Eastern Sun, 20 January 1971

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1 24 Eastern Sun
  • 25 1 EASTERN SUN I V JjfL) singa lore's own national daily 10 cents Estd 1966. Vol 5 No. 1552 Watfaaaday, January 20, 1971 M.C. (P) 2SIO
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  • 813 1  -  Top-secret meeting helps to cool arms sale row By Eastern San staff reporters CONFERENCE sources were split right down the line whether the Commonwealth, or for thot matter the current talks, could be saved. The militont Africans believe, sources say, they hove British
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  • 41 1 LONDON The Beatles ma v not have enough money to pay their taxes. It was alleged la the High Court today. The claim came la aa action by Paul McCartney as part of his bid to dissolve the Beatles.
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 129 1 C«raul Micro Lent Consultant* <The most scientifically advanced modern contact leuseo) ORIENTAL OPTICAL CO. (orroMmiSTS OPTICIANS) B*B. North Bridge Hood Tel: ***** (Opposite Odeon Thutrt) 1«W South Bridge Rood. Tel: ***** 231. Outnun Park lei: ***** Singapore another foundation We assist the development of industry and shoulder part of the
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  • 188 3 Shouting women yesterday staged a lightning demonstration outside the Commonwealth Heads of (Government Conference Hall in shenton Way. Eleven women and a man all screaming for the release of political detainees were arrested by police. The women, who wore white smocks on which slogans calling for
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  • 696 3  -  All-day secret debate (By Derek Ingram, pOR six and a half hours yesterday 31 Commonwealth leaders and Secretary-Generol Arnold Smith, locked in a committee room of the Singapore Conference Hall without officials, threw about their ideas for a solution to the South Africa arms
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  • 129 4 MALACCA Mrs. BtiUu Gorton, wife of the Australian Prime Minister, yesterday presented s S7,tM cheque frost the Anstrsliss srmy to the Malacca flood relief fund. Mrs. Gorton, who flew from Singapore where Mr. Gorton Is sttendinc the Commonwealth Hesds of Government Conference, also tsve
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  • 133 4 Malaysia's worst kit flood-ravaged areas after tke recent disaster wlB sooa kars Its c omm uAlemtlOM stored with tke kelp of two steel Aray bridges gifts frees tke Australian Prlsse Minister. Mr. Joke
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  • 124 4 "Iheie's no hope for a reconciliation." a lorrydriver, Paw Soon Haat. told a Hick Cowl Cdge yesterday wbea MicctMsfully petitioned for a divorce from his wife. Paw. of Havelock Road, told Mr. Justice Kulasekaram that financial troubles beset hint at the outset of his Marriage
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  • 33 4 KUALA LUMPUR —The Magistrate Court yesterday Jailed T. Ramasundram, for a year for housebreaking and theft of two type-writers worth $9OO from the Republic of China consulate In Jalan Ampang.
