all-absorbins; theme during the day. Any case out of the ordinary was a subject of the most intense study, and he knew that he was storing up,
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  • 568 4 Appeal To Pri\\ Council. For the ftrsl time m history, a native of India i> to conduct an appeal m person befote the Judicial Committee of the Privy ouncil. The appellant is Bilas Chandra Bonerjea, a Hindoo, and a former sub-inspector of the Bengal Police,
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  • 432 4 THE SPRING RACE MEETING. (Under S.R.A. Rules of Racing). Will be held on Saturday, Bth May, Tuesday, 11th May, Thursday, 13th May, Saturday, 15th May and Saturday, 22nd May, 1926. PROGRAMME FOR THE INFORMATION OF MEMBERS ONLY. Ist Day. Saturday, Bth May. Race NO, I. THE PSNANG
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  • 268 4 Races N(is. a ;j. THE PENANG PURSE AND PLATE Times 2.30 p.m. and 3.30 p.m. Values class A. $i,3co and a cup presented i-> the Singapore Turf Club. Class I.. $l.M<>o with $250 to each second horse and $l2r> to each third horse; For condition*
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  • 314 4 Races Nca. 1. 3 a 7. THE LAWN STAKES. PURSE AND PLATE— linns 2.30 p.m.. :>..'{<• p.m. and (.IS p.m. Values (lass A. $1,750, Classes B. and C. $1,.")(.O each, with $900 to each see mil horse mid Sl.'O to each thin! horse; a handicap
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  • 174 4 I Races Nos. 1. 4& fi m STAKES, PLATE h n-pSpOH p.m., I p.m. and r, Dm Vaiu<s Class A. $1,75(1 ented by His Excel Nunns Guillemaid K.r r i Classes R and <. $1 X'K v t> each MCOnd >, 1 third horse; a
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  • 621 4 Races No*. 1. ft 7. my w. bEMBILAN STAKES, rTRSB \"i, ILATK— Times 2.30 p.m.. :u« p.m.. •">. IS p m. i Values Class A. |t,OQQ a ('up present^ by the Singapore Turf Club. Class and C. $1,100 with sj pony and *H:o b ea
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  • 1951 5 [This article is by an Englishman who has lived for many years at Shanghai. The viev/s expressed may be taken as characteristic of the British colony. Thyy are ccMiuiniy not favourable to the making of concessions to the Chinese agitation, but it is important that
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  • 17 5 We believe that tht function of education is not merely to make calculating machines. The Lord Mayor.
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 134 5 KLOSTER BEER UON HEAD BRAND j| E WORLD'S BEST. M m m w fwi jnaUT IISttsBJsW ja^t "Hn J^auu) it **3S 5 a. l w l it u«m iV" vm *$J Jt wl VoT v if o duc« *t Germany T\ c 'Q-uce of Gerfnanj^^_^^^^ggfl/^^^| Obtaii a! all dealers or
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    • 605 5 NOTICES. NOTICE. NOTICE is hereby that the Power of AttmhMy gates' 2:Jrd April It*] K i VL n by Son Ken»r lUv- formerly of Xo. 9« Cross Street, but n kk u°- i BoU QuHy «"taaera m favour Khor II OO (,eow sad Khor Boon Tor has been revoked and
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    • 385 5 To make a SALAD I especially enjoyable, add to the I dressing a little LEA&PERRINS' I SAUCE WISDOM I NWhen contemplating the ill purchase of a Camera J CONTESSA NETTEL IN THK SUPREME COURT OF THE STRAITS SETTLEMENTS. SETTLEMENT OF SINGAPORE. Suit No. l«4f of 1923. In \hv matter of
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  • 1802 6 j AN EAKLY ATTEMPT. A Car With a History. [Sp dally Written for Free Press.] An English newspaper published m Bombay, and sadly m need of enlightenment. recently asked "how Ion*? ago the first car made iti appearance m India, and where?" The exact date is
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  • 57 6 A silver salvor, suitably Inscribed, was to have been riven to the officers, 2nd Battalion, R<^al Sussex Regiment, by tho H.S.V.R. before the departure of the battalion. During thoir tour of service In Malaya, th officers and. all ranks have helped tho M. s. v r v.ry much indeed m
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 390 6 "NEVERBREAK" Steamer Wardrobe Trunks. A FINE SELECTION f\ a WHITEAWAYS. l S (i.lfe^< fcODELSIN STOCK. <r «^l^| i a^lli^' BTYLB NO no:*. Steamer liseI'l 'sf^^^'^"" V%^^Vi^ft*2^l mcheadeep. Fitted shoe board and Q M&mKrm V- H i< p pc* c S J U 1 l^AW«, f^^rS !> 3^aa^aii^ i'"y^^»!^^^ *^J yy^^
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    • 239 6 The daily care of the Mouft and Teeth with Odol is the basis of beauty and health PILES CURED WITHOUT AN bPEMTU No Case Too Chronic to be Cured, Recommr nde<i by thousi- :s of former k who have been permanent K :re j v' Van Vleck's Absokpi; p Us|
