Eastern Sun, 11 January 1971

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1 20 Eastern Sun
  • 21 1 EASTERN SUN rttiganore's own national taiiv 10 cents End 1966. Vol. S No. 1544 Monday, January 11, 1971 M.C. (P) 2510
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  • Article, Illustration
    313 1 Commonwealth conference r OMMONWEALTH leaders began to arrive last night for the Heads of Government Conference starting Thursday. The first arrivals were three Prime Ministers from Western Samoa, Tongs and Ceylon, a Defence Minister from Fiji and a Vice-President from Kenya, Tight security measures were taken and
    Sunpix by William Ng.  -  313 words
  • 81 1 LONDON British Foreign Secretary Sir Alee Douglas Home said he still plans to attend the conference of Common wealth Prime Ministers open, tag In Singapore on Thursday despite the kidnapping In Uruguay of British Ambassador Mr. Geoffrey Jackson. He said Foreign Office advisers accompanying him
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  • 44 1 BUENOS AIRES Top Italian race driver Ignazlo Oluntl died from bums received when his Ferrari crashed into another car during the Buenos Aires Grand Prix yesterday. Officials at Fernandez Hospital announced at 11.30 a m that the driving ace w&s dead*
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 30 1 CLOV N As a tree with deep roots can grow sturdy and strong! ComramUl Ranking Corporation |iib. HmmlOMow IN MoMmwi UNA >N*IMr«. Tmk NM7I UNM) ■iwwlni 748, Hav*lo«ti RNA Mipapßf.
      30 words

  • 337 2 KEEP CALM' CALL BY RAZAK: If UALA LUMPUR Prime Minister Tun Abdnl Rozok yeeterdoy urged Hie people to remain colm and "tike oil necessary precautions ogoinvt the impending storms. Heavy rain and strong winds are expected to hit the East Coast within the next
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  • Article, Illustration
    77 2 "Operation Cover Up" continues In fall swing here dally as Commonwealth Heads of Government Conference approaches. Not even drains are spared In the all-ont drive to create an "instant garden" In varloos places In Singapore. In Orchard Road, flowers and I slants line the road and drains. However,
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  • 80 2 KIT AI. A LUMPUR Mass vaccination against cholera and tjphoid had been started in states affected by the floods In West Malaysia. Medical teams and medicine had also been sent to areas which were seriously hit by the floods, especially the east coast states. The Director of
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  • 72 2 An exhibition of basreliefs in cspper, bronze, tin and aluminium by Mr. Yan Sook Leone was opened last week at the Raffles Place Gallery of Fine Arts by the British High Commissioner, Mr. Samuel Falle. Mr. and Mrs. Falle (above) admire one of the exhibits
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  • 147 2 CANBERRA Australian Prime Minister John Gorton, will leave Sydney tomorrow for the Commonwealth Prime Ministers' Conference due to begin in Singapore on Thursday. The permanent head of his department. Sir Lenox Hewitt, has left to take part in customnr T advance discussions at the official
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  • 41 2 KUALA LUMPUR There will be demonstration* of Tae-Kwon-Do. the Korean art of self-defence, at the Olympic Games In Munich next year, the Director of Competition for the Asian TaeKw o n-Do Federation, Mr. Lee Byung Moo, ha* announced.
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  • Page 2 Miscellaneous
    • 100 2 Around town 10.00 a m. to 6.00 p.tn. Art Exhibition by artist Yam Sook Leon* ii;il M i I I Ll^-1 The vetncr m predict* fair t d f YESTOLDAY SINGAPORE TOWN 4.23 a.m. <5-2 I 4.); 10.05 a.m. (9.4 ft);*-l3 p.m. (0.1 ft.) TOMORROW SINGAPORE TOWN 12 12.13 a.m.
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    • 64 2 at the Gallery of Fine Art. Raffles Place. 10 0« am to IJO p.m. Stamp Exhibition by National Library and Singapore Philatelic Society at Lecture Hall. National Library. SJ9 p.m. Official opentag at aa exhibition off Ghtaeee paintings by Mr. Wee Moa Cbea*. Chairman off the C—mltUi at Singapore Chtaeee
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    • 38 2 Toto draw Sanda T Tot* draw:IS. 32, 1, 39, 35, and additional amber 40 Circle draw:— 17, 25. 18 AMY By Jack "fippftt is U9 fill m W m 0 w ra^, <w$fr "Okay. Roaer. I'm ready...BURN RUBBER!"
