Eastern Sun, 18 September 1970

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Total Pages: 19
1 20 Eastern Sun
  • 21 1 EASTERN SUN Singapore's own national daily 10 cents Estd. 1966. Vol. 5 No. 1450 Friday, September 18, 1970 MC (P) 1616
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  • 305 1 Fierce baffle rages in Amman gEIRUT Bedouin troops of King Hussein's ormoured brigodes were locked in fierce bottle with Polestine commondos in Ammon yesterdoy os they fought to copture the Supreme Commondo Headquarters. A Fatah commando spokesman said the defenders had knocked out
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  • 84 1 Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, visiting the Soviet Union for the first time as Prime Minister, is seen holding talks with Soviet leaders in Moscow. At extreme left is First Deputy Chairman of the Soviet Union Council of Ministers, Mr. D. Polansky. Yesterday, Mr. Lee held
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  • 287 1 LONDON Britain yesterday made an urgent call for the safety of the hijacked airliner hostages and of all foreigners in Jordan. A Government statement—issued after the fourth Cabinet session in as many days also made clear that the Joint negotiating effort by the Western
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 73 1 HOTEL ROYAL SM Nathan Road, Kowlooo, HMgkosf HONG KONG'S FIRST CLASS HOTEL T With the Bank that serves the Business Community and you Transacting All Banking Exchange Business SECURITY IS OUR BUSINESS A* MR USIERM BANK HO. Mt ao p»nci: IJ7/139. ctca sr. IYOk.i. m- j (ix.tr to au musi
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  • 188 2 'THE expected increase in taxi fleet under the Government's motor transport reorganisation programme has hit the "business" of taxiplate black marketeers. The "price" for taxi plate l>as dropped as a result of the decision to issue another 1,000 taxi licences for the NTUC-sponsored
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  • 130 2 A labourer, who attacked his wife because of her alleged adultery, was yesterday fined $250 and bound over for a year by the Eighth Magistrate. Kunji Ahmad bin Mohamed, 56, was found guilty of causing hurt to his wife. Madam
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  • 154 2 It could be that Fleet Air Arm helicopter pilots operating tn the Far East have found a simple answer to the skyjacking menace. Royal Marines' patrol tec Max, an 80 lbs. six-year-old Alsatian, is a regular passenger In the YVessex helicopters of 847 Naval
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  • 185 2 'TAIWAN beauty Miss Chen Chen Is one actress who does not have her head high up In the air. Bhe is keenly aware of the plight of a lot of poor and handicapped people around her. And she la In here to
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
  • Page 2 Miscellaneous

  • 481 3 ESTHER CHAN MURDER TRIAL JOHORE BAHRU A pretty schoolteacher yesterday said she was shocked and frightened when her husband ("such a timid person") told her that he hod killed a woman in their Pontian house. Madam Tan Sim Chin, 26, was giving evidence
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  • 100 3 MAZRAH blnte Syed Ismail, 25, was yesterday charged In court with stealing a gold chain worth $l5O from her friend, on Aug. 10. At her friend's house In Jalan Jagong Mazrah saw Resiah blnte Manap putting a gold chain in the handbag and leaving it
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  • 109 3 A Carpenter, who had in his possession obscene photographs and magazines, was fined $5OO in the 10th Magistrate's Court yesterday. The court was told that Chai Sun. 31, had the obecene materials in his possession on June 29 at a backlane off Desker Road.