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  • 453 7 CHANGE IN SERVICE. TRANSFEKEM EOF COMPANY. JL i* [British Radio-Official Service.] i Kusny, Mar. 6Ji Ihe report of the broadcasting committee t »et up undvr the chairmanship of lord < rawford was issued last nijrht. Its recomg memlations. if adopted by Government, will 5 ■nvuKv fundamental chants m
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  • 132 7 I Renter*! Service.) l.undrn. >lar. !n an effort to avert th w\ lespread dispute, x)w executives of the wven cngin ering L'nioiu have advised th strikere at Hm'sl l printing machine factory t<» put themselves m a constitutional position and return to A <;o,>i> SUGGESTION. [British Radio— -.Official
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  • 54 7 [Router's Service.] Amsterdam, Mar. The commission <>f the Synod dealing 1 with the utterances of Pastor (leelkerken, have sent an ultimatum to Geelkerken, leqoirißg Him to sijrn an Bndertaking acceptinii the literal interpretation of the Book of Genesis, referring t-» Ere, the ser- pent and the
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  • 39 7 f ßritish Radio— Official Service.] Rugby, Mar. 5. Paris 130.5; Brussels 107; Geneva 25.25; Amsterdam 12.12'^; Milan 121.1; Berlin 20.4; Bombay Is. 6%d.; Shanghai 0V B d.; Honjrkonp: 2s. 4 J 4d.; Yokohama U. 10%& Silver 30%.
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  • 26 7 [Reuter's Service. l London, Mar. f. His Majesty received Mr. S. P. Waterlow, who kissed hands on his appointment as Minister at Bangkok.
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  • 922 7 PROFESSOR LANGSXER. INTERVIEWED. Is it possible for you to transmit your thoughts from Singapore to America? Professor Maximilan Langsner, Professor ot Psychology, at present m Singapore, sayi it is. The Profouor is on a world tour for the purpose of studying occolt science and the psychology of
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  • 25 7 Experience has shown that the telephone, once it has stabilised itself m the life of i people, progresses steadily and never retrogresses. Sir Alexander Roger.
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  • 619 7 PRIVATE PARLEYS. OPENING THE BALL. i [British Kadio— Official Service]. Kughy. Mar. ">.^ The private conversations which are to take place at (itneva on Sunday between the signatories of the Locarno Treaty will. 8 belfevtd, remove all difficulties from the way of achieving- the primary purpose for
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  • 148 7 [Renter*! Service.] W»\ York, Mar. r>. CoantCH Cathcart has won her suit and remains m the United States. The judge npheld the irrft of habeas corpus, after the District Attorney has entered m the l«COrdfl f the court that adultery does not eonsti- tuta a crime under
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  • 23 7 [Router's Service. l New York, Mar. 5. The Leverhulme sale concluded last evening ard yielded a million and a quarter dollars.
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 363 7 BUSINESS CARDS. v ...v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v.v-v. MARYSETON X WII'KK MANSIONS. J k V onderful consifrntneiM hma at rived 1^ ting clothei for children.*" >.. i iV //AV.'-V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V.V I'leas-e Send for the Illustrated affllncue of Musical Instruments, i SEASON CO.. LTD. 111 anil 113, North Bri Jjje Road. IffiHORIALS, MAKHLE OR GRANITE Isim;
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  • 45 8 DOMESTIC OCCURRENCES. PIRTHS. ANDKKSON On March »".th. at 10 Alexandra ourt. I.tTiiior. t«> Pegffte, wife »f C I*. Anderson. :i <! iiirhtcr. EDINGTON. At th. Maternity RoftpitaU Singapore, OB .">lh March. 1926, t<» Mr. .tM<l Mn. W. S. K.lniKtor Tititfkii Tm Mine* 1.M.. lehore, ■i ion.
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  • 588 8 SINGAPORE FREE PRESS MONDAY. MARCH 8, 1926. Week-End Comment. The failure of the French Government to fecet its proposals accepted m the way they consider essential is unfortunate. It is sure to have t depressing effect on the franc, and the further delay will cost the country twenty milli<»»» franco
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  • 626 8 I Dr. Were, who had k'cn to Singapore for j» day Of two, returned to Kuala Lumpur on Thi'tsdavi I The 1 1 th Haavj Battery, Royal Artillery, will be Moved shortly from Portsmouth t r Singapore. Mi. (i Foster Robeon, «»v the Singapore Harbour Board, gws oa leave ««n
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  • 45 8 FEDERAL CHANGES. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 6. At Monday's meeting of the Federal Council the honT>le Mr. R. O Kindersley will move a resolution approved by a recent meeting of representatives of public bodies on the subject of Federal changes.
