Eastern Sun, 3 January 1971

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1 24 Eastern Sun
  • 18 1 THE SUN Filial edition Price 10 eent» Vol. 1 No. 42 Sunday. 3 January 1971. MC (P) 2509
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  • 79 1 Dr. Benjamin Sheares, 63, was Saturday sworn In as President of Singapore. The oath of the office of President was administered by the Chief Justice, Mr. Wee Chong Jin, at a ceremony in the Istana. The Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, Cabinet Ministers,
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  • 324 1 f pRIPOLI Libya All 26 people aboard an Egyptian Comet airliner died when it crashed into mountainous desert near Tripoli airport yesterday, the official Libyan news agency reported. A trainee pilot and two hoitesses were among the sevenman crew. Two aircraft guards were
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  • 141 1 PARIS Two French Army alpine companies began carrying backpacks of supplies to isolated larms and villages near Montellmar and Valence In the Rhon« valley In southern France, hardest, hit by snow and low temperatures. In Lyon in the Rhone valley and ClermontFerrand in Auvergne
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  • 72 1 KUALA LUMPUR Troops have been deployed to evacuate people in certain floodstricken areas, as continuous rain further deteriorated the situation in the east const, claiming another life yesterday. The death toll until late this evening was 13. According to the Flood Operations Room in Temerloh
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    • 130 1 SHELL PENNZOIL LUKKICATION BKHVICB. PETROL UIEBU CAM KKPAIHkHS. PAINTING UPHOLBT»SK¥. FONG MANSOR HO Km mat Ko*4L Singapore Tel: *****#. Three kinds of Power: AC, batteries, rechargeable power pack. Three kinds of Fun: AM, FM, cassette* a» x -*zr The Sanyo MR-41 IF can run on AC current at tiome. On
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  • 362 2 SAVING COMMONWEALTH rVITAWA Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau has evolved a "basis for compromise" in the controversial British arms sale to South Africa, official sources soy. The proposed arms sale, It has besn feared, will wreck the Commonwealth ivhen the heads of government meet in Singapore
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  • 210 2 33 counts also withdrawn Thirty-Hire* cbargca alleging Hist ea-teacher Mervyn Pereira, 39, outraged Hie modesty of 37 schoolgirls, were Saturday withdrawn by the prosecution. The Deputy Public Prosecutor, Mr. George Sandosham. asked the Third District Court to discharge him on the 33 charges. The reason for
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  • 47 2 THE Minister for Education. Mr. Lim Kim San has been appointed Chairman of th« Public Utilities Board. Mr. Lim takes over from Dr. Ong Swee Law. Mr. Jek Yeun Thong will take over Mr. Lim's job of demity chairman of the Peoples* AssociatkMfc
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  • 46 2 POLICE recovered II anti-Government banners from various parts Of Singapore on New Year's Day. Bomb experts were called when banners wer e found tied with stones and wood to overhead wires. A police spokesman said It was the work of pro-communist < antlnattonai elements.
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  • 60 2 THE Thervada Buddhist missionaries and lay Buddhists of Singapore will be holding a special prayer meeting Invoking peace on Vietnam today. The prayer service in Singapore will be held at the Thai Buddhist Temple at Bllat Road Beginning at 2.00 p.m., the ceremony will be officiated by
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  • 260 2 Immigrationhot issue in Commonwealth Conference LONDON Britain* planned nrw immlEiUon clampdown 1* ely to spell trouble for Prime Minister Edward Heath at the Commonwealth Prime Ministers* Conference In Singapore Jan. 1421. British officials predict outraged protests from the old mainly white Commonwealth countries Canada Australia and New Zealand. Queen All
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  • 139 2 Blindness has not dampened Luke Lee's adventurous spirit. A Si2o a month rat-tan-maker, Lee has hftch-liiked all the way from Alor Star to attend the Babai Oceanic Conference In Singapore. A staunch Bahai, Lee, 39, has been blind since the age of seven. "I
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  • 133 3 Fob Hok rob (that's him walling "I'm the ircatot") has been proclaimed the overall heavyweight champion of the New Tear babies In Singapore. The bouncy 9.8 lb boy, born at 3.59 p.m. on Friday, Is the son of Madam Lim Bian Enr, wife of a sailor.