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 170 3 Business at its Best Singapore noiei i Jit V a 5s US hg •w lias *k! v Mi. S3ti PU 'a illi M nj 11 w BalS SSSS m 33 323 ia3 «u Hi 325? 1 i 4 1 e r i *4 1 ?<•> w *1 muiiu; jj. 1
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  • 208 4 SQUATTER village was saved from disaster yesterday evening when firemen battled and brought under control three blazing fishing vessels along the Kallang River bank. There was panic and pandemonium when two explosions within a few seconds rocked the fishing village of wood
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  • 338 4 LAWYER DAVID MARSHALL yesterday alleged that 'Something had happened" to make the main prosecution witness in a hit-and-run murder inquiry to change his evidence. Mr. Marshall made the comment during an unsuccessful attempt U) Impeach the credibility of the witness. National Serviceman Lee Poh
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  • 62 4 Police ar« anxious to contact Soh Kwee Boon (above) to assist them in investigations into the theft of railway communication wires on Monday morning at the railway track near Kran)i Bridge Information can be fiven to any police station or to ASP Nathan Isaac
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  • 130 4 SUNGEI PAT AN I What's in a name? Plenty, say fishermen here especially If 't Is Mr Mohamed Khir J oh art. Since he opened the Pest-a Laut (Sea Carnival) recently, fishermen in the area have been blessing the name of the Minister of Commerce
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  • 168 4 OWEN Road residents are fed up with spooks and rhost-huntera. Since reports about the haunted house at Owen Road first appeared, hundreds of peopl e have turned up there, hoping to catch a glimpse of 'a ghost' our ported to be inside. They create
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 198 5 T>EGGIO CALABRIA, Italy Police feared more rioting in this southern Italian town yesterday as a generol strike entered its fourth day. The strike, to bock Reggio Calabria's demand to be nomed copitol of the newly-formed region of Calabria has paralysed the city. It hu
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  • 115 5 SEOUL Rain storm battered most parts of South Korea yesterday, touching off mud slides, flooding cities and farms, cutting communications and paralysing traffic. Police reported w Cople killed, one mlssg and 27 Injured since the downpour started late Wednesday. The rain storms first hit
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  • 133 5 EAST BERLIN East Germany hu passed a new Civil Defence Law which could bring out* all men between 16 and C 5 and women up to 60 In case of emergency. The new law, passed unanimously by the East German Parliament, said in its
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  • 48 5 CHIBA, Japan A mini-bus crashed into the rear of a parked dump truck early yesterday and five passengers were killed in the bus. Police disclosed that the but driver, Kiyorai Takayama, SO, was driving under the influence of alcohol. Takayama and another passenger received serious injuries.
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  • 105 5 TOKYO, Japan la turning U dumniita U solve the acute labtur ibortage. A leading Tokyo department store has installed dummies la the place of the pretty young girls who normally stand at the foot of escalators greeting easterners with a bow. The mannequins are
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 179 5 111 A'i• 11■ ]I■ 1L• tit i T i; t I •■^tii.i •lITFi i i •it IW. 1 lit win :n ti licit mi: I■ > iW'*.'l t utiitiiHitiiin in i VII iia i i* WU Vr. 111• 11 11 m*i• 111 MI r. l T iy t.; llk-Kt/r. FjCi'r,
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  • 183 6 T OS ANGELES About 20 police wen injured and 41 people arrested on WedtJ nesday during a clash betweeo police and Mexican-Americans after a parade celebrating Mexico's Independence Day. Police reported sniper fire, ••ockthrowing and fire-bombing around *he East Los Angeles Colleae campus in the
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  • 74 6 PERTH Four Cambodian students are In Perth on the first leg of a tour of Australian and New Zea.and universities In an effort to break their national Isolation. A member of the delegation, Llm Nuy Hong, said that *he deposed Cambodian head of state, Prince Norodom
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  • 26 6 KANSAS STATE UNIVERSITY STUDENTS rush to shake hands with President Nixon after his speech at the institution. (UPI radio- UPI radiophoto.
