Eastern Sun, 21 January 1971

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1 24 Eastern Sun
  • 21 1 EASTERN SUN Singapore's own national daily 10 cents Uf4. 1966. Vol. 5 No. 1553 Thursday, January 21, 1971 M.C. (P) 2510
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  • 571 1  -  Summit smiles again By Eastern Sun staff reporters was smiling at the end of the Commonwealth Conference secret conclave yesterday, but not one delegate could say the Commonwealth had been saved. The conclusion ot the end of two days of secret tolks with only
    Sunpix by William Ng.  -  571 words
  • 351 1 Everybody here at this summit is talking about today and tomorrow, Canadian Prime Minister said Tuesday night. They are too idealistic, he said In an interview with the French network of the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. What everybody should worry about j* what is going to
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 109 1 Importers ot Carpets Rugs oi Quality iV Distinction IQmm AMIR SONS M Bt£22L« M Jinx r T v YEO'S PIG'S LEG '•"'••llll' 1 r For ratify appetising dish, aerva Yeo'» delicious Pig's Lcqwhole chunks of aucculent pork slowly atewed in ricl» aauce with mushroome and chestnuts. Easy to prepere. Just
      109 words

  • 282 2 LONDON The Labour Party's spokesman on Foreign Affairs, Mr. Denis Healey says Prime Minister Edward Heath has been working overtime for the Kremlin's propaganda machine In tryIn fto persuade the uorld there was a Russian threat In the Indian Ocean. Ilealey said, in
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  • 628 2  -  (By Derek Ingram, NO one is in o position to exult. But it would seem that in the lost two days in Singapore the 31 Commonwealth leoders looked oyer the brink and did not like what they saw. The Commonwealth lives for another day but
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  • 95 2 A.OCRA—A ie« bin all bat opens the door to anyone wishing to txs eo»e a citisen of Ghana, oflcials said yesterday. The bill also repeals a decree abolishing automatic citizenship by birth, the* said. Under conditions of the bill, anyone born in Ghana before or since its independence
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  • 107 2 Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Tradeaa played tbe key role in the twoday secret talks not by making: speeches bat by asking awkward questions, Asian conference sources said yesterday. Mr. Trudeau's questions prevented many a speech from becoming inflamatory, the sources said. At least twice, a head
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  • 240 4 Eleven women »n«i a man were yesterday remanded at the Remand Prison till Chinese New Tear Ere when First Magistrate Tan Lian Ker refused to grant baiL All IX of them were tentatively charged with taking part in an illegal Recession at
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  • 340 4 LUMPUR Research into the biological differences between major races in Malaysia would help find a solution to a peaceful, harmonious and united nation, the Deputy Prime Minister, Tun (Dr.) Ismail bin Dato Abdul Rahman said yesterday. Differences, he added, in the biological faclors between
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  • 254 4 THE rift within the Alliance Forty appeared to be widening yesterday. The seriousness of the lntra-party situation became apparent with the strong proposal by the Johore MCA to take a fresh look "from a vantage point" at the amendment to the Malaysian Constitution affirmed by
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  • 127 4 Today'* tip is cauliflower at only SI 10 cents a pound. Now for a review of the market prices. VEGETABLES: Tomatoes: $0 60 cents a pound. Australian Lettuce: $1.60 (lb). Green Peas: $l4O (lb). Potatoes: $2.40 (lb). Carrots: $0.60 (lb). Spinach: $0 40 (lb). Cabbage: $o 60
