Eastern Sun, 17 September 1970

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1 20 Eastern Sun
  • 21 1 EASTERN SUN Singapore's own national daily 10 cents Istd 1966. Vol. 5 No. 1449 Thiirsday, September 17, 1970 MC (P) 1616
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  • 384 1 Measures to overcome anarchy in count King Hussein colled the Army to power in Jordan yesterdoy and proclaimed Martial Law to end the state of near anarchy coused by the presence of the Palestine commandos in his country. Official sources said the new soldier-Premier, Brigadier Mohammed
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  • 41 1 Singapore's National Chess Master Tan Lian Ann caused an international upset when he beat International Grand Master, Vlas Pimil Hort of Czechkoslovakia, in the seventh round of the 19th world team chess championship in Siegen, West Germany.
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  • 354 1 AMMAN Yasser Arafat, newlyappointed Commander In Chief of all Palestinian Forces, yesterday ordered Ws guerillas to resist any advance by Jordanian troops under the new military government. In an order to all men of the newly-unified Palestine Liberation Army, full-time commandos,
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  • 141 1 SUNGEI PATANI, A 95-year-old bomoh, Ahmad bin Haji, claimed yesterday that he had married 77 times. Ahmad, of Kampong Bato 36, Bukit Selambau, admits the mar-riage-go-round is fun and a great hobby. He said he first got married at the age of 16
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 121 1 Importers of Carpets &Rugs of Quality Distinction En** Carman. FV«ncK ICMte AMIR SONS (CM Mil) m Orchani Road S<r>gapOf«, A M 3040 YEO'S CHICKEN CURRY V t vV nm I n r V v; S3 Hi: Yeo's Curry Chicken it made from th• choicest, freih whole chicken end pre* pared
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  • 593 2 ESTHER CHAN MURDER TRIAL TOHOfItE BAHRU PoaHon businessman LM Wong Tic 119 yesterday told HM High Court that Esther Chan Hie girl he unintentionally killed wot annoyed with him when he refused to hove intimacy with her. I He said she often
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  • 249 2 VyORK Is now In progress to prepare Singapore for the arrival of the first Jumbo Jet in October next year. A $6.4 million programme has been started to modify and extend the Passenger Terminal Building at Pay* Lebar airport. The acting director of Civil
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  • 80 2 A crane truck (above) careered uncontrollably In busy Robinson Road yesterday morning at rush hour, crashing into a lamp post and uprooting it The impact smashed the concrete base of the lamp post to smithereens, sending a piece flying 60 feet straight across
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  • 29 2 Tab Chwee Chua 30, was lined $l,OOO yesterday for Illegal possession of Indian hemp Ho admitted haying a pound of the hemp on Tuesday at 7.25 p.m.
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  • 282 2 A N ARMY major yesterday briefed the First District Court on the duties of a "prowler guard" in the Singapore Armed Forces. A prowler guard. said Major Royston Jerome Desker, Is not permitted to smoke, sit down, lift his arms or
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  • 162 2 SOME 150 workers of the Katong Bedok Bus Service Limited will receive $23,000, following negotiations hekl between the management and the Singapore Industrial Labour Organisation. The sum 1« the full and final oajrment of SILO'S claims for its membera for proper rates for
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  • 195 3 A MAN was yesterday awarded by the High Caurt $27,680 domages for the loss of a left index finger. A falling log crushed it to o pulp three yeors ago when he was working with Chye Lian Huat Sawmill Co. ot Sungei Kadut,
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  • 200 3 \j ORE than 12,000 residents of the Hsin Mln Village want the Singapore Telephone Board to improve phone facilities. The village. 14 miles from the Cit v Centre along Woodlands Road has only one public telephone booth. "Most of the time the
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  • 109 3 Mr. T»» Sin Tan. Chief Generation Engineer. Electricity DeBartmcnt. Public Utities Board, left for Europe to attend the Boarn of Covernors meeting of the laternational Atomic Energy Agency at Vienna. He will also attend the 14th regular session of the general
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  • 76 3 Ambulan ce Service re-organised The Hospital Ambulance Service has been re-organised to make It more efficient and effective, the Ministry of Health B aid yesterday Under the re-organisa-tion. hospital ambulances are pooled together -to be made available at any one time A single telephone call to number *****8 will be
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 169 3 (Finished colour prints in seconds.) JMM& d o COLO^FACK +vr< *~>t The first Polaroid Colour Pack Camera was sold in France in 1965 for $255. For the last 4 years we have looked for ways to make this camera for less money We now have the Colorpack II for $lOO.