    UPI radiophoto.  -  26 words
  • 159 6 MANILA The Philippine National Red Cross announced yesterday that 37*000 people were still in need of immediate assistance six days after a typhoon devastated three northern coastal towns. The Government launched a massive relief operation to help thousands of homeless people immediately after Typhoon Pitang
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  • 67 6 NASSAU The Russian 32.334-ton tanker. Komsoml e t s Ueningrada, which docked in Nassau on Wednesday, reported two of its crewmen died after drinking bad liquor at a party in Havana, Cuba. Earlier, the tanker sent a emergency message ahead to the Bahamas asking for medical
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  • 148 6 SYDNEY A sale of 115 Australian paintings grossed *****.430 a new record for an Australian art auction. More Rian 1,000 people attended Wednesday's sale, the first day of a two-day auction held by Christies of London. Another 135 lots went under the hammer
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  • 73 6 NEW YORK A federal Mirt j«d*e In a 50-page decision, ruled the Vietnam War to constitutional beoaiue "Congress unmistakably authorised" the use of American force* to light in Vietnam Judge Orrin Judd made hisruiing in rejecting a suit brought by PTC. Malcolm Berk. U, of New
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 96 6 The True Way Presbyterian Church 56-B STIRLING ROAD, SINGAPORE 3* (OPP. R.O.V. QUEENSTOWN) v'ISM* Ju& ;|gf A Jl P^Z announces the commencement of WORSHIP In English every Sunday at 5 p.m. i)i»imtim»»m«iii>«»m»wMMw*iiii»<ii■»>mm m.i mi l H^u. w ii»««M^» l i»ii ll iwwwiiwiu>ii l i l .w t i»m t l
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  • 315 7 IMANtLA NoHonol Police yesterday clashed with dissident Huks apparently gathering to appoint a successor to their leader captured on Wednesday, military authorities announced. The authorities said a fierce gun-bottle began yesterday when police encountered the Huks at ;he foot of Mount
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  • 265 7 Largest police force for Denmark meet COPENHAGEN The largest force of police since the visit of Soviet Premier Nikits Khrushchev in 19t4 will protect 3,000 delegates to the International Mone4ary and World Bank Conference next wee*. Copenhagen Police Director Peter Christen. sen said 1,200 officers will
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  • 56 7 ROBERT DENTS CO, 14, the Brink's who gktt the f»» who WAS trying; to hijack a plane to North Korea, displays a cheque far 5515.000. He received the bonus from his company for his bravery Be is also seen with the photo of the wounded hijacker,
    UPI radiophoto.  -  56 words
  • 195 7 CHARLOTTE, North Carolina The U.S. Army j s attempting: to force a young soldier to pay Ss39« for an M-l« rifle lost from a helicopter oa a combat mission in Vietnam, the youth's embittered father dtorltsrd. liack Hewitt, sa employee at
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  • Article, Illustration
    56 7 The old romanticism is vividly contrasted with the new reality in the photo belowThis is Cambodia today. A woman soldier walks past a lion-like temple guardian in Slem Beap as Cambodian troops ride on a tractor polled troop-carrier. Further south, a 4*to- Government task force is reportedly trapped
    UPI radiophoto.  -  56 words

  • 730 8 A POWER within a power is as unbecoming politically as. a story within a story literarily. Boccaccio, one of the masters in the art of story-telling got away with it, but King Hussein of Jordan is not a politician of a high calibre. He has tried whatever he
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  • Article, Illustration
    591 8  -  By Art Buchwald, Martha's Vineyard, There hove been so mony groups formed lately to protect their sexual freedoms that little attention has been given to a new activist organisation called the Virgin A nt i Defamation League. The organisation was started a few years aoo by a small
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  • 396 8  -  By DEREK PARR, VIENNA'S United Nations City, a concept designed to promote world harmony, has so far proved little more than an international battleground and building is not due to begin before the end of next year. In February 1967, when the project was in its infancy,
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  • 248 8 LETTERS SOME time In October of last year. I wrote to you regarding the gross misuse and abuse of sampans or boats 'oy teenagers and their girl-friends at Changl Point. I made a suggestion that the Authorities should take Immediate steps to control the use
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  • 789 9 pHNOM PENH A The "salvation government" of Prime Minister Lon Nol is six months old today this despite the fact that mony critics prophesied it would not last more than a month. Its military extension, the Cambod ion crmy, has distinguished itself on
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  • 240 9 DOCTOR'S MAILBAG Q—IN WHAT WAY does disodiam edetate help arteriosclerosis? la it available yet? A—This drug is given to bind the calcium in the blood when too much calcium ia present in the tissues including the arteries. It ia available on prescription as
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  • 1295 10/11 THE MORNNG AFTER with Weatherbee Wong /CONSIDER the simple, sad saga of the elusive English muffins. Twas 1 a.m. of a morning and I felt a craving for fine English muffins, jam and tea. Muffins, folks, are my inspiration. Fine music, beautiful scenery, poetry
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  • Page 10/11 Advertisements
    • 264 10/11 ft TNmUI N>«htClub Watch the WILD WILD WORLD HELENS MORRIS a sophisticated singer with a difference, The Duo Pun Walt Dfeney'a famous cartoonist aad an eyeful-of-ao-asslstant June Wallace See her provocative bubble dance. JANET RAE Special guest artiste. ThU electric organist* give* you a revealing number! Presenting BLACK PIKE showtime:
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    • 41 10/11 7. <h m w V With TENDERNESS the most sensational, I swinging-groovy group direct from Western Australia to give you. with 'THE ASTRO-NOTES'a non-stop musical blast to keep you on the move. MCUSCADEN HOUSE HOTEL 40. Cuscaden Road. Singapore. Telephone *****1.