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 73 4 The weather bureau O cts ,air weather Yesterday Ma* Temp: 86.1 Min Temp: 73.1 nil Total rain to date; 3 03 Total rain days Sunshine yesterday; 8.55 hours Humidity at 11 PDI 81 per cent Blue films Two men were yesterday fined $l5O or three weeks* jail each for exhibiting
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    • 71 4 SINGAPORE TOWN 4.33 am (8.1 ft.) J 11.29 M.m. (3.5 ft); 5.58 pjn. (6.3 ft.)» 11 05 pj». (5.2 ft) ill., ii N iiir. 5.28 a.m. <8 ft.); 12.56 pm. (S.l ft); 8.35 P-BL (6.4 ft). NAVAL DOCKYARD 4.4J n m (9 4 ft > 1165 an. (4.1 ft.)| 6.66
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 158 5 I I ack A I r •ii y»--« <s?> V* MM t a» Mm v> 5 TS 9 I 1 ,1 >' A Wtotf I 3 Find out how ft feels when Honda marry high performance to prestige. In the new Honda 1300 Coupe. Outstanding performance from speeds up to
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  • 325 6 TOKYO Japan's Foreign Office is working up new tactics aimed at keeping Nationalist China in the United Nations, informed government sources said. If these tactics work, they also might keep Communist China out of the United Nations for some time. The Japanese
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  • 369 6 Three of Japan's highest officials denied that militarism is reviving in the land of the rising sun. Addressing a group of Army Officers Prime Minister Eisaku Sato said that anyone accusing Japan of returning to militarism was "either utterly ignorant of the peaceful intentions of
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  • 162 6 NEW DELHI India's Supreme Court hat dealt a heavy blow to Primp Minister Indira Gandhi's ruling Congress Party by ordering it not to use the yoked-butlocks symbol for the March gen- eral elections. The famous symbol is known to millions of illiterate Indians
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  • 186 6 SAIGON Cambodian Premier General Lon Nol got down to a full programme of talks with South Vietnamese officials shortly after his arrival from Phnom Penh for a two-day visit, yesterday. The Premier was scheduled to meet President Nguyen van Thieu, VicePresident Nguyen Cao Ky.
    UPI photo.  -  186 words
  • 158 6 MANILA, President Marcos said he does not plan to impose martial law In the Philippines at this time unless there Is widespread sabotage and terrorism. "Right now, I do not »ee these conditions and I have no reason to believe they will come about unless we
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  • 417 8 U.S. air power in Indochina to protect GIs WASHINGTON The White House has stressed that American air power will be employed throughout Indochina if necessary to protect U.S. troops In South Vietnam against North Vietnamese or Vietcong offensives. HONG KONG Medical authorities in the Crown Oolony are
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  • 289 8 FOR WINE, WOMEN AND FOOD: T>ARIS The French Secu- rity Court yesterday went into its second day of trying three men accused of betraying their country for wire, women and good food. It handed down a 13-year sentence Tuesday on Jean-Gabriel Auvray for selling secrets
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  • 202 8 MOSCOW A Lithuanian who tried to fore* a Russian airliner to Sweden has been sentenced to death by a court. The man, 34-year-old Vitautas Simokaitis, was sentenced last Thursday by a court in Vilnius, capital of the Soviet Baltic Republic of Lithuania, sources disclosed. His
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  • 96 8 HOLLYWOOD Barbara Streisand and Cttnt Eastwood were the most popular female and male film stars last year, according to a world-wide survey. It was conducted by Reuters News Agency in 44 countries. It was the second successive year that Streisand, who starred in such
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  • 43 8 Like characters In a science-fiction movfe, these Russian soldiers, members of a chemical warfare team, run throurh a practice drill. Their duties are to determine whether weapons are contaminat- Ed by radiation, according to ft Soviet source.
