Eastern Sun, 15 September 1970

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1 20 Eastern Sun
  • 21 1 EASTERN SUN Singapore's own national daily 10 cents Estd. 1966. Vol. 5 No. 1447 Tietdiy, September 15, 1970 MC (P) 1616
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  • 407 1  -  m mwk I IV HH By K.S. SIDHU TIM CHAI HUAT, 14, is o prisoner in his own house chained like on animal because no hospital will accept him. The boy, also known os Ah Kow, is mentally retarded. His foster parents have no choice
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  • Page 1 Advertisements

  • 553 3 POLICE SMASH GANG BELIEVED TO HAVE STOLEN 1/2M. GOODS Fourteen suspects nabbed 130 LICE believe they hove smashed a gang which has stolen $500,000 in goods and cash over the past ten months. Fourteen suspects have been or- rested. Some of the men have been on police wanted lists for
    Sunpix.  -  553 words
  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 168 3 .I? 5S 4 '>>' *****5678 91 vfr; UlMiUimi '•••< The New Tiny Instant Brain!! Canon Canola 1210 ELECTRONIC DESK CALCULATOR rgMMMMMMIIIMMt&t cut here m--. Sjj! PVIH Mnd rot itull) of Canola 143 Q Canola 141 Q Canola 141 QCanola lllOQCanola IJOO without ma obiKattM. i Small in size. Lightweight Yet
      168 words

  • 133 4 A contingent of 42 youths represent!!!* the Comex-4 arrived in Singapore yesterday. The Comex-4 (4th British Commonwealth Expedition) were greeted upon their arrival by People Association officials and later entertained to a reception at the Woodlands Community Centre. The group Included 14 women. Cosy The leader
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  • 264 4 ex-soldier related how he saw his friend clutch* ing his stomach with blood ooxing out rapidly after 2 shots rang out. Ex-Notionol Serviceman Chua Mong Inn wos testifying yesterday at the trial of Private Teo Yean Hin, 19. The latter was alleged to
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  • 158 4 The NTUC has advised the Food, Drink and Allied Workers Union to give an "ultimatum" to the management of Hotel Malaysia. In a statement yesterday, the NTUC claimed that negotiations for collective bargaining conducted by the union for some 600 employees of the hotel had been
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  • 89 4 The next Ave years will see leading shipping Arms installing computers in their vessels. Mr. N. Nordenstrom. a principal surveyor of Det Norske Veritas of Holland, explained a computer in a ship will allow safer and cheaper Operation. Mr. Nordenstrom told a luncheon meeting of the
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  • 146 4 PREMIER Lee Kuan Yew arrived in Cairo on Sunday on a two-day visit from Lusaka where he attended the non-aligned summit. He is seen being met br U.A.R. Vice-Pre-sident Anwar Sadat. Sadat has been sick and this was his first public appearance for nearly two
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  • 57 5 PONG KONG China •nd North Vietnam held Jfceir first round of talks fa Peking on Sunday follow ing the arrival of a Horth Vietnamese economic delegation, Radio Peking announced. A report by the North .Vietnam News Agency disclosed the two counties would diacuaa Chi■eae economic and
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  • 185 5 NEW DELHI, More than 170 people have died and about 100.000 Made homeless in floods sweeping across the West Indian states of Gujarat and West Bengal. In Gujarat State, 120 people have died and the State Government has launched a massive re ief
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  • 205 5 ADELAIDE, Australia. Three armed escaped convicts holding a 21-year-old woman as hostage were recaptured yesterday. Police said the woman was safe and unhurt. The arrest took plare •n the Birdsville Track, a remote, little-used catHe track in the outback after the prisoners were tracked
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  • 50 5 BANGKOK More than 300 prisoners rioted and gtormed the main gate Of Samut Sakhon {South Thailand) Provincial Jail after their leader was ■refused liquor for hit birthday celebration. Sixty police reinforcements who manned the walls fired more than 30 shots as the rampaging mob charged the gate.
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  • 78 5 BLOEMFONTEIN, South Africa, A newspaper delivery van collided with an army convoy and bars! into flames, killing nine men, •even of them soldiers. The soldiers, all national Servicemen, were in a five-ton troopcarrier which caught fire on Impact. The other two men killed were In the
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  • 224 5 BANGKOK, Malaysia and Thailand have agreed to look into the possibility of abolishing dual nationality held by people livin r along the Malaysian-Thai border. This was stated yesterday by the Thai Acting Foreign Minister, Major-General Sanga Klttikachorn. after a meeting between the visiting
    UPI radiophoto  -  224 words
  • 188 5 A MMAN Jordanian troops and Palestine guerrillas clashed in North Jordan on Sunday and there were dead on both sides, Amman Radio reported. The rodio odded Jordanian Army headquarters had taken strict measures against those responsible for the incident. A joint committee of the
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  • Page 5 Advertisements
    • 116 5 M THREE SHIR BRnno v wy FERTN.IZERS 0) PERK STRR BRIHID SDSI AGRICUiTURAI CHEMICALS LOOKING for fertilizers, agricultural chemicals? BIAN HENG has it all Whether it be Three Star' IciMi/ers or 'Peak Star' agricultural chemicals, the results will be BOUNTIFUL HARVESTS. One of the Suppliers to RUBBER INDUSTRY (REPLANTING) BOARD.
      116 words

