Eastern Sun, 16 September 1970

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Total Pages: 19
1 20 Eastern Sun
  • 21 1 EASTERN SUN Singapore's own national daily 10 cents E»td. 1966. Vol. 5 No. 1448 Wednesday, September 16, 1970 MC (P) 1616
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  • 199 1 SAN FRANCISCO— A hijacker who took over a TWA jet on its way to San Francisco was shot by a security guard aboard when the plane landed. No one else was hurt. The attempted hijacking occurred on the final Log Angeles to San Francisco
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  • 485 1 "I>OBOT" waiters and waitresses from the Catering School can do with some retraining instead of whining about slow promotion, hotel managers said yesterday. Many of these half-baked graduates from the Catering School's two-month training CDurses ore not genuinely interested in iheir jobs they added. The managers are
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  • 75 1 THREE men involved in a conspiracy in which gangsters were engaged to assault the President of the National Trades Union Congress, Mr. Phey Yew Kok, were yesterday sentenced to nine months' jail each. Seen here from left are Gulduyn John Gomez, Yong Ah Kow
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 35 1 NOW HEAR 4> TBI AWARD WINNING |4E»I Loodiptikn sjrtteaM AUDIO SERVICES It. 9t (irfiwj Ptow, Singapore. Tel; Mlktt disc< lights to 3 Hong Kong 10.00 a.m. Monday, Wednesday, Saturday 8.30 a.m. Tuesday, Thursday, Friday, Sunday
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  • 132 2 THE signpost to end all signposts an innovation by the Public Utilities Board to remind the people of the need to keep the environment clean. It is an offence to bathe, swim or fish in the reservoirs or cause Injury to any "animal" in
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  • 92 2 About 700,000 members of 14,373 Rotary Clubs in 148 countries are now celebrating The World Understanding Week from Sept. 13 to Sept. 19 i This is a special week •et aside annually by Rotary International urging Rotar v CHibs all over Ihtf world emphasise
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  • 74 2 HANDICRAFTS of all kinds are now being made In preparation for the Christmas Fair to be held later this year. A group of hardworking ladies meet every Wednesday at the residence of Mrs. Sunarso. wife of the Indonesian Ambassador to Singapore. They spend the afternoon making
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  • 158 2 Police are mystified about reports of a pack of dogs savaging a man to death after he fell from his bicycle. According to another newspaper yesterday, Kisud bin Siran, 57, was cycling to his daughter's house when he was attacked
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  • 346 2 Govt sued for loss of future earnings A WIDOW'S claim in a $289,000 negligence suit probably the biggest accident claim so far in the High Court was yesterday adjourned to a later date after a four-day hearing. Mrs. Radha Baskaran, 31 of
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  • 33 2 HOUSEWIFE Toh Ah Slew, 24, was yesterday fined $5OO for possession of 20 rolls of ganja. valued at $l9. at a backlane of Burmah Road. She was arrested on July 17.
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  • 91 2 Police are anxious to contact Tan Ah Kok, 22, who, thej believe, could help them in their Investigations about the theft of railwa j communication wires in the early hours of Aug. 14 at the railway track near Kranji Bridge. Tan's last known address
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  • 32 2 Th« Nineth Magistrate's Court yesterday sentenced Sjamsul Bahri, 20. Nurmin, 39. and Saerasi, 25, from Indonesia to one month's jail each when they pleaded guilty to unlawful entry last month.
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  • 27 2 Sub-contractor Teo Ah Tee. 32. was fined $l5O yesterday when he pleaded guilty to employing an illegal immigrant on Aug. '9 at Kallang National Stadium.