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  • 32 3 Demolition exercise will be conducted at the Southern Island artillery and demolition range at P&lau Pawal, by the Singapore Armed Forces every day from 2 to 8 from January 4 to
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  • 278 3 TMTEASURES oimed of dealing a "dtoth blow" fo "fly-by-night" ond bogus tourist ogoncies ond operotors hovi come into forco. All tourist agencies must now get a $3O a year licence from the Tourist Promotion Board. Tourist agencies operating without a licence will be fined
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  • 163 3 THIEVES iuvi stolen $17,500 worth of semitanned young crocodile skins from a tannery guarded by seven watch dogs. The theft at Chong Seng Tannery In Llm Ah Pin Road was discovered soon after 11 p.m. on Friday by an employee. The employee heard the dogs
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  • 222 3 A magistrate Saturday ordered a businessman charged with shooting at throe policemen to bo remanded a wook. The First Magistrate, Mr. E. C Foenander Saturday ordered Anthony Llm Yong Hock of Toa Payoh to be detained at the Remand Prison at Queenstown. Lim
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  • 108 3 POLICE arrested three men on New Year's Day after the? had robbed a girl of a cold chain and locket worth SlOO in Daeheaa Road. Miss Tai Ai Pin, 19, stopped a car after the robber* left an d told n a t i onal serviceman
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    • 90 3 Around town 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. "Pea- 6 p.m. Official opening sanl painters of Ball" Of Jnronf Bird Park art exhibition at by Minister of Defence, National Museum. Dr. Gob Kent Swee. 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. First 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. Raha'i exhibition In Children's fancy dress
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  • 256 4 MOSCOW A 24-year-old Bnsnetta who happens to look OOOd aa a mini-skirt Friday became tfca first unofficial Miss Soviet Uaioa in a conlast whera looks did mot count. Nlaa Roataaenko, a teacher with dark tresses that tiunble ta her shoal den, wan the natianallyteie
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  • 25 4 TAIPH More than half-a-mllllon tourists visited Taiwan In 1970 ind spent an estimated B*2*o million during their stay, a a a
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  • 72 4 SAIGON A spokesman for the An Quang Buddhist faction said Friday that the militant sect would support any South Vietnamese Presidential candidate who was patriotic, peace loving and expressed the wishes of the people. The Venerable Thien Minh, Deputy Chairman of the powerful An Quang group. turned aside a
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  • 211 4 OHNOM PENH Cambodian troops attempting to clear a highway, a vital link in the country's economy, are meeting strong resistance from Vietcong forces, the High Command said yesterday. Government troops clashed Friday with Vietcong about 85 miles southwest of Phnom Penh, and later called in
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  • 108 4 SAIGON South Vietnamese and US. spokesmen yesterday reported a total of *1 Menemjrinitiated** incident, durine the 24-hour allied cease Are which ended at 6 D-m. New Year*, day. The total of incidents almost halved the tl attacks br Communist forces which were reported bv th* allies
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  • 232 4 HYDEN, Ky. Rescuers who recovered MM bodies of 38 mew lulled underground in a coal mine explosion said dynamite, not methane gas, apparently was responsible for tfce blast, a Federal official said Friday. James Westfield. Assistant Director of the US. Bureau of Mines, said "both
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  • 188 4 NEW DELHI A top Indian politician hu denied press reports that he was prepared to fight Prime Minister Indira Qandhi. In her home constituency In the forthcoming general election. Charan Singh. a leader of the Bharatiya Urantl Dal (Indian Revolutionary Party), described as fantastic reports
