Eastern Sun, 28 February 1971

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1 24 Eastern Sun
  • 16 1 THE SUN •»< Labß edition MjMINM Vot I No. 50 Sumtor, 28 Fsbruary 1971. MC (P) 2500
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  • 328 1 lif ANY teachers lock dedication and this it undermining the prestige of Hie profession, the Minister for Education soid yesterday. Mr Lim Kim San criticised many teachers for regarding the profession as a mere job or a stepping sto n e to something
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  • 196 1 Police are heating fer aJfcadly hart rebber. toe* seen rrawiiu* away from the scene of his trlse. He left a peel ef Meed behind hint. Doctors and hospitals have beewasha*-a» M 999 If the wounded man seeks treatment front them. The rebber nuule a
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • The war in Indochina
    • 271 2 No combat says Pentagon VVTASHINGTON Small teams of U.S. infantrymen will be sent into Laos as part of seorch and rescue teams. They will go in any time. They are needed to protect the lives of downed American pilots or their rescuers Nixon Administration officials
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    • 53 2 Free-floating bags, barrels Md boxes are collected by communist soldiers and sluiced down a siver channel is Laee along Hw Me lib Vietnameee isfikntion reetc. Tl* is one e» fbe more recent methods used by Hanoi to tepfly troofs i* tbe wulfc. Tbe aeibl photo was
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    • 187 2 WASHINGTON The Nixon Administration yesterday tried to daawen worldwide concern over a possible invasion of North Vietnam, apparently fearing a backlash from ■■Moaeow and Peking. At the same time Cambodian Foreign Minister Konn Wtek backed Prealdent Thien's call for an allied invaaion of forth
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    • 58 2 SAIGON. President Nguyen Van Thieu will visit tta« l.aos battle front to confer decoration on the badly mauled South Vietnamese 39th Ranger Battalion. It will be Thieu's 9econd visit to the battle area since the Laos campaign was launched on February 8. The 500-man battalion
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    • 215 2 SAIGON CMMM (rotpi were reported massing troad two am Sovtk VletaaaMse Are support taws la Laos last night. Both bases were receiving heavy sbellfire, military sources reported. A third base wa» abandoned because it was in imminent danger of sttack. Abandonment
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
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  • 178 3 A schoolboy wot drowned yesterday while frying to retrieve o 50-oent boll from o dirty Outran* Road canal. H« wa« Tan Ab Chuan 9, a primary four pupil at tb o Chinese Industrial and Commercial Primary School. He was waiting tor bis
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  • 190 3 S rapid urbonisotion has created o new social problem the feeling of anonymity among flat-dwellers. The Minister for Social Affairs, Inche Othmon Wok, elaborated on the people's lack of personal stake in the community at the Charter Night dinner of the
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  • 72 3 IF yon want a sound Investment, buy diamonds. That is the view of ldr Alexander Geddes .(pictured above). He should know he Ik the Chairman of Diamond selection Ltd in London and a wellknown diamond trade figure. Mr Geddes is in Singapore to look for
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  • 175 3 Singapore's policy of trying to rescue failipg industries la ly a waste of time, effort and money. Dr Augustine Tan, MP for Whampoa. said this yesterday at the Y's Men's Club luncheon at the Goodwood Park Hotel. He was speaking about
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  • 98 3 A YOUTH yesterday wag jailed for a year when he admitted robbing a taxi driver. The Second District Court was told Llm Eang Kum. 20. and two others robbed Lu Leo Kwey, 30. of $4O and a $5O watch at a vacant plot of land