  • 383 7 AVIV A war of nerves developed over the Middle East hijack issue as hostages and counterhostages were held for ransom. The hordening of Israel's stance over Arob commandos' conditions for the release of ojout 50 remaining prisoners came after massive weekend roundup of
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  • Article, Illustration
    128 7 LISBON, A Cana-dian-Pa elite flight from Lisbon to Montreal was delayed at the last minute yesterday when a man refused to continue his Journey because he feared hijackers. As the P ane'u motors started, passenger Alvaro Martins shouted, "I want to get off!" He said he would go
    UPI radiophoto  -  128 words
  • 114 7 GENEVA Red faced international Red Cress officials admitted the v blundered in announcing last Thursday the birth of a child to a young American woman among hijacked jetliner passengers in the Jordanian desert. They "have no explanation" for the message from Red Cross delegates te Amman which
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  • 250 7 BERNE, Switzerland, Britain, West Germany and America agreed yesterday that they would accept no settlement with the Palestinian commandos which did not involved the release of all passengers and crews of the hijacked airliners in Jordan, a Swiss Cabinet spokesman announced. Dr Karl
    UPI radiophoto  -  250 words

  • 359 8 IT is quite in the cards in the tricky Mid--1 die East balance of power situation that the United States not only will Rive Israel her requested quota of arms but also will resume giving economic aid as well. The number of man-hours required to put a
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  • 155 8 fOBALT Sulphate in American beer was blamed as an agent contributing to ill health, last week. The stuff is supposed to deteriorate the heart arteries over a period or time. American beer", fortunately, is only available here from a few sources. German publicans have recently debated
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  • 86 8 PHILIPPINES First Lady Imelda Marcos is in England to see her young son safely set-tled-in for his education. In the current political context her choice of England may to be a further cooling of traditional Philippines-US ties. But of course she is only exercising the responsibility of a
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  • 665 8  -  By Art Buchwald, Martha's Vineyard, The other night I was home reading a book when I received a telephone call that MOTHER NATURE was dying. I dressed hurriedly and rushed over to the hospital. A lot of people had gotten there before me and they were
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  • 485 8  - Tanzanians' stress on self reliance By Alan Hutchison, There are Chinese doctors working in the V.I. Lenin Hospital in Zanzibar town but the political catchword here, as on Tanzania's mainland, is "self-re-liance." Zanzibar people are building their own blocks of flats, digging their own wells, constructing their own hospitals and
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  • 133 8  -  Letter... Dr. R. Sukamaran Health Officer (Eastern) Singapore I refer to a letter which appeared in your papers on 19.8.70 captioned "Plight of Students" complaining of a pungent smell nuisance at a school at Thomson Road. The nuisance came to our notice in July this
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 67 8 VA WVVAAAWVVVAAAAAAAAAAAAAVVWVWWVAVWAAVVWWWWVVVWA I Foreign new. and fea- I turea appearlna in all gynd mtC| Los Angeles > edition. of the Eastern Times Syndicate, Genu- Sun and The Snn are n| News Service. Nor*h S from: American Newspaper Allll Reuters, t'nlted Press ance First Features, 5 International. Agence inter Pres. Feature,
      67 words