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  • 314 3 Fourth under detention men involved in a conspiracy to harm the President of the National Trades Union Congress, Mr. Phey Yew Kok, were each sentenced yesterday to nine months' jail. They are Gulduyn John Gomez, Yong Ah Kow, ond Oh Sew Hai oil
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  • 64 3 Fruit-seller Llm Pha! Qwee, 48, was seriously injured in this road crash which occurred at 3}-mile Dunearn Road at 10.40 a.m. yesterday. The lorry driver escaped injury. Police said the lorry went off the road, hit into Llm and later landed In a drain. Lim,
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  • 242 3 JAIL terms up to eight years were Imposed by the First District Judge, Mr. Abdul Wahab Ghows, yesterday when 10 men pleaded guilty to various charges of theft. The foods thej admitted bavins stolen from several godowns and stores from October last
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 80 3 111 111 NATIONAL DAY W SPECIAL DBAW LAST 2 DRAWS TO WIN BIG FORTUNES THIS THURSDAY'S DRAW NO. 74/70 (17-9-70) will be held At Singapore Wonderland Amusement Park at 7-45 pa IST GROUP $l7OOOO TO WINNERS WITH 5 NUMBERS CORRECT THE OTHER GROUP PRIZES ;1 w >vTj I wI J
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  • 216 4 T>ANGKOK Malaysia and Thailand wilt step up sea pafrols in their adjacent territorial waters to stop Chinese-born Malaysian communist youths from entering Thailand, Malaysian Premier Tunku Abdul Rahman disclosed. Tunku claimed a large number of Malaysian youths of Chinese origin
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  • 123 4 CANBERRA Australia will give S$ 150.000 worth of weather and telecommunications equipment to s* n Bap°re and Thailand Acting External Affairs Minister Reginald Swartz announced. The weather satellite equipment worth SSftO.OOO will be installed near Singapore Airport to receive cloud photographs and other information
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  • 47 4 Dato and Da tin Leo Chfe Shan yesterday celebrated their 49th wedding anniversary with a luncheon party at the Golden Lotos, Hotel Malaysia. Dato Lee, Managing Director of the Chung Khiaw Bank, is seen lvll'l his wife a loving peck on the cheek.
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  • 45 4 A factory-hand Miss Toh Choon Tai, 24. died soon after admission to the Thomson Road General Hospital. She was found with severe bead injuries at the foot of Block 64. Toa Payoh Estate, yesterday by her father at about 12 .50 p a
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  • 175 4 Hotel Malaysia's management yesterday charged that the union representing its workers was misrepresenting facts. General Manager Philip Seow told a press conference that the management was awaiting to hold further talks with the union. Mr. Beow was commenting on charges by the NTUC that the management
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  • 200 4 JOIIORK KAURI! Pontian businessman Lee Wong Tfang, 29, was yesterday called to make his defence in the High Court on a charge of allegedly murdering his wealthy girlfriend. The prosecution completed Its case against Lee, father of two. He 1* alleged to
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 44 4 JucjSßl cFuii Qal with the end automatic M' < i ft b.nd. VHF /FM. SW MW. LW mi*; VJTL^I Port, bio /err radio Super performance with ceptionjl lefectivity. FfTTlHillMlhßlihU.'H A wide range of models available I CTCIE ft CARRIAGE (ENTERPRISES) PTE. IT*. G«N««A1 IMPOItI MVIVIOtI
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 201 5 CANBERRA Police yesterday mounted a round-the-clock guard on the Egyptian embassy in Canberra and the Lebanese Consulate in Sydney after a telephone threat to blow up oil Arabs. An indefinite guard had also been placed on the private residence of
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  • 46 5 SOUTH VIETNAM'S PRESIDENT TIIIEU passes out gifts to children In observance of the Mid-Autumn Festival One grateful recipient offers a snappy salute in return. The Chinese festival is celebrated annually at this time with mooncakes and colourful paper lanterns. (TPI radioplioto). (UPI radiophoto).