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  • 122 8 (From Our Own Correspondent) Penamr. Mar. H. A banmitM lighter with a full carj«o of 4,.">00 four-Kallon drums, valued at $17.<K»0, belonging- to the Asiatic Pell ok nan Company, took fire at the benzine anchorage j last nifht. It was first noticed at ten j o'clock-
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  • 101 8 MMTfga AM) AMERICAN AKSHII'S DUE THIS MONTH. H.M.S. Hawkins an<J several other ve>seN of thy hina Squadron art- due t<> arrive at Singapore after the Middle »f this month, their arrival being folloiPtd l>y the visit of >ix Amvricari destroyers. H.M.S Titania will be the. first of
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  • 257 8 Lmlul Wnth by Trailer Pump. Dense vohunea «»f smoke were seen rising from the direction of Geyhms on Saturday. |jhc poeition appearing to V>e almost the same as. that of the disastrous tire which j destroyed several houses a fey.- days before|Th« Fire Brigade received a call
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  • 229 8 Rice Distribution. At the mectint: held nt the Chi— g Protectorate on Friday, thy* '»th. insUmt. it was decided to raise funds l»>r the relief of the [victims of the above firv. and tlu- following leommittM was appointed: Chairman, tho I Hon. Mr. ,l\ Beatty, Vice-Chairman.
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  • 79 8 His Excellency Sir Laurence Guillemai-d having proceeded to the F.M.S., a Gazette Extraordinary was issued on Saturday appointing the hon'ble Mr. Hayes Marriott, C.M.G., to be his Deputy. Mr. G. G. Thomson, of the Horipkong and Shanghai Bank, has returned from leave, and relieves Mr. W. N. Hansel, who goes
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  • 626 8 THE li»-WOtt AI IIXN ps The Interest of Mr I lenny. (From Our Owi Coneap,^ London, K*h n The Singapor, Ha, i> „by! v lv attract attention m the Bear f u Blundell. Hi Ike Naw Bathnalea 1 notice that h, will nil attempt! necessity of
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  • 133 8 PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH SALES OF WORK A Mk ftf work m aid of tht O^an N of the Presbyteriun Church Vlll bl the T«>mlin*on Hall to-morrow and v.l. opened at 10 a.m. by the Hon. Galloway. The neu organ, which i> d\w t-> arrm 1 wtek, has bttn tptrfffWy t-uitt for
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  • 37 8 All interested m the scout that should be everybody) ifcouM J*^ official orjran "Scouting m Mala> a current number contains a!! i* l 1 Troops and pictures of the fl*^ Government House, when Mr. received his M.BE-
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 101 8 T//^; CONNOISSEUR COMES TO CALDBECK'S" 1 m l^B MJJBj Caldbeck, Macgregor fi Go., Ltd. HSfl (Incorporated m Shanghai). Ef 45 Robinson Road. COLD STORAGE ICE CREAM PER GALLON $3.75 (PACKBD IN ICB SALT I XXX OF CHAWJK.) SUFFRIENT FOR ABOUT 50 SERVINGS. BECTIVE SHOES. For Men who appreciate Smart Footwear.
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    • 49 8 V Parf urns de Luxe COTY 1 Chypre jj Origan \l 0 Rose Jacqueminot Paris Emeraude I; EAU DE COTY to be had from alt dealers Hj ji Dypirc Brothers. V.'.VAVAVAVbV.V.%VW.WM I i Sole Agents THE BORNEO COMPANY, LTD. >in^apor«. I'enanjc, Kuala Lumpur, lp<»h. Alor Star and Teluk Anson.
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  • 1139 9 BRIAND RESIGNS. < M A'ITEK OF CONFIDENCE. [Router's Service.] I'aris, Mar. 6. Cabinet has resigned following a vote bamber of 274 to 221 separating the Ijj payment! from the Finance Bill, which rnnient had made a question of I s nee. M. Briand does not depart for
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  • 108 9 A NOTABLE MEETING. T **E KKITISH DELEGATES. lßrit,sh Radio— Official Service]. S, :A v lChamberlain S .M :r :'V h( Principal members o f the Bri ulon th,H mornm* and it fa understood hat U» !ro nch delegation wm it v fI r a alrea< r reporWd
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  • 44 9 [ReutorV Service.] N>h York. Mar. 4i ass t t y eaewdiac $240.00u,000 m tW n,w corporation, which -'>-n f..rmtd to develop th-«> <W.tu- Jl export business, will shortly b, ofttr«J to the public, and include about 500,000 Mwrn «>f common .stock.