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  • 235 4 air of mystery surrounds the identity of Tan Choo Yoke who died in the Malacca Hospital yesterday. Choo Yoke, 16, also known as Judy Tan, was said to be from Singapore. According to reports received, her parents are staying in Singapore, According to
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  • 63 4 Ahmad bin Sanavi, 2€. was fined $2OO, for poking as a postman and trying to cheat a tourist of $lO. on Tuesday. At 2.00 0.m.. Ahmad admitted going to t!>e Room manager's office at the Orchid Inn. and told Treror Hogan. that he was collecting
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  • 38 4 A man from the Customs and Excise Department deans up the sam.su cans after their contents had been poured! into the drain at Keppel Road. They were taken after a raid at distilleries nan by moonshiners.
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  • 50 4 BELGRADE The Deputy Prime Minister, Tun Abdul Razak. has expressed the hope that his visit to Yugoslavia woul<| mark the beginning of more extensive cooperation in both political and economic fields. Tun Razak was speaking at a dinner held In his honour In Belgrade last night.
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  • 65 4 The Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for Defence for the <i«l«nour, kU-p* on board the tank landing-craft. Her Majesty* Army Vend 'Arafcan/ at Tanjong Berlaver yesterday Gilmour is visiting British Army units in Singapore and West Malaysia Welcoming him is Major Michael Randall-Smith, the Squadron t/Ommander, while the
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  • 102 4 The-newty appointed Minister for Home Affairs, Professor Won* Lin Ken has been quietly visiting police stations through out the Republic since he was sworn in on September 4. Professor Wong was appointed Minister following a Cabinet reshuffle announced on August 10. The Minister i|
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  • 170 4 MOSCOW Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew began his official visit to Russia yesterday by calling on First Deputy Premier Dmitri Potyansky, Tass News Agency reported. It gave no details at their conversation. Mr. Leo arrived In Moscow an Tuesday night on a business and
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 421 7 gAN FRANCISCO A would-be Hijacker was in serious condition with a bullet lodged in bis stomoch yesterday. He wos gunned down as he tried to pirate a TransWorld Airlines' jetliner to North Korea. Donald Irwin, 28, from Los Aug ties, was the first hijacker to
    (UPI radiophoto).  -  421 words
    • 474 7 WASHINGTON President Nixon dies to Europe on September 27 for a nine-day lour •tress lm D£. naval power In the Mediterranean and efforts to resolve the deepening crisis in the Middle East. He will visit Yugoslavia, Britain. Italy. Spain And the U.S. Sixth
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  • 93 7 LONDON A M noii« tax" might soon b' pow-ri on planes using British airports. The British Airport* Authority is seriously thinking of imposing a tax varying according to the noise made by planes landing in Britain in a bid to force airlines to buy quieter aircraft
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  • 145 7 PHNOM PENH Communist trtepi yestfrltj tightened their noose on eight surrounded Cambodian battalions by Mowing up two moro bridges behind the task forre. Reinforcements trying to get through to the 4 000-men task force at Svay Meas. 49 miles north of Phnom
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  • 35 7 WELLINGTON. New Zealand, The New Zealand Infantry Battalion at Singapore, as part of the Commonwealth reserve,, If to have all Australian equipment next year, the Minister of Detent'?. David Thomson, announced.