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    • 133 10/11 AMBASSADOR HOTEL On tbe Waterfront al Katong PROUDLY PRESENTS THI CONSULATE BAR: For that Quiet aftei-work drink, or those ore-dmner cocktails join vour friends In the Consulate Bar. the NEWEST cocktail bar In Singapore Soft pile carpets deep luxurious seats relaxing muvc, and sensible prices Why not drop in tonight?
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    • 158 10/11 g SINGAPORE TOP TUNE SINGING PALACE (Fully Ake«iMiw«4) 2nd FI»M, PMMTM SHOPPING CENTRE. J2O, S«hiii|(M Rm4, Swi«Mr*> Tel: *****0 Proudly Presents SEAH UN YOW SOO LONG Top Singers direct from Taipei Performance begins on 21st Also at Majesty Theatre ALL STAR SHOW 21 23 Sept. Wgm nrm N HONG TAIWAN
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1892 12 LOOKING AND and radio guide from the Carroll Righter Institute GENERAL TENDENCIES: You have a considerable amount of energy now but need to be careful not to spend K unwisely. If you cooperate with associates you are able to make considerable headway and avoid some pitfalls that could come now
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  • 1048 13 Film version of "CROMWELL' FOR nearly ten years England has been involved in a bitter civil war, which has ended in the judicial murder of the King, and has thrown up a Huntingdon squire, Oliver Cromwell as one of the greatest soldiers and politicians Britain
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  • 48 13 The dense jungle which VALERIE LEON is creeping through In this picture is that of darkest Africa but Africa reconstructed on the staee at Pinewood Studios where Valerie plays her role as Leda, one of the luscious Lubidubi tribe in CARRY ON UP TIIE JUNGLE.
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 207 13 L I D O Phon® ***** 4 I 9th DAY! No Free List 11 aoa. I SO. 6.30 9.15 P.M. L<ee Van Cieel Hib>u Technicolor A Scope lOAI 'CAPITOL PHonr Now Showing! No Free Ust 11 M. 1.46 WMt Ruth Oa»>mann In "Michael A Hrtga" Color Plus Special Featurette •KXFO
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    • 146 13 ITOT dnc3Ar\jiSATiarvj ORCHARD" 32'61 51.» DAYI Dvn't Miss Ut I (Shows: l.tt. I.U »30 Mai 1141 SZM M M I UK AD V ENILRERS' (Pai l Pana Vision, Color CATHAY ***** NOW SHOWINQI 11 lA, IN 4, IN. I.M MUM i "FALSE WITNESS" George Kennedy. EH Wallach PanaVLsion Metrooolor r
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  • Students' page
    • 283 14 MOST people after working, schooling or visiting other places need s phot for reternhg «r rest A house Is what we serf for srttteaseaL So, everybody must have a bouse to live in hut it must be convenient for us. otherwise, we will find
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    • 18 14  -  Olives Goldsmith. T«a ran preach a better sermon with your Mfe thaa with jmm Hp*. Oliver Gold-
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    • 833 14 A STORY THE sun dwindled beyond Hi* cluster of broad-brass fed trees casfinj its last luscious crimen veil ever the wide expanse of rural bed. M l A *.i i' The silent hours that creep with stealth over an untravelled land began to pacify the occupants ctf
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    • 701 14  -  SWfeMKi iW Ele, Walt Dulaney DEAR ELE AND WALT: M« 18* I J I KFii iPUIy it cofwifig lip amd I know my parents will want (t HNOV woffctr big family EST ■Polahl; to jwNW, W tfce traHi Hut ttoy KNWW jfcwwihw HUM for oy Is
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 208 14 r^ssrsmmr Rales to observe 4 Tlm Eastern Sun's may writing contest for boys and girls of 14 and under (Junior) and Wys and girit svsr 14 (Senior) appears in, this page from Monday to Friday. PttM money Is: SIC tor Seniors and $5 tor Jon ton to every im published
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    • 350 15  -  By i Marianne Pereiro A FTER listening to o lot of advice on cleansing, toning, nourishing and protecting, I was beginning to get rather scared of using soap and water on my face. But, on reading somewhere that Veruschka (that famous six-foot German model) admits to
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    • 101 15 It's often carelessly said that fashion comes out ot the streets nowadays, but the (act Is that high fashion still rules the game. Surest sign that longer lengths are here to stay, despite ail the current controversy, is their success With the upper level designers De La Renta,