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  • 55 9 [Router's Service. J Washington. Mar. 7. I resident ('no!i(j(r 0 ha« L- efor MO.OOU.OUO lo >upp!enK.nt the fnatw.n of $14,000.00(1 provi<,uslv r,com--«Ad m tho BM.lKot for the Shipping H«-;.r,l to „,abh. the Board to operate tho iv-takc-n from private purchasers "by ivas.m of c<,m,H>titi, n or other
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  • 199 9 A NEW LEAF. I EUROPEAN TRADE LEAGUE. [British Radio— Official Service.] Kuipby, Mar. 6. Mr. Walter Leaf, President of the International Chamber of Commerce and Chairman of the Westminster Bank, made another striking: protest yesterday against tho evil effects of tariffs and trade barriers <»n tho
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  • 128 9 [Reuter'j? Service.] London, Mar. H. Fire destroyed the Shakespeare Memorial Ilieativ and Tower at Stratford-on-Avun but th. Museum and Picture (Jallery were sued. A paaaer-hy at oVlock m the afternoon noticed smoke coming from the chimney of th* Theatre. I«'jve fire l.ri^ad. eventual. •rrived and thousands of spectators
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  • 90 9 LKeuter's Service.] Washington, Mar. H. It is stated at the \Vhit«- Rone that President Cootidgc eiMMin the Budget estimate of $«74,0n«M)n0 for the War ami Navy X j.artruont.s ample to provide for the Medfl of the Air Services ami thenfoiv oppoMa any oofMiderabk inrreas<. m the aviation
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  • 76 9 [Beater 9 Serviea.] London. Mar. .">. An .oho of the Hayley Morriss eaoi VM heard m the OM Bailey, where an engineer named Charles Gcnrall was sentenced to a year's imprisonment m the second division on a charge of attempting to obtain £400 on faU- pnUmem tHm the
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  • 45 9 [Reuter's Service.] Mexico City, Mar. Addressing tbs G mfederation of the Labour Convention. President Calls* announced Government's determination to enforce the constitution, including the reUfftm clauses and declared that Government intended to attain complete economic national independence- and rid itself of foreign interference
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  • 56 9 [British Radio— Official Service]. Rujfby, Mar. 6. Alan Cobham. who is enpaged on his return flight from Capetown, arrived at Khartoum yesterday, having m seven days covered a distance of 5,000 miles. He propos* to proceed to-day to Ejrypt and to-morrow hopes to reach Sollum m readiness
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  • 63 9 [Router's Service.] Essen, Mar. 7. A preneral meeting of Krupps disclosed a total deficit of 15,300,000 marks for the year ending: Sep. 30th. For instance the Germania Shipyards at Kiel lost 7,000,000 It is stated that the inter-Allied military missions, by destroying: valuable machinery at Essen, caused
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  • 574 9 I THE JEAN II TROPHY. Capsizing of the Bobbe. The opening race for the above trophy will always be associated with the departure o f the Royal Sussex Regiment, sailing as they did by the Derbyshire at the startme gun fired by Captain Flett at 10 a.m The course
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  • 46 9 (Fret- Press Exclusive Cable.-Copyright.) ndon. March 6. The Kind's racing cutter, the Britannia. n we 11 -known competitor at the principal coast regattas, is being: overhauled m readiMM for the approaching racing: season. She is beinp driven a new mas»t, 10T>S; fret hi^h.
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  • 64 9 [Router's Service.] Delhi, Mar. 7. Tlk> Swarajists have resolved to withdraw from the Central Provincial Legislatures as a protest against the attitude of the Government towards the Assembly's demand for constitutional reforms, but not to resign m order to prevent bye -elections. They also resolved to contest the
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  • 26 9 [Reiner's Service.] New York. Mar. 7. After a five years' tenure of the Rumanian Legation, the retiring Minister, Prince Bibesco, has sailed for home.
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  • 25 9 fßeuter's Service. J Wa-shinjfton, Mar. 7. The Department of Labour has decided to recommend an appeal from the decision releasing Countess Cathcart.
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  • 20 9 [Reuter's Service.] Washington, Mar. 7. The death is announced Admiral Richard Wainwright. > (Saturday's Cables on Page 7).
