Eastern Sun, 10 September 1970, Afternoon Edition

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1 12 Eastern Sun
  • 14 1 EASTERN SUN EVENING EDITIONI 10 CENTS Thursday, September 10, 1970 Vol. 5 No. 1443
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  • 347 1 Lee speaks at Lusaka T USAKA The American-Russian dialogue has changed the context in which non-alignment must work, Singapore Prime Minister Lee Kuon Yew told the non-aligned summit yesterday. He said the apparent loss of interest in winning converts to their respective systems meant that
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  • 102 1 A BOEING of the Malaysia Singapore Airlines this morning landed safely at Singapore International Airport after blowing out two tyres. The airport went on full emergency alert when the Control Tower was informed of the wheel trouble. The aircraft, on a training
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  • 333 1 PHNOM PENH A flotilla of Combodian boats and troops has reoched Kompong Thorn, breaking a three-month Communist siege of the provincial capital 140 kms north of Phnom Penh. Military spokesman, Major Am Kong, said the flotilla carrying more than a regiment of men and
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  • 63 2 To look mi TWA hostess Ragnvi Robson's FARE YOU would hardly think she was standing next to a killer. She Is »trokln r the hard skin of a killer whale from Seattle Aquarium. Ragnvi, who Is from Sweden, but lives at Wevbridge, Kngland, met the one-ton
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  • 44 2 BRUSSELS. Reports that NATO document* were found aboard the Pan-American airliner hijacked to Cairo on Sunday have been confirmed at NATO headquarters. A spokesman said «ome of the documents were secret and were being flown registered to the United States
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  • 257 2 Virginia A retired printer a«4 kit wife were strangled, chained together and weighted with an anchor and dumped from their sailboat into Chesapeake Bay, police said last night. One man ha* been charged In the murders and another Is being sought. Dr. H.
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  • 324 2 IIONG KONG China will toon convene the Notional People's Congress an important step back to normality after the Cultural Revolution. The decision to convene the People's Congress the supreme authority for the state hierarchy was taken by 4 plenary session ot the Communist
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  • 66 2 BAIQON American and 6outh Vietnamese troops have oncovered two Vietcong munitions c acnes and killed 34 guerrillas. One cache near the border with Cambodia contained rocket grenades. 120-mlllmetre mortar rounds, picks and shovels and four cases of explosives. The second cache, In Tay Nlnh Province
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    • 132 2 immm electrical power equipment display If electrical power equipment is your field, this is a display J'ou shouldn't miss. Come along and see the latest n Australian switchgear, transformers, transmission equipment, hardware, accessories and other items covering the whole field of electrical power. The items on display have all been
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  • 230 3 A CONSTRUCTION lobourer convicted today of murder by the High Court will not hong he was under 18 ot the time offence wos commited. Mr. Justice Winslow and Mr. Justice D, C. D'Cotta ordered Lee 800 Tiong, 17, to
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  • 112 3 FARMER Ng Hock Lee, 32, was today committed to stand trial in H»« High Court for the aMcged murder of a woman factory worker who was buried alive in May tki* year. He la alleged to have murdered his neighbour. Madam Kwek Ngak Buay, 34, along
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  • 206 3 BURGLARS have cot their way into a radio shop at Upper Paya Lebar Road and stolen goods worth 910.666. The theft of cassette tapes, speakers, prerecorded cartridges was discovered at 8.30 a.m. by Mr. Tip Woon t hong, owner of the Woon Choag Radio Service.
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  • 159 3 AN ivory statue and 22 jade oruacnli worth $2.3 M have been stolen from the Goodwood Park hotel. Ho Wah J an*, 27. a ahop assistant oI Singapore Souvenirs Store in the hotel said that the goods were stolen from a show-case He thinks the thieves msed
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  • 49 3 Atan bin Bald. 24. wma sentenced to thre« months' Jail by th« Second District Court when ne pleaded suilty to theft of electric wlr« worth $lO yesterday. He was arrested by police at 930 a.m. at Meyer Road The wire belong to a nearby shop.
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  • 31 3 MUNICH Police hav« ordered the evacuation of several blocks of flat* and offices in parts of Munich's city centre following the discovery of a World War 11 flying bomb.