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 68 3 ■EH SINGAPORE TOWN 12.47 ana (9.1 ft 6.31 am. (l.§ ft.); 12.49 pro. (10.4 ft.); 1.18 pm. (1.4 ft.). TOMORROW 1.16 am. (9.8 ft.); 7.2* am. (I.S ft 1.87 pm. m fiT NAVAL DOCKYARD 12 54 am. (11.6 ft.); 6.21 am. (2.2 ft.); 1.82 P"®* <12.3 ft.); 8.48 pm. (1.8
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  • 61 4 It isn't uiy to make a monkey out of a king. But Hut's what KapKid recently to "Virgil/' King Vnltnr* of Sonth America. As if ing into a mirror. He stared through a put thole at the children's section of Chicago's Lincoln Park
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  • 274 4 —Commonwealth High Commissioners hove held o secrecyshrouded meeting on Hie British-orms-for-South Africo row. Some diplomats predict the row could lead to the collapse of the eightnation Commonwealth study group on Indian Ocean Security. About a dozen heads of Commonwealth diplomatic missions in
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  • 190 4 MUNICH, Germany Tk« seven-year-old »o«» of a German but driver, apparently kidnapped in Hi* belief h« was an American diplomat's son has been freed unharmed. He was released after a Munich lawyer handed 8)143,400 in ransom money. Michael Luhmer was Just freed over
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  • 69 4 WASHINGTON The army yesterday announced Colonel Oran Henderson would be court niartiulled on charges that he failed to conduct a thorough Investigation of the My Lai massacre. Golonal Kcs&Kon wju charged with being derelict in the performance of his duties as investigating officer of the My
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  • 112 4 TOKYO Fanners and students won another round in their fight to save 1.500 square yards of farmland needed for completion of Tokyo's second international airport here. The protesters, entrenched behind fortified stockades and tunnels on the disputed land, have held out against security guards and police
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  • 203 4 WASHINGTON The American textile industry terms meaningless the proposal of its Japanese counterpart to limit textile exports to the United States. Both the White House and the State Department said they had no comment on the Japanese proposal. The key congressional figure Congressman Wilbur Mills, Chairman
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  • 284 5 its now up to Egypt' UPI. IJNITED NATIONS—IsraeI answered UN mediator Jarriitg's proposals for a Middle East settlement yesterday. Egypt said if the answer was positive "the blocks will have been removed from the way to peace." Israeli Ambassador Yosef Tekoah spend 80 minutes
    UPI.  -  284 words
  • 52 5 Mexican showgirl Alicia Irwin, 26, belongs to the Bottoms Up rcvui company performing in Sydney. Chica, «s her friends caM her, wishes to get married. Shy candidates wiM ho eliminated. Chica said that only a strong, decisive and passionate man might he considered as her
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  • 121 5 KIEL, West Germany Fires are still ragtag aboard a West German tanker and as East Germany freighter which collided during the night shipping authorities reported. The master of the 13,193-ton tanker Bomin reported that his entire crew of 36 some of whom had been thrown
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  • 187 5 BELFAST Terrorists shot and killed two poll remea patrolling in the Romas Catholic Ardoyne District of Belfast last Bight A third policeman was shot and seriously wounded in the same incident. His injuries were not specified. In another area, the Catholic Glen Road District, snipers
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  • 30 5 JAKARTA President Suharto has set the opening session of Parliament three months after the parliamentary elections tentatively scheduled on July 3 this year, says the government.
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  • 28 5 WASHINGTON President Nixon has sworn in George Bush as United States Ambassador to the United Nations. He has reaffirmed American support for the world organisation.