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  • 151 4 A former relief teacher who hanged himself was not on talking terms with his mother, the Coroner's Court heard yesterday. A long-time friend sa d Brian Wilson. 18. had no financial problems and no enemies. He was always cheerful, although he had a hot-temper. Factory worker. Sharif J
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  • 120 4 Today's Up: pomfrrt which can be bought for only 81.70 a katl. Market prices: BEEF per lb. Staffed Veal $2.40 Rump Steak 2.90 Girello Beef 2.45 Swiss Steak 2.75 Minted Beef 1.60 Skirt Beef 1.75 Calves Tongues 1.70 Calves Liver 3.00 Heart 1.50 OK Tripe 0.80 PORK
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  • 172 4 T'HE Nonyong University's education system could be further modernised, a Nobel Prize physicist said yesterday. He it Prof. Yang Chen-M i n g, the first Chinese Nobel Laureate, and who has been Nantah's External Examiner since 1967. Prof. Yang said the best of
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  • 76 4 Port of Singapore Authority officer, Mr. Suea Tian Hing, will attend a seminar on Ports and Harbour* io Japan next Monday. Mr. Suen, a Senior Traffic Superintendent, is the seventh PSA officer to attend the annual seminar as part of the Japanese Government's Technical Co-operation
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  • 95 4 The Singapore Championship Doe Show will be held at the PSA Recreation Club. Ruk it Chermin. on Saturday at 2 p.m. and Sunday at 9 a.m. Twenty-two breed* of dogs from the Great Dane to the pint-aized Chihuahua will be on show. On Saturday, the show will
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous
    • 113 4 Tke weather kvesa predict* (air weather Mi 7 Yesterday Mas Temp: 86 9 Mte. Temp: 72.7 Rain: NU Total rate to date: 3.03 in. Total rain days to date: 11 days Sunshine yesterday: 7.25 hoars Humidity at 9-34 p.m. M per cent IT^l SINGAPORE TOWN 351 a.m. (S3 ft.); 19.17
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  • 268 5 Year of the Pig New Year in Singapore will not be muted after all by a rigid police ban on firecrackers. The ban imposed after last year's high death toll caused by crockers fire and explosions will be partially lifted. Certain brands of crackers may be let
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  • 39 5 Mr. Turgat Ilkan has been appointed the new ambassador for Turkey in Singapore. He succeeds Mr. Hikmet Hayrl Anli who is appointed the new Ambassador In Bangkok. Mr. Ilkan is married and speaks English and French.
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  • 152 5 KUALA LUMPUR Fears of Alliance disintegration were dispelled yesterday by UMNO Secretary-Gen-eral Senn bin Abdnl aw There was no question of the UMNO, Malaysian Chinese Association and the Malaysian Indian Congress splitting np, he said. He was commenting on a recent speech by the Deputy
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  • 81 5 Lieutenant Commander Brain Braldwood, 33, a diving officer of the Singapore based Far East Fleet Clearar.ce has been awarded a Queen's Commendation Xor brave conduct. The award for his "remarkable Ingenuity and personal courage" In blowing up the 62,600ton tanker ENNERDALE which hit ah uncharted coral off
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  • 65 5 Owing to a strike by some 23f, 00# postal employees in the United Kingdom, all air, surface and parcel mails to U.K. are suspended until further notice, the Postal Service,, Dept here said yesterday. Telegraphic money order services to U.K. are also suspended. However, post ofllce„ here
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  • 335 5 An odd-job labourer wag yesterday sentenced to 6 month's jail to be followed by two years' police supervision for 'fishing' out a pair of trousers. Neo Jok Kee 35. had nine previous convictions dating back to 1954 He pleaded guilty to housebreaking and stealing
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  • 46 5 KUALA LUMPUR The British High Commissioner to Malaysia, Sir Michael Walker, and Lady Walker left for London yesterday after a five-year term here. He will be succeeded by the Deputy Under Secretarv at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office, Sir John Johnston.
