Eastern Sun, 9 September 1970

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1 20 Eastern Sun
  • 21 1 EASTERN SUN Singapore's own national daily 10 cents Esfd. 1966. Vol. 5 No. 1442 Wednesday, September 9, 1970 MC (P) 1616
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  • 382 1 Jordan A special Red Cross mission yesterday opened delicate negotiations for the release of about 170 hijacked air passengers still held hostage in the Jordanian desert. Meanwhile, the Arab guerillas, who pulled off history's biggest series of mass hijackings on Sunday, announced that their
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  • 237 1 THESE two Taiwanese songbirds look alike, dress alike, are as thick as blood, but only one thing can tear them asunder marriage. Here for a threemonth contract at a local nitespot, "Danie and Sister" (above), as they are known are to charm the local
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  • Page 1 Advertisements
    • 66 1 fISPCRT rdL I 18" 20i4-itioka OVTMttM t MMMIFKIITL 111/11% NOfiIHBRBGI ROAOI SWCAPOM -7. Tll> 219(1 AWIOU When In Htng Kong Stay In at HR HOTEL ROYAL 380 Nathan Road, Kowloon, Hongkong. Telephone K-*****1, Cable: 'Hotelroyal Hongkong's First Class Hotel. All Rooms Fully Air-Conditioned, With Private Telephone. For Those Who Seek
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  • 123 2 Football enthusiasts at Jalan Bcsar Stadium were recently entertained between matches by a Gurkha Band with Pipes and Drums a s Gurkha tickets for the Gurkha children helped to sell Welfare Appeal lottery. Showing off some of the lottery prizes were Private Dawn Keefe of
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  • 122 2 Van driver Koh Yi Chi. 33, was yesterday found guilty and fined $l,OOO for assisting in the carrying on of a public fourdigit character lottery on Nov. 3. 1968 at Woodlands Road. He was detained at Woodlands Road by t./o policemen checking on
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  • 333 2 'THE Court of Criminal Appeol yesterday reserved judgement in the appeal of gunman Teo Cheng Leong who was sentenced to death by the High Court for firing two shots at Inspector Desmond D'Oliveiro in Geylang on March 26 last year. Meanwhile,
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  • 138 2 A bar-waitress told a court that she came to know of her seaman husband's second marriage only when it was too late to do anything about it How Chwee was testifying at the hearing of Tan Hoo What. 29. Chanted with procuring
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  • 57 2 Mr. Lee Chin Hin was elected chairman of the proposed Outram Park Residents' Association at the pro-tem committee election held recently. Other office-bearer* are; Mr. Khoo Hock Kee (deputy chairman), Mr. Lee Mln Hung (secretary), Mr. Hui Man Yan (asst. secretary), Mr. Patrick Neo (treasurer)
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  • Page 2 Advertisements
    • 138 2 Vbur money Mortgage Underwriters of Australia Limited Australia's First International Mortg ige Bankers. 32 Martin P «co. Sydney 2000 Registered Mortgages on land and buildings have been one of the safest investments over the years, i (referred by careful investors throughout the world or the past century. Australian Mousing Mortgages
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  • 239 3 Man on tentative murder charge factory worker Madam Kwek Ngak Buoy, 36, wos brutally assaulted and buried alive in May this year. A preliminary inquiry in the Ninth Magistrate's Court yesterday was told Madam Kwek died from suffocation. Tentatively charged with the murder of
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  • 94 3 PUPOC Pulp and Paper Industries Limited ceased to function on Saturday. The receivers and managers of the company appointed by the Development Bank of Singapore Goh Kee Song an<j Tan Chee Chuan said on Monday that total staff has been reduced "to only essential personnel for
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  • 61 3 MANILA, The Philippines: Linda Lee (left), Taiwan's beauty queen for this year's beauty contest, gets a kiss from her bridegroom Andrew V. Go, publisher of the Daily Star, after their wedding ceremony at the Union Church here on Saturday last. She withdrew from the beauty quest
    UPI radiophoto.  -  61 words
  • 180 3 POLICE last night changed their minds and agreed with an angry father that his 15-year-old son died in a fight Monday night. Earlier, police said the boy See Ping Hong, died when he tripped and fell chasing a friend and that "no foul