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  • 67 9 WASHINGTON Oul Albert. at Oklahoma, has ben overwhelming 1, elected b, his Drmoeratic Party colleagues as the 44th Speaker of the House of Representatives. Albert. 62, succeeds John W. llcCormack (Democrat), who retired at the end of the last session of the Senate. Albert
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  • 313 9 CAN FRANCISCO A small army of volunteers turned out on the beoches of San Francisco Boy ond the Pacific Oceon yesterday to rescue water fowl from deadly patches of oil spilled from a breached tanker. Tidol action ond oceon currents moved the thick fuel
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  • 51 9 HONG KONG Police stormed into a flat yesterday and stumbled into 1,800 lbs of raw opium worth 552.2 million on the black market Police suspected the flat as a narcotics store-place following the arrest of a man carrying a quantity of raw opium last
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  • 148 9 WASHINGTON Air Fore* Colonel Edwin "BUM" Aldrin, Hie second nun to set foot on the moon, has announced his retirement as an astronaut. He will take up a desk job commanding the Air Force Aerospace Research Pilot School at Edwards Air
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  • 42 9 WEST BERLIN—Karin Heisler, 15, has been reunited with her British sculptress mother after being held in East Germany for seven months. Karin nearly committed suicide when the communists refused to let her join ber mother in the West-
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  • 53 9 SAIGON A U.S. Air Force Colonel was arrested on marijuana charges and will be tried by general court martial on Feb. 8, Air Force spokesmen announced. The spokesmen said the colonel was the highest ranking officer ever to be caught on marijuana charges in the memory
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  • 80 9 SYDNEY, Married »nd single men am the a«e of 35 wtfl BOW fee aWe te become permanent deacons •4 the Australian Roman C a th a I I Church without becoming priest*. Vatican approval fee the training of ths permanent deaeoaa was announced at
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  • 264 9 WASHINGTON An eminent atomic scientist has warned "it would appear a certainty" that the United States will have a serious nuclear accident by the year 2000. Dr. Ralph E. Lapp, a former atomic bomb scientist and now a Washington consultant, said that drastic steps
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  • 84 9 NEW YORK Striking police were back on duty in New York streets yesterday but with the pay row that sparked their six-day unofficial walkout still unresolved. A militant "young guard" faction among the patrolmen was bitterly angry about the return to work. The decision came
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  • 380 10 IVScRIMINATION, in any form whatsoever, is what the current Commonwealth Heads of Government conference is all about From the opening day when Zambian President Kenneth Kaunda tabled his Declaration of Commonwealth Principles, discrimination in all forms has played an important role In the conference. However, despite the radical differences
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  • 246 10 "NIGERIA has come up with an extremely sensible suggestion about setting up a central fund for Commonwealth countries to help the lesser developed countries of the organisation to implement projects. Present arrangements according to Dr. Okio Arikpo, head of the Nigerian delegation here, are tardy. The central fund,
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  • 618 10  -  By ART BUCHWALD are some people who believe that there was a Machiavellian plan behind the Army's intelligence operation to keep tabs on American civilians, includinq Governors, congressmen and senators. Anyone who thinks that just doesn't know how the Army works. This is what really
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    • 94 10 81r AS a resident in Kim Yam Road, may I sueerst that the Tra'flc Authorities Put Uo ,ra-h-.c lights at the junction of Kim Yam Road and River Valley Road. Every morning it is hazardous for any driver wanting to turn right out of Kim
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    • 123 10  -  ROBIN WONG Sir: UOR the past three days, the water supply 1 has been cut off in Jalan Batu. This Is presumably for the purpose of water filtration. The PUB has not notified us of its intention and great incon- venience has subsequently been caused.
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    • 74 10 Sir; WHAT Is the point of the government using public funds to build overhead bridges when pedestrians will not make use of them? Take the overhead bridge at Tiong Bahru in front of Jalan Memblna. No-one bothers to make the extra effort of climbing the stairs