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  • 118 5 Japanese violinist Masako Yanajcita arrived here yesterday to keep a date with music lovers in Singapore Sponsor Miss Yanarita who la here at tne Invitation of the Singapore Music Society, will perform at the Victoria Memorial Hall on Friday at MS P-m. She will
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  • 115 5 While her Foreign Secretary husband and British Prime Minister Edward Heath are locked In debate on the controversial 8 o u th Africa arms sales issue, Lad j Douglas-Home spent her morning touring the Generd Hospital yesterday. She and Mr*. Samuel Falle. wile of the British High
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  • 451 6 JJANILA President Morcos soys he will expend his wor against political ond business empires in the Philippines to include oil public utilities ond the mass medio. Varcos' statement was a followup of his fight with the wealthy family of Vice President Fernando Lopez. He
    UPI photo.  -  451 words
  • 322 6 PHNOM PENH The Vietcong, mormg m bekM Cambodian forces edging cautiously into HK Pick Nil Past, early yesterday harassed Hie government bate camp at Sri Khleag 45 miles southwest of PKnom Penh. The governmen spokesman LieutenantColonel Am Rong, said there was no damage In the harassment
    UPI photo.  -  322 words
  • 149 6 PHNOM KNH Cambodian Premier Lon Nol leaves here today for talks M Saigon with South Vietnamese leaders just 18 months after km hosted the official visit here of Hvynh Tan Phat, President of the Vietco *9 Provisional Revolutionary Government (P.R.G.) The visft to
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  • 87 6 lAKAJKTA Indom i|i win step up its ru*. ber exports to tho Soviet Union a* part of its plans to expand trade relations between the two connteles, Trade Minister Dr. initio said yesterday. Dr. Snmitro told reporters that he had disnHMid the matter with the Soviet ana*
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  • 477 7 U Thant confirms he's set to retire NEW YORK United Natl—s Secretary-Gen-eral (J Thant says the O N. la preparing far a possible chaace in the China repreamtalien. Bat, he stack to his pifdiftian that thia anestion -will not be resolved earlier
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  • 259 7 CAIRO Am ttdu*9« of vwlwig pafcn Arabs and limiii •ui brightened proifech for another extension an the Middle East cease lira, sources say. The present ceasefire, the second M-day stand-down, expires on February 5 The sources said Egyptian and Israeli peace contacts through U.N. mediator
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  • 126 7 SEATTLE, Washington Billy Corbett. a karate expert, had to be halted physically from breaking more bricks when it appeared kis hand was braken. He set what is thought to be a new world's record of 2,055 bricks in a fund-raising drive (or artificial
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  • 101 7 KHARTOUM Sndaa fhptoyed eaptan* West Genua mercenary Ml Steiner to reporters yesterda. and said he would be tried for «rt*es against both the ■■Mon and African naity. Steiner was described as "crimmsl hireling lor imperialism.** Foreijm Minister Farouk Abou Issa accused Steiner of training rebels against
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 82 7 25 —■■■< iiniDWiiiiiiiiii 'ft- "W ,-^s V W 'ft! *i& *b A 4} i A. -> 5k 49 IWM! A N t7TH.JMM-MTH.FEB. 1971 (DRAW NOi 5*71-12/71) TOMOKROrS DRAW No: 0/71 (21-1-71) J TO ii $105,000 ro KuniiH with I Numm oowudci (MM 1,111 CASH PRIZES \sim smjoao snpwnsioc 1 6dv**)
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  • 421 8 Tougher tactics, more troops to halt unrest BELFAST Government officials have demanded more British troops and tougher tactics to deal with rioters. An army truck In Belfast was machine-gunned on the sixth consecutive night of Roman Catholic violence LONDON Police are Investigating a threat to kidnap Conservative
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  • 95 8 Young girls sun-bathe while watching traffic jams along the coastal road from Montevideo x to the resort town of Punta del Este. Hundreds of cars waited for hours to pass through police check-points recently during the intensive hunt for the kidnapped British Ambassador, Geoffrey Jackson.
    UPI radiophoto.  -  95 words
  • 224 8 T ON DON Britain's Opposition Labour Porty has endorsed the policies of its leader, Harold Wilson, at a strategy meeting. Sources disclosed there had been no criticism of Wilson personally and none of the way Opposition has been conducted generally over the seven months since Labour
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  • 245 8 ZURICH Twenty-five bodies were still trapped yesterday in the charred fuselage of a Bulgarian Airlines' plane which crashed on the snowy perimeter of Zurich Airport. Thirty-flve people on board were killed. The Sovlet-bullt fourenglned Turboprop was making an Instrument approach In thick fog on
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  • 62 8 ZURICH At least four people have diet! when two suburban trains collided beside Lake Zurich. Officials feared more bodies were still trapped In the wreckage. Ten people were taken to hospital with serious Injuries and a very large number of people were less seriously hurt. One
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  • 132 8 WARSAW Government and Communist Part v officials in Warsaw yesterday studied a list of demands b v ship Krd workers from the Itic port of Gdansk. They were raised i n a recent series of works meetings. During last month's bloody riots in Gdansk over food
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  • 687 10 WITH the Commonwealth and the SingaV P° re summit showing fantastic powers of survival as a result of frequent and massive transfusions of superb statesmanship by dedicated members, the talks will move on today, if Chairman Lee Kuan Yew is successful in his budgeting of time, to discuss
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  • 418 10 ART BUCHWALD 'PHIS is the time of year when those of us in the Crystal Ball business must reveal what our vibrations tell us will happen in 1971. The science of predicting is so exact that last year I was only wrong on one
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    • 169 10 Sir: TT IS heartening to know that the Government has passed the new law compelling employers to engage citizens who have completed National Service. It is a step In the right direction. These young people should be given Jobs, for they deserve such breaks.