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  • Page 9 Advertisements
    • 334 9 1 f« VN T I 17 If VU' t?* 3 40&&1 &L i) vlh iLE HI fin 0 t£olc~^Zj£ S Ixiimr ciiidtc Sj SMART STRIPED POPIJN SHIRTS jt+^f \IM/^^ < I J ir. white and coloured grounds, with mT^T fl MKBCEUBED TWILL DAY SHIRTS. id*a, for office use, plain whit*
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
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    • 588 10 BRITISH INDIA AND APCAR LINES. (Incorpofatjd m England.) MAIL, PASSENGER AND CARGO SERVICES. PENINSULAR AND ORIENTAL STEAM NAVIGATION CO. LONDON AND FAR EAST MAIL SERVICE. (Under Contract with His Majesty's Government). OUTWARDS FROM LONDON. HOMEWARDS For China and Japan. For Marseilles, London and Antwerp Due Lt-ave Tonnage. Singapore. TonnaKt. Singapore
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  • 763 11 THE UNIVERSAL "SQUEEZE." (By Sir Percival Phillips.) Hongkong, Dec. 25. Eiitish tndf m China U suffering from i variety of complaints, ranging from the disease of Bolshevism to civil war complicated bf such characteristic Chinese symptoms a .s brigandage, blackmail, and the paralysis of railways. Th intei woven
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  • 134 11 Labour members of the Willeeden Covad] ire agitating fcr the discontinuance m the •fßcial agenda of -.cli phrtsei M "locum tenens," "prima fa -i.- 'ultra vires," ami "Tiem. con." All four phrase* have survived on (heir merits, an<\ may be eoasiderad is uomum'U; adopted Fntriish terms as "restaurant or "bazaar;"
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  • 746 11 NAVIES' LOST POWER. "Surface navies hay. entirely- lost their mission of defending a coast because airciaft can destroy or sink any seacraft coming within their ladius of operation." This claim is made by General William Mitchell, former Assistant Chief of the Air Force, U.S.A., m his
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  • 163 11 Imperial beam wireless will be m operation from London to Canada and South Africa by* May Ist; to India and Australia two or throe months later. Actually the fn-st message of thin kind was sent at midH*hl on January 30th. to a ship at Port Arrhu..--l0.()0fl mxlei away. Provided it
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 214 11 p«opie get enough calcium form strong, sound teeth, capable ordinary food. Yet of lasting a lifetime. Ktntoe inMi.ts that it is si important wf all the ADottor'rf Dental Surgery writes: needed by the body. A-dlzana makes the teeth is calcium m a palatable, strong and hard and so stops (ted
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    • 434 11 frjllwsxsjirei k^| Are You Affected that way? P^f g^l 1 l-lAVE you ever noticed lfow \fj^* much better you can work, or walk, <»r play; when you feel quite well." Yes and use twice ns much energy and still fed less tired. Yet thousand! ol men and women feel week
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  • 268 12 The French steamer Ansro, which arrived here on Saturday, had on board 32 military officers and 291 other ranks for Indo-China. The British steamer Sunheath, bound from Bombay to Kobe with -a cargo of cotton, arrived m roit during the weekend. The Blue Funnel Mner Hector is intended
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  • 361 12 A friend m Arm-rica having sent me a rather bulky and belated Christmas present. I decided this morning to try and extricate it from the docks m person. It was a weak and innocent thing to d«>, hut I always feel strong on Mondays. The first thing
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  • 57 12 Portraits to Replace Leaders at Labour Conference. London. Feb. 20. Two empty chairs, draped m crimson cloth, accommodating portraits of Mr. Harry Pollitt and Mr. Hnmminjiton. who will he present m spirit, will he a m.vel feature of the special conference of action by the National Minority
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  • Page 12 Advertisements
    • 523 12 Burns Philp Line (Incorporated m Australia.) FOR SYDNEY, MELBOURNE via JAVA, DARWIN, THURSDAY ISLAND AND BRISBANE. Regular monthly sailings by the well-known steamer MARELLA (7,375 tons) and MALABAR (4,512 tons.) The s.s. MARELLA is the largest and finest steamer trading to Australia. Cabins de Luxe, single berth cabins, swimming bath,
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    • 356 12 SINGAPORE-NEW YORK SERVICE. OF THE NEDERLAND STEAMSHIP COMPANY, "ROTTERDAM LLOYD" HOLLAND AMERICA LINE. Sailings on fixed dates via Suez to New York and Huston. t s.s. VEENDYK due f s.s. SITOEBONDO duo s.a. ENGGAXO (fat i_ Cargo is also accepted to Philadelphia, lialtimorn. and to U.fc.A. v ir dian Inland
      356 words
    • 405 12 LLOYD TRIKTINO NAY. CO. Hnorporat^l ia Ita HOMEWARD BAILINGS Bi-monthly servi.e f.,r Brin Venice and Trieste via ports taking Uf% Khrouth Bills of La.lmtr foi Levant and Black S^a Pori p »rts on the AY. I f f- ;i NUMIDM VENEZIA ROSAXDRA "UMB L May OITWARD SAIUNGS For CHINA AND
      405 words
  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 685 12 MAIL DESPATCHES. BY TRAIN. Kuala Pahang, Pekan, Sungei Lembing and Kuan tan (via Gemas and Jerantut) every Monday, Tuesday Thursday and Friday 6 a.m. Bangkok every Thursday 6 a.m. Kota Tinggi, Seremban, Kuala Lumpur, Ipoh, Taiping, Penang and Kedah 6 a.m. Kelantan every Monday, Wednesday and Saturday 6 p.m. Kota
      685 words
    • 175 12 S<«a temperature SI X Mean wet-hulb temperature 7").] F Mean relative humidity 70 p.e. Kvapoiation .071 ins Rainfall \jl PABSBNGERB ARRIVED. Per s.s. Kinta: Mr. and Mrs. Ki,'i'»y, Mr. and Mrs. Gryel, Mr. F. F- Marriott. Capt J. R. LoveU, C.S.M. L. H. S. Taylor. Mr. A. J. Black, Mr.