      38 words

  • 328 3 Police yesterday arrested a man believed to be responsible for a knife attack on two persons one of whom was admitted to hospital. The man, who will be charged in court today, was seen chasing another man while armed with a knife at
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  • 137 3 JOHORE BAH R U Most schools in the whole of Johore are still closed, the Chief Education Officer, Mr. S. K. Navagam, said yesterday. Twenty-three schools are partially damaged and one in the district of Segamat was completely destroyed, he added. In statement, Mr. Nayagam said
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  • 291 3 jQULTURE is not and should not be the monopoly off the government, the M.P. ffor Wham poo, Dr. Augustine Tan said lost night. "The degree of Government participation in economic and cultural life depends also on the stage of development of the country/' he
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  • 247 3 Laughter an unknown sound at this hill Laughter is an unknown sound amongst the 140 homeless and aged paupers on Dragon Lotus Hill at Marsiling Road. Not tvrn whrn idealistic young mrn and women visit tbrm with food parcels and "ang po»s' for distribution. That was the tragic sight that
    Sunpix by Frank Ong.  -  247 words
  • 118 3 KUALA LUMPUR Train services from Butterworth to Singapore will be restored by Monday night, the Malayan Railway administration announced here yesterday. A railway spokesman said that the Kuala Lumpur-Singapore train for second and third class passengers would leave here at 8.13 p.m. and the first and second
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 69 3 When the weather is sultry, all forms of favor w ll come. Three Legs Brand RHINO HORN FEVER WATER is good for relief of all fevers and also as a cure for baby's measles and pox m r I ft r WEN KEN DRUG COMPANY LIMITED Head Office Branch 3D
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  • 285 4 JERUSALEM United Nations' special envoy for Middle East, Dr.Gunnar Jarring, flew back to New York yesterday after two days of talks with Israeli leaders. He had earlier met Prime Minister Golda Meir and Foreign Minister Abba Eban twice. The official communique after the
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  • 58 4 DURBAN The South \frican Medical and Dental Association wiU hold its annual meeting this year at sea. Thig is to avoid embarrassment to overseas rlsitors by apartheid regulations. The association has chartered a liner (or ths 1-day conference (rom March 4 Th« trip will cost
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  • 52 4 The British Government's immigration tribunal has recommended that former revolutionary German student leader, Rudl Dutschke, be deported. He has been tn Britain for two years studying and recovering from gunshot wounds received in 1968. Here, he leaves Thanet House with his American-born wife (left) and his lawyer.-*
    UPI radiophoto.  -  52 words
  • 272 4 NEW YORK The Begum A*a Khan, Brltlshhorn wife of the Muslim spiritual leader, ranks as the 'World's Best-Dressed Woman/ on the annual list announced yesterday. The list of the 24 most fashionable men and women on last year's international scene ts annually com6 lied
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  • 103 4 LAGOS Muslims prddliag pep pills on tho annual pilcrimate to Mecca are posing a problem for Nigerian authorities. A government a n nounceroent has warned that anyone caught smuggling dex amphetamine tablets into Saudi Arabia on this year's trip would be "ruthlessly" dealt with. All known
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  • 202 4 LONDON The actor's union. Equity, has asked film producers to agree to a strict set of rules to Jrotect actors and acrcsscs who appear in Alms which contain nudity and simulated sex acts. The move follows an official Inquiry by Equity Into
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  • 114 4 MOSCOW Harassment of U.S. diplomats in Moscow has continued in a mounting campaign of retaliation against anti-Soviet incidents in America. Two diplomats who left their cars outside one of Moscow's leading hotels near Red Square returned to find them vandalised. The windscreen of one had been
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  • 63 4 BELFAST, North Ireland Two young men have been grabbed by a gang, tied to lamp posts with ropes and then tarred and feathered. A statement purporting to come from the outlawed Irish Republican Army (IRA) explained that the action was the sentence of an IRA court
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  • 294 5 DELHI Britain's Commonwealth immigration demonstrates Britain's total rejection of any system that discriminates between its people on the basis of race, colour or creed. Prime Minister Edward Heath said yesterday. At luncheon riven by Indian Prime Indira Clandhi on the second day of his three-day