  • 336 9 Part MOUNIR ABBOUD BEHIND MIDDLE EAST CEASEFIRE LINES CUEZ is a silent city. The bombs and guns are heard no more. But Suez is eloquent in its silence. Its nearly deserted streets and empty, damaged houses tell of the toll Suez has paid in three years
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  • 272 9 DOCTOR'S MABLBAQ Although aging Is a natural process rather than a disease, it protresses faster LB SOM persons than in others. Being bom of long-li-ved ancestors, avoiding infectious diseases, maintaining a normal blood pressure avoiding undue emotional stress, holding your weight at the lower limit
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  • 699 10/11 i§f§ jiIANY beginners hove encountered problems in constructing a suitoble photogrophic dark-room for printing when they become familiar with the preliminary printing and enlarging techniques. Here we hare a detailed list of the basic requirements for simple dark-room which will help guide you to
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  • Article, Illustration
    112 10/11 PICTURE A "The Day Of Glory" if this picture were in the history literature, it would be a good record of the land mark of Singapore. But we present it as an art, ana it is therefore not necessary to have the whole building. A portion of it
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  • Page 10/11 Advertisements
    • 119 10/11 ;•:< .yy-.y.-n-. r -jy. f <. V.* 4 A *V. 1 v A. >:'• > <5. r* X V >■*"&■ m > x *L «l -1 I ■> Lifi t *■■>: 't?v2 V *.*s• ..<*&&* .sgjS She calls her lovers with a croak. If you have that problem...get Contac 500.
      119 words

  • Page 12 Miscellaneous
    • 1867 12 LOOKING AND LISTENING.... radio guide I CARROLL. RIOHTER'S from the Carroll Righter Institute GENERAL TENDENCIES: Today's Full Moon brings a real chance to get everything in your life in fine shape. Make a special point to help whatever ecological movement is currently available to you. Find ways to improve your
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  • 1455 13 Film version of "CROMWELL" I CROMWELL and Ireton entered Oxford the next day. The King sat on the throne in his council chamber, waiting to meet them. They entered the room without ceremony. "Your Majesty," said Cromwell. "It is my most solemn duty
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 180 13 No* Showing:—No Free Lit I II I S* |.M t.lB ue* Van Clecf "Sabata" Technicolor A Scope iOA> BCAPITOL ?o7S<?] Oprn» Today. Nc hret List U i.M. 4.00 a4ft am The MAN with C WIVES' A SHAW PRODUCTION' Mandarin ID Bcopc COIOJ NEXT CHANOBI Ruth Oa.vmann In "Michael A Hetga"
      180 words
    • 148 13 ORCAfNJIBATIOM □RCHARD- III KRY! HIRRY! SEE IT NOW! BEFORE IT'S TOO LATK! M Shows: 1.4ft 8 15 IM 4dm: (I Ml IS Mi A 14 00 I HE ADYENTl'RERS iPu.l f«uiV>noo Color CATHAY -3 3400 NOW SHOWING) II ISO 4 fl.lM IN Poi s "Covrr Mr Babo" Color Robert Porster,
      148 words

  • Students' page
    • 744 14 TUB Bra( an eWItaatiM khrrd in a jan{k, a fwesi of trees and racks. It was the green if the forest, the hranm of the sail and the bine af the sky. Man wanted s mere peaceful and comfortable life. So be cut down the
      744 words
    • 256 14 My eyes were hardly •fa. I stretched asysclf odv. After tkai "i walnl townrih ttc wtn<M to toftht to fresh Looking through the window I saw a block of Sets and pawn hy on the street A woman was carrying her goods to the market for
      256 words
    • 836 14  -  tot MHkH w-jHHrVrS <; WBKr <- ir<'^' By Ele, Walt Dulaney DEAR ELK AND WALT: I'm spending a few weeks with my grandfather and grandmother on their ranch. I just got here but I already wish 1 hadn't come. You see, they want to
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  • Page 14 Advertisements
    • 146 14 ■f????!MlfflflffffffflftirYTlllTT ESSAY CONTEST: Rales to observe iBiiiHMHHaHaHgiW TW luttn Sw't essay for ten mi tMs 14 and km w4 jiHs tm 14 (Sc this pan Umm Mwlsi to Mi too Umw) )*pp*n'm k SIC tot Santos and $5 tor junkn hi Own wWhf ndcd below b» block X No «*>
      146 words