      175 words

  • Page 13 Advertisements
    • 567 13 fO. S. K. Line. IK'sti nations. o f .Rotterdam, Hamburg, learners. Arr. Dept Bremen, via Colombo, Aden Sudan and Port Said. ai w Alps Maru M ar 2'^ Mar VK ape Town, Santos, Rio, dec and Buenos Aires via t Hawaii Maru Apr. 14 Apr. 16 md Bombay. cv- B
      567 words
    • 370 13 Round-the- World PASSENGER AND FREIGHT SERVICE 38 Days to BOSTON 41 Days to NEW YORK OILBURNERS. NO COAL DUST. NO CINDERS. ABSOLUTE CLEANLINES3T *ia Colombo, Port Said, Alexandria, Naples, Genoa and Marseilles. From New York these fine new liners continue on Round the World, returning to Singapore m 110 I
      370 words
    • 394 13 GBNERAL AGEN^ ASAKI ROOSEVEW "NE Kerr Steamship Co., Inc., I 44, BEAVER STREET, NEW YORK. (Incorporated m U.S.A.) REGULAR FREIGHT"SERVICE TO BOSTON, NEW YORK, PHILADELPHIA and BALTIMORE NORFOLK MARU SUeZ> j m.s. SILVERCEDAR In Port Fo rr teBandotherparticularsappiy: GlJTHß^ &caf^ Agenta:~Singapore and Penaaf K. P. M. AH .nformat,o n supplying
      394 words

  • 834 14 THE PROPOSED NEW SOVIET LAW. A Heated Controversy. .Moscow, January. A new Soviet family Jaw, which, among othtT features, practically eliminates marriage a.-- an institution by abolishing all kgm dv. tinction between registered ar.d unregisteved marital ponnectioM, has Income 1 subject oi heated controversy all over the
    834 words
  • 48 14 Owing to the delayed arrival* of the i.s. Kalyan. the wedding of Miss Romanes and Captain Irvine, M.C., is deferred untW Sunday, March 7th. The wedding will take place at St. Andrew'- Church, Kuala Lumpur, at 12.;*0 p.m., and the reception will be held at Carcosa immediately afterwards.
    48 words
  • 182 14 THOSE WHITE L INKS. A Ptoaaibk Danger. The Autocar supports unreservedly fetter which appeared m Tin* Timei recently over the signature of Commander 1 l\ Armstrong, the Secretary of the 11. A. i CommandeT Armstrong considers that, ex eHitnt as the white Rnei now often paint-' ed on the load
    182 words
  • 143 14 A i.i'.l i^ to be introduc <! In the Federal Council to amend the Planters 1 Loan Fund Enactment, li>ii">. 7"hv> object of the amendnunt la to rend 1 the Loan Fur available for leans for otaer than strictly agricultural purpowa, which must, however, be cond icive u> the general
    143 words
  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 276 14 V.WiV.V.V.ViV > V.V.V > V.%VAV.W.V«V.WVfW.V.VA%V.'.W.V > The Best Battery I For Your Car f ji —AND IT COSTS YOU LESS TO OWN IT J jj We sell Willard Charged Bone-Dry Batteries J •j m preference to all other batteries, because we S know this battery costs the car owner less
      276 words
    • 273 14 dry frosty cold that I T^" "I J s constantly under Electricity Keeps it Cold the Zone of KelImagine an unfailing supply of cold conning from an vination. It is much electric plug to chill your refrigerator. That's Kel- colder than the avvinator Electric Refrigeration. erage ice-cooled reThe cold regulates
      273 words

  • 357 15 FRASER CO., EXCHANGE AND SHARE BROKERS FMDAY, MARCH MINING. Kuiiiban X m "^f 8 SeUeni Batan^ Padang T in "i? Uitam Tin 7 80 ((llis (i'l) 1 4 5 J4B c .d Johan Tin oJs 6(i S6i Kaniuntin* M Kmta Assn. (1O) b s 6 Xi «ta Tin 50 10.00.