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    • 111 15 While other airliners are pussyfooting around with even so moderate a length as the reflex, a European airline has taken the plunge into long length (or its hostesses. Eighteen of them who act as guides to Finland's culture for passengers, will wear not merely midi, but the new
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    • 112 15 Many people in children's wear are strongly against the midi lengths for little girls, but Zingone, the Roman house which is perhaps the fashion leader for youngsters, has been doing well with midi lengths ever since last spring. Recalling that up till about 1920 all little girls
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    • 146 15 SHEFFIELD, England The loneliness of the long distance lorry driver makes him one of Britain's worst marriage risks, according to a university survey. Out of every 1.000 marriages to lorry driven, 23 end up in the divorce court, says a report by Sheffield University
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    • 810 15  -  Ann Landers Dear Ann: Help me. please. My mother is driving all my friends away. I am 15 and cannot afford to go through life without friends. The problem is that Mum wa s a cap. tain in the Wacs and she's been
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  • commercial and industrial
    • 234 16 GENERAL trading conditions in the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore yesterday persisted to be sparse but steady and the balk of business was confined to a handful of selected issues. Price movements in industrials were otherwise bearish with several counters edging lower. Hotel* held steady In
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    • 110 16 National Semiconductor (Pte) Ltd. Singapore has sent Mr. Richard Kwok, on a training trip to its headquarters in the U.S.A. Mr. Kwok will be away for two months training on various aspects of final testing of integrated circuits manufactured by National Semiconductor. He will also hold
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    • 260 16 OCTOBER first grade rubber buyers closed at 5 p.m. in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 51-1 2 cents per lb. up 1/8 cent from the previous close. The tone of the market was quiet. Encouraging London advices led to a steadier opening and first business
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    • 91 16 The Port of Singapore Authority has made the following berthing arrangements for today, Sept. 18. DEPARTURES Godovu Vessels 13/14 Bajmak 20 West Sletter 22 Medola 25/26 Bombala 35/36 Neptune Topaz 36/39 Benratha 6/7 Mayasan Maru 15/16 Priam 44 Selpemko ARRIVALS Godowu Vessels 6/7 Tonan Maru 35/35 Neptune
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    • 2 16
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    • 119 16 HONG KONG Thursday's currency rates (supplied by Foreign Exchange and Investment Ltd.): (Buyers) (Sellers) 196.5 197.5 per 100 Straits dollars 151.5 153.5 per 1 000 Taiwan dollars 6.7425 6.7525 per Australian dollar 340 360 per 1.000 Burmese kyats 470 490 per 1.000 Indian rupees 135 155 per 10,000
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    • 660 16 BID aai offer prices officially listed at the rlose of business h the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Stock exchange yesterday were: INDUSTRIALS B. Acma L 34 I*9 AJiMMMto I.M MB Aba. 14« 1.43 Allied Choc. Z. 7« 252 Ben 147 I.M Berjaya 1.21 Borneo
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    • 853 16 HI'SINESS done to and reported to the trading rooms of the Stuck Exchange of Malaysia and Sinrapore with the number of shares traded In brackets In lot« of I 000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS s2 00 (1); Alcan $l4l (2); Berjaya $1.23 (1) $1.22 (2) $1.21 (4);
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    • 251 17 SYDNEY Stocks continued to rise strongly on Sydney Stock Exchange Thursday. Strongest runs were concentrated In the nickel section which dominated trading throughout. Westrallan Nickel boasted heavy turnover, rocketing $1.10 to $8.20. Support Poseidon also received strong support to rise $3 00 to $83 00. Thursday's trading
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    • 12 17 T*ie tin pries for yesterday was $656.25 per pimt 12.74.