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  • 157 5 VIENNA An Autrian government official connected with the Strategic Arms Limitation Talks (SALT) has been arrested on charges af spying for Csecboslorakia. Hie aecnsed spy. Dr Karl Llchtenecher, 42, was the ISth Austrian and the fifth government official arrested in the past four years
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  • 181 5 HOUSTON Tin Apollo 14 astronauts stepped out of quarantine and into warm Texas sunshine yesterday for the first time in 48 days. They told their families and friends they were "glad to be back In the world again." Astronauts Alan Shepard Jr, Stuart Roosa
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    • 238 6 THE SW SAYS ALL know tke vile smell Hut wafts off Hi* Singapore River. We know it only too weJI. It permeates the air like an invisible, everlasting rotten egg. Any move to eliminate this foul trademark is good. So congratulations to the government
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    • 608 6 BUCHWALD ON SUNDAY WASHINGTON The bullet-scarred Indochina Bar and Grill wot jammed when the dusty stranger wolked up and ordered M straight whisky. "You doing a big business/' the stranger said. ••Yup." the bartender replied, "we've been expanding at a furious rate." "What's the
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    • 187 6 SIR: What on earth does Mr Chuang Hui Tsuan think he's doing raising th« issue of a $5O million "blood debt" from the Japanese? World War n has been over for some time and It's time we forgot all our old grudges. It's people like
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    • 107 6  -  EVELYN NEO. SIR: Yesterday mornings bus journey turned out highly interesting. I was clinging onto rail for dear life when I noticed a girl offer her seat to a middleaged woman clutching a bundle of clothes. Chivalry is still alive, thank goodness if only in the
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    • 107 6  -  R. S. TAN SIR: 1 agree wholeheartedly with S. K. Hwang's recent views In Son Soapbox hair. Our streets are getting messier and messier as youths with long unkempt hair make their way about town. The authorities continually talk about the elimination of this Western
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    • 135 6  -  K. PILLAI SIR: I mutt congratulate TV Malaysia for deciding to telecast live the world heavyweight title fight between Clay and Frasiar. As you reported they tried to get sponsors for the programme but failed. But the cost does not seem to worry them. They Just
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  • 296 7 PfICE 7 mam SMDfle BUFFERING it always bad. But when Hie victim is unable to speak, the plight is worse. Bucta is the case with Singapore's unwanted animals. This is where the Society For The Prevention Of Cruelty To Animals comes in.
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  • 609 8 REFUGEES TALK ON THE STATE OF THEIR EXILE wur an MORE than 100 Palestinian leaders meet in Caira today to discuss the state of their exile. m They are members of the Palestinian National Council, a govemment-m-exile. The Council will discuss two major Issues. They
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    • 456 9 MANY PUDI «H« NOD H»«« probably will brand ma fanatic, a manioc, or boHi. I hope so. It will mean they are letting the message. A fanatical approach lg needed to combat a terrible evil In our midst I'm talking about Singapore'* kamikaze drivers.
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    • 73 9 It wat a pcrpteiinf problem for th« Hinorer, Germany, city administration. How to atop motorists from parting their cars on Hie footpath In front of the Opera House. Fines Mn't stop them. Neither did the inconvenience of havinf their vehicles hauled away. TWfi one city
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    • 386 10  -  THE at .the MOVIES By Cameron Blaike TN the backwoods off TinntisH, oil people are old people, grey-haired and dull. Alma McCain, young, blonde and sexy is the exception. She is the one for whom Sheriff Tawes (Gregory Peck), deve- lops a
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    • 139 11 A BEAUTIFUL trip of cavegirls tangle with an iwnneiit of "prehistoric monsters in "When Dinosaurs Ruled The Earth" a new Hammer Film directed by Val Guest and produced by Aada Young for Warner Bros release. The shapely threesome comprises Victoria Vicky Vetrt, a 21-yaar-oJd California
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    • 383 15  -  By PLATTER PETE THE ANDY WILLIAMS SHOW (CBS) Tfcfe is an actual aoondtrack from 1 ona of An4y Williams' TV ibm, wiHi rt»e nantra M vary gopd Mica, back ad by the cream ol instrumental aM vocal aid. He starts off with
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    • 372 15 This week is STAX Week. For you ignorant ones Sti* is the name of a record label. The distributors have decided to make use of the entire week to promote this label. It has been around for some time but for some reason
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    • 147 15 POSTBAG HI THERE. To the many of y* who wrote to sft f thank 9 for featuring The Hollies, my thanks to you for writing. I'm only glad I could be of help. Besides, I enjoyed doing It. Please address ail pleas and postcards to Platter Pete,
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  • Page 10 Miscellaneous
    • 197 10 FJOAIMISATIOIM CATHAY 3340 LAST t DATBI U I-M i Ul IJM Columbia "Brief Pla Degertnark In Ookw ORCHARD J74S»» LAST 2 DAYS! (NO fBRB LIHT» TODAY 4 SHOWSI II W. t.M. 1.45. A »-M A (lis II .to. »2 60 at M INI CASH BOOKINOB ONLY rot > TOBA! TOBAI
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    • 273 10 L I O O 373 1141 l»th DAT! No rm List! CASH BOOKINGS ONLY Due k Dim t enatb Note REVISED TIMES IfcM IA ill. (.U Ml NO INCREASE IN Prtcw' New Super CINERAMA >ril«ui East of Java tn TECHNICOLOR NiXl CHANGE! MUHAMMAD ALI lo "a.h.a. CABBIUB CLAY" Color (UA)
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  • THE MORNING AFTER with Weatherbee Wong
    • 1237 12/13 i Sunscene 3 and 4 THE 00* automation hot reachM M*WUpWTB lt spoiW the dtflfh of Mi file butinestman's most cherished institutions the leggy, sexy stenographer. < But If reports I read in the paper this week are true this is Exactly what is happening.