    (UPI radiophoto).  -  46 words
  • 233 5 LIMA, Peru The Peru Government has recommended all foreign diplomats in Peru and their drivers to carry firearms to foil kidnappings. The suggestion was contained In a list of security measures the Foreign Ministry recommended to diplomats in Peru following the recent wave
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  • 300 5 BORDEAUX, France The French Prime Minister, who does not speak English, and a political rival, who docs, were involved in a parliamentary by-election controversy over the translation of a letter from American business magnate Henry Ford 11. Prime Minister Jacques Chaban-Delmas accused publisher-politician
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  • 139 5 SYDNEY —A man was awarded 8915 damages and the return of a copy of the American 'Playboy* magazine seised by Australian Customs officials nearly two years ago. Paget Sayers of Sydney, in the district court, sued the New South Wales Col- lector of Customs when
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  • 95 5 COVENTRY, England Many fashionable pets can carry deadly infections which make them as dangerous as time-bomb* in the living room a veterinary expert warned The main danger comes from exotic animals from abroad, such as monkeys, tortoises, bush babies, hamsters and white mice, according to
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  • 195 5 ROME Police believed the death of a Roman Countess in i parked ear, which they first described as 'murder/ may prove to be a case of suicide. The body of Countess Carmela Williamson, 49. estranged wife of a British Royal Air Force
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  • 315 6 MUNICH—A 31-year-old East German engineer travelling on a Rumanian airliner hijacked to Munich has joined six Hungarians in asking political asylum in West Germany. The man had originally been bound for Prague, police said. Two Hungarian men who hijacked the plane at gun-point from
    (UPI radiophoto).  -  315 words
  • 68 6 ALBUQUERQUE, New Mexico The parents of a teenage girl who died from leukemia sued a national record club for *****.000 for continuing to 9end advertising asking her to "come back we miss you." Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Eden filed suit against the Columbia Record Club, contending continuing
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  • 353 6 JERUSALEM Prime Minister Mrs. Goldo Meir moy ask President Nixon to revise America's official policy on Israel's future borders to help ease Israel's return to the Middle East Peace Talks. Diplomatic sources disclosed Mrs. Meir may ask America to accept Israel's view that
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    • 303 6 PIIITSALUNOK. North Thailand Saeng Yachampa. a respectable citizen, has an unusual problem his shapely 16-year-old daughter refuses to wear any clothes. Saeng, who ftas another seven children to take care of, explained his daughter has shunned clothes and run around naked ever since
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  • 303 6 TEL AVIV King Hussein of Jordan is thinking of abdicating, the 1 Jerusalem Post' reported. The paper's usually well-informed Arab affairs specialist, disclosed that King Hussein had told Egyptian. Saudi Arabian and Libyan leaders of his intentions. President Nasser then asked the King to reconsider
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  • 271 7 WASHINGTON An estimated 40,000 railroad workers stopped work on three major lines yesterday, stranding freight and passenger trains and adding even more confusion to an already complicated labour dispute. A Union spokesman said the men probably would return to work later after
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  • 245 7 A HMEDABAD, India A massive rehabilitation plan will go into operation in the West Indian state of Gujarat where 450 people are feared dead o»d over 100/000 have been mode homeless. Hundreds of cattle and standing crops over more than 400,000 acres
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  • 112 7 MOSCOW The party daily, 'Pravda,' published on its front pace a photo of Sinrapore Premier Lee Kuan Yew. expected to fly in on an official one-week visit yesterday. It expressed the hope that the "good relations" between Singapore and the Soviet Union would be
    (UPI radiophoto).  -  112 words
  • 231 7 LONDON Christine Jorgensen, the American who made world headlines when she changed from man to woman in the early 1950'5, confessed it was only a few years ago that she finally overcame all her regrets at having the sex-change operation. Maladjusted Christine, now 44
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  • 72 7 MADAM BINH, head of th e Vietcong delegation at the Paris Peace Talks and Foreign Minister of the so-called "Provisional South Vietnamese Government," talks with newsmen at Orly Airport. She has been away from France for the first time for 3 months. It is not yet
    (UPI radiophoto).  -  72 words
  • 188 7 MANILA Philippine Navy frogmen yesterday scoured Casiguran Bay for more bodies. Health authorit es meanwhile worked feverishly to stem a possible spread of epidemic in three northern coastal towns devastated by Typhoon Pitang. The death toll in the typhoon, which roared through the coastal
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  • 410 8 ability of the Police force to protect and aid citizens can only be in proportion to tiie active cooperation and goodwill they enjoy in the community at large. in tne United States and Britain too much negative and nostile attitudes are btsng displayed against the dedicated and industrious
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  • 247 8 fTHE Pope will "issue a special message to the peoples of Asia" in November when he attends the Episcopal Conferences of Asia and Australia/Oceania. This will be the longest ever overseas Journey by the tradition-breaking Pontiff. He has been to the Holy Land, Bombay, the United Nations,
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  • 537 8  -  By Art Buchwald Many air travellers have noticed that their luggage has been getting more of a bashing recently than it has in the past. This is no accident. Most airline luggage handlers must now go to school before an airline will allow them to touch
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  • 632 8  -  |By Edwin Rosenthal MOST governments are sponsoring birth control programmes, but they are reluctant to Cenalise parents of irge families. A number of scientists argue that families must be limited by law to save mankind from destruction by over-popula-tion. Their views have been condemned
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 66 8 Foreign new* and feature* appearing In all edition* of the Eastern Sun and The Sun are from: Renter*. United Presa International. Age nee France Pr sse, Fd iors Pi ew syndicate. News,xew*- in Hiinia i.nmpur. \\W\V\VVVVVVWWW\\V\WVVVVVWVWVVVVVVVVVWWVVVVWWWI paper Enterprise Association. Publishers Hall Synd cate, Los Angeles Times Syndicate, Genunl New* Service.