    357 words
  • 53 15 March 6. Bank 4 m.s. o 4 Bank demand Private credits m.% 2 4 1 N«w York, demand -I 1 Jj Credits N days JJJ France, «lem;,nd 58 ::JJ india, T. T. Jj Yokohama, demand pC Java <J<>man<! JJ Bangkok, demand 'JJS Bar Silver London Bank of England Rato
    53 words
  • 185 15 March ft. Tin Kmi Tons Gambia Sll 5(( Pepper White i^" 25 Pepper Black Jf^J rtalto Tapioca Pearl Sa*jo Small Copra StfMrfed |f*!! Opium, Benares un> WjJ. Uuff Hin Chan Mark R«>r] Ea^le (New) Rife, Siarn old No. l Rice. Ran,Mion Birtan J*!l Rice. Rangoon Sio\a „r Rice, Siam
    185 words
  • 25 15 Singapore, M a r. 11. .{<);,.„, Singapore Standard Ribbed Smoked Sbjet. Spot and March 91; April-June sneet J>. S%d. ICarket Firm. >
    25 words
  • 320 15 The article reproduced below is from the Presbyterian of :;ist December tort n periodical published m Philadelphia, and furnishes a notorious example (not Of the meaning f the city's name) of the -r..^> mace matt- propaganda delibt.rately wrvrn 1"- t" the American citiaen. The East India Rubber Company
    320 words
  • 80 15 A itlteMlt has been issued by Dr. Julius Klein, ot th<* Foreign Bureau of the Department of Commerce at Washington pomlinsr out that it try estimated that some 25,000,000 lbs. of rubber Wollld Withheld from exportation from British Cokmie. dmiat the next three months by the continued operation o f
    80 words
  • 209 15 kwe MACPHAIL COS REPORT. <L. R. Macphain. #3£r.£?aS££ "the „,,n,n, section. Jr.lustriaK and Rubbers —Bro^as made UB% m Bassetts i nt^ lt J- 25 can bTXn a 7%n Ch n S kat Serdan*s have enquiries at Brunei United* offer at H25 want^ff 'v Jeram Kuanfans at ta"
    209 words
  • 274 15 London. Feb. 11. Mark** The past week has been mv Jfular due, it |g believed, to America i>rin*rmjr pressure to bear upon Franco to put her financial affairs m order i ig-ht away. »>ut apart from that, everything points to trade K»in>r distinctly on the up-grade Copper,
    274 words
  • 101 15 Amsterdam, February 10.— Interviews with rubber expert, here on the question »t the establishment of an Anirlo-butch Wiling combine show that the general opinion is opposed to such a plan The mutating director of large rubber company Mid hv expected that such combine would result m new measures
    101 words
  • 116 15 V!y 'f international f M ZT ?M Ls takl '\v a writer m pnc-e Probabilities:' he staU-s, coarfde, the cuantity of the reWi«Kl It is absurd to quot, the fa* that •some companies profits even when the commodity «y JeUiE« at bolov. 20 eettto a pound. The question
    116 words
  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 276 15 Assets over $5,500,000. ■■■■"■■"■■■■■iZi Ihe Company has ,20,000 deposited S Sg^ Jl\_ LONDON OFFICE: 32 Old Jewry E C AmtACjnVK PLANS OF A^ BA^ with the B ritish L^f^ r Secretary AGENTS WA Milan G. C KNOX. D!reCto Actuary 1 HORACE W. RAPER RO BINSO^F. L A. INSURANCE. 1 1
      276 words
    • 614 15 JJANKTNG. I YOKOHAMA SPECIE BAWL LIMITED. Established 1880— BoX CU ?!PBueno/xrie, S&n Sydney aa. Ft~» Fengtien Nagoya S Fra nd*co Hamburg Newcbwang Sam «w« HaiJcow N ew YoP k Tientsin Harbin Osaka Tokyo Hongkong Peking Tsinan Honolulu Rangoon Tsingtau T^fA the w «rld. For particulars, apply to H. MORI, Manager.
      614 words
    • 37 15 ROYAL EXCHANGE ASSURANCE. daeor» ra t«d to KnglMd b, B oy»l Cbmrtw A. D. 17M). FIRE MOTOR CAR MARINE Fidelity Guarantee-Administration Bonds Singap^ Representative -Messrs. BARLOW Co. Messrs. HARRISONS CHARTERED BANK CHAMBER^, A GORDON LEE," Resident Maimm,
      37 words

  • 403 16 HOME RUGBY. ARMY VICTORY OVER THE NAVY. < Frt c Press Exclusive Cable. -Copyright.) London, March 6. The Royal Navy and the Army met at Twickenham this afternoon m the Services Rugby Tournament, the Army winning by 24 points to 10. H. M. the King was present. [Keuter's
    403 words
  • 123 16 OXFORD STAKS" MCORD JUMP. (Free Prm Exclusive Cnble.-Copyright.) I nd 'Mi. March H. In the Oxford University Inter-Collegiate Cup competition R. L. Hyatt (Balliol) established a record pule jump of 11 1 4 feet This was two inches Utter than bil jump ir the second heat m the
    123 words
  • 93 16 ANOTHEu LMSBT BLUB WIN (Ft€« Press Kxclusivo Cable. opyriirhtj London, March <». Oxford University failed by the odd event m seven m the annual boxing match against Cambridge Uni\er ity. This def* at followed a defeat by the same margin against the Army a week or two back,
    93 words
  • 46 16 (Free Press Exclusive (able. Copyright) I/ iulon. Marrh 6. OM Tay Bridge and Bpriff, at I to 1, are still favourites f<-r the Grand National, to be run at Aintree on March M. Silvo and Double Chance stand together at 10 to 1.
    46 words
  • 29 16 (Fit* Press Kxclusivo Cable-Copyright.) I^'.-ndon, March H. Both University eigfati art*, making very piomi.sinj; |WmgfW m tht ir trials fo tho boat race on March 27.
    29 words
  • 20 16 L<Free Press Bxchwivc Cablv. -Copyright.) Lond -n. Mar. fi. Lord GlaiU'ly's Sunderland has been scratched for the Lincolnshire.