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  • 103 5 NEW DELHI Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau ended his first day In India Saturday with a moonlight sight of the Taj Mahal, the world famous monument to love built by the Moghul Emperor Shah Jehan In the 17th century. The Premier spent 65 minutes silently strolling
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  • 50 5 JAKARTA Floods are still threatening various regions in eastern Atjeh, North Sumatra, following heavy rains during the past weeks. Latest report said three persons drowned and Ave others were missing. The reports also said 20,000 persons were evacuated from their homes when floodwaters rose more than «hree |MU
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  • 157 5 BANGKOK Thai Communist guerrillas ambushed and killed o policeman and two villagers in southern Pattholung province, police sources soid yesterday. The policeman and villagers were travelling Saturday on a motor, cycle on their way to a border patrol police post near the provincial capital. 740
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  • 107 5 NEW DELHI Police rounded up 350 persons in Srinagar and the Kashmir valley until Saturday afternoon following the ban on Kashmiri political leader Sheikh Abdullah from entering Kashmir. The All India Radio said most of those arrested belonged to the Plebiscite Front which favours a referendum
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  • 61 5 BHUBANESWAR, India, —The Chief Minister of India's eastern state of Orissa resigned yesterday and asked the Governor to dissolve the State legislative Assembly. Chief Minister R. N. Singh Deo. who headed a two-party coalition government formed after the 1967 general elections, also recommended that elections be held for
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  • 52 5 SAIGON Government troops discovered a Vietcong arms cache 36 miles northwest of Saigon containing scores of weapons and 20 tons of ammunition, the South Vietnamese Military Command reported yesterday. The cache held 29 crew-served weapons, 88 individual weapons, sighting gear for a number of mortnrs and machine guns
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 84 5 I w i-y /it |p >. ■0 yy.< M jurtvumy •Fly with us and relax the way sba doai. *4 flights waakly from Singapore to Saigon, with dependable Boaing 727, In good Vietnamese hinds. •Convenient onward journays, also by Boeing 727* to Manila, Hongkong, Taipei, Osaka, Tokyo V Phnom Panh,
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  • 481 6 Killed by own gun after shooting man BLUE CREEK, West Virginia A retired teacher broke into the State Police Headquarters and shot a trooper, seriously wounding him. The former, Clifford Myers, 64, was later shot and killed by his own pistol, during a subsequent scuffle. A blood
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  • 204 6 New Jersey A single-engine plane has collided with on American Airline's Boeing 707 jet over New Jersey. The crash in a residential area killed both men aboard. None of the 14 passengers or seven crew aboard the Boeing was reported hurt and the aircraft made
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  • 74 6 WASHINGTON A geologist na« worked out a set of "recurrence curves" that suggests another great earthquake may occur along CaP.fornlas San Andreas fault In the next three or four decades. He made it clear, however, that his figure for time intervals between quakes "should be
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  • Article, Illustration
    55 6 Modern sea monster moves, picks up objects and sends pictures from depths of 3,300 feet below ocean's surface. RUM (Remote Underwater Manipulator) was designed and built by engineers at Scripps Institution of Oceanography in San Diego, California. It currently Is making tracks along the sea bottom in
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  • 133 6 LOS ANGELES—More than 2,000 MexicanAmericans massed in front of th e city's police headquarters on Saturday in a demonstration. It later erupted into a brick and bottle-throwing melee and a windowsmashing rampage down the city's main shopping street. More than 30 persons were arrested
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  • 240 6 By air mail literally DETROIT Nearly 1,000 air mail letters from Michigan servicemen in Vietnam to their families are back in the postal system, thanks to an alert motorist who spotted them on Saturday blowing along a section of a freeway. Two Wayne Country Sheriffs'
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  • 60 6 CURITIBA. Brazil At least 22 people have died and some 30,000 have been made homeless by nine days of torrential rains in the South and East of Parana State. Four counties along its southern border with Santa Catarina State and on# county north of