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    • 108 10  -  Miss Lim Pek Hong Public Relations Officer, Housing and Development Board. Sir: I REFER to the letter by 'Concerned* (Eastern Sun 13.1.71). The Board has awarded a contract to a lift company for the installation of an additional lift in Blocks 35 and 39,
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    • 107 10 Sir: AS a result of the emergence of a host of new independent nations after the last world war, politicians have given a great deal of thought to the choice of language in the education policies of their respective countries. On this question politicians should gauge
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    • 68 10  -  MOHD. GHANI Sir: AS an avid reader of Singapore's press, I would like to thank the Eastern Sun for Its excellent coverage of the current Commonwealth Heads of Government Conference. Nowhere else has there been such full and stimulating accounts ot the events taking place, and it
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    • 135 10  -  Miss Lim Pek Hong Public Relations Officer, Housing and Development Board. Sir: IKEFEI( to the letter by "Young Miss" (Eastern Sun 11.1.71). The lift in Block 80, Commonwealth Drive, as well as many other lifts, was recently renovated and lined with formica costing more than $l,OOO/.
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  • Page 10 Advertisements
    • 64 10 ror«*icn nrw» «no ie«iur«*» ippriirlni in all 11 inn* «l ihf Ka'tern Sun xno Ibf fun »r* uriitii Knurr* tnllra frett InirrimiloiiHl A I r n c Kninrr froM" Kdltnrt Pre** s>n(ltmlr Nf»*Mprt KnirrprlM *HO. rlHilon PuhlMirn llull H.MiilicHlr In> tnirlei Tlnirf tynrtlrHlr Wenilni \rw» Sfnlff North American Ncwpapct AW
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  • 433 11  -  (From Toshio Kojima "PafiOK **********7294 san. you have a telephone call." This sort of message might become fact some day, especially with the Japanese Government about to switch to code numbering for the 104 million Japanese. Identity numbers are being introduced
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  • 58 11 Salty, a black and white mongrel *****, relied on her lnstlncta and conrafe to travel 272 miles to home. Salty was riven away to a family in Cheboygan, but the dot ran away and turned up 18 days later at the
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  • 379 11 UPI. YOU won't learn where to buy o pound of sugar or a pair of shoes by reading the advertising columns of Saigon three English language daily newspapers. But you may find a wife permanent or temporary. There are no grocery or department ctore
    UPI.  -  379 words

    • 594 12 IT'S been close on a year since Cilia Black last released a single. A year in which she mostly devoted herself to the process of becoming a mum And now that she s releasee! a new record it is. appropriately-enough, the Goffin and King