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  • 41 3 Two fire-engines took 10 minutes to put out a blaze which broke out at an unnumbered hut at 4i-mile Bukit Tim ah Road, yesterday. The nut was situated at the back of qhop Kwong Hin Provision shcu
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  • Page 3 Advertisements
    • 112 3 suii>49 NATIONAL DAY SPECIAL DRAW 30th July to 20th September, 1970 tfltf 2,228 3 ATTRACTIVE GIFT PI PRIZES >»—1» TWO Tk. ulw ta> Am. CATHAY PACIFIC A DmW« Return Alf TMwta to Tafcna ptM rm IMI tlffiUl G •eHHTTAIIt OmH «NHM mm Ml taMtt X WfOWAWT PW— »i I ii»M
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  • Page 3 Miscellaneous
    • 188 3 S'pore Sweep results Ticket No. *****22 won the first prize of $400,000 In Singapore Sweep drawn yesterday. The second prize of $150,000 went to Ticket No. *****05 while the third prize of $75,000 was won bv Ticket No. *****89. 6 JACKPOT NUMBERS EACH $lO,OOO/*****41 *****29 *****93 *****48 *****81 10 LUCKY
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    • 56 3 *****90 *****00 *****74 *****94 *****64 *****65 *****50 *****45 *****27 *****49 *****00 *****30 *****46 *****06 *****36 *****86 *****68 Every Ticket which ends with 3306 Is entitled to a prize of $500.00. Every Ticket which ends with 2472 is entitled to a prize of $250.00. Every Ticket which ends with 922 is
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  • 157 4 KIT/ILA LUMPITR Judgement was reserved in the High Court yesterday in tiie legal dispute which arose as a result of the change in the name of a school. i Justioe Dato Abdul Hamid said the dispute involved several legal points and be
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  • 402 4 BEFORE ESTHER'S DEATH; TOHORE BAHRU Pontian scrap rubber dealer, Lee Wong Tiang, had a hammer and a knife two days before Miss Esther Chan was found murdered, the High Court heard yesterday. A teacher, Anthony Joseph, 24, said Lee showed him the
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  • 46 4 KUALA LUMPUR A 45-year-old farmer from the north-east village of Kampong Golok got a shock when he went to collect his life savings from under his mattress termites had eaten the lot. Abdul Rahman said they had eaten Ssl,ooo iu 1.0-dollar notes.
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  • Page 4 Advertisements
    • 165 4 save germany for later Save it for after the others have closed. We promise you will be surprised. Especially if you thought nightlife was something invented by those other countries. A swing through Germany's nightspots is like wrapping up the Folies, the Windmill, the Via Veneto and Las Vegas in
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  • 272 5 Secret NATO documents on the organisation's 1971 budget have been found in the wreckage of the Pan-American jumbo jet blown up by Arab commandos at Cairo Airport, the Middle East News Agency disclosed. The agency quoted the Egyptian newspaper, 'AI-Ahram/ as saying that other documents
    UPI radiophoto.  -  272 words
  • 157 5 BANGKOK America will withdraw 9.800 American servicemen from Thailand before July 1 next year in the second phased withdrawal of U.S. forces, a joint U.S.-Thai announcement disclosed. The announcement •aid that the withdrawal would include 7,3(10 airmen and 2,500 army personnel. Informed sources earlier
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  • 66 5 WNEDIN A jmmmg Mother was ekvied today with throwing her four-month-old son into kitchen fire and later cutting up the burned hody. Mrs. Susan Roy, 20, who pleaded not iruilty to murder, was committed for trial before the Supreme Court. Police said she told them she
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  • 65 5 NEW YORK The Captain of hijacked plane destroyed in Cairo disclosed he had searched 2 'suspicious' men who were among the hijackers before the plan« took off from Amsterdam to New York. However, nothinf was found on them. Capt Jack Priddy was earlier told two passengers
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  • 85 5 AMMAN The Jordanian Government and the Palestine commandos yesterday reached Anal agreement on an immediate ceasefire to end the current crisis which has cost over 250 casualties. A joint statement by the two sides was broadcast over Amman Radio. It said the agreement provided for withdrawal of
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    • 468 5 PIINOM PENH, Some 4,000 Cambodian troops yesterday rushed towards the communist besieged city of Kompong Thorn, 80 miles north of the capital. One field commander, called the operation "the biggest of the war". He said the southern approaches to Kompong Thom were dotted