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  • 83 6 WASHINGTON President Nixon's elder daughter, Tricia, is to marry Harvard University law student Edward Finch Cox on June 14, the 'Washington Star' newspaper has claimed. The article, signed by the Star's contribu 4 or Betty Beale. reported that the White House preferred at the
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  • 377 7 Reuter. BRIDGETOWN, Barbados Passengers and crew from the wrecked French liner Antilles hove left Barbados for home, some of them clutching life jackets instead of baggage. The jackets, autographed by crew f the British liner Queen Elizabeth 2, were their souvenirs of a
    Reuter.; UPI radiophoto.; UPI radiophoto.  -  377 words
  • 94 7 KUALA LUMPUR The leader writer for the Utusan Melayu group, Enche Abdul Rahman Rahim, died in the General Hospital here early yesterday morning. Enche Abdul Rahman. 66, leaves widow and nine children. He was admitted to the hospital on Saturday because of asthma and a
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  • 175 7 BRIDGETOWN Captain Mortimier Hehlr, second in cum in and of the Queen Elisabeth 11. y enter described bis big rescue ope ratios for Mirvivor* from the itrUJieD Antilles. Hehlr, from Southampton, staff captain of the QE2. said they received the Antilles SOS when
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  • 597 8 rpODAY's talks in New Delhi between Indian Prime Minister Indira Gandhi, British Prime Minister Edward Heath and Canadian Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau are important. If Mrs. Gandhi is convinced that her presence will be important to the Singapore Commonwealth Conference, she may decide to come, if
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  • 453 8 The ART BUCHWALD column LOT of things were soid in 1970 that people wish they could take beck. How would you feel if you were the person who said: To Walter Hickel, "Well, if you feel that strongly about it, why don't you write the President
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  • LETTERS to the editor
    • 271 8 Sir: WHEN will the people who oppose the Singapore Government wake up to the facts of life? Singapore la an Independent country. A country with its future to shape, with Its economic problems to solve and Its people to house. Singapore even has
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    • 45 8 Slßj AFTER reading the Eastern Sun for quite some time, I find your Student's Page is receiving good response from students at various schools But I thin it It would be more interesting if you Introduced a column for correspondence. SiLDLNT
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    • 127 8 I think it's about time something was done to train or replace Radio Singapore's new readers and announcers. With the exception of one or two. they know next to nothing about phonetics. Their pronounciation and word emphasis are atrocious. We don't expect Richard Burtons or
      127 words
    • 180 8 Sir: FkECENT residents of Block 80 Common* wealth Drive are sick of the nauseating smell as one enteife a lift fall of urine. The one and only service lift serving the 10-storey block is filled daily with the unhealthy stench »of urine, the flow of
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 60 8 ror run nrw> ana In. tare* appriirtn* In ill edition* ut tbr ttattrrn Sun unci Ihr MUD art from Krutrn. Lnltra international Air ore Pranrr Prr*w Kdlton Prw* svndirate Nrwa»H»i Knlrrprll* elation I'lihlKhrrt Hall indicate l.n» Ancrle* Tlntr* Syndicate (Jeinl ni Nr»> Sfrviif North American Nrw«papet Al--11 finer Hr»t l-ratarr*
      60 words

  • 608 9  -  By PETER WATSON A ntv fOM cofled Blocks am 4 Whitet bundled In (he United States aims to tsoch sMlw hmm it M to bo Mock. This bufit-ia inequality of number* ronabiiml with other roles inn the game ■tacked acainst "blackplayers—nui
    608 words
  • 539 9  -  LAWRENCE E. LAMB, M.D. Dear Doctor I've heard that isometric exercises are good for you. What are isometric exercises? Are they good for the heart? Dear Reader Isanutrtc exercise* are thoae that i»volve tenting a muscle without moving it Aa an example, held out your
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  • 445 10/11 Looking like a flant cannon, the telescope aft D 4 the Burakan Astrophysical Observatory near Yerevan In Russia points its lenses to the skies. Yerevan is in Soviet Armenia. UP1 UPI photo. Holding hands, President Chiang Kai Shek and his wife review top government officials, military leaders and
    UPI photo.; UPI photo.  -  445 words

  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1043 12 <**> teferian <> -1 o [cf'Jz i 11 m Wx mm CHANNEL 5 ■y,.y*FX< Opening Announcements, followed by General Hospital—A daytime serial about the staff and the patients of a hospital Indian Classical Dance (Repeat) A Diary Of Events In Singapore This Week (Tamil) Ifs Haooenino In SinoaDore (Tamil —Repeat)