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    • 102 10 Sir: I WONDER if the STC could tell me why most buses do not come right up to Shenton Way after g p.m.? I work late and find It quite tiring to have to take a bus from Shenton Way to Bras Basah Road,
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    • 74 10  -  A. N. SAMY Sir; WILL the traffic authorities please put up a "Give way to traffic on your right" sign on the island at the junction of Shenton Way and Parsi Road. This would greatly help towards easing traffic at this junction. At present cars on
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 61 10 rorHßi) nrw» una teacari*» uppruriitit In all editions of Ihr Kit»irrn SUN unci Ibr PUD irr from Krulrn L'nitrn fm» International. A tenet Kroner Prrw >:dlior» Pre*» Svnrticalr NewsJtipei Knlerprlt* 4NMVclatlon I'ublKhfn Hall h> iKiicHtr lo» Angelea Tlniri> Mynrilcatr (irnilni New* Servlre North Amrrlean Newspaper AV lla nee. flnl Krai
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  • 694 12/13  -  FROM PETER GREGSON ■SIMONSTOWN- AT the end of a small peninsula jutting Into Cape Town's false bav is a naval dockyard that has made the name Simonstown world famous. The Simonstown base Is the focal point of an argument
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  • 157 12/13 The United Nations recently took on a new role but only for a day. About 700 youngsters, the sons and daughters of delegates to the U.N., were involved in making a special children's programme for CBS television. "Acting Assembly President" was actress Shirley MacLaine, Entertainers
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  • 454 12/13  -  From Ikuo Anal FFOKYO The internal combustion A engine face 9 extinction in Japanese cities under a computerised transportation revolution now beinf considered by the government. Long range planners envisage city travel of the future as a combination of moving pedestrian footways, push
    454 words

  • 1023 14  -  Tom Cullen reports on S.J. Perelman, the American humourist A mon cou 9h* without his trousers 2s obviously not at his best. But S. J. Perelman, the expatriate Americon humourist whom J found In this debagyed state, passed it off with great
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  • 558 14  -  By LAWRENCE E. LAMB, M.D. Since so many people have written to m« about peptic ulcers, I am devoting this column to this subject. This it a very common problem. It is no wonder that ao many people have questions. First, let's separate
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  • 524 15  -  By DICK KLEINER J^ENN IS Weaver put his arm around Shelley Winters' ample shoulders. "This is my old flame/' he said. They are two of the three stars the other Is Debbie Reynolds in George Edward's thriller, "What's the Matter With Helen?", now being
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  • 322 15 WHAT is on osfropolis? It is a space station, only not like your average space station. This is a whopper, big enough to house 2,000 people, of all races and nationalties and both sexes. Gary Merrill was giving commands, as the control room window
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  • Page 15 Miscellaneous
    • 224 15 *****onCNS TOD ATI 11 W. 1.43, 4. Ml I.U reter Sellers, Ringo Blari Raqucl Welch. Christopher Let The Mafic Christian" Color CAI'I I OL 2 0 7511' Opens Today! No Free List U aas I.*#, |jt 'The Shsdo* Whip' (A SHAW PRODUCTION I Mandarin in Scope, Color BATURDAY MIDNIGHT at
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    • 193 15 1 QRRANISAT ini\J AT MAY .1 MOO OPENS TODAY! UAM IJM IM Ml lA. 'Tali Ma Tkll Taa Ufl Me lunle Maaa" Color liu Miuualll. Kan Howard 61k WUKI Mm Fraa Ual IMI) a Ikaan Ul I.N M "TOBA 4 lariat Ul IN B M p.m. iSun* Hot* Citra Btoow
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  • 113 16 WASHINGTON The U.S. Supreme Court rule* unconstitutional a Wisconsin law provides for posting up a blacklist o 1 people who are not to be sold alcohol because they are habitual drunkards. The court saip the people named in such lists must have a chance to
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 756 16 aiies 21 RIOHTERS g M c taurus a 9 gemo ca 23 ft /i m issa rs GENERAL TENDENCIES: You have many new good ideas on Just bow to add to your success In health, wealth, attachments ao make plan* for a big campaign and then go straight to thfe
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    • 18 16 a D r*v»h r« 38 y> I it If "What makes me so' on a horse namei Rishul"
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 1107 17 4.55 6.00 6.80 6.35 7.20 7.40 7.55 8.25 9.00 9.30 10.20 CHANNEL 5 Opening Announcements, followed by General Hospital A daytime serial about the staff and the patients of a hospital. Another Song Another Melody (Malay Rpt.) A light musical programme featuring Rahimah Simin. It's Happening In Singapore (Chinese Rpt.)