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    • 537 12 Top dogs in singles chart RECORD REVIEW This is the fifth LP from the group currently in the singles charts with "One Man Band". "THREE DOG NIGHT", "SUITABLE FOR FRA M I N G", "LIVE AT THE FORUM", "IT AINT EASY" and now "NATURALLY" they get better
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    • 108 12 HI THERE! Haven't had a feature on CILLA BLACK for ages now but I guess you'll all know why after vou've read the story. Anyway, hope you like it. Please address all correspondence to Platter Pete c/o Eastern Sun, 23-B, Cantonment Road, Singapore 2. Dear Pete, What's
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 183 12 onoAr\jiSATior\J DEON 2)" 1 HtBBY! HI'KBY! LAST MW DAYS mm. IJ» WKDDINC NKiBT' Color OenoU Waterman C ATH AY -***** LAST DAVI II an 1J» «mi •IV Nwld Al Their t"|' Tk> World Cap Me ilea A Raok Organisation Picture In CO'.OI He boot: lI.M to «nt tea I at
      183 words
    • 227 12 2SSI I- I I> O 57.111J LAST 1 SHOWS! 11 ta, 1.45 A 4 pm Darren UCOITID, St AD Uarrlson Juliet Mill* ft Susan Clark "THE CHALLENGES!)" Color Tonifhl 63* A rift pa No Pree List Peter Seller*. Ringo Starr Raauel Welch. Christopher Let "The Mafic Christian' Co.or C A
      227 words

  • 624 13  -  KONG HEE FATT CHOY IMJLLIONS of Chinese all over the world will welcome the Year of the Pig which foils on January 27. For Singapore this will perhaps be a less noisy Chinese New Year the police ban on firecrackers will
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  • Page 13 Advertisements

  • 335 14 HOUSE cleaning is one af the Most important preparation far Chinese New Tear. Weeks before the big day, families begin to sernb floors, repaint walla, trim gardens and do everything possible to give their homes a new look. On Chinese New Tear Day,
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 40 14 DESIGN FOR LIVING IN CANE H■ < v 5 it: H ;>: |i s A«W I U& t V «*'l.M ti L W 16 Lounge let ipecially designed by Design Studio FOR: HOTELS HOMES OFFICES 9 CAVENAGH ROAD, SINGAPORE, 9. TEL: *****3
      40 words
    • 119 14 aV« 4? *l* *l* <• 4? v *J» 'l* *J* *J* v|« wjW l*J* »J» *J» »J» »J» 'J* *l* yy 'I 111 house of fashion i riidin t? GROUND FLOOR TEL: *****4 t DEPT. OF IMPORTED DRESSES Ist FLOOR TEL: *****3 THE LATEST HAIR-DOS 2nd FLOOR TEL: *****3 FACIAL
      119 words
    • 64 14 RibbeßS BOUTIQUf W 1 H Ct4 J m 4' Hand bi|i Co»fm%« Uwcllof" Accffiot^i Ijilorcrf 24 k«wrt aM*****0 LAU'S ARCADIA •OOM (CtOUNO H J I*M COAST «Oao a. Introducing the jet spray staff of PROFIT-PRODUCING NON-CARBONATED BEVERAGE DISPENSERS GENERATION JET SPRAY COOLER J'.*; IMPORTERS ft EXPORTERS (FROZEN MEATS) MANUFACTURERS' REPS.