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  • 545 9  -  Israel needs another sllojmil. in extra taxes Final part By David Landau JHE prospects for peace in the Middle East, however slight, have meant no easier life for the ordinary Israeli taxpayer. Indeed, only a few days after the guns fell silent over the
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  • 427 9 DOCTOR'S MAILBAG Good news for victims of Parkinson's palsy. Ldopa, the widely publicised compound that has helped so many in experimental studies is now available under the name, Do par. Because a great demand is anticipated, it has been distributed only to hospitals
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  • 363 10/11  -  «y Joe Hung T<AIPEI National- kit Chinese are a bit xenophobic. Taipei police declared war on hippie hairdos and scanty apparel a few months ago, which they claimed were imported from abroad. They said such for-eign-originated frivolity must come to an end because it affects
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  • 746 10/11  -  By Oliver C. Carruthers T ONDOM It must hove seemed unbelievably easy to the Arab guerillas. One look at a BOAC timetable, flip over to Bahrein and hijack a passing VC 10. But their luck had to go bad at some stage and they picked
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  • 468 10/11  -  By Christopher Reeves CANBERRA From an aircraft cruising at 1,000 ft. it looks like the surface of the moon. Desolation stretches for mile upon unending mile and there is no sign of life, nor of lifegivin* vegetation. On first appearance only its
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  • Page 10/11 Advertisements
    • 137 10/11 BFC-45W 1 BRC-25 BFC-69W Just watch it and it tells you the time clearly, in figures, minute by minute with electronic precision and matchless accuracy. Fall asleep and the sleep timer automatically turns the music off at a pre-selected time. To wake you up the 24 hour timer will automatically
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  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1899 12 LOOKING AND LISTENING.... tv and radio auide [CARROLL RIOHTER'S from (he Carroll Righter Institute GENERAL TENDENCIES: You have a good chance row to put in motion new ideas and plans that can bring you the goodwill and assistance of your associates. Be sure you think in lofty terms in order
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  • 1232 13 Film version of "CROMWELL" The speech which Cromwell made to Parliament to persuade them to set about the judicial murder of their King, contemporaries agreed, was amongst the finest he had ever made: This obstinate King, this man of blood whose heart God has heardened,
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 185 13 1. a SHAW HON L I D O Phone *****4 Now Showing!—No Free List 11 am. 1.30 4. 6.30 A ».ll Lee Van Cleef Sabata Technicolor A Bcope »UAI 'CAPITOL Phone ***** LAST SHOWN: tl. 1.30, 4.00 A 6.45 only TIN MAN with t HIVES' «A SHAW PRODUCTION Mandarin In
      185 words
    • 167 13 ft' RGANIBATIOM CATHAY 1 3400 LAHI DAY! II 1M 4 IN «M Po* "Caver Me Babe" Color Rooert Kor*ter Boudra Lock* orjEoro ***** No» Showing No t trt Uil II is. I.M, 8.34», S.M pa 'ln Can't Win Km AH" Ton/ Carta, Chvlea Broaaoo P VUion, Color. Columbia ORCHARD-.***** 48TH
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  • Students' page
    • 293 14  -  Ele and Walt Dulaney Dear Be: Last week I'd Anally had enough of Sam and decided to call it quits. So 1 asked him to meet me at the library. When he arrived, 1 told him as nicely as I could that our
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    • 144 14 THE heort that loves is like a fire that gives a steody glow; It never flares up suddenly or dies out dim and low. Whoever comes within its ronge can feel that hidden Flame, That burns with warmest Charity untouched by praise or blame. Such a
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    • 585 14  -  2. -v.iii "I Howard A. Rusk THE purpose of all space technology is to hnrl men and equipment beyond earth, but at the same time it is producing many medical benelits for mankind. Technological Innovations and physiological data derived Irom space flighty &re being applied increasingly
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    • 162 14 Doris g Ik holidays, my Parents took mr to Kota Tinggi Waterfalls. Mt big brother, small brother and our servant also came with u*. We left Singapore by car in the morning. I w ag very excited and could not wait to get there. On