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  • 404 18  -  Phu Si Honoi, Peking and Moscow, there are strategic os well as political and economic reasons for attempting to dominate the 10 million persons who inhabit the "Rice basket" of Indo-China. But tor the 45 free nations which have already contributed millions to the
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  • 468 18 I WOKE up suddenly. It was dawn ond through the semidarkness of «ny room, my eyes lazily looked out of the window opposite my bed. It was the Fourth ot January the day when school reopened. A feeling yet never known to me was revealed
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  • 123 18 A N almost endless stretch of blue. **Thc water rippling gently on the sea; So saltish but yet 90 cool. Almost as lonely as it's free. I've heard evil tales of the seas, When storms and winds prevail; And bring about the terrible furies. That destroy
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 194 18 ESSAY CONTEST: Rules to observe Hie Eastern Sun's essay writing contest toi boys and girls ot 14 and undet (Junior) and boys and girls over 14 (Senior) appears >n this page from Monday to Friday. Prize money is: SIC lor Senior* and to* I unto to every muv oublisheo All
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  • 321 19  -  THURSDAY FOOD WITH RUTH BAKALAR For most peopl- In most parts of the world (Singapore may qualify as one of the few exceptions to this rale) eating out is a special occasion that calls for special food. Good cooks, in particular, are righteously reluctant to
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  • 209 19 COOKS' POST BOX MRS. R. F. L writes to say that the recipe printed here for Magic Mocha Pudding reminds her of a dessert she used to enjoy as a child Caramel Cobbler. The difference, as she recalls it, was mainly
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  • 413 19 for turkey, nothing lasts so long os ham even in hearty-eating house-holds during the holiday season! That's why every good cook has or should have a repertory of leftover ham recipis she* can draw on, and draw on until the last precious crjtnb of ham
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  • commercial and industrial
    • 217 20 Another spate of strong selling crippled trading in the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore yesterday. Trends are currently undLscernible and have caused unsustalned speculative Interest. Starllte Ceramic took a turn for the worse although it dominated top berth In the most actives. With a volume of
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    • 287 20 February first grade rubber buyers dosed at 5 p.m. in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 481 cents per lb. down cent from the previous close, liie tone of the market was dull. The market eased fur. tlier alter a lower opening a result of the
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    • 72 20 WASHINGTON Pre. Nixon has created a new •uper-group In the White House to coordinate international economic policy and to make sore It fits Into the overall strategy of U.B. foreign policy. The new group, called the Council on International Economic Policy, is to be
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    • 57 20 (Manager Prices for Jan. 21) AMA UNIT TKt BTB M Invest Fund I.XB 1..53 M'ala Prog. 105 l.lOvd < lIAKTFHM) IMI TRIHTM C.O- Fond 1.07 1.11 MNOAPOKK TMT TKI'HTH end f pore 1.90 3rd N'pore 129 Com. Ind I.OS 1.10 Tl>e Oavlng Fund 1.10 1.18 BP. Fund 1.00
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    • 115 20 BONG KONG Yesterday's 5 p.m. currency rates (supplied by Foreign Exchange and Investment Ltd.): (Bayers) (Sellers) 195.60 190.50 per 100 Straits dollars 145.50 147.50 per 1.000 Taiwan dollars 9.73 6.75 per Australian dollai 840 360 oer 1.000 Burmese kyats 490 480 oer 1,000 Indian rupees 149 164 oer
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    • 728 20 BID and offer price* officially listed at the close of business In the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Btock Exchange vesterdav INDUSTRIALS Amu 1.42 AICM 139 L42 Hen Bcrliyi \il 1 14 ltorot« Ln 1.73 IWtuslead C. Plywood C- S«p»r, 1H 205 a 226 C.CM.
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    • 1085 20 BUSINESS done In and reported to the trading rooms of the Btoek Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore with the nnmber of shares traded In bracket* In lots of 1.000 on Its onless otherwise specified INDUSTRIALS Alcan $1.44 (1) $142 (1); Ben $l.OB (8) $lO9 '9) $l.lO (8) $ll2
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    • 80 20 rtlfc nooo price* ot the blneupore Chines* Prodnca Kuliantr rntrrdu wa»:B loconnt OH (f.0.b.) bulk ro.oo l ifd fill I Oil tf.o.b.) drun 62.5# Mflird M. Copra 36.80 fttunton Hhltt Pcppt-i (t.ob.i A£TA 100* N.W.L. 107.00 sarawii While Prppri fl.o-fe.) &C% N.W.L. 187.8# Mrawak spcda. Black Pepper a.o.b W6*
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    • 181 21 A wrist watch available off-the-shelf in Malaysia a ad Singapore will he ■sed by the three astronauts oa the Apoih 14 mbt*oo which lifts off Cs#e Kennedy on J.inu ary SI. This will be the 42nd time that US astronauts have wf Omega Speedmasters Into space.