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  • 417 15 Chinese New Year special really take their New Year literally. To them, it's an opportunity (or excuse) to spend more money on new clothes, shoes, hair-dos, jewellery, and anything that money can possibly buy. Weeks before the Chinese New Year leading tailors
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 85 15 fi r :•< h 1 ,V- ~o> y feSs .-Xy Sift* V,y Dciign 79 The shoe to start the New Year with rustic tan leather, smart bar chains, bold stitching and perforation. Sizes: 5 10 Design 95 For grown-up little girls Little Lady with smart buckle, frilly trims, high cut
      85 words

  • 124 16 MONTREAL—A student Jumped on stage and swung a punch at Provincial Justice Minister Jerome Choquette while he was speaking to 1.000 student# at Sir George Williams University But the student missed Choquette and was subdued and pulled from the stage by other students The
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 775 16 ai ies 'vtV taurus gemim cancer SsS 1 MM OENERAL TENDENCIES: A beautiful day and evening for you to look Into whatever you do not understand and to ferret out the truth ol any situation as well as the facts that are also a part of such principles. Take action
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    • 13 16 "What do you mean, go home? We came here to get wet didn't
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  • Page 17 Miscellaneous
    • 1111 17 <*** television TV SIIMC3APURA CHANNEL S P.M. 3.00 Opening Announcements, followed by Housewives' Matinee Ecstasy" Part J of a Mandarin film English Subtitles 3.35 For The Family A magazine series presented in Chinese 4.00 A Diary Of Events In Singapore This Week (Chinese). 4.05 Days Of Our Lives A dramatic
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  • 977 18 world is an o hopeless turmoil there is wor everywhere, bloodshed is common ond we dwell in death, wickedness, enmity and spite. Yet there is o strange neoenthe, a respite from all this, and to quaff it one must get away from all fellow
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  • 193 18 OWE day my father decided to take vs to Jureng. We west there by ear. The Journey took ahout half an hoar. We passed by Many factories. My father stopped the ear near m pier. I went to the edge and watched a few ■ten fishing
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  • 321 18  -  By Ele,Walt Dulaney Dear Ele and Walt: I have a gripe. Parents seem to contra* diet themselves. One minute they say, "You're old enough to know right from wrong," and then no sooner do they catch their breath when they exclaim, "You're much too young for that/' I realise
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  • Page 18 Advertisements
    • 200 18 ESSAY CONTEST: Rules to observe 11k Eastern Sw't e*u> wTttiftg contest for boys and girl* of 14 mm 4 m»<i> (Junior! and boys aod gifts ovti 14 (Senior) appear* this pag« from Msaday to Friday Prix* money is: $lO lot Sen ion and Vi> to- luntoM lor every essav published
      200 words

    • 295 19  -  Br Florence de Santis CMi«a which ar a BWRTI win skapaty *m4 IwyflwiiW mme4 MIIICT at both bottom and That's why hats are returning a£ a necessary part of the new fashion look, and why shoes are just as Important aa they
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    • 336 19  -  Br Florence de Santis AIR travel has revolutionised luggage. Sometimes, its effects are negative, as in Hie long hassle that awaits passengers at the end of each flight over retrieving their luggage. As o result, occording to Ventura, leading maker of modern luggage; the soft bog is
      336 words
    • 308 19  -  Ann Landers Dear A aa: My pares ti are warm, simple people of limited H»irhl means. My hasbaufk pareats are well-to-do. The? travel In bi(hsociety circles. Since my folks and my husband's (elks have nothing la comnoa we do not invite them over together. (It
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  • 185 20 Heavy profit-taking robbed excellent opportunities for shares to gain further ground in the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore yesterday. A total of 1,879.500 units crossed the floor with industrials contributing 1,660,000 in fair- ly active conditions. Starlit* Ceramic was still in the limelight with a