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  • 85 7 WASHINGTON Two youn? AmeriraM were accused of dropping home-made bombs on an army ammunition factory from a rented plane. The bombs, dropped cm the Badger Armv Ammunition Plant in Buak Country Wisconsin, failed to explode, however. The 2 accused are 23-year-old Karl Armstrong and
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 640 8 »pHE non-aligned summit conference concluded (and, we hope, was not buried) In Lusaka about a week ago and already there have been several doubts expressed. One comes from our Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, who told newsmen in Cairo that the conference needed to be followed up
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  • 848 8  -  By Joseph Alsop Finishing a garden as one finishes a vacation is doubly painful. With the vacation at an end, there is work to do again; and anyone who is not an incurable glutton for Lu ni s h ment is tund to regret that. With
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  • 544 8  -  LETTERS L.K. IN recent edition your rood newspaper carried a front-page storj about the pathetic case of a 14-year-old mentally retarded boy, Lim Chai Huat, who is kept chained up In his home because no hospital will accept him. This unfortunate lad, according
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  • 738 9  -  By Gemini Seneviratne "A PRODIGIOUS e y a citation" said the Board of Health in describing the new disease expected to visit Britain soon after its October 18SI circular. "The whole intestines seem to be ensptied at once." The Board was talking about Cholera It merited a capital
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  • 256 9 DOCTOR'S MAILBAG An oldster's arthritis and a teenager's acne are both examples of inflammation, a reaction that is part of the body's natural defences. Every inflammatory re-actk>n has four components which may be present In varying Intensity. These are pain, swelling. localised heat
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  • 586 10/11  -  By Mounir Abboud a background of growing concern with drug addiction, the Iranian Government is proposing to lift a ban imposed in 1955 and resume cultivation of opium. One factor In the seemingly paradoxical decision i* an estimated currency drain of $4O-
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  • 647 10/11 PRAGUE A new drive due to be launched by Czechoslovakia's Communist leadership in the autumn to win back the support of intellectuals reflects current problems of political and industrial organisation. Dr. Gustav Husak, the authoritarian Czechoslovak Communist party leader, announced the forthcoming campaign
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  • 600 10/11  -  By Oliver Carruthers SEPTEMBER again, and the 'bovver boys' are out in force. Any Saturday you can see them in the High Street gathering to take on the opposition. The 'bovver boys' are those teenagers who think one of the best ways to
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  • Page 10/11 Advertisements
    • 108 10/11 mm wE >£kW kl/lIhHIH x T%«.» v Mi :'••>•: >* *&>££ ••< 'Twir iiTOPmß^f'Ti .wg 11 m Here's dad with a cold for everyone. When he gives it to you—take Contac 500. Inside each capsule are 500 tiny "time pills". They're timed to keep working all day. Or all night.
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1846 12 LOOKING AND LISTENING.. fv and radio guide I CARROLL RIOHTCR'S 9 11 1970 Masters Golf Tournament 10.00 New, (Tamil) 10.12 Dial 999 "The Great Gold Robbery" 10.37 Close. from the Carroll Righter Institute GENERAL TENDENCIES: A day and evening when you are able to accomplish a great deal and wind
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  • 1150 13 Film version of "CROMWELL" THE Commissioners assembled and Bradshaw looked down at the prisoner: "Charles Stuart, King of England. You have been found quilty of High T reason against the good people of this nation, represented in parliament by whose authority, this court does sit in
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 206 13 SHAW ISATION LID O Phone ***** 4 2ND WEEK! No Free List II 18. 1.30. 4. 6.30 #.15 p.H. Lee Van Cleet -Sabata Technicolor A Bcope (OA> CAPITOL Phonr ***** Opena Today! No Free List U am. l.«ft 6.30 A K.3V Ruth Oa&smann In "Michael A HHga" Color Plus Special
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    • 231 13 T i v ap«r;Af\jihi ATintxi orjEorj ***** *ND WEEK! No lre« Liat 11 am. I.W, IN.INM "Yot Can't Win la All" ron» CurtU, Charles Bronaon PVlalon. Color. Columbia SATURDAY MIDNIOHTI "The King And Qwca" (Mandarin) Color. Scope. Eng Chin Suba. I ORCHARD" <2ljvT| HTH TOWERING WEEK.! HIRRY! HI KKYI SEE
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  • Students' page
    • 363 14  -  Ele and Walt Dulaney DEAR KLI AND WALT: My st«ady works a swing skiff (hen comes over to my boos* about 7.30 p.m. I don't eat witb Hie rest of Hie family, but wait and aat with bim. My problem Is that he never notices me.