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  • Page 12/13 Advertisements
    • 321 12/13 I BALIXT MAX LOltttUl <ley-eel Speetaealar ikNtl Modern Ballet by provocstni French female* I Sheer romance unreiied before you Show times: 10 p.m ft II 4« pns Music or PrM Rsmo» and Los Manllenos piu» thi Fishermen Call Mel-Uag MBCn far reeer*atleat IN/IN OfWltm A*rn»» :MJI BHKELA MVNBO A new
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    • 145 12/13 PON6COL (Air •conditioned) SWAM MITE-CLUB, RESTAURANT 6 COFFEE MOUSE TRACK 24. PONGGOL ROAD. 11* mi Singapore. 19. TEL: *****4 (3 LINKS) Chines* A European Cuisine ft Sea-Food Open Daily From 10.00 mv to 1.00 un. Weekends A Holidays, Ext. to 2.00 Mi rt£S7" HOUSE BOA TEL: SPEED-BOA TS FOR HIRE
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  • 272 14 T OS ANGELES Feoffor boos, rhinestone fringes, dazzling bouquets ond Morie Antoinette wigs it was like the most sumptuous cinema first nights of the thirties. The only difference was that most of the guests were female Impersonators. A Hollywood company was launching Its
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 933 14 TV SHMQAPURA CHAHHEL 5 Of IN IMC ANHOUNCEMENTS, followed by the Jack La Lm •Show. LASS IK "The Do, Mappers" UTA W (Key—t) A weekly musical programme by local artistes. STAR SOCCER "Stoke City vt Derby County". INGLISH FOR EVERYONE (Chinese) CAPTAIN SAILOROIRD "OneEye The Giant" CHI NISI MATIMII "Charming
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 727 16 Pick of the world's pops riORGE Harmon's lingU "My Sw««t Lord," fop hi the British chart ning, has become I monster woiM seller. The song it in just about •very best selling chart in the world and seems likely to stay there tor several weeks to come. Following this fantastic
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    • 612 16 from dM Cam! GENERAL TENDENCIES: You have good chance philosophy for the future, from which you gain the Pine for attending service from which you sain tne greatest amount of Inspiration tor successful living. ARIES (liar 21 to Aor. 1#) Ideal day to get touch with one younger than you
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 47 17 Join the growing family of happy subscribers to the Eastern Sun and The Sun The Circulation Manager, Eastern Sun and The Sun, 23-B, Cantonment Road, Singapore 2. Please deliver to me the Eastern Sun and The Sun regularly. Names Address:... THE ONLY HOME-OWNED. HOME-CONTROLLED NEWSPAPER .Tel. Net.