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    • 416 21 t UIIUVIU L4A <m MMA lift Kppia i nrnnur lu»n I. vitiv pur MM 5»4 Coloau PO tJvu MB* tea Kula IJUt« MM 4 It twl* t™'"AM IV name K Lnnpor I1J« a m MNA m hkitti 1JIMI MS* N> PcrtH 1 p an MM *51 IP CM—
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    • 53 21 SEOUL South Korea will soon sign a contract to borrow 400,000 ton« of rice from the United States this year. Agriculture. Minister Kim Po-Hjrun said yesterday Kim did not disclose other details, but official sources said that the o<*>ce will be settled at US$l46 a ton
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    • 338 21 SYDNCY Market Wednesday staged a solid recovery of the Sydney Stock Exchaitfo. CRA, which lost 70 cents Tuesday, added $l.OO to close at *11.20 yesterday. The recovery nibbed off onto many of the secondary issues and rises were not hard to And. BH South. Cons OoUl. Hamersley
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    • 147 21 TOKYO The Bank of Japan has lowered Ma discount rale from 60§ per cent to 5.75 per cent, a more which ftaaneial abacr nis here beheve was made to discourage Japanese Importers from switching from domestic to foreign banks. The drop in the discount rate, br 0.35
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    • 47 21 TOKYO. A high powered economic mission of 37 Japanese financial leaders has left for Manila on the first leg of its Asian and Australian tour. The men are trying to promote Japan's economic aid and direct investments in Australia and New Zealand.
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    • 84 21 BANGKOK—Economic Affairs Ministry official* said Thailand will send a trade mission to Indonesia, Malaysia and- Singapore, probably in March, to boost slumping rice exports. The government is concerned over the decrease in exports of rice, Thailand's nut in export Last year Thailand exported less than one million
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    • 112 21 NEW YORK The aluminium Industry aet new annual, quarterly and monthly production records in 1970 despite output curbs announced by some producers in the latter part of the year to bring supply in line with demand Production by the nation's 11 primary producers poured a record 3.976.148 tons
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    • 32 21 NEW YORK Dow Jones closing averages on the New York Stock Bxchange: M Industrial. 840 47 M Rails 190.70 iS Utilities 128 39 Storks 181 AS 40 Bonds IQJ7
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 104 21 Classified Ads. SITUATION VACANT Secretary to High Commissioner re* quired. Possess adequate knowledge of shorthand and typing. Apply with particulars to suite 618 -620 Singapore Hilton. FOR SALE A Yamaha 2-70 Out tar wltli nylon strings (with 500 chords). Book given free. Phone Michael NSII or Mr*. Sequent. PHOTOGRAPHY Instant
      104 words

    • 1117 22 CI. 1 I Div. 1 1—9 Furs. ***** 8 05 liT Wee Spencer ***** lalrrnt Tangtlo llrlfbH fly tiy 0 02 807 Joon *♦•844 E Breuk E Breuk M"t03 M 05 1IK Mloxham K Breuk 8v 6 04 E Breuk l\ «l Ivllf A
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    • 246 22 KUALA LUMPUR GLEN LARMONIC and STAR WRIT worked well in a trial here yesterday morning. Gapping on Hie pace from Hie keif mile, th« Tulloh trained pair raced stride tor stride over 3# in 37 4/5. There was little between them at Hie finish. Glen Larmonlc
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    • 157 22 MELBOURNE, Australia Anti-apartheid protestors yesterday dug up sections of three of the Turfed Centre courts at Kooyong Stadium in protest against participation of two South African girls playing in the Victorian Tennis Cham- pionships. The girls, Laura Roussow and Brenda Kirk, will compete In the titles which begin
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    • 255 22 LAS VEGAS, Nevada —Former heavyweight boxing champion Sonny Listen 38, found dead in his home here on January 5, died of natural causes, ClaHt County Coroner Mark' Herman Mid Tuesday. He said the immediate cause was lung congestion. Liston was estimated by pathologists at the
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    • 252 23 AFTER a scoreless first-half. Vigilante Corps put up a splendid roily to trounce Port Authority by four goals to nil in the SGSFL Division One league fixture played at Ferrer Fork last night In the first-half both teams played constructive football with speedy attacks and effective