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 193 14 ESSAY CONTEST: Roles to observe Mlffrll MM 9 CIMy wflflpj COHVf9i for bon aairf girh of 14 WHkrr (Jwiot) boy* amd girli ovct 14 (Seizor) ifpnw in 4MIM Calj I"'* FFvlli rWvflOjy TO r» Prtaa money Ik SIC tor Servian and $5 tor tontors toi «mt> nuy puMihtd AM entrant*
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    • 396 15 JJOES your husband complain that his dress shirts are "too skimpy" or "as big as a tent"? He's probably wearing the right size, but he may be wearing the wrong shirt. Today, shirts come In shapes, designed to suit the long, the short, the
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    • 147 15 THE semi sport look of line wool and leather, mated to form easy dresses, usua ly In black, worn with stocking-soft boots. PANNE velvet Jumpsuits, often with hoods that convert to cowls, in silver, or purple or forest green, slinky for good figures. KNIT sweater-dresses, ankle-length, sashed
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 79 15 Embro-danja, a new beauty and health discovery usinfc the chemistry of vitamin, cosmetics and extracts give your skin new life, new glow, new vigour end new beauty. It's an excelled t v •>,*' foundation too. Your skin will p> s i C 9 literally glow with health and vitality. Wrinkles,
      79 words

  • commercial and industrial
    • 290 16 Another note of hesitant trading was experienced in the Stork Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore in steady conditions. Business in the morning was very minimal and selective but a late mild ral.y in the afternoon steadied the industrial section. Turnover for the day accounted for a
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    • 73 16 THfc noon price* at the Hinitporf Chlnrsf 1 Produce brkanitf ycolrrdai •ere: Coronal (M) iro B- > Balk ilia Coronal <M> iron.) Dram M. (mti »-50 Monti* Wfcltr m*O (FOB.) «ara*ak White IBM Sarawak ttprdal Blark frpper (K>ll) lampoon HffflU mi n jESflwtampon* Black rrpprr %hTA aiw (F O
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    • 272 16 October first grade rubber buyers closed *t 5 p.m. in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 56-3/8 cents per lb. down 2/8 cent from the previous close. The tone of the market was quiet. Opening prices were marked up marginally on better overseas colonies. However levels
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    • 192 16 Taipei, Taiwan's economic growth is expected to exceed eight pe r cent this year, judging from the performance of the ftrst half, an official report said yesterday. According to the report production of many agricultural crops, showed a decline in the January June period particularly
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    • 63 16 BEIRUT All Western airline companies which boycotted Beirut airport following the recent hijackings have now decided to resume their flights to Lebanon. A spokesman for Swissair said that the company would resume using Beirut airport yesterday, while British Overseas Airways Corporation (BO AC) announced It would resume
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    • 118 16 HONG KONG Tuesday's currrncy rates (supplied by Foreign Exchange and Investmrnt Ltd.): 4 Ravers) (Sellers) 199.5 197.5 per 100 Straits dollars 151.9 153.5 per 1.000 Taiwan dollars •.7429 €.7525 per Australian dollar 940 SCO per 1000 Burmese kyata 479 400 per 1.000 Indian rupees 139 159 per 10.000
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    • 663 16 BID and offer prices ofliciallv listed at the rlose of business la the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Stock Exchange yesterday were: INDUSTRIALS B. 8. B 8 Acma 1.46 Ajinomoto 1-98 Air an L 40 146 Allied hoc. 2.80 287 Ben 1.66 1» Berjaya 1.24
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    • 808 16 BI'SINESS done In and reported to the trading rooms of the Stork exchange of Malaysia and Singapore with the number of shares traded In brackets In lots of 1 .MM unite unlet* otherwise specified INDUCT* IA La ACMA SIM (J); Ajfn*anoto SI M u>; Alean $1 45 (2);
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    • 2 16
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    • 38 16 NEW YORK—Dow Jones closing averages Thursday on the New York Stock Exchange were: 30 Industrials 760.75 20 Transp. 137.50 15 Utilities 108.99 65 Stocks 230.36 40 Bonds 67 98 Commodity futures iifcdex A 47.73 oIX 0.0?.