  • Article, Illustration
    341 15  -  (or landscaping with sand, pebbles, rocks) By Marianne Pereira tapered fingers holding teak chopsticks delicately picked up a pebble and put it on to a long, shiny wooded tray. Mrs. Yasuhiko Nara. wife of the Japanese Ambassador to Singapore, was in the process of arranging a landscape with
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  • 531 15 PARIS Plunging hemlines have prompted a revolution in French fashion accessories, with hats, shoes, handbags and belts taking on entirely new proportions to suit the new longer skirts. If the mini-skirt needed almost no accessories, the new Paris couture clothes demand an entire y
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  • Article, Illustration
    369 15 Dear Ann; Your naivete shocks me. Why are you appalled that a hospital switchboard operator would tell a mother, "No point in trying to reach the floor nurse the boy died this morning." Don't you know most people are thoughtless, if no t stupid unfeeling, if not cruel?
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  • commercial and industrial
    • 257 16 BUSINESS la the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore yesterday was heavily subdued and prices deteriorated across a broad front. Interest was again focussed on a few recent favourites which made foe nrild activity In yesterday's trading. Hotels and properties were aL>o moderately transacted. Oil palms and
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    • 265 16 OCTOBER first grade rubber buyers closed at 5 p.m. in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur yesterday at 59 5/8 cents per lb. down 1/2 cent from the previous close. The tone of the mar- ket was uncertain. After opening unchanged on last week's close, levels eased on
      265 words
    • 78 16 IKt noon prim ai »b* Vl<u#arr i tiinr** Frmlnrr Kxrhmigr 1 IX oil III Oil 't O H Bulk 81-5# rwnniH (Hi ir #> B» Dram 54 0# M- Copra 2» 50 Mnntnk Whirr rrpfH-f IFOB.) 1*5 00 Suranufc While rrpprr IJtt 50 tirinal uprclal Bl.ii t> frpprr (F.OB)
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    • 37 16 NEW YORK -Dow Jones dosing averages Thursday on the New York Stock Exchange were: 30 Industrials 760.76 20 Transp. 137.50 15 Utilities 108.99 65 Stocks 239.36 40 Bonds 67.98 Commodity futures index 147.73 ofl 0.07.
      37 words
    • 177 16 LUXEMBOURG, No decisions on widening international currency fluctuation margin, would be taken at the International Monetary Fundi (IMF) annual meeting in Copenhagen on Sept 21. the top Common Market (EEC) economic* official predicted. M. Raymond Barre, member of the EEC commission in charge of economic affairs,
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    • 13 16 THE tin prior for yesterday was $652 per picul down $2.00.
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    • 109 16 HONG KONG, Monday's currency rates (supplied by Foreign Exchange and Investment Ltd.): (Buyers) (Kellers) 197 *9B per 100 Straits dollars 151.5 453.5 per 1.000 Taiwan dollars 6.74 0.77 per Australian dollar 340 360 per 1.000 Burmese kyats 470 490 per 1,000 Indian rupees 140 155 per 10.000
      109 words
    • 644 16 BID and oiler prices officially listed at the tlosc of business In the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur tracing rooms of Ike Stock Exchange yesterday were: INDUSTRIALS B. 8. Aetna in 1.48 AJIWMto AJcaa 1.45 2.85 1.48 Allied Choc. 2 88 Ben. 147 1.18 Berjaya 1.24 1.25 Borneo 1.88
      644 words
    • 784 16 BUSINESS done In and reported to the trading rooms of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore with the number of share* traded in brackets in lot* of units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS Aleut SI 48 O) $1.46 (1): DIM lIM (1) $146 <l>- Berjaya $136 41) $125
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    • 2 16
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    • 36 16 Mr. Bernard James Elson has been appointed director of the P and O Group's Management Services Division. His overall responsibilities are supervision of the Group's compute* bureau, work study and O and M departments.
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    • 270 17 uii 5 n t der *iand for uranium leaders stablized an unsteady mining market on the Sydney Stock Exchange. Many of last week's nickel favourites were subjected to persistent selling pressure through- out the day. However, the advance by Queensland Mines and Kathleen Investment along with
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    • 111 17 GERMAN civil aviation authorities have introduced new and more stringent security measures at all German airports in the fight against air piracy. The new security plan has been devised and is administered by a special working group established by Transport Minister, Mr. Georg Leber, comprising federal and
      111 words
    • 606 17 IKKIVALft 1-44 m MS A Itft iNla Lumpur t-00 m MSA OKI Mad ri» Kuala l.um pur 1-80 ain MSA 183 Kuala l.umpur. ft.SO ain Ms Kuala Lumpur. 11-05 a.ru MS* 154 I'Mang Kuala l.um pur 1150 ain MSA £o.'t -Jakarta 1-80 pin MSA 451 kurtaIfll B.loom MSA
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    • Article, Illustration
      77 17 Mr. Lake Man Seng, the General Manager of the Hotel Equatorial, announced the appointment of Mr. Quels Koon Cheng as Manager in charge of Rooms Division. Mr. Quek brings to Hotel Equatorial his many years of experience and excellent reputation as one of the leaders In the hotel
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    • 268 17 KUALA LUMPUR, Exports of Standard Malaysian Rubber jumped by 83 per cent during the first seven months of this year compared with the same period last year. Latest figures from the Department of Statistics show that exports of SMR during the first seven months was
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    • 97 17 Mr. Chu Sin* Chi. Director and General Manager of Yardley Jardine Ltd. leaves today (or London. He is on a ten-day visit to Yardley International Ltd., which is now a member of the American Cosmetic s Group (a subsidiary of British-American Tobacco). This croup Includes Yardley,
      97 words
    • 69 17 THE Port of Singapore Authority has made the following berthing arrangements for ships in port today. Tuesday. Sept. 15, 1970: DEPARTURES Godowns Vessels 12 Balachika 8/? Ellen Bakke 19 Marukichl Maru t3 21 West Llpis 25/26 Magdala 40/41 Colombo Maru 42/43 Holospira 44 Berov (Draft 32') 3/4
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 278 17 SITUATIONS VACANT INTERNATIONAL. Organisation require* experienced Secretary/. Stenographer. Candidate® mast have good Cambridge School Certificate and must be fluent in Fltiglish; be .ih!e to take down shorthand 110 word* per minute and lo type .">() w.»rtis per minute Good salary offered. Apply In own handwriting giving detail, of qualifications and
      278 words