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    • Article, Illustration
      357 14 A HOBBY Is an Interesting and pleasant pastime. Therefore, everyone should have a favourite hobby. One can encage oneself In one's own particular Interest during their leisure time. The advantages derived from a hobby are numerous. It keeps us calm and gives us no time to think of other
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    • 649 14  -  Ruth Elliott SOMEHOW, she fits it all Mito her full and bmy day: kmkamd. chiMron amd 9randcWfwe, stamp collection of international (MM, a ferny social life and now Job at tihibifioa sac rotary for London's biffest-ever international stamp eiMMtion, Pfcilympia 1970. How did
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    • 258 14 81NGAFOBE Is a r polltu ctt r with the CUmk, Malays sad laof Ms pspaiatiia; each race with Ms Mm butlf w* want our country to be united, strong and prosperous, these races must be welded into one so that we may live and work in peace, harmony
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 195 14 The Eastern Sun's essay writing contest *o» beys and girts of 14 end under (Junior) and boys and girls over 14 (Sonlor) appears In this page from Monday to Friday. Prise money S: SIC lor Seniors and $5 tor Juniors tor evory nuv published All entrants ere requested to observe
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  • 250 15  -  Thursday Food by Ruth Bakalar THE good life in Cosmopolitan Singapore encompasses the best of everything, and everything necessarily includes line foodstuffs from all over the globe. Danish chicken is perfectly at home in this savoury Chinese style dish. These frozen birds are so young
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  • 444 15  -  Ann Landers DEAR ANN: I hope you won't think this is dumb, but I need an answer and I don't know who else to ask. Is there anything in the rules of etiquette regarding "Love" signed to a letter or card f Sometimes I receive
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  • commercial and industrial
    • 248 16 The Slock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore continued to strike the low key yesterday in very selective trading. Turnover however put •n marginally to LI million. Hotels exibited slight improvement In a handful of Issues. Oil palms and properties had scattered deals. Buslnes® in commodity shares
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    • 275 16 October first grade rubber buyers closed at 5 p.m. In Singapore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at Sl| cents per lb. up I cent from the previous close. The tone of the market was quiet. Improved London advices made for a slightly higher opening and with some
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    • 1 16
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    • 102 16 Mr. Charles Lnoi-Coo-jmihMn ha* been appointed managing director of the Blue Funnel Line, the local agents Mansfield and Co. Pte. Ltd. said. He It also a director of Panocean Shipping A Trading Lid., the company joint!? owned by The Ocean Steam Ship Co. Ltd. parent company of
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    • 124 16 BONG KONG Wednesday*! rurrrury rales (supplied fey Fsreijta Bsehaage and In vestneat Ltd.): (Bayers) (Mm) I*9 5 197.5 per 100 Strait* dollars 151 5 1515 per 1.000 Taiwan on liars e 7425 0 7525 per Australian dollar 340 300 per 1.000 Burmese kyats 470 490 per 1.000 Indian
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    • 668 16 BID and offer prices officially listed at the riose of business In the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of tbe Stock Exchange yesterday were: DfDUSTBIALft B. 8. Machine No Sep* 16 Arma U5 1.37 AJinomoto 2.92 AJcan kli L 43 Allied Choc 2.78 2.82 Ben. 1.67 108
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    • 862 16 BUSINESS done In and reported to the trading rooms of the Stork Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore with the number of shares traded to brackets In lot* of IJM intta nnless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS ACMA $133 41); AHwrti SIM (1) UN 41); Alow 9141 43); Allied CkM. AM
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    • 2 16
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    • 335 17 SYDNEY Speculative shares came to life Wednesday in a reversal on Sydney Stock Exchange. WMC after a shaky start recovered strongly in the afternoon session and posted a gala of 30 cents, closing at $11.75. $2.55 to dose at 30 cents, closing at $11.75. Sonthland Mining added 17
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    • 255 17 *IIE Chairman and director (Mr Seitx) of Esso Standard Malaya Berha<| announced that net profit for th e first six months of 1970 was $2,380,052. Thlj figure was a sharp decline from $5,484,488 earned during the same period in 1969 and was primarily due
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    • 148 17 Singaporeans have become more fuhiM and cosmetic conscious during the five yearn. This is because of the many posh and luxurious departmental stores and shopping complexes who promote these products. This was disclosed by Mr. Hideo Okau< hi. 61. President of Shlseldo Company Limited. Ginsa. Tokyo.
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    • 545 17 AKKIVAI.H I.4ft* in MSAieft Kuala •.eft a m MSA *584 Colour On IM a-flu MSA Its Koala I nat pin 9Jo iui MM 4M Koala I.OmpO* 11-4 MV am MMA 4i4 froaat. Koala l.iiuipnr. lI.AO am MM sf«:t Jakarta 130 poi MSA 4SI Ka (tin e-sop.m MSA oei
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    • 121 17 FOR the first time In the history of Singapore's shipbuilding industry two fast patrol craft will be launched simultaneously at a local shipyard tomorrow at V os p e r Thornycroft Unlteer® Pte Ltd.. at Tanjong Rhu. They are two 62-foot fast patrol launches
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    • 14 17 The tin price for yesterday was s*>s3 50 per ptcul up $l.OO.