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  • 264 6 TUSAKA Zambian police have detained four South African and Rhodesian-based correspondents covering the Non-Aligned Conference, informed sources disclosed. Another Johannesburg-based correspondent suffered a heart attack soon after police called at his quarters in the university and was taken to hospital. The
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  • 128 6 MANILA Some 240 convicts at the Philippines' National Prison in nearby Muntinlupa went on a two-day "hunger strike'' last week to aid victims of the floods which hit the Greater Manila region. It was reported that the prisoners asked authorities to take the food
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  • 307 6 LONDON Men otherwise healthy tend to overlook the minor symptoms that might pinpoint them as potential heart victims as earl? as five years ahead of an actual attack, the World Congress of Cardiology was told. Reporting on international surveys of middleaged men,
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  • Page 6 Advertisements
    • 167 6 '•> WMMm A 1,1 wi ■jm. f f v ;.s* I s •Ms a :fe v I J On their way to London, Peter, Paul and Mary are staying with friends. On a BOACVCIO. Today Peter, Paul and Mary are flying all by themselves to London. But they will never
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  • 67 7 WANILA School children of the Greater Manila region who had last week oil because of .widespread floods will have to give up their Saturday vacations. According to a spokesman for the Education Department, public schools will hold sessions on seven Saturdays to make up for the
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  • 191 7 DAR ES-SALAAM Four young girls of Persian origin were forced against their wishes to marry government officials in Zansibar over the weekend, the government newspaper, The Standard' reported The newspaper claimed the girls, two of whom were 14 years old, were taken from
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  • 140 7 NEW DELHI A severe cyclone bringing torrential rains destroyed more than S.Mt houses and flooded huge areas of India's north-west eoast. The Times' of India said more than 3,000 houses were wrecked in coastal areas of Gujarat State on the Arabian Sea coast. Another 6,000
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  • 91 7 LONDON A Japanese Buddhist monk who has spent two years on an around-the-world pilgrimage disclosed in London that he was arrested at the India-Pakistan border as 'a spy' and had stones thrown at him in Italy. Kodo Kuwajema. 27, explained he decided on his world
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  • 55 7 Three U.S. servicemen (right) from the American ice-breaker, "Southwind," examine an Apollo space capsule, thoucht to be a practice dummy, at Wurmansky, Russia. It was later loaded aboard the ice-breaker to be returned to America. The capsule was picked up by Russian fishermen in the Ray of
    UPI radiophoto.  -  55 words
  • 334 7 VEGAS Singer Frank Sinatra was asked to return to Las Vegas to give his version of on incident in which he was alleged to hove punched a casino manager and been threatened with o qun. Clark County Sheriff Rolph Lomb confirmed that Sonford Wotermon, 66
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  • 112 7 NEW YORK The annaal Jerry Lewis Telethon for the benefit off the Mascular Dystrophy Associations bf America ended after raising a record 5515.280,155. The telethon, which began on Sunday night and concluded on Monday. surpassed the goal of Ssl2 million set by
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  • 46 7 QUETTA, West Pakistan Thirty-four miners died and a further 10 are believed dead after a gas explosion In a coalmine at Sorrange The explosion caused a cave-In which blocked the pit entrance while miners worked 150 feet down. Rescuers recovered 24 bodies. >
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  • Page 7 Advertisements
    • 31 7 From tomorrow begins the •w >v •> I a wmmm 7 < i SS«sj Sift starring Richard Harris: Alec Guinness Columbia Pictures: An Irving Allen production Don't miss your copy of Eastern Sun
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  • Page 7 Miscellaneous

  • 619 8 pIVE nations have now decided to meet in Washington to discuss action on common terms of ransom presented them by Palestinian guerrillas who have grabbed three International jets and their passengers and incinerated a Jumbo 747 at the door steps of Egypt's President Nasser. The outcome
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  • 704 8  -  Some years ago, Art Buchwald became a landowner in Florida. This is how it happened: By Art Buchwald, THE magic word in Florida these days is "land." According to the exciting advertisements on the highways, and in newspapers and magazines, anyone who is willing to plunk $lO