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    • 39 3 FOR TODAY'S DRAW NO: 72/70 (10-9-70) will b« SiH*Hn WeMeHeei Awmiurt F»k at 7.45 pMu IST CtOUPi $lOO,OOO T# Winner* With ft Nuakcri Omtml THt OTHER GROUP PRIICS REMAIN THE VAMf PIUS FREE EMifa FOR I CIRCUS CORRECT |SOO
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  • 270 4 JORDAN ARMY CHIEF NOW IN FULL CONTROL A MMAN Fierce battles between troops and guerrillas raged through Amman for more than three hours yesterday with almost continuous shelling and machinegun fire reportedly causing heavy casualties. A storm of shells swept Jebel Amman, the hilltop suburb
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  • 219 4 UNITED NATIONS. Algeria last night lashed out at the U.N. for Its handling of the hijacking problem. |t said no solution could be found as long as the world organisation ignored the plight of the Palestinian people. In a press conference called minutes after the
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  • 41 4 PARIS The French state-own e d Renault Motor Company will sign a contract worth 700 million francs <£M million) here today for the building and modernisation of motor car factories In the Soviet Union. Russian sources said here.
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  • 64 4 Long-haired American -singer Tiny Tim. speaking io the press as he relaxes in the VIP Lounge at London (Heathrow) Airport recently. The high-pitched pop singer, was acc o m panied by his wife Vick. en route for the Isle of Wight, where Tiny Tim was one of
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  • 129 4 MEXICO CITY Russian dancer AlexanJre Filippov. granted political asylum In Mexico last weekend, and hi» Brazilian firl friend want to dance together in the United State®, they said yesterday. Filippov 23. and Luci Tristao. 23, spoke of their plans at a press conference.
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    • 161 4 w > ff V "S N ra i r> ■H X'-f'V W On their way to London, Peter, Paul and Mary are staying with friends. On a BOACVCIO A-\X\ Today Peter. Paul and Mary are flying all by themselves to London. But they will never be lonely. Not »or a
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  • Page 4 Miscellaneous

  • 834 5  -  Final Part. By Murray Olderman 'A SPEER realised how much the world had passed him by the morning after he was released from Spandau prison four years ago. "We were driving through Berlin to the airfield/' he recoils. "I asked to be driven a little
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  • 347 5 DOCTOR'S MAILBAO IF y oar child's speech Is distorted or slow to develop, the cause may be physical (deafness, a deformity of the lips or palate) or functional (poor health In the first two years of life, inadefuate teaching or Imitation of poor speech).
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  • 652 6/7  -  By Adam Lynford UONG KONG, in just 15 years, has built homes for a third of its four million and trebled its water reserves to 50,000 million gallons. By 1975 every second person will be living in a governmentbuilt homes and water storage capacity
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  • 595 6/7 TOKYO The concept of travel overseas is very new to the mass of the Japanese and it is producing some strange reactions. Today they are travelling all over the world in large numbers and with plenty of money to spend. But many
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  • 704 8 Film version of jfcydl'JET-'- H1 Hi mJ "CROMWELL" As toon os the party leoders hot left his presence, the King sot down to study Pym's document. Henrietta Mario rose: "It is not too fote, My Lord. You Have the power still, and, with God's help the
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    • 59 8 !In these columns, the story begins from Episode Two. The last scene of Episode One in "Cromwell" shows parliamentarians filing out after presenting their demands to the King. i! HI 4 i J: 1 »<• V M 3* mm IX AIMimiOB 3 3 •J iil I ■mi i 1VM:I 2Sit
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    • 261 8 SHAW RATION LID O ?*<>«• ***** 4 Ukm li4*ii No frrt U»t 11 Mi. I N IM A 1.11 Ln Van ciccf "ItktU" Technicolor Scop# ill AI CAPITOL «>9H» 29/59 Now Mhowiaf—No frr» List 11. IA IN lU. IN David Chianc (A SHAW PRODUCTION I lltMtorti to Boom Cokat Saturday
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    • 194 8 p r°" G I CATI OROAIMISATIOM C AT H AY 334t'i last dayi 11 *-m IN I* MOM'* My UWf. Komy BthMtdw M Color OnEON ***** Open* TMul fl* _Ui« II M IJI. t», Cu't Wl» "tm AH rony CurUa. C'hinM Broiuoo P vuion. t'oiur. Ooiuint ,<> ON tfTACB *1