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    • 93 23 SB HIT. Soccer Division 1 4 A* Guthrie Waugh vsNaafl 0-0. at Jalan Besar Stadium. Division 2 Hong Kong Bank beat S. Darby 3-0, at Geylang. Division 3A MSA 'C Vs. Thorny croft 1-off, at Mala? Football Association ground. Division 3A Singapore Tobacco vs. Ming Court, referee did
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    • 354 23 IN on impressive ond brilliant hockey friendly played at the Podang lest night, Singapore Cricket Club Women's Hockey XI beat the Combined Services Women's XI, by two goals to ml. Although beaten. Combined Services put up a splendid performance against a team that isplayed
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    • 355 23 The Singapore Tdaalmw Board Sports Club and the Toto Pools wafl oof bo competing i* their rcipiilin soccer leagues. The STBSC. hu withdrawn from the Singapore Government Services Football League competition because of acute financial difficulties which has forced the club
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    • 133 23 THE Stacmpor* Ht^ey Association has attracted a rrcord number of trim for the SHA Leafvo and Undcr-tJ eonvUlion. The teams for the league are: SCC; School® A, B and C; Armed Force® A and B; CSC A and B, SCRC; RAF Ch anit; PWD; Police
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  • 139 24 TEL AVIV The Haifa Documentation Centre en Nasi Crimes has offered a B$lM,000 reward for the capture of Dr. Josef ('Angel of Death) Mengele. The latter a Auschw 11 s concentration cany doctor, Is near the top of the list of
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  • 306 24 TOHORE BAHRU Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Dr. Ismail yesterday said a political department should be set up in UMNO to pave the way for "party government." This Is to ensure that every government policy would be the cne determined by the porty. To
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  • 51 24 LONDON The Kremlin is setting the stage lor "De-Khrush-chevlzatlon," a formal return to a hardline strategy In the political. Ideological and economic spheres. Sources disclosed yesterday that It would amount to a partial reStalinization of Russia. The move is to destroy the "poisonous liberalization" initiated by
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  • 183 24 LONDON—Luxury cars, carrier pigeons and private planes have moved Into action as Britain's "postal pirates" counter the nation first all-out mail strike. With an air of improvisation recalling wartime days, patchwork scheme® sprang up across the country to keep letters flowing in Britain
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  • 48 24 W A R S A W—Public transport services in the Baltic Port of Gdansk were disrupted for the second successive day as tramwaymen stopped work yesterday to discuss demands and grievances with the management. sources disclosed. A few bus crew also attended the meeting.
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  • 28 24 Malawi President, Dr. Kamusu Banda, leaves Conference Hall during a lunch break after attending the morning cession on the South African arms sales issue.
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  • 171 24 BONN The wife of a West German church aid official in Guinea has accused the Guinean authorities of beating her husband, Hermann Seibold, to death. Mrs. Seibold had heard reports that Radio Conakry had announced the 'suicide' of a West German, named
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  • 87 24 GLOUCESTER. England Four Royal Air Force Acrobat pilots died yesterday in a stunt that went wrong. They were members of the celebrated Red Arrow Squadron whose close formation antics in the sky have dazzled spectators around the world. The acrident came when two
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  • 24 24 COPENHAGEN Denmark; lowered Its bank rate from nine to eight per cent yesterday The new rate will become effective Immediately.
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  • 31 24 CAIRO Iraq Is withdrawing an estimated 36,000 troops from Jordan. the semi-official newspaper 4 AI Ahram* announced yesterday. The pullback, expected to be completed tomorrow. Is proceeding In secret.
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  • Page 24 Advertisements