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 195 17 mtm j 8 si MWMiatS Hm J B t 4! I m> MOM/ ll' 51 s •J--♦«J K I'Jj J H a Sfe g sss V. XV Oil 3? §1 3 I S8 Hi !Hl 8S y S Hi 2<l 1 sy> m V LI ss as Si 3 J
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    • 257 18 To all of us, as C h ristians, come times of crisis an<| anxiety. We 9«t crowded inh* a corner by circumstances of Itfe.. There is no way out, save utter surrender: a surrender which results in a sense of Divine immediacy, a sensitivity of Spirit and
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    • 614 18 Are you taking 'holidays' THE word is spollod "recreation" but it it pronounced "w rec k-reoti on." That really i« strange, but often more nearly accurate in its end result. The verb is pronounced correctly, "re-create." But the result of much attempt at restoration and refreshment
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    • 23 18 Cedric the Cynic recalls that a generation ago, most men who finished a day's work needed rest. Now they need exercise!
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    • 398 18 W ITH °U T DISCERNMENT, THE 1R PEOPLE PERISH CHOOSE YOU THIS DAY WHOM YOU WILL SERVE. There is only out tree and logical source of morality in our changing mores. This was stated oy Dr. Clarence W. Cranford at a seminar in Atlanta, America, when he examined
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    • 18 18 Witness will come naturally to the persoc who IB e*perlencing the warmth of splrttaal glow. (Romans 12:11)
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    • 855 19 Ex-priest: Church does not intend to change one comma in dogma A MODERN tx-priMt, now pastor of Baptist church in Italy, fowMM KttU ckongc In tho age-old ways of HM Roman Catholic Church, dupiti Hw present controversies tnrcloping it. "Outword structures mav change/' said
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    • 414 19 1 saw a potter at work. The day tarned swiftly os tke potter's wheel, a flat wssdea plate of the kiad that potters have aoed far ceataries. The patter's sensitive Angers, worfciag from wttaia the limp, pushed it sat ta the shape af
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    • 102 19 VATICAN CITY, (NC) The Vatican Secretariat of State has sent papal representatives around the world a document designed to help them counter the ever-widen-ing: spread of artificial birth control projects and programmes. Th e 15-page document said: "There Is no mystery for anyone as
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    • 182 19 READ MATTHEW 28:16-20 "Lo, I am witfc you always'' (Matthew 28:20). Barbara and Margaret were four years old, twin daughters of the church secretary. During tea, Barbara upset a dish on the white tablecloth brought out because the minister was there. She was sent to her room
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    • 238 19 Msgr. Jean Jadot, addressing Singapore priests and nuns recently, said that "Singapore was seen a« an area of strategic importance In the Church in Asia." The Apostolic ProNunclo was conveying a message from Pope Paul in which he paid tribute to the priests and nuns
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
  • Page 18 Miscellaneous

  • 1096 20  -  ADVENTURES IN A SINGAPORE KITCHEN By RUTH BAKALAR "T AND of milk ond honey" isn't quite the proper descriptive phrase for our lush but cow-less city-state on on island. But land of honey Singapore surely is, with all the implications of that love-
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    • 312 21 PALM BEACH GARdens, Florida —Jack Nicklaus recovered from a shaky start here Friday and carded his second consecutive 69 to open ap g twostroke lead halfway through the D.S. PGA championship tournament. The powerful 31-year-old, winner of eight major titles and present British
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    • 434 21 Singapore soccer shame By SUN SPORTS WRITER Football Association of Singapore has failed to improve the standard of soccer. So SUN SPORT has decided to do it for them. The FAS may be offended. It may even welcome eny such move to promote
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    • 153 21 CHRISTCHURCH Arch-destroyer Derek Underwood took his match figures to 11 for 88 and pessed 1,000 wickets in first-class cricket as England hustled New Zealand towards defeat in th# first Tost here yesterday. Underwood, the 23-year-old left-arm spin bowler who took six for IS in New
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    • 172 21 TOKYO, Japan has been invited to the 1971 Singapore Automobile Grand Prix to be held on April 8 to 11, it was learned here yesterday. Mr Goh Teck Phuan, executive of the organising committee, extended the invitation through the Japan Automobile Federation /t»TS, \tfnr r
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    • 70 21 PALM BEACH GARDE NS Florida, Would you believe Arnold Palmer could miss a six-inch putt two days in a row? It's happened la the PGA goi: championship. In Thursday's opening round, Arnle jiiSiiwi ft DfMUvi pwtt by that six inches, tapped it 'carelessly and missed. "Ridiculous," he admitted.