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  • 564 8  -  By Colin Deacon, AFTER decades of sure and steady expansion, U.S. airlines are taking a hard second look at their proliferating services. With too many planes and too few passengers, profits have plummetted, and with a whole new generation of expensive Jetliners on order,
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  • Page 8 Advertisements
    • 61 8 Foreign nnri and (fa. cam appearing ID al) edition* ot the Kutrrn Bun and Tbc SOD are from Knit era United Preaa International A tenet Rranoe Prcw kdltura reM syndicate Newtpaper Knterprtae Ano> elation PotillFbert Hall Hyndleate I/M Angelea rim« indicate Gemini Newa Hera tec North American Newspaper Alllanee tlrat
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  • 1228 13  -  Andy Gray. IT seems to be full circle for Elvis Presley, whose "The Wonder Of You" rocketed to No. 1 in the charts recently. He started out as a hipswinging rock-n-roller and now he's back to it again. He seems to enjoy performing live so
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  • Page 13 Advertisements
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  • Page 13 Miscellaneous
    • 229 13 L I D O Phone *****4 Today (Mr! —No Free List 11 Ml. 1.3». 4. «.M A US "Tkt MAN »llk g WIVES" (A SHAW PRODUCTION! Mandarin In Scope. Color OPENS TOMORROW I Lee Van Cleef "Sabata" Technicolor A Scope <UA) CAPITOL Pt'onr J9/S9 New Skewing—No Free List 11. IJI,
      229 words
    • 196 13 o PI g A r\J i iLj AT i n r\j ORCHARD- )21b1 4SND TOWERING DAT! 3 Show.: 1.48, ft IB ft 90 Mm: II 00 12 ft* A M M (;aab took Ido Qoly THE ADVENTUIIUNPu I faua Vulon, Color CATHAY ***** NOW SHOWING! 11 a.B 1 .!<«', f-M
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  • Page 14 Miscellaneous
    • 1802 14 LOOKING AND LISTENING.... fv radio guide v I CARROLL RtOHTER*S fiso Ik* Carroll Righto GENERAL ILNOENCTES: A day and evening to consider opinions, viewpoints and information different from that which has been a part of your training and regular existence Such new ideas can open up for you a nighty
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  • 518 15  -  By Marianne Pereira ITALIANS pinch! And 1 left Rome with a rather red botton* convinced that though, Italians may be thq best lovers in thf world, they are chit valrous only for eii tremely ulterior motives. Italians flatter womankind, all womankind! Young, old, fat,
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  • 118 15 Paris mldl styles tend to the elegant, but la London, where the longer lengths started among youth designers, there's a casual, early Twenties look to the mldls. They seem to belong to the period between World War I and the first short skirts In 1925. There
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  • 202 15 DEAR ANN: I couldn't believe my eyes when I read your answer to the father who signed himself "Second Class Citizen". It seems by the time he sat down to read the newspaper it was ripped apart. His wife had torn out a recipe, his daughter clipped your
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  • Page 15 Advertisements
    • 85 15 m\ ii Embro-danja, a new beauty and health discovery using j i''J* the chemistry of vitamin, v v cosmetics and Extracts \*p v give your skin new life, f >'• v:. <■ new glow, new vigour end .-v- new beauty. It's an excellent foundation too Your skin will Iliterally glow
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  • 370 16 A sndrfen burst of speculative activity amon a few firm spots rejuvenated a hither volume of transactions in the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore yesterday. Modest declines in the other sections of the market were however prevalent but price movements otherwise were rather marginal either
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  • 120 16 HONG KONG Tuesday's currency rates (supplied by Foreign Exchange and Investment Ltd.): (Buyers) (Kellers) 196 197 per 100 Straits dollars 151 153 per 1,000 Taiwan dollars 6 74 6.75 per Australian dollar 340 360 per 1.000 Burmese kyats 465 485 per 1,000 Indian rupees 135 155 per
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  • 102 16 September first grade rubber buyers closed at 5 p.m. in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur jesterday at sti vents per lb. dowa 1 cent from the previous close. The tone of the market was quiet. London advices were better than expected and opening levels wrre marked up
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  • 13 16 The tin price for yesterday was $653 per plcul up $2.75.