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  • 268 20 February first grade rubber buyers closed at 5 p.m. in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 49 J cents per lb. down cent from the previous dote. The tone of the market was easier. The market was very thin and quiet for the morning. P>
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  • 86 20 TUB noon priert at the Slncapore Chlnrtf Produce ncbiDif rntrrdv *>• a CoCODQt Oil Jf-Owb.) balk MM Cvconat ou IfAfc) dru «H.M Mlied M npr* M.M tluntok White N.H.L, 195.99 Ninvik HklK R&^N.UjL* 166.09 Sarawak Hprrta Hlark Prppfi I f.o.h bfi% fc.W.L. 142.3U Sarawak ASTA Hlark Prup« (I o
    86 words
  • 119 20 lIONG KONG yesterday's 6 p.m. currency rates (supplied by Foreign Exchange and Investment Ltd.): (Bayers) (Sellers) 195.50 186.50 per 100 Straits dollars 145.50 147.50 per 1.000 Taiwan dollars 6.73 0.78 per Australian dollar 340 300 oer 1.000 Burmese kyats 460 480 DOT 1.000 Indian rupees 149 104 oer
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  • 585 20 BID and offer price* officially listed at the close of business In the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Stock Rxrhange yesterdav INDUSTRIALS Arm* Air an B«o Bcrjtya Borneo Bo IM trad C. flfitn C- Blftrt C.C.JM C. Wor* C. A c o.ixs. Ounl»t« Ml Eon
    585 words
  • 1353 20 BUSINESS done In and reported to the trading rooms of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore with the number of shares traded In brackets in lots of 1,000 units unless otherwise specified INDUSTRIALS ALCAN $1.47 (5) $146 (3);. Ben $1.07 (5) $1.05 (1); Berjaya $1.28 (1) $1.27
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  • 147 21 Mr. C. C. Waiff, General Manager of the 121-room Hotel Royal al Slniapwet residential area Newton Road, kai appointed Mr. Janssen B. 8. Tan as Personnel Manager of the 18storey hotel scheduled to open on September Ist this year. Mr. Tan Is a Bachelor of Business
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  • 168 21 JAKARTA Indonesia has formally appealed to the United States to abandon plans to release stock C" i of rubber later year. Trade Minister Prof. S li- Mit ro Djojohadikusumo said. The appeal was presented by th e Indonesian ambassador in Washington, Mr. Sndjimoko, to
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  • 516 21 URIVIU IAS Lm M9A lO Kail* IM MBA It J lull U«p« Wx MM (It I01H iMpn U«»a MSA |M rrD u|. lull U»- 11.4a a s> MHA M Jakarta UM Mi MSA 481 *«ct»lag t4Ki P m MSA Ml Rota Uahru Kuala Lumpur Mut uvea iU p
    516 words
  • 58 21 {Manager Price* for Jan 2») ASIA UNIT Till MIS M Invest fund 1.88 1.A.1 M'sla Pro*. IOS l.lUtd I'UAHI KKKIi (Ml IBIHTf f.U. Pdihl I.OS 1.13 bINUAPOKK I'MT TII'VTH end KDorr IdO 3r«l H'poce 111 Con. lad 1.08 1.10 Tie *avtnf land 1.10 1.18 g. r. Pant 1.01
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  • 406 21 SYDNEY Mining and industrial shares followed the patttrn sat on Monday to post widespread falls across the boards on Sydney Stock Exchange yesterday. However, with the lightened selling many heavyweights managed to remain steady. Meekatharra slumped 23 cents to 87 cents In one of Its worst
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  • Page 21 Advertisements
    • 383 21 Sale* ft Service Television Radio KKOIFrUHIOM TKLfc\|MON KfcMAU) HIP. A CABU Complete ranee to «oH •mroDt Mowruom*. Cleineooran tftno* Ml. rr«)Di«n Park compia irint floor) Tkll mwt Jon Clii iM Oirpovatlon l)rlv« (Juron* lowo) 4/*° lutli Lumpoi Petailng J«r» Ipon. ""•St.* Hutterwurtb KBUItPIHION ■KPAIRM ANY MA lift OF EL Phone
      383 words

  • 1137 22 a. i Div. 2 9 F. ***** FurodoH.ir 4y 9 00 Joon F Rreuk ***** sunrct Mint n 5y 8 08 XL Chong Mnmor •0457 lorifl-Mr NII| HI 4y II 08 FIT Wee r«-• Spenrer 20(1 (M) SDrnhmakfr 6v 807 Jumsri Miiruior ***** Movie
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  • 537 22 KUALA LUMPUR Trainer Mickey Donnelly's pair LITTLE MISTER and NO COMPROMISE did a splendid gallop here yesterday morning when they raced stride for stride over 3f in 37 on a good track. LITTLE MESTER, with Chiam Toon Soon up, was galloping better •t the finish.