    20 words
  • 29 16 PI Router's Service.] Chicago, Mar. 7. Charles Hoff has u*>ain broken the world's indoor pole jump record, clearing 162% inches, with four inches to spare
    29 words
  • 246 16 ENGLISH AND SCOTTISH CUPS. All London Clubs Fail. [Reuter's Service.] London, Mar. 6. The matches m the sixth round of the English Football Association (up resulted M follow: Clapton Orient 1, Manchester City 6. NoWf Forest 2. Bolton Wanderers 2. Swansea 2, Arsenal L Fulham 1. Manchester U.
    246 words
  • 148 16 [Renter*! Service.] London. Mar. It The results of the fourth round of the Scottish Cup \\tu-: Morton <>. Glasgow Rangers 4. Ft. Mirren J. Airdrieonians 0. Third Lanark l. Aberdeen I. Celtic Dumbarton 1. It irouli appear thai the Celtic are hwit •II winning tin- Cup
    148 words
  • 245 16 [Rt-u tor's Benrice.] London. Mar. S. Thf following arc th<- resuKfl ot" t<>-day'-Kn^lish and Scottish League matches: Division I. Aston Villa 1. Bury l. Leeds United l. Everton 1. I <'ictstti- ity 1. Hirminiruam 0. Lhrerpool 0. Tottenham H. 0. Newcastle U. D, Huddersfield T. 2. Notts c.
    245 words
  • 60 16 The following will represent the V.M.C.A. vh R.A.M.C. to-day on the V.M.C.A. ground at Telok Ayer: R. H. Pennefather; C- A- Pcnne father and R. Lyne; F. Albuquerque, D. W. Dale and T. Damadorani; M- Catchatoor, C- D- Smith. 11. G. Stack (Capt.), E- V. Smith and F. R.
    60 words
  • 261 16 SECOND DAY'S RESULTS. (From Our Own Correspondent.) Kuala Lumpur, Mar. 6. The going: was pood and" there was a MgfOV crowd present on the second day of the Selangor Sky Meeting (Saturday). Cutty Sark was scratched after the sweep draw on Race 8. Kace 1. June (Coe)
    261 words
  • 22 16 [Reatcfi Service.] London. Mar. At Invernesi m 1 1 International hockey mauli Scotland W-at Ireland by 2 yoala t<> I.
    22 words
  • 26 16 Presi K\c!usi\«- CaMf. <"«»i»yrijrhu. Ixndon. March 6. In the annual hockey match t<»-«hiy Ihc Aimy defeated th Royal Air Force by
    26 words
  • 38 16 (Km- Presi Exclusive Cable. Copyright). London. March 6. Tlm Knglltli huliVs defeated Welsh ladfet to-day i>y 20 foali to nil. thirteen <>f th«Entrlish tMim** u (> a!- being scorad by Mi <v Pollard.
    38 words
  • 106 16 The March bogey competition was played on Saturday and Sunday and resulted m ;i w n foe Mr. A. Roose, who returned card «»f i up. Kitty-iitfht cards wiir taken <>ut and th« following w««iv ivturiu'd:— A. Room- I 1 Tp. W. McMullan U 1 Down. M.
    106 words
  • 235 16 Harmston's Circus occvpfte* a new position lat the junction of Victoria Street) on this, said to bt their last tour, but the two opening perfonMUMei given on Saturday night and last night have been highly successful, botk from the point of view of the audiences and the CiICIM
    235 words
  • 711 16 UNDER 30 vs. OVER 30. Age Bows to Ycuth m SCC Match- Youth will be served In the S.C.C. j Under 30 vs. Over 30 twelve a side match on the Padang on Saturday age paid the price and the "veterans" were well and ttuly defeated by 114 runs.
    711 words
  • 61 16 [Router's Service.] Hohart. \l.n\ »> Tho Australians luat Tasmania '»y a:i inninps and IS4 runs. Tasmania made I>7 (Everett two for :>:?; Maiioy three for <>2 ■ad Richardson two for -•">> and IJ'» (Richardson two for B, Mailty thive for J.^. Kverett two for IS, Andrews thive
    61 words
  • 83 16 LANGLIN CLUB TENNIS TOURNAMENT. Championship Pairs (Men). Prentis and GWCB vs. Fuller and Murphy. I)yne Cup. Miss Gunn ;ind Miles, owe 15.4 vs. Miss StepheiMOß and Webb. ser. Championship Pairs (Ladies). Mrs. Schafer and Miss Fawcett vs. Mrs. Tennent and Mi; s Hope.-Falkner. Handicap Singles (Men). Wild, owe 15 vs.
    83 words
  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 378 16 NO HOME IS COMPLETE WITHOUT A Moutrie Piano FOR FREE ILLUSTRATED PRICE LIST. S. MOUTRIE AND CO., LTD. (Incorporated m Honjrk<>n>r>. RAFFLES PLACE. SINGAPORE. ®J,G^ i I<OOV AT LAST/ J I f A|» Utiiitiii ££31 Jo those of our frieodi I ?Q^ [ihi^J whoappreciatr a perfect |i mixed Cocktail Lut
      378 words