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  • 68 7 Oil company trouble shooting firefighters have pot oat "40 per cent* of this blaze which had been raging on platform "Baker" of the Louisana coast since December 1. The firefighters drove a relief well Into one of the main bores and plugged it with
    UPI radiophoto.  -  68 words
  • 361 7  -  By KATHLEEN NEUMEYER T OS ANGELES Arthur Lyons doesn't worship the deril, but ho knows people who do. "The United States probably harbxirs the fastest-growing ond most highly organised body of Satanists in the wcrld' says the 25-year-old outhor of o book called "The
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  • 222 7 LOS ANGELES A young Hollywood photographer who marr ed an English girK he mot on an ocean cruise can see nor only for a few hours every 11 days because she is not allowed into America. immigration officials explain the law Is designed
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  • 128 7 LOR ANGBLBB SIARER EM. Presley ha* aaked Lm. Aap lei €■—< i Govt to order blood test* to be 1(1 Ml the fatter mt a child Wa to a 11 yetroto waitress. Presley, 15, say« la wlllla* I* sabmlt to the tests. He ashed
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  • 879 8 JJONG KONG—China strides into 1971 still nursing Cultural Reyo'ution scars but sporting a new diplomatic image that may take it eventually into the United Nations. In the post year, China orbited its first space satellite, won diplomatic recognition from Canada, Italy, Equotcrial Guinea and
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  • 304 9 IN an age n which mwt of the worW* beauty is turning lyitketk, one ancient art has withstood the March of ilhhuttw to maintain MB MOLARITY through the years. This Li the jealouslyguarded Shanghatnese art of caaphor wood carving. Handed down by uniceshive generations
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  • 639 9 WABIINGTON Aa all parents and Sunknew, Ml ml the mauthe mi MM Comedian Dick Tan Djfct has had extensive experience both aa a parent and aa a Sunday School trarhfT. And be has made a professional bobby ml aoMectlnc comical children
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  • THE MORNING AFTER with Weatherbee Wong
    • 1058 10/15 morning, people. 1971 stretches ahead of ut almost untouched except for a beating around on the early hours on January 1. Good feeling isn't it? A whole year in which we can do all those things we somehow missed in 1970. As far as entertainment goes,
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  • Page 10/15 Advertisements
    • 396 10/15 rbUT BooKKIt TONIGHT Special New Year 'll attraction "LCM UOtBI.tHEXB" Kiciting* Captivating! Colourful d.tncrsi to frtore Eou to a numbing thrall of rwildermem variety of act* ranging from dramatic adagios to rollicking spoofs. Bex In this New Year by Joining the merry crowd at lop a to 11 44 p
      396 words
    • 90 10/15 Last Day TODAY Last Two Shows Today. NATIONAL THEATRE JOHN CEVERT x MAS SPECTACULAR 77//:" iRI'ATTST MAGIC hIXTR \\A(.A\/A LM.R Dully B.so pa. Midnmi: Mat*., Sana. Holldajn 490 p.m. All tlrkrU now available only at Nailnnal Throlrr Rill Dlttf* from lft.OA A. hi. onwurtU. Evening Performancca. iS/-; (4/-; MA. Matlaeea:
      90 words
    • 113 10/15 >. V Y klj LL fM W fp y *b 4&* *PONGGOL (AIR CONDITIONED) J SWAN NITt CLUB. S T RESTAURANT. Ug-J COFFEE-HOUSE Hh »{4 TRACK 84 PONGGOL ROAD Hi mj. 4< Singapore. 19 7r >J< TEL: 8*6444 (S LINKS) /IT t|< J Chinese European Cuisine Sea-Food J Open Daily
      113 words
    • 55 10/15 Every Saturday Sunday POOLSIDE at OocHfcl INN T Reservations! B?l4.Dunearn Road. Singapore 11. Te1'*****2 MIXED PLATE Fillet Steak Pork Chop Lamb Chop Sausages $9 00 SIRLOIN STEAK' $9 00 T-BONE STEAK $9.00. CHICKEN KING PRAWNS $8 00 HAMBURGER $5 00 The above main dishes will, be served with Mixed Salad.