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  • 581 13  -  Adam West to star in new film Holy comeback—as the Boy Wonder would say By DICK KLEINER OH, where hove you been, Batman? "Hunting grouse," soys Adorn West, alias Batman. Three years is a long time to spend hunting grouse but time has been hanging
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  • 439 13  -  By VERNON SCOTT. HOLLYWOOD Incredible as it may appear, a single film may be responsible for Hollywood motion pictures turning the corner in the 1970s away from vulgarity, poor taste and outdated formulae. The title 1* "Love Story." Its director is
    439 words
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 215 13 F7SHAWI I. I I) O 57.1 11 1 I Now Showing!—No Pre* U*t 11 if, Ml. 1.11 "TUB SHADOW WHIP (A SHAW PRODUCTION) Mandarin in Be ope Coioi NEXT CHANOE! Harold Robblns' "Stiletto" Alea Cord. Britt Ekiand In Color (AVOO-FOX 1 A I' I TX»I !2»7SH Now Showing No Fr«
      215 words
    • 118 13 rrcmri I □PGANISATIQWJ OrJEOKJ .> 1H« 1 NOW MOWINOI U I-M iN Ml A IJI -WIODINO NIQBT" Oolor DennU WllHßll Thm wr»u OOUINOI "Tta W»rM At TMf VmT Tk» WwM Ci| MIIIM II A Rank Ori»nU*Uoo ORCHARD CATHAY H M(Hi ODION• Kolonq RUBY mi RECORD BANZAI! BANZAITMNZAT! (Kvv'4) ocvr-o THE
      118 words

  • Article, Illustration
    377 14 IT wu the most unfortunate thin* for mc the day 1 went to my primary school. It vu the day when everything seemed to go wild and giddy. I cried I or my mum, had a fight with some boys and was scolded by the headmistress, the most shameful
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  • Article, Illustration
    735 14 Singopore hos to pay on exhorbitont price for her urbanisation. The fierce competition in our society and the pollution of our environment colls for huge expenditure on the public sector. If the public health is to be maintained at desirable standards, great care and attention should
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  • 531 14  -  DATELINE By He Walt Dulaney DEAR El e and Walt: Next week I'M having my boyfriend and two other couples for dinner at my house. The girls hav« already asked me if they could help and I'm debating that in my mind. I'm also
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 184 14 ESSAY CONTEST: Rales to observe The Eastern Sm'i essay writing contest for boys and girls of 14 and under (Junior) and boys and girla over 14 (Senior) appears in this page from Monday to Friday. Prlxe money Is: $lO for Senior* and $5 tar (union tor every essev published Alt
      184 words

  • 418 15  -  »r Florence de Santis There's no corner of Hie clothes world left untouched these doys by foshion trends, and perhaps nowhere else is the effect stronger than on robe designing. Those shy companions of boudoir and breakfast table, the "housecoat" and the "duster," have
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  • 499 15  -  Ann Landers Dear Ann: My problem Is too hot to handle because of the size of this town and the prominence of the person Involved. A very fine woman (Mrs. A) whom I've known for many years, has been stealing things out of the homes of
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  • 144 16 TOKYO A Japanese seaman who was (reed by Communist China Friday after 17 months detention on a spy charge has arrived from Hong Kong. Masato Saito. 48. ol Saitama orcfccture. north of Tokyo, an interpreter aboard a Japanese freighter, was arrested in Tientsin Port east of
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  • Page 16 Miscellaneous
    • 800 16 aiies laurus gemm cancer cLs&SI GENERAL TENDENCIES: A wonderful day and evening for doing daily chorea which have to do with home, family, property and possessions. You will soon realise that you can get the goodwill of those in high position to aid you and help put your affairs on
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    • 19 16 LADIES DAY "You can drop the stomach! If she was going to look back she'd have done it by
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  • 457 17 Everybody knows the market has gained its life-blood again when the year resumed on a strong note last week. The remarkable start ushered a continuous flow of buyers until the Malaysian flood disaster dampened market conditions slightly. Coupled with the Ibo re factor, small profit
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  • 512 17 AKKI\ \I I.45 am M>4 lU.Knii Lumpur ).Wi.m MSA .180 Colombo. k LUuipar. 7 30 a m M> A ri3 Kuala Luuipur. t.Ma-Ol M>A 458 Kuala Lumpur. II.or. a m. MSA «A4 Crnang. K u.i lu Lumpur. ll.AOam «4»3 Jakarta. 1-30 p.aa MSA <51 tiucbtol. t-O&pjD. MSA 041
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  • 96 17 A consignment of 75,000 pairs of Singapore-made men's underwear left on the Scanservlce vessel •Japan' for Sweden on FMday, The garment export will consist essential of men's vests and coloured briefB which are manufactured by Raya Mills Corporation, a joint venture between the Economic Development Board and businessmen