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    • 376 17 SYDNEY Speculatives, nickels and key uraniara* with the odd exception took a nosedive on Sydney Stock Exchange Tuesday. Queensland Mines, Kathleen Investments and Meckathara were the only bright spots in uninterestine market. Queensland M t n e s soared to high of $31.00 midway through trading before
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    • 114 17 OSAKA, Japan The president of a leading trading fir m has called for guarantees in Japanese investments in Asian and Pacific nations. Mr. Sholchl Echigo, i of C. I toll and Co., said Japan should conclude a bilateral Investment guarantee agreement with each nation in
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    • 31 17 NEW YORK Dow Jones closing averages on the New York Stock Exchange: 30 Industrials 757.12 20 Ralls 139.56 15 Utilities 108.42 65 Stocks 239 J1 40 Bonds 65.11
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    • 89 17 ICT Paints (Singapore) Private Limited recently announced the appointment o( Mr. Andrew Yap Giok Juan as Production Manager of th« Company's Paints Factory in Juronf. He succeeds Mr. M. W. Stephens who was seconded from the Paints Division of Imperial Chemical Industries I.td. at Slough, England.
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    • 99 17 TOKYO Japan and the Soviet Union agreed to cooperate in the development of Siberian ports. I The agreement was reached at a meeting between Vladimir N. Sushkov, Director of the Oeneral Affairs Bureau of the Soviet Ministry of Foreign Trade, and Katsuml Yamagata, President of
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    • 499 17 ARKIVALB 1.46 am MM Its Kuala Lam par I-4oa.ni MSA It* Kuala I umpur •SO a m MSA 452 Kuala Lumpur lirtl MSA 464 I'm .OS Kuala I ampur lI.AO am. MSA tOS Jakarta 130 p.m MSA 431 Rachitic ISO p m MSA otl Kuala l.umpur, Malacca M.
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    • 124 17 Mr. Peter Daetwiler has been a[)(Mtnt«d Resident Manager of the 520 deluxe room* Shangri-La Hotel. Prior to taking up his present position, Mr. Daetwiler was formerly the Food and Beverage Manager of the Hong Kong Hilton and General Manager of the Montien Hotel in Bangkok Mr. Daetwiler
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    • 14 17 The tin price for yesterday was $652.50 per picul up 50 cents.
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    • 120 17 Plans have been announced for construction of a $5O million lyre factory in the Congo. The managing director of Goodyear Malaysia (Private) Limited, Mr. M. T. Laughlin. said in Kuala Lumpur that following a recent visit to the U.S. by the President of the Congo, Mr.
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    • 80 17 TOKYO. I&hikawa-jima-Harima Heavy Industries Co. announced It will open to the public Sept. 22 the first computer-control-led ship in the world. Ishikawajima-Harima recently completed building the Seiko Maru, a 138.000-ton tanker equipped with an electronic computer system. The tanker, built at a cost of about 4 billion yen
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    • 69 17 The Part of Singapore Authority has made the following berthing arrangemenU for today. Sept. 16. DEPARTURES Godowns Vowels 1/2 Balachikha 8/» Viativa Tlrth 18 Moociie 27/28 Djakarta Maru 40/41 Colombo Maru 42/43 Texaco Newca»Ue 46 President Taylor 33/34 Eastern Adcocates 36 Margo ARRIVALS Godowtu VnseN 3/4 Al
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 124 17 Classified Ads. Sales Service Television Radio ICHMKKHHION TKI.ICV ISION RKM4LH UP CA am (umpk'ir raaif la mU( f?er)one Hliownwmt: Clrairncraa Avrnar ■lon Chtat Road Corporation l)rlv«. (JurtMM Tow n) aiM» Kuala Lampw, Petallac Jajra. Ipuh Prnanjg Kultrrwortk KHMII (ISION KhP Al K* ANY M tKK OK TV HKTB Phonr S
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    • 884 18 CI. 1 Div. 3—6 Furs. 254ns Amor River 5y 9 00 Sung Bros. R Breuk ***** Ad Valorem Cy 812 Popeye Daniels •4390 Mastrel Boy Cy 8.09 Loo Chong Tulloh ***** Tudor Pirate By 8 08 Agasam Daniels ***** Yakin 6y 8 08 Tunku A
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    • 230 18 KUALA LUMPUR New Zealand's champion jockey, Ernie Didham, 25, arrived in Kuala Lumpur Jast night, reports our racing correspondent. This morning, he took out trainer Noordin's KOTA TINGGI U for work. With Stablemate BORN LUCKY (Moran) tor company, the pair raced stride for stride over