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 473 17 NOTICES TENDER Singapore Customs Tender Notice No. 6/70 TENDERS will b« received up to 13 noon on Friday. 2nd October. 1970 for the purchase of the following confiscated foods: ISO pieces plastic bathroom cabinet The abovementloned goods are dutiable and tenderers Intending to purchase them should state the amount offered
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    • 450 17 M\)y TENDERS will be received in the Ministry of Defence, Pearl's Hill, Singapore a. (or the following Items up to 1200 Noon on dates ihown against each item:. 1. lllab rune fully hydraulic Clotting Utile: 5 10 70 t. Kellt and l»efert work for KSS Hang lluia Closing Date: 8.1870
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    • 457 17 UOVKRNMKNT Or THK Khl'lltllC or SINGAPORE TIIK LOCAL GOVERNMENT INTEGRATION ORDINANCK. 1D63 (NO. 18 Or 11)03) DECLARATION UNDER SKCTION tO WHKREAB: (I) TUB streets known flg!» 1. Reserve Road (1) off (tuucery lane from Chancery Lane to lot SD/IM Muklm IT lU»erve Koad (2) off Chancery l.ane from Chancery l
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    • 451 17 P.W.D. SINGAPORE TKKDKRB are Invited from P.W D. Registered Contractors and from "Specially Registered Contractors" for the following work Supply and l>ellvery of Two Rrlurnrd Activated Sludge Pumps and C«btrollrr lo klm C'himii Nrwme Trritmrnt Works, Singapore All Mechanical Engineering or Electrical tractorsCloning l>ate: 18.1170 at 10 00 a m
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    • 474 17 APPOINTMENTS BINOAPORB POLYTKC'IINIO SCHOOL OP INDUSTRIAL TECHNOLOGY APPUCATIONB are invited (roui suitably quailtied penions for posts &s Senior Instructors or Instructor* in the Department* Mechanical St Production Engineering and Electrical Bugineertng Dulles: The successful applicant* will be expected to give Instruction to tech' niclan students in one or more of
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  • 956 18  -  "By 1 Pat Bestford f ON DON Britain steps into a new swimming era os for the first time in their 101 years' history, the Amateurs Swimming Association (ASA) now has a professional secretary. The man, o key mon in the development of the sport,
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  • 332 18 THE armies of Commonwealth countries will clash head on in Singapore next week. But when the battles are over fought on the lush green sporting fields of the Island the soldiers will be better friends than ever. The countries. Australia, New Zealand and Britain
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    • 622 19 ITUALA LUMPUR Almost oil of the 450 delegates and observers from 16 countries have already arrived for the 9th Asian Racing Conference which is scheduled to be opened by tha retiring Malaysian Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman at the Dewan Abdul Rahman today. Heading the
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    • 336 19 By Our Racing Correspondent KIT ALA LITMPtJR ABLE ENVOY, the early favourite for the Prime Minister's Gold Cup on Sunday, showed brilliant speed here yesterday. Ridden by George Pod more, the Idowieneo f elding sprinted smartly over if In 38-3/5. He was on the bit
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    • 256 19 COLUMBUS, Ohio Victor Karentsov of the U.S.S.R. successfully defended his world middleweight title last night in the 1970 world weightlifting championship here as meet officials announced the disqualification of four more competitors. Kurentsov. a 29-year-old Russian soldier, lifted a total of 1.019| pounds (462 kgs) to win
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    • 196 19 NEW YORK Following are major leafiJ baseball standings and results after Wednesday's games: AMERICAN LEAGUE EAST W L OB Baltimore 96 52 New York 83 66 13* Detroit 76 72 20 Boston 7tf 73 20} Cleveland 72 77 24} Washington 69 78 26} WEST W L
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