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  • 184 22 MELBOURNE The Lawn Tennis Association of Australia is considering putting its current Davis Cup squad under a three-year contract to stem the flow of top players into the profes- sional ranks. The latest move In the world-wide tug of war between
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  • 113 23 ESSEN For the past year Helps Nlessen of Essen, tennis champion of the Federal Republic of Germany, has taken to beatinf world aces such as BiUie-Jean Moffltt and Rosemary Casals of the United States and Kerry Melville and Judy Tegart of Australia,
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  • 229 23 IT was a friendly and yet bruising bottle between RNZIR 'B' Coy., Light-weights end the Singapore Cricket Club Colts, when they pitcFed their strength in a rugger friendly at the Padang yesterday. The Kiwis won the match by 28-3 (live tries, one penalty and two goals
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  • 112 23 BRISBANE, Bad light ■topped South Australia from scoring an outright victory over Queensland In a Sheffield Shield Cricket match at the Brisbane Cricket Ground jesterday. Queensland scored 123 for 7 In their second innings before rain stopped play, half an hour later. South
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  • 286 23 MELBOURNE MCC's injury worries eased here yesterday at fast bowlers Bob Willis and Ken Shuttfeworth had successful workouts in the Melbourn# Cricket Ground nets. There was also better news of Basil D*ollvelra, confined to bed for the last two days with chest congestion, and It now
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  • 25 23 The Sine*DOTe Recreation Club beat Ceylon Sport* Club, br I goala to 1. In friendly hockey fixture played at the P*dang yeaterday.
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  • 513 23 A column on American sports by Ed Fite FORT WORTH, Tex Bobby Bragan, who used to manipulate pitchers and players as o catcher and major league manager, is still in the manipulating business, trying to solve a dilemma involving the Texas and Southern Baseball Leagues.
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  • 177 23 MELBOURNE Australian Test fast bowler Alan Connolly ainoneed his retirement fro si cricket here yesterday. The 31 -year-old Connolly was dropped from the Australian team following the fourth Test against England at Sydney last week. He said yesterday: "Playing Test and Sheffield Shield cricket clashes with man.
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  • 104 23 OTSPL Soccer: Dlv 1 Vlnt lont« Corp vs. Port Authority Farrer Park. T.T.S H. n. Polic* Police Academy. Dlv. 2B Special Constat*, v* S'pore Wire Brigade Farrer Perk. All matchef will be played at 8 p.m. SBHFL Soccer: Dlv. I: Guthrie Waugh "A" va Naafl J Beaar Otv. 2:
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  • 126 24 BAN PKAJVCIBCO A black tide of eil drifted across Baa Francisco Ba v yesterday, threatening waterfront c o mai ualtics IfUiai a aiajor battle acakaM oil pollatioa from two tankers Am estimated two milUoa ralloßs of fad oil had spewed into the
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  • 76 24 NEW YORK A rabbi has been arraigned in U.S. District Court in Brooklyn and charged with using rent-a-car privileges to steal 10 vehicles in the past 10 years. Rabbi Simon Piekarsky. a leader of the ultra-orthodox Hassidic Sect, was accused of renting the cars
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  • 255 24 T ON DON An oil price tussle between producing and consuming countries tfiet threatens supplies for Europe and Japan appears Heoded for an early showdown. An unprecedented lineup of the world's great oil companies is facing the 10-nation Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries
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  • 47 24 Men of the Singapore Armed Forces (above) smartly lower the flags of the SI Commonwealth countries at sunset yesterday. It will be a daily routine for them until the 10-day conference conrludeg on Friday. The flags are hoisted every morning at 8.00 a.m.
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  • 102 24 LONDON The Government stepped into a dispute between pott office workers and their employers yesterday. However, it probably is too late to avoid a strike today. Employment Minister Robert Carr called separate meetings with both sides to avoid the walkout by 23,000 post office
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  • 35 24 WASHINGTON The U.S. tuna war with Latin American nations flared up again yesterday after America's suspension of arms sales to Ecuador on Monday. The latter had seized and fired U.S. fishing vessels.
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