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    • 87 17 The Part of Singapore Authority kaa made the following berthing arrangements far today, Sept. 17. DEPASTURES God owns Vessels 3/4 A 1 Kadislah 6/7 Mayasan Maru 38/39 Hoegh Pride 4ft Nausicca 4ft President Taylor 44 Caprata E W. Jetty Timber Transport I ARRIVALS God varus Vessels 22
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 45 17 Classified Ads. Where To Eat EXCELLENT SWISS and French cuisine. Excellent wine cellar, our speciality "PEPPER STEAK'*. CAROL INN Bar Restaurant. 74, Robinson Road Singapore 1. Tel: ***** SITUATION VACANT PHOTO STUDIO reqaires Itrk-raoM MM wit* I jrewi •xperi MOC Apply Bos Now ESAT. Batters
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    • 497 17 APPOINTMENTS (H BOOi. or INOI STtlMi TKCHNOLUdV APPLICATIONS are la. vlted from suitably qualtfled persona for potti as Senior Instructors or Instructors in the Departments Mechanical Production riigiiii i it—and Electrical lam mooring Duties: The successful appllcant* will be expected to give instruction to technician students la on* or more
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    • 2552 18 Raee it CL 5 Div. 3—6 F Z.OO p.m. ($5,000) 1. ***** Straits Code IH 800 Tooronga Vi c (Bougoure) Mitchell 9 2 ***** Faser HUI 11 fly 812 Sultan of Pahang (Lee) Dawkins 8 8. ***** Mats tar fly 812 Lucky (E Donnelly) Cheam
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    • 246 19 NEW YORK Two-time heavyweight champion Floyd Potterson, a gentleman to the very end despite being bloodied and butted, come bock after a two-year layoff Tuesday night to knock out Charlie "Devil" Green with just 63 seconds remaining in their 10-round bout. Patterson bled from a
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    • 68 19 KUALA LUMPUR. Pakistan hag at last decided to send one delegate, Dr. Shafqat All Khan, to the 9th Asian Racing Conference to be held here from Friday to Tuesday. An official of the Malayan Racin* Association, organisers of the A.R.C., disclosed this yesterday and said that Dr. Shafqat
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    • 223 19 KUALA LUMPUR Tunka AMil Kahman'i PISANG MAS, «ne of the early favourites for the Prime Minister's Cap mm B«s4ij. worked veil here this aursis|. Ridden by Peter MoTJSZX'J?' la M S/S froes a standin* start Oa that work oak Usui Mas saa take a Ist
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    • 150 19 HONO KONO, Beven A* lan countries have accepted Invitation* to participate In the 1970 Southeast Asian Amateur Golf Team Championship to be played at the Royal Hong Kong Golf Club at Fanllng from Oct. 14 to 17. They are Singapore, Malaysia, the Philippines, Burma, Indonesia.
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    • 100 19 LONDON Defending champion Bob Charles of New Zealand and American Dave Stockton will clash in the opening round of the 18,400 sterling (Ss- Piccadilly World Match Play Gotf Championship at Wcntworth, England, from The first round draw Oct. 8 to 10. is: Bob Charles (New Zealand) vs. Dave
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    • 61 19 NEW JERSEY Former light-heavyweight cootender Frankie Depaula, SO, died of pneumonia and other complication* caused by a bullet that lodged in his neck after a gangland-style assaasination attempt, an official autopsy report said yesterday. Two bullets struck Depaula when two gunmen ambushed him. One slug which struck his
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    • 140 19 MANILA The World Boxing Council (WBCX yesterday announced It v«i withdrawing »U recognition or Isamel Lag una of Panama as world lightweight champion The council, in a press release, said the vacant title would be disputed by the division's top contenders. Pedro Carrasco of Spain and Man.
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    • 214 19 NEW YORK Results and standings in major league baseball after Tuesday's games: AMERICAN LEAGUE EAST W L OB Baltimore 96 51 New York 83 65 131 Detroit 75 72 21 Boston 75 73 211 Cleveland 72 76 241 Washington 68 78 271 WEST W L OB
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