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    • 222 21 MANILA, Nationalist China's Chan ChienChung yesterday fought off a casa of narvaa and a Filipino golfer to ratain a one-stroke laad at the end of the third round of tha 1971 Philippine Open golf tournament with a 54-hole total of 212. Chen, the halfway leader,
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    • 213 21 MACON, Georgia Clark Graebner, the top-seeded American, polished off Thomas Koch of Brazil 6-3, 3-6, 7-5 Friday night to advance Into the semifinals of the Macon International tennis tournament But the other two Americans still In action, Tom Gorman and Tom Edlefsen.
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    • 1217 22 Day's Best: Regal kite, Johnny Reb, Bush Girl Going: Good Race 1: CL 5 Div. 2—SVfe P.—2.00 p.m. ($5,500) 1. ***** Unqant 4y 900 lone (Mansor PK Leong 5 4 ***** Cuuro «y 813 CMA (West) Moran 8 4 ***** Setia Hawaii By 8 12 T T
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    • 246 22 DKNNI HOt jHM JXODLAC HACK l: (1) TYMKVN (13) l>ar >Pa Lark (4) Mrl Tattk 11 w TYMKVN 1 Daryl'a Lara I O. of Sarawak 0 1 hRI TAKER i Kovellat > Bella Kawan lUCk 1 S MAJESTIC IIOI K I 5 biploni|« 4 Gold Tax ill > SWEET
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    • 36 22 RACE 1: Nil RACE 2: Court Order RACE 3: Cilad Tidings RACE 4: Right Combination RACE 5: Nil RACE Fnturr, Tar Kwon Do, Eilal II RACE 7; Black King, Classic Win RACE 8: Tobacco Leal,
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    • 905 23 IPOH Doll or Standard won the Tunku's Gold Trophy for doss two division oa« horses over 9f of Ipoh here yesterday. Kept in fifth position all the way, the Final Court gelding hit the front a furlong out and held off a strong challenge from
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    • 894 23  -  GO RACING THE SUN By Denni Boy Down in division two, Count Carlo looks hard to boot in (Roco sight) the class five race over 6f ot Ipoh todoy. At the end of last beat a division one field over 6f. Handily placed till
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  • Page 23 Miscellaneous
    • 35 23 Ist Prise No: ***** 2nd Prise No: ***** 3rd Prise No: ***** Starters Nos: ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Consolation Nos: ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** *****
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  • 221 24 YORK China hot opened negotiations to buy about $3,000 million worth of U.S. jetliners, the American Broadcasting Company has reported. The report said China is hoping to buy between 80 and 120 mediumrange jetliners of the 707 or DCB variety. Ryan said
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  • 62 24 CALCUTTA A ruling Congress Party worker has been hacked to death and two people killed in a pre-election gun battle in West Bengal. The state has been the scene of daily murders and political violence far Home time, and with only two weeks to go to
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  • 88 24 TEL AVIV Donations began rolling In when Melr Schlealnger pat an advertisement In a local newspaper taping: "Anyone Interested In maklil money should send me one pound." But police took an Interest In 23-year-old Schlesinger's cash raising activities after each donor received a postcard
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  • 89 24 BHIMONOSEKI The first cargo liner built by Japan as a goodwill craat to Malaysia was launched Saturday. The 14,&4W-ton tanker waa christined N.V. Bnnga Orkld by Mr* Rahmah Has sain, wife of the Malaysian Ambassador to Japan. The ship's construction la financed by a goodwill grant concluded
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  • Page 24 Advertisements
    • 100 24 FRAMROZ SOFT DRINKS AND SQUASHES ORIENT FIPEIII] sga stula Raf ****** 27 Day 6 Data Waterproof in Sl»rOl«»» StMl ■St f I M N IVV^I «v\ Everywhere you go your Orient Apollo will give you unfailingly the precise time. And looks good tool Automatically, you will know the day date.
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