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  • 85 16 TOKYO Hitachi Ltd. and Marubeni-lida Co., acting as a single identity, won an international bid for three 35-ton cranes for containers from the Singapore gov- eminent, it was disclosed. The bid price was 900 million yen (557.3 million). Marubeni-lida, in making the disclosure, said
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  • 662 16 BID and offer prices officially listed at the rlose of business in the Singapore and Kuala Lumpur trading rooms of the Stock Exchange yesterday were: INDUSTRIALS B 8 Arma 1.41 AJinomoto 2.10 Air an 1.3(i 1.38 Ben. 107 1.10 Berjaya 1.23 L 24 Borneo 1.65 1.66 Boustrad 1.90
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  • 2 16
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  • Page 16 Advertisements
    • 34 16 Colombo! Boeing flights Wednesday and Sunday. Depart Singapore Tor CoTomf>© in big Boeing 707 fanjet comfort at 8.30pm. Every Wednesday via Kuala Lumpur.every Sunday non-slop. See your Travel Agent. A great way to fly
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  • commercial and industrial
    • 346 17 SYDNEY Falls in all sections were evident when trading closed on Sydney Stock Exchange Tuesday. Trading began encouragingly but eased considerably late in the Queensland Mines its decline and fell $1 00 to close at $24 00. There were exceptions however and heavyweights made a gallant
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    • 1 17
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    • 502 17 AKKIVALM 14ft am Ms.% 128 Koala Lumpur IN a m MS A It) Koala l.umpur 030 a m. MSA 452 Kuala Lumpur llKiim MSA 4M Prnang. Kuala I am pur 11 Mam. MSA 20.» Jakarta 130 pin M.hA 451 Kuchlni £3O pas. Ms.% o*l Kualo Lumpur, Malarrs 8
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    • 141 17 OSAKA Gunie Ltd., a leading Japanese silk and textile manufacturer in Osaka, yesterday disclosed it was planning to enter Into a joint venture with the Korean firm of Chon Nam Ltd., for the production of knitted underwear in South Korea. Gunse, formerly known as Gunze Silk Mfg.
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    • 76 17 KOTA K I N A B A L U. Sabah. Sabah's first Crumb Rubber Factory, which began production in June this year. Is to be Improved and extended at a cost of M 5500.000 (£70.000). The manager of the Sabah Rubber Fund Board, Mr. A. P.
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    • 100 17 Mr. R B. O Sea mm ell of Swan Hunter International will leave Singapore tomorrow on completion of his tour with Keppel shipyard (Private) Ltd. He will assume hi* new post as General Manager with Malta Drydocic Corporation, Malta, from October 1970. Mr. A. M.
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    • 114 17 THE Port of Singapore Authority has made the following berthing arrangements for today, September 9. DEPARTURES Godowus Vessels 1/2 Katwijk 3/4 Washington Mail It Port Louis Maru 20 East Auby 20 West Riau II 35/36 Straat Singapore 27/28 Taboa 31/32 Rhexenor 33/34 Makeverett 36 39 Texaco Bahrain
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    • 916 17 BUSINESS done In and reported to the trading rooms of the Stock Exchange of Malaysia and Singapore with the number of shares traded In bracket* in lots of 1.000 units unless otherwise specified. INDUSTRIALS A Iran $l3B <2> $137 <l> Allied Choc $2 94 (3); Ben $lOB (2);
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  • Page 17 Advertisements
    • 95 17 Classified Ads. Sales Service Television Radio KKl)inilBloN TKLKVIttION Kb'Vl \LM II P A CASH Coin p loir range lu salt everyone. Showroom*: Clrnirnrraa Avrnne ■loo Chlal Ko.irt Corporation Drive. (■fnrong Town), alto Kunlit Lumpur, P'-talmi; Jaya. Ipoli. Prnaiig X Hutlrrwortß. KfcIMFPUKION KKPAIKS ANV IHKK Of TV HKTS I'lion*-: *tt:»l/ie s'pore
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  • 1037 19 CI. I Div. 2—6 Furs. ***** SUr Writ 0y g oo FAG Tulloh •3135 Benton* 5y 3.13 Sultan of Pahang Daniels ***** Kachan ff Kuda 6y 811 Goldmine J Donnelly 15K1S Double Seven 7y 811 HT Wee E Break ***** Cordon Bleu s y 8.10
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  • 1084 19  -  By Bv Our Racing Correspondent Regal Mate did an attractive gallop here this morning. Ridden by apprentice Patrick Ngiow, Regal Mate sprinted smartly over If in 40-4/5. Magic Jim also caught the eye with a 3f run In 39 3/5, finishing with lull of running. Rickshaw Lass
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