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    • 128 18 JOHANNESBURG The New Zealand All Blacks left here by air for home Monday after team manager Ron Burk had declared that the 1973 Springboks tour of New Zealand was "definitely on." Burk said: "It is up to us to resist any move against the tour. He
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    • 233 18 SIEGEN, West Germany Canada unexpectedly qualified for the finals of the World Chess Championships here yesterday. Canada's qualification followed the surprise defeat of their nearest challenger* Indonesia, who lost 1.5 to 2.5 In their last qualifying match against Mongolia. With the exception of Denmark, all the
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    • 52 18 JAKARTA Twentyfive top Indonesian karate experts will begin intensive training hero this week for the World Karate Championship to be held in Tokyo from Oct. 10 to 12 and the individual championship in Osaka on Oct. 13, it was announced here yesterday. Fifty countries will take part in the
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  • 414 19 NEW YORK Floyd Patterson tries to revive his dormant career after a twoyear absence from boxing Tuesday night against flamboyant Charlie "devil" Green in a 10-round bout at Madison Square Garden. Patterson, who became the youngest heavyweight champion back In 1956 at the age of 21,
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  • 614 19 T ONDON Manchester City are emerging as the most likely long-distance rivals to Leeds at the top of the first division of the Football League in England where the change to wet heavy conditions has been producing some unexpected results. The Yorkshire team, after looking invincible
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  • 167 19 NEW YORK Results and standings in major league baseball after Monday's games: AMERICAN LEAGUE EAST W L OB Baltimore 95 51 New York 81 65 14 Boston 75 71 20 Detroit 75 71 20 Cleveland 71 76 241 Washington 68 77 26* WEST W L OB
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  • 74 19 KUALA LUMPUR Twenty-two nominations have been received for the Sports Boy and Sports Girl of 196 9 awards, the Secretary of the Malaysian School Sports Council, Mr. Toh Boon Huah, said yesterday. He added that the selection would be made on Friday. Following the selection, a ceremony would
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  • 180 19 Four wrestlers, all national champions In their respective divisions, will represent Singapore in the triangular wrestling contest with Malaysia and Ceylon in Colombo on Sept. 28. They are Llan Soon Hin (flyweight), Chan Seek Sung (bantam). Yap Guan Hwee (light welter) and Cheong Hul Jonf (light heavy).
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  • 310 19 NEW YORK A Federal Judge ordered the New York State Athletic Commission Monday to (rant a boxing licence to Cassius Clay who was stripped of his world heavyweight title for refusing to join the army. Judge Walter Mansfield said the commission was arbitrary and unreasonable in
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  • 146 19 NEWPORT R.I. Cool temperature, fog patches, rain and blustery winds were forecast for the first of the best-of-seven America's Cup match between the United States yacht Intrepid and Australia's Gretel 11. The weather forecast, though not considered a threat to the start of the series would
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  • 422 20 AMMAN, Jordan Popular Front guerillas yesterday pushed up the price demanded for the release of their hijack hostages and called on the five governments concerned to conclude a swift series of bilateral ransom deals. "We will not wait for ever/' a Front spokesman told
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  • 180 20 Yang Wei Ming, 13, Is a prodigious writer —except nobody knows what he is daily scribbling about. Neither does Wei Ming alias Tee Tee know —he is mentally retarded and, like Lim Chai Huat (E.S. Sept. 14 issue), has to be chained up for his own protection.
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  • 53 20 MELBOURNE A leading American surgeon claimed yesterday that human brain transplants are now medically feasible but they would .probably have to be in the form of a total head swap. But the operation was unlikely at this stage because of the furore it would cause. admitted
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  • Page 20 Advertisements