    • 840 18 THIRD DAY CLASS 1 DIV. 3 b FURS, flmur Rlvex 9.00 Ad Valorem 8.12 Mastrel Boy 8.09 Tudor Pirate 8.08 Yakln 8 08 Jerantut 8.06 Nlcojack 8.06 Dow Joneg 8.05 Royal Meadow II 8.04 Master Pride 8.01 Two n 8.01 Eellalshang 7.12 Donvtlle 7.11 Bprlnt Missile 7.07
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    • 361 18 KIIALA LUMPUR: Auric stable's Commander-in-Chief, carrying 9.4, gets pride of place in the $25,000 Prime Minister's Gold Cup for International Jockeys' Invitation Race for class one division one horses over 6f here on Sunday. Need You Badly, winner of the Sultan's Gold
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    • 551 18 Stipes report THE following Is the stipendiary steward's report on the first and second days racing at Kuala Lumpur. SATURDAY Race l: straits Code II (Mitchell) and Kllat n (Wilson) were slow to begin. Race 2: Boon after the start Graceful View (D. Kwong) dived in and
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    • 99 18 MONZA Italy. Jan de Vries of Holland, riding a Kreidler, won the 50 cc race at the Italian Grand Prix motorcycle meeting yesterday De Vrie s covered the ten laps of th e 3.6-mile circuit in 23 minutes 18.5 seconds at an average speed of
      99 words

  • 589 19 XTEWPORT, Rhode Island Two toll-masted (loops moot t° k«*»W yachting's greatest prist Tuesday when Australia mokes its third attempt to wrest the America's Cup from the United States. When the starting gun booms for the first race of the best-of-seven match between the U.S. Intrepid and
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  • 227 19 NEW YORK Standings of the two major leagues after Sunday's games: National League Eastern Division W L OB Pittsburgh 77 68 Ne w York 77 69 4 Chicago 76 69 1 St. Louis 70 77 8 Philadelphia 66 81 12 Montreal 64 81 13 Western Division
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  • 261 19 KUALA LUMPUR New Zealand's second ranked Junior, Robyn Legge served deadly and hit superb crosscourt drives to win two titles In the rain-mar-red Malaysian open tennis championships yesterday. The 19-year-old Christchurch girl who arrived 36 hours late, after competing in another rainmarred meet In Hong
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  • Article, Illustration
    331 19 Motor racing may have its first posthumous world champion this year Jochen Rindt, 28-year-old Austrian driver killed whilst practising for the Italian Grand Prix at Monsa. This race is only one of the 13 qualifying events les grandes eprenves for the World Championship. The IS races are the
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  • 406 20 2nd It. Tay died as a hero SOLDIER said yesterday he did not know what to do with a grenade after pulling out its pin. That cost the life of 2nd Lt. Toy Siow Kai, 20, who snotched the live grenade from
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  • 28 20 TEL AVIV Israel yesterday released 70 of the 450 Arabs rounded up in a mass swoop throughout the occupied territories during the weekend, Israel Radio reported.
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  • 222 20 LONDON, Singapore's Prime Minister, Mr. Lee Kuan Yew, is expected to have talks with Prime Minister Edward Heath and Cabinet ministers during a five-day visit next month. Mr. Lee, after attending the non-aligned summit conicrence In Zambia Is now In Cairo for talks
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  • Page 20 Advertisements