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  • 285 9  -  THURSDAY FOOD By Ruth Bakalar H AM makes a glorious entree, no matter what shape it's in whole or half, bone-in or boneless, smoked dry, tenderised, or canned. You'll present it proudly at dinner, arrange it grandly on the buffet, enjoy it hot, cold, and down
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  • 559 9  -  Ann Landers DEAR Ana: As a reader who has been annoyed by yoar strong advocacy of an active sex life as pari of every marriage (even In the golden years), It affords me great pleasure to quote to yon a REAL authority who does
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  • 172 10 CIEGEN, Germany Favoured Soviet ond American teams yesterday continued to score easy victories ot the 19th world team chess championships. In fourth round competition, the Russions took o 3-0 leod over Polond, with one match odjourned while the Americans led the Virgin Islands by
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  • 191 10 LYTHAM ST. ANNE'S Gale-force winds and rain squalls played havoc with the opening round ol the £lO.OOO Dunlop Masters O o 1 f Tournament. Form meant nothing as players fought to maintain balance In the wind. Leader after the first round was Scottish Ryder Cup
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  • 68 10 HIS glide to victory was a surprise for Kssellngen teacher Helmut Rri< hraann. lit became world champion in the gliding in the standard class with 8.663 oat of a possible 9.806 points. Reichmann won the 12th World Championships in Gliding held In West Texas using a German synthetic
    DaD.  -  68 words
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    • 146 10 IftAato Ikl Ml, mt* total capacity of on* 4.800 ton* and wm u**d pnocpa* by Md In paaulaiwi loMng wftan ll fetofe to fersi tor froafc warn aoppty. Today M hoo 170 Mraga tonka wMi iMhiii kMI woo otmmd plowari coMciw Mol 1 fey capoefty tar mm 7J000.00Q ton* of
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  • 66 11 FIREMEN probe for bodies in the foamcovered smoldering wreckage of a Trans International Airlines DC-8 jetliner that crashed and burned on take-ofT from Kennedy International Airport. Eleven crew members, seven of them stewardesses. were killed. The fuselage of the rlane was split in iro, and
    UPI radiopicture.  -  66 words
  • 54 11 KARACHI More than 10.000 thatched huts collapsed killing 12 peoKe in Satkhira. east iklstan, after 43 Inches of rain In three days. Satkhira was recovering from last month's devastating floods when the new downpour struck. Karachi is awash with public transport paralysed. schools closed and factories
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  • 171 11 BANGKOK The Tlui Government has asked fh« United States to increase significantly its military assistance to compensate for Hie progressive withdrawal of U.S. forces. Premier Thanom Kittikachorn said yesterday. The United States has officially announced It was withdrawing more than 9.000 men from
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  • 38 11 WASHINGTON. Rep. 8. O. Long says the US. Air Force is withdrawing three fighter squadrons now assigned to Southeast Asia and will reassign them to a wing at England Air Force Base. Louisiana.
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  • 164 11 MOSCOW Black Panther leader Eldridge Cleaver and 10 other American radicals flew to Moscow yesterday, carrying 274 letters from U.S prisoners of war la North Vietnam to their families la the United States. The rronp said It was reluraiag from North Korea. North Vietnam
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  • 236 11 F ONDON Denmark has asked for British help to search for o Danish submarine that dived off Bergen, Norway on Tuesday and has not been heard from since. A Defence Ministry spokesman said the submarine, The Narhvalen, dived at 930 p.m. on Tuesday off
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  • 23 11 BELGRADE Tun At>-, dul Razak will visit' Yugoslavia for threo days from September Sunday, it was announced last night.
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    • 96 11 SITUATIONS VACAHT Singapore Association tor the BUnd Invites applicatlooa for the post ot TBMPOHART TEACHERS Applicants ilwuld M below M Minimum quail float MB School Ortlflcate t»r f. r*t)ly with MXn# teaching expertenoa or •sparMßca with handicap. Apply tn writing M The Acting Sacrrtary-Oeneral Hingapore AaeoctstMMi for the Blind, frl.
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  • Page 11 Miscellaneous
    • 291 11 CHANNEL FIVE 600 Opening Anncta. In All Languagea and Dr Who. 6.10 News In Brief (English) 6.35 Banana Solit« 7.10 Our Oeeanif Neighbours (English). 740 News in Chinese. 800 What Others Say (Chinese) 833 Aaianway (English) ft 00 News In English. •15 The Rado Show 10.10 Amateur Theatre "Wang Jing
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