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  • 603 17  -  Asia review »y JOSEPH MA HONG KONG For Asia 1971 may be a year of eaatlon with the anticipated lowering of clouds from the United States and Britain. For Japan. Taiwan. South Korea. Hong Kong and other Asian nations, the big question Is how
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  • 117 17 LA PAZ Bolivia. the world'# second largest tin producer, has opened Its first tin foundry which has been built with West Oerman capital. Up to now the country has had to send the metal abroad far processing, but President Juan Torres, who opened the foundry at Vtnto,
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 73 17 Classified Ad. KKltll rVNOM TltLL\ IMON KkNI ALM H.P m CASH Complete nnit iw rail «m)oaf SbuvruouMi Ctrmi-nrraa tfrnni MS. Tropin Park Cwi»ln (Vlr»« floor) I natal la l loa Pboor MOll P.O. Boa MS Slßtapora. NOTICE BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST AND SWINGS ASSOCIATION 31, RAFFLES PLACE. SINGAPORE L
      73 words

  • 2239 18 SAXONY, o Bogan Road four-yeor old, finally opened winning occount after three pieced storts when he scored > n the Closs Three Division One race over the mile at Bukit TimoJi here yesterdoy. With Johnny Wilson astride, Saxony paid $23 for a win. It was the
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 42 18 Ist Prize No: *****5 ($4,703) 2nd Prise No: *****9 ($1,343) 3rd Prise No: *****2 671) Starters ($l5O each) Nos: *****6 *****9 *****9 *****0 *****9 *****3 *****9 *****6 *****1 Consolations ($lOO each) Nos: *****2 *****3 *****0 *****3 *****6 *****6 *****8 *****0 *****9 *****9
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  • 214 19 LOS AN GELEg American Mb; Greenwood came from out of the pack to snatch three-stroke third rood lead In the *****.0 M Los Angeles 'Open folf championship here yestevday. Spurred on by an eagle three at the ninth hole, Greenwood carded
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  • 259 19 SEAP Game* raprasenhHve A. Kjniun •merged at winner in the 11 -mile big walk held at Jurong yesterday. Kannan had to tight hard to ward off the atlff challenge by the Pesta Sukan big walk winner Vlader Sengol who had to be content
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    • 186 19 CAPE TOWN Virginia Wade of Britain won the women's singles title and South African Bob Hewitt took the men's crown in the Western Province tennis championships here Friday. BUENOS AIRES. Jackie Oliver of Britain and Pedro Rodlguez of Mexico Friday earned the pole position in 1.000
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  • 122 19 SIDNEY Dropped catches by England •elderg saved Australia from a desperate situation on tka second day of the fourth Test at the Sydney Cricket Ground yesterday. Lan Redpath and Doua Walters both survived straightforward chances before steering Australia out of trouble
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  • 461 19 WASHINGTON, The U.S. Supreme Court may announce e decision today that could determine whether Catsius (Muhammad Ala) Gay must abandon his campaign to regain the world heavyweight boxing championship. An adverse ruling would probably place the ex-champion behind bars to begin serving
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  • 246 20 Arabs to head off GuerrillaArmy clashes in Jordan BEIRUT Arab diplomatic moves were under way to prevent any repetitions of last September's fierce clashes between Jordanian troops and Palestinian guerrillas. Following reports of fresh fighting Syria warned King Hussein's troops late last night against continuing attacks on guerrilla bases and
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  • 186 20 MONTEVIDEO, Uruguay Troops and police kept up a massive hunt for kidnapped British ambassador Geoffrey Jackson but no word has come from the Tupamaros Urban Guerrillas who abducted him on Friday. Government officials expected the leftwlng guerrillas, who murdered kidnapped U.S. AID official Daniel Mltrlone
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  • 313 20 A seriously injured Indonesian soil or MoHamed Mochnasis Karaso, 29, was airlifted to the Outram General Hospital by on RAF helicopter yesterdoy. The helicopter from the Search and Res. cue, 103 Squadron based at Changl made a 20-mile mercy dash to airlift the victim
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  • Page 20 Advertisements
    • 148 20 T4X4I rrx-pj the Air Defence Command More and more Intelligent and ntl«n turous young man with initiative end a high degree pf physical fnnew are rev ponding to this challenge Those who have joined the SAF at pilot trainee* are conftdent of graduating at pilots, proud to be among the
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