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    • 222 11 THE SUN A determined roily by Hie Singapore Armed Forces in the second half enabled them to beat the Police Sports Association 2-1 in the President's Cap soccer final played at the Jalon Besar Stadium last night. Forces who were down one nil
      Sunpic.  -  222 words
    • 159 11 TAURANCA, New Zealand—Two four-vntor-par rounds of 66 yesterday gave Australian Graham Marsh a two strokes victory in the Spalding Masters Golf tournament here. Taking the lead In the third round yesterday morning. Marsh held on against a strong challenge by Ouy Wolstenholme, British-born professional who
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    • 124 11 TWO club records were shattered In th e Shiga, pore Chinese Swimming dab's 55th swimming championship held yesterday. Schoolgirl Khong Yiu Lan shattered the 1968 record of 1 min. 29.4 sees, in a new time of 1:29.2 in the 100 metres breast stroke ©vent
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    • 141 11 THE ROYAL Air Force oarsmen who have bean adding laurels villi impressive performances ia recent months have been awarded th« Gerry Sihra Cup for all roettd performance. The rowers from the FKAF stations In Sinnpore Tengah, Seletar and Changi recently beat the Colombo
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    • 1735 12/13  -  If hasn't won a race yet, Jackie Stewart's new car 9 but it's clipped valuable secontls off lap times in the presence of the world's top drivers, and one day, the author implies, they are going to see its tail. By Eric Dymock JACKIE Stewart's
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    • 481 12/13  - 'The mile can be covered in three and a half minutes Dr.Bannister By ROBERT MUSEL LONDON Dr. Roger Bannister, first man to run the m!l« in under tour minutes, believej the distance can be covt»rod in three minutes, 30 seconds, but the man who achieves this standard will have to
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    • 200 12/13 HASTINGS, England Britain's Peter Markland sprang a major surprise in the fourth round of the Hastings International Ches» Congress Friday night by defeating the fancied Yugoslav player Zvonimir Mestrovic. Markland, a 22-year-old university student, profited by some indifferent play by Mestrovic who blundered badly and
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    • 817 14  -  by M. Seth-Smith The author of this article is a leading authority on the turf. A BBC commentator, he has written a history of Royal Racing and is correspondent of **Stud and Stable The British Racehorse'''' and other eminent racing journals. London HORSE racing
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  • Page 11 Advertisements
    • 107 11 Seasons feeling NEW SEASON FOR 1971 STARTS WITH TODAY'S DRAW NO. 1/71 -THE CASH JACKPOT IS $195,000 'o A NNl*? A'"M N JWftERS IORREC I The group orccs re'na nv? ,T ie :uv free r, l r i tor 3 c 's o *"0 5 5500 MAKE SURE YOUR COUPON
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    • 145 16 Though H has come rather late, it irfm that Christians have hrrwM. aware that steward, hip rover* mere than money and m—rssisus. and that ire have a responsibility to exercise stewardship of Use earth and its reosren. This was expressed very well hy David Ralney In
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    • 254 16 EPILOGUE PRAYER No follower of mine shall wander in the dark (John 8:12 NEB). GOD of wisdom, always patient with oar mistakes; God of hope, always preparing the way ahead; to know you is to find relief when we are confused, a lift
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    • 1368 16  -  -By Rev. N.W. Mergard WHAT SAVED 'rtioM first century disciples from extinction? What made them a ♦ore# Hut changed H»e course of history? It WM that STAGGERING, impossible message that could not be de nled: "The Lord I* risen indeed, and hath apto Bimon" (Luke And nothing
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    • 15 16 "It never was lovinff that emptied the heart, Nor giving that emptied the purse."
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    • 85 16 THIS book shall not depart ont of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success. Have
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    • 893 17 When Bolivian artist Benjamin Mendoza Amor tried to knife Pope Poul in Manila, it was the first assaialt on a Pope with intent to kill in recent history. But the attock was part of a tradition which has often associated the papacy with violence
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    • 320 17 (WITH APOLOGIES TO THE PHARISEE OF LUKE 18) GOD, we thank Thee that we are NOT as other churches; liberal neoorthodox, compromising, or even as some of the congregations in our own denomination. We worship twice on Bunday, we attend midweek service, and tome of us even
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    • 198 17 HONG KONG (EPS) Christian publishing bouses must serve the whol« society, not just the church community and its efforts to evangelise non-Christians, editors and publishers from 11 Asian nations agreed at a recent seminar sponsored by the East Asia Christian Conference (EACC>. "We must speak to the restless
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  • Page 18 Miscellaneous
    • 1785 18 THE SUN: LOOKING AND LBST Radio Sinqapura A.M. 400 Onoo Morn DJ 910 The 940 ComCOt Sunday f'p"ciar 100 bos 10 00 Epilogue; 1018 The News; ilO L»i.y M«;sica Viva 10.30 Hear 7.3q 9unflajr Sneclal Ti.em Aga'n 1100 News, 80" l"he News Ac Hun da-. 1115 Euphany; 13.00 Clot*. UV#
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  • Page 19 Advertisements
    • 48 19 Join The Loyal Family of Supporters who subscribe to the Eastern Sun and The Sun regularly. THE ONLY HOME-OWNED. HOME-CONTROLLED NEWSPAPER The Circulation Manager, Eastern Sun and The Sun, 23 -B, Cantonment Road, Singapore 2. Please deliver to me the Eastern Sun and The Sun regularly. Name: Address:
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  • Page 19 Miscellaneous
    • 195 19 EV IFZL < OSJ M'LL m •m i K M mi X •I ®»e* fer ST A IS S®B> Mi rtf* slv 'J! 9. RSS3PE »S S* 0 M ZZ 1A M VM M *> M M mm Ufctj rWR.S K 3\ s> «*>* a M $Sk k '49 i
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  • 504 20 The Mills marriage formula works —even in Hollywood Bv JOAN CROSBY A nice thing happen, ed to Hollywood the other day: John Milk and his wife Mary Hayley Bell, dropped into town. While there, they had family reunion with daughter Juliet, who stars in ABCTV's Nanny and the Professor and
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  • 615 20  -  Br DICK KLEINER THE Evens kid the one who wiM oe born next month is going to hove things tough. He, or she, will not be driven to school in a Rolls-Royce. To the average American this may not seem to be the
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  • Page 20 Miscellaneous
    • 458 20 THISWEEK'STOPTEN Almost year ifu f Hit big comeback at Hie International Hotel, La* Vegas, that critics Mid would make or break him, Elrii Presley Is bigger and better than he ever wai. This week he headed one popular British poll as the artiste who had topped more charts and for
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  • 270 21  -  By Ian McEwan LONDON A British actor-director, whose grandfather led gangs trytn* to the Salvation Amy la Its early days la Making a film a boat Ike Organisation. The old man, gav e up brawling one night when he was converted
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  • 474 21 The indestructible Western... HOLLYWOOD They called it the first adult western when "Gunsmoke" made its television debut 16 years ago. It was. Until then "Hopalong Cassidy" Roy Rogers and the like rode the plains and occasionally broke into song. But In 1955 "Gunsmoke" depicted Miss Kitty
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  • Page 21 Miscellaneous
    • 142 21 ORGANISATION ORCHARD 37«5 11th DAT! No Free List Today 4 Shown At: Ilia.. Ml, IU IMpa "TOW Start.: llit. t.M. IN t Mp.a Adm: 11.50. 13 M> MOO CASH BOOKINOS ONLY. POX TOR A! TOKA! TOBA!' 70mm <k Color by Delume CATHAY -3340 c NOW SHOWING! lUh, I.M. 4, Ml.
      142 words
    • 257 21 I I II O 17.1 tit OHM Today NO Rroa List iW I.4ft. L Ml A ill -n*l WON IiUOMA' < a SB aw puoDuonom UAOtftrls la Scop*. Co lot |4All I <» I 1* 75t» fj'l if mm IB it^l II Mi, l-M. 4. I M I N Oltnt
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  • 1184 23  -  ADVENTURES IN A SINGAPORE KITCHEN By RUTH BAKALAR If wo coift get corn on the cob we told you how we feel about corn on :he cob o few weeks 090 we'll take whole kernel corn in a tin. We can't claim that the tinned product is the
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  • 250 23 NO need to cope with the heat and hassle of deep-frying on top of the cooker you can "fry" these pork cutlets to perfection the cool and easy way, in the oven, and bake the accompanying rice and a com pudding at the same time. All
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